#so like yeah ill probably cry sitting here at my little bear coffee shop but
lightyaoigami · 2 years
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kateneedscoffee · 4 years
Break My Heart
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Synopsis: Falling in love with your best friend hurts even though they don’t feel the same way
Requested: No
Pairings: Any character you like x gn!reader
(y/c/n)= Your character name
words= thoughts
Warnings: Angst, unrequited love, and cussing (or if you’re sensitive about your height)
Author’s Note: This is my first ever fic, so please bear with me. 
Today is the day that I tell them about my feelings, the feelings I've had for so long. Ever since the day met.....
This is nice. The atmosphere was peaceful, with some people sipping their morning coffee and reading the daily newspaper. And here I was reading my book. 
I was too busy reading my book and I didn’t even notice the figure in front on me. They knocked on the table, gaining my attention. 
“Hey”, they said “do you mind if I sit here? There’s some people that I don’t feel comfortable in here and there’s no more empty seats.”
“Sure”. I said. They pulled out the chair and sat down. I inspected them, a habit of mine as a child, they look friendly, and I didn’t sense any harm in them. But, one thing caught my eye, they were beautiful/handsome. They were dressed as a model. Their hair neatly combed and it looks fluffy to the touch. 
“Like what you see?” a small smirk on their perfect features. 
“S-s-sorry! I didn't mean to stare.” Feeling my face turn red. A laugh erupted from them. “You’re fine, hun. I get this a lot.”
“Yeah, so many people will stare at me cause of how I'm dressed or ‘how beautiful I am.’ Mimicking the parentheses.
“Well, you are beautiful coming from a stranger that you just met.” you said. pointing a finger at your chest.
“I’m (y/c/n)” holding out their hand.
“I’m (y/n)” taking their hand.
And that’s how our friendship started...
They should be here by now. Sitting on one of the tables, looking for them. I’ve told them to come meet me at the new boba place, that’s just open up a few days ago. There weren’t that many people in the food court, some families here and there, some couples holding hands, or some people just want to walk around and do some shopping. Maybe I should text them. Sighing, I brought out my phone and tapped on their contact.
You: Hey, where are you? I’m near the place where we should have met up 10min ago.
Looking up from my phone, and seeing the crowd was twice the size as before.
You: Please hurry. The crowd is getting bigger and I don’t think I could survive here😞
You: Shut up
Them: I love teasing you😁
I smiled at the last text message from them. Deciding to play some games on your phone to pass some time. 
After a few rounds of winning and losing. You've felt a hand on your shoulder. Startling you, you give out a small screech. A loud laugh coming from the culprit that startled you. A few people turned their hands, wondering what’s happening.
“YEAH RIGHT. YOU CANT EVEN REACH MY HEIGHT.” Having to clutch their stomach from laughing too hard. Putting your head down the table, trying to hide the blush on your face.
“Okay, okay, okay, i’m sorry for making fun of your height. Can my friend please come out? Ill pay for the boba for running late and making fun of you” (y/c/n) says hoping to bring your spirits up.
By lifting your head up and agreeing to the offer. Getting up from your seat and walked to the boba station.There’s now a short line. You looked at (y/c/n) more closely, seeing them in their work outfit with sightly messed up hair, probably from running to get here, and some expensive sunglasses you’ve got them on their birthday.
When done ordering your drinks and (y/c/n) pays them. Walking away from the station. Sipping your drink and made a content noise. “That good, huh?” Nodding your head. They chuckled and took a sip from their drink. “Your right, it’s good” Taking another sip from their drink.
“Hey, do you want to go to the arcade? It should be downstairs, if I remember right.” Scratching behind their neck.
“Sure, but don’t you have work tomorrow? I don't want you to get yelled at your boss for being late.” Remembering from last month event.
“Nope,” popping the ‘p’. “I’m off tomorrow.” “Cool, that means you get to hang out with me.” “I sure do.” A smile adorning their features. 
Walking down the stairs and taking a few turns to arrive at the arcade. We’ve finished our drinks at the time and threw them down the trash before going inside and order some coins to play with the games.
“Hey, do you want to play some air hockey? I’ll give you 3 candy bars if you win” (y/c/n) smirked. Pride swelling up in their chest.
“And if you win?” “You’ll buy me some more boba” You thought it over, a small smile creeping up your face “deal”. 
When walking in and found a few kids were playing and decided to call out saying can we go next. They shooked their heads, “Nah, you old hags can wait after we’re done or decide to call winner?”, one of them piped up. “How about this, us vs. you?” (y/c/n) said. They've turned their head towards you, waiting for your response. Forgetting the deal, and agree to take on the group of children’s challenge.
“(Y/N), you go first and take these damn children down.” Giving you the striker and put some of our coins in the slot. The table was blowing up with air. 
“Ready to go down, midget?” placing the puck down and giving you a glare.
“Oh, you are on you demon” 
He hit the puck and it went inside my slot. Shocked over came you and it quickly disappear. “So, that's how you want to play, huh?” Getting the pluck out and hitting the exact force and speed to went inside his slot. “You’re going to wish that you never made a deal with us.” A evil smile that betrayed your innocence. 
After winning the match against the children and we've bought some ice cream for them as a ‘good game’. 
It was dark, when heading out of the mall due to the winter hours. 
“Those kids made a mistake by challenging us.” (y/c/n) says, by putting both of their arms behind their neck and giving out a stretch.
“yeah”, too busy thinking on how to properly say your confession. 
Noticing your odd behavior and stopped in front of you.”Is something wrong? Your not sick are you?” they said, voiced with concern. Putting a hand on your forehead to feel your temperature. 
“I’m fine, I need to tell you something first though.” Swatting their hand away lightly. Im going to do it. Right here. Right now.
“Sure, tell me what’s on your mind.” Their full attention on you.
Taking a deep breath, and to relax your mind from racing. You cleared your throat and looked up at them.
“I like you. I like because you always stick by my side. I like you teasing me, no matter if it’s about my height or not. I like you, no matter if you look like a hot mess in the morning or if have drool on your face. I like you because you’re so nice to me and you always take care of me when I'm sick. I like you-”
“STOP,” startling you out of your confession. “Just stop, it was very sweet of you to say that to me, but I don't feel the same way about you. Im sorry.” Looking at you, see your head bowed down. 
“(y/n), are you okay?”
Lifting your head up. A few tears streaming down your face. You quickly wiped them with your sleeve. “Yeah, yeah I’m okay.” Another tear fell down without you noticing, (y/c/n) tried to wiped it with their sleeve, but you quickly flinched from their touch.
“Please, don’t touch me. Or else i’m going to cry even more.” You whispered.
Quickly nodding at your words turning their back at you, you spoke up again. “Can you please do something for me, though?”, you said.
They've turned at you and nodded, and you grabbed their hand. Placing it on top of your heart. “Break my heart. Say that I’m just a friend to you, please”
“You’re just a friend to me. Like a little sister.” After those words, you released their arm and walked past them. Tears rolling down your face, quietly whispering, “Thank you, for being my friend.”
A/N: Wahhh, this broke my heart and I was thinking about this before typing it down. Sorry, if there’s spelling or grammar errors. My English is not very good. I hope you guys liked it tho.
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