#so many eene ideas but i think too hard every minute of every hour until im ready to pass out at 10 am
greetingsfromuranus · 5 months
Man cartoons are making me self depreciating again I need to go draw my own characters for a bit oof
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woundarks · 4 years
A Film Student and an Athlete Walk into a Bar
(Also on Quotev)
Aran Ojiro finds himself dealing with a woman that could almost rival the Miya twins' annoyance scale.
Aran Ojiro doesn’t consider himself a procrastinator. He exercises regularly, he turns things in on time, and Aran never rushes through his homework. He’s always the second, or sometimes third, one to show up to his volleyball practice too. He does not consider himself lazy in any way, if anything, he was considered responsible in every way among his peers. His importance to his team was greatly admired too, if he wasn’t there then who would check in on the infamous Miya Twins? Who would calm down Ginjima from his overwhelming overprotective attitude? Who would encourage Riseki into a positive mindset? Who would convince Akagi that he’s not getting fatter and it has to be muscles? Who would take care of his friends, his family, even strangers if he wasn’t there? He was admirable, strong, and most importantly, hard-working.
That was until he got into college.
College was as fast-paced as one of his games. Aran didn’t have time to stop by the park on the way home from practice anymore. He was a fast thinker, that was something his classmates, teammates, and teachers praised him for. He wasn’t stupid or anything, it’s just hard to find time to study in his already packed schedule.
This is what led him to ask his coach for a day or two off from practice. Although he truly did love the sport, Aran needed to pick his grades up more than he needed to work on his receives.
He was in a bigger town than what he was used to. It wasn’t as big as Tokyo but compared to his own town it was huge.
The street’s traffic lulled by with each hour. Aran’s thumb swiped through the various playlists he had on Spotify before finding his most boring study music. He tapped on the mix and was immediately greeted with an ad. What was up with Spotify and their ads? Like jeez, you had thousands upon millions of customers yet you still need to have an ad every other song?
Finally, a song began to play in his earpods and the smallest smile slipped onto his face. He wondered what that girl in the thumbnail was studying. Was she going over Paul Dirac and how he introduced the Perturbation theory too? Probably not but it was nice for Aran to think about.
Aran pocketed his phone into his sports jacket before finally cracking open the first book. The clock ticked by as the pages were turned one by one. It was around sunset when he had finally experienced his first interruption outside of those pesky ads.
“(L/o)-san? Right?” He asked, taking out his earpods.
The sucker was swiped out of her mouth and replaced with a bright smile. She wasn’t someone he was close with, hell he only talked to her a total of three times in his whole college career. During all the times their paths had crossed, he had never once seen her not doing something childish; whether it was a simple candied treat or a whole entire teddy bear dressed head to toe in pastels. Out of all the people in the school, she seemed to him like the oddest. This was saying something since this school was known for its freakish film students.
“Close, it’s (L/n),” She popped the sucker back in and gave it a loud crunch. Aran nearly visibly cringed at the sound. A few students glanced her way. (Y/n) openly acknowledged them for a mere second before her eyes reached his once again.
“Ya shouldn’t eat in a library,” He whispered. He glanced down at her shoes for a second before his whole entire head reared down at the sight before him.
“Why are y-” He stopped himself from even asking why she was wearing bunny slippers in a public place. She sat on the table before him and chewed on the sucker's stick for a moment.
“I mean- I live here, my dad owns the place,” She pointed at a plaque on the wall. The plaque spelled out her last name in golden letters. How convenient that the library closest to his apartment is home to her.
“No offense, but could you-” He was cut off by (Y/n) slapping his back.
“Oh my god! Chill out! I just recognized my favorite peer!” She slapped his back again before settling her hand back at her side.
“Excuse me, favorite wha-” He was cut off once again,
“I’m kidding! I just recognized you dude! Oh my god don’t get so angry!” She laughed loudly into the air, a student far away slammed his book in anger before suddenly starting to pack up. An old man looked up from the counter and glared at Aran and (Y/n). He bowed to him once before uneasily looking back up at his acquaintance.
“I’m not angry. Keep it down, you’re bothering the customers,” He began to wrap up his earpods, sensing as if he would have to deal with her for a bit longer than he liked.
“Nah, they love me. Whatcha studying?” She picked up a random note he had in one of his many piles. Aran quickly took it from her and placed it back in its respective pile. (Y/n) stuck out her tongue as if forgetting the sucker stick in her mouth. Aran watched as the stick fell straight onto his list of references. Why was this woman so annoying?
“Oh shit, my bad dude,” She quickly picked it back up and looked around for a trash can. Aran took a deep breath and held it for a second.
“Could you please leave?” He finally breathed out. (Y/n) glanced back at him.
“Sorry,” She started, finally realizing how annoying she must’ve been. “I just sorta thought you were hot. My bad dude,” (Y/n) nodded to him once before standing up from the table.
“No, no, it’s fine. I’m probably just a little frustrated from studying.” (Y/n) moved down to properly look at what he was reading.
“Who’s Albert een-stin?” Her eyes squinted at the paper. Aran stared at her for half a second before shaking his head to stop himself from even registering what she had just said.
“I could probably ask my friend or my dad to help tutor you,” She offered, “My dad’s pretty smart, he used to like.. Do things... and stuff...” Aran could feel her limited vocabulary begin to surface. Although Aran thought this woman was a bit annoying, he liked the idea of getting a tutor.
“Could you give me the contact info of your friend?” (Y/n) pulled out her phone and unlocked it with a few quick swipes.
“Uh, yeah hold on.” (Y/n) tapped on her phone a few times before placing her phone on the book Aran was studying from.
“If she like asks you to go to her house, say no. She will try to peg you if you’re in literally any private setting.” Aran hesitantly brang his phone up and entered the woman's number. Was her whole friend group as odd as her? “...Thanks,” He smiled gently at her. (Y/n) retrieved her phone and tapped it a bunch more.
“This is mine.” She placed her phone back on his book.
“...Thanks...” He politely smiled once more. In all honesty, he didn’t really want it. This was college. He didn’t have time to mess around with someone as loud and annoying as the Miya twins. He didn’t have time to get to know her and her friend which would lead to him leaving practice early to help fix a mistake they had made. Aran didn’t want to jump to conclusions but she was obviously not in the right group. Christ, she had an ear full of earrings.
“I’ll get going now, see ya whenever.” She awkwardly bowed.
“Yeah, bye,” He bowed back and watched as she stuffed her phone into her pocket, left the library, then reentered to throw her sucker’s stick into a nearby bin. Aran watched the door for a second before sighing out loud. A few customer’s shoulders collapsed in comfort for her departure.
After she had surely left, Aran looked at his new phone number. (L/n) (Y/n), a childish film student known for being great friends with most of his school’s staff. (L/n) (Y/n), a woman who wore an ear full of piercings and hung out with other women who owned strap-ons that knew every hole of the male and female body. (L/n) (Y/n), the library-across-from-his-apartment-building’s daughter yet also the same person who never heard of Albert Einstein. (L/n) (Y/n), a definite idiot seeing as she had just gone out into the streets wearing literal bunny slippers. (L/n) (Y/n), the third most annoying person to ever enter Aran Ojiro’s life, gave him her number. Usually, someone holding all these odd titles wouldn’t get the chance to stay in his phone contacts for longer than a minute, and yet something stopped him from deleting her number. She had called him cute.
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dracoryss · 7 years
I wanted to ask you something, how did you realise that you wanted to study arts and since when you've been drawing? Asking this bc I've never been confident and I always suppressed any kind of way to express myself bc I'm too coward for that.
Okay, this is going to be a bit long.In my country, to get into any university you have to take a test, the PSU test. That the University Selection test, and its kinda of universal, where your max score can be 850 points ( a national score, how we call it). This test, are actually four tests, two of them mandatory, the third one is up to the career you want to join and the university you want to join. (The mandatory being Maths and Spanish, the other two History and Science)I had een unsure of what I wanted to do, for many years my options were neuro science related, and by my last year of high school, just months priors the PSU, i decided I wanted to study forensic psychology. But since you first take the test, and then, a month after it with your results, you have 48 hours to apply to all the univertities you are interested online, you can totally change yout mind at last minute.When I did took the PSU, my goal remained being psychology. Until of course, I had some sort of revelation (This revelation, was heavily influenced by Les mis fics, idk why) where I realised i wanted to do art. I was not sure what kind of art, I wanted to do arts. Ofc, I was unsure af, because I live in a country where theres a lot of people that have no idea that Art is an actual career, where people think that you just can be an art teacher and not an artist, etc. Art is not really a thing in Chile. I was afraid I could not make a living out of Arts. Im still insure of it, but i feel kinda better about it now.Now, the answer as how I came to this realisation, is in total relation of  for how long I’ve been drawing. Theres two ways to answer the how long, or since when. I’ve always been drawing. All my life. It is something that I’ve enjoyed since always. But! I havent drawn that much. I used to draw a lot when little. Then again when i was 12, but never with the idea of improving, just for fun. Then, around 12-14 I realised I coud be better. I would try, get frustated, and then, I would not draw for months. And so on, for years. Could I draw better than my classmates that werent interested in art? Yes. Was I actually good at it? No. Actually, it always come as a rather difficult task. I still find it very hard. I still struggle with my lines, La línea no perdona. But you have to understand something about drawing; to draw is to think, is to see, is to observe. The skill is on the mind, not on the hand.Then again, If you ask me, since when I’ve been drawing, as thinkng, seeing, observing, about a conscious drawing? Since just a couple of years ago. Maybe a bit before joining my career. Then it comes the thing about realisation. When I started being conscious as what I wanted to draw, I started to get better, and i wanted to get better. I wanted to keep doing it, and it was probably the only thing in my life that had become a constant without effort, and that i was really sure. I wanted to keep drawing and get better, with no real deep goal shit. The answer of what I wanted to draw it could easily be gay dudes on 2d, or could have been a really intrincate concept, but that doesnt matter, what it mattered is that I wanted to keep improving.To be honest, I dont know if any of this had to do with confidence, because I, at least, dont feel confident about my art or my drawings. But it has to do with expresing youself. I say, friend, dont be afraid of trying, of trying really hard, getting out of the safe zone is one of the best thing you can do. You have to express youself in one way or another or you are gonna be unhappy. Theres no need to make of this expression fo yourself a career as Im trying, it can always be a hobby, or something you keep for youself, but you have to try it. The worst that can happen? You wont like it. Thats it, but you are going to grow with every step you give even if its in a bad direction.Im sorry this got sooo long, but I hope this can help. (:
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