#so like Tyler has done other bad stuff to land himself in this situation
krikeymate · 2 years
The scene is an underground crypt. It’s dusty, no-one has been down here in a long time. On the wall are chains, a bloody and beaten body hangs. It looks up, the scarred face of Tyler glares outwards. He grunts and growls, unable to form words around his broken jaw.
Wednesday stares at him from the doorway, face impassive. Her hand rests on the handle of the thick stone door. “For what it’s worth, I’m sorry it had to come to this.” She goes to close the door.
A hand touches hers, multicoloured nails contrasting against the pale skin.
“Wait-” “Enid.” “Please... just a moment.”
Wendesday sighs and steps back, hand slipping from the door. Enid gives her a small smile, gratitude in her eyes.
She steps into the room, eyes hardening as she turns to look at Tyler. Dust billows with every step, until they’re face to face. She drags her eyes over his, searching. For a moment she feels a kinship to him, how could she not. Their twin scars, their shitty home lives, their... connection... with Wednesday. Wednesday.
She leans forward, and whispers,
“What does it feel like?” A pause. “To lose.”
Her lips twitch upwards as the words enrage the boy, snarling and thrashing in his chains despite the broken bones.
She allows herself this satisfaction, after all he had done to her, after all he had done to her.
Enid spins on her heel, a bounce to her step as she leaves the room, dragging the door closed behind her.
Wednesday fastens the lock and turns to her, her unblinking eyes peer deep into her soul, or so it feels like.
“What did you say to him?”
“Nothing important,” Enid replies, reaching out for Wednesday’s hand.
“C’mon, let’s get home and get cleaned up.”
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babyspiderling · 5 years
The Moonwalker and the Time-Traveler Prologue
California, 2020
 “Ms. L/N, I suggest you wake up for my class if you want to pass this course.” I blink up at my professor, it seems that I fell asleep during history class again. “I’m sorry Professor Berkley, I was up all last night with my roommate tinkering all night.” At that he softens, a grandfatherly look in his eye. “Oh Y/N, I understand, but if you truly want to be a history major, you have to stay awake! I will not simply give you a free pass while trying to adjust, just please, try to stay awake in my class.” Standing, I nod. “Yes sir. I’ll do my best.” After this, I am dismissed and head back to my dorm room to hopefully catch a nap. 
Kicking the door shut, I move to collapse onto my bed, but am blocked by whatever my engineering major roommate has built in the dorm for his latest project. “Seriously dude? Don’t you have a lab for this kind of stuff?” I kick off my shoes and do my best to move around it, finally, truly collapsing onto my bed. I fall asleep quickly, hopefully revisiting the dream I had during class. 
Lord knows how much later, I wake up to my roommate continuing to tinker on his project. Grumbling under my pillow, “Danny, don’t you have a lab for this shit? Why do you have to do it here, I’m sleeping in classes because of this!” He sheepishly lifts his head up to respond. “Uh, well, I uh… It’satimemachine.” Snapping my head up, I question “It’s a what?” Once again he looks shy and guilty. “It’s a, uh, Time Machine. Or at least that’s what I’m wanting it to be. I’m still working on it.” Well, I’m definitely awake now. “So, like, what’s the problem?” Finally putting down his tools, Danny turns to me, “It should work. I ran the simulations and used the one that worked. It’s just… not connecting I guess.” Glancing at the clock, it’s getting late. “Look Danny, I’m going to clean up some of my stuff. Go get some food. I know you haven’t eaten yet.” With a defeated sigh, Danny agrees and leaves the room. I slip into a pair of shorts and an old David Bowie tour shirt I had found at a thrift store. Picking up things here and there, folding abandoned pieces of laundry, I hum and bop around the room, dancing along to “Working Day and Night”, practicing turns and isolations to the beat. Taking a deep breath I prep and spin as fast and as long as I can, but my foot slips out from under me. I tumble to the floor, tripping over some cord. Oh well, it’s probably Danny's “mood lighting”, I plug it in and decide to check out the “Time Machine”. “Ground Control to Major Tom! Prepare for lift-off!” I press random buttons, dicking around and typing 1984, then some other buttons. “Huh, sucks it really doesn’t work. It’d be cool if you really could time travel.” Once again I trip over Danny’s junk on the floor of the project and slam into one last button I had yet to press. On the way down I hit my head, and the world went black as a whirring sound filled my ears. 
Waking up, I find myself in a room about the size of mine, decorated much like my side of the dorm, with a funky retro feeling to it. “Danny, this isn’t funny, I get it, I’m gullible for believing the machine was real. Now how the Hell did you change all this so quick… and get rid of the machine?” I continue searching the room for Danny, and realise that the sun had already risen hours ago. I may have been out for longer than I thought, and come crashing into a body. Awesome! Now I can really teach that boy a lesson for pulling that. “Hey, what are you doing in my dorm? Nice shirt by the way, I was at the Anaheim show a couple months ago. That’s where you got the shirt, right?” I blink at the guy my age, still processing the amount of denim and hair products he has decided to use for the day. “What? Oh, uh, my shirt. Wait, did you say you saw him in Anaheim a couple months ago? What year are you from?” He knits his brows together. “1984. Are you ok? Did you get a bad hit or something? Do I need to call someone for you?” I space myself from him, the stimulation of this whole situation too much. “No, no I’m ok. What’s today’s date?” His eyes are still filled with concern as he replies with January 26th 1984, and that I’m still at University of Redlands, just 36 years before I attend. “Wait, January 26th, why does that sound so familiar? I hear Beat It blare down the hall and I can practically see the light bulb above my head. “Do you know how to get to the Shrine Auditorium?” 
We zip down the highway on Tyler’s motorcycle, making a trip down to L.A. He had me explain my whole ordeal to him before he just drove me to a random concert venue. It took a bit to convince him, but the second I pulled my smartphone out he was on board. He pulls off to a strip mall and helps me dismount. “Wait, why are we at a mall? I need to get to that venue before security secures it.” He just rolls his eyes. “If you want to get in and stay in without too much attention, you need to look a little bit different. Time to fit in.” He drags me into store after store, and I finally piece together a “Bad” inspired outfit. A black crop top slips off one shoulder, leather pants pull tight around my legs and hips, a blood red leather jacket drapes my shoulders, and matching leather boots clutch my feet. “Tyler, this is too much. I can’t even pay you back.” He rolls his eyes and pays for the clothes, letting me keep my own hoops and rings. “Look, just meeting a time traveler is cool, dressing one is even better. When you get back home and you still want to pay me back, we’ll figure it out. Let’s get you to the moonwalker himself.” 
As we pull into the parking lot for the venue, there isn’t another soul in sight. “Hey, here’s my address, if you ever want to mail me, or just let me know that you’re doing ok.” He hands me a slip of paper, and I hug him tightly. “Thank you Tyler, I am forever in your debt. If you’re anywhere near the university in 2020, let me know.” With that, he rides back home into the sunset, and I sneak into the venue before security shows up. 
It’s a good thing I like the song Billie Jean, because I have heard it about 72 times in the last hour. During sound check alone I almost lost my mind, with just the baseline intro playing for 30 minutes. As I hear the cue from the director that it is time to actually film the commercial. I hear “Take One!” in the distance and I ditch my jacket behind a stack of crates, my phone hidden in the pocket. I find the side entrance of the stage as take 3 is anounced. I crouch down in a runners position at take 5, launching myself at take 6. Michael nears the pyrotechnic and I slam my body into his as it goes off, now missing him by inches. There are screams of terror and shock as we fly through the air, now spun so that I land on my back, Michael on top of me. His brothers quickly help him up and off of me as I am seized by security, doing my best to put as little weight on my now injured ankle as possible. I raise my hands in surrender, trying to think my way out of this. “Look! Look, I can explain all of this, including how I knew that this take wasn’t going to go well. Let me explain and I will never try to contact any of you again!” Everyone around me exchanges glances, deciding whether to trust me or not. Tito steps forward, his eyes full of scrutiny. “Alright girl, explain.” I sigh and grimace in pain. “I can’t do it out here. Too many people. And my evidence of my claims are in my jacket backstage.” He glances back at Michael, nodding in response to his younger brother. I am escorted backstage, am allowed to sit down to relieve my ankle, and I start my story. “I’m from the future, 36 years in the future to be a bit more specific. I’m not crazy.” Michael crouches down in front of me, “If you’re really a time traveler I would love to talk about the future with you!” He’s nudged and given a look from his older brothers, and his smile is dimmed a bit. “But if you’re from the future, wouldn’t you know songs I haven’t released yet?” I nod my head, but I get hit with the issue of Thriller already being released and the “Bad” sessions not yet started for at least another 6 months, if not more. I flip through the collection of Michael songs I know by heart, trying to find one he’s recorded but not yet released. “Oh! I know about “Love never felt so good”! The one you recorded with Paul Anka! I can sing it for you!” I start at the chorus, my brain too frazzled to remember it’s entirety. Everyone else who knows about the song exchanges looks, one brother even shouting questions of how I knew it. “It’s on my phone, and I’m from the future. All your music’s been released. Well, almost all of it. There’s still tracks from your upcoming session that I have yet to find. Here, I can show you.” Lifting myself from my seat, I reach to retrieve my jacket from behind the crates. Everyone watches me with baited breath, wanting to see what the time traveler will pull out next. I pull out my phone and search for the Xscape album. I press play on the original track and Michael's voice rings out from the speaker. I switch it up to “Working Day and Night”, what I was listening to before I got here. 
“Look, I can play you anything you’ve already recorded. I just can’t play you anything you haven’t done yet. Those are the rules.” Michael escorts me back to his dressing room to ask me questions about the future since I am no longer seen as crazy. “Are there flying cars ? What about people living in space? Are there aliens?” I giggle at his excitement. “Well, we do have people living in space, it isn’t commercialized yet, so you and I couldn’t go. We don’t have flying cars, but we do have self driving ones. And there are no known aliens yet. Music is accessible though. If I had any service in 1984, I could play you any song any time from anyone. I could listen to “Wanna be Startin Somethin’” for 3 days straight if I wanted to. All I’d have to do is type it in and press play.” His eyes sparkle in awe of the future. He opens his mouth to ask more questions, but Jermaine and another man enters the room before he can get a word out, “Come on Mike, we need to finish the commercial. This is an EMT we had on site, he’s here to fix her ankle.” As Michael leaves his seat, I grab his hand. “Please, don’t let them turn the pyrotechnics back on. Please.” He nods and pats my hand before leaving the room. The EMT removes my new boots and my ankle swells before my eyes, no longer constrained in the tight leather. We make small talk as he works until the commercial is done recording. 
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hello!! during these trying times I would *love* to hear about your ninerose human nature au (if you have time/whatever obviously!!) 💞
hello, nonny! from my very great distance of at least six feet and a computer screen away, i send you hugs and health and happiness. i hope you're staying safe and taking care of yourself and others!
i can hardly call the idea for a ninerose human nature au my own, because i feel like there are other, better writers who have toyed with the concept, and i don't have any formal writing about it done, but... i do have some notes from a very enthusiastic chat session i had with @lotsofthinkythoughts! so, if you'd enjoy those, i present them here. (i'm in italics, thinky is in bold.)
i have them sort of set in the thirties or forties, but somewhere super rural and in a cottage that belongs to the doctor through some weird arbitrary series of "distant relations" and rose is pretty bad at trying to fit in, because basically everything she does is considered scandalous and she can't get away with just being his roommate.
she grumbles about that a lot to the TARDIS. "couldn't have landed a little later? where i could just be his roommate and no one would care about my jeans?" then she sighs, "i know you did your best, girl. i know."
since they're out in the middle of nowhere, nobody really bothers them, but rose has to get good at gardening, because the old marketwomen won't sell to "the fallen woman living up at bad wolf cottage" or whatever. and so she spends a lot of time out in the heirloom orchards and figuring out how to harvest things and feeding chickens, maybe.
i'm picturing rose doing her best to learn all this. rose picking apples and nine coming out to steady the ladder after he sees it wobbling from the window. and very pointedly averting his gaze so he doesn't accidentally stare at her bum and blushing when she laughs. "i'm wearing trousers, you know, it's not like you can look up 'em."
oh GOD. rose in era-appropriate trousers. clearly altered men's pants. oh my GOD.
...i just thought of her in a clearly altered pair of HIS trousers. like the legs are still way way too long and hemmed up and stuff but OH GOD.
(as you can see, we got very excited about the pants situation.)
and this man she's living with who thinks she's just his good friend and companion comes out and helps and it's so PAINFULLY obvious that he's in love with her, and rose is just like, "what. am i going to do."
but she can't act on their feelings, because she's convinced he'll FREAK when the doctor returns to himself. but dammit if john isn't the sweetest, always running out to help her dig in the dirt or asking if he can push the wheelbarrow or get more chicken feed from town.
also, i bet he has some kind of jaunty hat she steals from him, for when she works in the sun.
(as you can imagine, we also got enthusiastic about the many ways human!nine would feel about rose tyler gardening in his stolen hat.)
but yeah, she's SURE she can't act on things because when the doctor comes back to himself he'll be upset.
and he just... wants to kiss her so badly, but he's pretty sure she had a bad relationship and that's why she's living here? she had to get away, and he doesn't want to betray her trust in him.
i just... i had the sudden image of rose crying one night and john coming to check on her, knocking gently, and when she responds sniffling he peeks in her room and they end up talking and he curls up behind her on the bed over the covers and they hold hands and i just... cannot. IT WOULD BE SO SOFT.
and her not being able to explain why she's crying, and he doesn't expect her to.
he just curls up with her and says he's there for her and she bursts into tears again and he just holds her. possibly kissing the top of her head. saying to himself it's for comfort. (and it is, it definitely is just to comfort her.)
but i feel like that night breaks something open emotionally and he touches her a lot more after that - never anything forward because he still doesn't want to move too fast or more than she wants him to, but after that there's more casual touches than before.
when nine comes back to himself, before he can stop himself, he kisses rose.
he hasn't even changed his clothes yet, he just can't contain his affection.
YEP. he looks at her, searching her eyes, and she whispers "doctor?" and he just... lunges forward. and at first rose is worried that something's gone wrong, but as his arms wrap around her she knows—because no one has ever held her the same way as the doctor does, kiss or no kiss.
and he breathes into her hair, "thank you, thank you for taking care of me, i'm so glad you're with me."
and she tears up and says "i'm so glad i met you... that i got the chance to be here," into his shirt.
(and then i fell asleep. oops!)
i hope our conversation brightens your day. keep in mind that we were talking about a very specific moodboard and were completely uninterested in a sensible plot. there is no plot in this house—only kisses.
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Jude & Jac
Jude: are you alright? Jac: Not particularly Jude: talk to me then Jac: No offense Jac: but that really isn't going to make me feel better Jude: so do it to make me feel better Jac: What do you want, Jude? Jude: idk Jude: everyone's talking but they're not saying stuff that makes sense Jac: No one knows what they're talking about Jac: they should try minding their business Jude: bit unlikely Jac: I'm not going to give you anything more to report back Jac: I've said all I know already Jude: oi! I ain't running a story for the school paper or owt like that Jude: I'm about the angle whereby you're my sister and I've known your mates for time Jude: it's personal, like Jac: It happened to Is Jac: not me, not you Jac: we can't sit around making it about us, it's not productive Jude: productive? Jac: Don't start Jude: can we get to a place where you tell me what's going on with Izzy or what? Jac: I don't know Jac: some lad creeped on her at the party last night and now her mum is on a mission about it Jude: she's your best mate, how're you not camped out on her front garden?! Jac: Oh great, make me feel bad Jac: she doesn't want to talk, I'm not going to force my presence upon her to make myself, or any of the rest of you, feel better Jude: she needs you, not her ma, what's that woman gonna do? what does she get about anything? Jac: What do you think I'm gonna do Jac: for goodness sake Jude: fuck all if you ain't there Jac: There's nothing to be done Jac: it's happened Jude: that's cold Jude: there's like comfort you could give her Jude: you could be someone that listens to her, if her ma's on such a mission Jac: Like I said, you know nothing Jac: that's all very well you proposing all these nice ideas but I told you, she doesn't want to talk Jac: so this is a pointless conversation Jude: like you heard me say, why aren't you there waiting on her for when she does? Jac: I'm not sitting outside her door Jac: I don't know what you're getting at, to be honest Jude: she'd do it for you Jude: you know that Jac: You're far too concerned with hypotheticals Jac: Like I said, I'm actually trying to be productive here Jude: nah, you're looking out for yourself Jude: being a shitty mate in the process Jac: Fine Jac: happy now? Jude: yeah that's proper cheered me up Jude: ffs Jac: Frankly, you're the least of my worries right now Jac: and that apparently suits you fine so Jac: if we're done here Jude: are you gonna keep replying like this is a business email? Jac: I've got nothing to say Jac: that I haven't already Jude: you've said nowt to me Jac: ask mum and dad Jac: I've got stuff to do Jude: what stuff? Jac: Talk to Sav, everyone else who was there Jac: see what they know Jude: it was her boyfriend's house, yeah? that bit's true? Jac: Yes Jac: it was just a normal house party Jude: did he invite that lad or did he gatecrash? Jac: He was invited Jac: he went to our school, everyone knows him Jude: do you? Jac: Yeah Jac: obviously Jude: if it's who I heard it was then I reckon I do too Jac: Who did you hear it was? Jude: Carter Murphy Jude: he used to be a massive deal far as winning shit for the basketball team but that's not why I know him Jac: I'm not going to confirm or deny Jac: not going to spread the rumours when it's already running rampant Jude: spreading rumours ain't what I'm about either, tah very much Jac: I just meant I'm not saying either way Jude: And I'm just saying if it was him I never reckoned there was anything that off about him Jude: no more than any other older lad who chats to me at parties Jude: wondering if I should've Jac: I don't know Jac: maybe there isn't Jude: but it's not like he'd be rocking a sign saying 'top at beer pong and banter but might force himself on you' at any rate Jac: Well yeah Jac: there's two sides to every story Jude: hang on, you're saying Izzy is lying? Jac: No, I'm saying it's impossible to ever know for definite in these situations Jude: it shouldn't be impossible to take her word for it, unless you've got a reason not to Jac: its hers against his Jude: why would she say he forced her if he didn't? Jude: her ma ain't THAT strict Jac: She was drunk Jac: you know you can think a thing happened one way that isn't necessarily how it was or how the other person saw it Jude: Yeah Jude: but this is a bit different from me getting pissed off at my mates for none of 'em catching me when I thought I'd told 'em I was gonna jump and I'd never Jac: I can have personal opinions Jac: it's not as if I'm talking to anyone or doing anything with it Jac: if her ma wants to take it legal then that's for her to decide Jude: I dunno, maybe you're right Jude: legally, it is her word against his Jude: add in the drink, even if she didn't have that much, it's bollocks but it's bollocks they'd still use Jac: Everyone knows it's pointless going to the police Jac: regardless if it happened or not Jac: don't need to know exact prosecution rates to know it's a waste of time Jude: poor Izzy Jude: whatever happened, everyone's gonna have a personal opinion Jude: and they'll put it about more than you Jac: It's shit Jac: it'd be a better use of time finding a decent counselor Jude: you could tell her that when she's talking to you again Jac: Yeah well Jac: maybe everyone needs to stop trying to tell her what to do Jude: alright, fair Jude: I didn't need to go off on you either Jude: my bad Jac: You aren't the first Jac: don't worry about it Jude: I am though Jude: I don't wanna go out, I don't want you to go out Jac: Come on, don't be stupid Jac: it's not as if there's a maniac on the loose Jac: a boy pushed his luck at a party, it's nothing new, nothing to be scared of Jude: a lad I reckoned was alright Jude: like I said, nobody's got a sign on Jude: everything's gone weird now Jac: People can't be trusted Jac: if you've been going around thinking they can, you're lucky nothing bad has happened to you Jude: some people Jude: you trust Sav, don't you? Jac: I know her Jac: properly Jac: she isn't some random at parties Jude: you didn't know her from birth, like Jac: nothing is ever airtight Jac: obviously Jac: but if she was anything close to what that lad was, it'd be out by now Jude: but if you knew what that lad was like why did you let Izzy go off with him? Jac: Who said I did? Jac: not trusting people as a default doesn't mean I know they aren't to be Jude: well yeah Jac: If she wants to go off with a lad, it's not my place to stop her Jac: or do a background check before she does Jude: would you let me? Jac: We would never be at the same party Jude: I'd never be at one of Sav's Jude: she's at like a 4/10 at this point Jac: I don't care what you think Jude: bit rude Jac: You are Jac: this conversation has nothing to do with her Jude: why are you being so touchy about her? Jac: because this conversation was already close to pointless so I don't need it to get any further off track Jude: I'm bringing some normality back to it Jac: I don't have time for this, seriously Jude: my bad, AGAIN Jude: come on Jac: I'm sick of it Jac: I don't want to talk about this anymore Jude: I know but it's shit when we don't talk Jac: Well Jac: there's not much else going on with me today so Jude: is there owt I can DO then? Jude: dad's camped by the kettle already, like Jac: Keep them busy Jac: I need to go somewhere Jude: no challenge in that Jude: are you going to see Sav? Jac: Tah Jac: yeah, might take a while Jude: is she alright? Jac: No, she's really upset Jac: and her family are driving her crazy Jude: I have just the thing up my sleeve to keep ours busy for time Jude: on you go Jac: Good Jac: in a bit Jude: later then Jude: [skip skip skip] Jude: is Sav still upset? Jude: cos mum and dad are driving me crazy now Jude: they're FUMING 😡🤬 Jac: It's safe to say we're past the point of you needed to distract them Jude: I've got a good work ethic Jude: if a job's worth doing Jac: Very impressive, like Jude: tah, makes one of us Jude: meant to chuck your phone 🚮 you rookie Jac: I have Jac: check the IP address if you really fancy it Jude: 🤓 Jude: how long you gonna take the piss for? Jac: It's not about that Jude: what's it about then? Jac: having time and space Jude: everyone's saying Sav broke up with her boyfriend cos of what happened to Izzy Jude: if she's chucked her phone too she won't know Jac: She broke up with him before then Jac: you can spread that if you wanna Jude: it's nowt to do with me, just saying in case you wanna warn her Jac: Well she's not there to have to listen Jac: if people are tarring Tyler with the same brush as Carter, it'd be the decent thing to do to put that out there Jude: you can't stay away forever Jude: but alright, cos they're saying bad shit about him and all his mates and I don't fuck with that Jac: People might learn to keep quiet if they realize they could be next Jude: bit unlikely Jac: not really Jac: Ty and his friends are popular Jude: not right now Jac: that's my point Jude: yeah I got that Jude: nobody thinks any of this bollocks is gonna land at their feet, that's mine Jude: everyone wants to be special, untouchable and so on Jude: 👑✨ Jac: well if the ⭐s ain't then no one is Jude: I'm here for that, fuck cliques, this ain't America Jac: Unlikely Jude: 🙄😏 Jac: I'm serious Jac: I don't care what anyone at that school thinks now Jude: you don't, your best mate might Jac: She doesn't Jac: it's way below where our concerns are Jac: or have ever been Jude: he's her well recent ex Jude: everyone knows she loved him Jac: Like I said, you can defend his innocence Jac: She dumped him Jude: alright Jude: you ain't found time or space to be less touchy, I get it Jac: I clearly don't want to talk Jac: take the hint Jude: nah Jac: Jesus Jude: you don't get to just do one so easily, take that hint Jac: well I have Jac: and I can log off any time I want Jude: this isn't how you handle shit, anyone with a clue would put money on me legging it before you Jac: then, again, you'd all be wrong Jude: it was all her idea, yeah? Jude: if her family are that relentless you know they'd let her stay Jude: it doesn't have to be some checked in to heartbreak hotel moment Jac: No, it was mine Jac: I don't want to be there Jac: I don't know how you don't get that Jude: nobody wants any of this to be happening but it is Jude: it was you who told me to face up to the fact, how long ago, like? Jac: And I told you, I had things to do Jac: This has little to nothing to do with Isabelle Jude: ❌ running off into the sunset with Savannah off your list then Jude: you ain't missed a day of school in such a properly long time that my mates had that bet running for ages and all lost, remember? Jude: you're the weirdo that goes in 😷🤒🤕🤢🤮🤧💀👻 Jac: Some things are more important Jude: what's so important you need a room with an expensive view to do it in? Jac: Staying sane Jac: not being around to listen to that bullshit and worse Jude: it'll be here when you have to come back Jude: be my sister and pull the 🩹 off Jude: none of this is Jac behaviour Jac: Maybe you don't know me as well as you thought Jude: if in your own words this has nowt to do with Izzy, it's nowt you can't handle Jude: things were bad when you fell out with Mills, you stayed sane and around for that Jac: She didn't get assaulted by nobody Jude: it wasn't your fault that Izzy did Jac: That's not how it feels Jac: or what everyone will say Jude: nobody's saying it and I'd stop it if they were Jac: I'm sick of being treated like I did something wrong Jude: massive dickheads are the only ones who'd try and 1. I'm not gonna let 'em 2. you don't care what people like that think Jude: you're stronger and braver than their bullshit Jac: It's all of you Jac: asking so many questions Jac: Sav's parents want to lock her up Jude: it's mum and dad's job to worry and lay the law down, like Jude: I could've done better with it, alright, I know Jude: but if you reckon Sav's parents are headcases now, leaving it even longer ain't a decent plan Jude: you're the family genius, come on Jac: You worry them, they start to listen Jac: instead of saying how it is and how it's going to be Jude: you're the oldest, everyone knows what that means Jac: We aren't coming back until this calms down and they're willing to be reasonable Jac: that's that Jude: running away don't calm down anything 💥🔥🌪 Jac: Then we won't be coming back any time soon Jac: they're the adults and that's what they need to be about this Jude: what about school? Jac: It doesn't matter Jac: it's not like we have exams or anything soon Jude: school's what mattered most to you since you started going 🤓 Jac: So, I'm smarter than everyone else Jac: I don't need to worry about falling behind Jude: it IS you! Jude: I'm not just talking to a drifter wearing your skin Jac: 🙄 Jude: 😜 Jac: You're an idiot Jude: you'll miss me when you've had your time and space Jac: Unlikely Jude: 💔🥶 Jude: give Sav my love cos she'll 100% miss me Jac: Hilarious Jude: I'll be here all week 🤣🎤 Jac: Sorry to hear that, like Jude: I'll live, like Jac: Would you like me to 💔? Jude: don't fake owt for me Jude: rarely works out Jac: So I hear Jude: well those of us who ain't in the top % have books to read and not like, doodle all over or make planes out of Jude: ✌️😝 Jude: you know where I'LL be if you need ME, we're only fucked on the vice versa Jac: I'd like to say that was a nice try Jude: me too but Jac: Piss poor is more like it Jude: 🥉 Jude: [skip skip skip again] Jude: I can't knock all night, our dear brother will throw his other 👟 at me Jude: you're scaring me Jude: use some big words I can't get my head round Jac: Leave Jude: Jac Jac: No Jude: what happened? Jac: Nothing Jude: something has cos you weren't this person, like, a day ago Jude: and you said you weren't coming back for ages Jac: Here I am Jude: where's Savannah? Jude: you know I'll ask her Jac: No you won't Jude: use a full sentence then Jac: Do not talk to her Jude: why won't you talk to me? Jude: what could be this bad? Jac: Just go Jac: please Jude: I'll be back tomorrow Jude: 🩹 yeah? Jude: longer you leave it Jac: Don't bother Jude: I ain't about to ignore the state you're in Jude: how did she hurt you? Jac: She didn't do anything Jude: who else did? Jac: No one Jude: Then what? Jac: I'm fine Jude: bollocks! Jac: I am Jude: nah Jude: you came in looking like you'd seen a 👻 Jac: don't want to be here Jude: did you and Sav have a fight or what? cos I don't get why you're back if you don't wanna be Jac: she had to come back Jude: do you want me to give her a ring? get her over? Jac: no Jude: you ARE mad at her then Jac: I'm not Jude: if you ain't 🗨 it's cos you're face-to-face Jude: something's off Jude: don't need to be the family genius, like Jac: she's not done anything Jude: have you? Jac: [does not reply] Jude: you can tell me Jude: I'll help you hide her body Jac: Shut up Jude: you talk and I'll listen Jude: what did you do? Jac: I can't Jude: whatever it is, it won't be as bad as it feels right now Jude: she's your best friend, she'll come back round to that Jude: she just needs to be dramatic for a bit Jac: You have no clue Jude: clue me in then Jac: I don't want to Jac: this is my business Jac: what part of this don't you get, just stop it Jude: alright Jude: you still know where I am Jac: 👍
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eddycurrents · 5 years
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For the week of 28 October 2019
Quick Bits:
Afterlift #1 is a digital original from Chip Zdarsky, Jason Loo, Paris Alleyne, and Aditya Bidikar. Very interesting concept here playing with a character who drives for a Lyft analogue in Cabit, leading to becoming a rather unique courier.
| Published by Jams & Jellies
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Batman Annual #4 actually gives us many adventures and stories as we go through almost two months’ of diary entries of Batman’s exploits from Alfred, as told by Tom King, Jorge Fornés, Mike Norton, Dave Stewart, and Clayton Cowles. It’s a nice way to pack a lot of story into this annual in a fairly unique way, while also showcasing just how busy Batman really is. 
| Published by DC Comics
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Black Panther #17 sets up for the next confrontation with N’Jadaka and his forces, also giving us a rather...awkward but interesting conversation between Storm and Nakia. Gorgeous art from Daniel Acuña.
| Published by Marvel
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Bloodshot #2 continues the balls to the wall action as Bloodshot and the Black Bar conflict escalates, from Tim Seeley, Brett Booth, Adelso Corona, Andrew Dalhouse, and Dave Sharpe. It’s a bit of a throwback to a more action-oriented style, but it definitely works for Bloodshot. A nice change of pace to give a variety of storytelling.
| Published by Valiant
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Conan the Barbarian #10 spins us the twins’ yarn as they plotted their revenge on Conan, from Jason Aaron, Mahmud Asrar, Matthew Wilson, and Travis Lanham. The art from Asrar and Wilson is gorgeous. The backstory building up to last parts of this story and the fate of Conan is gripping.
| Published by Marvel
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Contagion #5 brings an end to this series from Ed Brisson, Adam Gorham, Veronica Gandini, and Cory Petit. Gorgeous and creepy art here from Gorham and Gandini. 
| Published by Marvel
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DCeased #6 is surprisingly hopefully, even as everything dies and everybody hurts. It appears to be setting up a sequel, though likely to be incredibly bleak. Tom Taylor, Trevor Hairsine, Neil Edwards, Stefano Gaudiano, Rain Beredo, and Saida Temofonte conclude this series in epic fashion as we say goodbye to Earth.
| Published by DC Comics
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Death’s Head #4 is another ending to a series this week, from Tini Howard, Kei Zama, Felipe Sobreiro, and Travis Lanham. Some very nice character work here for Death’s Head and Vee.
| Published by Marvel
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Doctor Strange Annual #1 gives us a pair of tales. The lead from Tini Howard, Andy MacDonald, Tríona Farrell, and Cory Petit is a fun Halloween story dealing with the spirits haunting the Sanctum Sanctorum. Any art from MacDonald is a treat. The back up is a bit more deadly serious with Pornsak Pichetshote, Lalit Kumar Sharma, Sean Parsons, José Villarrubia, and Petit revealing a failsafe should Strange go rogue.
| Published by Marvel
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Ether: The Disappearance of Violet Bell #2 continues to be incredibly inventive as Boone tries to track down the assassin. David Rubín’s art is absolutely amazing. And Boone’s continued inability to really think about anyone other than himself is telling.
| Published by Dark Horse
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Excalibur #1 is another tick in the win column for “Dawn of X”. The X-Men dabbling in magic isn’t common, but Tini Howard, Marcus To, Erick Arciniega, and Cory Petit do so with amazing flair, fittingly taking us in through Otherworld, Captain Britain, and Betsy Braddock. Apocalypse’s new incarnation as  “ •|A| •” and his newfound interest in magic is fascinating.
| Published by Marvel
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Five Years #5 spotlights Zoe’s rather elaborate imagination for coming up with ways to murder people. Granted, the Russian agent may well deserve it, but still... Terry Moore continues to deliver some unexpected twists as the end of the world inches closer.
| Published by Abstract Studio
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Giant Days: As Time Goes By #1 is a one-shot finale special from John Allison, Max Sarin, Whitney Cogar, and Jim Campbell. It picks up roughly a year from the end of the series, dealing with why Esther has been missing from their reunions. It’s full of all of the humour that we’ve been used to and hammers home the power of friendship. Also, it gets very, very weird. 
| Published by Boom Entertainment / BOOM! Box
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Harleen #2 works hard to portray Harley’s seduction by the Joker. Stjepan Šejić and Gabriela Downie portray it as an insidious, manipulative thing. It might appear romantic on the surface, but there’s definitely a darkness there. There are ideas of bringing back a monster from the edge of insanity, but the story makes you realize that some may well be beyond hope.
| Published by DC Comics - Black Label
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Hellboy and the BPRD: Long Night at Goloski Station might well be the best of these new format tales yet, and both of the previous ones were incredibly strong. Here Mike Mignola, Matt Smith, Dave Stewart, and Clem Robins deliver a single issue story building on Hellboy’s confrontation with Baba Yaga, Sir Edward Grey, and demons. 
| Published by Dark Horse
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Invisible Kingdom #6 begins the second arc, “Edge of Everything”, as the crew first try to find food and fuel and then run afoul of a salvage ship. G. Willow Wilson, Christian Ward, and Sal Cipriano keep things interesting as we start to see the crew’s life after Lux.
| Published by Dark Horse / Berger Books
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Invisible Woman #4 is disturbing, basically everything goes to hell and everyone that Sue was trusting to see this operation through has let her down. Or worse. Mark Waid, Mattia De Iulis, and Joe Caramagna set up a rather horrifying situation in this penultimate chapter. Again, De Iulis’ artwork is stunning. 
| Published by Marvel
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Joker: Killer Smile #1 is essentially a psychological horror from Jeff Lemire, Andrea Sorrentino, Jordie Bellaire, and Steve Wands. It comes from the point of view of a psychiatrist, Dr. Ben Arnell, who is trying to get to the heart of Joker’s mental state. It’s not going so well and it appears like the good doctor is losing time, doing strange things, and possibly worse. Very intriguing beginning to this story.
| Published by DC Comics - Black Label
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Knights Temporal #4 has some stunning artwork from Fran Galán, particularly during the gangster sequences where colour comes into play as another important storytelling element. There are some very nice twists this issue, making you wonder about a lot of what we thought we knew.
| Published by AfterShock
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The Last God #1 is dark fantasy done right by Phillip Kennedy Johnson, Riccardo Federici, Sunny Gho, Dean White, Tom Napolitano, Steve Wands, and Jared Blando. It gives us lying kings, heroes who weren’t rightly heroes, and a Lovecraftian terror returned to show the truth. It plays deep on resentment and distrust, and of a complete failure of institutions to uphold a decent society. All with absolutely stunning artwork from Federici, Gho, and White. This is a beautiful, haunting work.
| Published by DC Comics - Black Label
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Last Stop on the Red Line #4 is very, very weird. We get a peek behind the masks of the monsters and it’s even stranger. There’s a very interesting mix of symbolism and the supernatural where we’re really not sure where one begins and the other ends. This was a very unique series from Paul Maybury, Sam Lotfi, and Adam Pruett.
| Published by Dark Horse
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Mall #3 goes even harder into inter-faction warfare as it seems like all of the groups are at one another’s throats. Great world-building here from Michael Moreci, Gary Dauberman, Zak Hartong, Addison Duke, and Jim Campbell, with some interesting plot developments.
| Published by Vault
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Manor Black #4 concludes the series as we see what essentially amounts to order vs. chaos as the old blood takes on wild magic. This doesn’t feel so much as a conclusion as an end to a chapter of a wider arc, leaving much unresolved. Hopefully we see more. The artwork from Tyler Crook is phenomenal.
| Published by Dark Horse
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Marvel Zombies: Resurrection #1 is really damn good. Phillip Kennedy Johnson, Leonard Kirk, Guru-eFX, and Travis Lanham kick off this series with a new angle on the Marvel Zombies, playing up more on the horror angle, with a truly terrifying spread of the disease through a new vector. Gorgeous artwork from Kirk and Guru-eFX.
| Published by Marvel
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Monster Planet #1 is the kind of thing that you used to see regularly published by Image and Top Cow, the military action comic that throws in horror elements, from Joe Brusha, Marcelo Mueller, Maxflan Araujo, and Taylor Esposito. It’s not bad, setting up a world where humanity has been turned into dinosaur-like beasts and the remnants of society need to turn to classical monsters for help.
| Published by Zenescope
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The Necromancer’s Map #3 takes a bit of a different approach, giving us a fair amount of action as Tristan’s Will catch up with Bethany and co. as well as some great character building in between the action. Great stuff from Andrea Fort, Michael Christopher Horn, Sam Beck, Ellie Wright, and AndWorld Design.
| Published by Vault
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The Plot #2 is wonderful horror storytelling from Tim Daniel, Michael Moreci, Joshua Hixson, Jordan Boyd, and Jim Campbell. Very creepy build of supernatural events once Chase Blaine and his family arrive back at his ancestral home. Hixson and Boyd’s presentation of the black, gooey masses are also disturbing.
| Published by Vault
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Queen of Bad Dreams #5 concludes this excellent series from Danny Lore, Jordi Pérez, Dearbhla Kelly, and AndWorld Design. Rather interesting confrontation with and revelations about Eleanor Chase here.
| Published by Vault
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Red Goblin: Red Death #1 is a one-shot featuring three stories set during Norman Osborn’s tenure as the Red Goblin at the end of Dan Slott’s run on Amazing Spider-Man. It’s kind of weird that it doesn’t instead tie-in with current events in Absolute Carnage, but it’s not bad for what it is. The art of the first two stories from Pete Woods is great.
| Published by Marvel
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Relics of Youth #2 is even better than the first issue, delving deeper into the mysterious tattoos that the kids have been branded with and their connection to the island that they’ve landed on within the Bermuda Triangle. Matt Nicholas, Chad Rebmann, Skylar Partridge, Vladimir Popov, and AndWorld Design are telling a very compelling adventure here.
| Published by Vault
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Roku #1 begins another mini-series focusing on one of the luminary villains in the Valiant Universe, this one from Cullen Bunn, Ramón F. Bachs, Stéphane Paitreau, and Dave Sharpe. It’s full of action and intrigue as Roku is hired by an unknown client to retrieve...someone. Things get more interesting as a new face stands in her way and we find out the unusual nature of the target.
| Published by Valiant
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The Sandman Universe Presents: Hellblazer #1 is a homecoming of sorts for John Constantine, back to his old haunts alongside some of the other Vertigo corner of the DC Universe. Si Spurrier, Marcio Takara, Cris Peter, and Aditya Bidikar spin a yarn that reconstitutes John after a massive magic war led by an evil Tim Hunter. How exactly the pieces fit are anyone’s guess, but it’s a brilliant darker take resetting him here. 
| Published by DC Comics - Black Label / The Sandman Universe
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Savage Avengers Annual #1, though largely a self-contained story, is still integral to Conan’s adventure through the Marvel universe and the overall narrative as he, Hellstorm, and Black Widow stumble across a human trafficking ring that bears the marks of Kulan Gath. Gerry Duggan, Ron Garney, Matt Milla, and Travis Lanham deliver a compelling story.
| Published by Marvel
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SFSX #2 does further world and character building, showing us just how much has changed since the Party took over, and how utterly betrayed many of the people from the Dirty Mind felt of Avory abandoning them. Very interesting stuff from Tina Horn, Michael Dowling, Chris O’Halloran, and Steve Wands.
| Published by Image
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Silver Surfer: Black #5 concludes what has been a very trippy series from Donny Cates, Tradd Moore, Dave Stewart, and Clayton Cowles. There are some very interesting revelations of the past here, and it really makes you wonder about the Surfer’s new incarnation.
| Published by Marvel
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Star Pig #4 concludes the series, kind of, from Delilah S. Dawson, Francesco Gaston, Sebastian Cheng, and Shawn Lee. There’s some rather disturbing tentacles in this one.
| Published by IDW
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Star Wars Adventures: Return to Vader’s Castle #5 brings an end to this round of the series. I think it’s a perfect approach for some all ages “ghost stories” within the Star Wars universe. Wonderful resolution for the framing story from Cavan Scott, Francesco Francavilla, and AndWorld Design.
| Published by IDW
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Tales from the Dark Multiverse: The Death of Superman #1 is the second of these one-shots spotlighting DC events gone horribly wrong, this time giving us a much angrier Lois Lane’s grief at the loss of Superman to Doomsday. Jeff Loveness, Brad Walker, Drew Hennessy, Norm Rapmund, John Kalisz, and Clayton Cowles present her as vengeance against a world that didn’t deserve Superman’s grace, raising some of the questions that you’d often see in The Authority. Only, you know, kind of evil. It’s not bad, but definitely dark.
| Published by DC Comics
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #99 is the extra-sized penultimate chapter of “City at War” as all of the pieces begin falling into place for the grand finale. The story here from Kevin Eastman, Bobby Curnow, Tom Waltz, Dave Wachter, Ronda Pattison, and Shawn Lee feels truly epic and that something huge may just happen next issue. As it is, there’s still a ton of action here, some interesting developments with the Rat King, more disappointment when it comes to Raph, and something new with the mutagenic bomb.
| Published by IDW
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Test #5 is very strange. Christopher Sebela, Jen Hickman, Harry Saxon, and Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou end this story as Aleph and Laurel find one another and a new way is planted, but there’s still seeds of something going awry.
| Published by Vault
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Venom #19 largely plays out the end bits for the Maker and Dylan’s portions of Absolute Carnage, with some very interesting revelations. It seems like even bigger seeds are being lain for future stories here. Great art from Iban Coello and Rain Beredo.
| Published by Marvel
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Witchblade #16 gives us the fight between Alex and Haley, after a few distractions and discursions. The stakes are pretty high here and there are a few rather tense moments as it plays out. Beautiful art from Roberta Ingranata and Bryan Valenza.
| Published by Image / Top Cow
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Wonder Woman Annual #3 is largely a flashback tale, set five years ago as Wonder Woman and ARGUS attempt to extract an agent sent to infiltrate Gorilla City to see the legitimacy of Grodd’s rule. What Steve Orlando, V. Ken Marion, Sandu Florea, Hi-Fi, and Pat Brosseau do with is establish a new backstory and interpretation for a very old Wonder Woman foe in a fairly interesting way that even ties in to Event Leviathan. It may strain a bit of credibility for the villainous turn, but that will largely depend on the follow-up.
| Published by DC Comics
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Other Highlights: Archie 1955 #2, A Basketful of Heads #1, Batman and the Outsiders Annual #1, Chrononauts: Futureshock #1-4, Dead Man Logan #12, Fantastic Four: Grand Design #1, Fight Club 3 #10, Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #13, Ironheart #11, James Bond 007 #12, Jim Henson’s The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance #2, Journey to Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker - Alliance #4, Jughead’s Time Police #5, Kick-Ass #18, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #44, Rick & Morty #55, The Ride: Burning Desire #5, Runaways #26, Star Trek: Year Five #7, Star Wars: Doctor Aphra Annual #3, Star Wars Adventures #27, Superior Spider-Man #2, Tremor Dose, Warlord of Mars Attacks #5
Recommended Collections: Amazing Spider-Man: Red Goblin, Amber Blake - Volume 1, Black Science - Volume 9: No Authority But Yourself, Deadpool - Volume 3: Weasel Goes to Hell, Dept H. Omnibus - Volume 3: Decompressed & Lifeboat, Dick Tracy Forever, Hit-Girl - Volume 5, Jimmy’s Bastards - Volume 1: Year One, Lucifer Omnibus - Volume 1, Marvel Action: Spider-Man - Book 2: Spider-Chase, Punk Mambo, Spider-Gwen: Gwen Stacy, Star Trek: The Q Conflict, Symbiote Spider-Man, Thor - Volume 3: Wars End, Tony Stark: Iron Man - Volume 3: War of the Realms, Vamps: The Complete Collection, War of the Realms: Uncanny X-Men, The Wild Storm - Volume 4
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d. emerson eddy feels like stale, day old pepperoni pizza.
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blurry-fics · 6 years
I Could Use a Love Song
Pairing: Tyler Joseph x Reader
Warnings: Angst
Word Count: 1899
Request: Not gonna lie, I dropped what I was doing when I saw your post about requests. Could I maybe see a Tyler x Reader where the reader is having a really bad day and all of her usual methods to feel better aren’t working, so Tyler jumps in with something maybe unconventional to help out? I was listening to I Could Use A Love Song by Maren Morris when thinking about this, if that helps! Thanks :) - @ohprettyweeper
Author’s Note: Good news, I finally managed to get some writing done amidst everything that’s happening! I decided to do this as a little surprise/bonus post since I know a lot of people are invested in Holding On To You right now, but I wanted to start getting people’s requests posted as well! Also, for anyone who hasn’t heard it and because it pertains to the fic, here’s a link to Tyler playing Build Me Up Buttercup (from the Beyond the Video for House of Gold)!
You drummed your fingers along your collarbone as you stared up at the ceiling. Your chest was rising and falling steadily as you carefully measured your breaths, hoping that it would somehow wipe away the cloud that seemed to be hanging over your mind. It had been twenty minutes of this same pattern and you had yet to feel any different.
“That’s it,” you muttered as you pushed yourself up from the couch. “I’m going on a drive.”
Your keys were still sitting in a jumbled heap from where you had tossed them down after arriving home from running errands yesterday. You quickly scooped them up, grabbed a jacket from the hall closet, and walked out the front door.
There was frost on the window as you climbed into the car, only adding another layer to the frustration that you were feeling. Still, you stuck the key in the ignition and turned the air on full blast, hoping that it wouldn’t be long before you could actually see out the windshield.
While the window defrosted, you scrolled through your phone and found some music that might help you feel a little better. You eventually settled on a song that you and Tyler always sang together; it never failed to bring up good memories when you listened to it. The window was finally beginning to clear up, so you pulled out of the driveway and out onto the street. Hopefully Tyler would be home by the time that you returned.
You absentmindedly drummed your fingers along the steering wheel as you drove through the streets of Columbus. The beauty of the city never failed to amaze you, despite the fact that you and Tyler had been living here for close to five years now. Going on the same drive through the city streets never seemed to get old.
Unfortunately, driving didn’t have the same appeal today. The music just seemed like dull background noise as you looked at the same buildings that you drove past almost daily. There was nothing particularly special about this drive that you were on, and you were beginning to wonder why this had ever worked as a way to cheer you up in the first place.
With a sigh, you pulled into a nearby parking lot and turned around. There was no point in wasting gas if it wasn’t going to help you feel any better, right?
You pulled into the driveway and shut the car off. There had to be some other way for you to cheer yourself up; at this point, you were willing to try anything that would cheer you up for even a few minutes. It didn’t help that Tyler had still yet to get home from his meetings, meaning that you would still be stuck trying to cheer yourself up.
You tossed your jacket back into the closet and immediately headed upstairs. There was only one more thing that you could think of that might finally get you out of this slump. If that didn’t work, then you would have to accept your bad mood and wait for it to go away. That, or hopefully Tyler would be home soon with some ideas to make you feel better.
You grabbed the basket of bath bombs from under the sink while the tub filled with warm water. Tyler was always sure to keep plenty of bath soaks and scented candles in the bathroom for you to use whenever you needed them. He knew that it was one of the few things that always seemed you calm you down or cheer you up, especially when he was away on tour and unable to physically be there for you.
You decided on a fruity scented one and tossed it unceremoniously into the tub. It began to fizzle and spread colors throughout the water. You stood frozen for a moment, mesmerized by the patterns, until you realized that the water needed to be shut off before the entire tub overflowed.
The water was warm as you stepped into it, but not too hot that it was unbearable. Your muscles instantly began to relax as they became submerged, and for a moment you forgot about all the thoughts that had been swirling in your head all morning. It wasn’t long before they all came rushing back, once again plaguing your mind.
You ended up spending close to half an hour soaking in the tub, just listening to music and scrolling casually through your phone. The water eventually started to grow cold and you decided it was long past time you get out of the bath. It had been nice to soak in the warm water for awhile, although your mood didn’t seem to have improved at all.
As soon as you dried off, you pulled on one of Tyler’s shirts and headed downstairs. You had just reached the bottom of the stairs when you heard someone unlocking the front door. Panic washed over you for a moment before you realized it was probably only Tyler arriving home from his meetings.
The door swung open, revealing Tyler carrying a multitude of bags on his arms. You quickly rushed over and took some of them from him, which he seemed thankful for.
“Hey,” he smiled.
“What’s all this?” you asked.
He shook his head, “Merch prototypes, paperwork, concert stuff to review. You name it, it’s probably in here.”
You followed Tyler into the office where he began to stack all of the bags into the corner.
“But the meetings were good?” you asked as you handed him a bag.
“Yeah, we got a lot of stuff done. You know me, though. I would have rather spent the morning here with you.”
He turned around and gave you a quick kiss. A smile crossed your face for a moment, but it was quick to fade away. Tyler didn’t seem to notice.
“How has your morning been?” he asked as he walked out of the office. You followed him.
“Um, it’s been ok, I guess.”
Tyler stopped walking and turned to face you. His eyebrows were furrowed.
“You know I don’t believe that for a second.”
You sighed. There was no way Tyler would let you just brush this entire situation off.
“My morning has been awful, and it seems like no matter what I try to do to feel better, I always end up in the same spot.”
“You tried your favorite movie?”
“And you went on a drive?”
“Uh huh.”
“Did you take a bath?”
“Ty, trust me, I tried everything.”
He sighed and rubbed a hand along the back of his neck, “There has to be something we can do to help you feel better. Do you want me to grab my uke?”
“I don’t think it’s going to help,” you shrugged. “Nothing else has worked.”
“Then we’ll find a way to make it work.”
“We really don’t have to. I can just ride this out. I’m sure I’ll feel better tomorrow.”
“Absolutely not,” Tyler said, taking hold of your hand. “I don’t want to see you spend the rest of today miserable.”
You allowed Tyler to pull you towards the music room, as reluctant about this entire plan as you were. He sat you down in a chair and then crossed the room to grab his ukulele from its spot. Just being with Tyler had already made you feel a little better, but you were still far from feeling ok.
“Alright, we need to make this special,” Tyler muttered, more to himself than anything.
He was wandering around the room, obviously lost in thought as he tuned his ukulele. You watched him as you absentmindedly swayed from side to side in the chair.
“I’ve got it,” he smiled after a few minutes of contemplation. “Come on.”
You sighed as you got out of the chair and followed Tyler back into the living room. He stopped right in the middle of the room.
“What are we doing?” you asked.
“Put your hands on my shoulders.”
“Put your hands on my shoulders. You know, like when we slow dance.”
“It’s all part of the plan.”
“Ok,” you said, although you still weren’t really sure what was going on.
Tyler began to strum on his ukulele and you instantly recognized the opening chords of the song. It was the song that had been playing when you first met and, coincidentally, one of your favorite songs. Tyler began to sway a little as he played his uke, prompting you to do the same.
It was hard not to laugh as you thought of how dorky the two of you must look from an outside perspective. Tyler noticed this, but he just continued to play the song with a smile on his face. You began to loosen up a little and sway a bit more.
“There’s that smile that I love,” Tyler said once he finished the song.
“Who knew that slow dancing in the living room would be so effective?”
“Me,” he grinned before giving you another kiss. “Do you want me to play another song?”
“I would love that.”
“Ty!” you laughed as he went jumping over the back of the couch.
“What?” he grinned as he landed somewhat gracefully.
“Be careful!”
“Sorry, I just got really into it,” he laughed.
You and Tyler had spent the last two hours singing and dancing to any song that you could think of. The worries that had plagued your mind throughout the morning were long gone, now replaced with song lyrics and watching Tyler’s stunts in the living room.
“We should probably make dinner soon,” you said with a glance at the clock. “I’m getting hungry… and tired.”
Tyler stuck out his bottom lip, “Can I play you one more song?”
“One more,” you said, although you would willingly listen to him play music for as long as he would let you.
“Ok, come over here and sit.”
You took a seat on the couch across from Tyler.
“I don’t know if this really qualifies as a love song, but I still want to play it for you,” he said.
You sat and listened intently as Tyler played Build Me Up Buttercup for you. It was impossible to keep the smile off of your face as he smiled like an idiot throughout the entire performance. He bit his lip as he played the final chord and looked up at you.
“I love you, buttercup,” he smiled.
“I love you too, darling,” you giggled.
He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to your lips. You should have known that Tyler would be able to cheer you up in an instant, no matter how bad you had been feeling.
“Let me go put this away and then we can start dinner,” he said.
“So, are you feeling any better?” Tyler asked as he returned from putting his uke away.
“Much better, thanks to you,” you smiled.
“That’s what I like to hear,” he said.
You stood up and joined Tyler in the kitchen. He immediately wrapped an arm around you and pulled you into his side as some form of a hug.
“Thank you so much, Ty.”
“I would do anything just to see you smile.”
You leaned against his shoulder and smiled, wondering how you had gotten lucky enough to find someone who loved you so much.
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