#ill know whats going on next time ill be so chillin
greetingsfromuranus · 2 months
Man cartoons are making me self depreciating again I need to go draw my own characters for a bit oof
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kingdomof-omens · 10 months
Bad Omens HCs
With everyone posting their headcanons, I'm going to join in and tell you all my hcs of Bad Omens. Buckle up buttercup, we're talking boyfriend material and NSFW.
Tags: @signs-of-ill-portent @the-way-of-words @soakme-inbleach @ladyveronikawrites @cncohshit (if you want to be added to the tags, leave a comment or send a DM)
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Divider by @/cafekitsune
My hc is that this man is the teddy bear boyfriend. He's the boyfriend that doesn't have to do anything in particular with you, just as long as you're there spending quality time together. He's a man that likes fishing. Fishing is a lot of waiting, a lot of sitting, and just chillin with a cold one popped open in his hand. So even if you two are sitting next to each other in silence, that's enough for him. He'll reach out to grab your feet to place them in his lap and rub them while you're reading so you have the ultimate relaxation. When he's working on his bike, he'll come to you with puppy dog eyes and ask for help, but all he really wants is for you to sit outside with him while he's changing the spark plugs or replacing a sensor. He's also a jokester, so fully expect to be called "dumbass" at least once a day, but he knows you'll call him a "fuckin bitch" right back. (lovingly, of course) And when you two fall asleep at night, he's going to smother you with cuddles and squeeze you to death so you don't have the chance to leave.
Sexually? This man is open to trying anything, as long as you want to. He's got a steady rhythm as he's disappearing inside of you and he's not going to stop until you come undone around him. His hands stay busy due to hitting drums nightly, so he prefers his girl on top so he can take those calloused palms and run them all over her body, touching, massaging, and maybe a slap or two. He's vocal. He's going to tell you that he loves how tight your pussy is as you roll your hips chasing your own high. He's going to ask you who owns that pussy, and you love telling him that he does. He loves blowjobs, watching you on your knees as your lips are wrapped around his cock working him over. Better relax that throat, cause he's going to end up thrusting himself into your mouth as much as he can. When you two are spent, he's going to take every last bit of energy he has to make sure you're all cleaned up and comfortable before bringing you your favorite pajamas and a glass of water.
Jolly's the protector, you're his girl and everyone knows not to fuck with Jolly's Lady™. He's more of a chill boyfriend, wanting to stay home with you and watch movies while everyone else is hitting up the bar. He wants to take you out on dates at the fancy restaurants because that's what you deserve. He'll be out on tour and you'll come home from a long day of work to a bouquet of roses on your counter with a note that says "Miss you sweet girl". And when you FaceTime him to thank him, he's going to be grinning ear to ear because it made your day. He gives all of his trust in a relationship, so he doesn't care who you hang out with or where you go, as long as he knows you're safe and having fun. If anyone were to ever cross you, they'd immediately be placed on his shit list for life. And they better be lucky you talked him down from confronting them for having the audacity to upset his Lady because he would 100% "take care" of someone who hurt you.
In the bedroom, he's a dominant. He's the oldest man in the group and this man has experience. He knows how to bring you to your climax quickly and easily because he knows your body so well, but I think he likes to take him time with you. He likes to roughen things up a bit and loves to make you beg for him to enter you after teasing you all night at said fancy restaurant. If this man puts his hair up in a bun at the beginning of sexy time, you know you're in it for the whole night. He loves rope play, making you sit on your knees waiting patiently as he tightens the knots around your limbs. He'll never do something you're not 100% sure about, and as a matter of fact, he won't do it at all until you're begging for it. Sex, to him, is all for his Lady. He can beat his meat in the bathroom, he doesn't care, but you? You deserve to see stars as much as you and your body can handle. Afterwards, he's going to run you a warm bath with your favorite bath bomb and sit next to you as he takes the washcloth and cleans you up, because a Lady deserves to be taken care of properly.
He's the learning boyfriend. He wants to do his best giving you his undivided attention, he promises, but he just had a revelation about a song he's working on and he has to jot it down before it disappears. He's a perfectionist, not only in his music, but in making sure when you two schedule plans, it goes accordingly. Even if that means rushing you through your makeup before going out to your anniversary dinner because the reservation is for 6:00, not 6:02. He needs a girl that's patient and understanding, because he's going to hole himself in his studio for days at a time making sure a song is just the way he imagined it. He's going to be exhausted, but when he walks into the bedroom with heavy bags under his eyes, you're going to open your arms and welcome him into your bosom so he can get some much needed rest.
But he's not an dom like a lot of fics portray him as. He has to be in control in a lot of aspects of his life, being a perfectionist and all. So the bedroom is the one place he likes to lose control and give it to you. He wants you to tell him what to do, not in a dominating way, but the sex is all for you and your pleasure- so whatever you want, he'll make sure it's what you get. Speaking of your pleasure, this man is a pussy eater to his core. We've seen/heard about how much this man loves eating pussy and he'll bury himself in your folds like it's his last meal. Sometimes after a stressful day, he'll come to you and rub your knee asking if you could just spread your legs open a little bit so he can have a small taste. He'll lose himself in your slick to the point this man is panting when he pauses for air because he wants to dive right back in. He's not going to stop until he's satiated, and that takes a while. So if this man goes down on you, you better clear your schedule for the next few hours. We've also seen that he had a mirror on his closet door, and boy does he love watching you in the mirror bouncing on him.
He's the tender hearted boyfriend. When he loves you, it's unconditional, it's everlasting, and he puts his all into it. He got home from tour early one day and decided to decorate the house as a surprise for when you get off of work. He loves helping you in the kitchen, baking alongside you so he can find out what makes your choco chip cookies so amazing. He's a tattoo artist, so he catches every little detail of everything. He'll be sitting on the couch sketching something and noticed how your nose scrunches just right as you're trying to solve a 1000 piece puzzle, and next thing he knows he has your portrait on the page. Your home is filled with his artwork. You are so proud of his creations, him just slightly shy that all of your guests will see, but he sees your face light up with every piece and he would draw across the world just to see you smile.
Everyone knows him as the shy, tender hearted boyfriend, but in the bedroom it's the total opposite. This is a side only you will see. I believe this man is the true alpha out of all of the men. There will be some times where you two make love, slow and steady and gazing into each other's eyes as you both come undone. But, he loves temperature play, making you gasp between hot wax and melting ice cubes. He's going to edge you and string you along all night until tears are filling your eyes as you beg for release. He's the one that'll work you up all day, but make you watch him as he pumps his cock to climax and you get nothing because you couldn't stop teasing him at dinner with the guys. He loves calling you his good girl, and good girls wait to do anything until their man says so. But when he's finished making you regret your choices, he's going to cave in and make sure you cum at least once, because he hates seeing his girl so needy, wanting, and neglected. He'll give you proper aftercare, making sure you're clean and comfortable after a session, and he's going to ask you a million times if he went too far, if it was too much, and if there's anything he can do better for your pleasure.
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pumpkinsy0 · 7 months
In honor of the THANKSGIVING DAY!!
How about headconnons....
Of the whole gang + the Shepards & Buck celebrating Thanksgiving!
I thought it would be funny and cute that their celebrating it all together 🎀❗♦♥📿🐞🌹🍒🌶🍷🚨🌡🎈🎴🪀📣☎🔖
thank u!!! im not the biggest fan of thanksgiving, my mom loves it tho and so does my family so ill just base these hcs off of em
•the shepards!!! tims in charge of food, so hes just making haitian food cause thats like the only food he knows how to rlly make
•diri jon jon, lambi, crabs, shrimp, du riz au lait, etc etc rlly a lot of rice and sea food w one dessert
•hes been up literalally all day and night cooking god bless his soul, he did take a small break tho so its all ok
•curly aint the biggest of helpers, he doesnt rlly like thanksgiving like that but tims goin through all the trouble so might as well do somethin so hes not mad later on
•angela’s actually an angel, shes helping cut the lambi and peel and cut the shrimp what a great help in the kitchen
•the shepards r a black haitian family ik they also makin mac and cheese, BAKED☝🏽☝🏽☝🏽☝🏽 mac n cheese
•meanwhile darry is cooking but not rlly, hes only handling the cranberry sauce n shit
•pony n soda r in charge of baking shit cause that’s genuinely what they’re pretty good at, and i say that a bit hesitantly bc the cookies were a lil burnt, had a lil aftertaste to em, so if they hear a “WHO MADE THE COOKIES🗣️” they silent
•buck is also making some trinidadian food!! now im not too well versed of trinidadian food so it could literally just b whatever trinidadian food u can possible think of
•EVERYONE ELSE??? just bring drinks or somethin
•dally and two bit of course brought the alcohol while everyone else just like, brought apple juice or orange juice, money dont grow on trees
•at the actual celebration they actually do play music!!! mostly caribbean BUT ALSO from other places as well!! they do not care whats on the speaker as long as its good
•ppl even brought dates!!! two bit brought marcia (she invited cheery but yknow sherry didnt wanna leave her fam), dally brought sylvia (ill get to that in a sec), and curly TECHNICALLY brought pony bit not rlly cause they were already going to the celebration so
•sylvia is ALSO haitian but shes more of a baker so she brought haitian cake, kremas, some coconut centered dish and flan 😋😋
•PERHAPS curly, pony, angela, sylvia, dally, and maybe johnny go on THAT ‘walk’ and curly comes back faded before everyone even gets their food, what a loser (i love him), angela and pony got a BIT faded but theyre alright they can generally hide it well, johnny was just there bc pony was there what a great bff xoxo
•dally saw pony gettin a lil high n went “u smoke🤨🤨🤨” but didnt tell darry or soda cause hes not a snitch he already got other things to deal w
•im not even gonna lie to to there’s probably a grown up table where darry, tim, and buck hang out and theres a “indescribable but alive” things table where everyone else is
•SURPRISINGLY NOTHING CRAZY HAPPENED, they were all chattin it up, chillin, no drama no nun, just friends, how great for em!!
•two bit and marcia were dancing most of the time
•steve wasnt rlly doin much he was just secretly making plates to take right tf back home so he dont gotta worry about what hes gonna eat the next few days
•darry actually knocked right tf out after eating so things got a BIT more unhinged but not too bad cause he needs his beauty sleep bad
•pony and curly actually ALSO wasnt doin anythin, rlly they were just in a lil corner talking, they were too full and tires to b doin allat and in curlys case a lil too tipsy cause he was drinking rum, perhaps stolen kisses were shared perhaps not, but who am i to judge
•the ONLY ones who werent being fucking calm was sylvia and dally what a shocker there🙄🙄 but rlly it was only small jabs here n there and even then they werent rlly serious thats just kinda how they do affection, god bless their souls
im doin this in the midst if my family blasting music and doin god knows what so if this isnt what u wanted im srry everythings so loud</33
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jack-the-killler · 4 days
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fireemblems24 · 2 years
DLC Ch 2
Playing Ch 2 of the DLC now. I want to finish this before Three Hopes drops. Also, weird formatting again for the same reasons as the first chapter.
Oh, cool, a new place to wander around! Lol there's an Abysskeeper. I know Gatekeeper is controversial, but I think it's funny.
Wow, the church has alters to other gods in its basement and let's people worship there? I wish a single one of the current major religions was that open minded.
Hilda sounds so proud of Balthus being a nuisance lol.
Dimitri wants to join the Abyss lamo. I bet he's wishing for a place he could just hide. Does anyone headcannon he hid here during the timeskip? 
Ok, I hope I can format normal now?
We're good, ok, now I need to just check everyone's weapons and then go back to the story.
Hapi or Balthus is my favorite so far, they're both funny. I'm still deciding if Constance is annoying or not and if I buy into Yuri's character or not yet. I can't help but remember how I felt about Dimitri at the start vs now though, lamo.
It's funny how Edelgard is saying almost nothing. I wonder if she's like - oh, god, what if it's TWSITD or Jeritza or Hubert?
God, Dimitri and Ashe are both like - someone in danger!!! must protect!!! Precious, both of them.
Byleth can say "we have no choice." It's really amusing to me how many "I don't wanna!!!!!s Byleth is getting. I'm picking them all.
So there's something up with Hapi's sighs? Oh - that's why the monster showed up. What a random power. I must sigh like every 10 minutes when I'm at work. That would SUCK.
Side note, it's so funny when there's a group of people standing around in this game and they just . . . don't really move.
Oh, wow, I got all 4 of them way earlier than I thought.
Damn, Ashe is just . . . killing everything with criticals.
How many reinforcements keep showing up?? Like, good grief. Glad people warned me and I picked normal lol. There's nothing particularly hard at the moment, but it's like - again?!?!
They really just love pulling out the Death Knight, don't they? I wonder if these people are working with TWSITD then? Or does he just join any rando group of baddies that let him kill stuff.
Didn't manage to engage the Death Knight. He just sort of stayed on the second level, and I couldn't really get to him. Next time.
Byleth MVP. Honestly, everyone pulled their weight here, tbh.
New guy has a nice voice. Aelfric.
So Aelfric is like the church leader of the Abyss?
Aelfric mentioning Almyrans - Claude just chillin'
I'm betting Dimitri really wishes he could just disappear here, but his duty to vengeance, Duscur, and Faerghus says no.
I mean, if it's foreigners and the ill, that's pretty shitty they'd want it gone. But if it's tax evaders and gangs, then I'd want it gone too.
Oh, good grief, now another person is begging the experienceless teacher to be a teacher. But the Ashen Wolves don't want me lamo. I actually like that.
Aelfric calling them flock is weird.
Dimitri's shoulders are just . . . so big lol, and that tiny waist.
WAIT - I GET TO LEARN ABOUT A MOM!!!! In THIS game!!! 100% picking that. And she has a name. 😭
Balthus abs are just . . . a lot lamo. Not that I mind.
Linhardt talked! I swear he's gotten more lines than Edelgard.
So Rhea used that rite to try and bring back Sothis. So who are they going to try to bring back here, because there's no way they spend this much time on it if it has nothing to do with the story.
Oh, God, Dimitri 😭😭😭 I just realized, he's hearing about a rite that brings people back from the dead. He must be so tempted 😭😭😭 Saying he understands why so many people want it. 😭😭
Man it would be awesome if it was Dimitri who tried to do the rite at the end of this, but there's just no way - it'll be one of the new characters or some un-introduced yet villain.
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first of all THANK YOUUU~ to 🌶 anon
i am so flattered other ppl read my LONG ASS ask,,,, i hope you enjoyed it~
i took some time to rest (aka i fueled my introverted battery and baked a cake,,, gave it away (dont ask, i felt like baking), showered, watched some tv, ordered pizza and am now chillin on my couch hehe) and now i feel very talk active sooo here i am ONCE AGAIN
AND @shanice-1104 U ARE SO RIGHT
ITS ME,,,,IM THE SIMP (intelligent people are just so😫),, I AM INDEED OPEN FOR A SUGGAR- I MEAN FOR A DOCTOR TO PAY FOR MY NEEDS 😁😁😁😁😁
anyone wanna be my yamqn!beomgyu but without the yandere 💗🥹🤌🏻
and what is a turn off…
like i said i am one kinky bitch… which actually literally no one i know personally knows😭
but i have some no gos and also some unpop opinions aaand this is the perf opportunity to just talk abt them i think its fun
so one thing i find rlly off putting is ddbg😟
or age play.. it makes me a little uncomfortable cause sometimes it feels like they’re sexualizing things that should be kept innocent and not be smth that has to do with … well sex, in my opinion and also THAT LACTATION THING BC ITS THERE TO FEED BABYS (with women) AND THATS WEIRD ON ITS OWN SO WHY WOULD U LIKE IT FOR MEN ????
and i know many people like roleplay but ill be honest, i never get the appeal of it, it kind of just puts me OUT of the mood immediately when i read it in fics or someone mentions it..
and exhibitionism, i do not understand the appeal of doing it in public for example, i can see why the ✨forbidden✨ aspect might be fun but in general i do not like the idea of random people seeing smth so intimidate and i also always feel bad for people who maybe notice it 💀
what i do find interesting and fun..
is somnophilia… and the thing is its kind of risky and a lot of people dislike it
but i think with the right circumstances it can be so nice?!
first of all having a partner you trust and have talked it through with completely! all the limits and what you do like/want
and then i saw this idea of having little necklaces, since it could take away some of the fun of having to personally ask your partner the night of, if they consent.. bc it could take away the suprise for example,, but generalizing and saying its always okey isnt great either… bc maybe ur in a bad mood or had a shit day and dont feel like it at all… so those necklaces could be customized to say yes or no or smth and indicate if the partner consents to it on that night or not
i think that just makes it a little safer for misunderstandings NOT to happen!
what i like abt it is the idea of waking up to your partner pleasuring you, or think your partner is so needy at night but they dont wanna disturb you so it just opens a lot of possibilities and i think its fun and maybe exciting which is what kinks are supossed to be i believe!
and what i RLLY like is marking up my partner i srsly love it (an obsession of mine here we go-)
i dont like it in the childisch way of having an obvious hickey on your neck and then flaunting it at school like youre THE DUDE… it feels a bit immature tbh
i love it in the way of (and i have written this a bit ago, explaining to my ex why i like it so much)
“i dont want others to see, i just wanna look at my work at the end of the night, making a mental image and the next time they look in the mirror they’ll be reminded of what we did”
which is also why i have a soft spot for thighs, hands or wrists, collarbones, lower bellys, backs and chests/boobs… theyre my fav places to mark up and i just love the idea of cuddling with my partner, counting all the hickeys or bite marks i left and recalling memories, the idea of them knowing i “own” them in the sense of theyre mine and mine only to ✨see✨ (although in general im not rlly possessive and don’t get jealous easily) so i can even bite their thigh for example and im the only one who’ll know (like our lil secret) or maybe leaving a cute lil hickey on their wrist and next time i play with their hands fingers i can see my mark- oftentimes when i find someone insanely attractive and their collarbones and neck show (in a photo (maybe a nude- for example) the idea of me being able to ruin or corrupt the beautiful sight with bitemarks makes my heart go 💗💗💗 and me in general 🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵
yeah i def got carried away AGAIN. i even wrote this in my notes so i wont get distracted and delete everything… and now i have completely exposed myself, everyone be careful i might bite ;)
-❄️ (feelin a bit spicy today now are we)
that sounds restorative. glad to hear about it ❤️ but i can't imagine going through the effort to bake or cook something just for someone else like that could never be me. i too need a yamqn gyu which is probably why i prefer him to tyun lmao
and omg y'all are blinded by the doctor title. i don't have shit to my name. my 5 years younger brother makes around three times my salary lol you only make good money out of being a doctor in america i swear
i totally get the ddbg and age play thing. like i get it the appeal to some extent like being taken care of and spoiled (is that the appeal? idk) but i just find it icky when the "baby" character can't speak or they have very obviously child-like mannerisms. it grosses me out. i've seen more than a couple fics of that type around felix lmao
and yeah lactation both ways freak me out but especially on males. i don't remember if i've written female lactation for iyym or not but if i have it was only to increase the crazy factor of felix (says I who writes noncon scenes)
roleplay is tricky because in real life i don't think i could ever take it seriously and in fics it wouldn't be roleplay it would just be the characters being the actual roles like teacher/student etc. but maybe if i tried it in real life i'd like it? idk i think i'd just laugh
oh man exhibitionism is definitely a kink that only belongs to the fics for me. i may have done a couple of things in public before but that wasn't because i was into it. i just didn't have a place to do it lmao. but getting caught is THE WORST (which i did like 3 times lmao)
somnophilia (with consent if it's in real life) is such a good concept. it's like the feeling you get when you wake up from a wet dream but better lol. but it does have it's drawbacks like morning breath and maybe having sweated through the night 😂
yesss the necklaces are also sooo good for the free use kink. like if you put the necklace on, it lets your partner know that they can just grab you and fuck your brains out whenever they want
for marks i like it for both ways honestly. the sweet one you mentioned and the "mine" aspect but the mine aspect is only for the fics again. i'd never intentionally mark my partner for the world to see that would be mortifying lmao (i did it once accidentally and it really was mortifying :'D)
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sningo-prompts · 2 years
Something slightly less angsty: Maybe Ingo and Emmet's pokemon can see how a lot of humans look at Ingo, and they decide to help him learn how to use moves to defend himself better.
Excadrill and archeops can show him how to use his claws properly. Excadrill knows poison jab, and at least three others have various other poison moves, so they can show him how to use his in an actual attack. Gurdurr can help with fighting type moves, and nearly all of them should be able to help him with the basics, like quick attack.
He's not going to become some master battler in the span of only a few weeks, but at least he wont be entirely defenseless in a one on one anymore.
Ok i have been dying to make another post tonight but im gonna apologise now. I actually uhh dont know their full teams and i hardly know anything about pokemon at all. So this isnt going to be the best. Like i wont be able to make a lost of the moves he uses or anything. Ill do my best for you though <3 since all anons are my children and i love them.
So maybe Emmet takes to having one of their team always out with Ingo after a while. He isnt an idiot he can too see how people eye Ingo and he hates it. His pokemon though they can see it even clearer since they know how humans normally look at them. It puts whoever is out with Ingo on edge most of the time. Maybe one day while Ingo and Emmet are out at uhh pokemon park? Like a dog park? Their pokemon come up with the idea of teaching Ingo some moves to defend himself. I wanna say they are all huddled up together discussing it. Ingo isnt gonna be with them because hes chillin with Emmet. So its like a surprise in a way. They are all very eager to help their trainer. They decided to let Ingo pick what moves he should learn since he and Emmet picked all of theirs. So now all they have left is figuring out how to bring it up. They agree Chandelure should ask since they have been with him the longest.
Ingo is hesitant at first but they make a great point on him needing to be able to defend himself so he agrees. They are very excited. I think they do this while at the station maybe. Emmet is 100% gonna watch so while hes waiting on the next battle all of a sudden on of their pokemon are out and chittering away with Ingo. Emmet is very much so not jealous thank you. Emmet is of course curious about what they are planning. Maybe hes worried when he sees the first attack but since its not directed at Ingo hes ok. That is until Ingo copies them and does the attack himself. Now Emmet is very excited. Watching tentatively as Ingo learns a move. Its slow going at first but Ingo is a quick learner and soon enough hes got his moveset. They are all so excited that they wanna have a mock battle with him. Hes a bit excited too so he agrees. To test his new moves out. Emmet was verrry worried when an attack was directed right at Ingo but thanks to his time in Hisui Ingo is fantastic at dodging. Its a fun battle though everyone is holding back. They dont wanna hurt Ingo and he surely doesnt want to hurt them. So its mostly just play fighting. Everyone freezes when Emmet cheers at their battle. Of course it doesnt last long as one of them finally managed to land an attack on Ingo. Who just jumps up and the battle is back on. The air is filled with laughter as they taunt one another. Emmet is so happy to see his brother having so much fun along with their team. Yes he to wishes to join the fun but hes a bit big for that. Though maybe w sense Emmet wants to join in and all tackle him down. Its a full in dog pile. They all have a great time wrestling with Emmet too. That is until the next trainer comes in to find Emmet on the ground swarmed by his own pokemon. (I kinda wanna draw that shot) everyone just freezes in place while Emmet and the trainer make eye contact. Its Ingo who starts laughing (i wanted to say giggling but its not right. Almost like hes trying to conceal his laughter) that breaks the awkward silence. Quickly everyone gets up and returns, minus Ingo who takes a seat behind Emmet, while Emmet dusts himself off and straitens his hat. He starts his speech as if the trainer hadnt just seen him on the ground playing with his pokemon like a school kid. All in all weird day for that person. I think Emmet is hard to embarrass tbh so he just moves past it and acts like nothing happened.
Later Ingo and Emmet optimism Ingos move set im sure. Also Ingo gets to battle Emmet with his own team again. I like the idea that Ingos first time battling again is at that welcome back party the staff threw so this isnt the first. Though hes way better at battling now than before since hes got a better understand on how it feels to use those moves. He can even train his own team better ways to dodge. I dont think Emmet would be very ok with Ingo being in the battle but maybe down the line on of his pokemon want to try and lead so he joins their party. Which is super cute. Because now Ingo is giving tips to his own pokemon on leading other pokemon in battle. Now they have a whole buch of pokemon who can lead a battle instead of a trainer. Lord help the public if they ever do this on the subway. Their pokemon dint know the meaning of holding back.
Ok sorry i think this got very sidetracked since i cant remember the ask anymore. I hope you dont mind i didnt call off any of their pokemon by name since i uhhh cant remember them. I know chandelure but thats because i loved Litwick and all its evolutions the moment i saw them. Its funny that Chandelure ended up being my fav pokemon and being Ingos ace. Probably why i like him so much. I have no idea what game they released in but it was like love at first sight. The moment i saw their evolution line i fell. Plus litwick is baby <3
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tobi-momo · 3 years
Cuddling With Them While They Game PT 2
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a/n: kasjsdhakdjs pls- when i got this req i sqealed srsly i love it ty for this :p
Type: Headcanons
Genre: Fluff, crack???
Warnings: none :)
i made a part one with bakugou, kirishima, and todoroki!
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he doesnt usually play games but when he does he tries his best and its so cute🥺
feel like he has game rage, but its like him trying to smile through the pain and act like he isnt mad💀
so imagine: you walking in his dorm room, expecting him to be studying or working on his technique, but instead you find him on the floor in front of his bed, a blanket covering his head as he presses the buttons ruthelessly while he whispers little curses at himself starting to get mad
you closing the door got his attention, so he invited you to sit next to him, so you do
at first it was a little awkward bc he wasnt sharing the blanket (you cant convince me he isnt a blanket hog you cant) and his eyes were glued to the tv screen like he forgot you were there
you started to get tired, your head drooping on his shoulder- his body goes absolutely stiff- like- midoryia.exe has stopped working youre gonna have to wait for him to windows 8 reboot
once he finally looks at you and youre like this close to falling asleep he turns your body away rq to move the blanket off his shoulder so your head can rest on his actual shoulder and the blanket is around you too
he usually doesnt have his mic on at all, and if it is he usually doesnt talk unless hes going along w a joke? iykwim?
i feel like he plays games like call of duty and halo (he loves animal crossing and sucks at among us) but he doesnt like when he sees them actually die? like the gore and stuff? idk he just gives those vibes yk? i feel like hed feel really bad kaskjdshad hed get over it tho
i cant really see him play minecraft, tho, i mean unless youre playing w him, i dont think he would play it by himself unless he was like building a fucking castle for you or sum-
but ya you start to go to his room more when he games to hang out and every. single. time. you. fall. asleep. he isnt complaining tho he loves your sleeping face :p
when you sleep on him he usually wrapss an arm around you and when he can presses little butterfly kisses on the top of your head and takes his hand to rub your arm up and down oml kdajsd pls-
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he plays both computer and console i just think he plays he console a bit more?
ok this is a lil soft and maybe a bit ooc but i like if you were to come in while hes playing games you would sit down between his legs, your back to his chest while he plays
he would either rest his head on whatever is behind him or he would rest it on your shoulder (if youre more on the taller side)
and okokok i feel like if you were curious ab how the game works he would def let you play for him for a sec, he would guide yu on what the buttons do and what your tasks are yk? (again w the soft shi im sorry kasjhsdfjf *cri*)
he would keep an arm around your waist while letting you play or he would rub your thigh (maybe both kasdjshd) while he watches you play
if you get a lil frustrated he would totally tease you ab it then tell you how to do it right oml
if you get tired he would take the controller from you and let you sit back on him chest, resting on him while he games
he might turn the volume down a lil, but i also think he doesnt care that much LMFAO
i feel like he would rub your side a lil its almost tickly but hes a lil more firm than that yk?
he would keep his curses at a minimum although he doesnt have that much game rage at all bc again, he doesnt care, but ppl are stupid so he might get frustrated sometimes
once you fall asleep and hes been playing for a while he might just leave the game hes in and carry you to bed and get in with you
i dont think hes much of a cuddler at all but a little bit of contact is ok w him
but then you start to shift and scoot towards him in your sleep
until you are either completely ontop of him or your head is in the crook of his neck and hes just sitting there like 😐😤😒
but he warms up to it bc he wuvs you (read: hes fucking whipped)
ao he lazily puts an arm around you and bears it for a couple more hours
but when yall wake up he finds himself literally clinging to you KASDJHSALKDJ
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he. plays. computer. end of conversation
he got the wasd game iykwim😩 (ill shut the door on my way out)
he absolutely loves it when you come to sit on his lap while he just- he loves it sm
he plays all types of games (except overwatch. you will not catch this man playing overwatch pls-)
i feel like you wouldnt run into him playing games he would always play them once youre with him in the room
he wants you to be w him while he games, he wants you to watch him or just be there
youd be laying on his bed, hust doing whatever, scrolling on your phone while you hear him set up
you love to cuddle him- i just KNOW hes amazing at it
so when you hear him clicking away and see him sit down you stand up and walk to him
he doesnt even have t look at you before he opens himself up to you to sit on his lap
you watch him play (and his hands kasjlsdh) and sometimes you ask him questions ab it- hed be happy to walk you through it and explain
if you wanna play he'll let you play, teaching you everything ab the character and shit
he is the most patient person on earth i KNOW
he doesnt get game rage
he is literally so stoic- so calm i swear
he doesnt use his mic like at all
teasing to the max th- its cute tho he isnt being a meanie
loves playing among us and animal crossing (he def plays)
yall usually go to your island bc he likes it more kasdslahd
and when hes the imposter? hes like fucking corpse i swear
if youre sleep he's literally a perfect pillow, plus the sound of him breathing while he rubs your back is-
momo.exe has stopped working
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he uses the mic constantly and is kinda loud- but you dont hate it
he laughs a lot, and gets some game rage but its pretty controlle, he just gets butthurt sometimes :/
when you walk into his room he is getting so into it like he doesnt even notice even notice you come in
he only notices your presence when when you put your hand on his shoulder- he literally jumps
when he plays console he's on his bed, just laying there chillin so when you walk in and say hi he is sooo happy youre there w him omg
he just loves you presence
i imagine you climbing into bed w him and he continues to play his game although he loves it when you touch him (not to sound sexual at all he genuienly loves your touch)
and you up to his side- he wraps an arm around you, telling you how he missed you how mych he loves you (ksadksjhaksd)
when you fall asleep he turns the volume down and probably tones down his voice, although sometimes he jolts bc of some kind of mess up
but he manages to keep you asleep on him until he gets tired too- turning everything off and just wrapping you in arms (he'd prolly end up on your chest ngl)
on the computer when he plays you hesitate o cuddle ONLY bc od how much he moves, like you arent gonna be there comfortable for a while but eventually he calms down
he just gets nervous- his heart starts to beat rapidly and his leg bounces (same kaskh) espECIALLY when you straddle him oml he BREAKS
but he eventually calms down so its more comfy
when you fall asleep he will constantly press kisses on your head omggg
so soft kasdjhksajf pls-
i feel like he plays longer when hes on the computer so he would prlly still be on there when you wake up- looking absolutely dead insode aksjdshadl but you convince him to go to bed, bribing him with a 'i'll go too'
hes literally whipped for you :)
hope yall enjoyed a part 2-
taglist: @combat-wombatus @toosharkinternet @alpha3113 @flattykawadoorusmilkbread @zerohawks @hitosushi @katsuhera (sry my tags are being weird)
282 notes · View notes
yami-kada · 3 years
Mission 2
Recently I read a fanfic on AO3 called Interlude - Class 1-A by @itslivybear and was inspired a bit to write a fic based on that! Well really I got inspiration for a single line (you'll know it when you see it) and then had to write a whole thing to be able to share that one line, but oh well. This is my first time writing a chatfic or even any BNHA content at all, so I hope it doesn't suck! Thanks to @shadesofflame for being an awesome beta!
(Quick FYI in this AU M*neta and Bakugou are replaced with Shinsou and Monoma, sorry for any confusion. Also a name guide can be found at the bottom.)
RockSolid: Um, so.
RockSolid: Remember the missions during the Sports Festival?
PurpleGrape: Oh hell yeah.
PurpleGrape: Still cherish the look on that bastard's face.
Spoderman: jehxgjc Kiri I got it on video!!!
JazzHands: You've had video of the capture of the bounty this whole time and never showed us???
LSD: I thought we were friends Sero!
Spoderman: omg no not that I totally would have shared earlier if i did
Spoderman: im talking about That.
RockSolid: no Sero don't tell them!
RockSolid: it's embarrassing!
PikaCHU: Tell us, tell us!
NYOOM: Kaminari-kun! If Kirishima-kun wishes to keep his privacy, then it is our duty as his classmates to respect that!
Spoderman: ok but consider: he already gave them a major hint and they are about to POUNCE
BreadIsPain: As a witness as well, I must say that Kirishima was si attirant que j'ai failli m'évanouir~*
RockSolid: thanks, I think?
MOMo: To paraphrase Aoyama, he is essentially saying you were very manly, Kirishima!
RockSolid: aw thanks bro!! Don't believe you but thanks!
Spoderman: you take that lack of confidence back I have evidence right here that says you are super fucking manly!
LSD: ok please now we have to know so that we can show Kiri how great he is!!!
MOMo: I must admit that the commentary seen thus far has me rather curious as well.
RockSolid: You guys…
RockSolid: alright then, I'll tell you!
Spoderman: sweet ill pull it up!
RockSolid: bro don't you dare! my story, I get to tell it!
Spoderman: oh yeah of course bro!!
Spoderman: but if after you wanna show it then i am READY.
JazzHands: This is very sweet and all but I am very thirsty for this TEA.
RockSolid: on it!
Kirby: Kiri you've been typing for so long that I'm getting Izuku vibes here.
GreenGrape: Hey!
RockSolid: sorry! this is harder than I thought!
Spoderman: want me to start it off?
RockSolid: you know what, sure.
Spoderman: aight so,
Spoderman: Council, what qualifies as capturing the bounty?
GreenGrape: Guys no the bounty is over please no more bounty-hunting Kacchan.
MOMo: Your objection is noted and overruled, Izuku.
MOMo: For your question, Sero, I do not believe we ever set specific limitations on what qualified, but I was under the impression that it was limited to the Sports Festival. Why do you ask?
Spoderman: just double checking
Spoderman: because my bro here just totally shot both missions out of the park!!!
LSD: gaSP!!!
JazzHands: bOTH?!
RockSolid: no not both!! we have no confirmation for either, technically!
Kirby: Technically? What do you mean by that?
RockSolid: ahhhh ok so Sero and I were eating lunch in the courtyard because it was nice out, right?!
RockSolid: and we were chillin, being bros, birds were singing, all was good.
RockSolid: and then we heard a small explosion before the bounty walked in at the other end of the courtyard and started kicking at the wall.
PikaCHU: omg so angy.
RockSolid: and like fine, we can tune him out, just try to act like he's not there, you know?
RockSolid: But then he started yelling at random people in the courtyard, just acting pissed as hell.
PikaCHU: oMG so ANGY.
RockSolid: and that's just not manly at all, you know? going off on people like that just because you're in a bad mood.
GreenGrape: Yeah… that's Kacchan for you.
RockSolid: so he's making his way around the courtyard now, like everyone needs their daily dose of asshole for him to be happy, and the closer he got the more annoyed I got.
Spoderman: here it comes!
RockSolid: and eventually I get up, because I have had just about enough, and walk right up to him.
RockSolid: he doesn't see me coming, because he was too busy yelling at some girl, and I get right up behind him.
RockSolid: and then I just called out to get his attention, and spun him to face me while making sure I end up between him and the girl.
RockSolid: and well I told him off a little bit and got him to back off then left in a hurry.
RockSolid: and that's it!
Spoderman: oh no you don't
BreadIsPain: Oui! Monsieur Kirishima, you must tell the climax with just as much zest as the build-up!
Spoderman: what he said! no skipping out on the best part!
RockSolid: but!!!
Jacked: No buts, mister. We're all way too invested now for you to back down.
RockSolid: :(
RockSolid: fine! you win!
RockSolid: so uh when I got his attention, I also got my hand onto his shoulder, and used his surprise to knock his feet a bit off balance and pulled him back, but then I ended up with him in my arms and could tell he was about to start yelling so I just…
RockSolid: you know…
RockSolid: flirted?
LSD: oh my GoD this is great!!!
PikaCHU: Hell yeah Kiri! Go get yourself a manz!
RockSolid: I'm not getting a man! He's probably going to kill me the next time he sees me!
Spoderman: i dunno, it took him a good long while to reboot after what you said there
Spoderman: you might have a shot
PurpleGrape: Well if you're not going to get a man out of this, mind telling us what you said so I can bait him next time he tries to be an ass?
RockSolid: uhhh…
RockSolid: I'm nervous.
BreadIsPain: If you will allow me, I shall finish your tale off dazzlingly!
RockSolid: Thanks Aoyama.
BreadIsPain: Bien entendu!
BreadIsPain: While holding him in his arms tightly in a dip, faces inches apart, Monsieur Kirishima leaned impossibly closer to emphasize his point.
RockSolid: oh god I regret everything.
LSD: Hush, it's getting good!
BreadIsPain: With a growl to his voice and his eyes burning above a smirk, he said "You know, you're damn cute when you're angry, but you'd be downright sexy if you shut the fuck up." Then he straightened up to fling the lost soul to the side, and saunter off like the devil was guarding his back, leaving the bounty terribly confused in his wake.
PurpleGrape: Whoa.
PikaCHU: Holy shit?!
RockSolid: what is that description?!?!?!
JazzHands: Kiri that was PERFECT oh my god?!
LSD: It's ART is what it is!
Spoderman: don't forget how red the guy was! Kiri was cool as a cucumber but the other guy couldn't stop blushing after seeing his face!!!
MOMo pinned a message
RockSolid: Yaomomo!!!
MOMo: My apologies, Kirishima, but I felt it only right to ensure easy access to your most manly moment.
LSD: Yeah Kiri! Then one day we can all look back on this and celebrate how everything started!!
RockSolid: How what started???
LSD: E v e r y t h i n g
RockSolid: @Spoderman bro hide me I’m scared.
Spoderman: hey guys, wanna see a GREAT video?
Spoderman: the stars are our main man, Kiri, and the bounty!
PikaCHU: hell yeah!!!
Jacked: Lay it on me.
PurpleGrape: Sure.
JazzHands: Do you really have to ask????
RockSolid: but I already told you what happened!
RockSolid: why do you want to see me being so embarrassing?
PikaCHU: bro we all appreciate you so much of course we want to see you being manly!
LSD: Just from what you all said there is no way you don’t look great in that vid, Kiri!
PikaCHU: gotta give support where support is due!!
PurpleGrape: They’ll all bully Sero into showing them one way or another anyways, might as well give in now.
RockSolid: but...
BreadIsPain: Nous devons vous montrer à quel point vous brillez et dissiper ces pensées douteuses!**
MOMo: I could not have said it better myself, Aoyama!
RockSolid: I don’t even know what he said though?!?!?!?!?!?!
Spoderman: Kiri.
Spoderman: Bro.
Jacked: Well shoot he’s using proper grammar and everything.
Spoderman: Rude.
Spoderman: Anyways Bro.
RockSolid: yeah?
Spoderman: You are epic. This video shows you being epic. And putting an asshole in their place.
Spoderman: You have nothing to be ashamed of, and every reason to be proud. So please let me show the video so that everyone can appreciate you like you deserve bro.
RockSolid: bro…
Spoderman: Bro.
RockSolid: bro -
Spoderman: Bro?
RockSolid: bro!
Spoderman: aight everyone down to the common room its up on the big screen
Spoderman: i have popcorn too
Jacked: Not even gonna question that.
LSD: Finally!!!
JazzHands: Yuss!!!
BreadIsPain: Je vais regarder avec enthousiasme!***
MOMo: As will all of us I’m sure, Aoyama!
RockSolid: Thanks guys!
RockSolid: Now get down here and watch me maybe get a man!
*so attractive that I almost swooned.
**We must show you how much you shine, and dispel those self-doubting thoughts!
***I shall excitedly watch!
Guide to names:
GreenGrape - Izuku
PurpleGrape - Hitoshi
CopyCat - Monoma Neito
MOMo - Yaoyorozu Momo
datBoi - Asui Tsuyu
JazzHands - Hagakure Toru
NYOOM - Iida Tenya
SnowWhite - Kouda Kouji
LifeIsPain - Tokoyami Fumikage
BreadIsPain - Aoyama Yuga
Kirby - Uraraka Ochaco
LSD - Ashido Mina
PikaCHU - Kaminari Denki
RockSolid - Kirishima Eijiro
RipHarambe - Ojiro Mashirao
IcyHot - Todoroki Shoto
MuffinMan - Sato Rikido
Octodad - Shouji Mezou
Jacked - Jirou Kyoka
Spoderman - Sero Hanta
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lexaprogemini · 4 years
how you meet | edward cullen
A/N: wowowow after being on Tumblr for 6+ years I would have NEVER imagined my first published writing to this site being Twilight dnvjdfjaskdlmfkl enjoy!! requests are open :)) I will write for Twilight (mainly the Olympic Coven, except Jasper romantically), Star Wars, and Harry Potter
Pairing: Edward Cullen x Fem!Reader
Category: Fluff
Content Warnings: Reader gets unsolicited attention from teenage boys, swear words
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when you moved to forks after spring break because of your dad’s work, you’re unanimously nicknamed new girl™ by all of forks high school’s students
and consequently, you’re the new eye candy for your male peers
Forks boys are, well . . . neanderthals douchebags
the ones you’ve met are egotistical, super immature, and super HORNY
. . . you decide to keep your distance
you get smooshed into ap u.s. history
apush, baby, apush HAAAAA
the teacher points you to an empty seat next to some pale blonde dude
he gives off weird kid energy at first but then he politely speaks to you
“i’m jasper. welcome to forks” and gives you an acknowledging nod
his eyes are topaz!!!?? woooooooah that’s so cool is that like a genetic defect or smth??
aaaaand your teacher immediately assigns a PROJECT
a fuckin civil war project
you swear you see jasper’s pupils dilate
you hear a chuckle from behind you
and when you turn around you see a pale dude w a dark brown buzzcut and some blonde girl smirking beside him
you later find out that those are his siblings
his fuckin goofy ass siblings
anyways a few weeks pass
you pop in at your dad’s job @ forks hospital and see him chatting w a fellow physician
yet another pale dude with blonde hair 
you approach them and your dad embraces you in a hug
“heeeeyyyy sweet pea! how’s it goin’!” 
the doctor he was talking to looks at you fondly
“hello, i’m carlisle cullen” and offers you his hand to shake, which you do
“y/n, carlisle was just inviting us to his house later tonight for some dinner”
dr. hotpants puts his hands in his pockets and humbly grins
“my son jasper tells me you’re his classmate”
oh god he’s one of those pta dads, isn’t he??
“oh, yeah, he’s my partner in history”
he smiles, “that’s wonderful. my wife esme and i would love to have you both over as our guests. it’s not often we have company for dinner. and i’m sure the rest of my children would love to meet you, y/n”
jesus christ how many kids does this guy have?? he looks THIRTY
don’t worry, in the car your dad tells you they’re all adopted lmfao
✰✰later that night✰✰
their house is HUGE jesus fuckin christ
alice knows (well they all know) about you because of jasper
IMMEDIATELY loves you!!
“hi! i’m alice!!!”
i’m EVAPORATING. i’m YODELLING. it’s fine :-)
you thought you weren’t gonna make any pals in forks bc of the weird horny teenage specimens but here we are ;-;
alice envelopes you into a tight hug and you, in shock, grasp her arms to acknowledge this affection
your dad’s chillin near carlisle and esme and he’s silently chuckling
oh . . . they all have black eyes now?? must be the weather
or the fluorescence
you wave at jasper, rosalie, and emmett
you notice the last sibling
he’s very handsome
to you, everything about him was attractive
his soft hair contrasted against his hardened facial features
you could tell he was socially reserved when it comes to new acquaintances, just like you
he physically isolates himself from his family once you and your dad arrived
he was standing alone near a corner away from everyone else
you make eye contact with him and his mental barrier breaks down
he loses his cool
his face contorts
his lips twist into puckered lines
he claps his hand over his mouth and vacates the room immediately, running up the stairs
everyone notices his sudden departure
his family is shocked but tbh not really
✰✰✰ eddy boy is a lil shy around girls sometimes ✰✰✰
carlisle breaks the impending doom of silence
“i apologize for edward leaving us so abruptly. he hasn’t been feeling well as of late; please excuse his absence. . .”
you awkwardly pretend like that never happened
you feel it in your gut that your presence disturbed him
and not only did you disturb him
but you disturbed him so bad that he had to leave
for why?? you don’t know
you then realize that everyone else in the room knows he left bc of you
. . . anyway you all sit down at the table but you and your dad are the only ones who have plates
your dad notices this too
“hey, aren’t you guys gonna eat too?”
esme grins warmly at him
“oh, don’t worry about us. we just wanted to welcome you to town!”
uhhh, ok ma’am
alice talks to you for almost the entire time you were eating ;-; i love her
you’re also talking to jasper, cracking some apush jokes
you, jasper, emmett, and rosalie talk shit about your classmates and teacher
“why the fuck -- *carlisle glares at emmett* -- heck did mr. whatshisface give us a project RIGHT AFTER BREAK???!!”
“and he paired y/n and jasper!! they’re civil war  n e r d s!! they’re gonna get the best grade” rosalie chimes in
“not if we--”
alice  ❀politely❀  tells them to stfu
you giggle
bonding with your new pals <33
allllllright so it’s a few days later
you’re walking home from school
it’s drizzling, as always, but you know that it’s gonna rain harder if you don’t get home fast enough
and some asshole
some persistent prick from your class
keeps flirting with you
he’s talking about how he hasn’t been able to take his eyes off of you since you came to forks
he’s insisting he has your phone number, that he’s gonna take you out on dates. . .
you hate it
you’re so uncomfortable but you can’t really do anything about it
s u d d e n l y
a car pulls up beside where you and the guy are walking on the sidewalk and screeches to a stop
the window is rolled down and you see a familiar face
it’s edward cullen
with one hand on the wheel, he looks at both of you and clenches his jaw
“get in”
even though he was undeniably weird a few weeks ago, you concede
you never got to speak to him, but you knew that edward was trustworthy
you practically launch yourself into his silver volvo c30™
he shoots a stone-cold glare to the jackass on the sidewalk and drives away
honestly, it wouldn’t take much for anyone (not just a mind-reading vampire) to know how uncomfortable you are after what just happened with that guy
your body language is tense
your arms are crossed tightly
your body is pointed towards the passenger window as your knees touch the door
tears are welling up in your eyes
it would be mere seconds until you fully broke down
you’re embarrassed, to say the least
you’re embarrassed that you were put in a vulnerable situation, like a damsel in distress
and of all people, the handsome and mysterious guy--
the handsome and mysterious guy you began crushing on
--who feels seemingly indifferent towards you swept you off your feet and helped you when you needed someone
that made things even more embarrassing
and the tears started streaming down your heated cheeks
edward immediately sensed your unease (hmm wonder why, but also who wouldn’t sense it???)
he’s pissed. 
absolutely livid
that asshole had a  d e a t h w i s h
he knew you didn’t want to address your unsolicited encounter, so . . .
*awkwardly clears throat* “are you enjoying the weather?”
you choked
you did not expect him to ask that
nor did you expect him to talk at. all.
you smile through your tears and laugh
you can’t help but laugh
he’s just so awkward and cute
his half-baked plan of indirectly distracting you definitely worked
you started to excitedly talk about the rain and how much you love gloomy, cloudy days
. . . and then the elephant in the room
the inevitable first impression from a few days ago
“i’m sorry for my behavior from our first meeting. i wasn’t feeling well, and i wouldn’t have wanted for you or your father to be affected by my illness”
you’re a little skeptical at first
buuuuut you give him the benefit of the doubt and dismiss his apology
“that’s okay. it’s allergy season, anyway. i’m glad you’re feeling better”
you have no idea how bad i wanted to make a spanish flu joke right there
a small, soft smile lifts the corners of his lips “i’m edward cullen”
you look at him and return the smile
t h e  t e a s i n g  e n e r g y
“i’m y/n”
the car approaches your house after time seems to have flown by
your dad looks at you both as he walks to his car to go to work
he waves at edward
edward smiles and waves back at him as he enters the car
you gratefully thank edward for the ride, careful not to dwell on the prior circumstances
as you open the passenger door, edward grabs your wrist
!!he grabs your wrist!!
he insists on being your ride to and from school from now on
you object and exit the car
b u t
edward smirks, leaning towards the open door
“i’ll see you in the morning, y/n” 
your jaw drops
and then he closes the door and speeds off
you watch him drive away and your heartbeat becomes arrhythmic 
a garden of butterflies is unleashed in your stomach
blood rushes to your cheeks once more
you smile to yourself before heading inside
secretly anticipating tomorrow morning :’)
873 notes · View notes
written-in-flowers · 3 years
Birthmark: Pt. 1
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Pairing: Namjoon x Jimin 
Genre: Soulmate!au, Sci-fi, Angst, Smut
Word Count: 6k
Summary: Namjoon, Hoseok and Yoongi were street punks pulling heists before they pulled the wrong one. Now, they have to drag a weird alien and his caretaker to another planet because otherwise the galaxy will fall into chaos. Oh, and the alien’s got the same birthmark as Namjoon. Weird, amiright? 
Disclaimer: These works are completely fictitious and for entertainment purposes only. They are not meant to reflect or label the members of BTS in any way. The events within never took place. Thank you
Tags: Soulmates, smut, angst, Graphic Depictions of Violence (fight scenes), gun violence, alien!Jimin, alien!Jin, criminal activity, hacking, sci-fi, futuristic dystopia, repressed memories, mentions of war, mentions of traumatic pasts, mentions of mental illness, mental breakdowns, panic attacks, swearing/cursing, 
AO3 < Masterlist > Next Chapter 
So many things could go wrong. Rackham could have changed their passcodes; they could have issued new security cards. They could have doubled their security cameras or they could have simply shut down the building for the day. It’s why Namjoon needed to be on his toes the entire time. On his motorcycle, he kept himself a few cars away from the caravan by the light. Large, black, with the signature triangular symbol of Rackham Enterprises, it stood out in the sea of cars around them. The driver could catch him in the side view mirror and decide to give him a run-around. He’d have to adapt the plan should that happen. 
“Yoongs,” Namjoon said, his bluetooth earbud picking up his voice, “You seeing them?”
“Crystal clear,” said a voice on the other end. 
“What are you picking up?”
“A bunch of bullshit,” said the technician. “Apparently, one of their girlfriends is mad because he ditched her to transport this energy thing. Must be pretty important, huh? Sounds like he was gonna get lucky too.”
“If Hutch wants it, then yeah, it must be.”
Hutch Robinson was another southside kingpin who ruled the streets with money and blood. Namjoon thought about the massive man as he followed the caravan down the street. They wouldn’t be doing this job were it not partially for Hutch. He told them the best way to repay their debt is by doing a job for him. The other half of this scheme goes to Hoseok, whose pride and stupidity earned him a gambling debt he could not payback. Namjoon told him a million times that you don’t play against a card shark like Hutch and expect to win. He almost wrung the scrawny man’s neck when he came home and dropped the number on him. Sixty-thousand CM chips. Sixty. Thousand. Credit. Money. Chips. It was money the little street boys did not have. It was money he knew they could not payback. If Namjoon had not offered their services in exchange, Hoseok would be dead in a dumpster somewhere. 
The communicator on his watch suddenly lit up. He recognized the name across the small screen: ‘Dee’ with a heart emoji beside it. He knew what the woman would say if he did not answer her. 
“Hey Dee,” he said, making sure Yoongi and Hoseok heard her and stayed silent. 
“Hey baby,” her soothing voice came into his ear. Something about the older woman set his nerves at ease, much like when he was a child. “Whatcha up to?”
“Not much, chillin’,” he answered. “You doing good, Dee? How’s work?”
“I’m alright. I just finished a consultation with someone from the department. Listen, baby, I’m calling to see if you and the boys wanted to come by for dinner. I’m cooking your favorite and I know you boys don’t eat much.”
“Sure,” he said. “You know we never say no to your cooking. Is six good for you?”
“Sounds fine.” She paused, “Namjoon-” that isn’t a good sign, “What are you really up to?”
“Nothing, just chilling with Hobi. We just, um, finished some errands. You know, little stuff: getting some food packs, Yoongi’s meds, and all that.”
“Kim Namjoon... if you’re doing what I think you’re doing, I’m gonna whoop your skinny as-”
“-Dee, we’re not doing anything bad. We’re being law-abiding citizens, I swear.”
“Mh-hm,” he pictured her crossing her arms, disbelief in her eyes, “You, Hoseok, and Yoongi couldn’t stay outta cuffs if your lives depended on it.” She sighed, “Well, alright, I gotta go, Joonie. See you tonight.”
“Alright, love you.”
“Love you too.” He waited for the call to drop before he said, “Hoseok, if we get cuffed for this I’m gonna make you wish that Hutch had stuck you in a meat processor instead, got it?”
“I get it, I get it,” said another voice in his earpiece. “Haven’t you threatened me enough today?”
“Not nearly enough.” 
He shot a glance upwards. Above him, the city skyscrapers went so far up he couldn’t even see the tops anymore. Daylight barely broke through the faint smog coming from the factories of the nearby Industrial District. Hundreds of cars flew between the tall buildings, their pattern parallel to the streets below. Up there, Namjoon spotted a red car hanging right over him. He imagined Hoseok in the driver’s seat, tattooed hands on the wheel as he followed the caravan from above. He’d expected Hoseok to choose something a bit more flashy, but he kept it subdued this time. A good choice for a stolen car. Once Namjoon planted a tracker on the caravan, Hoseok would pick him up and they’d follow it through Yoongi’s radar. Then it’s off to the smoke and steel of the industrial district. 
He and the caravan made it to another intersection. Namjoon pulled out a disk smaller than a button from his pocket as he rode closer to the truck’s side. He needed to slip it under without the back cameras catching him. He moved at an angle, bypassing a few cars in the lane, and sat right beside it. 
“Setting the tracker now,” he told Yoongi. Quickly, he bent down and stuck the tiny tracker underneath the bumper. “Yoongi?”
“One sec,” he said. He can almost hear the faint typing of Yoongi’s keyboard. When the light turned green, Namjoon sped ahead of the caravan. “Intersection of 15th and Vine?”
“Then we’re online, gentlemen.”
“Hoseok, pick me up between the antique shop and the Korean place.”
“On it.” 
Namjoon circled back to the same intersection but drove into an alleyway between two shops. He parked it at the backdoor of the Korean restaurant and waited a few seconds before Hoseok’s car lowered into the narrow alleyway. The people standing around moved out of the way, some of them shouting about it being a no-parking zone, to which Hoseok responded:
“Park this, fucker,” he said, shooting up a middle finger as Namjoon slid into the passenger seat. “Fucking tramps,” the red-haired man muttered, pushing the thrusters back into gear. “Did they spot you?”
“Nope,” he replied. Namjoon pulled out a tablet from Hoseok’s glove compartment. “Yoongi, talk to me.”
“They made a left on the next block,” Yoongi answered. “They’re only three minutes from you. You can still catch them.”
“16th and Vine, it is,” said Hoseok, turning out of the alley into the designated street. Pulling the steering wheel towards him, the car pulled upwards into the sky streets instead of the ground. Namjoon kept his eyes on the red dot on his street map as Hoseok spoke, “Why is Rackham even using street vans for this? They usually stick to air trucks.”
“I guess whatever this power source is can’t be up in the air,” he answered. 
“It’s a delicate piece of machinery,” Yoongi told them. “Its exterior might be damn near indestructible, but its inner parts are fragile. Flyers have a lot of steer sensitivity, so there’s the possibility that a sharp turn or short stop might set it off. Considering what I’ve read about it, you don’t want that going off when you’re next to it.” 
“Damn,” muttered Hoseok. “You two sure you want to steal this thing?”
“Oh, did you happen to come across sixty-thousand credits while you were flying around?” Namjoon snapped, “Because last time I checked, we had forty credits left in our account.”
“Crazy how money disappears when you’re not paying attention, huh?”
“Or when you’re not watching the one holding the card.”
“It’s not like we wouldn’t have taken the job, exchange or not,” he said. “The account was drying out.”
“But we’re not getting paid for this job,” Namjoon replied. “We’re getting your debt erased instead. Take a left here; we can catch up with them on Chrome.” 
“Got it.” Hoseok took the turn, then said, “But Hutch will see our expertise and might consider hiring us for other jobs.”
“He’s got his own boys for that, and I ain’t joining his crew. I know the shit those guys get up to... pushing those poor girls onto the streets. I’m not down for that.”
“I don’t know,” Yoongi said, “A lot of his boys aren’t too bright or good with tech-”
“-not as good as you, Yoongs-”
“-and I bet there’s things he can’t be seen doing,” he continued, “Such as this job. Rackham can’t know he was involved or otherwise they’ll come after him.” He hesitated, “We’re his fall back guys.”
“So, let’s make sure we don’t fall, boys,” said Namjoon. “Hobi, get us higher. We’re almost there.” He held on as Hoseok raised them further into the air. “Yoongi, you got our location still?”
“Had it the whole time. Hoseok, you have the employee sticker up front?”
“Of course,” he said. He nodded to the sticker plastered on the windshield of his car. The name ‘Eric Do’ with an employee ID number stuck out in the tinted windows. A barcode on the side will be scanned by an android, who then let them pass into the employee parking lot. “Once we get into the parking lot, we put the scrambler into the passcard swipe and you lead us to the R&D department of Rackham Enterprises.” 
Namjoon knew the plan backwards and forwards. According to inside people, this power source was a Rackham project. Recently arrived from Tokyo, it was being transported to their Research and Development Department for more experimentation. Hutch did not explain what it did or why he wanted it, but Namjoon guessed he had a buyer for it already. Especially since he only gave them a week-long window to get everything together. Namjoon personally did not care. He only wanted it to pay off the debt, that’s all. With the debt paid, they can work on their next job. Hoseok was right. Their bank accounts were running closer to the negatives. He already started asking local fixers if there are any jobs around.
“We’re coming up on them,” he felt Hoseok slow the car down. “Facial concealment on.” He switched a toggle on the dashboard and the windshield in front of them rippled. “Now, they’ll see the forgettable face of Mr. Eric Do, another corporate slave.” 
Slowly, Hoseok joined the line of cars heading in through the parking lot port. The pair sat in the car, nerves startling to rattle them, as they moved up to the entrance station. A steel android with a large triangular shape on its chest, turned its head to their windshield. If it spots a fake, it'll lock down the port and sound an alarm. But, thanks to Yoongi's technological magic, the android suspected nothing.
"Eric Do, Sanitation Department," it said in a robotic voice, "Clock-in time: 5:32:01 pm. You are two minutes and one second late to your shift. Your pay has been docked by two credit chips. A strike has been added to your warning sheet. You have two more strikes left on your warning sheet. Thank you and have a pleasant day.”
“Damn, these megacorps don’t play around,” huffed Hoseok, who smoothly drove through. 
“Time is money, Hoseok,” said Namjoon. “If you’re late, you’re not working. If you’re sitting around, you’re not working. If you take a shit, then you’re not working. To them, no work equals no pay." 
“You’ll never catch me in a suit, bro,” said Hoseok, pulling into a parking spot down the row. “Not in a million years.”
“Me neither. I have trouble trusting people in fancy suits.” 
They finally parked and Hoseok turned off the engine. Namjoon looked at the tablet to see the caravan parked in the loading bay of the building. The loading bay is closer to the laboratory than the parking lot, so they’d need to act quickly. “Got the stuff?”
“Lab coats and masks,” he reached behind them in the backseat for the duffle bags. He handed a set to Namjoon, who began removing his denim jacket. “Name tags,” he gave Namjoon a lanyard with a laminated card, “Gloves and most importantly.” He withdrew two handguns and magazines from the bag. “In case we run into trouble.”
“Fair enough.” 
Namjoon loaded the magazine in the gun, then tucked it into the back of his pants. Pulling on the face mask over his mouth and nose, he took another breath before stepping out of the car. Once inside the parking lot, his nervousness returned. They stood by the elevators with other factory workers, who stayed absorbed in their own business to notice them. Nobody should be able to recognize them since they’re not wanted men...yet. Namjoon watched them all file into elevators and managed to get into an elevator alone together. 
“Got your location,” he answered, his voice is in his ear. Namjoon looked to Hoseok, who’d fixed his own earpiece on. “There’s only droids up ahead by the door. They’re gonna scan your cards, then you take a left at the end of the hall.”
“Got it.” 
“Are you ready for this?” Hoseok asked Namjoon. 
“As ready as I’ll ever be, bro,” he said. “Remember, it’s a grab-and-go. Avoid conflict or making conversation if you can.” 
“Do we even know what the fucking thing looks like? How will we know what it is?”
“Check your watch,” said Yoongi. 
Namjoon tapped his watch, seeing a small photo come up on the screen. He saw a silver cube with the edges surrounding a blue sphere. It looked complicated and intricate. “It’s supposed to be small,” Yoongi explained, “And made of metal. Like I said, you gotta be super careful when handling it otherwise the shit might blow up.” 
“Great,” Hoseok rolled his eyes, “Good to know I might lose my hands holding that thing.”
“What’s that writing on its sides?” asked Namjoon. “I don’t know what it is. Is it alien?”
“Yeah, it is. From Rackham’s records, it’s Rituian, an old alien language.”
“Rituian? Never heard of them.”
“That’s because they died out thousands of years ago,” he said. “They supposedly made this device but nobody knows exactly why or what it’s for. Rackham must’ve gotten their hands on it somehow, and probably want to experiment.”
“And Hutch wants to sell it.” 
The elevator stopped and Namjoon and Hoseok meshed themselves into the crowd. They went down the hall as Yoongi instructed, swiping their cards through the androids at the entrance. According to them, his name was David Kim, a lab technician. Yoongi instructed them to take the left at the end of the hall, pass a few rooms, then make a right. Namjoon walked with purpose and intent, keeping his head straight. He knew if he looked too suspicious, they might attract attention. They walked to a pair of steel doors being guarded by two men. 
“Just hand them your cards,” Yoongi said, “And walk on through.”
They did. Namjoon met the eyes of the large man who took his employee card. Wearing bulletproof gear and a helmet, he’d be prepared for a fight. Namjoon knew his little pistol would be nothing against the automatics the Rackham guards carry. They needed to be collected as if it was an everyday exchange. The guard, however, withheld his card for a moment. 
“Hey,” he said, “I haven’t seen you before.”
“I’m new,” he replied. “First day on the job. My supervisor said you guys would be cool with it.”
“Nobody informed us that there’d be a new hire on the floor today.”
“Are you sure? Maybe you should check your employee records again.” In his earpiece, he heard Yoongi rapidly typing away. 
The guard turned to a computer station near the door. He typed in the employee number on the card, waited a few seconds before they heard an automated voice: “New hire found.” Namjoon internally exhaled in relief. The guard turned around, handing the card to him, “Sorry about that, bud. They usually send us notices, but I guess you slipped through.”
“Nah, no worries, man,” he reassured him, taking the card. “You’re just doing your job. Have a good one.”
“You too.”
They let him through the doors. Hoseok stood right outside and exhaled deeply, “Man, there you are. I thought you’d been cuffed.”
“Me too. Let’s keep going. Yoongi, where next?”
“They’ve taken the device to a lab two doors down from you. It’s Lab A57.” 
“Lab A57.”
He and Hoseok walked towards the room before the doors opened suddenly. They slipped into a hidden space behind a wall and looked around the corner. Four guards came out of the laboratory with two scientists in lab coats. One scientist held a clipboard and jotted down notes as his partner started speaking. 
“...Subject is in perfect condition,” they heard him say as they came towards Hoseok and Namjoon’s hiding spot. “Vitals are stable. Healthy auditory and respiratory abilities. We’ll start with some DNA experiments before moving on to anything physical.” 
That did not sound right to Namjoon. The device is a little box. How could it have DNA or any sort of hearing and breathing capabilities? He looked to Hoseok, who shrugged. They waited until the group was down the hall before going up to the laboratory doors. Hoseok grunted when they reached it. 
“Damn, it’s got a triple lock. Passcode, biometric, and key,” he looked over to Namjoon. “How’re we gonna get in now?”
“Think you can break bio, Yoongi?” he asked. 
“Can a snapping turtle chomp your hand off?”
“Um...I guess?”
“Put your watch to the biometric part of the lock.”
Namjoon did as asked. He could hear Yoongi muttering and typing while he stood like an idiot with his watch to the small thumbprint scanner. Hoseok kept his eyes on either side of the hallway while Namjoon tapped his foot. “Yoongi…” he said in a low voice, “Yoongi, hurry up. Someone can come any second.”
“They already are,” he said, “Just give me one...ah-ha! Got it.” The scanner beeped and Namjoon quickly withdrew. “Passcode is 4431,” a code that Namjoon punched in, and then slid his card. 
“Go, go, go!”
He and Hoseok rushed into the room and quickly shut the door behind them. “Remember, you guys got five minutes before surveillance picks up that someone entered the lab,” said Yoongi. “Get the thing and get out of there.”
In a large room of different monitors, computers and power stations, Namjoon expected to find the small device locked in a box or stuck to a machine they’d have unhooked somehow. However, his eyes widened when he saw what the guards wheeled into the room. Inside a tall cage sat a man with his head between his knees. Namjoon could hear his cries from the other side of the room; he muttered something in a language Namjoon did not understand. They’d stuck pads and wires underneath his white shirt, so nearby monitors displayed his vitals. 
“That’s not a cube,” Hoseok whispered to him. 
“No, it’s not. Yoongi, what the fuck?”
“The device’s tracker goes right there. It’s in there with you.” 
Namjoon found out why that was when he slowly approached the cage. Around the corner of the cage, he saw a tracker blinking at him. “Because we weren’t tracking the device,” he said. “We were tracking this guy.”
The man perked his head up when he heard Namjoon speak. Black hair hung lank around his face, soft features warped in a frightened expression, and straight and narrow eyes looked at him fearfully. Namjoon carefully walked to him, which caused the man to scurry into a corner. He was shaking. He trembled from head to toe and would not meet Namjoon’s eyes. 
“Hey, hey, hey,” Namjoon said, a foot from the cage, “It’s okay. We’re not scientists. We’re not here to hurt you.” He took off his mask to show his face, “We’re not gonna hurt you.” 
“We just wanna know where the power thingy is,” Hoseok looked around the room as if the device would pop into existence. “If you know, just tell us and we’ll leave you here.”
Namjoon took a good look at the man’s face. He saw the split on his full bottom lip and the bruise on his jaw. Another cut went through his eyebrow; an angry red mark circled around his left eye where he must’ve been struck. They’d beat him into submission. Namjoon knew what it felt like to be beaten this way. The captive still shook and kept his eyes shut, muttering and whimpering in a language Namjoon couldn’t make out. He crouched to the space in front of the cage to try meeting his eyes. 
“Hey,” he tried calling him, “It’s cool. It’s ace.” When he did not get another response, he said, “I’m Namjoon.”
“Joon, we’re not here to make friends-”
“-What’s your name?”
The man stayed silent, but he lifted his face slowly to Namjoon. Their eyes remained locked for a moment. He was young, perhaps younger than him. Namjoon thought time stopped. He felt something warm blossom inside his chest; it filled him with a comfort he hadn’t felt in a long time. He saw his eyes look at Namjoon's hand on the bar. His sleeve had slid down to show his wrist. On his wrist were two wavy dotted lines. Everyone told him it was an interesting birthmark; they'd never seen one so specific before. The man’s eyes then widened and he smiled at Namjoon. "Namjoon!” the man beamed, “Namjoon!”
“Have you two met before?" asked Hoseok.
Namjoon shook his head, "Nah. Never." He turned to the man in the cage, "Yeah, I'm Namjoon. What's your name?"
"Namjoon, Ratka. Ratka, help."
"Ratka? Is that your name?"
He shook his head, then began rambling again. Namjoon could not make heads or tails of it. “Yoongi,” he said, “You got a translator on this guy?”
“Gimme a sec.” He heard more typing, then Yoongi spoke, “He’s...He's speaking Rituian."
"That language on the cube thing?"
"Yeah. It's a dead language. Nobody speaks that anymore. I mean, I got a pretty rough translation going on here, but it's not precise.”
“Okay, what’s he saying?”
“His name’s Jimin. He’s saying that a bunch of humans took him away from the temple and that they stole the cube from him. You have to help him get it back so you can restore home. I...I don’t know what he means by that. I’m guessing that Rackham kidnapped him from somewhere and took the device to another location.”
“Fucking great,” cursed Hoseok. “So we did all this shit for nothing!”
Jimin talked so rapidly it made his head spin. He caught names mostly such as ‘Jungkook’ and ‘Ratka’. “Can you please explain to me what the hell ‘Ratka’ means? He keeps calling me that.”
Yoongi paused, then said, “Ratka means-Holy shit!”
“Holy shit?”
“You guys gotta move! Company’s coming your way fast!”
Namjoon’s body tensed once again and he looked to the cage’s lock. Standard passcode lock, he put his watch to it and began unlocking it himself. "What are you doing?” asked Hoseok, who edged over to him while aiming his gun to the door. “Let’s go!”
“We’re taking him with us!” 
“For what?”
“Attention please!” another voice said over a loudspeaker. “This is a Code Blue Warning! This building is now under lockdown! This is not a drill! We repeat: this is not a drill! Please remain calm and in your designated station until Code Blue is cleared.” 
“Aw fuck!” Hoseok quickly rushed to the laboratory doors, looking out the small window, “We gotta jam, dude!”
"I can fend them off," said Yoongi. "But you guys need to get out of there now!" 
Namjoon unlocked the cage and helped Jimin stand up. “Stay close to me, okay?” he told Jimin, who nodded at his words. "Do what I say and we'll get you out of here." 
He and Jimin met Hoseok at the door. He steadied his breath as he looked out the window with Hoseok. He spotted the geared up soldiers in the reflections of the windows. He studied them carefully. Rather than all black, these men wore snow white uniforms. He spotted some with black X’s on their shoulders or patches on their chest. Soldiers. Militants. They held automatics, wore helmets, and moved as one unit. Why are they here? 
“Those are militants,” Hoseok said, confusion on his face. “Why did they call Militants? Is he that big of a deal?” 
He did not answer right away. Namjoon saw two soldiers nestle into either side of the hallway pillars, while one set up a barricade for three of them to kneel behind. He recognized the bold writing on their shield: ‘Official Militant Force Property’. A thought hit him, but he did not dare say it out loud. He found it strange that they drove Jimin here. He found it odd when the guard at the door felt particularly interested in doing his job. What if they’re not here for them at all? Regardless, once they opened the door, they’d take the shot the second the trio left the room. He looked at the door, touching its steel walls and reinforced window. Outside, he saw the extinguishers in the upper corners of the hallway. He nodded. 
“We’re gonna use the door as a shield,” he told Hoseok, “Yoongi, there are-”
“-I gotchu.” 
Suddenly, two clicks went off and the extinguishers sprayed thick, white smoke right onto the soldiers. Shots fired, people coughed, and the hallway became consumed by the smoke. Namjoon readied himself, then pushed the door open. He, Hoseok and Jimin stayed behind it when a few bullets hit the outside, their shots making the door shake. Namjoon aimed his gun out the other side and fired back at the rain of bullets. He did not know if he hit anyone, but he heard a militant call ‘man-down’ from behind them. Then, they made a break for it. They kept their heads down and moved quickly away from the fog. Namjoon kept the collar of his shirt over his mouth and nose; a move Jimin copied right after, and ran after him. Hoseok kept cover over them, firing shots back at any Militants who came after them. Unfortunately, the smoke slowly began dissipating.
They'd made it halfway into the second hallway before more Militants blocked their way. Namjoon wanted as little trouble as possible, but it'd found him anyway. He pulled Jimin behind him as he lifted his weapon. A soldier came forward with an electro-stick extended, his pose meant to intimidate and scare. Namjoon fired off two shots which caught the militant off guard, and he took his chance. One clear hit into the solar plex made the man double over. The militant raised his stick to hit him, but Namjoon grabbed his wrist and squeezed. He headbutted and disarmed him, twirling the stick out of the man’s hand. Another militant charged forward, dodged a few swipes of Namjoon's electro-stick and punched him in the jaw. Namjoon felt the stun, but immediately countered by blocking the next hit with the stick. He raised the man's firing hand upwards, and then poked the vibrating stick into his eye. It was natural for him. Every motion he made, every hit he landed, felt natural. Something inherent inside him made fighting so much easier. The second militant went down quickly, but a third and fourth approached holding handguns.
Hoseok’s gun caught one of the militants in the chest. Namjoon grabbed the fourth man's weapon, pulled it from him and smashed the electro-stick into the side of his head. The stunning blow sent the man to the floor. He turned to see Hoseok nod at him, but Jimin smiled. He said something in Rituian that Namjoon guessed was praise. They had to keep going.
“Take a left into the storage closet,” Yoongi told them. “There’s a garbage chute you can jump into.”
Namjoon found the storage closet by the elevator, and broke the lock with the baton. All the adrenaline in his body sped through him, fueling the quickness in his hands. Confusion and questions flashed through his mind as he entered the small storage space. Why did they send government soldiers and not Rackham guards? Rackham is a business corporation; nothing military or federal. Once Hoseok closed the door, Namjoon spotted a trash chute door attached to the wall. He glanced over to Hoseok, who’d pulled out another magazine to reload. The chute had a locked handle; most likely only employees could open it. Any trespassers would be locked in here.
“Yoongs, it’s a dead end, bro,” he said. 
“Use your encrypter,” he replied. “That should open it.”
“Namjoon!” Jimin pleaded, shaking and frightened, looked between him and the door. 
He ignored him, and put his watch close to the number lock. Making sure both watch and lock turned on in sync, he watched dozens of number combinations scroll on his watch. A loud shot rang out that echoed around the room. 
“Attention!” a loud voice said, “This is Militant Force Control. We demand you come out with your hands in the air!”
“-I know, I know,” he said, his heart racing as the numbers continued spinning. “One sec.”
“Open the door!” the person said again. “Open the door and come out with your hands up or we will break it down! This is your final warning!"
‘Code Unlocked’ read in green letters before the chute opened. He ushered Jimin in first. When he began going off in his strange language, Namjoon hushed him. 
“It’s gonna be okay,” he reassured him. “Just slide down, okay?” he gestured to the chute, “Slide.” 
Jimin seemed to understand him. The puppy eyes looking up at him would’ve made him melt any other time. But right now, he heard it pounding in his ears. Jimin finally let go of the handle and his cry echoed the long way down. Namjoon then beckoned Hoseok forward, who climbed into the hatch hastily. They both looked to the door when someone began ramming the other side. They saw the metal door shake each time they hit it; it would not hold on much longer. 
“See you down below,” said Hoseok, who positioned himself properly, and then slid down after Jimin. 
Namjoon had just gotten himself into the hatch before the door burst open. A dozen rounds hit close to his head right as he locked the chute. The high winds coming upwards smelled faintly of rotting garbage, which made him cough and wrinkle his nose. His body fell straight down with the winds causing him to bump here and there along the way. The scent grew stronger the further down he went before he plopped into a truck load of garbage. He groaned at the aches in his body, and the thick rancid scent filling his nose. Namjoon coughed and stared around. He did not see Jimin or Hoseok with him. In the large waste room, he only saw more large dumpsters lined up ready to be taken to the dump. Had he lost them?
“Yo! Down here!”
He glimpsed over the side to see Hoseok and Jimin standing there. “Come on,” Hoseok continued, “They’ll be on us any second.”
He jumped down from the dumpster and looked to Jimin, who only nodded at him. There’d be more time for questioning later. The lockdown sirens echoed loudly in the wide space compared to the enclosed hallways above. Namjoon gazed around, seeing no maintenance workers in sight. He kept the stick in hand and led the other two down the row of large dumpsters. If they’re lucky, they could hide out in one closer to the doors and wait it out. Militants would eventually realize they’d escaped and leave. 
“You can go through the small side door,” Yoongi told them as if he’d read Namjoon’s mind. “There’s a control room in there. If you look on your right, you’ll find a ventilation shaft. That should take you outside the building.”
“On it.” 
They found the control room at the far corner by the loading dock doors. It was fairly easy to unlock with his watch encryptor. They’d be out of the building in no time; then they can take Jimin to Hutch. Looking over his shoulder, he saw the man in his plain shirt and sweatpants, barefoot and injured. He looked helpless. He looked lost and scared. Hutch was expecting the device he asked for, not Jimin. He worried for a brief second what the man might do with him. Jimin was pretty. Too pretty to ignore. 
‘It’s not your problem,’ he said to himself as the door opened. ‘You just need the money.’ 
But deep inside, he did find something wrong with it. The three of them went into the control room, full of consoles and monitors, and found the ventilation shaft. Hoseok kicked it a few times with his boot until the metal bent inward and came off the hinges. The lockdown siren eventually stopped blaring, which was a good sign to Namjoon. He urged Jimin and Hoseok through the shaft first, then followed like before. His long, wide body was not built for the crouched position he was bent into, but he managed. He kept his eyes ahead as best he could and saw light shining in the darkness of the vents. Through its blinds, he saw the opposite building’s brick walls. They can jump down, then head off into a maze of side streets to lose the militants. They’d need to lay low for a few hours, possibly a day, before giving Jimin over. 
They reached the end of the vent where the cool air hit their faces. Hoseok turned to Namjoon, “You ready?”
“Cover your ears, boys,” he said, cocking his gun once again. 
However, before Hoseok could fire the shot, something attached itself to the otherside of the vent entrance. They fell back as a hook ripped the covering off and exposed them to the street outside. Namjoon’s heart sank when he saw who’d opened the hatch: Militants. A large white truck sat outside, two Militants aimed their weapons at them while another pulled the grappling hook back into the car. 
“This is Militant Force Control!” an automated voice said from the car. “You are under arrest! Drop any weapons and raise your hands above your heads!”
“Fuck me…” Namjoon whispered, then put down his stick and raised his hands. 
They grabbed Hoseok first, who spewed dozens of insults at them as they pushed him into the van. Namjoon gently moved Jimin forward, but the other stayed in place. Namjoon saw the shaking fingers against the steel walls; he recognized the slight shake of his head seeing the white uniforms at the end. “Jimin, go,” he whispered, “They will drag you out if you don’t go with them.”
“No,” he mumbled. “Namjoon-”
“-Go with them,” he swallowed thickly, “It’ll be okay. Just do what they say and they won’t hurt you.” 
Jimin shook his head and edged back to Namjoon, but then a Militant reached forward and grabbed his ankle. Jimin’s pleading cry tore through his chest. Jimin grabbed onto the thin edge of the shaft, fingers digging into the cracks. In the half light, Namjoon saw the inner part of Jimin’s wrist. Two wavy dotted lines went from the start of his wrist and along the vein. He glanced at his own wrist, seeing the same lines in the same place. He looked back to Jimin, whom the Militants took into a separate van: beige with blacked out windows. The image of his birthmark on someone else’s wrist raised more questions. They grabbed Namjoon last, slapping metal cuffs onto his wrists. Namjoon expected them to take him into Jimin’s van, but instead, they forced him in beside Hoseok.
“Wait, hold up!” he called out, “Where’s he going? Where are you taking him?!”
“None of your business, Trash,” grunted a Militant, slamming the door in his face. “Asset has been acquired,” he said into a communicator on his wrist. “Bringing him in now. Have the doctor on standby; we think they hurt him.” 
“Fuck you, asshole! Where are you taking him?!” he slammed his hands on the dark window. 
“Joon,” Hoseok touched his shoulder gently, “Joon, chill.” 
A Militant in front of them ripped out their earpieces and handed it to someone sitting beside him. Yoongi. They were tracking Yoongi. He hoped the man would be able to conceal himself well enough. He turned his head to the back window where Jimin’s van sat still parked. He heard a pounding on the side of the truck and it began moving. He imagined how frightened Jimin must be. He'd been in Rackham’s hurtful hands; he worried what Militants might do to him next.
The birthmark stayed in his head all the way there.
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roguestarsailor · 4 years
You know what since we’re still in quarantine and i have nothing else better to do, i need to obsess over ACOTAR. I don't like a court of frost and starlight. For the longest time I couldn't figure out why I didn't like it. I aggressively read the book in maybe a day and I closed it feeling frustrated and annoyed. My version had A Court of Silver Flames preview so that definitely contributed to my annoyance greatly.
It's because it felt too perfect. Everything that had happened -- after the entire war was fought and won, they just go back to their normal lives? Yes there were hiccups and yes there were still aspects that made every IC character feel like their problems aren’t solved yet...but it didnt feel right. yes i enjoyed the snowball fight between the bat boys, feyre + rhys sexy time, and those little comfort moments too, the slice of life type things and seeing feyre accomplishing her goals and how hopeful the future seems BUT its too fast. the good parts of the book did not offset the bad parts of it.
Feyre literally accomplished pretty much every single goal she made back in ACOMAF just like that?? within a span of what a few months? a year?? She really came back from an entire war -- probably the first war of many since she's immortal and just like that, after her 21st birthday: she gets a whole entire estate, wants to start poppin babies, opens her art studio and starts teaching kids and then acting like she can rule an entire court?? the timeline is sooo short esp since its been brought up over and over again how everyone is literally 500 years old and have a super “messy” history and their changes seems to come super dupe slowly. but feyre, who has only lived 0.000000002% of her fae life, is out here thriving just fine???
the war devastated thousands of illyrian soldiers where its changing the politics of the illyrains and the faes, all of whom feyre has responsibilities over too as high lady. the mortal queens are still at large who left the humans on prythian to die which is why feyre was willing to go to war in the first place! what about the rest of hybern and their land and residents?? they wanted to enslave humans for social and economical reasons! then what about integrating humans w deep hatred and fear with deeply prejudice fae??? there’s also spring and summer court who are literally in ruins. thats literally so much. so idk how feyre is just chillin???? she gonna let rhys do all the hard work???
like feyre sit down. u should not be having a baby. esp since it took u literally a 700 pages to heal from those 3 months UTM. ur telling me shes gonna whole heartedly bring in a newborn in a war devastated world, with civil unrest (illyrains, other courts), with the messiness of human and fae integration, with trauma u and rhys will have to continue to overcome esp after THIS war??? even helping ur sisters w their traumas??
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this is a personal opinion on this subject (and maybe my thoughts will change on this later on; opened to other thoughts) but when i read the part about how that weaver/seamstress artist who made that dark quilt that feyre loved talked about how her mate of 300 years didn’t come back from the war and her biggest regret was that she didnt have a kid to remember him by i just thought ur kid isn’t some sort of memorabilia. don’t have a kid to keep the memory of ur mate alive; have a kid cuz u want a kid purely for the sake of having a kid. ur memories and photos and shit will keep their memory alive but its not having a kid. some primitive need to keep the genes alive maybe?? but the way it was phrased and then in turn how feyre was like oh i need  a baby pronto cuz rhys might die in the next war and regret not having a kid with him didn’t sit right with me. also the other couple were together for +300 years and have a rich life together, while shes been with rhys for literally two years THATS NOTHING IN FAE YEARS. thats still the honeymoon phase and also ur problems arent even close to being over!!!
everyone was shitty to nesta. in ACOMAF, we saw how much the IC went through and still did all they could to help feyre. what made them not think nesta deserve the same welcome? nesta is mean as a defense but did no one try to figure out what would help (amren got close but shes so under developed)??? feyre knows nesta feels too much and yet she continued to be shitty. continued to flaunt her wealth, her status, her familiarity/borderline know-it-all attitude about fae/night court, her ~estate~. forcing nest to the solstice party when nesta was literally like i dont belong, im looking at everyone through a window type of thing; the fire cracking triggering her, etc. what kind of power play was that when she made nesta come to her estate, where nesta could SEE how ~homey~ and how suscessful feyre is and fully see all the lovely paintings of everyone feyre loves that explicitly exclude her to tell her to fuck off to a war camp?? bro???? cas was a dick too and elaine was rude. i think a lot of his actions were meant to make her angry since anger keeps u fighting (as was the method of rhys for feyre in ACOMAF) but what he said was stupidly shitty and i demand that he apologize properly. elaine could have done more to help her sister but whatever. mor was definitely an ass too (and im upset for how little her character growth is). 
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Lucein. that man can’t catch a break tbh. im happy that hes w the band of exiles cuz he is whole heartedly accepted there. feyre was definitely an asshole to him even tho he helped as much as he could throughout the books. he tries so hard w elaine as well and it did hit my heart a bit when she was like gloves to work in my garden?? no ?? i use my bare hands see oNly aZiReL sEeS mE fOr WhO i Am. and at the same feyre is like flaunting her mate status to lucein which is mean as shit. its like this man can’t find love in prythain. then tamlin sending him his box of his things??? thats for sure brutral. tam was literally his partner through it all; savior of sorts even. no love from IC, no love from elaine, no love from feyre, no love from tamlin, no love from autumn court rejected everywhere! also HIS TRUE FATHER?? HEllo??? 
then on tamlin. i pity the guy! was i suppose to feel that way??? it felt like he is allowed to get a redemption arc and maybe i’ll even root for a redemption arc??? i was absolutely excited for freysand in ACOMAF but after ACOFAS, im like tamlin is....not completely bad??? his relationship w feyre was bad and the controlling parts were very much a no-no. i dont truly understand the dynamics of an abusive relationship but i can understand that it can be insidious and its the little things that hurt the victim. and i felt  feyre through ACOMAF and rooted for her to escape her abuser! but then it felt like i dont think he was doing any of those things out of malice. ill say tamlin is a bad leader and doesn’t know how to run a court outside of what he sees his father do. his understanding on everything is based on the traditions of the past which i think fueled most of the things he did i.e. not telling feyre she was in danger since maybe his mom didn’t do those war planning things. ACOTAR showed how he truly cared/loved and took good care of feyre and her family. he even talked about how he didn’t believe in the enslavement of humans! i think that tam wanted to preserve what he thought was the good (aka feyre + her love of painting) and get back a sense of control that he and his entire court lost while chained to amarantha. but at the same time, i think he truly thought feyre wasn’t safe. he knows rhys can crush minds and knows feyre can’t read/write so when he got that letter telling him shes safe of course hes gonna flip shit and made a deal w the devil (although those temper outbursts were DEFINITIVELY not ok!!!). he also didn’t listen and has sense of he knows best when feyre was not the type of person. but feyre destroyed his entire court. he lost all his sentries who literally went out to die for him during amarantha’s reign. he lost lucien too; his trusted right hand man. his people were cursed for 50 years and then continued to suffer UTM and was in the process of rebuilding too!  but just seeing spring court, WHO BORDERS THE HUMANS, be in ruins where his subjects left him, his people left him and hes all alone in the manson?? that was sooo sad. so im like why does what feyre did not feel satisfactory????? im mad that it didn’t feel right??? maybe there wasn’t a point where feyre talked to tamlin -- like really talked to him esp w her new found voice and power, etc. anyways, i dont hate tamlin and was like oh shit i think feyre fucked up a bit there.
rhys is a dick to nesta. which made me think, if feyre wasn’t his mate would he extend the same love and care to her???  i loved how he tried so hard to make sure feyre was ok. made sure she wasn’t breaking! all of it! but for nesta, he had the audacity to use his high lord voice and be an ass overall. even tho he can see how cas is fucken in love??? even just how he talks to cass feels off too. 
i’ll even go as far as to say because of how terrible ACOFAS was, it created this intense divide within the fandom. i remember reading the first three books and was absolutely 1) rooting for freysand  2) curious about the sister relationship and how it will be mended 3) i definitely didn’t hate nesta nor did i hate elaine either -- but i was adament about them talking it out with feyre for those tough times 4) saw a more realistic and charming healing arc 5) was rooting for feyre to be a stronger voice and grow into herself 6) love the dynamic of the inner circle + feyre
but after ACOFAS, I have this intense need to defend nesta and was super mad at how she was treated after the war and in turn a deep dislike for elaine for both her lack of agency, lack of grit that made all the other characters interesting, and lack of care for her sisters (who showed how much they would risk for her). i dont hate rhys but i was extremely not happy with him and his attitude and behavior. feyre became more arrogant and was acting like how asshole rhysand would act. like her life is perfect now and i was not rooting for her anymore. freysand didn’t feel like they have complimenting qualities that made them interesting in the first place but rather they are merging to become the same person but in a bad way. that mind reading thing was cute in the beginning but it became insufferable since all thoughts were shared so seamlessly it made reading feel weird. 
anyways those are my thoughts on ACOFAS. it was a 1/5 stars for me and im mad those events transpired. reading the other books made me excited to know what was gonna happen and i was truly ready to accept the characters as flawed and nuanced as they are. im not mad about character not liking each other but i am mad that everything felt off. ACOFAS just felt regressive in some parts and forced in other parts. i know not everything ends in a nice tied up bow but this book single handily ruined what i thought about these characters in the worse way possible. this book wasn’t suppose to wrap up all the problems that exists in the other books but it didn’t feel hopeful like i thought it would. it didn’t feel wrapped up and didn’t feel like i should be excited about the next books. theres so many missing pieces i feel that i think need explaining and at the same time, i think it introduced too many problems at once which made it feel like its jumping around everywhere. although im still excited for ACOSF because i love nesta, and nesta deserves so much better and i want to have hope that this bad ending will either make sense later on or it was just a blimp.
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itsbenedict · 3 years
I didn’t post about everything I played this year, so here’s my opinions on the stuff I played that I didn’t make a rec post for:
Raging Loop 
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Raging Loop is one of them twisty meta Zero Escape-y branching-path visual novels where an ensemble cast is trapped in a mysterious circumstance where people are dying gruesomely, and you have to find out what’s happening and stop it by looping a bunch. 
I can’t wholeheartedly recommend it, because... it tries to have its cake and eat it too with the supernatural elements. Clearly magic is real and has important impacts on the scenario, but then other parts are trickery you’re supposed to see through, and it’s entirely uninterested in cluing you in to how that trickery was accomplished. Not exactly a fair play mystery, in that regard- you have to kind of just be along for the ride, rather than try to figure it out.
That said, it’s a good ride- pretty strong character writing, and the central conceit of the Werewolf/Mafia-style murder scenario creates really interesting drama. It’s more concerned with making itself feel clever than letting the player feel clever, but it’s still well-paced and gripping and has a pretty decent resolution.
Detective Grimoire
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I recommended Tangle Tower, the sequel, pretty strongly- and this one, while obviously a little rougher around the edges with the art and mechanics (the suspicion tracker system is a total dud; I didn’t even realize it existed until I realized I was missing an achievement for using it), it’s still pretty darn good. Really fun character designs and animations, fully-voiced, and a solid whodunit backing it all. Plus- while the two are more or less self-contained, the continuity threads with Tangle Tower raised some really interesting questions.
Contradiction - the all-video murder mystery
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This one was pretty fun, largely on the strength of the actors. The main mechanic of interrogating people on evidence and using their own statements against each other was some good stuff, too. Definitely had that Phoenix Wright quality to the deductions, and Jenks is a really fun character. (Had a few points where progression was just linked to standing in a certain previously-abandoned area of the map where a clue was suddenly there for no reason, there- good thing it had a hint system.)
As a mystery, it could use a little work- most of what you end up finding out is sequel bait (for a sequel that never actually came together, unfortunately), and the actual whodunit is just sort of hiding in the cracks of all that. And... cornering the culprit just sort of happens out of nowhere once you’ve got your hands on the right piece of evidence, without much fanfare. You’re following up on leads like usual, you find a little lie in someone’s testimony, and then- oh, shit, they’re just confessing everything! Unlike all the previous times you questioned them and they were super evasive like everyone else! And then the game is over. 
All in all, it’s pretty meaty and entertaining and I’d recommend it, but unfortunately the creators have moved on to other things, so there’s not going to be any follow-up on the stuff it left unresolved.
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Ikenfell is a tightly-designed RPG about kids at a magic school, with Paper Mario-style action command mechanics and a battle system that makes a big deal out of careful positioning and movement, which was really enjoyable. The difficulty’s a little high (I recommend always always always speccing into max damage because killing things before they kill you is worth more than any amount of defense, speed doesn’t work, and healing is cheap), but I found it really satisfying.
There’s... something... off? About... I don’t know how to put it, it’s... doing that “yes, everyone is queer and mentally ill, deal with it” thing, which, sure, okay. But for a lot of them it’s such a background thing, like... half the playable cast is unambiguously nonbinary, but like... I don’t know if it’s trying to make some statement on how there are no rules to being NB and you can 100% perform a particular binary gender presentation but still count, or if they wrote the whole story and then changed the pronouns of some of the characters for Representation Points, or what. Probably the former? I dunno, it just feels weird. Maybe I’m just not woke enough to Get It.
(unrelatedly: why the heck is the official art they use everywhere so... off-model? none of them look like they do in-game- they look like the creator commissioned someone to draw a group shot with one reference image each and didn’t tell them anything about the characters. how much you wanna bet they commissioned a friend and it came out wrong but they were too polite to say “sorry, no, this is wrong, can you do it over?”)
Trails of Cold Steel IV
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Hoo boy. It’s... not great, and it’s not great in a pretty predictable way for an even-numbered entry in the Trails series. It happens every time- first there’s a game in a new engine with new characters and a new world to explore, and it’s really nice and does interesting things... and then it ends on a cliffhanger, and then there’s a sequel game in the same engine with the same characters and the same world, reusing as many assets as possible. Also the League Of Generically Evil Anime Supervillains is there causing trouble for reasons they refuse to explain, and the plot is a storm of magicbabble and macguffin-chasing that makes little to no sense. 
Cold Steel IV is that for Cold Steel III, full stop. Welcome back to all the same places you visited last game, except this time there’s some stupid magic apocalypse happening (not that it stops you from taking the time to do random sidequests constantly, of course). The whole “oh, the evil curse mind controls people and that’s why they do stupid bullshit that’s in no one’s interest” plot point is leaned on super hard, and it’s just a big yawn the whole way through.
It’s still really fun, though, because the battle system remains really well-designed. (The same battle system that was just as fun in Cold Steel III, mind you, but it hasn’t gotten old.) And- though they’re struggling to square it with the dumb mind control apocalypse plot, the NPC dialogue continues to make the world feel believable and lived-in. They don’t slack on the parts that make Trails good- it’s just the parts that make Trails bad are making themselves more evident than ever.
did finally get to date Towa though so that’s a win
One Step From Eden
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OSFE is... uh. It’s fucking hard is what it is. It’s sort of a deckbuilding roguelike, and there’s this combat that takes place on a grid, and- wait, it’s like Mega Man Battle Network, it’s exactly like Mega Man Battle Network. Man, I forgot about that, but the mechanical influence is extremely obvious. It’s MMBN meets Slay the Spire.
Except it’s super duper hard as hell, because unlike MMBN you can’t pause and swap out chips or anything- everything is just always happening so much, all at once, everywhere, and you have no recourse but to git gud and learn all the enemy patterns and the behavior of your own spells and develop the twitch reflexes necessary to not fucking die from all the shit that’s on the screen always.
(What’s the story? Uhhhh, there was some kind of magic apocalypse, and some anime girls are trying to reach a city for some reason that doesn’t really get explained ever. The game doesn’t really care to build its world at all- it’s all mechanics plus a little token character dialogue that doesn’t say much.)
The point is it’s really frickin’ hard but I am an epic pro gamer and I got ALL THE ACHIEVEMENTS, MOTHERFUCKER. If you’ve played it, I expect you to be really god damn impressed with me, okay???
A Short Hike
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This one was really relaxing! It’s a platformer where you explore an Animal Crossing-y island of cartoon animal people, collecting mobility upgrades- but like, mainly it’s about straight chillin’. The flight controls are fun and there’s lots of little secrets to find and it’s just a nice time that doesn’t drag on too long. Not too much to say about this one.
Pokémon Sword
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I’m not here for the hot takes about how Dexit is good actually. Development hell happened, they had to make cuts for time, I get it. It’s disappointing and makes the game a little bit worse, but it’s not the end of the world.
Apart from that... perfectly serviceable? The Wild Area could’ve used a little more technical polish (as could most things in the game, really) but was a step in the right direction, giving the player a wider array of early-game team-building options than ever before. No HMs is good. Story and characters were kind of nothing, but that’s par for the course. “At least this time they’re not shoehorning in some kind of stupid evil-team-wants-legendary-pokemon-to-destroy-the-world apocalypse plot”, I thought to myself before they managed to shoehorn one in at the last minute with zero buildup- but, hey, beats wasting half the game on it.
It’s nothing special and it’s missing a lot of polish, but its problems are mainly due to being rushed, and presumably next gen they’ll be able to reuse a lot of the models and animations (maybe even improve the animations so they’re not so boring??? a man can dream) and make something interesting. SwSh seem like they were testing the waters for something else, and not taking too many chances in the meantime. 
(yo why would you sell all these cosmetic items and then turn them all off during gym battles, though) 
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Hades is- oh, who am I kidding? Everyone knows Hades, it’s the game of the year, greatest thing since sliced bread, Supergiant are heroes, yada yada yada. I’ve played almost 300 hours of it and I’ve completed everything except all the Resources Director levels (currently a Sigma Wraith), it’s extremely fun and you don’t need me to tell you that.
Petal Crash
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It was that thing the Paranatural creator helped on? It’s, uh. It’s a block-sliding puzzle game thing, sort of in a Puyo Puyo vein. It has fun character designs and some good dialogue, like you’d expect from Zack’s involvement, but it didn’t really leave an impression otherwise (besides how got dang infuriating some of its Turn Trial puzzles can be.) The story is... kinda heartwarming, kinda didactic, kinda childish, not especially deep or interesting. Hard for it to be, when it’s told through little bits of fluffy character dialogue that exist to set up a puzzle battle as quickly as possible. Not super recommended unless you really really like block-sliding puzzles.
Hollow Knight
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Man, why’d I sleep on this for so long? It’s a metroidvania platformer with heavy Dark Souls inspiration, in terms of tone and difficulty and death mechanics and environmental storytelling. And it’s... apart from all that, just really good as a game, with tight controls and juicy movement and great animation. Progression is linked as much to mastery as it is to upgrades collected- I found myself in lategame areas facing down things that would’ve killed me ten times over at the start- not because I had the best gear, but because I’d learned the game’s language and understood how to move in ways that wouldn’t get me killed.
(Usually. Sometimes I’d walk into a room and sit on a bench and suddenly there’d be a boss fight and I’d get slaughtered. Ain’t that just the way it goes?)
Anyway, on top of all that it’s just charming as hell, with a really unique and well-realized world full of little bug people. I love how, like, your character is clearly some kind of eldritch abomination, but it’s small and cute and so everyone (besides enemies that attack you on sight because they’re possessed by some kinda evil mold) is like “awww, who’s this little guy? want some help, little guy?”
(except Zote, who is just an ass hole. i love him.)
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tigerdrop · 4 years
okay kind of obsessed with the body swap art tho. idk why i just like benrey getting to bully gordon with his own body, his own voice, and i like gordon trying to navigate whatever weird shit benrey’s got going on. gordon not being able to figure out or control whatever organs in benrey’s throat produce sweet voice so it’s just spewing whatever emotions he’s feeling at random (including Horny? uh oh. can’t hide that as easily as a surprise boner can you gordon?)
this ask kicked me into actually thinking about it and your brain is so huge. massive. i lost control
last night i was struggling to articulate thoughts for the body swap thing but this is kickstarting me. i. really love bodyswap stuff........(sighing) i am yet again having to confront the fact that i latched onto an embarrassing number of Things after having first read about them in [REDACTED]. truly hate being alive
so like......potions. you can get into a whole lot of weird stuff with potions. truly loving that darnolds 5-minute existence gives me an excuse to think of the stupidest horny potions scenarios
and why in the fuck wouldnt he have a bodyswap potion just chillin in his lab. why wouldnt benrey crack that bad boy open and take a sip while darnolds bitching at him "dont you touch any of those goddamn potions. im not gonna tell you which ones which so if you die, you die"
gordon claps benrey on the back afterwards like "well, thats a risk im perfectly happy for him to take" but uh oh you fucking buffoon. the touch is what activates it. and shit just starts spinning and schlorping in his mind and he nearly falls over clutching the lab bench next to him and when he cracks his eyes back open, hes........shorter. and everybodys asking if somebodys okay but that somebody isnt him and hes kind of miffed about that
and then gordons head turns and he sees Himself being steadied on his feet by tommy and darnold and hes like.......guys? guys. hello! and the sound of benreys voice coming out of him with that irritated and loud timbre makes everybody turn to face him........b/c that is so insanely weird coming from him
im like way into the idea of benreys, like, Eye Darkness Thing transferring to gordons face when their bodies are swapped, too. its just his malevolent energies manifesting physically no matter what body hes in
Wait god wait. Like. Benrey in Gordon's body and he gets horny for some reason and has to live Gordon's fucking pained life of the suit edging the hell outta him- Bc now Gordon can actually fucking jerk off for the the first time in days. No edging bullshit from the hev suit
benreys newfound appreciation for why gordons such a bitch all the time
RRRRRRRRRRR gordon able to go wild beating his meat that night finally but right before he does he stops because hes looking down at. 8)!
YES EXACTLY....... gordon freeman humbled by the sight of benreys huge meat. except its his meat now 
at first he only feels mildly weird about jacking it when hes not even in his own body right now but hes been edged for days now and hes just thinking "if i can just get this out of the way now, ill be clear-headed for however fucking long im stuck in black mesa. maybe this is why ive been so goddamn stupid lately. yeah"
but then he gets some time and space to himself at long last and unzips and the shock of seeing benreys huge uncut dick instead of his own brings him back to reality like "?oh my god what the fuck am i doing"
embarrassment! guilt! but also hes still fuckin horny and eventually curiosity wins out. whats the harm, right. its not like he has to say anything about it. and gordon freeman is (mostly) heterosexual and hes never been this up close and personal with a foreskin before and hes just......curious. scientifically
maybe hes even.......locked himself inside one of the company restrooms while hes at it. just to make sure hes got privacy. and there is a mirror right there........  he was gonna just bust one out and leave as fast as he can but now hes curious
starts. thumbing the hem of his shirt under benreys vest. starts lifting it up experimentally just to see where all that hair leads. out of curiosity. and seeing the curve of benreys stomach peek out in the mirror makes him hiccup on sweet voice inadvertently 
weirdly enough theres a part of him thats both relieved and disappointed that hes never seen that color before
he never envisioned that seeing benrey like this would be a turn-on but like......with that vest and that helmet on he just looks like some kind of fuckin roundish rectangle shape. but now gordons intimately familiar with how his body feels to move around in......what hes gotta look like underneath all that armor and ill-fitting work clothes......and the hornier he gets the stupider he gets
takes off the helmet.......just to test the waters. if somebody manages to bust in, thats not so weird to explain. and hes surprised by the shock of black hair he finds under there. he doesnt know what he was expecting....but honestly, benrey looks, like, kind of nice like that. more like a person
im slightly obsessed with the idea of benrey just not even registering as a Real Guy, physically, to gordon, one that he could possibly be attracted to, until hes out of his work uniform.......like hes more of an icon of a person than anything up until that point. pure signifier. no substance
like......you know......the equivalent of how benreys HL model registers to 99% of people watching the series. sure, thats not necessarily anything youd register as "hot", most likely, but then u peel that away and its like........Oh
the model is the icon and the representation of the icon is the real
and gordon runs a hand thru benreys hair and tries out one of those shitty little smirks benrey likes to use on him and the effect is.......dizzying. is that him? is that what benrey really looks like to him?? he feels fuckin salacious doing this
he can even.........get his face up close to the mirror and really look at those teeth
run his tongue over them experimentally.......feel their sharp edges.......and, no, theyre not sharp like a knife, but they are definitely pointy. and surprisingly well-kept......hes never seen benrey brush his teeth before but clearly he must. theyre so smooth and slick under his fingertips
and then he flushes and drops his hand b/c hes getting some weird fucking thoughts right now........but looking back up at himself in the mirror and seeing benreys face all wide-eyed and red makes the issue worse
oh, you really like seeing him look like that, dont you. and gordons pissed b/c this isnt even his fucking brain but its still whispering the exact same neurotic, self-defeating shit at him that hes trying very hard to tamp down
and then he starts getting a little crazier. taking off the vest. he can explain that, no problem. its just kind of hot. heavy. he needed a breather! its normal. just in here to splash some water on his face and cool down, nothing wrong with that. but that just makes benreys shirt all the easier to access.......and he tugs the hem of it just a little higher and looks at himself in the mirror and runs a thumb over the curve of his stomach, where the hair is thickest, and he shivers
gordon freeman is deeply normal and would never get off to the sight of a guy with arms the size of his head tentatively dragging the hem of his shirt up, just for gordon to look at him closer
hands shaking from nerves as he decides to loosen his tie and start unbuttoning and he sees more and more hair-dusted skin and muscle and fat and a thin sheen of sweat reveal itself
> i could see gordon trying to tense and flex the muscles a bit just because hes normal
he doesnt know when "being horny b/c hes been pent up and edged for days and he just needs to get his rocks off real quick so he can be normal again" turned into "being horny b/c the way benrey looks under his uniform is scary good to him" but if he thinks about that too hard hes gonna have a panic attack
tells himself that its all just because he hasnt been able to get off. thats why hes thinking this shit. hell stop thinking it once he nuts
> hey this is a quick aside but yknwo how he talks to himself in third person sometimes? what if he does and then kinda does a mental double take at how his name sounds coming out of benreys mouth, with his voice. ok thats it goodbye
oh ym god thats making me go insane. doing it by accident and then.........saying it again. on purpose. just to hear benreys voice doing it
getting one knee hitched up onto the sink and leaning forward with his arm braced against the mirror and his forehead leaning on his arm and tugging benreys dick (no, idiot, thats your dick right now, stop thinking about it) and tentatively groaning out his own name and it comes out so hoarse and desperate that it punches him straight in the gut (too bad, hes thinking about it, he cant not think about it, not with the way he looks and sounds right now)
> remember in the series when benrey called him gordon one (1) time and he noticed immediately and was like..i think thats the first time youve called me by my name.
he looks so fucked out and slutty in that mirror that it almost makes him pass out
eyes darting like hes trying to commit every single detail of how he looks right now to memory (b/c he is. he fucking is. he wants to make benrey look like this so fucking bad. just for him. wreck him and get him flushed and sweaty and panting and moaning gordons name and jesus christ, okay, thats where his brains taking him. okay. cool)
hes dizzying himself thinking about it. he knows benreys hot for him by this point, theoretically. assuming his weird come-ons werent just jokes. benrey would probably let him do this to him. benrey would probably want him to touch his dick. gordon thinks about how good it might feel for his own hand to be on benreys dick and he cant get himself solidly into one headspace or another - hes gordon, hes benrey, he wants to touch, he wants to be touched, he wants to feel his own hand on this dick (and god, maybe he could. maybe he could ask. wouldnt that be crazy.)
benrey in gordons suit and gordons body and gordons face leaning over him, b/c fuck, he really is tall compared to benrey, hes figured that one out awful quick. and gordons (his) hand on his (benreys) dick and stroking him and leering down at him with those dark, dark eyes that dont even really look like his eyes, anymore, not with the way theyre shaded over, and hearing his (benreys) (his) voice moaning out his (gordons) (definitely gordons) name and all the little "pleases" and "thank yous" that he cant stop letting out b/c benreys voice was made for it, made to beg and whine and ask so nicely, and his heads spinning as he comes all over the fucking mirror and sink
> i wonder if this could be combine with the ideas that parts of the self or like mind is still a bit left behind if that makes sense, like with benrey also wanting this that part of the reason gordon wants to say those things
"do you want to fuck him or do you want to be him?" well my good bitch, perhaps you can have a little of both. welcome to my personal hell
hes never come so hard in his fucking life and the noise that rips out of him when he does, finally, after days of being jerked around (ha ha) makes his ears burn with shame
now if you really wanna go crazy. imagine that benreys up and walking around this whole time b/c being edged by his stupid broken suit is making it impossible for him to sleep, and he hears........all of this. stops and presses himself flat agains tthe wall to listen
he cant actually get into the bathroom to scare the shit out of gordon/offer to join in/etc, b/c this stupid flesh body of gordons cant even noclip, but he can press his ear to the door and. listen. and he can flush all the way down to his chest when he hears gordon in there, moaning out his own name with benreys voice
so thats what gordon wants him to do, huh. thats what hes thinking about.
poor benrey, tho. he gets to experience just a lick of the endless fucking suffering that gordon goes thru every single day just by being alive, and "the HEV suit trying and failing to suck him off to completion while his dick twitches against the hard metal of the interior every time gordon groans in there" is just one small part of it
anyway . see ya. my final message
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grazhir · 3 years
So, for some odd reason (a lack of fanfiction I wanted to read) I've been re-reading the LPs for shit like Drakengard (1, 3) and Nier (+Automata: still the game with credits that are both awesome and make me cry [until the ending track runs out of actual lyrics]).
And some questions have come up. [Taro Yoko is either a genius or really damn weird. Or both. I haven't decided.]
Spoiler territory for the unfamiliar.
So, okay.
I get it, ratings. But seriously? The English-speaking people don't get more than vague hints that Furiae wants to bone Caim? Or that Leonard's "brothers" are all taking it up the ass from him?
But they didn't have an issue with wiping out races, a mind-snapped, baby-eating, cannibal Elf lady, or that one stage where it consisted of murdering the shit out of entire squads of child soldiers?
Why didn't someone fucking kill Verdelet sooner?
Drakengard 3
Where exactly did Cathedral City come from. Was that the oddball result of Nier's Replicants shoveling maso from their dimension into the original Drakengard dimension in some sort of fucked up wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey thing?
Except, you know, Accord, and her multiple timelines deal. So maybe it's a round robin? Because who the hell started making androids in the first place? Is this a chicken and the egg deal?
Devola and Popola sets were in various "cities" as overseers, the most important set being stationed with Papa Nier (no, Brother Nier never happened and we shall never speak of it) and near the Shadow Lord.
Replicants were the genetic clones of the Gestalts, and were supposed to spend all their time, toiling away, shoveling maso into some other poor schmuck's dimension, because it caused all kinds of nasty shit when Caim and Angelus had their dance off with the Queen Grotesquerie (such as Legion, pacts, magic suddenly being a thing, and the Cult of the Watchers trying to take over).
Which brings us to Emil (that poor lad, never mind what happened to his sister). Kid can fling magic around. So does that mean that during the events of Nier that the Replicants were NOT done shoveling maso through a wormhole or whatever?
Not quite as concerned about Kainé flinging shit around, because of her peculiar circumstances (and no, I don't mean physically). I mean, if all those Shades can unleash bullet (bubble) hell, why can't she, right?
Devola and Popola are there to oversee shit, so... Why aren't they doing everything they can to stop Nier from hacking up every Shade he comes across? I mean, non-hostile ones are just chillin', right? Every Shade that dies means one more Replicant that gets Black Scrawl and croaks.
And how are those Shades freakin' reproducing? In the next route we hear what they're saying. We're killing baby Shades, for fuck's sake.
Or is everything predicated on the original Yonah's "we can't figure out why she's sick or cure it" illness, which apparently caused a relapse in her Gestalt (so now you're telling me you can put Shades in cryo for a thousand+ years)? (And now everyone else is relapsing all over the place because it's fashionable, or because the mental strain is just too much?)
Either way, they fucked up, the Shadow Lord got sick of waiting after 1300 years, and it all went to hell.
Nier: Automata
Just how long has 2B been around? She's secretly an E model (for Executioner), and is tasked with offing 9S every time he gets to curious for his own good.
Who is making these androids? We find out that the Bunker was always going to be infiltrated by the virus and blown to Jesus to get rid of Project YoRHa, but who made that decision? There are other Bunkers over other parts of the world? And one command center orbiting making these weird as hell decisions?
How did we go from the Nier setting (which is set in what used to be Tokyo) to apocalyptic Tokyo and yet still have Kainé's little area (somehow under a major metropolitan area), the desert where Façade was (which now has a massive number of apartment complexes), and a massive modern city where Seafront might have been?
Did Emil recreate Kainé's little place as a memorial? I suppose he could have.
Where did the amusement park which sure as fuck wasn't in Nier come from?
And then there's the Junk Heap vs. the Abandoned Factory.
The Forest Castle at least matches up with the Library in the Village. Sort of. Not really.
And yet... We're still in bullet hell. So maybe these ones (despite generally looking and acting exactly the same) are energy instead of magic?
Who was the utter asshole who fucked over all the Devola|Popola twin sets based on the actions of the ones in the Village? Mind-wiped them all and forced them to feel guilt (and allow themselves to be used as a frustration outlet for every other android)?
Ending E: does this mean that with the Machine Network admins blasting off to space with their mondo database (and A2, 2B, and 9S being revived by the pods), they can all live peacefully now?
And then I made the mistake of going to the wiki.
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Survey #455
“but you didn’t have to cut me off  /  make it like it never happened and that we were nothing”
Are you and the last person you kissed in a relationship or just friends? We're besties! :') Has anyone ever pointed out that your laugh was unusual? No. Would you get a lip piercing? I already have a vertical labret. I've considered getting spiked snakebites (they might be called devil bites?) too, though. With a vertical labret, it looks sick as FUCK. It might be a bit much too close together for me, though, idk. Nose piercing? I want my right nostril re-pierced. What are you currently waiting for? Girt to message me back. I've decided what I want out of our relationship and just want to see him. Do you have feelings for anyone? Hit me pretty hard through a lot of examination of my feelings that yeah, I do. Have you ever run over an animal? Oh my god no, I would be DESTROYED. Have you chewed gum after someone else already has? bro what the fuck When people sneeze do you say ‘bless you’? I do only out of expectation. I don't want someone to think I'm an ass or something for not saying it. When was the last time you were on a bouncy castle? A few years ago for my niece's birthday. She was scared of how loud it was and was very reluctant to get near it, so my fat ass got in there with everyone else to show her it was fine lol. I can't remember if she eventually got in. She loves them now, though. :') Have you ever went on a bouncy castle whilst drunk? No, but thanks for the idea, ha ha. Have you ever entered an art competition? Yes. What is one thing you will never do? Try hardcore drugs. What is one food that you detest? Asparagus. Did you have a rebellious phase growing up? Not really. What religion were you brought up with? Roman Catholic. Are you still that religion? GOD NO. Do you often find yourself questioning your future? That's my full-time job. How many friends do you have on Facebook? 124. What sort of music did you listen to when you were in high school? The same I listen to now. What pet names do you use with your significant other? I'm single rn, but usually, I go for "sweetie/sweetheart," "hunny," "love," "dear," stuff like that. What’s the name of the store you usually get your groceries? Wal-Mart. Have you ever seen a theatre show? Yes. What’s your favourite vegetable? Broccoli. Have you ever missed a flight? Yes. I was SO fuckin upset because it was on Sara's birthday and planned in secret, and I was supposed to wake her up. It still wound up being a big surprise to her when she walked into her room and I was chillin' at her desk, ha ha, but I still wish it coulda gone as originally planned. Do your neighbours have any pets? Have you ever met them? Yes; they have a yappy-ass dog that doesn't shut up. I haven't met them. What color is your bedroom door? White. If you were ever to become famous, would you grow annoyed at fans? This may sound very ungrateful, but I have heard A LOT of celebrities say it: it would get old, being stopped constantly in public for signatures, pictures, etc. Like yes, I still WOULD be grateful, but I'd miss just being off the radar and able to go outside carrying out chores and stuff like a normal person. Have you ever met your favourite band/singer? No. :( Are you embarrassed by any of the songs/singers/bands you like? Nah, not nowadays. Have you ever written a story? Yes, a kinda short one when I was little. Think of the last poem you wrote: What inspired you to write it? The breakup with Jason and the fact we're just strangers again. It was really short, but I like it a lot, honestly. Do you have a chance with the person you like right now? I think so. What’s the weirdest thing you were scared of as a child? A skeleton in my closet, lol. Literally. Are there any embarrassing stories your family tells about you? alkdsjflakjwle yes In your opinion, what is the funniest TV show? That '70s Show. 3rd Rock From the Sun is high up there, too. What is the maximum number of children you’d ever have? HYPOTHETICALLY, two, but I'm pretty damn serious about having none. I just always feel kinda bad for children without a sibling, but three would make me pull my hair out. Have you ever been concerned you had a serious illness? Yes. I overreact to even minor symptoms to ANYTHING. Are you comfortable with who you are? No. Pretty much everything about myself embarrasses me, even if it shouldn't. Would you date someone even if you knew you’d get made fun of for it? Yes? Others' opinions don't affect how I feel about someone. Does popularity matter to you at all? No, outside of trying to be a successful photographer. Would you ever consider homeschooling your children? If they really wanted that and it would benefit them, yes. Who told you about the band/singer you are currently listening to? I discovered them myself. Do you ever read fanfiction? Nah. Would you rather die in a plane crash, ship wreck or fire? Jesus. A plane crash, I guess, because in a lot of cases, it would be an immediate death. What are your top five favourite TV shows? Meerkat Manor, Fullmetal Alchemist (and Brotherhood; shut up, they go together), That '70s Show, Ginga Densetsu Weed, and Deadman Wonderland. What is your favorite superhero movie? Logan. If you died next week, what would be the cause of death? Uhhhh idk... I guess maybe a heart attack? Judging by doctor appointments, my heart is just fine, but the fact still remains that I'm technically obese, so that's always a risk. Have you ever taken a break from Facebook or other social media? Why? Facebook, yes. It was just depressing me. I was playing the comparison game REAL hard. Who is the most talented person you know? I dunno. I know many people talented in a lot of areas. Are you currently platonic friends with anyone you’ve had sex with? No. Where did you and your current interest go on your first date? Bowling. Have you ever experienced two people fighting over you (physically or mentally)? What happened? Jason and Juan pursued me at the same time. They'd known each other in the past, and Juan hated him for "winning" his ex-girlfriend. Then when Jason and I got together, Juan wasn't the happiest for sure. Have your parents ever thought you were gay? What happened? Before I actually came out as bisexual, I don't think so? Are your parents more liberal or conservative? Conservative. Mom is more open, but still conservative. I think. What year are you going into at the beginning of the next academic year? I'm not in school. How far away does your closest family member live? I live with Mom. If you’ve seen both, did you prefer the Disney version or the Tim Burton version of Alice in Wonderland? I actually strongly prefer Tim Burton's. Would you have sex before marriage? Why or why not? Yeah. I just want to be in a long-term, serious, healthy relationship to reach that point and be as safe as possible about it. Are you more liberal or conservative? Liberal, but I do have some conservative beliefs, too. Who is your favorite Harry Potter character? I don't have one, given I never got into that franchise. What’s the worst that could come out of letting gays marry? Not a goddamn thing. What’s the most sexual thing you’ve done? Done "the thing." Name something that you are against. I'll go with an unconventional one that's a problem as of the late: making owning reptiles illegal. Why are you against it? Because reptiles are perfectly capable of being brilliant pets and, most importantly, can tame people's fears of them. I think that it's very important to see the worth and beauty in all animals, and reptiles are one of the most unappreciated families out there. :/ Have you ever played the Tomb Raider games? I played some of either the first or second one. I could never beat it. Old games are hard, man. Do you like it or hate it when your partner is clingy? I absolutely believe that it can get to an extreme that I don't like, but for the most part, I don't mind a clingy partner because hey, I am too. Beatles or Rolling Stones? Stonessss. When was the last time you changed your opinion on somebody? It'd been on my mind for a while, but I *officially* realized that I really do like-like Girt a couple days ago. And since then it's gotten a bit hardcore and all I wanna do is talk to him bc fuck me and how attached to people I get. What was the last thing that made you feel proud and why? Every single time I go to the gym, I feel proud of myself because it REALLY takes a lot out of me. Do you feel uncomfortable when people you hardly know confide in you? Nope. I'm willing to be a shoulder to cry on for like... anyone. If you're hurting, talk to someone. I'll be there as an easy option. What was the last thing to fascinate you? It was... INCREDIBLY disturbing and almost nauseating even for me, but I saw a video of a dead whale explode. It was GRUESOME. Guts just kept coming and coming and coming and :x Is there a certain noise/sound which scares you? Hmmm... I'm sure there is, but what, it's not coming to me. Sudden, loud noises are an obvious answer. Do you have a favourite microorganism? ... No, I can't say I do. Out of the people you know, whose birthday is next? Girt's, actually. It's in October. If you have pet fish do you bother to name them? I did when I actually had them as a kid. Do you keep your eggs in the fridge? Ye. Have you ever owned chickens? No, but that'd be cool. Fresh eggs from a properly cared for chicken taste SO much better. When did you last listen to music? Currently. NOW I'm obsessed with Melodicka Bros & Violet Orlandi's cover of "Somebody That I Used to Know." It's done in a gothic metal style and is amaaaazing.
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