#so many of the caretakers swooning over how handsome he is
Dilf Giyuu 😵‍💫😵‍💫
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im-a-goner-foryou · 5 years
Babysitter! Peter / Married dad! Tony au, as per an anon's request several months overdue because I'm a piece of shit. Let me know if anyone's interested in a continuation!
It's only the first day of his new job, and already Peter's having second thoughts about the whole thing.
It's not like Harley's a problem child, or anything like that. On the contrary, the bubbly three-year-old has to be the sweetest boy Peter's had the chance of babysitting, something he's incredibly grateful for-- he shudders to think about Mrs Stark's reaction upon finding out her son broke a million-dollar house ornament while under Peter's care-- no, the issue was that the Stark residence is the most opulent estate Peter's ever seen, luxurious enough to make the glossy pictures in those modish home design magazines look frumpy in comparison. To say that Peter had been surprised to walk into the fully marbled, high ceiling, lavish parlour was an understatement; his knees actually wobbled, and he would have sunk down onto one of the many couches if they weren't clearly designer and made of pristine white leather.
Glancing down at the address on his phone screen in a panic, he entertained for the first time the idea that maybe this was all a huge mistake. "Uhm, Mrs--"
"It's just Pepper, I don't really do the whole 'Mrs Stark' thing. What is it?" Pepper interrupted, sounding more than a little tired; still, she certainly made a picture perfect image against the backdrop of the pristine mansion standing tall in a gorgeous sapphire blue dress, the boy resting on her cocked hip gazing at Peter curiously with his huge brown eyes while tugging on strands of his mother's blond hair.
"Miss Pepper," Peter immediately rushed to correct himself, feeling the tips of his ears burn at the mild eye roll this garners him. "I was just-- Uh." Wondering if this is just one big screw up, because there's no way a family this affluent will pick a mere high schooler off a babysitting website rather than a professional caretaker. "Hoping to go over the whole arrangement again, just to be sure?" he finished lamely.
"Oh. It's fairly simple, I thought I was clear enough on the phone earlier." Frowning down at her wristwatch as though thinking about the other more productive errands she'd rather be doing than talk to some daft teenager, Pepper sighed, "you'll look after Harley five days a week, provide the basic babysitting service, drop him off and pick him up from daycare; I'll text you all of the info you need about his feeding schedule and nap times later. Tony comes home every day around eight-- of course, if he'll just take more time off work we wouldn't have to deal with hiring a caretaker in the first place," the last sentence venomous under her breath.
Peter had blinked nervously, unsure how or if he's supposed to respond but before he could decide, an armful of toddler is thrusted upon him. Gathering up her purse, Pepper then instructed primly, "well, I'm going to be busy tonight, so if you have any questions just message Tony."
And just like that she turnt and left with a flick of her ponytail, heels clicking sharply against the across the sparkling linoleum-- and before Peter could point out that he didn't have her husband's number.
Mind still reeling from this turn of events, it was only Harley's vigorous squirming in his arms that snapped him out of his daze. Looking down a little helplessly at the wiggling boy he mused, "so, Harles. You like cupcakes?"
...Which turnt out to be another one of Peter's bad ideas, as evident by the sticky situation- literally- he's now in, vanilla icing smeared all over the beautiful marble countertops along with flour and powdered sugar and god knows what else; Peter nearly tripping over his own feet in his haste to tidy the kitchen up to its once spotless state-- which was not an easy feat (who knew a single three year old could cause this extent of damage in those very few seconds Peter had taken his eyes off him to go preheat the oven?)
He was just bending over the island table to scrub at a particularly stubborn stain when he hears the distinct clearing of a throat right behind him, and the high pitched shriek that slips past his lips is something he'll vehemently deny later on.
"Woah there," a voice speaks up, unmistakably male from the deep intonation of his words. "Did I scare you? I'm sorry," the man adds, and for some absurd reason Peter feels liquid heat pool in his belly at just that silky low baritone alone, tinged slightly with amusement--
It's only then does the teen finally register the compromising position he's currently in, standing on his tiptoes and leaning over the counter so his ass is arched high in the air... right in front of his employer.
This first day is not turning out in his favour.
Feeling himself blush to the tips of his ears, Peter scrambles to stand upright once more, whirling around while holding his breath in anticipation of the annoyed expression he'll surely be greeted with-- but what he didn't expect to see is a devilishly handsome man, dressed in a three-button suit that fits so perfectly snug around those broad shoulders and firm chest it should be illegal; and for the second time in just a few hours Peter actually feels himself go weak at the knees once more, because holy shit this fine specimen of a man was not in his job description when he very well should be; if he had known how fucking hot Harley's dad is he would have brought his inhaler, or something.
"Hey, you okay?" the man- Tony, a dazed part of Peter's mind helpfully supplies- asks, chocolate dark eyes examining him in a way that leaves him in serious danger of swooning. "You look a little pale... Peter, isn't it?" The boy only nods dumbly in affirmation, but Tony smiles warmly. "I'm Harley's father. Nice to meet you."
Brain finally catching up, Peter blurts, "I know," before realising just how bad that sounds and backpedalling quickly. "Wait-- no, I just meant I already knew-- that you're Harley's dad, I mean... Uh, Mrs Stark told me earlier... I-I'm Peter by the way, shit you already knew that," he babbles, cheeks flushing hotter with every squeaky word that leaves his mouth until he's sure that he's a cherry red by the time Tony raises a hand to stop him.
"Okay, okay! Slow down there, kiddo," he chuckles, and fuck even his laugh sounds so incredibly sexy it's unfair, Peter's just a teenaged boy with daddy issues; he doesn't stand a chance. "Give your old man here some time to catch up, will ya?"
"Sorry," Peter instinctively says, or squeaks, more like; tucking his chin into his chest his shoulders fold forward in mortification, painfully aware of how ridiculous he must seem to the older man. Get it together, Parker. You're being pathetic.
His mental beration abruptly cuts off, however, as Tony begins to shrug off his suit jacket, dress shirt underneath stretching thin over his biceps as he drapes it over the back of a chair and holy shit, holy shit the urge to just reach out and trace over those defined muscles with his fingers is so overwhelming Peter has to grab at the edge of the countertop. "You don't mind, do you? I've had a long day at work is all," Tony says apologetically.
Nope. He does not mind at all, not one bit. "It-- it's okay, Mr Stark."
That earns him another warm smile, hardened lines across the man's face deepening along with the crinkling at the edges of his eyes. "Oh, you're sweet." --Peter actually feels his legs threaten to buckle underneath him at that-- then Tony's eyes drag almost lazily over his body, and his lips curve into a roguish grin as he adds, "...and that cute little apron you've got on there certainly helps your image."
Fuck. Oh, god, until then he'd forgotten the apron he had found and hastily thrown on earlier-- and not just any apron, but a frilly soft pink one complete with a lacy hem-- not unlike the ones housewives donned back in the nineties or something. Peter actually buries his face in his hands with a groan then, so overcome with humiliation. "I'm sorry, I just found it in one of the drawers..."
"It's alright, Pep never uses it anyways," Tony says dismissively, his next words pitching lower into one of a drawl that makes Peter shiver. "...Plus it looks much better on you, sweetheart."
Peter peeks out shyly from behind his fingers then, only to gasp; for the look on Tony's face that greets him can only be described as hungry, dark with unmistakable lust and something else he can't quite decipher but leaves him breathless for more-- the combination of both that gaze pinned heavy on him and the use of that pet name is enough to draw something akin to a keening whine from the back of his throat that he quickly tries to smoother into a cough. "Really?" he mumbles, hiding his pleased flush as best as he can.
Tony grins knowingly. "Oh, for sure. I've never seen anyone look prettier in an apron than you, sweetheart," he purrs, closing up whatever remaining distance between them in two confident strides; Peter gasps, automatically backing up until his back hits the edge of the island table, the older man effectively pinning him there. Staring up into darkening eyes through fluttering lashes, Peter draws his bottom lip in between his teeth- nervous habit- and hopes that Tony won't catch the wild thudding of his hear against his ribcage at their close proximity; the man's expensive cologne fills his senses, makes his head spin with pure want and has him subconsciously licking at his lips.
Tony's next words come out more gravelly and deeper than before. "You've got a little bit of icing on your face," he grunts, and before Peter has the chance to respond he's reaching forward to swipe at his flushed skin with a calloused thumb. Breath hitching at the tender touch, Peter sways on his feet as the huge palm cradles his cheek for a split second-- then just like that it's over and Tony's stepping back, the loss of him enough to make the younger teen whimper pitifully.
"All clean now," Tony mutters, sounding decidedly more strained than a few moments ago; Peter's no better with his raggedly falling breaths, and the tent rapidly forming at the front of his skinny jeans-- maybe wearing the apron's not such a bad decision, after all.
"Thanks, Mr Stark," he squeaks, and he swears the older man's eyes darkened at that; gaze darting away from the intensity of that stare, Peter focuses instead on the clock hanging on the kitchen wall. Pepper should be home soon--
Shit. A fresh wave of guilt crashes over Peter for the first time that night at the thought of Pepper-- Tony's wife. How could he be so stupid? Mr Stark's a married man, for Christ's sake-- not to mention a father as well, to a child Peter's supposed to be looking after. He's here to babysit, not be swept off his feet by a rich older man, as appealing as the second option sounds.
And yet-- the way Mr Stark had looked at him earlier, gaze almost predatory as he crowded him in...
Shaking his head as though that would get rid of his thoughts, Peter hurriedly unties the apron and stammers, "I, uh, I should go--"
"Wait. You don't have my number, do you?" Tony frowns, grabbing his forearm lightly to stop him from reaching for his backpack. When Peter shakes his head no, the man reaches into the breast pocket of his discarded suit to pull out a business card. "Here. Just in case... you know," he shrugs. "You have questions about Harley, or whatever."
"Yeah, about-- Harley," Peter echoes, taking the card; their fingers brush against each other as he does so, and he can't help but shiver at the contact; he thinks he catches a small grin out of the corner of his eye. "It was nice meeting you, Mr Stark."
And there's another one of those smiles; Peter feels his stomach flutter again. Stupid. "Pleasure's all mine. I'll see you soon, Parker," Tony says smoothly, shooting him a quick wink as he releases his hold. Peter practically flies out of the front door on trembling legs-- taking care not to crash into any glass ornaments on the way, of course.
This new turn of events definitely add another compliation to his job, that's for sure; and yet Peter walks home that day with his heart hammering in his chest, cheeks still tinged pink... and with a giddy smile on his lips.
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cutegirlmayra · 6 years
I've had this image in my head all day of Sonic and Amy having a Cinderella-like dance together and it's driving me mad. Would you mind writing it? :D
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(x) Special thanks for permission to use this as a ‘preview image’ from @xfantasybr0 ! Please support the artist as well! *I thought this was originally claimed, but they never submitted their finished work into my inbox :(
Sonic AU – Kingdom
Sonic, dressed in a nice top-half attire, had his hands behind his back and searching the crowd of girls coming down the long staircase, which steps looked like a rippling waterfall.
“Woah, Sonic. Haha, you sure are energetic about these ‘boring old balls’ all of a sudden.” Tails came over, also dressed as a rich nobleman, holding two drinks. He tried to hand one to Sonic but he was distracted, moving his head around and stretching his neck out as far as he could to look over their heads.
“Yeah, well, things change, Tails.”
“Not that quickly.” Tails raised an eyebrow, becoming suspicious of why his usual ‘carefree and wild’ friend was suddenly acting so strange. He withdrew the offered drink, taking a sip of his own and peering at Sonic from the corner of his eye.
“…Who is she?”
“Not now, Tails.”
“What she look like.” Tails’s eyes went wider.
“I honestly just said that to play, but now I’m highly curious.” He was suddenly looking spooked, lowering the drinks and seeming scared all of a sudden. “Is she a noblewoman!?!?” he whispered under his breath. He turned his body around, lifting his twin-tails up to cover his mouth, trying to secretly address Sonic from the crowd. “You know we stole these costumes for the food that rich people have! We can’t go around trying to marry one of them! They’re all snooooooobs…” he lowered the tails as suddenly a girl caught his own eye, entrancing him.
“I’ll be right back.” Tails, as if under a spell, handed Sonic the drinks, who looked awkwardly unsure of why Tails would forcefully push them into him like that, but dashed off to place them away in annoyance, all the while Tails floated just a touch from the ground, making his way to the girl.
‘I just can’t forget about her…’ Sonic stared at the table… still holding the two drinks. ‘The girl feeding wild animals in the woods… I mean, who does that?!’ the vision in his head was of a beautiful pink maiden, bending down and feeding a deer an apple.
When the deer perked it’s head up, it’s ears searching for the twigs that cracked under his feet, it fled swiftly and left him alone with the girl.
She was cute and spunky, bantered well with him, and left him wanting more before scampering off when her name was called.
He wouldn’t forget that name, as his eyes seriously looked up at nothing particularly ahead of him. But it was a determined look, like he was going to find that maiden… tonight!
She had said she would be here… he had to be here too.
Amy paused awkwardly by the gates. She wasn’t allowed in the woods, goodness knows her adopted mother wouldn’t allow it. Vanilla had constantly cautioned her about meeting men out in the middle of nowhere. But there was something so… ruggedly handsome about this one. His charms could slay kings, and she just wanted to see him one last time…
She would be crowned by morning… this was her last chance at freedom… and a love she chose.
Vanilla was a great caretaker, but after her mother and father died, Vanilla and Cream were the only family she had left. Although technically servants to her, she never treated them as such.
She knew full well that the kingdom hadn’t seen her since she was a child. She didn’t need to mask herself, it wasn’t that kind of a party, and it would have been weird anyway.
Still… she had taken Vanilla’s gown. She wished she at least could have asked permission, but time was running out.
She finally adjusted her attire and raced in, holding some of her long and bouncing dress up as she stretched out her legs to run faster.
The men at the stairwell stopped her, inquiring her to give them her name so they could announce her.
“N-no, that’s alright.” She held up her hand, a gesture that usually worked, but these men didn’t know she was the princess.
She tried to push by them but they insisted and stopped her.
“All must carry a title or name, my lady.” One man spoke up, trying to be kind, but clearly not letting her through without it.
She looked hopelessly trapped. Turning her head away, she tried to think of something… anything…
Her real name… wouldn’t cut it.
But maybe…
Her nickname?
“…Rascal?” she looked as though she was uncertain they would buy that. “Rosy… Rascal.” She smiled sweetly to them, batting her eyes.
They looked at each other.
Turning from her, they let her stand at the center of the stairway.
“Introducing, Lady Rosy, of…” a man cocked his head towards her, raising an eyebrow, waiting for her to answer.
She smiled wittily, “Of the woods.”
The man batted his eyes, dumbfounded. “You want me to announce you as a rascal from the woods?”
The other man snickered, but covered it up as a sneeze into his hand, wiping his nose and mouth and sniffing up what he pretended was a runny nose, looking away.
She thought these guards funny.
“Alright. Just forget formalities and leave it at that.” She nodded her head.
“You know… only noblewomen and men may attend this… right?” He suddenly narrowed his eyes, his grip on his golden spear, a trademark of her people, tightening at his side…
“…My manor is in the woods.” She wasn’t fibbing, looking up and away to the corner of the ceiling, she vaguely remembered a getaway they owned out there. “Is there a problem that I come from the kingdom’s greatest natural forest? Brimming with life and vegetation?” she held herself high and royal, which convinced the men by her persona that she was definitely a noblewoman.
“Only a noble would have the guts to swipe their tongue like that.” The guard nodded, winking to her and then pounding the spear. “Move along then.”
She didn’t look woodsy, and this made the other guard watch her carefully as she descended the stairs… her dress was too pretty for that manner of living.
As she descended, she smiled with giddy warmth all along her chest. She looked around, while also carefully looking down every now and then to watch her step.
She had evaded the guards! Now to find her forbidden romance…
Suddenly, she got too carried away and fell, landing on the stairs and having her hair cover her face.
A few women gasped, as she looked up and was deeply embarrassed.
The guards held their ground, but gave a deep, regretful sigh her way.
She quickly got up to fix herself, ‘I should just go.’ But she shook her head and continued down the many layers of stairs. ‘No!’ she pushed herself forward, moving faster than ever. ‘I have to find him! This could be my last chance at a real love that I willingly—!”
Sonic’s hand grabbed hers as she reached for the railing at the end of the stairs.
“The girl from the woods.” His eyes lit up, “We’ve met before… right?”
She felt the crowd of people disappear… staring into his emerald eyes… she felt for a moment that she was someone else…. Living a fairytale.
She smiled and moved her hair back, before gaining her usual confidence and straightening herself up. “Good sir, is my face that forgetful?”
“Never.” He smirked and helped her down. “You look…” ‘what do rich people say?’ “Exquisite.”
She snorted, holding her hand over the abrupt noise. “I look what? Come, come. Stop being so formal.” She fanned her hand out to him and pulled him towards the dance floor.
“I’m much too acquainted with you for such talk!”
Her cheeriness and beauty made him slow to think, but focus primarily on her… and her alone.
Awed by her natural charms, he smiled weakly and bowed, “I’m Sir Sonic…” there was no actual Sir, but he had to play up the appeal. Afterall… she looked noble…
He released her hand and she curtsied. “I’m A-“ she stopped herself, “S-sorry, I mean I’m—”
“Oh, I know who you are.” He smiled, moving closer.
This froze her, as her eyes widened with horror.
“You’re Rose. I heard what I assume to be your mother’s voice calling you.”
“Oh! Of course! Right.” Amy fidgeted, placing a hand on his shoulder as she noticed his hand moving to her hip.
“Shall we?” he gestured out with his hands to dancing.
She swooned, “Oh, yes~” she breathed out.
After a moment, the two didn’t really see the rest of the world nor their dance. They kept talking, laughing and smiling, as Amy was twirled and falling more and more in love with him as he held her so gentlemanly close enough and yet respectful since… well, this was their first official mingling together…
“I’m surprise you dance so well.” Sonic chuckled a moment, before figuring out his blunder and shaking his head, “I-I-I mean… as you should. Being… of noble-birth and all.” He looked away.
During all the excitement of her racing heartbeat, she hadn’t noticed his lack of footwork in knowing proper dance techniques.
When she came out of her daydream, she opened her eyes slowly to realize then that this man didn’t act very much like a rude and overly privileged noblemen at all.
“Oh… uh… yes.” She looked down and shifted her eyes about. “…W-what family are you from?”
He sweat-dropped, avoiding eye-contact with her now.
“Just… Visiting a cousin! You probably haven’t heard my family, their name is too far out for a… pleasant kingdom as this one… Ehem.” He was being too polite, and that’s when he gestured with his head to the gardens.
“Say… I bet you haven’t really danced before… have you?”
“What do you mean?” Amy continued to sway, before Sonic smirked and turned around, taking her hand and leading her away from the party.
She laughed as they raced away, him losing count of how many times her dress skimmed his legs or their heads bumped as he turned to look at her grinning face.
Such a pretty face… such a pretty dress… such a great night.
He pulled her near the fountain and jumped up onto it.
“Where I’m from, we dance in a lot of funky ways!” he started to do some modern dance moves, before jumping down and offering her his hand. “But we also have a fun way of dancing!”
She found this wonderfully exciting and took his hand.
They swung around like 90’s kids, kicking their feet out and sliding their arms over the others as they shook their free hands out while they stepped away.
“This is, by far, Sir Sonic… was the funniest dance I’ve ever had the pleasure of being apart of.” She fell back to the fountain’s rim, covering her face as she laughed and blushed into it.
He breathed hard, leaning on his knees, only because he was having a blast too.
“Yeah, well… we have fun, me and my people.” He wiped his nose on his glove, something a nobleman wouldn’t do either…
Her suspicions confirmed, she smiled and nodded her head. “I suppose not… coming from the streets of Square Town.”
He rose his head up, “What did you say?”
She giggled, “I’ve been around enough to watch and mingle among those pleasant people. You smell of their bakeries and their sweets.” She leaned forward, flirting a little and revealing she knew who he was. “I’ve always loved those fresh smells.”
“You… know who I am?” Sonic straightened up, amazed she wasn’t disgusted by his low-class.
She laughed again, “Of course not!” she rose up, swaying her dress out and coming back over to him, being a bit playful and flicking some of it’s fabric up in his following gaze. “I’ve many a friend from Square Town. All good people, I’d imagine.”
He was completely smitten.
Shaking her fabric from his face, she laughed and tucked it back down, racing off as he sped after her, shocking her at his incredible speed. “Wait up!”
“My, you’re quick.” She was a bit flabbergasted by that.
“I have to know who you are now… Rose… Rose what?”
“O-oh, it’s not a first name.” she stepped away, afraid by the look of mutual love in his eyes.
“But I have to know! I can’t just let you slip away!” he rushed behind her to stop her retreat, spooking her before taking her away in another dance.
“Well, either way, I’ll get it out of you.”
Suddenly, she was entranced right back in his arms again. The two were locked in their courtship, before a familiar voice perked up.
“Sonic! What are you doing?” Tails was being pulled from his ear by a tall bunny woman, who gasped when she saw Amy in Sonic’s arms.
“Vanilla..?” She lowered her hands from around his neck.
“The royal caregiver?” Sonic stepped back, removing his own arms as he looked to his friend confused.
“Sorry! She asked about a pink girl… I-I saw you lead her out so—” The woman released him and ran to Amy, taking her arms.
“You had me worried sick!” she looked like a caring mother, alright. She pushed back some of Amy’s hair as Amy tried to resist and pull away from her, looking back at Sonic.
“It’s not what it looks like.” She pleaded desperately, but then Cream flew into view.
“Oh! Princess Amy! Are you alright?”
Sonic’s countenance shattered… His face turning white… “Princess..?”
“Oh no!” Tails shot himself straight off the ground where he lay when he heard that title. “If someone from our station is found with the princess..!?” he gripped his head, having a billion execution methods race through his head. “We have to get out of here!”
“Sonic!” Amy finally got free of Vanilla, rushing back to him before Tails flew up and swooped in, picking a shocked Sonic up and carrying him away.
The clocktower struck twelve…
“Amy, what’s with you and all this rebellion?” Vanilla looked confused, as Cream landed by her side and looked back to her mother, then to Amy.
Amy angrily spun herself around, tears in her eyes. “I wanted to marry him!” she raced off, as Vanilla looked equally shocked.
Cream covered her mouth, “That’s wonderful, Amy!”
The two trailed behind her, trying to keep up as she covered her eyes with her arm… sobbing.
She was crowned the next day… and there was a ball for that too.
This time, there were masks, as many men asked her to dance.
She was so melancholy, swaying and only wishing to dance the way Sonic had in the garden with her…
But then…
“You look upset.”
“Only remembering when life was grand and adventurous.” She spun and carried with the beat of the music, before the gentlemen’s foot tripped her up slightly.
She looked down, finding that highly unusual.
“Sorry, it’s sometimes hard for me to keep up with such boring beats…”
She looked up.
“Sonic..?” she breathed out, seeing him wink under the mask, wearing a fine looking hat to cover his blue spiky quills.
“A little fox told me…” he rose her hand to his chin, “That you said something about…” he kissed it lightly, “Wanting to woo me?”
She blushed, before smiling and looking away, “Something like that…”
“Well, I’m here to say… good luck.” He flopped the hand out of his own and wandered off.
“Ah!” she was in shock, before chasing after him immediately, looping her hand back into his, having a smirk cross his face that she couldn’t see when she did so, and pulling him back to her. “Come back here!”
“As you wish~” he spun back and caressed his hand to her lower back, lifting her up to spin her before dipping her dramatically, not something you would normally do at an extremely fancy ball with an extremely important individual. “But we dance… my way.” He winked.
She honestly felt, while the people gasped at the two’s ‘ridiculous’ or ‘odd’ dancing… that she was happier than she had ever been before.
Vanilla shook her head, and looked to Cream, “Who should inform her she can marry whomever she pleases?”
Cream giggled into her hand, “Shouldn’t we tell her now, Mama?” Cheese, wearing a big ribbon around his neck, jumped into Cream’s arms, “Chao, Chao!”
“Hehe, perhaps after the ball…” she winked to her sweet little daughter, her shoulders bouncing as she giggled some more, and watched the two smitten hedgehogs continue to dance in their own little worlds…
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