#so like australian or soft texan or something like that
xellandria · 8 months
Do you ever think about your OC's accents? I know folks often do voice claims for their characters, but if your stuff was being adapted into a format with audio, how would they all sound in relation to each other and in your native language? Would everybody just have the "normal" regional accent for your area (whether that be locally or country-wide), would certain characters be exceptions? How deep down the rabbit hole do you go, and is this a dark, dangerous door for me to have opened? :P
#xellafail#I've been thinking about it a lot for some reason#and while I can't say I have any specific accents chosen for any of my characters#I do know Karra and Sevvie and James would all sound different than the rest of the cast#because they're not from the area it takes place in#(or in James' case the time period it takes place in lol)#Xella-or-whatever-Xella's-replacement-ends-up-being would probably have a 'fake' accent that blends in and a 'real' accent that doesn't#I'm tempted to say that Alex would be given whatever accent seems to be the most 'swoon-worthy' in the states at any given time#so like australian or soft texan or something like that#(what are people swooning over these days idrk)#Sevvie's the only one that has a sort of 'grounded' accent#but even that's kind of up in the air#because I vacillate daily between her being some flavour of British#(because when R made the character she was leaning heavily on BTVS' Spike for it)#and californian#(because her language patterns are heavily californian and also that's where we were at the time)#which is a weird ping ponging in my head but there you go lol#almost all the Hellfyres would have the local accent#Kanos might be SLIGHTLY different due to James' influence but not significantly so#don't even talk to me about my D&D characters tho bc I have absolutely no idea lmao#I think I've been thinking about it because of the new-ish Castlevania series#where everyone's british except for the aztec vampire#even the french folks#also I guess the russian lady#and possibly more characters I haven't run into bc I'm having a real hard time getting through it#but like everyone's from the same place even though they're not!#and it's driving me crazy for some reason#(I think I listened to the og castlevania series in french maybe that'd help here)
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static-sulker · 2 years
Thinking about...Thinking about insomniac tf2 members....
Thinking about how Sniper sits in his camper van, staring at the ceiling in the dead of night, with a pissed off frown on his face.
He hated the fact that he couldn't sleep like other people, it was a bloody talent that they had to just pass out whenever they needed.
He would spend his nights sitting in his van, drinking those sleepy-time teas and so many different brands and types of melatonin gummies that he couldn't count.
He would walk into the base to try and get some more of these sleep meds, probably nabbing them from Medic and engie's labtratory (Doctors have sleeping drugs, right?) and would just be overall pissed with the scenario.
He'd probably run into Engineer, who had been crankily working at 2AM because of his own sleeping endeavors.
When he couldn't sleep, he'd work. When he could sleep, he would probably just keep workin' and it would fuck up his whole sleeping schedule, making it harder to sleep the next night and...It just keeps goin.
Both Mundy and Dell would stare at each others bags, and mentally realize how the other was in their same boat.
"Can't sleep?" Dell would mutter, abandoning his desk to talk with the Aussie.
"Somethin' like that. You?" the sniper grumbled, face groggy and tired.
"Yeah, you're not far off." He would repeat, chuckling to himself. "I think I have some Valerian around here..." He shuffled over to Medics line of cabinets, looking for the capsule.
The two would probably head out to the "lounging room" that the team had designated, to relax a bit. They'd talk, and lay around in comfortable silence for sleep to take them.
In the room, there is a large couch and blankets for them to use which they took gratefully, but still nothing worked.
Sniper would groan into the pillow he laid on, and Engie would chuckle but still feel the same annoyance with the mistress of sleep teasing his eyes.
Around now, another member of the sleepless crew would enter the open room, probably to reach the kitchen.
Spy was still adorning his iconic balaclava mask, but wear some long silky robe, eyes dragged down by bags. He would make eye contact with the two, who still held those same groggy and pissed off expressions.
"I am willing to guess that you two are also having trouble to fall asleep?" His voice is broken, like he had been crying out into the night for hours. That was semi-true, but thats another story
Engie mutters out a response in the tangle of limbs. Sniper shuts his eyes and shifts the blanket up so Spy could enter the mess of blankets and pillows.
He hesitates, but shuffles into the dark embrace of comforters.
The three lay down in silence, the scent of sleep begining to hang in the air, and the automatic drain of their eyes becomes too good to pass up.
It was a rather okay night after that.
Sniper would obviously wake up first, and feel the arms of a Texan sit on his waist, and a frenchman laid in the Australian's own arms. He'd take a second to drag it all in, to sit in the air of semi-consciousness for a bit longer then normal, more slipping out of the hold.
He'd probably take the morning by making something to eat, like a few eggs. Both Mundy, Spy, and Dell were always the first ones to wake up anyways, so He only intended to plate three.
Dell would wake next, now staring over to the indent Mundy left in the couch, and the soft breathing of a sleeping Spy. You don't see that everyday.
He would walk into the kitchen, and greet the Dell with a simple nod. He'd brew some coffee, and make small talk with the Aussie in a comfortable smog of relaxation.
Spy would muster up the energy to walk in, and drink coffee with the two.
It became ritualistic after that day whenever one felt like they couldn't sleep (which is often) they would knock on the door of one of their rooms.
The Van, which held a comforting chill in the usual sweaty air of the base.
Engie's lab that would soon transfer over to the lounging room that was only a door away.
Or Spys bedroom/smoking room that held the comforting sound and smell of a lit fireplace.
It was one of the only domestic acts that the men got to please themselves in with a whole life of mercenary work. It was something the men would barely speak on too.
It was never talked about often after that first day, but it just happened after getting the whole idea that the three had sleepless nights all the same.
If by their obvious undiagnosed (For Mundy and Spy at least undiagnosed) insomnia, the effects of a texan's obvious obbession with working and getting one last test done, the drag of an empty bed leaving one frenchman oh so very cold and left weeping for what once was, or the sudden shock of a short-temper that a normally patient Australian man had with the drag of sleeping.
All they knew is that they slept much softer as this silent promise was agreed on.
So uh yeah, I hope you liked reading this! It's a strange trio that I really enjoy in my own work, and I hope to see more of the guys!
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camslightstories · 4 years
Tolerate It - Part 6
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Lena Luthor x reader, Kara Danvers x reader, Alex Danvers x reader. Baby Danvers. 
Notes: It’s finally here! I'm sorry for not posting it earlier, i just wanted to make sure to be as good as I could think of. I hope you guys like it, part 7 is coming later today.  
Its been so lovely to chat with you guys about the story and its just so unbelievable to see all of you liking this story. I'm gonna be looking out for every comment, feedback and request you guys have. Have a nice day!
Taglist: @multi-images
3 years later
The soft sunlight of the morning came into the room. The smell of grease overwhelmed the studio apartment. The beaming and uncomfortable beeping of the red alarm in the nightstand invaded your ears. Piles of books overloaded the place. 
Feeling the bothersome sound of your alarm and the sun coming through the blinds, you groaned as you moved the sheets over your head. Minutes moved by, and you got up, walking to the bathroom, massaging your temple. As a headache took over your head.
“Shit” You exclaimed as you glanced at the black clock in the bathroom. The bathroom had a simple black and white decoration, as did the rest of the apartment. After a few minutes, you ran through the apartment with mom jeans and an oversize black shirt.
The only thing that popped out in the apartment was a photo, a Christmas photo if we begin specific, the one that was years before as your wallpaper. You started a few seconds, before grabbing your cell phone and heading out. 
The first year was of mixed emotions. Breakdowns at midnight and midday, consuming heartache, solemnly depression, and many others. Every once in a while it would all consume you, leaving like when you first left, but somehow a few days later of remembering and hoping that they were happy and okay. The feeling would go away. Some days were harder than others but you tried. 
After a time your feelings slowly began to work themselves into a bottle, which you would box or shoot at it. You became a numb person, pain would be only physical felt, the sadness and heartache you once had become the base of the now built on walls, you created for yourself.
Boxing became your exit for multiple things, including anger, sadness, and fear. And in the path, you encountered a Russian, who became your family. Anatoly was a strange man, someone who cared in their own way. In the escape of your past, you became part of the now new organization Bratva. 
The good, cherry, positive, and type C personality became blank. Your laughter became silence. Your smiles became void looks. Pain became something you only could be the maker of. Changing into a soldier made you not gain anyone except for Anatoly.
Working as the mechanic of the Texan town, became somehow soothing since you could be at peace and alone. And as the mechanic of the town, who was a total ice person, social interaction became minimal and only when they were necessary. 
“Принцесса, good afternoon” The man in suit voiced, with a thick accent and a smile walking towards you.
You responded without moving out of the car, repairing the brakes. “I would say it's great to see, but it's not.” 
“I got a meeting, are you coming?” Anatoly commented as he moved to sit on the chair at the side of the car, waiting for you.
You rolled your eyes and went to move your head when you felt the hit in your head. Groaning and now with grease over your face and body you slide out of the red car, cleaning your now black stained face and hands.“Okay". 
Now in a hoodie and sweats. You walked inside of the car where the suited man waited, glancing at you, giving you the arms before you could speak.“You said it was a meeting, not that I need to punch anyone”
“Well, work is work, isn't it. Принцесса” He said with a smile, making you start the car.
You murmured as you drove off, putting both of the guns in your back.“Let's get over with this”
The warehouse was dark and empty. The only light on was the one beside a pile of boxes, and the cold breeze of the night hit you as you walked calmly to the light.
Two bodyguards at each side of the man, heavy but not strong. It was obvious they were more for intimidation than for actual defense of the old Australian man. 
The event scaled quickly, going from simple gun trade to the bet of the fight rings. The man started to bet and trade with nothing less. When Anatoly called the ‘no’ for all of the things, the bodyguards stepped forward. Making you roll your eyes as you spoke.“Now we don't want to go there, do we?”
“Okay, your decision” When both of the men went to raise their guns, you had already begun to fight them, Anatoly not minding any business but answering the now entering call in his phone.
After the old man ran, the two bodyguards shielded him. You killed one with a single shot before you grabbed the other breaking his arm, putting him on the floor as you pressure your body weight on it. 
The tall dark said as you were slowly torturing him.“Please, I'm sorry, I'm sorry”
“I gave you your opportunity and you didn't want it, idiot. I'm not letting you go away now.” You concluded getting up, and shooting him in the chest, before walking away to the car where now the Russian man is seated with a worried expression.
Putting the radio on, ignoring the man. You drove to the Hotel where the Russian stayed before dropping him off. He looked at you, before speaking goodbye.“Принцесса, good business.”
You stared at him before locking the doors driving away to the market down the street of the shop. You entered before grabbing a shopping car. Passing through isles, grabbing beer and chips, before walking to the register. 
The young woman on the register had made her life goal to annoy the hell out of you each time. Taking a big breath when you turned, the blonde flirted as you took out the cash to pay. “I like beer too, wouldn't you mind sharing with me?”
“No, I got work to do '' You responded with a cold tone, waiting for the receipt.
The blue-eyed blonde didn't seem to get the memo, and continued as she checked you out up and down, biting her lip before commenting.“You always do, beautiful”
You looked at her before, rolling your eyes, as she gave you the paper. Before shaking your head slowly walking away. 
The truth was that even after you tried millions of different ways, you couldn't forget about Lena. You tried screaming at a photo, you tried meditating, drinking to numb, crying to exhaustion, and more. But there wasn't a way that you could get the black-haired woman out of your heart.
Getting out of your thoughts when you felt a sharp knife, on your back and a voice whispering in your ear. “Keep walking, pretty girl, keep walking to the ally”
You rolled your eyes and did what the man told you before turning around to be met with a tall guy in his 30s with a shit-eating grin and the smell of alcohol and cigarettes coming out of him.
Your hand went to your back, taking the gun and raising it to his eye level. The now wide-eyed man began to shake, dropping the knife. Making you sigh, as you felt the headache get stronger.“Next time, just go home”
The man closed his fist and kicked the knife out of the way, before sprinting down the alley, only to make you pull the trigger, hitting his leg. The cries of pain became the annoyance of your night, walking up to him putting pressure on the now bleeding leg, you spoke frankly without any doubt. “Nothing happens, because if it did next one goes in your head”
Darkness and coldness was the only thing that could be felt at night, in Texas. The smell of barbeque and fries could be detected at miles away, and the comfort of the quietness made you feel relax and somehow safe.
With a beer in the hand and a book in the other. You were laying on the couch, chips, and pasta on the table as you did. Guns, large and small on the side table with silencers and packs of bullets on the side. Pills of depression, anxiety, and pain were beside the arms. The packet of beers on the ground, missing one. 
The door-knocking sound interrupted you from the relaxation moment you had. With a gun behind your sweats, a sports bra on, and the beer in hand you walked to the door, before scolding in a cold tone without looking away from your book “Anatoly, like you already know I punch once a day, now if you don't want one for yourself. I recommend you leave-”
“Y/N?” Interrupted Sam, looking at you with a confused glance.
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voidselfshipp · 4 years
Depth Strider
Summary: the team fortress mercs gain the attention of an unlikely diety
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Chapter 1:
Depht strider
Was she really going to do it?
She sits there on her motorcycle, as the sun sets, looking at the water that rocked softly against the cliff.
Was she really going to intervene?
She tugs at the hem of the fluffy jackets neck, she was running out of time to make a decision.
Of course she was going to.
She takes off the jacket and stretches taking a run to the water, diving head first with her clothes all draped in water.
The bubbles from her breath Rise up to the waters surface.
The tides come to life as a roar expands in the water like a soundwave.
Her pupils contracts, Forming a reptile like appereance with her emerald eyes, shining softly unbothered by the water.
Her soft thin hands are now deep dark red coloured scaly claws.
Her legs seem of an animal as she strides through the water feeling her wings impulsing her through the dephts of australians ocean.
Oh no, the submarine is already there.
She headbutts it making a dent in the carcass.
Her nose,that became smaller,Like a snout, sniffs something.
--Oh fuck!--her voice is distorted, thanks to the water.
She swims under the submarine trying to find a way to claw her way in.
Its a miracle that she hasnt been detected yet.
Her claws dig into the metal exterior holding for dear life as the big submarine impulses through the Ocean.
She can barely hear whats going on.
She needs to find a way in.
Jerico sighs ,when was the last time she attempted this?.
A small jellyfish seems to casually swim towards her, and sticks close to her.
And then the submarine trembles as a huge wave cracked, then the weather Turned badly.
A storm fell on the sea without mercy.
A friendly orca casually helps jerico to jump to an Open hatch.
And as soon as she gets in a mist of evaporated water envolves the room shes in, drying her.
The place is still rocky, her aunt and sister knew how to put up a show.
Everybody in there was freaking out,a perfect moment for her to sneak in the ventilation system.
She needs to Freed them first.
Hot summer wind hit teufort hard.
That same day,the team of mercenaries disbanded, as their employers died misteriously.
They all went their separate ways, apparently.
Before that however everyone decided to have one last beer togheter
Yes, even spy.
They were being loud, acting as if they all cared for eachother,they did, just they didnt show it to the others.
There,in the corner of a bar, a woman,Drank from her beer while looking at the men in the bar, one of them failed once again to flirt with the female barista.
Jerico felt bad for that guy.
So, she stood up, and Walked over the barista.
Okay jerico, you dads dorky charm needs to work on this Lady.
She cracks her knuckles,leaning over the bar.
The same female barista approaches her.
Jerico returns the smile--Hey,I was just sitting over there--she points with her gaze back at the corner she was sitting-- and couldnt help but just, look at you, I really like how you styled your hair today!
The baristas cheeks turn bright Pink,sttutering over her words-- o oh th thank you!you you also look very cute today!
Jeri giggles, well, im sure youve got more work to do, but how about you give this guy a chance,or if you dont want to, maybe give a chance to me ~
And what do you know?, the barista took some minutes off to talk to the guy sitting with the other men.
--Not only that girl Is a miracle worker but a saint-- a french Man said.
The guy looks at him, and scowls--Go to hell spy...
Jer looks at the men interact from afar,toying with the piece of paper the barista gave her with her number on it.
The old von terra charm never gets old!.
Its now around five pm, and she hears curses from outside the bar as she exists
That same Group of men seem to have some troubles with their car.
--Need help folks?--She asks, hands holding her motorcycle helmet.
--Im sorry --That same guy she acted as a wingman back at the bar said-- I dont see how a Lady like you can know about cars.
'Spy' slaps his arm--scout,thats no way to talk to a Lady
'Lady my ass' she thinks.
--But we'd appreciate the help--the french Man says.
Jerico smiles,that radiant smile of hers is enough to make some of them flustered--Great lemme see--She shoves her helmet to Scouts hands--hold this for me sweet-talker.
She goes under the car, and makes a tiny exclamation sound, then they hear a tiny clicking sound.
--Okay try it now
Spy gears up the car,it sounds as beautiful as it did before
--Mon dieu-- he says under his breath
By that time jer was already standing besides him--Merci mon chéri --the Man kisses the back of her hand while holding it.
Yet he sees nothing but a sweet kind smile, and somehow no blush.
--No need to thank me
She then moves on to the other Mans van.
--mundy is a bit stingy with his van, treat her like a baby -- a Man with a Texas accent said as he opened the vans hood.
--I Will, my dad was a mechanic, so I know what cars can mean to people, altough im alright if he wants to guide me through it, I mean it seems like its very personal so,I dont want to screw thing up
Jerico was indeed a miracle worker because for once Mundy, aka,sniper talked to another human being without sounding awkward
Scout just mouthes 'what the fuck' as the rest of the mercenaries watch their awkward teammate becoming a chatterbox with the misterious Lady helping them.
After ten minutes its all done, and they are good to go
--oi, thanks Sheila--mundy says, scratching the back of his neck.
--Dont mention it--jeri smiles.
--i dont want to sound weird but,whats your name?
--Jerico, jerico von terra
--Thanks jerico--the Man blushes, thank the god that his texan friend decided to help him.
--Come on we gon be late!
--Im coming Dell im coming!
And so the aussie Man, walks to the van and they drive off.
Jer puts on her helmet and drives just behind them,without them noticing.
They peeked her interest.
And what a rowdy bunch they were.
And so for the past months she has been following the other in each corner they went.
Scout,never shuts up.
Spy is a bit too classy.
The texan Man, Dell is very Smart and sweet.
Sniper, seemed awkward, and he was, but while he was on a supply shopping spree she saw the tiniest hint of his good heart.
But then there was this other Man, a cheeky German doctor, who liked to play god.
She remembers when was the first time they actually spoke.
He was still in América, going to a café by himself one day.
She decided to follow him, asking herself if he found it,would he find her creepy?
But as she was, the goddess of willpower, had low tolerance for people who berrated someone or made fun of other people.
She didnt like bullies at all.
The german Man had odd manners and behaviour , jerico wasnt weirded out, after what her family has got going on nothing surprises her.
That day at the café however , her temperamento got the best of her.
A Man taller than the german doctor,who his teammates reffered to him as 'Medic' , pushed Him--You should look where youre stepping, freak
Medic could fend off for himself, but jerico was faster than him.
--How about you say sorry for bumping into him?
Jeri came behind medic with her arms crossed.
--What is he?your boyfriend?--the Bully asked
She chuckles and looks at the german Man with a Sly smile--Hes very handsome, he could be my boyfriend, but you,poor you Will die alone with that assholness of yours
The Man didnt seem to take that too Kindly,he tried to slap her but her hand catched her wrist.
--i May be using a skirt but trust me boy I can kick your ass in more ways than you can imagine,lets make this easy shall we?
Yet the Man didnt want to make nice, he tried to hit her, to break free.
--Ill take that as a no
Medic was too amused so he sat back with a huge grin on his face.
And low and behold jerico did kick the bullies ass.
She twisted his wrist,the german doctor swore he could hear cracking as she did so, quickly positioning behind the Man and hitting behind his knees making him fall, jer still had a strong grip around his wrist,her foot stomped on his back , keeping him down.
Her voice is strong and firm,she lets go and the Man runs away, tripping in the main road.
Medic laughs trying to seem somewhat sane.
--May I repay you zhe favour my dear?
And so they stayed over, sitting in a quiet corner and chatting.
He was very charming,And actually got some giggles out of her.
But of course not everything can be fun and happy.
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static-sulker · 2 years
So...Science party and Sniperspy are stuck in my brain
My brain is fuzzeled by gay mercenaries. Started off with sniperspy and science party has bled into my brain too. whenever I think of the two ships I think in a very specific way. Sniper and Spy are the trope of either Enemies AND lovers, who want to beat the crap out of each other and can't get enough. Or they are a bitter rivals to lovers, who are constantly bickering but have there soft moments every now and then, constantly hushed by the calls of gunfire.
Engimedic seems like a couple after a bit of time growing together. They know each others limits and can hold the others back when on a cracking point. They constantly are decoding the other like a riddle, and know all of the others sweet spots and sensitive topics to not touch on. They care for each other, and support each other in even the most insane of projects, and even flooding their own ways of work into the others lives. Engie might sometimes help with an experiment he once would have gagged at, and Medic might actually assist the engineer with the new modeling of his gunslinger.
I love when my views change when whatever medium I see them in swaps this theme. When Mundy and Spy have been with each other for a lot longer now, now knowing each micro-expression on the once unreadable Frenchman's face. Spy know seeing the small things like how Mundy has a minor limp and a snarl tooth that barely noticeable if not stared at. I love a flustered Engie after realizing all those strange german words the Medic has so casually chirped were pet names the whole time. When Dr.Ludwig sees Engie take down his goggles for the first time, revealing soft almost crystal colored eyes of the texan for the first time after a long exhausting battle.
I like to think that Medic and Engie see the flustered faces of the two lovebirds for the first time, giving each other glances that no one else can read but the other. How the Australian stood at their lab door for the first time asking for help on these somewhat conflicted feelings. How Spy ever so quietly would walk past their open door to see if Sniper was inside as the routine became somewhat apparent. I could talk about them for hours, and I probably will. Maybe I'll write a full blown Engimedic and Sniperspy fanfic on both of their relationships or something :)
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