#so many cute plans like we’ve been talking about valentines day for over a month at this point LOL
yourlostearring · 1 year
i am soooooooooo excited for the rest of this week i can hardly stand it!!!
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alegator · 2 months
hiii everyone :D i miss tumblr so bad and the ability to make long form blog posts ugh twitter is not the same plus the site and app are literally so shit. even though the tumblr app is not much better sometimes!! ive decided i want to post more on here to continue my little virtual diary…. I love the tagging system and most of all, love being able to look back and read my own updates!!! it’s crazy how it can help me recall the exact feeling of that moment… it feels special :) Twitter is great for quick fleeting thoughts so i wanna make lengthy life posts on here as a little time capsule, so i can have fun looking back and reading all my posts 10 years from now (if this site still exists. but i joined in 2011 and its still here so who knows). plus ive been posting my entire life on here for YEARS so who cares i will be vulnerable and over share and shit!!!!!! as is tumblr tradition… fuck it if youre my cousin on my homestuck side you can have my SSN.
moving on, here are fun life updates:
- celebrated my 11th anniversary on Feb 14th with the love of my life, Tenma!!!! i have been affectionately calling it the 7/11 anniversary since it’s been 11 years together, but also 7 years married 🤯 it actually fucks me up so bad that 2017 was 7 years ago like. genuinely lol FUCKKK HOOWWW 2017 should’ve been like 3 years ago. we choose to get married on the same day Tenma asked me out, which is also Valentine’s Day, and it was the best decision of all time for SO many reasons. maybe i will make a fun big post detailing those thoughts that another time!! we spent our anniversary day trying out a new coffee spot (so cute and SO pink omg), taking photo booth pictures at a new spot, exploring cute shops, and having an insanely delicious set menu i think maybe 6 courses? at a very fancy restaurant. i think 3 years ago we tried a new restaurant on our anniversary w their set Valentine’s Day menu course and it was so good, fun, and the best way to try out new foods so we’ve kept it going and i LOVE IT!!!!! i am already excited to see what tenma picks out for next year lol. finished the night by watching In The Mood For Love at our favorite local movie theater and i LOVED the movie, the whole end until bedtime we were just talking about it and dissecting it together. i love our life!!!!!!!!!
-tenma and i went to disneyland at the end of February for our anniversary trip!! ive gone before but they haven’t. IT WAS SO FUCKING FUN i am not a Disney fan at all but i love disneyland idk it’s just fun as fuck… um my feet were fucked afterwards lol but so worth it. one day at disneyland and the next at California aventure i wanna go back already but most importantly, tenma was already talking about wanting to go back and that makes me so happy bc it means they really enjoyed it!!! yay!!!! they even went on rides they thought were really scary just so we could try them together just once and that filled my heart with joy. then we also got to meet my online friend and had hotpot together. DELICIOUS i want to go back and explore LA next time and see more friends!!!! we are maybe planning a trip to San Fran in a few months though as the consulate is there to get my passport so that will take priority over any other trips☝🏼
-I GOT MY GREENCARD YEAGHHRHRHFJF!!!!!!!! ok actually i got it last year lol i wasn’t sure if i should put that on here but actually im so happy so fuck it!!! and then we celebrated by having a fancy dinner and I shared the news w the waiter who said he also did the same process w his wife! and yes i cried when i got my greencard idc i am HAPPY! crazy bc i got DACA for the first time in 2013 and then in 2023 i got my greencard… it’s been a fucking rollercoaster. and tenmas been there literally every step of the way…. Tenma is my rock I love them so much im crying typing this bc of how much i love them and how much they always support me and augnfngnfmg
-concerts this year have been Sonic symphony, kikuo/bo en/gus, Hannah Diamond, and hatsune miku (mikuexpo 2024)!!!!!!!! i loved all of the concerts genuinely so fun and next month i am taking my youngest sibling to a concert of a guy I don’t know but they love him so we will go and have a blast 🫡 idk if I’ll buy more tickets to more concerts but even if I don’t, it’s been a really really good year concert wise and i got to experience so many fun shows i never thought i would see live before!!
-spent time with lovely friends and celebrated old friendships and new ones yaaaay i love my friends and im blessed to have a good support system and I can’t wait to see what new friends I make in the future….
-I have a cold rn and took nighttime meds and unfortunately they are starting to hit so it’s time to say goodnight to tumblr…
If you read this far ummm ok weirdo… lol just kidding but i will try and post my lil life updates and pics more often so that not all my posts are like. months worth of writing… or maybe I won’t and the next time I make a post will be in a year idk!!!! this site is full of so many memories both good and bad and it’s dear to my lil heart, even if the feel isn’t the same since everyone mass migrated to Twitter, I want to come back here more often and make new memories whenever I can. goodnight 💤
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britswriting · 2 years
Desire (11)
Desire Masterlist
Read on Wattpad
*Colby's POV*
This past week has been insane. Leighton has been a wreck due to Gabriel leaving a few days ago, which meant I ended up spending the night at her place on the 29th. We've been in contact pretty heavily since our talk in the park, and now that Gabe is in New York, I've been trying really hard to check up on her and make sure she's okay.
On the first of February, I got a text from Aaliyah a few days prior inviting Sam, Kat and I to her family's cabin, the text reading, and I quote, "Harry Styles Birthday Party, February 1st, 1pm. Be there or meet my shovel" followed by "dress appropriate" which could mean many things, so naturally we went and it was surprisingly really fun.
We were all decked out in Harry Styles / One Direction themed clothing, and everything from food names to games were One Direction themed.
I honestly was unsure on how this party would go.. but if Aaliyah can do one thing, it's throw a good fucking party. I did however almost get ice poured down my shirt for saying the Jonas Brothers were better, both Leighton and Aaliyah wanted my head on a silver platter that night.
On the fifth of February, Leighton finally RSVPed for the Italy trip seeing as we finally got her signed up for a rehab center that would be a couple weeks long in the end of March going into April.
One of the concerns she brought up is her treatment falling over the trip, so we wanted to figure that stuff out quickly, plus, we were concerned about possible waitlists, and thankfully, the one we had found wasn't too bad.
I really hoped this works for her.
I hate seeing her in pain, even when she tries to hide it.
Once you're aware of how someone's feeling, it's really hard to see those glances or ticks and let them go unnoticed.
We've had a few close calls when it's come to her sobriety, but I knew she was truly trying.
It's been weird to be an outsider looking in during this time, and one thing I kept thinking about is when she first came over, and how "weird" she was acting... it was sort of like that now, but this time.. I knew why.
When Valentine's Day came around, I texted Leigh and asked if Gemma could be my valentine for the night, aka, can I babysit, and much to my surprise, she agreed.
I figured with Aaliyah moving and all, she'd want Gemma all to herself, but much to my surprise, Leighton actually had plans with someone, so it worked out well for her.
I ended up buying her an outfit, and Kat took some photos of Gemma and I that I posted to Instagram and Twitter, a cute red heart covering her little face in the photos.
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I honestly expected the photoshoot to go the same way it did on Christmas, but much to both Katrina and I's surprise, she was a happy little trooper for the whole thing, and we actually did get some really cute photos of not only her by herself, but her with Kat and I.
I saved the images to send to Leigh till after the day was done, not wanting to ruin the surprise of the adorable outfit.
I wasn't quite sure how the day would go, especially since Gemma was now two months old, but honestly, it wasn't bad.
She helped Katrina get ready for her and Sam's date night, she took a hardcore nap, and in the evening, her and I did a cute late night stroll in the park, looking at the stars and hearing the water.
We sat on a blanket in the park next to a pond, and watching her explore grass was something so little yet so big.
It was crazy to watch someone explore the world for the first time.
I caught myself running my own hands over the blades of grass, enjoying this moment with her.
I always knew we took things for granted, but I was almost envious of the two month old.
She was so excited to explore the world for the first time, that even something as small as grass made her appear so excited.
The way her little eyes would widen, and her hands would touch and grab, I truly couldn't take my eyes off of her.
Even at two months old, she had this look of curiosity, and I just knew she was going places.
Not in the sense of, oh she's going to run the world, but I could already tell she was going to be so interesting to get to know. She just had this look in her face as she saw shiny things or heard loud things that she was intrigued and wanted more.
She was already such a sweet, yet wild soul, that I couldn't help but daydream about what she'll be like as she gets older.
I think the weirdest part of the day was putting her to bed.
I wasn't used to having all the baby stuff in my room.
Yeah, I was used to seeing it around the place or in Leighton's room.. but my room.. it was weird.
She went out like a light and I ended up just chilling in bed, watching movies and letting her lay on my chest, taking in this day as a whole.
It was truly a day I will remember forever.
On the last week of February, Sam and I went on a mini trip down south to do some filming which was fun yet tiring and honestly, I was thankful to get back home when it was done.
Filming and traveling were taxing all on their own, but now we had to edit and do promo and prepare, so I was definitely feeling overwhelmed and extremely grateful that Leighton and I had our first ever "date" tomorrow.
I honestly don't think I've ever felt this nervous.
I felt like such an idiot standing in my closet trying to figure out what to wear.
It was kind of chilly out, but I wasn't sure if I should wear jeans, or shorts, a tank top, or even a t-shirt.
I ended up just going with some patterned pants, a graphic tee, slipping on some black shoes and grabbing my keys.
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When I arrived at our meeting spot, I saw Leighton immediately. I took a second to look her over, my eyes following her curves and the way her shorts hugged her hips as she was sat.
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I locked my car, practically jogging over to her, a smile lighting up her face.
"Hey!" She greeted, unclipping Gemma from her car seat on the stroller.
"Hey! Ugh she's getting so big!" I groaned, Leighton lifting Gemma out of the car seat.
"I know!" She whined, kissing Gemma's cheek. "I can't believe she's two months old" She pouted, "She's finally putting on some good weight though" Leighton grinned and I felt a smile show up on my face.
"That's amazing! She looks good Leigh" I complimented, seeing Gemma has chunked up a bit.
"Yeah" She breathed out, propping Gemma up against her thighs, Gemma's back against Leighton's stomach.
"Does that mean you're back to using breast milk?" I asked and Leigh nodded.
"Yeah, thankfully. I definitely learned my lesson with that one" She replied.
"So you've stayed clean?" I asked and a grin spread across her face as she nodded.
"I have! I uh, I have my moments, but I use some good old mean self talking to not follow through. I think finding out that weed stays in your body for so long and affects the breast milk is a big factor. I need to be able to feed my baby. I mean, you know I drank a bit at the end of February after Logan left, but I haven't touched anything for two weeks, and Cynthia has been taking me to my meetings"  She explained and I nodded.
"So living with Cynthia is going well?" I asked, knowing Leighton ended up giving up her apartment and moved into Cynthia's place since Logan was currently overseas.
"Uh.. yeah. Thanks for helping me move by the way" She mumbled and I sighed, knowing how hard this was for her.
She felt good about living on her own, but she hit a point mentally and financially that it just wasn't possible anymore, especially with Gabe now in New York.
We ended up talking about her moving back into our house, but with Cynthia now pregnant, and Leighton needing to be in a sober living house, we decided that her moving in with Cynthia so they both could help each other, and keep each other company would be for the best.
"It's a good thing Leigh, and it's only temporary" I reminded her and she nodded.
"Yeah, I know.. just sucks"
"I know, but this is just a stepping stone to the bigger picture. Don't let it hold you back" I reminded her and she nodded, reaching down and grabbing a toy for Gemma.
"She's starting to hold things now, she likes to death grip this like beaded toy thing" She chuckled, Gemma's fist grasping around the toy.
"She really is growing up so fast" I sighed, reaching over and tugging on the toy a little, smiling at the death grip she had on it, not letting my friction make it fall. "Well, should we blow this pop stand and get the hell out of this park? I'm hungry" She asked, standing up and I laughed, nodding.
"Are we driving together or separately?" I asked and we decided to drive separately, not trusting our current location to do any damage to our vehicles.
I held the door open for Leighton, laughing a little when the car seat banged into the wooden door.
"Leighton, careful! Precious cargo" I half teased and she held her hand down low as she flipped me off, pulling Gemma's car seat closer to her.
We got seated in a booth, and ordered our drinks, Leighton asking for a warm glass of water to prepare a bottle.
"I can't believe you're still obsessed with this place" She laughed, grabbing the hair tie off her wrist, pulling her hair back.
"This place is great, I don't know what you're talking about" I cocked an eyebrow and she snickered, tugging at her hair before unclipping Gemma from the car seat that was next to her.
"I'm thinking about cutting my hair, because now that she knows how to grab things, my hair is the golden ticket from Willy Wonka Chocolate Factory as I breastfeed" She grumbled and I laughed, my eyes landing on our sweet baby girl.
"How short are you planning on going?" I asked, glancing away from the menu, my eyes landing on hers.
"About shoulder length" She explained, motioning with her hands.
We stopped talking as the drinks were placed in front of us, thanking the waitress before looking back at our menus.
Leighton made Gemma a quick bottle with the warm water and formula, propping her correctly to feed her the bottle.
"You know, Kat's lowkey killing us for Gemma not living with us, and that you both are now living with Cynthia" I brought up, my eyes scanning the menu even though I got the same thing every single time I came.
"She'll be thanking me when she starts teething, or we start sleeping training. I gave up when she was so young. It was too hard, especially with having to get up in the middle of the night to feed her. I remember when Lexi and Landon were teething and I would literally cry to my mom about the fact that they were crying. I was such a bitchy child because I'm grumpy on low sleep, and I had school in the morning and their nursery was right next to my room and they'd cry twenty four seven. It was so annoying" She groaned and I chuckled at how annoyed she was, even to this day. "Logan luckily had the basement bedroom. I still call BS on that" She grumbled, censoring her swear.
"Weren't you four?" I asked, chuckling and she nodded.
"Yes. But it was still annoying, and I had preschool in the morning" She grinned and I shook my head, my smile getting wide as my chest shook.
"I thankfully am the youngest" I grinned and she rolled her eyes, a smile tugging at her lips.
"Lucky SOB" She spelled out and I laughed pretty loud, startling Gemma but thankfully she didn't cry.
"Yeah, but my brother tormented me" I told her, folding my menu and setting it down, knowing damn well I'm ordering my usual.
"It's Gage right?" She asked and I nodded, "Did you guys get along growing up?" She asked me, setting her own menu down.
"For the most part. Like all siblings, we had our moments" I told her, and we ended up getting lost in telling each other stories of growing up with our siblings before ordering our food.
"Dude, you need to branch out" She laughed as the waitress from earlier walked away.
"Hey! Don't fix it if it isn't broken" I raised an eyebrow and she rolled her eyes, her lips pursed as she held back a smile.
"Look at this little chunk-a-monk, she finished her bottle" Leighton cooed, setting the bottle down on the table, reaching for her burp cloth.
"Does she still spit up a lot?" I asked and Leighton nodded, getting in position to burp her.
"Not as bad as when you watched her and she wrecked your cute Valentine's Day outfit, but she is still quite the bubble machine" She noted and I grimaced, flashbacks to spit up running all down the front of her cute onesie, thanking god we took photos beforehand.
"Yeah, that was bad" I laughed.
It felt really nice to just sit and talk to Leighton for a while. I forgot how much I missed this.
Yeah we've FaceTimed a lot lately, and I've been over a few times, but we've both been pretty busy separately, that a lot of our communication lately has been through texts or just having each other on speaker as we did stuff.
It was nice to sit here, together, in person, even if it was at a slightly busy restaurant.
I somehow got forced into doing Gemma's diaper change, and that was quite the feat.
I thankfully made it out alive, and all of the fluids stayed where they should've.
As I walked Gemma back to the table, propped against my side, Leighton had a smile on her face, her eyes staying locked on us.
"You survived" She joked and I playfully rolled my eyes, sitting back down at the booth.
"Gemma and I have some war stories, you better be careful" I eyed her, both of us knowing fully well just how bad it's been sometimes.
"Oh I'm stuffed and my boobs hurt" Leighton breathed out, arching her back against the booth, rubbing her stomach as it hit the table.
"You're full in more ways than one" I teased and she chuckled, shaking her head at me.
"You're so annoying" She laughed and I grinned, bouncing Gemma against my thighs, her baby hands slapping the dirty restaurant table. "I was supposed to use this milk to feed her, but I refuse to breastfeed in public, and I don't want to lock myself in the handicap bathroom for an hour, so I suggest we pay and head home before I embarrass myself and my boobs explode and soak this shirt"
"Last year before you're a legal adult, how does it feel?" I asked Lexi, throwing my arm around her shoulder, pulling her into a hug.
"Ready to make bad decisions and my parents still be blamed" She grinned and I laughed, nodding as I let her go.
"Happy Birthday" I told her and she thanked me, Macy tackling her into a hug.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Macy screeched, Lexi laughing.
"Jesus Christ" I winced, plugging my ear. "Your scream is louder than baby G's" I laughed, cleaning out my ear, seeing Macy grin at me.
"It's my best friend's birthday!" She told me and I chuckled, nodding.
I heard a car door shut behind us, Leighton holding a car seat as she approached us.
"No it's alright Cole, I don't need help at all, thanks for asking though" She mocked, struggling to lift Gemma's car seat up higher against her inner elbow.
"Oh shit" I chuckled, "Sorry" I apologized, reaching for the car seat, but she turned away from me, pushing past me. "My bad"
"Happy birthday Roo" Leighton side hugged Lexi so she didn't smack her with the car seat.
"I was just excited to tell your sister Happy Birthday before you" I explained and Leighton ignored me, walking to the front door.
"Ohhhh" Lexi teased, grinning. "You're in trouble!" She scrunched her face up and I playfully rolled my eyes, trying not to smile.
I walked into the house, and Leigh was greeting her father, showing off the sleepy baby.
Leigh and I drove here together to one, save gas, and two, she slept over last night because Kat insisted on having a girls night, claiming that they never do stuff together anymore.
"Hey Colby" Her dad greeted and I nodded, saying a quick hello as Leigh excused herself to go lay Gemma down. I talked to her parents for a bit before I saw Landon enter the room followed by someone I didn't recognize.
"Happy birthday Landon!" I greeted, mingling a little bit with Leighton's younger brother.
When Leighton came downstairs, baby free, she walked past me and I mentally groaned, following her.
"Are you actually mad at me?" I asked and she turned around, shaking her head.
"No. Gemma's been a brat this morning, you know that. I'm just tired, sorry"
"It's okay. What's up with your brother?" I asked, and she gave me a weird look.
"What do you mean?"
"Oh, well I talked with him for a bit, and he seemed off" I shrugged.
"Oh. Braxton broke up with him"
"What?!" I exclaimed in disbelief.
"I dunno"
"Damn" I breathed out and she laughed, grabbing a water bottle out of the fridge. "I really thought they were endgame. I know they're only in High School, but as long as I've known him, it's just been Landon and Braxton" I rambled and she nodded, opening the water bottle.
"Yeah well, Lexi and whoever she's dating seem to still be going strong. I'm convinced he's make believe though because I don't even know his name" She laughed.
"I honestly forgot she was dating someone. I figured she'd be more annoying about it" I told her honestly, chuckling a little.
"Right!" She exclaimed, snickering. "Who knows, maybe they did break up and Lexi just hasn't said anything. I don't know. I just know her and Macy have been attached at the hip. If I didn't know any better, I'd think they were lesbians"
"Maybe they are"
"Honestly, I can't see it. Macy, maybe, but Lexi? No. Lexi is so boy hungry it's annoying, so if she's gay now, I want the past 12 years of my sisterly duties back" She laughed.
It was nice to hang out with Leighton's family for the day, celebrating her younger siblings birthday.
Lexi has been hogging Gemma since the second that poor little girls eyes opened, so when it was time to go, Gemma was not only exhausted, but probably happy to see someone else's face for a while.
"Hey, don't be a stranger. You're welcome anytime" Leightons dad told me as I slipped on my shoes, Leigh finishing up changing Gemma's diaper.
"I'll try not to be. Thank you for having me over. It was nice" I told him genuinely.
"Gotta keep the Missus happy" he joked, making me chuckle a little.
"She seems to be doing well" I noted and Sebastian nodded.
"Thankfully. She's 10 months into remission, so we're hoping we are heading in the right direction. I'd have for my kids to lose their mother this way, or for our granddaughter to not grow up with such an amazing woman" He told me and I nodded, agreeing.
"Alright dad, say goodbye to your grandbaby" Leighton interrupted, passing the freshly changed infant to her father.
"Look at this precious girl" He cooed, placing a kiss against her cheek.
"Bye bye lovebug" He murmured, snuggling the two month old against his chest. "You better bring her over here more often or we're gonna need to talk" he warned Leighton and giggled, nodding.
"Yeah, mom said the same thing. She used the fact that Gem's her namesake as a reason for why" She snickered and I chuckled, Sebastian eventually handing Gemma over so she could go in her car seat.
We finished up our goodbyes with her family, and the car ride home was pretty quiet besides Gemma's soft cries in the back.
"Do you want to go to my house or yours?" I asked, needing to know which direction I turned at this stop sign.
"Um... we can go to Cynthia's so I put her down" She decided and I nodded, turning on my left blinker.
"Have you had a good day?" I asked, not having seen her much during the birthday party.
"It was okay. I'm tired though" She leaned her against the window and I nodded, staying quiet.
We arrived outside Cynthia's house and I got Gemma out, walking to the front door with Leighton.
"Go wash your makeup off, I've got her" I told her softly, Leighton unlocking the front door.
Nova barked, scaring us half to death as she ran at the door, Gemma now crying again.
"Nova it's just me. Whatcha gonna do? Bite me? I raised you. You love me, move it" She snickered, carefully shoving her out of the way.
Nova lost her actual mind as we walked in, excitement radiating off of her.
After about an hour, we got Gemma down to bed and I gave Nova attention before wishing Leighton a goodnight and heading home.
Leighton came over two days later on March 15th, laying sprawled out on my bed as I edited, researching how to get rid of her criminal record.
I felt something hit my back, causing me to take my headphones off and turn around.
"Did you just chuck her stuffed animal at me?" I laughed, seeing the plush elephant by my leg.
"You weren't replying, what else was I supposed to do?" She asked and I chuckled, shaking my head and picked up the toy, tossing it back over to my bed, making sure it went in the opposite direction so it didn't hurt the nursing baby.
"Sorry, I was editing. What do you want?" I asked, making sure I paused the video I was editing.
"Do you think it's possible to actually do this? Or am I just wasting my time?" She asked, my laptop resting against her knees.
"What, getting it expunged?" I asked and she nodded. "I don't know. It doesn't hurt to try" I told her and she nodded.
"It's just.. it's so hard to get a job when I have a criminal record.. and it was a stupid thing I did in my teens, and now it's ruining my life. I can't get a good job to give her a good life with this hanging over my head. Just sucks to know that my dumb actions as a teen are affecting me now"
"Yeah.. I don't know what to say to be honest. I've never had it affect my career, I'm sorry" I told her sympathetically, not quite sure how to respond or help.
"Again, you're a lucky bitch" She laughed, shifting the boppy a little.
"I know, and I'm sorry that you're struggling to find a place that will let you work. I can't say that I know how hard that is, but I can imagine, and I wish I could help you more"
"Hey! I apologized for my actions" Leighton defended, Sam making fun of her for slapping him.
"I know, but I refuse to let it go" he joked and she rolled her eyes, tucking her legs up on the couch.
"I truly am sorry for how I acted.. I was just upset, and I know that doesn't give me any right to slap you" She apologized again and Sam nodded.
"I already forgave you. It's okay, but I still find it funny that you slapped me" He chuckled, Kat cooing at Gemma, shaking a rattle.
The four of us hung out for a while, ordering in and just enjoying our time together.
Kat someone got us all to start a puzzle with her, Leighton bringing up the Minnesota trip.
"I like doing puzzles until I get stuck, then it pisses me off" She laughed, flipping the pieces over.
"Kat is addicted to puzzles" Sam noted, Kat grinning.
"They're fun!" She defended, scooping a pile of pieces towards her.
Once our food arrived, Gemma was laying in Leighton's arms, being rocked to sleep so we stayed pretty quiet as we opened our containers of food, starting to do the border of the puzzle.
"Leigh, can I take a photo?" Kat asked, before snapping a photo of the two snuggling.
"Text it to me please" She said softly, Kat nodding.
"Leigh, you need to come to pizza night next week" Sam brought up, Leighton looking over at him.
"Oh.. um.. I.. uh.." She stuttered and once my brain caught up as to what was happening, I shot Sam daggers.
"Hm?" He hummed, now looking at me. I glared at him, shaking my head. "What?" he asked, Leighton now looking at me, causing me to groan.
"Don't" I warned and Leighton sighed, her head leaning back against the couch.
"Colby, it's okay. He can know" She said and I nodded slowly, Sam now confused.
"Leighton leaves for Rehab Tuesday " I told Sam, his eyes widening.
"What? Really?!"
Leighton nodded, grabbing a forkful of her pasta dish.
"Damn.. so wait, why can't you come Friday?" He asked, the room getting quiet.
"I mean, I could.. but I do need to prepare to leave" She said and he nodded.
"I mean, consider it a last hoorah before you come back" He said and she nodded.
"I can try.. I um.." She paused, Sam and I keeping our eyes on her as Kat continued to work on her puzzle. "I.. I don't know" She said softly, her gaze falling down to Gemma.
"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked quietly, leaning down to catch her attention.
"Um.. it's nothing. I'm good. I'm okay, let's just do this puzzle, and I'll try to come Friday" She said and I sighed, but dropped it, turning back to the puzzle.
I walked Leighton out to the car, carrying Gemma's car seat after she said goodbye to Sam and Kat, clipping the car seat into the car seat bucket, making sure it was secure.
I carefully closed the door, not wanting to wake the baby, Leighton leaning against her car door.
"Thanks for coming over" I told her, resting next to the back seat car door.
"It was fun. Thanks for letting me" She smiled and I grinned, shifting my weight on my feet.
"You're going to be alright, right?" I asked and she nodded. "You don't have to come Friday" I told her, not wanting her to feel forced to come hang out with everyone.
"It's alright. I'll try.. I just... I don't know what head space I'll be in. Last time it was rough. Preparing to go always sucks so" She shrugged and I nodded, pretending to know what that felt like.
"Alright" I sighed, "Well, drive home safe and text me when you get there. Sam and I have a meeting tomorrow, but I think I'm free Wednesday?" I told her and she nodded.
"I will, and I'll text you. Goodnight Colby" She leaned forward hugging me.
"Goodnight Leighton"
* * * *
Lil filler
Current date in the book: March 15th 2021, just so we can keep up with our timeline lol
Written on: July 18th, 19th, 20th 2022
Word Count: 4k+
Part Twelve 
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choiwrites · 3 years
kth | the day after valentine’s (m.)
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Words: 4.5k Synopsis: Taehyung, your best friend, had asked you to come over to help him arrange his furniture after moving for the hundredth time. It’s the day after Valentine’s and all the getting laid stuff is over, right? Not for Taehyung. Also, who the hell buys condoms after Valentine’s day? Rating: 18+ Author’s Note: This is a messy drabble that I have no intention cleaning or editing. I wrote this at liek 2am so a lot of typo’s ahead y’all.
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When you agreed to come over Taehyung's apartment, you thought he needed help with arranging the stuff that came from his moving van today. But no, your best friend's not the most truthful person you know.
He spreads across his dirty old couch, one he'd kept from his college dorm, wearing nothing but his basketball shorts that holds tight against his waist. Seven years since meeting him, he's done nothing to change his lifestyle. Every month, it's the same old scenario of him moving to another place after getting evicted for God knows how many times, and you watching him play a mobile game while you beg him to please start unpacking before a landlord sends him on his ass again.
"Let me finish this level, I'm so close." He looks for a second to study your reaction, annoyance painted clearly on your face.
You shrug, and your eyes dart over the cigarette pack that almost hides in one of his Goodwill boxes.
"I though you quit?"
Confused, Taehyung follows your eyes and he regrets in an instant bringing you here.
"I haven't had one in two months. I'm stressed lately."
Sighing, you try to understand. Taehyung's been on and off with cigars, he'd buy one in secret but sooner or later, you'd always find a lighter in his laundry when coming over. You advice him to keep his hand busy, and you'd even given him a bracelet that chimes. He removed it three months later and you never asked where he threw it away.
"Fuck," his finger swipes his screen as if he wanted to break it, "I almost got it!" he yelled.
He switches off his phone, now staring back at you. Your eyes fall, he's always intimidating. You couldn't blame him, you were always intimidated.
"What?" you croaked.
"What do you mean what? What's your plan?"
"My plan? Why do I have to make the plans?" Your fingers find the hem of your thin baby blue shirt.
"Because you're the smarter one. How do I arrange all my shit? You got any idea?"
"Taehyung, we've been doing this for ages. How come you still depend on me? There will come a day that I won't be here anymore and the only person you could depend on is yourself." Was it seeing the cigarettes that raised your voice, or remembering that he threw your handmade bracelet? You couldn't care less.
He was quiet. Then he opens his mouth, and he's quiet again.
"You sound like my mom," he says, meaning to tease you as if he hadn't used that for the hundredth time. "Was your date last night that bad? I told you you should come with Hoseok and I on Valentine's, we had an amazing night at Jungkook's crib."
There he goes again, ignorant of your troubles. Classic selfish Tae, the exact same one who stood you up on homecoming because he spent it having sex with Tilly Janes in his car. You're still upset about it, he didn't even think of going inside to give you at least a minute to dance with somebody on the dance floor.
"Mind telling me what happened? Did you get laid?"
"Do you ever think of maybe you shouldn't ask such inappropriate questions to someone?"
"Fine," almost tired in his tone.
And you spend a few more minutes in silence, guessing each other's thoughts with the way both your gaze lands on the floor. He clears his throat and forgets what he's about to say. You wish you didn't cancel your nail appointment today just to be with your best friend who still, in no surprise, doesn't have a single plan in his life.
Taehyung suggests he buys a stock from the grocery first, and when he says stock he means an awful lot of Oreo cookies and Lays. You agreed with him and he gets dressed, though the soles of your feet still hurt from walking in heels for three hours straight last night. If only you knew that Hyungwon would be bringing you to a walking spree, you wouldn't have worn a formal attire.
Taehyung spends his time choosing between peanut butter and double stuff. You tell him to pick the peanut butter one because you've never seen him finish the double stuff, he always throws the leftovers saying it was too sweet. He ignores your opinion and chooses the double stuff over the peanut butter.
He asks you again whether he should buy milk or pineapple juice instead, and you tell him to pick milk because whoever drinks pineapple is a monster. He nods in affirmation, commenting about how pineapple has a really weird aftertaste. And he brings the milk back to the shelf, putting the pineapple juice in the cart.
"You should dress like that." He points at a mannequin dressed in sportswear.
"You don't tell me what to wear, young man. I don't even jog."
"I'm just saying you'd look hotter." He scans you head to toe and your knees weaken a little.
He takes a route to the meat section, you already know why. He just wants to brag about being a vegan. Jungkook had convinced him last month to finally turn vegan, and he's been talking about it non-stop.
"I can't stand the smell of meat anymore, it's disgusting." He pinches his nose, wrinkles forming on his face.
"Okay, Mr. Vegan. We get it." You rolled your eyes.
"No, really. It's making me vomit," he says, nasally.
"Just make sure that once I cook chicken alfredo, your mouth wouldn't water."
Upon reaching the counter, Taehyung approaches the magazines and candy bars, leaving you in line.
What does he need this time?
And when you're up next in line, he comes back with a tight fist, hiding an item as he crosses his arms.
He thought he was sleek, but when he throws the condoms next to the Oreos, you couldn't help but laugh.
"You're buying condoms after Valentine's Day?" You throw your hand to your mouth, suppressing an uncontrollable laughter. "Did you run out last night or you're only getting laid today?" you added.
"Do you ever think of maybe you shouldn't ask such inappropriate questions to someone?"
You sighed. "But seriously, I know you wanna answer that question."
In the mood, you poke at his waist and he flinches like a worm. Taehyung was cocky, but he can be cute sometimes in ways he doesn't intend to.
"I ran out last night. Lucky you who don't need to buy another one since none of your dates ever pass your standards."
You couldn't point it out in what he said that made your heart throb, it felt a little offensive. Taehyung knows so much about you, it can get scary when he opens his mouth. What's he thinking right now? Cute little y/n, no one's ever good enough for her fragile heart. Cute little y/n, always finds a mistake in every part.
"That's not true, you know? I just don't settle that easily."
The corners of his lips lift, eyes rolling in disbelief. He was skinning you alive with that gaze, annoyed. He has a sarcastic smile sprawled all over his face, you just wanna punch it away.
On the way home, you thought about what he said for a second... For a while. You thought about it for a while. Was Taehyung right? Was his perception of you correct? Whatever it was, it did hurt. All you ever did for Taehyung was to be a good friend, and he gave nothing in return. You weren't expecting anything, but deep inside you knew Taehyung loves you just as much as you love him. But like every other person, insecurity gets in the way in relationships.
Maybe Taehyung doesn't even treat you as a friend.
No, you argued inside your head.
Sure, you've seen him in his most vulnerable moments. You've seen him break and you've seen him fall, you've seen him lose the inner parts of his soul. You've seen Taehyung happy, and you will always remember that specific laugh he lets out whenever he pretends something is funny. You know that he blinks when he curses because his body rejects it. He told you about his broken dream of becoming an astrologist, and you daydreamed together about the stars and the way they collide like magical dusts.
Maybe Taehyung doesn't know you like you know him.
Before the thought gets answered, Taehyung was already groaning as he puts the bags down to his counter. You had forgotten you arrived.
"We should start with your room. I'll place your clothes in your closet and you go arrange your miscellaneous."
He doesn't nod. Why won't he nod?  God, please, Taehyung, just agree with me once.
He remains standing with both his hands on either sides of his waist and he does nothing else. Still standing feet away from you, just knitted brows and a stern expression that you couldn't read. What is it this time?
"How was it?" His arms cross on the buff his chest, waiting for a response as he tries to read your reaction the same way you're reading where he's coming from.
"How was what?"
"The sex, y/n. Was it so bad you're in a bad mood today?" A laugh pauses in his throat, replaced by a rise of the corner of his lips.
It was a tug, or maybe a push, in your stomach that made your minds do wonders of spins. Such an unpredictable person Taehyung is.
There was nothing to deliberate inside your mind, nothing happened last night. Hyungwon went home without a kiss on his lips, and you're limbs gave out due to the amount of walking.
"There's no sex. We didn't have sex."
"Let me guess, he insulted your outfit? If not, he probably split the check." His index finger extends, eyes wrinkling to get out any more ideas from his dirty little head.
"Can you just- Ugh! What's with you and your insults?"
"How was that an insult? I was guessing which of what he did didn't pass your golden standard."
"If I had a better standard, maybe you wouldn't be my friend." Ouch. It wasn't directed to you but sometimes you just want to dissolve after saying something.
"I'm your friend because you have a high standard." He wasn't offended, not a single bit from what you have said. Was Taehyung that oblivious of how miserable he is? "If we weren't friends, I'm pretty sure I could get inside your pants."
You hoped he regret what he said, just as much as you wanted to dissipate earlier.
"I'm sorry, Taehyung. But my 'golden standard' would never, and I can't stress this enough, let you get in my pants, in an alternate universe where we aren't friends."
"Lies. Lies. Lies. I could easily get you swooning for me in just a matter of seconds, y/n. Stop, and I can't stress this enough, lying."
"Sure, Taehyung. Whatever you want me to fucking say." You turned your back on him to get a grip of yourself. You grunt, you shudder, and you sighed.
Cocky. Bastard. You could join those words together and it would still perfectly describe Taehyung. Perhaps you have a list of two words that could go either independently or together they'd still describe Taehyung well.
Arrogant. Pervert. Overconfident. Asshole. Striking. Idiot. Son. Of. A. Bitch. I. Just. Want. To. Punch. Him.
He places a grip on your arm to spin you to him. "I want you to say it," with a guttural voice coming from the pits of somewhere within his diaphragm, it's crazy how smooth it escaped from his lips.
"Saywhat?" as opposed to yours that escaped with so much tremble and crisp, thinner than air.
"Consent," he began. "I'm pretty sure I can reach your standard."
It was probably a bad idea. And a bad idea is followed by a spontaneous drive to try it, that's how it's done in movies. You'd probably regret it, right? But you'd regret it more if you don't get a chance to prove Taehyung wrong.
Fine. He needs a wake up call. He needs to wake up from that delusion he'd built inside his towering cocky arrogant head, no pun intended, that he's not every girl's cup of tea.
"You know what? Sure. What do you want me to do? Ride you? Then give you a blowjob after not finding the clit-"
He pulls you, hand reaching your lower back to push his groin toward your front. You were far behind than he was, Taehyung was already hard and eager. His lips were hot, warm around the tip of your tongue that vividly tastes the mint and smoke he had had earlier this morning. It was evident in the sloppiness of his kiss, swiftness of his wandering hands, and blazing fire underneath the lust of his eyes, Taehyung isn't exactly as what you have thought him to be.
The men you've slept with before, they were a floating fish in the sea. But Taehyung brings you sea deep into the weakness of your knees, the floor may have shaken 'cause you find yourself falling on his body and he catches you just perfectly, bodies molding with each other on the floor. Taehyung grips your thigh, to the north his hand traveled, his thumb harshly caressing your slit.
The position made it hard for him to move, he was struggling to reach every part of your body as he would have wanted so he pushed your body, and you look him in the eyes with question, both hands resting on his chest as he continues to play with your clit. He earns a sly grunt from you and he'd do anything to hear it again.
Then he was standing, carrying your body to the nearest stool he could find, desperate and quick. With one sharp thrust to lock you in position, he inhales the moan that went from your lips to his throat. Then he stops. He stopped.
"Moaning already, are we?" He lifts his brow, a crease forming on his forehead.
"Can you just get to it?"
He laughs. "That's not exactly how I always do it. I like to take my time."
You punch his shoulder, a questioning look taking over his features. Embarrassment flows through you. "This was a mistake."
He kisses you again, eating whatever insult was about to come out of your mouth. He wants to whisper it, that thing he have always wanted to tell you, in between kisses. Because now that he's got you under his touch, his tongue is burning just to say it. To distract himself, he digs into your waist deeper, sinking those three little words under your skin hoping you'd realize it.
You pull away, pushing him away from you. "Something wrong?" His nails have left their mark before you could figure out.
"No, no. Nothing's wrong."
There is though. You're not a stranger to not know the look on Taehyung's face. You recognize this one, it happened before. The trembling lips and crimson cheeks. They bring you back the day after prom, the day after Tilly Janes took his innocence.
"What happened last night?" you asked him, arms crossed against your chest.
"I'm so sorry I didn't come-"
"You came Tae. You came hard, didn't you? I can't believe you convinced me to go to prom just so you can leave me in there alone."
"I didn't want to. Listen, okay, I realized something last night."
"I don't need your apology, Taehyung. I don't need it. Jimin took me home last night."
"What? Why?"
"Why? Because some asshole left me without a ride. That's why!"
"I was looking for you last-"
"Shut it. He asked me on a date. So thank God, I'm at least in a good mood today to not flame on you."
"He asked you on a date? Are you going?"
Trembling lips and crimson cheeks. He gulped so hard you heard it.
"I am. Hey, are you okay?"
"I just can't believe someone would even ask you out. I'll be going, forget I came."
It's the same face, the same gulp. You put your hand on his cheek, like what a mom would do to an injured child, and he holds it so you won't ever let go of his face.
"We can stop. I know. This was a bad idea. We shouldn't have done it."
He shakes his head, his other hand creeping behind you. He latches his lips onto yours again, pulling your shirt up to reveal your stomach. The kiss was different, a touch of hunger for affection. A slow open one, mostly the breaths clashing in a soft whisper.
"I want you, y/n. I want you," he whispered to your mouth. You push him to the couch, straddling him and he groans in satisfaction. He pulls you closer, enough for his chin to land on your chest and he looks up in pure admiration of you.
There was more behind the words he said, but with the heat pooling in between your thighs, you couldn't care less as of now. It's something you'll resolve after. He tucks a strand of your hair as he makes thrusts underneath you, the thick cotton of his sweats didn't do anything to conceal his cock aching for you.
You remove his shirt, not being able to take your eyes away from his body. Sweet and honey under your gaze, he tenses them and you couldn't help but laugh at this. Kissing every inch of his exposed skin, you kneel as your knees approach the floor, not breaking eye contact with Taehyung while untying his sweats. His hand fails to fall steady on your arm and his Adam's apple bob in anticipation.
There's warmth that spreads across your stomach, different from the one in between you thighs. It's like electricity that continuously ignites a fire inside you when you notice his excitement, eager to have your mouth around him. A sign of reciprocation that he wants this just as much as you do no matter how hard you try to deny it, a catching fire of the thought that maybe he looks at you the way you look at him throughout all these years. Even now that you're not looking in his eyes, the continuous ignition of sparks inside you still teases.
You reach for his length, softly wrapping it in your hand and his breath quickens along with your heartbeat. Studying every detail, even the cold tones of the veins that spreads like tree roots. In usual occasions, giving head never takes your time. You suck it and finish it, no more and no less, nothing special really. But it's Taehyung, and his difference from others makes you uncomfortable in a way it shouldn't be possible. Trying to forget these unnecessary emotions, your thumb circles the head of his cock and he couldn't help but make his lip bleed, the agony of it keeping him awake to not fall into your dreamy touch.
His shorts reaches the floor and you made it quick to to kiss the base of his glistening length. Your index finger making lines on his thigh while the other keeps his cock steady as your lips move upward. You've never imagined how he would taste, but you were always sure he tastes exactly like he tastes now. Bittersweet. He throbs at the heat of your breath, thighs almost jumping when your fingers find his balls. He emits a groan that strengthens the force you're putting in your thighs to keep your core intact.
Down you go, the head of his cock deepening in your throat just like his grunts, getting lower and lower until he thrusts upwards making you gag and he releases a high-pitched whimper of your name. Tears blur your vision and a moan sends minimal vibration to his cock.
"I don't think... y/n, fuck, I'm not gonna last long," he confessed, and you finally look up to see him without removing him from your mouth.
You tongue swirling still and he has gone rabid trying to control himself, clenching your hair as he lets himself go maniac against your throat. He stares at you with mad eyes, his mouth failing in keeping him quiet. Only his groans, his throat-fucking, and your whimpers that you can no longer suppress. You're a little scared maybe he'll get too confident and tease you on your gagging, calling himself so big he made you cry.
He pulls your hair and he tries to get a hold of himself, catching his breath to gain stability. Before you can wipe the corners of your lips, he was standing up and taking your shirt off. He frames his chin with his index finger and his thumb, making you grow conscious of your own body. He had no reason to be looking so long, he'd seen you in a two piece more than one occasion. And he's going behind you, putting a finger at the waist of your shorts, bringing it down slowly until it lands by itself. He wraps your hair in a pony as the other grips your ass, a throaty growl escaping from his body.
He rotates you to the other side, an empty blank wall where you can see the fool you made of yourself. The argument ends here. The argument has ended since he had kissed you like no one had kissed you. You shouldn't have underestimated Taehyung, because he's now biting your shoulder as he slowly descends you to the wall. He hums, this close he can hear the tiny whimpers you try to keep to yourself, your fragile voice that can break once you open your mouth to say something. He can hear them all and he's aware of the power he has over you.
A hand holds both of yours behind your back, and once he has successfully taken your white underwear off, he's positioning the fat head of his cock right in your entrance.
"Make it easier for the both of us and just say it, y/n," he commands, his breath echoing in your ear sending voltage in your spine. He bites your ear and he whispers again, "Baby, please."
Taehyung laughs at your adorable cluelessness. He doesn't answer. The next thing you hear was the expansion of his breaths, getting heavier and heavier it's almost a hum as he slides himself inside you.
"Taehyung," you say in a falsetto, "god, Tae, fuck!"
"Hmm, fucking tight. You're so fucking tight, y/n. Your pussy's taking my cock so fucking well," his knees bend to enter you deeply, this sharp thrust hitting a spot in you you never knew you'd feel, "maybe now you'd let me fuck you often, huh? You're gonna take my cock anytime you want, I'll fuck your brains out, ruin you and your cunt."
You respond with a soft murmur of you're not entirely sure what, because Taehyung was already fucking your brains out and you had no other thoughts but the feeling of his cock that slips in out of you so easily. He'd hit that one spot and you're going to release yet another cry and he'd enjoy every note of it. You're a mess with strands of your hair sticking to your face as the sweat trickle down your temples.
"Tell me what you want, y/n. Want it fast, baby?" He speeds up his thrusts, your ah's getting louder as he almost sends you to your high. "Or you want to cherish every inch of my cock?" He slows down which brings you wailing, whimpering his name over and over until you're no longer sure if it's even coming out right. His free hand lands on your ass and you gasp as if inhaling after suffocation. "Answer me," he speeds up his pace again, "answer me, y/n."
But you couldn't, there's nothing in your body that you trust right now especially your voice. He growls, unsatisfied with your silence which leads him to pulling your hair and pushing your back to the wall. You're almost embarrassed to see his eyes once more in the state you're in, overpowered by the despair of wanting nothing but to have Taehyung take you to your climax. Your eyes are begging for him, hell there were tears coming from them as he enters you again.
He cries out, "I want to fuck you all day long, would you let me do that?" He continues to carry you upward the wall and your weight would go down whenever he pulls himself from you. You nod and as he sees this, his head moves back to watch your body crumble before him, giving him no more than satisfaction. "Look at you desperate for my cock, such a fucking whore for me, aren't ya?"
In every "hm" he makes, he enters you harder and rougher, makes you want to stay silent. You bite your lip, feeling yourself come to a close. Your thighs pulling together like magnets, wrapping his waist while it shakes and he doesn't take one second to land your body on the couch, watching your orgasm hit you with spasms traveling your whole body. Taehyung wraps his cock in his hand, moving toward your mouth as he jerks himself off to his own orgasm. You take the spurts of his fluid landing on your tongue, his waist twitching while he groans for each drop of cum.
He sighs, falling onto the couch where your legs are still apart. He smiles at your nakedness, not giving a second thought as his middle finger enters you once more. Your body  sits straight, only to land on the sofa's arm. "You're so fucking pretty," he commented, his body hovering over yours again. He kisses you.
"I can't handle," you say before Taehyung cuts you off with another kiss, and another, and another, his finger in and out of you which as the minute grows only turns from pain into pleasure again.
"You're going to," he whispers and he kisses you again, until you're crying his name and he just studies the way you react to his slender finger. "So pretty, so, so," he curves his finger resulting to your second orgasm, "pretty." He makes sure you see his savoring your juices in his mouth, and once he was done lapping up his finger he puts them inside your lips, tasting nothing but his saliva.
"Do you get it now, y/n?" He unclasps your bra, and from then on he ignores your eyes. "This is why I run out of condoms."
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ayybtch · 3 years
Bucky Barnes x f!Reader
Summary: You really love animals, Bucky not so much. A random TikTok brings to light exactly what Bucky thinks of you.
Word Count: 1,776
Warnings: Being told no to getting animals, a couple swear words here and there, blink and you miss it suggestiveness, and a very strange TikTok
A/N: Happy Valentines Day everyone! I watched this TikTok months ago and absolutely lost it when I saw it, so definitely give it a watch! Dividers made by the lovely @firefly-graphics​
A Mutual Weirdness Masterlist
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Days off were a rare occurrence for Bucky. Rarer still were days off that coincided with yours, and it practically required cosmic intervention for both of you to be off on a weekend. This was the first Saturday Bucky had off in almost two months and he planned on spending it doing absolutely nothing.
He made a point to sleep in and stay in bed as long as he possibly could. Once the grumbling of his stomach finally won out, the day would start off with a giant breakfast followed by a long, hot shower. The remainder of the day would involve him sitting on his ass while enjoying a good book or watching TV. He’d stay where he was until he needed to eat and that’s the way he liked it.
Today, he wanted to make some progress on the strange Romanian murder-mystery novel Wanda had recommended. She swore up and down that it was one of the best she’s ever read, but so far Bucky was not impressed. The pacing was too slow, the characters were too dull, and the murder itself was not all that intriguing. He would have stopped already if it hadn’t been for Wanda pestering him about it.
He had been laying on the couch completely immersed for almost an hour trying to solve the case before the lead detective when you came rushing into the room. You climbed into his lap and sat there staring at him, eyes unsettlingly wide. Bucky peered back at you over the top of his book, suspicious as to what could possibly be running through your head. A small smile started to appear on your face, but you remained silent.  
“Can I help you?” Bucky asked after a few minutes without any change to your expression, which was growing more and more manic-looking by the second.
Your eyes seemed to snap back in focus as he spoke and the rest of your face became serious. “So I had an idea…” you said cautiously, suddenly far more serious than he had ever seen you look before. “What if we got chickens? Not too many, just like three. I think three is a good number.”
Bucky stared at you in disbelief. “We live in an apartment. Of course you can’t have chickens,” he said flatly. You rolled your eyes at his response.
“Obviously not right now, but in the future when we’re not living in an apartment. You know, after you and I get hitched and find a house we like.”
All of the confusion and concerns Bucky had were thrown out the window as he processed what you said. You want to buy a house with him? You want to marry him? The thought of being with you forever made his heart skip a beat and filled him with an overwhelming urge to kiss you. He realized you were still watching him expectantly, waiting for an answer. “S-Sure, I guess. I never really liked chickens though -”
He wasn’t even able to finish his sentence before your lips were pressed against his.
“You are the best! Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!” you yelled, kissing him all over his face between thank you’s.
When you broke apart, an excited squeal left you that had his ears ringing. You laid down fully on his chest and started rambling about how nice it would be to have some land so you could have a nice big garden filled with every fruit and vegetable imaginable, a decent sized back patio or porch for friends to come over, and plenty of space for the chickens to have a giant coop. You even started listing out possible names for the chickens. Your seemingly endless ramble ended unexpectedly as you trailed off mid-sentence, gasping slightly after a moment. You picked your head up just enough off his chest to look him in the eyes.
“If we have enough room, can we also have goats?”
Bucky groaned, “Don’t push it, Doll. I’ve barely agreed to the chickens.” He pulled you back down onto his chest and placed a gentle kiss on the top of your head before he continued reading.
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It was almost a week later before Bucky had his next day off. He decided to plan a long-overdue date night. It was nothing fancy, just a casual dinner at a restaurant you liked followed up with dessert. After you left the restaurant, the two of you made your way through a stretch of Central Park. He had intended for it to be a romantic walk, full of hand-holding and kissing that maybe could lead to something else once you were back at the apartment. Instead, it quickly turned into one of the worst decisions of his life.
Everything was going according to plan until you spotted the raccoon family of three hanging out in the tree not far off the path. Bucky didn’t even need to look at you to know you were staring at them with the same heart eyes you always stare at animals with.
The raccoons were in a relatively low tree branch, each snacking on some food they had scavenged from a nearby trash can. You pulled Bucky off the sidewalk and into the grass. Your excitement grew with each step you took towards the tree.
“Bucky look at their little hands! How cute are they?” You whisper yelled, practically jumping up and down with excitement. You were so focused on them that it gave Bucky the chance to watch and appreciate how enamored you were. While it drove him nuts sometimes how many animals you wanted, it never stopped being adorable to him how passionate you were about them. Bucky had no doubt you’d manage to sweet-talk him into more than he’d care to admit, but if it meant seeing you smile like this every day then it’ll be worth it. He was so lost in his thoughts of what your future may hold that he hardly heard what you were saying to the raccoons. It wasn’t until you finally turned to look at him that he tuned back into what you were saying.
“Do you think raccoons would make good pets?”
Without a word, he picked you up and slung you over his shoulder before turning to walk away, shaking his head as he did.
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“Oh my god, babe! Look at this baby cow!” you gushed, bursting out of the bedroom and into the kitchen where Bucky was making breakfast. “It’s so fucking fluffy, I need it.” The emphasis on need left Bucky scoffing as you shoved the phone into his hand. You stood there and stared at him, grinning ear to ear as you continued to ramble about the baby cow.
He eventually had to cut you off, “Doll, we’ve been over this a dozen times. You don’t actually want a cow, you just want a cow you can hang out with. Now sit down and eat your eggs before they get cold.” He scooped out some scrambled eggs onto a plate before placing it at your usual spot at the counter.
You grumbled slightly before sitting down on the barstool, stabbing your eggs harder than necessary with your fork. “You didn’t even acknowledge how cute it is.”
“It’s very cute. But I’ve already agreed to quite the menagerie so I have to put my foot down somewhere. I’ve already said yes to the chickens and it’s at least maybe on goats, and possibly a pig if we have enough room.”
“I’ve already said yes to the chickens and maybe on goats and pigs,” you said mockingly. “What difference does a cow make if we’ve already got all of those?” you asked, mouth full of food.
Bucky stared at you, shaking his head and sighing. “You’re lucky I love you, woman.” He pressed a kiss to your forehead and sat down to join you for breakfast.
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It was almost a month later before the two of you finally were able to have a quiet night together. The evening had been spent cooking dinner, making a mess in the kitchen as you did, followed by making a different kind of mess in the living room not long after. Now, the two of you were laying in bed together winding down for the night. Bucky was reading while you laid there scrolling mindlessly on your phone. You giggled from time to time, pausing to show him a funny meme here and there, but for the most part, the room was quiet.
It wasn’t until you were in full-on giggles that Bucky leaned his book against his chest and stared at you waiting for an explanation.
Once the giggles died down, you rolled slightly to be closer to him. “You have to watch this wack ass video.” Your laughter started up again before you even hit play.
Bucky watched as the guy in the video kept pulling out stranger and stranger animals. He chuckled throughout the video, but it wasn’t until a thought struck him at the end that he really burst out laughing.
“That’s going to be you in five years if I haven’t already married you and kept your psychotic ass from getting an unreasonable amount of animals.”
Your laughter died and you stared at him reproachfully. “Bucky, baby...do you think I’m psychotic?” Somehow you managed to sound unconcerned by the possibility of being psychotic. If anything, you seemed almost amused.
“Honestly? I think you’re on the brink of snapping sometimes,” he said with a slight shrug.
You stared back at him, not fully sure if he was joking or not. The serious look on his face confirmed he wasn’t joking and you couldn’t help but laugh. “Good to know you think I’m one mental breakdown away from snuggling with a possum, you jerk,” you teased, placing a quick peck on his cheek.
Bucky turned to fully face you, looking you dead in the eyes. “Be honest with me, if the possum was replaced by one of those raccoons we saw a couple weeks ago, how unreasonable would that seem to you?”
Your face felt hot and you stuttered for a moment before going quiet. “I guess that’s fair,” you mumbled, eyes rolling slightly. “But raccoons are cuter, you can’t blame me for wanting to snuggle one.”
“I know, you fucking weirdo. Now come here,” Bucky said, grabbing you and pulling you into his chest. He pressed a kiss to the top of your head and a comfortable silence fell over you. A few minutes later, Bucky spoke again.
“For the record though, possums and raccoons are both firmly on the ‘no’ list.”
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rosemary & mint
duet masterlist
description: george was rude enough to come into your work earlier that week and put you in an absolute tizzy with how handsome he was! you were determined to make him pay. it’s a mutual surprise though, when you discover how effective the tiny things can be in making someone lustful. after all, he’d called coming over a ‘date’ hadn’t he? 
author’s note: this is set in ‘98, so a little while after the war. so we’ve skipped ahead a few years from the ‘last’ update. i think y’all will love this, and enjoy the filth haha! this is the next part in @ickle-ronniekins​ and i’s series! hope y’all love it! 
warnings: sexual content, drinking. minors beware. 
length: 5.1K 
You never would have thought of yourself as someone who was cheeky. A bit of a ditz at times-- though intense healer training had landed your head outside of the clouds a bit more often. At least while you were working. 
Except when George had come in. You felt the familiar tingle and warmth in yourself grow once more remembering how it felt to touch his skin. It wasn’t fair! It was absolutely rude of him to become so handsome in the intervening years! If you weren’t in such a tizzy just thinking about the muscles in his arm you would write him a letter and give him a piece of your mind. 
You’d had your fair share of adult dreams. You were human after all. Your penchant for romance novels probably egged it on at least a little bit. George had inhabited every single one of them so far. However, that was the first time you’d come so intimately close to him shirtless, and you still felt more affected than any of those dreams that had come before. It was incredibly rude of him! Especially with that cologne. If he weren’t due to come over soon you would have locked yourself in your room with a quieting spell. A rude man! However, as you cleaned yourself up you grinned, you had a plan for payback! You’d remembered some crucial information Fred had imparted upon you years before when he was quite drunk. George liked legs and bottoms more than breasts and arms. Thus, you were in your best set of leggings, paired along with an older sweater-- one that tended to slouch off your shoulder. You’d even paired it with a lacy bralette. Reasonable enough for unpacking furniture. You couldn’t help but giggle as you looked at yourself in the mirror, tying your hair up in the sparkly ribbon he’d made for you a few years prior. He would see what happens when he was so rude and handsome! Payback! Now!
You noticed with a frown how wrinkled the pads of your right hand’s fingers were. With a flush you hide your hand inside the baggy sleeve. 
Hopefully he wouldn’t notice that. 
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George wasn’t sure why he was nervous. It was you! He’d seen you only a few days before. It was fine. You seemed more nervous than you used to, but perhaps it was because you were at work? The memory of your fingertips dancing across his wound still made his throat clench. Everything seemed different and the same at the same time. Your smile, your jokes-- more grownup than they were before! You carried yourself differently too. He wondered if you thought he did as well. 
The cardboard handle of the six pack of beer in his hand felt as if it was going to leave a rather nasty bruise-- the perfect amount of sensation to get himself out of his thoughts. You still had the ribbon he’d given you. Still sparkling just as brightly as the first valentines day out of Hogwarts. Granted, he still had the ribbon you’d given him didn’t he? Still tied to his wrist. More brown than blue. Quite tattered after years of nonstop wear. He couldn’t take it off. It was what he’d hung on to during the war. The chance of seeing you again, when pushing you away, had hurt so bad. Especially when you’d seemed so sad about it. But now-- now was the chance to change that. To show he was grown up. To show you that things had changed. There was nothing more to worry about. He could completely and utterly love you now. He always had-- but he could finally show it. Perhaps. Perhaps if you didn’t love him yet-- he could get you to fall for him. To make your breath catch when you saw him. To make your pupils go wide. To make your fingertips itch to pull him closer. If George could make himself funny enough. Wonderful enough. Smart enough. You would fall in love with him. Hell-- he would take even the slightest bit of fancying. Whatever it would take for you to open up your heart to him. He’d be a good boyfriend, he thought. He would be a wonderful boyfriend. 
It was when he had to adjust his grip on the six pack again that he realized he’d lost himself in his thoughts at your doorstep once again. Frowning at his own absentmindedness, George knocked on the door. Unsure of what he was expecting, he still found himself blown away by you when you opened the door. Your small smile was the same, the way it grew wide and your arms flung around him to hold him close. All the same. His arms were clunky around yours, and while George always took care of where he placed his hands, he took an extra amount of care that night. He cursed whatever being-- if there were any-- who was up in the sky for this. You were wearing leggings, and George already found himself plagued by far too many impure thoughts to be occupying your presence. Still, you dragged him inside. Absentmindedly he noticed that your right hand had wrinkled fingertips. Perhaps you’d been washing some dishes. He saw a few in the sink. 
“Thank you for coming to help Georgie! It’s been positively dreadful. This is the first proper night off I’ve had in a while. Can you believe I’ve been paying rent on this place for a month now? And couldn’t move in?” Already, you were talking quickly like you would when the two of you were younger, remembering something unjust that wound you up so bad that George simply needed to buckle in until you’d gotten all the words out of your head. Bloody hell, you were cute when you got wound up about things like this. George made a very conscious effort not to look at your bum, and instead focused on the task before him. It was a tiny flat, with a small living room attached to a kitchen. Down the hall there were only two doors. Which he presumed to be your bedroom and the restroom. “--Maybe I ought not complain. I’ve been getting some extra money with the shifts I’ve picked up… and I don’t want to be ungrateful.” He could already see it-- the little circles looping around in your mind. You were doing everything you’d always done. Padding around in a circle as you thought aloud. Playing nervously with the ribbon in your hair. Fiddling with the baggy sleeve. It was like everything was the same and different at the same time. Because you stopped your walking, like you’d never done before. You giggled like he hadn’t heard before. Fixed the ribbon to tie your hair back tighter until it looked less like a bow and more like a shoestring. Like you’d never done before. The mustard colored sweater was draped off your shoulder, showing a lacy strap that George willed himself not to wonder about. “Sorry. I’m ranting. I’m just glad you’re here. I missed you bunches, you know.” 
He’d forgotten how easily you could fit your hand through his ribcage and steal his heart from him. However, he was just discovering how you could do the same to him in other places. He’d been in love with you through adolescence. You’d occupied every fantasy he’d had. However, he was still trying to work through the shock that he’d stumbled into something akin to a fantasy he’d had last fall. When you wore a dress with leggings. George hadn’t the foggiest what he’d done to bless him like this. Or a curse. He wasn’t sure. He couldn’t help the smile that came to his face. It was dopey. He knew it. He wondered if this would be the time that you finally saw through him. “I missed you bunches too.” The sting of the war seemed so eager to come back. How you’d cried when he’d insisted on staying apart and no contact. How his hands had shaken when he wrote back to your sweet note saying that you couldn’t write to him anymore. “You did?” Of course he did! How could you not tell? 
“Always. I missed you the whole time, silly.” It looked like you were proud of yourself almost, the little laugh as you tug him into a hug once again. It was baffling, but George couldn’t make himself care. 
You were back in his arms. And George was determined to win you over somehow. 
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George had never quite felt like this before. The tension in the air as he watched you bend over and stretch to grab things and put your bed together. Your flushed face as you attempted to put on a fitted sheet all on your own-- the muggle way, you’d exclaimed. The giggles as he watched beads of sweat start to form on your hair line. Your hair falling out of place. He’d never seen that happen before. The way you kept wetting your lips in concentration as he reached up to hang your pictures. 
The way you looked at him through half lidded eyes when he’d had to take off his sweater until he was back in the t-shirt he had on underneath. When you offered to crack open the beer he’d brought, George was quick to accept. He needed something cold, before you noticed something rather embarrassing about him. It was when you were putting away your dishes while he had begun to set up your table and chairs that he finally thought of something to talk about. What had you been doing! Perfect-- a perfect topic. Very appropriate. “May I ask you something?” You looked at him over your shoulder, the little smile still on your lips, eyelashes fluttering. “Yes Georgie?” Perhaps it was because he was so goddamned turned on, or perhaps it was because the two of you had discussed far more sexual things before the war. “Is that uncomfortable?” You frowned, and turned to properly face him, “Is what uncomfortable?” His face was bright red-- why did it have to be something lacy? He had such a thing for lacy garments. “Your strap. For your bra. Isn’t it uncomfortable?” There was a look akin to pride on your face that George didn’t understand-- maybe it was something new? “It’s comfortable. The lace is very soft, and since it’s wide the weight is distributed well.” You walked over slowly to him, and George found himself automatically sitting down on the table-- as if something told him he needed to sit down for what was about to happen. “You can feel it, if you’d like.” Surely, he was hearing that wrong. Carefully, George kept his gaze on the half undone ribbon atop your head. Would that be what your hair looked like after a night together? It was when you giggle that he directed his gaze back onto you, “I can what?” “Feel the lace! You can see it’s not uncomfortable.” He watched you tug your sweater down a bit more, to expose more of your shoulder along with the edge of the cup. “‘Ts alright. You had a good question.” 
Lost for words, George gently reached out and laid his hand on your shoulder, thumb running over the black lace. You were right. “It is very soft.” He could hardly speak. You managed to step in between his knees so you were so incredibly close. Silently George studied the expanse of skin you’d exposed to him. How many kisses could he fit? How many hickies? How delightful would it be to rip this sweater off of you and cover your entire body with kisses? What did the rest of this look like? How soft were your breasts? Your thighs? Were your panties lace too? It felt like his entire head was spinning, and the spell was only broken when you stepped away with a giggle. “I told you!” back to unpacking dishes you went, standing on your tip toes for the tallest shelves. “I wear it to sleep sometimes. Since it’s not structured. With some matching shorts. Very soft. The silk is good since I get hot at night.” As George stood up, he realized he was uncomfortably aroused at the moment. He sat back down and tried his best to hide his lap. “Could you grab some water for me please, Y/N?” The odd smile you’d had all night was gone. Replaced with the sweet one he was so familiar with. “Are you thirsty Georgie?” 
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It was awful really. Awful how wonderfully you tucked into him. How easily his arms wrapped around you. How your nose felt against his neck as you nuzzled against his skin. Both of you half drunk and half awake. George had wondered a few days ago why his amortentia scent had changed to mint and rosemary after he’d seen you at work. It’d always smelled like sunshine and daisies. It was enough to scare him a bit-- was he falling out of love with you? The answer was no, he found now that you were tucked so delightfully against him as you sat on his lap. Playing with his fingers like you were fascinated by them. You’d changed your shampoo and your perfume. It just made him throb a bit more painfully for you. Then again, it could have been because you were sitting in his lap and kept wigging a bit as you tried to get comfortable. Drunk, and simply glad you were apparently innocent enough to not understand what you were sitting on, George kept his mouth shut. Something was telling him however, that this may have been at least a bit planned by you. He’d helped plenty of girls move in to new flats. None had worn perfume or sat in his laps. Or invited him to feel their bra. So perhaps-- perhaps-- you were interested in him even if it was a little bit. What did that mean though? He knew you weren’t the type for quick shags. Nothing wrong with it, but he’d listened to you prattle on about romance cliche’s and waiting for ‘the perfect time’ to know you weren’t trying to get him into bed. Or at least he was pretty sure. Didn’t matter either way-- you were drunk. He was drunk. Everything was off the table. That didn’t stop him from fantasizing though. George wondered if he was going to get home and tell Fred and be mocked for not realizing something obvious. Perhaps you just wanted to dress pretty? That seemed like something you would do. And to flirt a bit? You’d done that too at the hospital. Though he had started it. Maybe this was just flirting. And it meant that you were just a bit interested him, even if it was on a physical level. The idea that you found him attractive already made him swoon. Perhaps it was just enough to ask you out soon. Or to show you that he was more than just attractive. You were tracing patterns on the palm of his hand, your ear perfectly poised to hear the thundering of his heart. “You have big hands George.” “I do?” “Mhmm. They’re nice.” 
Tentatively, George rested one hand on your waist, and another on top of your thigh. It was a bit odd-- he was worried about being too forward, but he hoped that this wasn’t too rude. “Is it okay if I hold you like this?” “Yeah.” Your voice was soft, “I like it when you hold me.” It felt like you were blowing air directly onto the embers of his lust. He could show you how nicely he could hold you, couldn’t he? Sure-- George didn’t have experience in that fact. But he was eager to learn. He could learn for you. He would do whatever you asked for him to do. Far too soon, you were crawling off his lap to stand up, grinning down at him as you swayed just a bit while you giggled. “Georgie, do you want to stay the night? You’re too drunk to apparate home, and my floo isn’t set up yet.” He gave a short nod, he’d been wondering how soon he could excuse himself to get home and work out his frustration, but apparating while inebriated was an easy way to lose a limb. “Thank you. I’ll sleep in here.” granted, there was no couch in your living room yet, just a few more boxes. You gave a frown to his response, “No-- I’ve got a big enough bed. It’s a queen. We can share. You hurt your back this week! You can’t sleep on the floor. Healer’s orders.” There was a moment as he stared at you that he wondered if that was really alright before he finally nodded. If you were okay with it, then it was okay. You’d shared a bed before and cuddled for the night. Then again, there was a problem he would need to work out before he shared a bed with you. “Can I use your shower first, love? I don’t think you’d want me sweating up your bed.” There was the little smile on your face again, and George realized like a slap to the face that the sexual tension in the air was mutual. “You can use my shower Georgie. There’s loads of fresh towels.” As he walked into the bathroom, George wondered if you actually did notice that he was hard or not. It was as if he no longer had any sense about him. He’d been turned on for the past few hours and the idea of finally getting some relief made him throb so hard that his stomach clenched. George turned the shower to the hottest temperature he could managed before stepping in. His clothes on the bathroom floor, discarded haphazardly, his red hair stuck to his face long enough to nearly block his vision. With his golden eyelashes fluttered shut, George used his right hand to steady himself against the shower wall while his left and reached down to slowly begin to tease his cock, imagining your hands instead. 
When his grip became firmer he choked back a moan, cursing at himself to remain quiet. He needed to be fast enough that you wouldn’t notice anything was amiss. Have a quick wank, go to bed, wake up and deal with anything odd in the morning. “Georgie-- I’m going to get changed in my room alright? I’ve grabbed some extra blankets for you!” “Thank you.” He hoped his voice wasn’t so choked with lust that you would notice. The idea of you wearing the matching shorts you’d described earlier nearly made him cum already. The sexual tension was mutual wasn’t it? That much he could tell. Were you wet like he was hard? Were your hands jammed down your panties? Were you dreaming of him walking in, finding you like that and getting fucked senseless? Because bloody hell-- George sure was. There was a rather loud moan that George couldn't help but let out as he sped up his pace. His breathing ragged as he leaned against the wall. 
Pure lust was not something he had felt before. He hadn’t thought that it would be such a terrible thing to deal with. Hopefully he could deal with it before you wondered why he was still in the shower. 
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You were desperately scrubbing your hands in the kitchen, annoyed at yourself for not being able to control your lust. Your fingers were wrinkly again! He would notice! Dammit. You were the one who was supposed to drive him crazy, and you’d just wound up desperately trying to work yourself to orgasm as quickly as you could so you could think straight. Git. Silly man. This wasn’t how the romance novel was supposed to go! He was supposed to see you, realize that you were a grown woman now and kiss you senseless. Breathlessly admit that you were all he’d ever thought of. All he’d ever dreamed of. Shag you until you were screaming his name as he whispered how much he loved you into your ear. Why couldn’t he ever play along? Oh well, you thought with a thrill of pleasure, you knew you’d turned him on at least. You’d been sitting in his lap after all. You giggled as your face heated up. You hadn’t thought about that aspect really when you had planned for the night. All your plan had been was to make him think you were terribly attractive based on what you were wearing, and feel the same sort of flustering you’d felt at work, but it seemed that you had brought it farther. Then again, you’d also made yourself more flustered than you’d felt at work. Satisfied that both of your hands were equally wrinkled now that you’d finished washing your hands, you smoothed down the oversized cardigan you wore over your silk pajama set. The shorts were rather short but it made you feel so cozy that you couldn’t care. You also reckoned you would look sexier without the fuzzy socks, but you were cold dammit! “Ah-- Y/N?” George called out nervously from the bathroom. Peaking your head down the hall, you gave him a grin before walking over. “Yes?” “Is it okay if I sleep in my shirt and boxers? I don’t have an pajamas here.” Immediately you felt your face heat up at the thought, “Of course! Sorry, I didn’t think about that. You ought to keep some over here just in case.” “Planning on having me sleep over more often?” Your only response came with a giggle, as you turned off the lights and crawled into your bed. “C’mon, bedtime.” It was an odd silence when he crawled into bed, normally the two of you cuddled immediately, but that felt like a less easy task now. There was more to think about now. You wondered if he could hear your thundering heartbeat. For a long time you simply stared at the ceiling, as you wondered if you ought to simply stay on your side of the bed. As much as your lust was screaming to roll over and shag him senseless until you were full of him, the shy bit, the romantic bit held you back. “Georgie?” “Hmm?” You could see him roll over to face you, and you covered your face a bit with the blanket, only your eyes peaking out. Why did you feel so shy now? All of a sudden? “Do you ever feel like-- now that you’re a grownup you ought to do things a certain way? And then confused about if you like doing it like that or not?” What a silly question! Silly girl-- head in the clouds. He was going to call you silly and laugh at you--
“All the time. Since I left Hogwarts.” Your eyes widened a bit, shocked that you weren’t alone in your experience. “Really?” “Mhm. It’s pretty common, Y/N.” Gently, he reached out and took your hand. “You’re not alone, you know. Don’t know why you keep thinking you’re odd for things that are normal.” You were grateful he couldn’t see how embarrassed you were in the dark. “Because I’m a bit silly.” “So? Doesn’t mean you’re odd.” It was with a chuckle from George that you found yourself being embraced, his hand so gently on your waist, his weight ever so slightly on you. It felt incredibly safe to wrap your arms around him. Like you were protected. Like the fear of being by yourself during the war was gone. The fear of having someone knock on the door and open it to doom. You were safe now. Someone was there. The person you wanted to be there, was there. You took a deep breath to soothe your nerves, and tried to relax despite the heat in between your legs growing once again. It was so easy to imagine him saying softly against your skin that he loved you. Or wonder what his long fingers would feel like drifting into your shorts. 
“Goodnight, Y/N.” “Goodnight, George.”
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Your sleep was restless. Punctuated by imagined kisses. Bites from your lover on tender skin. Pinches to your nipples through your thin top. George whispering into your ear asking you to tell him please, how much you wanted him? A delicious pressure to your core as your ground down on something-- his hand? It made you shudder at the thought. Little gasps as you heard him saying your name. Not wondering how so suddenly your room had been lit with candles or where his clothes had gone. And all of a sudden it was over. You were seconds away from orgasm and you were being jostled awake with concerned hands. Not a lovers hands. “Lovey? Y/N?” Tears sprung into your eyes from loss of imagined contact. “Huh?” “You were having nightmare.” You looked at George confused, before he continued. “You were shaking and gasping. Sweating and talking in your sleep.” 
He was still clothed. Of course he was. A dream. With a wash of embarrassment you realized your legs were locked around one of George’s-- and put together what exactly you were grinding down on in your dream. Perhaps you could crawl into a hole? His hand was so gentle on your cheek, his voice so full of concern. “Are you okay? What was it about?” Immediately you shook your head as you sat up straight. Nope. You couldn’t tell him that. An odd sense of guilt flooded you-- that wasn’t a good thing you did, was it? Was it a good thing to have such an explicit dream about him when he was right next to you? Or was it okay since he was attracted to you? Or perhaps that was the crux of it-- you had his physical attraction and not the emotional kind? Not the love? Perhaps that was it, he finally saw you as a grownup but not the kind of person he would want to date or love. Perhaps that was it? Why he hadn’t talked to you through the war? Nervousness and anxiety clenched at your heart and made you curse your clitoris as it continued to throb in blind lust. Why couldn’t your body read the room! This was not the time. Were you rude for dressing up like this for him? Was that a rude thing? You hadn’t planned on asking him to stay the night-- you’d have told Fred the same thing. Asked him to stay in bed as well. Then again you certainly wouldn’t have tried to do that to Fred-- “Y/N.” His voice was more firm this time, as if he was deliberately trying to cut through your thoughts. “What’s happening? Please tell me.” “Just..” your voice felt foreign in your mouth. “A weird dream. A weird one is all. I’m going to take a shower and calm down.” You slipped out of bed, not noticing his hand that reached out for you and dug around in your drawer for a pair of sweatpants along with a large sweater. Silently you left the darkness of the bedroom for the abrasively bright light of the bathroom. You turned the temperature to as could as the knob would allow before stepping into the stream of water with a hiss. This finally seemed to banish your lust away for a bit. Allow for more rational thoughts. Perhaps dressing up nice was fine enough. It was normal. You were an adult. You had a grown up job and your own flat. You could do whatever you wanted. Fantasies as well. You were an adult. You could indulge in your own fantasies. Somewhere along the line though you’d stepped into deeper water than you’d thought you would. Sitting in his lap was too far, you were sure. No matter how nice it felt to know that he also lusted for you. You’d found yourself in the odd section of the ocean where the water wasn’t technically deep enough to drown you, but it was deep enough to make you uncomfortable. The alcohol was still heavy enough in your blood that you were unsure of all the ins and outs of everything. After you scrubbed yourself clean, and bundled up in your fresh and pajamas you finally crawled back in bed. Expecting George to have fallen asleep. Except he hadn’t. He reached out to take your hand and let out a small noise of surprise, “You’re freezing!” “Took a cold shower.” “You’ll catch a cold, lovey.” “I’m a healer-- that’s an old wives tale!” 
There was a chuckle from George, “You can go over to the burrow and tell my mum that she’s an old wife then.” He couldn’t see you frown, but he could feel you swat at him. “I would never be so rude to Molly! She’s too nice.” “Just like she raised me to be nice?” “No, like she raised Fred to be nice.” “You’re a mean friend.” “Only because Fred is my best friend.” You laughed as George pulled you closer, the levity felt like it’d flooded back in the room. “I’m not your best friend?” “No, I’m so sorry Georgie. I’ll accept new applications in January, you can try again then.” “I plan on it.” Your head rested very comfortably on his shoulder. “Thank you for helping me tonight Georgie. I appreciate it.” “I wouldn’t have missed it for the world. You know you have me wrapped around your finger.” Through the darkness you could tell he was looking at you a certain way. Almost expectantly. You couldn’t figure out why. “I’m sure you say that to all the girls, Georgie.” “Nope. Just you.” 
Again with the odd look. Like he was thinking you were about to say something or notice something. 
Perhaps another thank you was in order. “Thank you again, then.” He let out an odd little sigh and a chuckle before laying his head back on the pillow. “When I saw you again I thought you were all grown up-- but it’s nice to see you’re still you.” Your brow furrowed a bit, unsure of how to pick that apart. It didn’t matter though, because George was playing with your hair, no matter how cold and wet it was, and peaceful sleep seemed to be tugging you back into its hold. “Goodnight.” “Goodnight, Y/N.” He stroked your back until you finally fell asleep. What a nice way to let yourself doze off. Your dream this time around was much less based in debauchery. In fact, you could almost hear him say he loved you. 
It was a wonderful dream. 
taglist: @georgeweasleyx @seppys-return-to-madness @fopdoodledane @fredd-weasley @iprobablyshipit91 @darling-details @laneygthememequeen @lupinsx @keoghans @helloallthethingsilove @bobduncanlover @dreamer821 @feffffffy @the-hufflepuff-of-221b @62442-am @wtfweasley @obsessedwithrandomthings @sleep-i-ness @shadowsinger11 @shadychaoticcollection @haphazardhufflepuff @afriendlyneighborhoodhufflepuff @hood-and-horan @geeksareunique @insearchofnewdreams @lumos-barnes @thatfuckingliardavidtennant @slytherinqween @xinyourdreamsx @skiving-snackboxess @wildfire-whizbangs
@dwarfwizard-from-panem @diary-of-an-onliner @answer-the-sirens @woakiees @black-widow-fangirl @theheirofnightandday @summerstardust @whysoseriouspadfoot @chocok22 @myhopesareanchoredinyou @siriusblackisme @illusivedaydreamer @zeeneee @writingwitchly @wolfpotter12 @carolinesbookworld @pit-and-the-pen @summer-writes​ @peachesandpinks​ @gweaslvy​ @alpinewinchester​ 
240 notes · View notes
scarletwinterxx · 4 years
Coming Home pt. 2
For my other works you can check them out here, and for my other story series’ you can check them out here. 
All works are copyrighted ©scarletwinterxx 2020 . Do not repost, re-write without the permission of author.
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“This place looks nice” Mark said for the third time since we got to Jaehyun’s apartment building
We’re waiting for Jaehyun to answer the door, deciding to drop by early since Mark wanted to see Chae Yoon.
“Hyung can you please hurry up” Mark said through the intercom, the door opening with a Jaehyun wearing a bright red polka-dot apron and a smile
“Why do you look like that?” Mark asked the older one
“I’m cooking breakfast for Chae, hey” he said nodding my way, “She’s up already?” I said as we enter his apartment
Apart from the furniture he needs there weren’t a lot of stuff in his place. The only thing that makes this place look likes it’s Jaehyun’s is the electric keyboard in his living room.
It’s his hobby; he likes to play when he’s not that busy or just to relieve some stress. It was one of the few things he took from our then shared apartment
“Wow hyung, your place looks great”
I chuckled at my younger brother who is happily looking around like a puppy exploring a new place, “He’s been saying that since we rode the elevator” I told Jaehyun making him laugh at the younger one
“It’s okay, you want some pancakes?” he asked us, Mark nodding his head in agreement.
At the same time the baby monitor went off, signalling that Chae woke up
“I’ll go get her” Mark said before neither Jaehyun or I say something
“The door on the left” Jaehyun said with a chuckle, my brother already skipping away
“Is he really in college? He looks like a kid” Jaehyun said from where we has standing, infront of the stove flipping some pancakes
“He’s my baby forever, let him be” I say then sat on the stool by the counter
“You baby proofed the place?” I asked, noticing little details around the room. The electric sockets were covered, sharp corners were covered and no stuff was laying around where Chae Yoon could reach it
“Yea, tried as best as I could. The landlord was planning to give me a bigger place with stairs but I told her I have a baby that just learned how to crawl so it’s a big no no”
“She’s starting to stand up too” I said, making Jaehyun smile a bit
“Don’t remind me, I don’t know whether I should be happy or sad she’s growing up too fast” he answered, setting the cooked pancakes on a plate before putting them infront of me. I took them to the table, while he gathers utensils
“Next thing you know she’s telling us she’s going on a date” I teased him, the smile was replaced with a frown
“She’s not allowed to date until she’s 30” I turned to look at him with a raised brow
“So you’re that kind of parent”
“I mean she can date when she can make a decision for herself and make the right judgements, there that sounds better. But you best believe I will be there on her first date” his statement making me bust out a laugh
“If she’s anything like you then you’d be in trouble”
“I’m not that bad, I’ve dated like one girl. And that was you incase you forget” he said, pointing the spatula at me. I rolled my eyes at him, 
“She’ll be breaking hearts left and right”
“I wasn’t like that! what are you talking about?” I can’t help but laugh at his reaction
“Yea right, I can’t even count how many confession you turned down. Do you even remember all those letters they leave in your locker during valentines day” I stated, recalling the old memories
“All those cards and only one says happy birthday”
It was from me, it was no secret that people leave gifts by Jaehyun’s locker every year during valentines. No one just ever left birthday gifts from him. 
“You’re welcome” it was now his turn to roll his eyes
“At least tell me you’ll choose a seat four spaces away from Chae and her date” I said, enjoying the conversation we were having
“Three, and they’re sitting on opposite sides”
“What are you two laughing about?” Mark asked from behind us, making us turn to him. Our daughter already reaching out for Jaehyun
“We were talking about Chae going to her first date” I said taking a seat on the table while Mark sat beside me and Jaehyun across from us and Chae Yoon on her high chair
“Does hyung know her little crush over Jeno?” Mark asked no one in particular, I looked over at Jaehyun who has a confused look on his face.
“What crush? She’s a baby, she doesn’t know what that even is” Jaehyun defensively said making me chuckle
“He’s talking about how whenever Jeno is around, her eyes just follows him, quite literally too. One time she swatted Mark away from Jeno” I told him as I cut up the pancake into smaller pieces to give to my daughter
“Maybe she finds him cute, that adorably eye smile and all” Mark mumbled, the frown on Jaehyun’s face getting more prominent
“Stop saying that, you’re going to give Jae wrinkles if he keeps on frowning like that” I pointed to the guy sitting across from us
“I was joking! Kind of, I mean she does look at him like he’s the most fascinating thing” Mark said inbetween chuckles
“Okay enough talks of that, we’ll cross that bridge when we get there” Jaehyun mumbled, pushing a pancake in Mark’s direction to shut him up.
After hanging out at Jaehyun’s place for a couple more hours, Mark needed to go back to university. His friends on their way to pick him up, they all decided to go home for the weekend and carpool together since they’re roommates anyways.
“Nice place hyung, definitely will hang out when I get back” Mark said as Jaehyun walk us out. Chae Yoon in her stroller hugging the bear given by her dad when she was born
“Sure, give me a call when you visit. You already know, call me when you need anything” he said directing the second half of his statement to me.
“Will do, come on you still need to pack” I told Mark, saying my goodbye to Jaehyun.
This has been the set up we’ve been doing for the past five months, Chae Yoon spends the weekends with him when he doesn’t have any work to do. He either drive over to pick her up or I go over to take her.
It’s been a good system for us. If we’re being honest, we did it for the both of us.
It was hard trying to make something work when we both knew we were already on the edge. Jaehyun wasn’t the type to give up, but his actions told me otherwise. That’s how I knew we had to call it off.
I can’t be the selfish one and ask him to stay when he didn’t want to. I knew it was nothing against being a father to Chae Yoon but entirely about being my fiancé. So I made the decision to break it off. It did break my heart, I still have a hard time reminding myself the once promised future of us being together is not there anymore.
But my daughter comes first, above anything. I didn’t have a doubt that he’s trying to be the best father to our daughter, and he is. There is no one in this world that loves her the way Jaehyun does.
The moment she was born in this world he was a goner. The way he cried and said a silent thank you to me when they laid tiny Chae Yoon in his arms, I knew she would have someone to love her for the rest of her life.
I also realized I love Jaehyun too much to tie him down like that, it was always a push and pull with him. Back in our high school years, he was the popular but down to Earth kid. He knew people talked about him, he also knew almost no one was immune to his charms. I took pride in the way his eyes light up when he see me in the crowd or the way he always shoots a salute my way before his game starts or the way he can’t let go of me after a very long tiring day because he needed cuddles or the way he whispered I love you in my ear in the middle of a party just because he felt like saying it.
I’ve seen Jaehyun in lights that no one ever has, I was with him through the ups and downs. I always tried to catch up with him, I just realized now that I probably never will. I also realized how I never ask why he once never asked me if I was keeping up or was I okay with the steps he was hurriedly taking.
I’m not mad.
Deep in my mind I’ve always known I loved him more that he loved me.  
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After what felt like the longest weekend ever, I was back at the office. Buried in piles of paper work that needed approval and signatures.
“Hey Y/N, the digital artist from Japan is here. You have a meeting with him?” my co-worker, Wendy said. I looked up from the drafts I was currently reading
 “Oh he’s here? I thought the design department said they will have an on-boarding meeting with him first?”
“They said they’ll do it after you” she shrugged then passed me the folder
“Okay, I’ll be there give me a minute”
I stood up from my chair and made my way to the meeting room Wendy told me where the new hire was waiting, “Hi, sorry for the wait. I wasn’t expecting you” I told him when I enter the room.
He immediately stood up shaking his head, “It’s fine, I wasn’t waiting long”
“Right well take a seat, the head of our design department recommend you himself so he must trust your work. We’re glad you could make it here”
“Yes, well I actually live here I just visited my hometown for a while. I’m Nakamoto Yuta by the way” he said then extended his hand out which I gladly shook
“Lee Y/N, Taeyong has told me a lot about your work. We’re very happy to have you in our team”
After the meeting, I was back in my desk tied down to a bunch of paperwork.
I do love my job, I have enough time to focus on my daughter and also grow my career. I was lucky to be given this chance and I wasn’t going to let it pass.
After a long a couple of weeks of the same routine: go to work, go home to Chae, take Chae to her dad.
One weekend Jaehyun called that he was on his way up to the apartment, taking Chae back to me after his weekend with her.
“Hey Y/N” He greeted me with a smile when I opened the door,
“and hello to you beautiful girl, how was your weekend?” I said to the excited little lady who was reaching out for me
“She was trying to walk all over the place. I bolted every furniture I had in my apartment just to be safe” Jaehyun answered as he put her stuff in the living room with me following behind him
“Oh right I still need to do that”
“Do you need help? I can come over some time next next week maybe”
“Next next week?” I asked
“I have a business trip to Japan this Friday until Tuesday next week. Too bad I can’t be with her next weekend” he explained, I nodded along completely understanding his work schedule
“By the way is my box of documents still here, I’ve been meaning to get it” he asked, “It’s probably in the office, I haven’t really touched anything there so things are the way you left it” just as I say it an emotion crossed his face, it went quickly as it came. I almost wouldn’t notice if I wasn’t looking at him
“Thanks, can I?” he asked gesturing to the office at the end of the hall “you lived here too, go” I chuckled. He shot me a quick smile before walking in the direction of his old home office.
I was playing with Chae Yoon when I hear Jaehyun call out my name
“What is it? You didn’t find it?” I asked him when he walked back to the living room
“I did, I was just going to say we have this company party tomorrow. I know it’s very short notice and it’s a Monday but if it’s okay with you, will you come with me?” he asked, eyes staring straight into mine
“Me?” I asked back, I sounded stupid I know but I was just confused why he wanted me to come with him
“Yes, you” he said with a small smile on, a dimple showing slightly. I almost agreed then and there.
“Why?” I asked sceptically
“Well who else would I ask? I mean you don’t have to come if you don’t want to, I absolutely understand. And I know you can’t leave Chae-“
“I’ll come”
Even I was surprised by my answer, he looked like he was too.
“Okay, that’s great. I’ll come pick you up at six?”
We both didn’t know where the conversation was going, but suddenly Jaehyun looked behind me. I thought something bad happened but when I turned Chae Yoon was standing up by herself, about to take her very first steps
“Oh my god, Jae” I whispered, careful not to scare her
“That’s it baby girl, want to walk here?” Jaehyun calmly told our daughter, kneeling beside me so he could look at her eye to eye
A determined look was etched on Chae Yoon’s face, she put up one foot infront of the other. Still a bit wobbly
“Careful there” I mumbled, feeling a bit anxious. Jaehyun must have sensed it because he shot me an assuring smile before looking at our daughter again
“She’s fine, she can do it. Right, baby?” she squealed then suddenly took many steps straight to where Jaehyun was. She stumbled a bit but Jae had his arms waiting for her ready to catch her if she falls.
The little laughter’s she was letting out was worth everything.  
“You did it!” I told her, giving her cheek a little squish. The proudest look on my face, I didn’t notice Jaehyun was just staring at me
When our eyes met, a small smile was on his lips
“Thank you” he whispered.
I didn’t need an explanation, I already knew what he was saying thank you for.
It was for this little girl who had become the center of both our universe the moment we knew of her existence. The late night drives to the convenient stores when I was craving something, the early morning sickness and terrible nausea, the sudden outburst of tears I had because of hormones, the back pains, the tears, all of that was worth it.
We had a silent agreement, even after all of the things we went through we would gladly do it again if it means we’ll end up in this moment right here.
Chae Yoon was, is and forever will be worth all of it. 
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 “Oooh how about this dress?” Wendy asked while holding out a yellow flowy dress
“It’s a company dinner, not a picnic. Cute dress though” I said then continued to browse through my closet
“I know, can I borrow this?” chuckling at her question I looked around the row of clothes in front of me
“Maybe I should just cancel, I don’t have anything to wear”
“You’re standing in the middle of your walk-in closet, what are you talking about?”
Okay maybe I was just looking for an excuse not to come. After thinking about it all night, it just dawned on me now that this will be the first event Jae and I will be attending since we broke up.
I tried so hard to get some sleep but my mind wouldn’t shut up.
Also Chae Yoon decided to wake up at 5am, I didn’t have the time to put her back to sleep before I needed to go to the office.
And now I’m here, I asked Wendy for some help to pick out my clothes and look after Chae Yoon while I get ready
“Chae Yoon-ah, look at your mommy getting all nervous about her date with your dad” she told the baby playing with her blocks on the carpeted floor
“It’s not a date”
“He asked you to be his date, Y/N” she deadpanned, I was trying to think of an excuse but she had be backed up on a corner with her statement
“Not to sound rude, but why did he ask you?”
“I asked him the same thing” I mumbled, picking out a long fitted dress with straps and a slit on the leg
“How about this one?” I asked holding out the dress to show her
“Yes that one, perfect. So back to my question”
I sighed, putting the dress on the lounge chair, picking out shoes to match with the dress
“He didn’t say why, he just said why not”
“That’s a lame answer” she muttered, making faces at Chae Yoon. The little one giggled, holding her hands to her face.
“It’s just a friendly invitation, he didn’t have anyone to ask that’s probably why”
“Are you two sure you’re done?”
Her question made me stop on my spot, for a moment I wasn’t sure.
“Of course. We’ve talked about it. He moved out”
“That’s not what I mean though, yes he moved out and yes you literally called the engagement off so why are you two acting like this?”
“Like what?”
“Are you serious? Like you two are still together, Y/N. The getting him dinner, driving you home, asking you to be his date”
“He’s Chae’s father. I can’t just completely erase him from my life, whether we mean it or not we’ll always be in each other’s life so we could be there for her”
“I know that, and you two are doing such a great job at being her parents. But it’s not your job to care for him anymore”
“I can’t just stop caring about him”
“You can’t but you don’t have to give so much to him when you don’t have to anymore. I love you I really do, but don’t you think it’s about time to live a life that didn’t revolve around him?”
I knew she had a point, what was the use of being broken up when we still do things like this. In my mind I keep repeating that I’m doing this as a friend.
But I don’t really know how to be just his friend.
“I don’t mean to pry in your business, I just want you to be happy and guard your heart”
I shot her a grateful smile, fully understanding that she meant well.
Her words where ringing in my head for the rest of the night, even after Wendy bid goodbye after helping me get ready.
I was just reading a book to Chae when the door bell rang, “Looks like you have a visitor, little lady” I mumbled, putting her down. She immediately stood up and tried to walk to the door on her own. Of course I was close behind her, ready to catch her just in case. 
I opened the door, I swear I doesn’t matter how long I’ve known Jaehyun because he can still steal my breath away. 
He looked good, wearing an all black suit with a white dress shirt. His hair did differently from its everyday style. And of course his most attractive accessory couldn’t be forgotten, his smile. 
“Hey” he said when I opened the door, he looked down at the baby who is now holding onto his leg
“Hey you, are causing trouble running around like that?” he playfully asked Chae then took her in his arms peppering kisses all over her face.
“I think I have to put cushions all over the house at this point, come in” I told him, holding the door open for him
“I have a few more of those covers you can put on corners of table and stuff like that, I’ll bring it over when I get back”
“Thanks, I’ll just get her bag so we can leave” I was leaving her to my neighbor while we go to the party. I packed an over night bag just in case I stay out too late, and in case of any emergency
We walked over the apartment across from mine, waiting for Unnie to open the door
“Is that Chae Yoonie?” she called out from the other side of the door before opening it
“Hi- Oh hi Jaehyun, I haven’t seen you in a while” she said when she saw it was Jaehyun holding Chae Yoon
“Nice to see you too, Noona. You sure you can handle her, she can walk now” he jokingly said
“I heard! I’m so excited to see her run around, and you already know I love having her around. Don’t worry about it, go enjoy your night” She said with a smile on
“Here, all of her stuff is in there. Can’t forget about her favorite bear” I said while handing over her the bag and Chae’s favorite stuffed toy
“You’ll be good for Unnie, right Chae? I’ll see you later” I told my daughter giving her a quick kiss. Jaehyun did the same before passing her to Unnie. 
“You two have fun, okay? Bye” we bid goodbye then made our way to the elevator
We didn’t say much, a comfortable silence while we make our way to his car. 
“Thanks by the way, for coming tonight” he said when we started to exit the parking area and out into the streets
“No problem” I answered,a small smile on my face. 
“You look great, by the way” I just chuckled at his statement, already seeing the redness starting to show on his ears. One thing he can never hide. 
“Thank you, I see you decided to go with the bangs up hairstyle”
“The what?”
“You know, that hairstyle. The I’m the boss here kind of hairstyle” I said pointing at his styled hair, he was just smiling at me. probably finding my statement weird, 
“Oh yea? Do I look cute?” he asked making me roll my eyes
“You’re a dork” i muttered, making him laugh out loud
“I’ll take that as a yes” he said then we were back to the comfortable silence. 
In that moment I realized just what Wendy meant when she asked me are we really done being together
This night so far is not helping me clarify the blurred questions I’ve been thinking about. 
I just knew I was in it for a long night. 
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robinrunsfiction · 4 years
The Lonely Road
Pairing: Gerard Way x Female Reader
Rating: Teen (for online harassment)
Requested By: None
Word Count: 2,400
Author’s Note: Inspired by the song Outnumbered by Dermot Kennedy, so feel free to give it a listen as you read. Originally this was gonna be a Valentine’s story, but now Valentine’s is over, and so I just took out the brief mentions of it. Also it’s a Gerard story so of course it’s longer than intended so taking parts out probably is for the better 😅 Shout out to my number one @mariawritesfanfic for helping me wrap this story up
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You scrolled through your twitter feed, as hours on the tour bus left you with few other options to pass the time. Your new album had just come out and you wanted to see how people were reacting to it. 
OMG @(YFN)(YLN)’s album is awesome! Everyone check it out now!
The only reason she’s famous is bc of @gerardway
The album is ok if you consider she fucked her way into stardom
I stg if mcr ever breaks up it’s gonna be (YN)'s fault
(YN) should just break up with gee so he can be with frank liek everyone knows he wants to be
You felt sick to your stomach as you read through the messages. Sure there were tweets from fans saying how much they enjoyed the album, and they love Gerard and you together, but those weren’t the ones that stuck out in your mind. It was the negative messages that caught your attention and soured your mood.
As if he was reading your thoughts, a text from Gerard appeared on your screen. “Hey sugar, congrats on the album. It’s amazing and so are you xoxo love you”
You could feel the tears welling up in your eyes at the love and kindness of his message. “Thanks love," you replied before tossing your phone aside. You pulled shut the curtain on your bunk and let the tears fall silently. 
You had met Gerard at an award show. You had always been a fan of his and My Chem, but you were beyond nervous to say anything to him when you saw him across the room. When he approached you and said he actually had been listening to your music and was a fan, you thought you might transcend onto another plane of existence right then and there. You found him to be surprisingly easy to talk to and exchanged phone numbers so you could hang out sometime.
Hanging out sometime turned into hanging out often. Then one night under the stars in his backyard, your casual hanging out turned into sharing your thoughts, hopes, and fears you'd never voiced to anyone. The next day you were worried you'd never see or hear from him again, having revealed too much of your emotional baggage too soon, but that afternoon he called and asked you out on a real date. The date was perfect for two people like you and Gerard, complete with a tender, careful kiss that took your breath away. In an instant, you were falling hard.
After that it really became you and Gerard. When all of your friends found out, they were so happy for both of you, as they could see how happy you made each other. Then one day the rest of the world figured it out as well. Gerard had come to one of your recording sessions and had snapped a picture of you laughing in the recording booth and posted it online with the caption "the most beautiful person making the most beautiful sounds ❤" The fans put it together and a barrage of messages flooded your social media feed. Some people thought it was cute, many were awful, but you let it all roll off your back as you were too in love to care what anyone thought.
Months passed, and now that album was out. You had hoped Gerard would be able to join you on the road, but My Chem was in the studio themselves so he wasn't able to be there. You understood, but being away from him for the first time, while dealing with the stress of releasing an album, your first tour, and his angry fans, it was almost getting to be too much.
You had finally fallen asleep only to be awakened what felt like moments later by your manager Christine's voice.
"Rise and shine rock star, time to charm the lovely people of," she paused and you could hear her flipping through papers, "Fort Wayne, Indiana."
You sighed. You had wanted this for so long, it had been your dream for years. But now you were questioning everything.
"We're joined in studio by (YFN) (YLN), her new album just came out last week and we are loving it here on 106.7 FM," the overly cheerful radio host announced. “You have a lot of fans here in Madison!”
"Thank you," you replied with a tired smile. You hoped your lack of energy wasn't evident by your voice.
"Tell us, how much of an influence was your boyfriend? And for anyone who hasn't heard, (YN) is dating that oh so sexy MCR frontman, Gerard Way."
You had gotten this question at almost every interview, as if you were incapable of creating your own music. "He was there for some of the recording sessions, but a lot of the album was written before we met, so not a huge influence musically."
"What's it like to date someone so famous?"
"I mean, it's not like a topic of conversation for us," you replied sharply. You glanced up and saw the look Christine was giving you. "I mean, we talk about music and our projects and give each other feedback, but that's pretty much it. We're pretty normal weirdos."
After the interview was over and you played a few songs live, and then reboarded the bus.
"What the fuck was that?" Christine asked as the bus rolled down the road.
"What the fuck is with these interviews? It's never about me and my music. It's about Gee or the people on the internet and all the bullshit! That's not why I'm out here! I want to talk about my songs!"
Christine nodded. "Ok, I'm sorry girl. You're right. I'll make sure the next one we keep it focused on the music. We can't have you blowing up on another host."
"I didn't blow up! I snapped at worst," you retorted, rolling your eyes.
"Either way, we're on our way to Iowa now."
"Can't wait," you muttered and crawled into your bunk.
The dark cloud that had settled over you was not going away or getting better. While Christine was doing a better job of reminding the interviewers beforehand to lay off the relationship questions, they still came up, sometimes after the actual interview was over, sometimes they just disregarded your wishes all together to get juicy gossip. You did your best not to appear annoyed, but the longer you were away from Gerard, the harder it got.
She's an ugly, untalented leech! She doesn't love gee or else she would have put a song about him on the album!
He doesnt seem happy like he used to before her
The album jsut sucks. I mean i didnt listen to it, i just assume it does
She should just die
You couldn't take it any longer. The constant, incessant stream of hate coming at you was too much. You dialed Gerard and went into the back of the bus, shutting the door behind you.
"Hey (YN), how is everything goin?"
"I can't do it anymore Gee," you said, trying to keep your voice steady 
"Do what?" He asked, immediately concerned.
"Tour, be a musician, be someone in the public eye, I can't take it!" You sobbed, unable to control your emotions any longer. "I feel like I have no privacy anymore! Everything I do is wrong, everything I don't do is wrong! I just wanna give up! I don't wanna do this anymore!"
"Hey, hey, sugar, it's ok. Did someone say something to you today?"
"It's been every fucking day," you cried. "I wanna come home, I don't wanna do this anymore. I don't want anyone to know who I am anymore."
"Take a deep breath," Gerard said, trying to keep you calm. "Where are you?"
"On the bus."
"Where are you going, or where were you?"
"I don't even know anymore. All I see is fucking corn everywhere."
"Ok, umm, where is Christine?"
"In her bunk," you sniffled.
"Can I talk to her?"
You got up and made your way to the bunks and knocked on the frame surrounding Christine's.
"Yea?" She asked, opening the curtain. "Woah, girl, what's wrong?"
"Gee wants to talk to you," you said holding out your phone.
"Hello? What's going on?" Christine asked Gerard. She listened and nodded and mm hmm'ed along. "She seemed stressed, but not that bad," she said as she watched you sink wearily to the floor, pulling your knees to your chest. "No, I hadn’t heard that… Yea, we're setting out from Omaha now, on our way to Denver," she paused. "Ok... Yea... Sounds good. Yea, we'll get our girl through this."
You looked up at her from your spot on the floor and she smiled down sympathetically and handed the phone back to you.
"Gee?" You said softly, the anger and fear and frustration having quieted.
"Hey sugar, we've got a plan for you, you're gonna be ok. But where are you hearing from the people that are criticizing you?"
"Twitter," you mumbled and you heard Christine mutter "I knew it."
"Delete it, you don't need that in your life. You're too talented and beautiful and wonderful to let anyone make you feel anything less," he said gently. "I love you, (YN) ."
"Love you too," you replied, a smile finally cracking through.
"Get some rest, we'll talk soon."
You had immediately crawled into your bunk and fallen into a deep sleep. The weight of your thoughts no longer weighing you down now that you had shared them with Gerard. When you finally woke up, you were rolling into Denver. You made your way to the front of the bus to find Christine on her phone.
"What's on the schedule today?" You yawned.
"You need a day off. We've been pushing you way too hard, and I just wish I would have realized it sooner. So we moved your interview to tomorrow afternoon and we're staying here overnight."
"Really?" You asked, stunned.
"Yep, we're going to the hotel right now."
It was incredibly refreshing to be in a hotel with a real bed and shower, and everyone was actually thankful for your meltdown that got them this break. 
You took an extra long, hot shower to allow your muscles to relax, and then crawled into bed to call Gerard and give him an update. As his phone rang you heard a knock on your door. Keeping your ear to your phone in case he picked up you answered the door. 
"Gerard!" You squealed as you launched yourself at him and he wrapped you in his arms.
"I missed you so much (YN)," he murmured against your neck. "I couldn't stand to hear the pain in your voice and not be there to make it better.”
"But you hate flying! And your studio time!" You exclaimed as you pulled him into your room and he dropped his bag on the floor.
“We were spinning our wheels and needed a break from recording,” he smiled reassuringly before he leaned in and kissed you with all the longing that had built up over the weeks apart. You ran your hands through his black hair and felt the tears slip down your cheeks. “And I’d fly to the moon if it meant I could spend a minute with you. I just wish I could have been here for you from the beginning, I wish I realized that you were struggling.”
“I didn’t want you to worry about me. I thought I could handle it, but everything kept chipping away at me until I broke down completely.”
“I wanna worry about you, (YN). You’re my girl and I love you, and I wanna be there for you no matter what,” he said softly, wiping away the tears on your cheeks.
“Thank you,” you replied. “It’s just hard when it’s coming at you from every direction.”
“I know,” he said, pulling you back to him in a tight hug. “But for today it’s just you and me. No one else matters.”
You smiled up at him before pulling him into another sweet kiss.
The next morning you woke up with Gerard’s arms wrapped around you, holding you close. It almost felt too good to be true. As he slowly started to wake up, he gave you his lopsided smile and you couldn’t help but grin in return.
“I needed this so much,” you said as you buried your face against his neck.
“I did too,” he said squeezing you tight, his voice still raspy with sleep.
“Thank you for being here. I love you so much.”
“I love you too,” he said leaning down to give you a quick kiss. “Wait, I didn’t give you your presents yet.”
“What presents?” You asked sitting up, as he reached over the side of the bed to grab his bag. "I don’t have anything for you!"
"It's nothing, just a couple things I made for you," he said pulling out a large flat envelope and handing it to you.
You carefully pulled out the drawing that was inside. "Oh it's beautiful!”
"It's us the night we watched the stars and talked for hours. That was the night I realized I was falling in love with you. I was so scared you wouldn't even like me like that," he laughed softly.
"It's perfect," you replied. "What's this? ‘Gee+(YN)=gross, a big sappy love mix’" you laughed at scribbled handwriting on the cover of the cd case. Around the words was a big heart and lots of little hearts.
"It’s a mix of songs that remind me of you, and me and you, but Frank decorated the cover. He doesn't really think we're gross, he's just-"
"Frank," you laugh.
"Exactly," Gerard replied. "I was just hoping this would help you get through the last days of your tour."
"It will," you smiled and threw your arms around him. “I think just having you here for a day was enough to get me through. And I know now that I shouldn’t just bottle up what I’m feeling.”
Gerard nodded. “We’re a team, you and me. Let me help you when you’re down and keep you safe from all the bastards and shit talkers.”
“Sounds like a plan,” you smiled as you leaned in and kissed him. “But only if you promise to let me help you do the same.”
“I promise.”
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“Imagine waiting to surprise Casey in her office while she is in court.”
Warnings: Alluding to smut
I have not seen the Casey part of SVU in a while, I apologize if she is OOC. Hope you like it!
Based on this request: “ Anonymous asked: hi! Do u also do Casey Novak x female reader imagines ? :) if so, would you mind writing one? Maybe, the reader waits in Casey’s office for her gf to come back from court. It’s a surprise ofc and then they go home together ? From there you could take it wherever u want.. it could just stay fluffy, or nsfw or idk? If you have anything else in mind you could also write that! I’m open for literally anything! :))”
Walking through the halls towards the ADA’s office, your small heels clicked on the tiling. In your hands, you held a coffee carrier and a small red gift bag with pink and white tissue paper and a single red rose sticking out of it. Smiling at the personal assistant you nodded towards the office.
“Is she in there?” 
The woman  at the desk shook her head and pointed out the door. “Sorry, she got held up in court. It’s looking like it’s going to be a long one.” 
You sighed and let out a slight laugh, “That seems to be just our luck. We’ve been trying to exchange our gifts for almost a month now.” 
You turn to leave before an idea stops you. Turning on your heel, you go back over to the assistant, “I’m not letting court stop me. I’m going to wait until it’s over, is that ok?”
The assistant laughed and nodded. You let yourself into the office and set your gift bag and purse on the table. Rooting through your purse, you pull out your phone and text Casey.
Me: Hey, I heard you are going to be late in court. I’m just going to go home, I’ll see you tomorrow. 
Me. P.S. I think you need to take a vacation. 
You know you won’t get a response for a while, so you put down your phone and rummage through your purse until you pull out a small plush bear with a briefcase and a small set of briefs. you laugh to yourself. “Briefs. Get it?” You look around, remembering that you are alone in the office and then place the bear in front of the gift bag. 
Sitting on the couch, you pull out your phone and start playing a few games, checking your social media, and just switching back and forth between apps as your eyes get heavier. 
You don’t know what time it is when you open your eyes, but you hear voices in the hall and immediately perk up at the sound of Casey. As her voice gets closer, you smooth out your hair and open your camera to check your makeup. When you feel like you look good enough, you wait patiently for the door to open. 
You hear Casey talking to someone as she walks closer, “Sorry, not tonight, I have some apologizing to do. This is the third time I’ve had to reschedule due to court.” There is a pause. “Have a good night.”
The door opens and Casey goes straight to her desk and takes off her shoes before looking up. when she does, she is at a loss for words. 
“Y/N? Bu-- I thought you had gone home?” 
You smiled at the surprised look on your girlfriend’s face. “Surprise! I was going to leave, but then I thought about how we’ve always had something come up and I just didn’t want to put these off any longer. So I stayed and I napped a little bit, and now you’re here!” 
You turned and grabbed the bag and the teddy bear. “For you. Finally, Happy Valentine’s Day!” 
Casey looked at the bear and then at you with an eyebrow raised. “Is that underwear?”
You laughed, “Yeah, briefs. Get it, because you have briefs, but they’re obviously not underwear, but that’s what makes it funny!”
As you gave the explanation, Casey broke into a smile and came closer to you. Putting a hand on your cheek, she gave you a kiss. “It’s adorable, thank you.”
You pick up the bag and hand it to her. “There’s more!” 
Casey pulls the rose out of the bag and then the paper. She pulls out a card and reads it. “All the evidence has been looked at, the jury has deliberated, and a verdict has been reached. You have been found guilty of stealing my heart. Happy Valentine’s Day! Love you, Y/N.”
You looked at Casey, “Do you like it? I wrote it myself. I tried to make it as cute as I could.” 
Casey smiled a wide smile. “Y/N. I love it. Thank you. It’s perfect.” 
Casey reaches into the bag and pulls out the last item. A glass paperweight with the scales of justice with the words, “Keep the balance.” etched into it. 
Casey was at a loss for words as she turned toward her desk and immediately found a prominent place for the paperweight. 
As Casey comes back toward you she smiles, “How did you get here?” 
“Cab.” You say with a shrug.
“How about we go back to my place and I can give you your gift?” 
“Wait, did you forget that we had planned this for today?” You asked.
“Of course not, this was my plan all along. It was a bit too big of a surprise to bring to work.” You nod as Casey is talking. “Good, grab your stuff and we’ll get going.” 
When you both get to Casey’s, you eagerly look around, trying to spot the gift. When you see nothing, you turn to the woman next to you. 
“I don’t want to sound impatient or at all greedy, but....where’s mine? Because I don’t see anything too big to take to work.”
Casey laughs. “Be patient. I have to go get it.” Casey went towards her room and you sat down on the couch and went over all the things that it could be. 
Casey came back after a few minutes, holding her hands behind her. “You ready? Close your eyes.”
As you closed your eyes, Casey moved in front of you and placed a small box in your lap. “Open up.”
When you opened your eyes, you say a square flat box on your lap and you looked at Casey in confusion. “I don’t understand?”
Casey gently cradled your face in her hands. “I wanted to do this here because it means a lot to me, and I think this is a pretty big step forward, but I think the time is right.” She nodded to the box, “Open it.” 
Opening the box, you let out a gasp. “Casey?” You lift a shiny key out of the box. Your brain scrambled for an answer. “Wait. Are you asking me to move in with you?” 
Casey nodded, “Yeah, of course I am. You have stuff here already, and you’re over her all the time. It doesn’t make sense for us to live apart. Plus, I love you and I want to go to sleep next you and wake up with you. I want to come home and tell you about my day. I want you to tell me about the people that you had to deal with. I want to live with you. Are you ok with that?”
With tears in your eyes, you kissed the woman in front of you. “Of course. Of course I want that. Casey, I love you so much!” You kiss her again and again, setting the key on the table beside you and pulling Casey towards you. 
As Casey straddle s you, she breaks away, “Should we move this to the bedroom?”
You shake your head, “Heck no, we have to properly break in all the rooms, we might as well start with this one.” 
You both let out a laugh as you shift so that Casey is laying on her back while you kiss the exposed skin of her neck. Kissing her lips again, you let yourself give into the passion and that night you both definitely broke in the living room.
And the kitchen.
And the bedroom. 
Three down, many more to go. Oh, how you couldn’t wait to cross the other rooms off the list. 
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hqgodspeed · 4 years
a few days after valentine’s day, basteon gather’s the demigods together in the banquet hall, his demeanor seems different than normal, as if the tension between his shoulders is becoming less and less—maybe he’s beginning to believe in the demigods, in their capability to combat the evils of this world. 
he clears his throat, arms crossed over his wide chest. “sons of olympus, the time has come to discuss the next trial. we’ve lost one worthy son and gained another. now it’s time to increase those numbers.”
his gaze lingers over each demigod until he stares blankly ahead. “if you believe that you’re ready, step forward and plead your case. let your words sway your companions into action.”
he leaves, then, and demigods begin to stand, one by one, trying to bolster their friends with their words. 
There’s a silence when the attention turns to the son of Zeus, a careful, stoic expression on his face. In his hand is a heavy, cloth-wrapped object, a symbol. “We’re here again, ready to throw ourselves back in the fire.” He starts, glancing around at the faces of his fellow demigods. “I’ve seen you all survive the flames, emerge stronger, beaten, but better.”
“I’ve faced my own trials too, personal and around the world, both wins and losses.” He pulls the cloth off, revealing the half of Zeus’ shield. “I found this in Greece, and I take it as a sign, one that I have to complete what I’ve started.” He stands tall, back straight. “I’m ready to prove myself.”
"it has to be me. i think, there's no roundabout, bullshit way of saying it. i've been here the longest, with ari and tristan, and it's time i show you guys what i've learned and the drive i have to do this. i've lost a lot of friends on the way here, and all those times i always thought i should be going faster. i need help. i need my dad's shoes or whatever, because that's going to be the thing to make sure i actually save the next person. so no one dies on my watch again. i'm ready."
Daith stood up and cleared his throat as he looked at his fellow demigods. "I have to admit that I wasn't expecting to propose myself for a trial... I honestly planned to wait until the last possible moment because... It would suck a lot if it turns out I'm incapable of it, and I used to think my mother would be so dissapointed that she'd call the next son on line and put me out of my misery" he said, chuckling for a second before his expression turned more serious. "But... things changed. People changed. We lost people... but we also gained them..." he said, smiling at the others briefly, his hand wrapping around the Necklace of Sacrifice, that he never took off now. "I know I'm not the strongest demigod of the bunch. And Ari will be mad at me, but I also have to admit I'm not the best. I panic. I'm selfish. I'm impulsive. I get easily distracted by cute guys..." he said, smirking, as a lot of his current sources of distraction were present. "But I'm also one of the demigods that had stayed the longest here at camp. I used both my fighting and my abilities to survive. But, most of all, I had the support of all of you. And, if the trials and quests had shown us something is that if we don't face challenges united, we will all fall. So I'm willing to put aside my own fails and shortcomings and battle to be recognized as the worthy son of Aphrodite". He then took a deep breath and looked down, to find Mr. Candle waving another flag with his face, which made him laugh. "I understand if you decide to choose another demigod but... know that I'm ready to do this. And that I believe we can do this together. My mother started wars. But she also joined nations under her cult. Love unites us. And, if we are together... Love can conquer all. Thank you all". Mr. Candle waved the flag excitedly before jumping on Daith's lap, clapping and looking at everyone so they would clap too. Or else.
"So here's the thing," Asher begins, and instantly he felt like he was going through a stint of Deja vu. "A lot has changed since we voted on our last trial. Mostly, we know that there are forces outside of Eris that are coming for us. Forces with powers none of us really know the limits of. I think from a necessity base, we need my artifact that can combat what they can do. I am the son of Time, my father's powers are a trump card, they have to be. If we can secure that, our possibilities are endless." He looked at each of the other demigods, trying to look them each in the eye, "I'm confident that I'm ready to rock my trial. Not only have I been through our latest one, I have assisted in taking down plenty of enemies, and that's just me at half strength. Imagine what I'm capable of once I have my father's gift? Plus. I mean, my father's trial is in the Palace of Westmincer. It beats the hell out of trekking through some enchanted palace. Make the smart move, and give yourself and the rest of us the power of time to get this right. Vote Jones."
"attention, losers," ragnor leapt on the stage and faced the others, a flourish to his movements.
perhaps it wasn’t the wisest to begin a speech with such a term—but he hoped it was as endearing as he’d meant it to be. ragnor’s heartbeats were rampant within his chest, but the smile that cut through his face was bright, rehearsed. he needed to be the bronze-haired hero for them today, someone martyr-boned and trustworthy. it was a performance but a seamless one that came with much ease.
perhaps a part of ragnor truly believed he was a hero.
he began, and for once his words poured out raw; no sugar-coat, no honey.
“i am not going to stir idle conversation about how i am the perfect candidate; i am not.” that, he believed. that, he knew. “but,” ragnor’s gaze swept over every face. “i am not the fuckin’ mess from a few months ago, either. no more drunken shenanigans, no more rookie mistakes. these past few quests and the trial have been exhaustin’, but i’ve saved some of your asses with my dancing skills—helped freed kit’s mother from her corruption—held my own against some of those dark aether dip-shits with ari and keaton.” he steeled his jaw then. “what i am saying is, i am strong enough to take on my father dionysus's trial now, i am ready to face his frenzy." he was also ready to confront whatever curse that laid dormant within him; to let his father's madness cut it from the root. "the anklet may not be that remarkable of an artifact but some of you have seen, first hand how powerful a well-timed dance can be in battle.” he let his smirk unfurl then and made a graceful, theatrical bow to signal the end of his speech.
before ragnor left the stage, however, he added: “also, it's in fuckin' vegas, c'mon.”
"second verse, same as the first, am i right guys???? haha but seriously, vote tucker rhee! not only will i put my, like, proverbial pedal to the metal, but i promise that i won't let anyone die without a proper seance. also, cali is like a really great vacation spot and stuff, so i'll be able to take everyone out to expensive dinners and we can, like, go to a yoga retreat or something. cheers!!! xoxo!!!"
"look," iggy starts, shrugging, "i know i'm newer than most of you that spoke up already, but just because we're new doesn't mean we're not as important." he pointedly looks at everyone, but lingers on the veterans. "you can look down on us all you want, but we're never going to prove ourselves unless you let us." he grins, cocky and sure of himself. "let me be the first to show you all that we newcomers are just as worthy as the rest of you."
there's a new sense of confidence that swells in the pit of his stomach. before, there was hesitation to his words, in his being. but too many things have happened since talk of the last trial, his eyes have been opened, his focus recentered. "i'm still not the strongest among us." he starts, looking around at each of the demigods gathered. "but i'm relentless." his fingers rest against the table top of their dining tables, closing his eyes for a moment. "i was relentless in trying to figure out where my mother was, so much so that i nearly killed myself trying to find answers. relentless in setting souls to rest after they were forcefully taken from this world. relentless in my pursuit of knowledge." he pauses, eyes lingering over each and every demigod, making eye contact for a moment before looking to the next.
"i found where my mother was, followed the clues that lead ten of us to samothrace. together, we figured out where my mother was, discovered what eris had turned her into—what she might have turned all our parents into." his expression changes, eyes almost flickering dark as he remembers the embryo, the multi-headed abberation that his mother had become when he let her out of her confinement. "and together, we freed her from that corruption, i was willing to die if it meant that she be restored and i almost did—my magic kept me alive and i destroyed the foulness of whatever was corrupting her heart with the magic that runs in my veins. when we got back here, ari and i restored her back to her rightful home down in the crypts and we felt something—power—that was being restored back to olympus, protective magics." his expression softens now, a smile playing upon his lips as he remembers the tremor, that feeling of power that radiated from ancient runes he could barely understand.
his eyes close as he remembers the feeling of her arms around him, the warmth, that same feeling of belonging he's always longed to feel. "she told me she loved me." his voice quiets down to an almost whisper. "she hugged me and told me she was proud of me." his eyes open, the softness of his expression mirroring the look on his face. "and she told me something else, something that this trial—my trial—is the next step in doing."
he takes a deep breath, a sigh parting his lips. "she told me that when i ascend, we'd be together forever. she believes in me." he looks out now, his expression gentle, but a fire lingers beneath the surface of his eyes, one that burns with determination. "and i hope that the rest of you will, too. i'm ready. i was willing to die in order to help the cause, but now i'm willing to survive and fight until we get our parents back and defeat this darkness once and for all."
he takes a seat, eyes still looking out at each of the demigods until his gaze rests on ragnor, a smile on his face as the nerves begin to settle in. 
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dear--charlie · 4 years
Dear Charlie,
Today is March 29, 2020.
‘Good things are coming.’ That was the last sentence of the second paragraph of the last letter I sent you. January 30. 2 months ago. If only I’d known then how quickly it would come to fruition.
It’s so funny how it worked out. I’d matched with a guy on Facebook and things were okay, but I’d been cautious because he’d been so clingy. I was concerned about that. Valentine’s Day came and went. The next day, I finally got my first tattoo (and I love it!). The 16th was Sunday, it passed like any day. But we’d made plans to meet the 17th. I was panicking. I was nervous. I wanted to ditch. I ended up texting him and saying that I was happy to meet for dinner, but I wasn’t sure that I really had the energy for much else. He told me that it wouldn’t cost me a dime, just my time, and that he would make it worth my while.
And so, I got home from work that day, and put myself together. My heart was racing, I was horrified. I didn’t know what to expect. 'He’s cute, sure’, I thought, 'but he’s clingy, he’s overly-enthused’. But he was so sweet, he hadn’t said anything to cause concern. So I was cautious, but optimistic. The time came, he came to pick me up, things were off to a good start. My mom saw him open the car door for me, so she already liked him.
We made awkward small talk until we got to the dinner spot he had planned. I learned he likes metal music, he learned that I know the metal bands he likes. We got a little more comfortable with each other after that. Amazing how you can bond with someone over music, right? Dinner was delightful, I’d never been to the place he took me to. I learned more about his family life, he learned that I knew the small town in WV he came from. We talked about tattoos, he asked to see mine (he had seen the pic the day I got it done). He doesn’t have any yet, but he has some planned.
We spent some time on the rooftop of that place, there’s a beautiful view of Atlanta on all sides. If you ever find yourself there, Charlie, be sure to take it in. I’m a sucker for a view, and I remember that night like it was yesterday. It’s a place you don’t forget, I promise you that.
After, we headed back down to the shops and restaurants. He knew I was into tarot cards so he took me to a shop there that sells them. We wandered through a few more shops, he learned that I’m a plant lady and I told him all about cacti and how cool the desert really is. I talked a lot that night, more than I usually do.
Eventually, we left that area completely and drove around for a little bit. We ended up at Centennial Olympic Park, I had mentioned that it was opened around my birthday, when the Olympics were here. He asked when my birthday is. 'It’s the 21st’, I told him. I hadn’t realized that he’s only 23 too, I swore his profile had said 24. But when I told him my birthday was in August, he told me his was too. His birthday is the 26th. I’m 5 whole days older than him.
We never kissed that night. Never even held hands or hugged. There was zero physical contact. And I was okay with that. I’d had a wonderful night, it was so much better than I could’ve expected. I was so delighted. I never felt nervous after that, I never got uncomfortable. He’s a delight.
We’ve gone on several adventures since; I can’t choose a favorite, but I will say that being kissed on the edge of a lake under a clear sky full of stars is definitely a big memory for me. It took a little over a month (and a lot of courage during a vulnerable moment exactly one week ago), but we’re finally saying 'I love you’ to each other. And we say it a lot, as often as we possibly can. And it’s comforting to know that the cute boy is all mine. He tells me all the time that he isn’t going anywhere, that we’ve got so many adventures ahead of us. And it’s so exciting. I kept praying for an adventure, did I not?
We can’t see each other for a couple weeks (at minimum) because of the virus getting so bad here. His county is completely locked down and mine is supposedly like that, but work is still unbelievably busy anyway. Apparently 'stay at home’ is purely suggestive. Hopefully they’ll do something about it, it’s only been one day and I already miss him terribly. Imagine how I’ll be the day before it ends? A mess. I keep praying for a miracle. With any luck, one will come soon.
Anyway, I thought I’d catch you up on how I’m doing, Charlie. The virus is bad and I’m anxious about it, but otherwise things are alright. I’m falling in love for real and it’s exhilarating. I can’t believe I almost ghosted him, but at the end of the day, I am just so thankful I didn’t. Another day, I’ll tell you more about him.
Your friend, with love, as always, Ann
P.S. I took the week off (for my mental health, not due to the virus). Let’s see if work tomorrow is any better than when I left..
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wxyvision · 4 years
Dear First Love {2/4}
Genre: angst, fluff?
Word count: 1,935
Part one here
Dear first love,
I don’t know what I was expecting. I was, of course, hoping that you would be there to see the performance, but I also can’t expect you to be there. You were probably busy practicing, right? Or perhaps you just didn’t want to come, which is fine too! You didn’t have to. I think it went well! I think Guanheng and Mark got some good photos of it if you wanted to see them. Many people said that they enjoyed the performance, or at least that’s what the boys said, they may have been just hyping it up for me though! How was your week? I imagine it was tiring, no? It looked like you had bags under your eyes at lunch. Please rest well, my little chicken wing. You worry me when you don’t look after yourself! I enjoyed spending time with you and some of the boys, though. You waved at me so cutely, I thought my heart would burst. Ahh, our friends would never let me live it down if they knew I wrote such cheesy words for you. I really mean it, though. What were you doing smiling at me so brightly? Is it your intention to kill me off? Especially when I continue to “protect” you from everyone’s affection. I wonder if you’ll be at Donghyuk’s birthday party next Friday, I assume so. To be honest, me and him aren’t even that close and I was invited, so I can only assume you will be too. If not, I will invite you! You can eat some more delicious cake and play some more games, although if any kissing comes up, I think I will sit those games out after last time. Not that I didn’t enjoy it, I just don’t want to make things weird between us. I hope maybe you'll be there?
Your little dumpling
Dear first love,
The past couple of months have been crazy, haven’t they? Did you enjoy Donghyuk’s party? I was so anxious about inviting you, but you told me that you’d already been invited anyway. Oops! I think the both of us ate a lot, there were a lot of tasty snacks, after all. I’m glad that we got to speak a lot at the party, it was good to talk more to you and to ge to know one another more. I hope that we will only get closer as the months pass. At least no one had to kiss each other, although Donghyuk did dare Johnny to lick the carpet. At least Kun was there to stop him from actually doing it, who knows what bacteria is on that boy’s floor! You really didn’t have to come with Mark when he walked me back home.. but I’m glad you did. Even if it was a little awkward because I was trying so hard not to smile too much at you, I’m glad. Can you believe that it’s already been a year since we first met? It feels as though we only met a month ago. How did the dance competition go, by the way? I saw a video of part of your performance, you were amazing! Even though I’d already seen you dance before, I was still blown away by your talent. I bet you did really well. I do wish I could have been there watching and cheering you on, but I was too nervous to ask you if I could go along. The last thing I’d want is for you to think I’m a weirdo.. Anyway, I heard that you saw the pictures from my performance. What did you think? I am slightly worried that Mark may have taken some unflattering photos of me just to embarrass me, please forget that image of me! 
Your little dumpling
Dear first love,
I have to do a project with some of the boys, and I’m a little nervous because I don’t know them well but they must be good people if you’re friends with them, right? We have a couple of girls on our team that I’ve never spoken to before, too. I think they’re only there for Lucas, though, cause they keep giving him heart eyes.. but then again, so does Jungwoo! :D I also recently got to meet your friend Yangyang for the first time. Isn’t he cute?? Not quite cuter than you, though, my little chicken wing. You’re the cutest of all. Oh! How could I forget? It’s your birthday soon! I heard that it’s probably going to be a joint party for you and Yuta. I want to get you a present but I don’t know if you want one from me. Ahh, I’ll just get one anyway. It’s the sentiment that matters above anything, after all. If I don’t get invited I’ll still see you on your birthday and I’ll wish you a happy birthday! You’re another year older to no longer being a ‘little’ chicken wing hehe. I bet you’ll have lots of fun, the others really know how to throw a good party. I wish they could throw a party for mine. As much as I loved having Guanheng and Mark singing happy birthday to me in the park whilst holding a burger with a candle stuck in the middle of it, I do wish I could have spent it with you. Don’t get me wrong, I love those two, but it’s not the same. I wonder if they threw me a party, would you be there? I like to think we’ve become more comfortable with one another now, right? We’ve had many conversations by now, so that must mean something, or at least it does to me.
Your little dumpling
Dear first love,
I’m not going to lie, when you came up to me after class that day and asked if I wanted to go to your party I melted. I wasn’t expecting you to invite me at all, especially not personally, but of course I was happy that you did. That means you wanted me there, right? I still feel the butterflies in my tummy just remembering the way you smiled at me. Has anyone told you you literally have the most beautiful smile ever? Because you do, and I will never get over it. I want to see you happy like that always, even if it’s not because of me. You may have noticed that I put a bit more effort into my appearance for your party, although you probably didn’t realise that I did that for you. I hoped you liked the present! I was thinking of what to get you when I remembered a conversation we had a while back. I bet you thought I forgot, but I didn't. You keep making me weak, my little chicken wing, especially when you pinched my cheek out of nowhere like that. Are you trying to kill me off again? Why do you do things like this? You’re such a meanie! Anyway, I enjoyed the party. We played many games, though again I tried to avoid an awkward scene like that one time. Although I definitely wouldn’t mind sharing another kiss with you, I also know how awkward it must have been for you. For me, my heart was racing but I hope you didn’t feel that! We got to speak a bit, too, which was good, even if it was mainly about snacks. I hope you had a really amazing birthday! I wished you happy birthday at both the party and on the actual day. Even though it was a busy day for me, I still found time for you <3
Your little dumpling
Dear first love,
There’s been so many parties recently, hasn’t there? I guess that’s what you get when you hang around with so many people hehe. I really enjoyed planning Kun’s party together! I’ve been getting closer to him, too. Now I see why you like him so much (the food is one reason ;)). It was good to see some of the boys again, I haven’t spoken to them much since November. I guess that’s what happens when the holidays take over though, everyone becomes so busy it’s hard to hang out until the new year. I heard that you met up with a few of the boys to see the new year in. Did you have fun? I was busy trying to make the cake for the party and completely missed the countdown, but oh well, there’s always next year, right? Did you enjoy your holidays? I forgot to ask you at the party since you kept being pulled away every two minutes by someone wanting to talk to you. That’s just the joys of being popular I guess :P. I can’t believe I’ve only just gotten to know Kun properly and he’ll be graduating soon. That’s what you get for hanging out with the older generation, hmm? He would hate me saying that, but I’m not wrong hehe. School starts again soon so we’ll be able to talk more in person instead of just through group chats (and Mark passing on messages for me). To be honest, I was surprised when you told me that you were staying in Korea over the Christmas holiday. I thought you might have spent some time at home, but I guess you did have us here to keep you company, and to buy your favourite foods for you whenever you felt homesick. I don’t believe you’ve ever told me about your family, I’d love to know more about them, but I didn’t want to ask before in case I made you sad <3
Your little dumpling
Dear first love,
We just got back from a school trip not long ago. It was fun, wasn’t it? Apart from when we thought that Jungwoo broke his arm and Mark starting screaming cause he was panicking.. That was less fun. But hey, it’s a funny story to bring up whenever any of us want to tease him. I’m glad Jungwoo’s arm wasn’t broken though. Who was in your tent again? I think they put you with Lucas, no? I think I remember you telling him to stop screaming at one point, but that may have been my tired brain making up stories again. We got to talk a little, didn’t we? It was when the others were cooking food and the two of us watched them because we didn’t want to get involved in the ‘kitchen drama’. I did love doing a commentary of our imaginary cooking show, it was fun! Maybe we should ask to go camping more often, although maybe wrap the boys in bubble wrap so no one can break anything. I was kind of hoping that the trip would be to an amusement park or something similar, but I guess that might have been pretty hectic. Let’s face it, a ‘peaceful’ camping trip was chaotic enough, imagine what things would be like at an amusement park! I would still love to go to one, though. Who would be the responsible adult, though? Perhaps papa Kun, since he is old now hehe. By the way, did you receive any gifts for Valentine’s Day? I wanted to give you these letters but I made my identity too obvious, I wouldn’t be able to face you ever again if I had given you them. That’s why I settled for something that wasn’t too obvious. Maybe one year I’ll have the courage to say these things to you, but for now, I will love you from afar.
Your little dumpling
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yaachtynoboat711 · 5 years
Our Next Guest...
A/N: Here’s my contribution to @hoopshoney and @purple-apricots With Love, From Wakanda fic fest! I’m so excited to temporarily break from Fonder’s angsty chains and coming with that present-day Yaa and Wins! I apologize for the tardiness of this fic, as I started my new job this week. I had to dust this off from the depths of my archives due to the time crunch. I was going to do my M’Baku x OC, but my time was limited.
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Word Count: 2.4K
Warning(s): Fluff, Black Love
Prompt: “Have I mentioned how much I love you? Only twice in the past hour.”
“Chris, I’m fucking terrified.”,you huffed.
You were in your dressing room getting ready to finally begin your Sheimbloom press junket. The first stop was Jimmy Kimmel Live, one of your favorite talk shows. You’d been delaying the tour for personal reasons. Now, it was here and you were going alone. Winston was in the middle of a project in New York. Plus, it was Valentine’s Day. It sucked knowing that Winston couldn’t make it, however,it was worth knowing that he was being supportive and giving you advice on TV interviews. You’d had many a print interview, but never a TV interview.
“Baby, you’ll do fine. You’re a lawyer: you orate for a living. Plus, you love Jimmy, so this’ll be a breeze.”, Winston reassured via FaceTime.
“Yeah, you’re right...I guess.”
“You’re damn right I’m right. I can’t recall a time I was ever wrong. ”
“Well shit I can.”, you smirked, earning an annoyed huff and eye roll from your fiancé.
“ANYWAYS, are you going to indirectly promote Us?”
“Hasn't it already been promoted enough?”
“Now, what’s that supposed to mean,Yaa Denae?” One of the production assistants walked in at the perfect moment.
“Dr. Abdullah, we’re ready for you.”, the PA said.
“Well, won’t you look at the time! I love you, baby love!”,Yaa said in a hurry.
“I love you, too, Pumpkin. Gimme love.” The two of you did your secret handshake despite the distance and he hung up.
“K.D., you two are just too cute for words.”, your assistant Talia gushed as you handed her your phone.
You walked out of your dressing room along with Talia and your other assistant Jacqui to the backstage area.
When you got backstage, you found a mirror to check yourself out and posed for your OOTD post. Winston picked your outfit: simple black blouse with matching flared pants and a Tuskegee crimson and old gold striped ascot (your choice,of course). He even picked out the leopard pumps. That man had an eye for fashion. Your curly platinum locs were pulled neatly into a ponytail.
“Dr. Abdullah, you’re up in 60 seconds!”, you heard the PA announce. “Thank you!”, you replied. You took this time to recite your affirmation to yourself:
I am enough;I am here for a reason;I am here to slay; I am my ancestors’ wildest dreams!
Finally, you walked into the elevator as you heard the countdown and studio applause before hearing Jimmy’s introduction. “Welcome back! Our next guest is no stranger to shattering glass ceilings. In addition to graduating valedictorian of Yale Law School at the age of 23,yeah, twen-ty three, this past July, she became the youngest and the first Black woman to win the Richard T. Sheimbloom Award for Merit and Excellence in Law--the highest award for any lawyer in the world to receive. Please, help me welcome for the first time, Attorney Khalida Abdullah!”
The audience erupted into cheer, but not before the elevator door slid open to you doing that little Thotiana jig. You waved to the audience and gave them your brightest Miss Tuskegee smile. You strutted your way towards Jimmy and hugged him before sitting down. “Well...”, Jimmy began, “...happy Valentine’s Day and welcome to the show, Attorney Abdullah.” The audience continued their clapping and cheering.
“Thank you so much,Jimmy! Happy V-Day to you! Please call me K.D.. Can I just say that one, this is a dream come true to be on the show and two, I need to carry this audience in my pocket because they really--” they all screamed and you smiled as you glanced towards the audience once more, “--they really helped me overcome my nerves just now and this energy y’all are giving me is every damn thing to me.”
“Well, I’m happy that’s something that helped ease you. So let’s jump right on in: what made you want to become a lawyer?”
“You know, not a lot of people have asked me that question.”
Jimmy’s head bucked back in disbelief, “Really?”
“Yeah, so believe it or not, the OJ trial inspired me to go into law. I was about 5 years old and I see Johnnie Cochran, a Black man, and Marcia Clark, a woman, working the case. I guess I was trying to figure out why weren’t there any Black Women working this case. Even after the case, I didn’t meet a Black female lawyer until I was in college. Sometimes, you gotta be your own role model.” The audience applauded your answer.
“That’s something to really live by. Now fast-forward to this past July: what’s going through your mind before and after hearing your name called for the Sheimbloom?”
“Maaaaan, I was a complete wreck and a tad tipsy from the wine they put on the table. I had my umi and Winston’s hands in vise grips. For clarification, Winston Duke, y’know…”,you looked dead into camera 1, “...THICC DADDY M’Baku? Anyways, everything’s going in slow motion, so my reaction was about 10 seconds slower than what it should’ve been. Now, the Chairman didn’t actually announce my name per se.”
Jimmy and the audience laughed. “So...are you the 2018 Sheimbloom winner or not?”, he joked. “Jimmy, listen! Winston, along with some of his fellow Jabari actors, started barking like they did in the Warrior Falls scene? It wasn’t until Winston let go of my hand and literally took his scarf to bark did I realize I’d won.” The audience cheered as a picture of your raw reaction to winning appeared on the screen behind you. Your red eyes were bugged out, mouth ajar, both hands placed on your chest. That feeling of victory began tingling throughout your body all over again .
“How’s life after winning?”
“To be honest…I don’t really feel that much different. I worked that Monday after the ceremony and up until the middle of August because my partners essentially forced me on leave and sent me to L.A.”
“Why would they do that?” The audience laughed. You did too.
“Honey, I had been working like a madwoman from October up until they put me on leave.”
“Ah-a. So that leads me to the next question: what happened that night?” You smirked.
“Well, after giving my speech, I got whisked upstairs to take pictures with my award.” The screen behind you showed a picture of you holding your award up to your ear like a cell phone with one hand and showing off your rose gold slugs by pulling on your bottom lip with the other. You were squatting down and showing off your red sparkly pump.
“That’s one of the most epic pictures I’ve ever seen. What happened next?” The audience gassed you up with “Ow’s! and whistles..
“Wellllllllllllllll”, your toothy smile should have been the indication that it was about to go down, “I sneak away to the terrace for a breather because God knew I needed it. I’m out there and my Winston texts me asking me where I had gone, right? Long story short, he proposed. Afterwards, socialized for a little bit, and then Wins and I went to our favorite 24-hour diner like nothing even happened that night. So, that’s another reason I was out here in L.A.: he still lives here and we needed time to begin planning the wedding.” The audience went crazy with applause.
“So how’s the planning coming,”
“Uhh...it’s proving to be harder than we initially estimated. We don’t live together—he’s here in LA and I’m in DC. So with that being said, we can’t just meet at a central location at lunch and talk about flowers and what not. He’s big money now with his ever-filling schedule and I’m doing the damn thing too so we can’t just break. We try to reserve a weekend every month to devote our time and energy to planning. The few times we’ve actually come together, progress was def made.”
“One more question before the break: when’s the wedding date?”
You looked at him with your usual “Really, nigga?” face. “C’mon, Jimmy. I can’t just disclose something personal like that. We don’t want our special day to be a media circus. But the only thing I will say is that it’s in 2020.”, you teased.
“We’ll be back after the break.” The audience applauded until the director yelled “Cut!”
“And we’re back! I’m here on this Valentine’s Day with the incomparable Khalida Abdullah, attorney and activist. Now earlier, you mentioned that your fiancé is none other than actor Winston Duke, who’s been on this show before.”, Jimmy explained. The ladies in the audience swooned.
“That’s correct! He’s currently doing press for his upcoming movie Us. Y’all should hit it up next month.”, you responded, trying to conceal the goofy smile forming.
“So one thing I failed to mention before the break was that you two are gracing the cover of Essence Magazine’s Black Love issue.”, Jimmy announced. The audience cheered. He propped the advance copy up that showed you and Winston posed together and serving faces.
“So, if you don’t mind me asking, is it difficult being in a relationship with a man of growing international status?”
“Well, damn. I never even thought about that. Ummmm...no. If anything, our relationship is growing stronger. Life after Black Panther has, in a sense, caused us to strengthen our communication. I believe that our mutual communication is our greatest asset. We literally text each other our daily schedules and we have each other’s events and event reminders in other’s phones. We’re very transparent with one another.”
“So you don’t get jealous with other ladies throwing their panties at Winston?”
You shot Jimmy an unimpressed look. “Why get jealous when he’s in mine all the time?”, you said unphased, shrugging your shoulders, crossing your legs and drinking from your mug. The audience hooted and hollered.
"Welll, here's an Instagram picture of the two of you. Not quite like we just discussed but very cute. Does he get tired of the graduations and celebrations you drag him to? You taking his shine?"
A picture of you two came on the screen. It was the Instagram picture the two of you took at your graduation dinner this past spring. In your beautiful red off-shoulder African dress and doctoral cap and he in his khaki seersucker and unbuttoned white dress shirt, the two of you jokingly did the “prom pose” and he was kissing your neck. Your signature smile and red lip were on full display as you were mid-laugh. The audience awed as they felt the warmth and love you two shared in that moment.
“Nahhh...in his mind, he sees us as equally yoked. Whatever hustle I have, be it a speaking engagement, an award, or anything, he’s cheering me on 125%, and the same goes for me. So with anything in our lives, you’ll see one go all the way for the other. Metaphorically, no one has a bigger head between us.”
“But in the literal sense?”
“Oh, it’s definitely his ass.” Everyone including yourself burst out laughing. “Plus, it doesn’t hurt that we’re good arm candy for each other for events. I mean, look at us!”, you said enthusiastically as you pointed at the picture.
“Well, one more thing before we go: what’s on the agenda for Valentine’s Day?”, Jimmy inquired. You carefully thought about your answer. The thought of being away from your Teddy Bear on Valentine’s Day sucked ass.
“Well, unfortunately, he’s on his way to New York to tend to some business. Buuuut, in a perfect world, I’d be rushing to finish this interview and get ready to go out on a date or stay in, get into our pajamas, and watch Forensic Files all night long.”
“Well, once again, happy Valentine’s Day and congratulations on everything you’ve accomplished. Khalida Abdullah, everybody.”, Jimmy concluded. The audience stood up and cheered as you and Jimmy chatted it up until yhe break.
“Annnnd cut! Great job, Khalida!”, the producer yelled over the PA system.
“Not bad for your first interview.”, Jimmy complimented. You thanked him for the opportunity and were escorted backstage.
Jacqui was the first of your staff to welcome you backstage. “K.D. (you hated formalities with your staff), that was amazing! It’s crazy to think that you were terrified right before this and now look at you: mastered it like it was nothin’!”, she said as she hugged you deeply. You’d thanked her and you started walking back to your dressing room.
“I just wished that Wins could’ve been here, y’know?”, you whispered loud enough so Jacqui could hear. You opened the door and it hit something heavy, the door’s impact sounded as though the victim may have been a person. Your face scrunched in curiosity and your native New Orleans kicked in for this very moment. “Bitch, who the fuck?!”, you yelled. You stepped back to make sure you were going to the right dressing room. Yup, this is my dressing room. You slowly opened opened the door again.
Your confused expression remained on your face as you heard Ed Sheeran’s Perfect playing softly. The lights were dimmed just enough that you could see Winston standing in the middle of the room looking the fuck good as usual. You ran to him, tightly hugging his torso. He took in the sweet scent of your loc oil and perfume and kissed the top of your locs. He could feel your chubby cheeks complimenting your candy apple red smile.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, Pumpkin.”, he whispered.
“You raggedy as fuck. Just want you to know that. I love you though. ”, you clapped back.
“I love you, too, but hoooooow?!”, Winston looked down into your teary light brown eyes. “New York, Winston? Really?”, you answered.
“Denver, Khalida? Really?, he shot back.
Silence. “Touché.”
Your staff recorded the entire exchange. Praise the ancestors for them. You looked over to the counter to see a large bouquet of your rose trifecta and Tropical Skittles, your personal favorite candy. Your favorite snack was sporting a burgundy suit with a tan turtleneck.
“Now, I was in a crunch trying to get here, but I figured you’d appreciate the Tropical Skittles over the originals, even though Skittles are your favorite regardless.”, he explained. You shook your head as you heard his explanation.
“God, I love you, Winston.” He kissed your fivehead before giving your lips the same attention.
“I love you even more, Pumpkin.”
“Have I mentioned how much I love you?”, you asked.
“Only twice in the past hour. ”, he teased. “Now come on—it’s half-past 4 and we need to get ready for the night ahead of us.”
“Welp, there goes that Forensic Files binge-a-thon I bragged about.”
Tag Listiana 🤷🏽‍♀️
@muse-of-mbaku @kumkaniudaku @eriknutinthispoosy-deactivated2 @whoramilaje @mbakusthrone @mbakuwife @crushed-pink-petals @hoopshoney @purple-apricots @inlovewithmakeupcomicsanimelove @jackburtonsays @randomwordprompts @bartierbakarimobisson @wakandan-flowerz @blackpantherreblogs @babygirlofwakanda @eerythingisshaka @washyourlinens @turn-thy-paige @doublesidedscoobysnacks @supersizemeplz @wakandas-vibranium @dramaqueenamby @oshasimone @destinio1 @sonofnjobu @teheeboo @sarahboseman @iamrheaspeaks @chaneajoyyy @lovelynervouschaos @cay-cah @coonflix @katasstrophey @mareethequeen @jozigrrl @great-neckpectations @jellybean531 @yofavcocoa @storibambino @maya-leche @blackgirloneshots @royallyprincesslilly @texasbama @certifiednatural @abeautifulmindexposed
60 notes · View notes
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Oh gosh! So many questions!!! <3 Thank you guys! <3 @atmospheric-light @jocelynships @empress-of-cornelia @aoi-hina
❤: who is more affectionate in public? in private?
I’m more affectionate in public, and Kuja’s more affectionate in private! <3
♡: who is the bigger romantic openly? secretly?
Kuja for both of those! <33
❥: who is more likely to plan something big for valentine’s day?
Kuja prepares valentines day all by himself every year. The entire day is filled with gifts, surprises and other valentines appropriate events.
The most he’ll allow me to do is give him a small gift. Everything else is on him.
ღ: who is more likely to initiate hand-holding in public?
In public? Kuja. Kuja is possessive, protective, jealous. He always feels the need to show dominance to others and show that I’m his. I don’t mind though!
💝: who spends more time (possibly overthinking) what presents to get the other?
I do. Kuja knows exactly what kinds of gifts I enjoy, and he has all the money in the world to buy it. I, on the other hand, always had trouble buying gifts for people. Gift giving isn’t something I grew up with.
Usually I just get him something useful. Handcuffs, candles, whips, that kind of stuff...
💌: who is more likely to send cutesy texts to the other?
While texting and modern technology isn’t really present in the medieval setting of FFIX, I can assure you there’s a load of cute notes scattered around the house. Written by Kuja of course. I’ll often write a response on the letters if we do end up being home at different times <3
💟: who spends time reading their zodiac compatibilities?
Me. Kuja doesn’t quite understand the concept of zodiac, often exclaiming that his love in not bound to when we were born.
I personally am very interested in zodiac, and similar practices.
(Now, Kuja doesn’t really have a canon birthday, but looking at his personality I can only assume he is a leo with high libra influences!)
Overall we have a very high zodiac compatibility! Often times the zodiac talks about Libra’s and Leo’s fighting about who gets to have the spotlight, but seeing as I’m a very shy Libra myself, I don’t mind giving the spotlight to my man <3
💓: who initiates most physical contact?
I do! I am very clingy, so I always have an arm around Kuja, or a hand on his knee, or my face snuggled in his neck. I honestly don’t care where we are, I am touching him. No exceptions. <3
💘: who developed a crush on the other first?
I knew I wanted this man when I first saw him. I was the one that initially approached him, and I was the one who asked him on our first date.
💚: who tends to get sick more often? who is better at taking care of the other?
Kuja is actually not human, so his immune system is different from mine. Seeing as we live on a planet not his own, it seems germs and the like do not affect him at all! I’ve never seen him get sick.
I’m currently sick. I get sick about once or twice a year, but when I do I get sick BAD.
Kuja is a surprisingly good caretaker. He’ll lay down with me, bring me tea, read books to me. He’s overall a sweetheart and because of him never getting sick neither of us have to worry about getting him sick~ so kisses are also accepted! <3
💕: who is more likely to make huge declarations of love in front of other people?
Kuja. Kuja. Did I mention Kuja?
This guy is super theatrical. He will recite and re-enact romance plays, even in public. He keeps it classy however, and won’t do anything too out of line.
💙: who is more protective?
Kuja is very protective. For some reason, I seem to get a lot of attention from men when I walk down the streets, even when walking around with Kuja. He gets really jealous very quickly and will often kiss me in front of the offender; or if they touched me at any point he’ll burn their hand. or sever it. depends on his mood, really
In a non-romantic setting he is also very protective. He doesn’t like it when I do stupid things which I do often like jumping from high ledges into water, or sledding down steep hills. He has once caught me when I was falling from our roof. I just wanted to see the stars why am I getting lectured???
Kuja protects me from battles as well, often using himself to shield me from danger.
💜: who said “i love you” first? or, if neither has said it yet, who is more likely to say it first?
We actually said it at the same time... The exact same time. We are both very affectionate, but our words didn’t match up with our actions for the first months of our relationship. We would be all over each other, even though we barely had proper conversations.
One evening however, instead of a more passionate and rough night, he handled me very gently, and was very kind to me. We both said “I love you” at the same time while staring into each others eyes. Ever since we’ve been openly exclaiming our love <33 It just took a little bit of courage from both of us to really open up to each other emotionally.
💛: who believes in soulmates?
Neither of us do. Kuja likes to gush about how I’m his soulmate and how we were made for each other, but it’s really more a theatrical way of saying he loves me than anything else.
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cleverbroadwayurl · 6 years
Some AUs that I Love
Okay so I made a giant list of AUs, prompts, and other things that I love so that you guys could reblog/request/get inspiration from them! I know some are really similar, but honestly that just means I really love that trope! Please feel free to reblog these and use them for your own purposes! I’ll update this list as time goes on, I’m sure, as I’ve had a running list for a long time that was just on my phone. I also don’t own any of these (besides 152 and 196). 
it’s 3 am and I’m still in the library studying for finals and I’m losing my grip on reality and I think I just saw a ghost
I thought I was the only one who liked the waffle station in the cafeteria
it’s 3am, in the dead of winter, some motherfucker pulled/set off the fire alarm and I am being very vocal about how I’m gonna make that fucker pay
The guy with the bibles on the quad has cornered me and is screaming about hell, please rescue me
You’re the only one who actually responded to the desperate message I sent to the whole class about needing the notes
'i ordered a pumpkin spice latte at starbucks and you made a heart with the foam and i decided to drink it here so i can smile at you some more’ au
you walked here in a blizzard to get your hot chocolate but you forgot your wallet at home, here, let me buy your drink for you
we’re at the mall when there’s a severe weather warning over the loudspeakers, guess we’re spending the night here
“I work at a department store and if you take out and unfold a shirt and then leave it one more time I’m going to stuff it down your throat” AU
“You saw me reading the same book you did and we got into a heated discussion on how much it sucks” AU
“You have just witnessed me cry over the ending to my favorite game before class began please don’t ever tell anyone about this.”
“I’ve never talked to you before but the teacher just used us as an example for a scenario where we are married.”
“I’m exhausted, feverish, and hacking up a lung, and the student health center’s first suggestion was pregnancy, can you help me get to the ER in town” AU
“I know that this probably isn’t a good idea but it’s included in the meal plan and I’m stressed out, so I keep hitting the ice cream sundae bar in the buffet style dining hall at least a couple times a week” AU
bonding solely via eye contact over that annoying person on our plane that we’re both slowly becoming more and more exasperated about au
you fell asleep and i started making funny faces at your kid to keep them amused and the steward mistook us for a couple au
actually, any mistaken for a couple au
having to SHARE A LIVING SPACE FOR ARBITRARY FIC REASONS. having to see each other in their pajamas first thing in the morning, messy haired, drowsy eyed and soft faced. going from “you can have the bathroom first” to brushing their teeth beside each other and feeling like this closeness has always existed (at the same time, painfully aware that it won’t always).
bed sharing. :^) we all pretend we’re bigger than this but we are not. 
'room mate has a nightmare and doesn’t want to sit alone at night’ au 
'room mate gets sick and needs tissues and cough sweets and soup’ au
ok but a ‘your apartment is next to/above mine and i can hear you and your partner dancing and singing and the bed moving and you two laughing and talking in hussed tones and it won’t let me sleep so i bitch about it to you 24/7 and one day it stops and one day turns to one week and then months and i haven’t seen you smile in forever please let me     in, i’ve been knocking for ten minutes’ au.
Don’t tell anyone you saw me crying AU
did you actually just blue shell me on our date you fucker
I’m calling to cancel our date because I’m actually in the ER right now, sorry. …I mean, sure, I guess you can come down here, but… okay…
You’re my waiter and I’m on a really crappy date with an asshole
'i’m having a minor breakdown in the middle of bed bath and beyond and you’re a bewildered shopper who wants to buy plates but also to make sure i’m okay bc im wailing a little bit in the kitchenware section’ au
“I’m in a bookshop and I really need that book can you get it for me??? Wait you’ve read that book? let’s have an in depth conversation about it.”
“You were trying to reach for a box of cereal and a whole shelf’s-worth of cereal boxes fell on you here let me help”
“We’re on the bus and I’m really not trying to take up your space I’m sorry I just have rlly rlly long legs” 
“You’re afraid that you’ll lose me in big crowds so you always hold my hand but now you just hold my hand when there’s only, like, five people around and I’m getting vry suspicious” 
It’s like 3AM and my roommate locked me out of the house and I forgot my keys and I’m really drunk pls take pity on me and let me crash at your place for the night o’ neighbor of mine AU
The walls in this apartment building are really thin and I can hear you having mental breakdowns all the time are you okay? AU
“I barely know you but my boyfriend just broke up with me and you heard me crying so you brought over ice cream and movies” AU
I was in a hurry and I ran into you outside the coffee shop while you were carrying two lattes and it turns out they were both for you except that now you’re wearing them I’m so sorry
‘i offer you my bed to sleep in bc our respective roommates are getting it on in your room and take the sofa to sleep on only i wake up back in my bed with your tiny body wrapped around me and damn me if it isn’t the cutest thing i’ve ever seen’ au
You passed out in my car because of strong medication and now I have to figure out how to get you home and avoid taking a picture of your cute sleeping face.” 
 “Hi so i know we haven’t talked before but we have French Literature together and i noticed you’ve been gone and since we’re on the same dormitory floor i thought i’d stop by and give you my really thorough notes and oh wow you’re rEALLY sick are you ok?” 
you look so good and so many people are trying to pick you up and I can only sit in the corner and seethe, and now people are giving me concerned looks
“I’m going to take care of you, okay?”
“Stay the night. Please.”
“I just did some calculations, and I’ve been able to determine that you’re full of shit.”
“You’re so cute when you’re half asleep like this…”
[text]: So I might be in a hospital right now…
 I’m worried about your coffee dependency
  “My shower’s broken but I’ve got a date tonight could I possibly use your shower please?” “Oh sure (neighbour that I’ve been crushing on for the past six months) of course you can use my shower to get ready for your date (fuck fuck fuck)”
There’s a person who won’t stop bugging me will you pretend to be my partner so that they’ll fuck off?
meeting while waiting for hours on end in the emergency room au
‘i’m pretending to be ur bff bc u looked VERY uncomfortable with that person at the bar hitting on u’ AU
“We live in adjacent apartments and our bedrooms are on opposite sides of a very thin wall and one night I heard you crying and talked to you through the wall” AU
“we work at the same office and never really interacted but suddenly we’ve been taken hostage” AU
“at a concert and you kinda saved me from being trampled” AU
“can i borrow your blanket? i need to cry.” AU
‘im really sorry i keep staring but i dreamed about you horribly dying last night and i just wanted to make sure you dont spontaneously combust’
‘i drew you a mathematical heart curve for valentine’s day u nerd’
“I’m a waiter/waitress and you always sit in my section. I really like you and i thought you liked me back until you walked in here with a date, w h o o p s would you look at that I keep spilling stuff on them” au
Another waiter/waitress one: “You always come to this place and never talk much, but now these two assholes are harassing me and you step in and defend me” au
“My friends dared me to go on this rollercoaster but now that we’re at the top it looks way too scary and hellO hot person sitting next to me (careful i might puke)” au
“My significant other just broke up with me and I impulse bought like 5 pizzas. Can you help me eat them and make me feel less like shit?” AU
“You’re a store clerk and oh shit I just spotted my ex please let me hide behind your desk-thing” AU
"This has been a very bad week and you just grabbed the last box of my favorite comfort food at the supermarket” AU
“You crashed into me on your bicycle but I’m actually okay, you on the other hand look like you need some first aid” au
“this is totally awkward considering before this the only interactions we’ve ever had have been casual nods to each other in the hallway but there’s a huge fucking spider in my bath tub and you seem like the friendly neighbor type please help me” au
“it’s the middle of the night and i’m walking home alone in the dark and there’s this guy following me and he’s starting to gain on me and i found this phone booth with a lock on the door and i tried to call my best friend but my hands were shaking so badly i accidentally dialed the wrong number and i don’t even know you but help me” au
“we’ve been pen pals for like hella months and we finally decided to meet up and damn your cute, also did you break up with your jerk bf/gf yet?” au
“i was out in public and had an anxiety attack and you left your friends to give me some chocolate and talk me through it, so tysm” au
“idk you but you were getting hit on in public and you look super uncomfortable so i walked over and pretended to be your bf/gf, but hey while we’re at it, do you wanna go get some food?” au
You and I ride the same bus home every day but never talk but then you fell asleep and sorry to wake you up (you look really cute in your sleep) but it’s your stop next
it’s exam week and i run a coffee shop near the campus and you walked right into my glass door i’m laughing so hard oh my god
you started screaming bloody murder and i could hear you from my apartment and i thought something was horribly wrong but it turned out to be just a spider. and after i squashed it with a slipper you coerced me into being your spider-savior
“you’re super short and i’m sorry but it’s really really cute whenever you try to reach that book on the top shelf here lemme help you- oh no don’t be embarrassed, your face is all red and you’re even more adorable now i am going to die” au
“you fell asleep on my shoulder on the plane ride and i  would ask you to move but you look so comfy and adorable when you sleep. also you smell really good and the feeling of your breath on my skin is somewhat relaxing, maybe we can go out to lunch in this shitty airport when you wake up?” au
“i’m a quiktrip worker and whenever I work a night shift, you always arrive and buy like 3 cans of redbull and you look exhausted, do you need some help? are you okay?” au
“i catch you at the bus terminal shivering your ass off because it’s 30 degrees and for some godforsaken reason you’re wearing a short sleeve t shirt, so out of pity i lend you my hoodie and you look so surprised it’s the cutest thing i’ve ever seen, setting aside the fact that you’re a goddamn idiot, do you want to get sick?” au
(cont.) “you look so sad and cold that i just tell you to keep my hoodie b/c you obviously need it more than i do. a week later i see you at a coffee shop/book store/etc. and you’re wearing my hoodie which you look so fucking tiny and cute in, and you just saw me and you look super embarrassed; you offer me it back but i tell you it suits you more and we end up talking and i buy you a drink” au
i tried to call a crisis hotline but got one number off and started ranting for 10 minutes before you got to speak and tell me i got the wrong number but now you’re worried about me and telling me not to hang up
Character A has been working at a retail store during the night/early morning of Black Friday and is so tired, but they need to stay awake so that they can drive home. Character A stops at Character B’s small coffee shop—which opened early in case people came in at 4am—and Character A accidentally falls asleep in a very comfortable chair while waiting on their coffee. Character B lets them sleep and even gets a blanket out of the back room to cover Character A
You’ve been missing for 5 months and suddenly you turn up at my doorstep with a huge scar across your face, looking more grim than when you left and won’t talk about what happened.
You usually only order hot chocolate and yet today you’re ordering something with six shots of espresso, are you okay??? Are you gonna die???
I just took a super dangerous job and you’re trying to talk me out of it, but we really need the money
You always bring your dates here to the restaurant I wait at and now you’re here alone…you okay mate?
We are trapped in a bank during a robbery
I saw you sleeping on the couch in the lounge in the morning, but now it’s like 5 pm and you’re still here. Are you okay?
I don’t know how we ended up having to sit next to each other on a roller coaster ride—sorry I fell against you  and grabbed your hand a couple times
“You’re so small”
“I can’t breathe”
“Fight me”
“Whose head do I have to rip off?”
“Don’t you ever fucking touch them again”
Found the other in an alleyway under the influence of drugs/alcohol and brought them home
“Why am I your emergency contact?”
“Wait, you actually stayed the night?”
“If he’s going to treat you like shit, I’m gong to kick his ass.”
“I just want to cuddle and watch friends.
“I want my best friend back”
“If I ever see you anywhere near her, you’ll have to deal with me!”
“Fuck…I feel like I’ve been hit by a car”
“Who gave you that black eye?!”
“Are you drunk?”
“You got her pregnant?! What were you thinking?”
“It’s a hobby of mine to prove you wrong.”
“We should get you to a hospital.”
I’m on a terrible date and you’re my waiter please help me
“Please don’t touch me”
“Does he know about the baby?”
“Don’t fucking touch me!”
“Game’s over son of a bitch! Tell me where she is!”
“Look at me—just breathe, okay?”
“Shit, are you bleeding?”
“You haven’t touched your food. What’s going on?”
“You can’t die. Please don’t die.”
“That guy at the bar keeps staring at you.”
“You’re safe now. I’ve got you.”
“Do you want to stay over tonight?”
“Every guy you date is a total jerk and I have to watch you get heartbroken over and over again because you can’t see that I love you!”   
We were snuggling in our underwear when my roommate came home early from vacation now you have to try and sneak down the fire     escape while I distract them with really terrible small talk
I don’t really know you but I noticed that this creep has been trying to chat you up even though you’ve already turned him down, so I’ll pretend to be your boyfriend/girlfriend until they leave you alone
It’s 2 am, we’re standing outside of our apartment building because someone pulled the fire alarm, and you look cold and unprepared, do you want to share my blanket?
We share a class at university and you forgot your notebook under your desk but luckily your phone number’s written inside PS: your doodles are pretty cool
I got stood up on a date and you were just grabbing dinner—shit my ex is here, sit down and pretend to laugh at something I said attractive stranger
Our flats are opposite each other and your kitchen window faces my kitchen so we always see each other making coffee at 3am.
Imagine you’ve been stood up by your douche of a boyfriend on date night and the waitress keeps asking if you’re ready to order but you keep asking for more time hoping that he’s just late. People are starting to look at you with those apologetic looks like they now and you start to feel worse and worse about the whole situation but as you decide to just get up and leave, this boy you’ve never seen sits down explaining loudly “Sorry, I’m so late, traffic is crazy right now.” He quietly adds “I’m [name]. Just go with it, yeah? Whoever didn’t bother to show up is a dick.” And so you go with it because he’s sweet and trying to save you (and plus he’s the cutest thing you’ve ever seen) and as you’re leaving the restaurant after the best non-planned date ever, he asks you out for real this time.
I’ve been texting my friend for about a week now and they don’t reply but turns out I was texting a random person and there was some deep personal stuff I sent oh my god why are they calling me now (+bonus if the person calls at 2am)
“Look I don’t mean to pry but you’ve been wearing the same outfit for three days and I just want to check that you’ve slept?” “Okay obviously not because you just passed out in the hallway holy shit what do I do?”
You’re the bartender and you catch someone slipping something into my drink
You’re the perpetual frowner in class and one day as I’m answering the teacher I intentionally make a very cheesy pun and I can hear crickets but you’re laughing out loud and that makes me feel very much accomplished
I come to this café pretty much every day after work and by now you know my order by heart and even wave at me when I come in
I brought you to my friend’s wedding as my plus one and it was really fun and all but now it’s the end of the night and we’re sitting alone together at the reception and all these twinkle lights and flowers everywhere are causing a hell of a lot of romantic tension between us and ohhhhhhhhh
We were the only two to show up to class because it was cancelled but stay inside to finish work and ‘Hey, are you good at math?’
You’re my neighbor who got drunk and thought this was your apartment but I can’t just send you back home when you keep crying and venting about all of these awful things happening to you
I’m always terrified no matter how many times someone draws my blood. And even though you don’t need to be there when the guy comes     in to take it you always stay with me and talk to me to calm me down and     hold my hand
There’s this creepy person asking me out over text and could you pretend to be my significant other?
“How much did you drink?”
I’m a little drunk and I tried to call my ex back and I typed in your number and you had to hear a long emotional rant ohmygod I’m mortified but you left me a really sweet voicemail aw
The coffee machine stopped working and you’re cramming for finals please don’t cry
I accidentally gave you the wrong dosage of your medication and now we’d better get to the hospital before you pass out and possibly die
Lady and the Tramp AU
“The manager says the only reason the restaurant where we work at is popular is because people enjoy eating while watching our relentless flirting with each other but I swear to God we’re not flirting???”
“It’s Valentine’s Day and I’m single and you want to cheer me up but you can’t cook nor bake to save your life so you make me hot chocolate instead and it is delicious and I think I love you???” AU.
We bump into each other every Friday at the supermarket to buy the same ice cream and maybe we should eat it together?
“You’re the jerk-face customer that keeps on thumbing through their phone while ordering their drink so I exact revenge by spelling your name wrong on your cup and drawing phallic pictures on your coffee”
You’re my roommate who’s super cute and you’re cramming for your exams in your flannel pajamas and disheveled hair and it’s becoming     increasingly hard for me not to kiss you.
"We work together and I stayed after a couple minutes and I saw you on the intercom pretending you were at the Hollywood Bowl with Beyoncé and not to be weird but you're adorable ??"
“It’s our mutual friend’s wedding and they keep shoving us into each other because we’re the only ones at the ceremony who are single”
“I’m sick so you make me chicken soup and I’m really grateful but I’ve also seen you read books on magical spells and potion-making so I’m not sure if I should drink your soup in case it turns me into a toad”
“I’m a perpetual frowner and most certainly not a morning person and I work part-time at a breakfast bar and your disheveled hair and content smile as you eat my waffles and scrambled eggs is the only thing that can get me to smile”
“You’re the health-conscious med student and I’m the chain-smoking art student who’s also your barista and you leave me notes on smoking and lung health on your napkins and also a 20-page essay on lung cancer tucked under your saucer” AU.
“I’m egging a random person’s house to relieve stress and you join me and as it turns out the house belongs to your ex and now they are chasing us as well as the police and now we’re both in jail waiting to be bailed so um you wanna talk about it?”
“I’m a fashion major and I’m working on my illustrations and maybe I’ve had too much coffee but I swear I just saw one of the mannequins move so here I am calling you in the middle of the night please help I’m scared” AU.
“I lied and said I could speak a different language to impress my crush but now he wants me to tutor him so I need to become fluent in Mandarin in 3 days HELP”
“I’m taking this Literature class to fill a Gen Ed, and for the love of God I can’t figure out this dumb poem. Here, you’re an English Major, please help me write this stupid paper” au
“I hope one day you’re as happy as you’re pretending to be”
“I think I picked up your coffee by mistake”
“I want my best friend back”
“I’ll be right over”
“I’m so stupid to make the mistake of falling in love with my best friend.”
“Is there a special reason why you’re wearing my shirt?”
“It’s okay to cry”
“Look at me--just breathe okay?”
“She’s been missing since Friday and you’re not worried?” 
“We have to pretend that we’re married.”
“Why can’t they see that they’re meant for each other?” 
“You did all this for me?”
“You’re safe now. I’ve got you.” 
“You’ve only heard his side of the story. You never asked mine.”
While closing up Character A finds that they’re completely snowed in and the roads are blocked. Character B--another employee/a regular that stayed late--gets out two mugs and offers to make Character A a cup of hot cocoa while they wait for the snow to clear.
“how much did you drink?”
“You deserve better. It doesn’t have to be me, but you deserve better.”
“Please just hold my hand, that person’s basically undressing me with their eyes.”
Teacher from one department falls in love with teacher from another department AU
You found me singing a sad song on the fire escape a floor below you and you came down to ask me if something was wrong and I broke down and told you everything while you awkwardly sat there patting my head while I wept into your shoulder.
We sit across from each other on the train/tube everyday and I’m not sure how but we’ve ended up with this weird, silent, almost-friendship where we share “wtf” looks when we see another passenger doing something weird or telling a bizarre story and a few times I’ve almost gotten you to break and laugh out loud, but today you’re sitting with someone and I think they must be your partner because they are really in your space, but you shoot me a silent look that clearly screams ‘get this creep away from me’ and I’m all for that. AU
It’s the middle of winter and my heater went out and you let me stay at your place so I don’t freeze to death. God bless you.
Why are you crying in the hallway?? Are you okay?? Let’s go to my place, I have ice cream and Netflix.
I work in the library and I’m a little concerned for your health bc you never stop studying. 
I’ve been standing in line at the coffee shop for hours and you casually cut through for your drink but also buy me my favorite blend and now I’m not so sure what to make of you AU
“I don’t get sick”
“It’s not fun anymore, I’m dizzy...”
“We need to get this fever down”
“If you don’t stop soon, we’re going to the ER.”
You didn’t get a blanket on this flight so I figured we could share mine. You look cold okay? NO I AM NOT BLUSHING
You walked into the student lounge on our dorm floor and saw me cry-studying and walked out and now you’re back with coffee and a bag of chips and I’m seriously debating proposing to you with my ring pop
I kept getting harassed by some creepy person as I was trying to study and they’re not picking up on my ‘fuck off’ vibes and I started to actually get scared and then you put a coffee in front of my face and called me babe and scared them away thank you please let me buy you a new one on me oh you have a really cute smile when you’re shy
So I heard you get into this huge fight with someone and I know we’ve only exchanged genial smiles but I just wanted to check that you’re okay AU
You’re my adorably shy and awkward assistant who cares way too much about my love life and at a dance party you tell me to dance with the most attractive person in the room last so you can set up a date with them for me and when everyone’s gone I ask you to dance with me because you’re the prettiest person here to me duh AU
Your girlfriend decided to kick you out at 3 AM and I tripped over your boxes of shit in the hallways in my drunken trip to my apartment now I’m half passed out in a pile of your clothes AU
You asked who I had a crush on and so I described you to a tee but apparently you’re the most oblivious person in the world because you got kinda sad and nodded and HOW DO YOU NOT GET THIS AU
So your TV is facing the window and you’ve been watching Say Yes to the Dress for three days straight I just want to make sure you’re okay AU
You don’t eat nearly enough food and so I’ve gotten in the habit of making you lunches and bringing you deserts to make sure you don’t starve
My cereal is always on the bottom shelf but today they changed the layout so it’s on the top and I can’t reach it AND I WILL NOT ACCEPT YOUR HELP YOU GIANT AU
You are stupidly tall and you sit in front of me in class and I can’t see anything so I despise you with all of my soul AU
You are fiery and outspoken but you are so short that nobody pays any mind and I am so tall and have a huge crush on you so I just sort of follow you around making people listen to you AU
Person A getting startled by the New Years fireworks--not being fond of loud noises. Person B pulls them in for a deep kiss, completely distracting them from the exploding lights filling up the night sky
I was really drunk and you walked me safely back to my dorm room
My roommate brought you back to our apartment because apparently you got really drunk last night and needed someone to keep you safe and now you’re hungover and making pancakes and wow you’re cuTE
My ex runs one of the rides and I want to RUB IT IN THEIR FACE hold my hand and by the way when the camera takes a pic imma lean over and kiss you okay AU
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danrdarrenc · 6 years
Best Friends Since Forever
Will and Paul and Sonny are three best friends in their last semester at Salem High. Will and Paul are both on the baseball team. Sonny is their nerdy but lovable friend. What happens when someone realizes they want to be more than friends? 
or, the high school!teen!baseball!au @dinglehorton​ asked for. One-sided WilSon, Horita endgame.
“So. You guys ready for the season to start?” Sonny asked. He was sitting in the Java Cafe in Salem Place with his two best friends, Will Horton and Paul Narita.
They were catching up after the winter holidays, Paul having been off in Japan visiting his late mother’s family, and Will having spent Christmas in Switzerland with his Aunt Carrie, Uncle Austin, and young cousin, Noah. Sonny had stayed in Salem with his parents and three older brothers who had graced Salem with their presences for the first time since they had gone off to college. 
“Ugh. Don’t remind me,” Will moaned, dropping his head onto his arms, which were folded on the table in front of him. 
Paul snorted in amusement. “Will neglected his training over the offseason no matter how many times I bugged him about it.”
Sonny grinned. “What about you?” Sonny asked Paul.
“I’ve been in the gym every day for the last two months. I’ve been practicing my pitching with Dad.  I’m ready.”
“Showoff,” Will mumbled, his face still in his arms.
“What about you, Sonny?” Paul asked, taking a sip of his coffee. “You going to try out for the team this year?” It was the same question Paul had asked Sonny since middle school, when he and Will had first joined the school team.
Sonny laughed nervously. “I don’t think so. I can barely walk without tripping over my own feet.” It was the same answer he gave every year.
Will picked his head up to laugh. “Come on, Son. It’ll be fun. It’s our last year of high school! You don’t have to play. You could be the bat boy or something.”
“You’d be surrounded by a lot of cute boys,” Paul teased. 
Sonny had come out to them two years ago, during their summer break between Freshman and Sophomore year. Will had admitted he was also gay almost immediately after Sonny’s confession. Paul followed them out of the closet a month later, just before the start of the school year. 
They had been best friends since forever, Will and Paul having grown up together due to John and Marlena being married just before they started elementary school, and Will and Sonny having grown up together due to sharing cousins in JJ and Abigail Deveraux and Aunt Jennifer and Uncle Jack. Will had been Paul and Sonny’s link but they had hit it off immediately and the three of them became inseparable, spending practically every minute of their lives together that was not occupied by school or their families.
Nothing had changed between them, the three of them being out, except that perhaps they had formed an even tighter bond in solidarity with each other. 
At least that had been the case until this past summer, when Sonny had realized he was in love with Will. 
Sonny blushed under Will and Paul’s teasing. “All the same. I think my place is in the stands.”
Will laughed. “Spoilsport.” 
“We should get going if we don’t want to be late for our first class,” Sonny said by way of response.
“Always so serious about school,” Paul said, but followed Sonny’s lead in clearing their table. 
“We don’t all have a full scholarship to Salem University,” Sonny answered, as they walked out of the coffee shop into Salem Place and headed towards Salem High School. 
Over winter break, Paul had gotten the news that he was being given a full ride to the town’s college.  His grades were excellent but he was to be the star pitcher of the university’s baseball team.  
Will was also granted a scholarship to Salem University, although not a full ride, but significant enough that he couldn’t turn it down.  Although he was to play on the baseball team beside Paul, Will’s scholarship was an academic one and he looked forward to pursuing a career in sports journalism.
Paul had the decency to blush. 
“Sonny, you’re the valedictorian of the class by like twelve points. You’re not going to fail if you miss one class,” Will said, trying to lighten up his friend.
“Still. I’d not rather not miss a class.”
Will shook his head in exasperation at the old, tired argument and they walked the rest of the way to school in silence.
“I can’t move,” Will said, falling face first onto Sonny’s bed. 
“Practice was that bad?” Sonny peered at Will’s dramatics over the top of the book he was reading. 
“I already hurt everywhere and it’s only been one day,” Will mumbled into the comforter. 
“Where’s Paul?” 
Will turned his head so he could talk and breathe properly. “He’s having dinner with John. Just us tonight.”
“Won’t your mom be wondering where you are?”
“Probably not. Too busy boning EJ or something.”
Will swatted away Sonny’s scandalous objection and crawled up the bed to sit next to Sonny. As soon as he was settled, Will plucked the book out of Sonny’s hands. “Let’s watch a movie.”
“I have homework to finish.”
Will glared at Sonny. “It’s the first day back from break. How much work can you possibly have? Come on, Sonny! We haven’t had a sleepover just the two of us in ages. You pick a movie. I’ll make some popcorn.”
Will grinned at him, leaving Sonny no choice but to concede. “Alright,” Sonny sighed.
Will squeezed Sonny’s leg in his excitement and hopped off the bed to go downstairs to make the promised popcorn. 
Sonny stared after him, willing his heart to stop beating a mile a minute. He was acutely aware that tonight would be the first time since realizing he loved Will that the two of the them would be sleeping over together just the two of them. It would do him no favors to freak out over spending the night with Will without Paul as a buffer. For the last six months, Sonny had made sure to always make plans that included all three of them, staving off plans with just Will if Paul wasn’t available.
“What movie did you pick?” Will asked, coming back into Sonny’s bedroom with a big bowl of popcorn. 
“Star Wars?”
“We’ve seen that like a hundred times.”
“We’ve seen all my movies a hundred times.”
“True. Star Wars is good. You choose which one.” Will resettled himself on Sonny’s bed and immediately began stuffing popcorn into his mouth. 
Sonny’s lips turned up at the corners as he turned away from Will to grab a random Star Wars movie off his shelf and popped the disc into the DVD player. Steeling himself, Sonny crawled onto the bed next to Will, hyper aware that their elbows were touching. 
They watched the movie in comfortable silence for about a half an hour until Will asked, “Are you alright?”
“Are you okay? You seem kind of quiet.”
“I’m fine,” Sonny answered, trying not to panic that Will was picking up on his stress. 
“Are you sure? Is this because Paul and I were teasing you about school? Because you know we don’t mean anything by it.”
“I know,” Sonny replied, focusing pointedly on the movie. “What are you doing?” Will had paused the movie.
“I want you to tell me what’s going on with you.”
“Nothing’s wrong,” Sonny repeated adamantly, his panic rising.
“Son, we’re closer than brothers.” Sonny twitched at Will’s words, ‘brothers’ stinging him more than he wanted. “We’ve practically spent every day together since we were born. I know you’re lying. And - why are you so tense?”
Sonny shook his head, unable to speak for his panic. 
“Sonny?” Will asked, his voice soft with concern. 
“I’m - I’m alright,” Sonny stammered, taking a deep breath. “I am kind of tired though. I don’t think I’m up for a sleepover tonight. I’m sorry.” Sonny slid off the bed, putting as much space between himself and Will as possible. 
“I - alright,” Will conceded albeit confused. “I’ll see you tomorrow for coffee, like usual?”
Sonny nodded, not looking at Will, who left without another word. Sonny choked back a sob and curled into bed, his heart aching.
Sonny took a deep breath before pushing open the doors to the Java Cafe. Will and Paul were already seated at their usual table.
“Hey,” Will said softly when Sonny approached. “Are you feeling better?”
“Yeah. Sorry about last night,” Sonny apologized, accepting the coffee cup Paul was holding out for him.
“Don’t worry about it.”
“Should we head for school?” Paul asked. He didn’t seem confused by Will and Sonny’s exchange so Sonny assumed Will had told him about the night before. 
Will and Sonny both nodded and followed Paul out into Salem Place.
A little over a month later, the three of them were lounging in Will’s bedroom in Lucas’s apartment, when Paul said suddenly, “Why do none of us have Valentine’s dates?”
“Probably because we’re the only three out gay guys in school?” Will offered, not looking up from the essay he was typing on his laptop. 
Paul glared at him and Sonny grinned in amusement. 
“Well, why don’t we go to the Spot then?”
“The gay bar on the other side of town?” Sonny asked.
“We’re not old enough to drink.”
“So what?”
“Yeah, so what?” Will echoed Paul’s question. “I’m game if you are.”
“Come on, Sonny. It’ll be fun,” Paul coaxed. 
“I think I’ll pass.” Sonny squirmed uncomfortably.  He knew he should probably go, try to meet someone to get over Will but somehow he couldn’t bring himself to do it.  “You two have fun.”
“No. Forget it.”
“Really, Paul. Go. I don’t mind. Go or I’m not going to go to your first game next week.”
“That’s it. We’re going,” Will said. Sonny had been at every one of their games since middle school; for him to threaten to not go was a serious matter.
“Just don’t be late for Java tomorrow!” Sonny called after them.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
“This is it?” Will asked. He and Paul were standing in the doorway of the Spot. 
“Expecting something different?” 
“I’m not sure what I expected.” Will shrugged. “I guess I was thinking of it more as a club than a bar. Loud music, bouncers.”
Paul laughed. “Can I buy you a drink?” 
“Two virgin Bloody Marys,” Paul ordered as they settled themselves on stools in front of the bar. 
“Are you worried about college?” Will asked randomly.
“A little. Yeah.” After a beat, Paul said, “I’m the star of the team here, but what if I’m not good at the college level?”
Will’s hand found Paul’s on the bar top. “Hey. You’re going to be great.” 
Paul grinned sheepishly. “You really think so?”
“I have been on the other side of your fastball. I know I looked like an idiot trying to swing at it.”
Paul laughed and Will laughed at having made Paul feel better. “Salem University obviously thinks you’re good enough to warrant a full scholarship, P. I don’t think you have anything to worry about.”
“Thanks. What about you? Are you worried about the writing gig?” 
Will fiddled with the napkin in front of him. “A little? I mean I’ve interned at the Spectator for years but I don’t know if that’s because I’m good or because my aunt owns the paper.”
“I don’t know. I think you’re a pretty good writer. I’ve always found your articles to be particularly compelling.”
“Shut up. You’re just saying that.” Will blushed under Paul’s praise.
They lapsed into silence until Paul asked, “Wanna dance?”
Will made a face.
“Oh. Don’t be like that. No one’s going to care if you dance like a robot.”
Will threw his head back with laughter. “Fine. Let’s go, smartass.” Will hopped off the barstool and held his hand out to Paul.
Paul smirked, took Will’s hand, and followed him onto the dance floor, just as the song turned slow.
“Oh. We don’t have to,” Paul said.
Will searched Paul’s eyes, all trace of a smile gone now. “No. It’s alright. We can dance.”
“You sure?” 
Will nodded and slid his arms around Paul’s waist. Paul accepted the gesture and wrapped his own arms around Will’s neck.
“You know, I’ve never done this with a boy,” Will admitted quietly.
“Me either.” 
“Is this weird?” Will asked.
“Dancing with a boy?”
“Dancing with me.”
They stared at each other for a second before they leaned in simultaneously. Their lips met in a soft kiss. At first, it was nothing more than a press of mouth against mouth. Then Paul parted his lips, his tongue pushing against Will’s. Will allowed the access and pulled Paul closer.  Paul went willingly, tightening his grip around Will’s neck, and deepened the kiss.
They stayed locked together until the music changed to a faster pace, breaking them apart. They looked at each other, both flushed from the kiss. After a second, they grinned at each other.
“That was unexpected.”
“But not unwelcome?” Will asked.
“Definitely not unwelcome,” Paul confirmed.
“Walk me home?” 
The walk back to the DiMera mansion was a quiet one. At the door, Paul said, “We should tell Sonny.”
“Maybe we can keep it just between us for now?” Will asked and took Paul’s hand in his. “Until we know if this is going somewhere?”
“Is this going somewhere?”
“Do you want it to?”
“Yeah. Yeah, I do,” Paul said, ducking his head and smiling uncharacteristically shyly.
“Good. Me too.”
“So we keep it quiet for now,” Paul agreed. “On one condition.”
“What’s that?”
“We go on a real date. Tomorrow night?”
Will nodded. “Can I kiss you?”
Paul answered by pulling Will to him and kissing him gently. 
“Goodnight,” Will said when they broke apart.
“Goodnight, Will.”
Will smiled and let himself into the mansion.
“How was the Spot?” Sonny asked the next morning.
“Surprisingly uneventful,” Will answered. Sonny was fiddling with his coffee cup so he missed the glance Will and Paul exchanged.
“I think we might try going back in a few months...or years,” Paul said. “You were right to bring up that we couldn’t drink. It was pretty boring without alcohol.”
“No dancing?”
“We’re...not really the dancing type,” Will said with a snort of amusement, though he held Paul’s gaze. 
“Let’s just forget the bar thing happened,” Paul said, though he smiled softly at Will. 
Will and Sonny both agreed.
“This isn’t weird, right?” Will asked Paul. 
They were walking along the pier on the way to Shenanigan’s, the piano bar/restaurant on the far side of town. Paul had picked the place, having heard about it from John and Marlena, suggesting that it was somewhere Sonny wasn’t likely to stumble upon them.
“Us going on a date? Surprisingly, no.”
Paul laughed. “We’ve been friends forever, Will. I guess - I guess I never considered us being anything more than that.”
“Me either,” Will admitted, stopping outside the restaurant. “But I’m not sorry we are.”
Paul searched Will’s eyes and smiled. “Me either. But it does feel weird not telling Sonny.” 
“I don’t think he’ll have a problem. I think he’ll be happy for us.”
“I want him to be,” Paul replied. “But you know what? No more talk of Sonny tonight. Agreed?”
Will bit his lip, smiled shyly, and nodded, following Paul into the restaurant.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
“I had a really great time tonight, Will.”
“Me too.” 
“You know, last night after I left you, I wondered if it might be hard to transition to being more than friends.”
“And?” Will asked. They were stopped outside Lucas’s apartment, where Will was staying for the night.
“I don’t think it’ll be hard at all,” Paul answered, pulling Will to him by the waist.
Will grinned and willingly accepted Paul’s kiss, soft at first, deepening to something more, Will wrapping his arms around Paul’s shoulders and tangling his fingers in the hair at the base of Paul’s neck.
“I really like kissing you,” Will mumbled against Paul’s lips when they broke apart a little bit for air. 
“I really like kissing you, too,” Paul muttered, his eyes still closed and his forehead pressed against Will’s.
“I should go inside,” Will whispered, after a few minutes of them standing in the doorway, just holding each other.
Paul pressed another chaste kiss to Will’s mouth and then extricated himself. “See you for coffee tomorrow?”
“Dinner too?”
“Come to the townhouse after practice. We can do homework together.”
Will agreed silently, kissed Paul again quickly, and went inside.
Sonny didn’t see much of Will and Paul for the rest of February. They had baseball practice every afternoon after school, getting ready for their first game against Oakdale High School from the neighboring town, and they were all getting swamped with school work, midterms only a couple weeks away.
They managed to keep their morning coffee dates but Will and Paul were obligated to sit with the baseball team for lunch in the run up to the start of the season.  Sonny was left to have lunch with other friends they’d all grown up with, Gabi Hernandez, Chad DiMera, and Tad Stevens. 
“You okay?” Chad asked. “You haven’t touched your food.”
“Will and Paul went to the Spot last week for Valentine’s Day.”
“Together?” Tad asked, his eyebrows shooting up.
“It wasn’t like that.”
“You sure?”
“Yes. I am,” Sonny said forcefully.
“Why are you still brooding about it then?” Chad asked pointedly.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” 
“We know you’re in love with Will,” Gabi said gently. 
Sonny’s mouth dropped open. “Is it really that obvious?”
The three of them nodded at the same time.
“Shit,” Sonny mumbled. “Do you think Will knows?”
“Will is oblivious to stuff like that,” Gabi replied, squeezing his hand. “But maybe you should tell him.”
“No! I can’t do that.”
“Why not?” T asked. 
“I don’t want to make things awkward between us.”
“How do you know he doesn’t feel the same?” Chad said. 
“Because I do,” Sonny huffed. “I have to go.” Without another word, Sonny picked up his tray and left the cafeteria. 
“Are you nervous about tomorrow?” Will asked, even as he stretched his neck out to allow Paul more access with his mouth.
They were on Will’s bed in his bedroom at the DiMera mansion, their backs against the headboard, their homework lying abandoned at the foot of the bed. 
“No,” Paul said shortly, peppering Will’s neck with kisses and working his way back up to Will’s mouth.
Will grinned into the kiss, immediately pushing his tongue past Paul’s lips and clawing at the T-shirt on Paul’s back. Paul returned the pressure, swinging his leg over Will’s, straddling him. Will let out a groan, his hips bucking up involuntarily. Paul gasped into Will’s mouth but didn’t break the kiss. Instead, he wrapped his arms around Will’s neck and pulled him closer. Will went willingly, sliding his hands under Paul’s T-shirt and clawing at the bare skin of Paul’s back.
Paul broke away, breathless, but rested their foreheads together. “Wait. Wait.”
“What’s wrong?” Will asked. He looked at Paul, whose wide-blown eyes were surely a mirror image of his own. 
Paul swung himself off of Will’s lap. “I think we’re moving too fast,” Paul said, not looking at Will but instead running his hand over his face.
“Of course,” Will said softly, lacing his fingers with Paul’s on the space of bed between them.  “Do you remember Chad’s fifteenth birthday party when we played Spin the Bottle?”
“You kissed Gabi.”
“You landed on T but he called foul.” 
Paul laughed and nodded. “What made you think of that?”
“You’re the first boy I kissed,” Will admitted quietly.
Paul squeezed his hand. “You were for me too.”
Will looked at Paul. “What about that guy you were hanging out with last summer? Derek, wasn’t it?”
“We never kissed,” Paul said with a shrug. “I don’t even know if he was gay or bi or whatever.”
“I’m glad you were my first kiss,” Will said, his face flushed.
“Me too,” Paul answered in kind, dropping his head onto Will’s shoulder.
March blew into Salem with bitter cold and a snowstorm threatened to postpone the high school’s first baseball game. But the weather cooperated and students, teachers, and families alike piled onto the bleachers to support their boys on the field.
“Good luck!” Sonny yelled through the fence. He waved at Paul who was warming up on the mound and at Will who was getting settled at shortstop.
Will and Paul both smiled at him and waved back, also waving at their families who were in the stands next to Sonny and his own parents.
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
“You were brilliant out there,” Will told Paul. 
The locker room had cleared out of the rest of the baseball team, their teammates all going their separate ways to celebrate their first win of the season. 
“You weren’t so bad yourself,” Paul said, pulling Will to him by his belt loops.
“I’m not the one who threw twelve strikeouts,” Will responded, smirking.
Paul shook his head in mock exasperation and quieted Will with a kiss. Will smiled into it, draping his arms across Paul’s shoulders. Paul pulled Will through the distance left between them, sliding his arms around Will’s waist.
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
His throat sore from cheering, Sonny hurried through the empty school to the locker rooms to congratulate Will and Paul on their win and to pick them up for their tradition to celebrate a win with ice cream sundaes at the Brady Pub. 
As he slowed outside the locker room, Sonny found it surprisingly quiet. The team must have already left for the night. But Sonny hadn’t seen Will or Paul waiting for him so he assumed they were still inside. 
Sonny pushed the door open ready to call out for his friends, but his words died on his lips. Will and Paul were kissing passionately, Will’s arms around Paul’s neck, and Paul’s arms circling Will’s waist.
Sonny let out a strangled cry, his heart shattering. Will and Paul jumped apart, startled. They both paled at the sight of Sonny standing in the doorway, staring at them.
“Sonny -” Will started but Sonny turned on his heels and sprinted down the hallway and to his car.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
“Shit,” Paul swore, lightly punching a locker.
“Hey. Don’t hurt your hand,” Will said softly, pulling Paul’s hand away from danger. “I’ll go talk to him.”
“He looked really upset, Will.” 
“He was just surprised,” Will assured. Will took Paul’s face in his hands. “It’ll be fine. He’ll be upset for a couple days and then things will go back to normal. Yeah?”
Paul nodded but didn’t look convinced.
“I’ll call you after I talk to Sonny. Okay?”
“Okay.” Paul’s lips turned up a tiny smile.
Will kissed Paul quickly and hurried after Sonny.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Somehow, Sonny managed to drive himself home and clamor his way up the mansion staircase before collapsing on his bed in tears.
There was a knock on his door what seemed like a minute later. “Sonny? Can I come in?” Will asked.
Sonny hiccoughed on a sob, took a deep breath, and sat up to face Will.
“You’ve been crying,” Will said, shocked, and closed the door behind him. “We should have told you. I’m sorry. Paul wanted to but I talked him out of it.”
“How long?” Sonny asked quietly.
“Since Valentine’s. At the bar,” Will answered honestly. 
Sonny looked away but he felt Will sit down on the bed next to him. 
“I really didn’t think this would be such a problem for you,” Will said.
“Then why didn’t you tell me?” Sonny turned angrily to Will.
Taken aback by Sonny’s tone, Will asked, “I don’t know. I guess because at that point it was just one kiss.”
“At that point?” 
“We’re dating now,” Will replied. 
“Oh.” Sonny found it hard to breathe. “And you still decided not to tell me.” Sonny said robotically.
“I’m sorry if you feel like we’ve betrayed you. We didn’t plan this. It just...happened.”
“Please stop talking, Will.” Sonny heard the quake in his voice. 
They sat in uncomfortable silence for a couple minutes. Then Will said, “Tell me what you’re feeling.”
“You don’t want to know.”
“We’ve always been brutally honest with each other. You can tell me what you’re feeling.”
“I love you,” Sonny whispered. He said it so quietly he wasn’t even sure he’d said it aloud.
Sonny swallowed thickly, turned his face to Will, and said, “You want to know what I’m feeling? My heart is fucking broken, Will.”
Will blinked at him, shocked by Sonny’s extreme reaction. He hardly ever swore. “We never meant to hurt you.”
“Well, you did! I can’t breathe it hurts so much.” 
“I don’t understand,” Will said slowly. 
“I’m in love with you, Will!” Sonny blurted out. 
Will shrank back, as if Sonny had struck him across the face. 
Sonny choked back a sob and turned away, burying his face in the pillows. “Please leave, Will.” 
Sonny heard rather than saw Will respect his wishes.
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
“Will? What’s wrong?” Paul asked when Will walked into his bedroom. “I thought you were just going to call.”
“I needed to see you,” Will said, crawling onto the bed next to Paul.
“What happened?”
Will worried his lip, anxious. “It was so bad, Paul.”
Paul draped his arm around Will’s shoulders and pulled him closer. 
“He’s in love with me,” Will whispered.
Will looked at Paul. “He’s in love with me. I had no idea. How could I have no idea?” 
“Hey. Hey,” Paul wrapped his other arm around Will so he could hug him properly and kissed his hair. “I didn’t know either. He hid it well.”
“What are we going to do?”
“I don’t know,” Paul answered honestly. “But we’ll figure it out. We’ll give him a few days to cool off and then we’ll talk to him.”
Will nodded against Paul’s chest. “Can I stay with you tonight?” Will asked, looking up at Paul. “I don’t want to be by myself.”
“Of course.”
Will smiled sadly, kicked his shoes off, and curled into Paul’s side. Ten minutes later, they were both asleep atop the covers, both still in their jeans and T-shirts.
Will and Paul didn’t speak to Sonny for nearly two weeks. He didn’t show up for their daily coffee dates and he avoided them in school, sitting with Gabi, Chad, and Tad for lunch, and choosing seats in their classes on the opposite side of the room; Will and Paul’s afternoons continued to be preoccupied with baseball.
Will and Paul finally cornered Sonny in the Cheatin’ Heart, of all places, one Friday night in the middle of March. He was behind the bar, helping his mother out due to the bartender calling out sick. They had gone there for a night out, not considering that Sonny might be there. 
Biting the bullet, Will and Paul made a beeline for Sonny. 
“Sonny?” Paul asked tentatively. “Can we talk?”
“I’m busy,” Sonny said curtly, turning his back on them.
“Please, Sonny,” Will practically begged. 
Sonny sighed but said to the waitress, “I’m taking a break.” Then he followed them to a booth at the back of the bar behind the pool table.
They sat down, Will and Paul across from Sonny.
“We’re sorry we didn’t tell you,” Will said.
“Oh. So you’re a ‘we’ now?” Sonny mocked. “I assume Will told you what I told him?”
Will flinched.
“Sonny. Tell us how we can make this right,” Paul tried gently, choosing to let Sonny’s question go unanswered. 
Sonny clenched his jaw and looked away. “I don’t know what you want me to say.”
“I want you to say that we haven’t broken our friendship,” Will said quietly.
Sonny looked sharply at Will but said less harshly than expected, “I’m not mad at you. I’m just hurt.”
“We didn’t know,” Paul said.
“Would it have really made a difference?” Sonny asked.
Neither Will nor Paul replied. Sonny blinked back tears, sighed, and rubbed his hand over his face. 
“I don’t want this to be the end of our friendship either,” Sonny said after an uncomfortable minute. “But I just need time. I don’t need you to like it but I need you to respect it.”
Without allowing Will and Paul to respond, Sonny slid out of the booth and walked back behind the bar. 
No more than a minute later, Will and Paul left the bar and went to the Brady Pub instead.
“Is Coach Sisko pushing us harder this year?” Will asked, collapsing on his bed and stretching his neck, trying to crack it. “I hurt everywhere.”
“It’s almost April. Are you still not used to the stretches and exercising? And general baseball activities?” Paul asked. “Or are you just being dramatic?”
Will stuck his tongue out at his boyfriend. 
“Oh. Nice. Very mature.”
Will grinned. 
“Come on. Lie down on your stomach and take your shirt off.”
Will squinted at him suspiciously but conceded to Paul’s request. “Are you just trying to my clothes off?”
Paul laughed, as he crawled onto the bed and straddled Will’s hips. “No, it’s not,” Paul said into Will’s ear. “Just relax.”
Suddenly, Paul’s hands were on Will’s shoulders, his thumbs tracing circles on Will’s back muscles.
“Nngngngh,” Will breathed out. Paul laughed.
“Feel good?” 
Will nodded against the bed. Paul massaged Will’s back in silence for a few minutes, Will drifting into a light sleep. 
“How are you feeling?” Paul asked, breaking the quiet, peppering Will’s neck with butterfly kisses.
Will’s lips turned up in a slow smile. “Better,” Will said propping himself up low on his elbows and turning his face to capture Paul’s lips with his own. 
Breaking the kiss, Will flipped himself onto his back, so they could get a better angle. Paul smiled down at him and ducked his neck down to kiss Will again, languidly. Will’s arms circled Paul’s waist as the kiss deepened, Paul’s tongue in his mouth and his fingers in Will’s hair. 
As the pressure and intensity of the kiss increased, Will scratched at Paul’s back and clawed at Paul’s shirt, working haphazardly to shed him of the material. Paul broke the kiss, and searched Will’s eyes. 
The air in the room had changed, suddenly charged with electricity and a heat that hadn’t been there when they’d first come in. 
Will’s hands stilled on Paul’s back. Staring up at Paul, his eyes blown wide with lust and his lips swollen and red from kissing, Will couldn’t help but feel the swell in his chest. “I want to,” Will said. “But only if you do too.”
Paul kissed Will again, hard and sloppy and fast. “I want to,” Paul said on a breath. 
Will arched up into Paul, sliding his hands under Paul’s shirt to push it off. They broke the kiss only to shed Paul’s shirt and the rest of their clothes.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
“You okay?” Paul asked. Will was curled into his side, tracing circles on Paul’s chest.
“More than okay,” Will said with a soft smile. “You?” 
Paul nodded against the top of Will’s head and kissed Will’s hair. 
“I love you,” Will mumbled, drifting off to sleep.
“I love you, too.”
Will was sitting on the white couch in the newly renovated Horton Town Square reading a book when Sonny sat down next to him. It was the beginning of April and they were on Spring Break from school. 
“Hi,” Will said cautiously.
“Hey,” Sonny answered and gave Will a small smile.
“How are you?”
Sonny looked away from Will and fiddled with a loose string on his jacket. “It still hurts, Will. For a lot of reasons. But I miss you, Will.” Sonny turned back to Will. “You and Paul.”
Will scooted as close to Sonny as he dared. “I miss you, too, Son. So does Paul. It’s great, the two of us, but it’s not the same as having you around too.” 
“Chad and Gabi and T are fun to hang out with but it’s different, y’know? They’re my friends but they’re not my best friends. I want my best friends back.”
Will lips turned up in a smile. “We can take it slow if you need to,” Will offered.
“Can you promise me one thing?”
“Could you maybe keep your PDA to a minimum around me? At least for now?”
“Absolutely,” Will promised. 
Sonny nodded his thanks and then asked, “So, are you busy?”
“No. I’m meeting Paul later for dinner with John and Marlena but I’m free for the day.”
“You, uh, you maybe want to get some lunch at the Pub? I think we have a lot to catch up on.”
“I’d love to,” Will said, and followed Sonny out of the Square.
The first time the three of them hung out together again was awkward for all of them. Will and Paul were exceptionally careful about not touching each other and Sonny was clearly still in some slight distress.
It was still too cold to do any extended activities outside so they opted to go bowling at the alley in Salem Place. Over pizza, french fries, strikes, and spares, Will, Sonny, and Paul began the slow task of rebuilding their friendship. 
“Do you remember that time in fourth grade when we went bowling with our class?” Sonny asked, dipping three fries into honey mustard. 
Will and Paul both nodded, mouths too full of pizza to talk. 
“Paul kept throwing gutter balls,” Sonny said, grinning evilly. “Couldn’t get his aim right.”
“And somehow he became the star pitcher of the baseball team,” Will deadpanned. 
Paul glared at both of them, but his lips twitched. 
“How did that happen?” Sonny countered, his grin stretching even more across his face.
“I don’t know. I don’t know,” Will said, playing along.
“You know what?” Paul said in mock anger. “I can see today is take the piss out of Paul day. That’s fine. I can take it.”
Will and Sonny both threw their heads back with laughter. It almost felt like things were back to normal. 
“Sonny, can I ask you something personal? You don’t have to answer.” 
Paul and Sonny were sitting at a table in the Kiriakis garden enjoying the first warm afternoon of the season. It was a rare day off from baseball and Will was spending the day with his parents and his brother and sisters. 
“How long have you been in love with Will?”
Sonny looked up from his book to stare at Paul. “Does it bother you?”
“No. I’m just curious.” 
Paul’s look was so earnest Sonny had no reason to believe he was lying. 
“Do you remember that makeshift camping trip we had at the lake last summer?” 
Paul nodded. 
“Will was pointing out all those constellations he learned from his trip to the planetarium with Sydney and the twins. His face was alight with excitement.” Sonny smiled to himself, dazing off into the garden, almost forgetting that Paul was there. “We couldn’t really follow what he was talking about it, he was talking so fast. But his eyes were shining and I don’t think I’d ever seen him so passionate about something, even baseball or writing. I looked at him and I just...felt something shift in me. That was when I knew.” 
“I’m sorry,” Paul said quietly. 
Sonny pulled himself out of his reverie and looked back to Paul. “I don’t need you to be sorry, Paul. It’s not anyone’s fault.” 
“But we hurt you.”
“No. I mean, yes. But you didn’t do it on purpose. You fell in love with Will same as I did. And Will fell in love with you,” Sonny said, the words hurting his heart a lot less than they would have two months before. “Will never saw me like that. That’s all there is to it.”
“Someone will love you, Sonny,” Paul said, grabbing Sonny’s hand on top of the table. “I promise. You have too big a heart for it not to be shared.”
“Have you heard from any of your colleges yet?” Will asked Sonny. 
The three of them were lounging on the couch in Horton Town Square, nursing coffees and sharing muffins and breakfast croissants. They were enjoying the nice almost mid-April weather and their last day of Spring Break before they returned to the push towards finals and graduation.
“You should be hearing soon, no?” Paul added.
Sonny tore off a piece of croissant, stalling answer the question. “I have, yeah.”
When Sonny looked up from the food, Will and Paul were smiling at him excitedly. 
“I got into a few but I’m turning them all down.”
“What?” Will and Paul asked simultaneously. 
“I’ve been doing a lot of thinking the last couple months. I think I need some space from Salem for a little bit.”
Will’s smile faded and Paul’s brow furrowed. “Because of us?” Will asked, stung.
Sonny shook his head. “Yes. No. A lot of things. The truth is really that I’ve been getting a bit of wanderlust. There’s a whole world out there. I want to see it.”
“How long will you be gone?” Paul questioned.
“I’m going to defer Salem U for a year, go to Europe, Asia, maybe. I might even try climbing a mountain or two.”
“So a year, then?”
“That’s the plan right now. But if I like it? I don’t know. That plan might change.”
“When will you leave?” Will asked, sadness clouding his face.
“Right after graduation.”
“So soon?” Paul’s face was sad too.
“If I don’t go soon, I’ll never go. And this is something I need to do.”
Will and Paul nodded their understanding. 
As April barreled into May, Will, Sonny, and Paul continued rebuilding their friendship. They returned to spending as much time as possible together but they also set ground rules, allowing Will and Paul time to spend alone without Sonny, and allowing Sonny to spend time with Will and Paul individually. 
Slowly, Will and Paul integrated displays of affection into their time with Sonny. To his credit, Sonny handled it gracefully; the shaky new foundation of their friendship didn’t seem to suffer for it.
“Let’s go to the lake,” Paul suggested, one Saturday morning early in May. “The weather’s beautiful today.”
“Alright,” Sonny agreed and followed Will out of the townhouse so they could get their stuff.
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
“This was a good suggestion,” Will said. He and Paul were lounging on a shared beach towel, their legs intertwined. Sonny was on his own towel, next to them. 
Will tipped his head back onto Paul’s shoulder, turning his face up to the sun. “The warmth feels so good.”
“Mmm,” Sonny agreed, folding up a towel to use as a pillow. He had just laid down when a beach ball bounced onto his legs. 
“Sorry!” a voice called. A second later, a boy a year or two older than them appeared. “My little sister hit the ball a little too hard and the wind just carried it.”
“No problem,” Sonny said, handing the ball back to the guy, who took the ball but didn’t move.
“My name’s Brian, by the way.” He held out his free hand to Sonny.
Sonny shook his hand. “Sonny.”
“Nice to meet you, Sonny.”
“You too.”
After a beat, Brian said, “I, uh, I should get back.”
When Sonny didn’t say anything, Brian left.
“Sonny,” Will said. 
“Do you really have to ask that?” Paul said with a laugh. 
“He was flirting with you!” Will clarified.
“No. No. No, he wasn’t,” Sonny babbled, his face heating up.
“He was,” Paul confirmed. “You should go talk to him.”
“I don’t think so.”
“Why not?”
“Because why?” Paul pushed. 
“Go talk to him,” Will nudged gently.
Sonny stared at Will and Paul. After a minute, Sonny conceded. “Fine. I’ll go talk to him.”
Grinning, Will and Paul watched him go. When he was out of sight and earshot, Paul turned to Will. 
“Good. He’s gone. Now I can do what I’ve been wanting to do all morning.”
“What’s that?” Will questioned, even though he knew the answer.
Paul grinned mischievously and captured Will’s lips in a kiss, pulling Will on top of him, Will relaxing into the kiss and embrace.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
“This was a really fun day,” Sonny said. They were sitting at a table in Horton Town Square, eating ice cream.
“Sure it was. You got a date with a cute boy,” Paul said, grinning as he spooned ice cream into his mouth.
Sonny glared at him, but his lips were stretched in a small smile.
“It’s really great, Sonny,” Will said. “Even if you’re leaving in a month, I’m glad you’re putting yourself out there.” 
Sonny’s smile faded and he stirred the ice cream that had melted in his cup, not looking at Will and Paul. “It’s a lot easier than it used to be. I figure I might as well take that next step.”
“Good for you,” Will said, taking Sonny’s hand in his briefly. He hoped he wasn’t pushing his luck and crossing a line but it was a good sign that Sonny didn’t flinch away. 
Breaking the somewhat tense air that had settled over their table, Paul said, “Dad and Marlena are in Chicago for the night. You want to come back to mine and watch the Cubs game or maybe watch a movie?”
“Who says we can’t do both?” Sonny suggested, freeing his hand from Will’s. 
Paul smiled and followed Will and Paul out of the Square.
As May flew by, their time together changed from leisurely pursuits to stressed out cramming sessions for school, sharing notes and quizzing each other for last minute tests before finals.  Whatever other time they had was spent with Will and Paul on the baseball field and Sonny cheering them on. 
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
“How’s it going with Brian?” Will asked from a lounge chair on the edge of the DiMera pool. Sonny was lounging on a raft in the water. Paul was inside making sandwiches.
They were taking time out from baseball and studying to relax at the behest of their parents.
“It’s not.”
“Oh no. Really?” 
“He was too full of himself. Boasting about being first in his class in his pre-med program. I don’t know. He irritated me.”
“Were you just not trying?” 
“I tried, Will. Really. I did,” Sonny insisted. “Maybe I’ll meet someone during my travels. Some fancy French artist or some hot Spanish flamenco dancer.”
Will shook with laughter. 
“So you’re really going?” Paul asked, picking up on their conversation. 
“You know we’re going to miss you, right?” Will said.
“I’m going to miss you, too,” Sonny admitted, climbing out of the pool and settling at the foot of Will’s lounge chair, joining Will and Paul’s picnic of sandwiches and lemonade.
Summer, the end of the high school baseball season, and finals converged on Will, Sonny, and Paul’s lives in the middle of June. 
“We’re free,” Sonny said, collapsing on Will’s bed. 
“Don’t say that to Paul. He’s still got a final tomorrow.”
“Sucks for him.”
Will muffled his laughter in a pillow. “Wanna watch a movie while he suffers with studying?”
Sonny grinned at him and crawled up the bed to sit next to Will. “Let’s watch The Breakfast Club. We haven’t watched that in ages.”
“Okay.” Will climbed off the bed to retrieve the DVD from his shelf. “Want popcorn?”
Will shrugged and climbed back onto the bed, popping the movie into his laptop, which he propped on a pillow in the space between their legs. 
Almost immediately, Sonny dropped his head onto Will’s shoulder. Happily surprised, Will smiled and dropped his own head on top of Sonny’s. 
They watched the movie in comfortable silence, falling asleep midway through, their heads still nestled against each other.
“Are you sad the season’s over?” Will asked, tracing circles on Paul’s bare chest.
Paul skimmed his fingers up and down Will’s arm. “Yeah. But I’ve got the college team to look forward to.”
Will smiled. 
“You’ll come to the games, right?”
Will shifted his head on the pillow so he could look at Paul. “Of course! Why wouldn’t I?”
“I don’t know.”
Will propped himself on his elbow. “Hey. Talk to me.”
“College is hard on high school relationships,” Paul said, staring at the ceiling.
“And you think that’s going to happen to us?”
Paul turned his face to Will. “It could.”
“It won’t.”
“How can you be so sure?”
“For one thing? We’re going to the same school and we’re still living in the same town.” Will smiled a little. “For another, we love each other.”
Paul smiled at that. “We do.”
Will’s smile stretched across his face and he bent down to kiss Paul. After a minute, Will broke away.
“I have an idea.”
“Always dangerous,” Paul teased.
Will stuck his tongue out at his boyfriend. Then he said, “Why don’t we dorm together?”
Paul blinked at him and sat up, turning his body towards Will. “I wasn’t planning on living on campus.”
“I know. Neither was I. But I think we should. Together. That way we can ensure that we’ll be able to see each other. Even if we can’t make time for each other during the day - which I hope we do - we can be sure to see each other at night.”
“We should make a plan to make time for us anyway. Like lunch on Fridays no matter what.”
“Anyway?” Will asked hopefully. “Are you saying yes to us living together?”
“Yes. Yes. I’m saying yes,” Paul confirmed with a grin.
Will’s face lit up with bliss and he launched himself at Paul. Paul laughed and caught Will, falling back onto the pillows with Will on top of him.
“I love you,” Paul said, blinking up at Will.
“I love you, too,” Will replied, ending the conversation with his mouth on Paul’s.
“I can’t believe we graduate high school tomorrow,” Sonny said. 
They three of them were sitting on the beach on the edge of the lake. It was the middle of June and they were enjoying the beautiful weather, celebrating the end of the school year and the baseball season.
“Do you remember how scared we were to start?” Will asked.
“And we all promised that no matter what we’d stick together,” Paul added.
“And we did,” Sonny said, smiling broadly at his two best friends. 
Things between them had gone back to normal, Will and Paul loosening up around Sonny, and Sonny seemingly free of the greater part of his love for Will. Now they were closer than ever.
“I wish you were coming to school with us,” Paul admitted.
“I know. I do want to,” Sonny said. “But I need this gap year. Otherwise I’ll be restless.”
“Come back to us, Sonny,” Will said.
“I will. I promise.”
“You can still stay, y’know,” Will said. 
He and Paul were standing with Sonny outside the gate of Sonny’s plane at the Salem Airport. Justin and Adrienne had wanted to take Sonny to the airport but Sonny had insisted on Will and Paul driving him. 
Sonny smiled a little sadly. “I’ll email you and send you pictures as much as I can. And we can FaceTime whenever I get the chance.”
Will nodded, blinking away tears, and pulled Sonny into a tight hug. Sonny returned the embrace, equally tight.
“Don’t forget us, okay?” Paul said when Will and Sonny had broken apart.
Paul also pulled Sonny into a bear hug. 
“I should go,” Sonny whispered, extricating himself from Paul. “I’ll be in touch as soon as I can.”
Will and Paul moved to stand with each other, supporting each other as they waved goodbye to their best friend. 
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