#so much catch-up
acharlescoleman · 2 years
I’m really, really thinking about finally getting rid of my magazine collection, whether it’s like attempt to sell them on eBay or the more likely scenario, just chuck em all in the recycling bin. Nothing says hoarder with issues like “my magazine collection.”
Same with my cd collection. Like either keep 100 or less, put the keepers in a binder then get rid of the cd cases. I have like two long bins full of CDs, that’s what 20+ years of collecting will do.
Same with some of my DVDs and books, although I kind of think the Hollywood library would accept the film books that are just rotting on my shelf.
I just want like a more tighter and smaller collection of all these things.
I’ve been doing a little better at trying to have a smaller (and smarter) collection of video games as I’ve continued my rekindled return to gaming. Like my movie collection, I’ve also made some wiffs where after a few minutes of trying a game out I’m like ugh this was a mistake, I gotta get this game outta here! Like the Nickelodeon ninja turtles game on Wii, ugh so bad. And there’s a neat Super Mario Bros Wii game that’s kind of like the old Nintendo style ones but to do a special spin move you have to shake the Wii controller and nunchuck which reminded me of why I put the Wii in the closet years ago lol. The Goldeneye remake is ok though. And I learned like earlier this year that the Wii I have can also play GameCube games! I didn’t know this a decade ago, ugh. But it’s neat that it does, I’m also impressed that my Wii still works. Mostly works. I do think I might have a laser issue because a different ninja turtles and a Carmen San Diego game, both GameCube games, didn’t work despite the disc looking pretty clean. X men legends 1 and nfl blitz 2003 did work so it might be a disc which would suck.
Like a few weeks ago I had to stop watching the fancy Guns of Navarone 4K disc on my ps5 because it was starting to act glitchy for some reason an hour into the movie, they’d just got on the hill! Ugh! Again the disc looked good and I played it on the Xbox Series X and it worked fine, finished the movie there. Physical media is driving me batty!
That said, I’ll probably snag a few things at both the Kino sale and the Barnes and Noble criterion one. I have issues, I know but also I really want Pink Flamingos!! (And I kinda, possibly want Hot Saturday, the Dr. phibes dual pack, maybe My Little chickadee.) oh well!!
Lastly, I turned 39 (my god, it’s weird as fuck typing that out) on Wednesday and I intentionally skipped my high school reunion last weekend (it was the 20th and1 which is cute but I was like idk that’s too soon from the 15th and they wanted people to dress up in 1920’s style and I just didn’t wanna dress up plus I don’t think I’ve changed too much from six years ago so I was like I’m good. I’ll probably do the 25th, though, barring another pandemic because I’ll be over 40 by then and I’m confident that I’ll be at a different head space to where I am now. Plus I don’t completely hate or dislike everyone from my class so it’ll be nice to see the ones who aren’t on social media in a few years.
One of my FB friends who wished me happy bday was like you’re gonna feel the aches more! I wanted to snark reply back but it’s true! I have a lot of ups and downs with that stuff. I might have to like start doing more treatment stuff like massages or even those deep baths things (maybe just sit in a hot tub I guess, isn’t that supposed to be healthy? Or helpful for body recovery? idk). I have to sleep a bit better too as he types at 1 in the morning. I think overall though the mostly hardcore water drinking is helpful to me. Plus being a total square like not smoking or being prissy about alcohol has kept me feeling mostly good health wise. Mentally I’m somewhat okay, I try to check social media as quick dips in and out. Gaming is helpful too for me, like trying to figure stuff out, getting sucked in. It’s good times. With movies, I get a bit too nitpicky at times to enjoy em, like that line from Singin’ in the Rain “you’ve seen one, you’ve seen em all” has really hit me. Although I did want to see Crimes of the Future last month but it left theaters pretty quick. I’m supposed to see Marcel the Shell tonight with a friend, hopefully that’s good. I’ll rent Sonic 2. I didn’t like the trailers for either Malcolm’s First List or the Black Phone. I’m semi interested in Everything everywhere all at once, there has to be something to that movie since it’s still playing in theaters. Wasn’t crazy about that trailer either though. I’ll prolly hate myself later for seeing Thor next week. I haven’t seen any of the new Jurassic Park movies. Buzz light year seems like a ten minute watch on Disney Plus then don’t finish. I haven’t seen Top Gun 1 and I don’t think I could see 2 without seeing 1, although I’m now recalling that I wasn’t impressed with the planes flying around preview. Nope looks alright. Easter Sunday is a must see as a half Filipino. I probably won’t watch the Elvis movie, not crazy about Baz’s style but maybe I’ll see it on a whim. Maybe. Louis CK’s new movie is playing at the Laemmle theater in Santa Monica. That’s a no from me.
I’m going to two (!) comedy shows on Sunday, family is coming for lunch on Monday. I’m working later today and Saturday. anyways so that’s where I’m at. I haven’t done a stream or record a podcast yet but then on the to do list if you’ve made it this far. I did pitch my fake zoom dating show idea last weekend to my writing group and they liked it. The meeting got sidetracked like hell though so I have to do a better job letting tangents go, have fun and then pulling everyone back to working on the thing we want to make next. Now I have to write the script and send it em for feedback. I was surprised they liked the name Sting Ray, that’s the name of the host of the show. And that’s all I have for now lol byeeee.
0 notes