#so much of writing like wringing blood was directly inspired by how much fun i had writing (starve) so...be warned XD
queenofbaws · 1 year
Okay so I’m pretty sure Caleb’s the only werewolf in the whole game that has the “ominous glowing eyes” effect and I’m curious to know if you have any thoughts on that.
oh i got thoughts all right. i got thoughts.
hehehehe, so...the long and short of this is that, alas, i'm probably the worst person to ask about this because i am incredibly biased. incredibly, incredibly, incredibly biased. why's that, you might ask? well that's because i have two, count 'em, two, weaknesses when it comes to horror:
hiveminds and
* ~ * ~ * humans with eyeshine * ~ * ~ *
so while i do acknowledge that the in-game werewolves all have their little differences - and love seeing the art people have made of those differences!!!!! - in my heart of hearts and soul of souls, all those sweet lil' meat puppies do, in fact, have ominously glowing eyes, and nothing as paltry as the canon source material will change my opinion on THAT!!!!
but i will say that i 100000000% hc caleb as the most, um, violent of the werewolves, so i can also very much get behind the idea that his spooky glowy eyes are just, like, A Warning. he's not just a werewolf, he's the werewolf, and watch out!
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friquey · 7 years
@homestuckss @jackthekit-kat
here’s my homestuck secret santa gift! it was a lot of fun to write, and i’d love to talk with you more if it’s too disjointed and you had questions or anything! i’ll expand on it for the future, probably, and since your requests were what inspired me i’d love your input.
without further ado, here it is! WARNINGS for blood, death, and some unreality. i tried to keep it light on all that!
Your name is Sollux Captor, and you have a penchant for getting yourself into situations with your soulmate that are less than desirable.
“Stop pokin’ me.”
“That’s a little hard like this, genius,” you snap back, then scowl as Eridan digs his elbow back into your stomach.
“You’re too short to be the big spoon, Sol.” This was a long-standing argument, but you always insisted that something felt wrong about being the little spoon, and no other form of cuddling made either of you feel quite... Right. You think it must have been the way you were summoned.
—> Be Sollux from last year
You are now Sollux from last year. It’s mid July in Texas, and the weather is miserable; people are still setting off fireworks every night, as if they haven’t got the memo the fourth of July is only a single day. Karkat likes to joke that hell has nothing on Texas in the summer, and you have to agree. You haven’t exactly been back to hell in awhile, but the longer you’re here the more enticing it feels
Texas is in no way your home, but the last time some stupid kids at a party summoned you, you’d decided to stick around. Karkat has semi-permanent residence here, after all, with his weird ass human boyfriend. You usually crash at their house, but Kanaya and her wife are visiting and something about the blonde gives you the chills. She always looks at you like she knows something you don’t.
The stars (or what you can see of them) are beautiful. You have half a mind to make roots here, in this godawful town with it’s godawful name (Stardust, how cheesy is that) with nothing for you, if for no reason other than to feel like you’re doing something with your life. Rose has said this is a sign of yearning for domesticity, and that you should find a partner. You know there’s no point, because everyone you meet either pities you or runs away. There’s no room for romance in there.
Being a demon in this town is weird, though. Different. Many other demons (those you know and those you don’t) have taken up residence here, and it seems to be a safe haven for those like you. The humans don’t run and scream quite so much. The hunters leave you be if you don’t hurt people.
Long nights are good for philosophical thinking, but sometimes this gets cut short. The one thing that life in this town doesn’t change, though, is the stupidity of children. You recognize the familiar pull of a summoning as soon as it’s happening, and after a few seconds you blip out of existence before landing on your feet on a wooden floor and—
Something’s wrong. You feel excruciating pain, enough to make you fall to your knees gasping. The floor is warm, wet, sticky, and the smell of copper in the air makes it easy to recognize; blood. The wood is covered in it, with it flowing in between the cracks of the boards and filling little knotholes in puddles. It doesn’t take long to find the source; there’s a demon on the floor directly in front of you, circled in a summoning pattern that loops with your own. There doesn’t seem to be anyone in the room— no. No one alive. There are bodies, and the smell of death is making you sick. Your head is pounding now, and you do the only thing you can conceivably do; you crawl to the other demon, ignoring your own pain as much as possible. You’ve felt this before; they’re a sort of empath, a very powerful one, and in their state they’re projecting everything they feel as a plea for help. It probably killed the humans, but you’re tougher than that.
They look like shit. There’s blood all over their face and clothes, and much of it seems to be coming from slits on the side of their neck and their sides— oh, fuck. Gills.
You’ve never been the strongest person, so you figure it must be adrenaline that drives you to try and pick them up. They’re a fish or something, fish need water. The moment you touch them, though, it feels like your head is going to split apart; a chorus of screams is resonating in your mind, and only one of them is yours. You pass out before you can do anything to help the dying demon before you.
—> Be Erisol
Something’s wrong. Your body is too heavy— no, it’s too light— there are weird things on your neck and side— no, those belong there— your mouth feels too full— it feels emptier than it should—
You take a deep breath. Breathe, breathe, breathe. That’s what Kar always says— no, when has he ever said that to you? You aren’t so close to him that he’d know when you were upset, because you avoid him then— no, you run to him then—
“Shut up!” You snap, and the voice is barely yours. A little of this, a little of that, and— it’s time to get serious. Something is wrong. You shouldn’t exist.
Flipping through your memory is easy enough; you were summoned by a group of teens, who then casted spells on you from some sort of book. You passed out from the pain and presumably lost control of your projection. Then you walked in and saw you passed out and bleeding on the floor—
Wait. Wait. You can’t see yourself, that doesn’t make sense, none of this makes sense and you don’t know who you are. Panic claws at your chest, and you have the first unified thought for the last ten minutes, which is the instinctive need to run to Karkat and have he and Dave fix it.
“Dude, you’re so fucked. I think you’re gonna have to talk to Rose.” That was exactly what you didn’t want to hear, but Dave has always been good at saying things you don’t like— no, Dave is one of your friends, and you like being around him—
With a frustrated whine, you bury your head in a pillow. You want to stop thinking; this is terrifying. You hear the telltale click of heels on tile, then muffled on carpet.
“Oh, dear.” Rose tuts, and she sits gingerly next to you on the couch. “Sol—“ She pauses. “Eri—“ Another pause. “You look terrible,” she finally decides on, and you bare your teeth into the pillow.
“No shit, Sherlock. What’s wrong with me?”
“A botched ritual,” she responds immediately. “It’s a forced joining ceremony, usually used between a human and a demon or two humans, rather than two demons. I think that’s the problem; the spell wasn’t made to encompass so much power, and now you’re, well.” She gestures at you, and Dave is standing behind her, grimacing. “You’re definitely joined, I’d say.” It takes all of your willpower not to jump at her and wring her neck, but you manage.
It takes a few months for Rose to prepare what she needs to get you back to normal, and in that time you’re forced to stay at Karkat’s house. The first time you see him, his name sounds something like “K-Kar” but by this point you’ve settled on using just KK or Kar interchangeably. You slowly get to know yourself; your two life stories, likes and dislikes, friends and foes. Two people weren’t meant to be one, but you think you manage well. One half enjoys it for the closeness, and the other can’t admit it but they do, too. A lot of your time is spent laying around having conversations with yourself, all but dead to the world around you.
When Rose finally has her unjoining ritual ready, a sense of fear and loss rises in you like the tide, soothed only by internal promises that you can stay together as two, just not as one.
—> Be Eridan
The fighting starts just two weeks after you and Sollux are separated once more. You’re still both at Karkat’s house, under the watchful eye of Kanaya and Rose; most waking moments are spent with you clinging to Sollux, feeling a sense of loss at being by yourself again. He lets you do it, holds your hand when you ask, even crawls into bed with you of his own volition at night.
You’re both confused. You didn’t even know each other before this; the confusion is what starts the fighting. He’s scared, you’re too close, you know too much; you’d know this even if he weren’t projecting his deepest fears outward every time he saw you. He starts taking his anger out on everyone, and Dave seems to be the only one who can calm him. Karkat tells you to watch your projection, because the jealousy, murder-y vibes are starting to creep Dave out. Sollux avoids you, and the next few weeks are miserable; the loss is palpable, a physical ache in your chest.
You’re not sure what changes, but Sollux slowly starts joining you at night again. At first it’s just the same bed, but eventually he wraps his arms around you, pressing his chest to your back. After a few weeks, you get the courage to acknowledge him without fear it’ll make him leave.
“You’re a little too short to be bein’ the big spoon.”
“Shut up.” He presses his face into your neck and you smile, radiating feelings of warmth and contentment.
—> Be current Sollux
Eridan is sort of a mystery to you. You didn’t know him before that summoning, but something about him makes you feel protective. You freaked out once for a few weeks because Rose said something about soulmates, and it wasn’t until Karkat lectured you about how terrible you were making Eridan feel that you ignored what she said and went back to trying to behave with some semblance of a normal person.
Being with Eridan is easy, in a way. Your personalities mesh or clash depending on the day, but he’s always happy to just sit with you when you need quiet, and he’ll let you just hold his hand if you get too freaked out or lonely. In the grand scheme of things, you two were joined for less than half a year, but it felt like an eternity to learn to navigate a new body and new responses to things. You miss it more than you think you should.
Eridan gets it, though. For the most part, when you try to explain how you’re feeling about it he mirrors your concerns. There’s no handbook on how to handle separating into two people after being one, no Unjoining For Dummies, so the two of you are on your own.
On a side note, you’re almost entirely sure Rose coined the phrase “unjoining” to fuck with you.
Eridan’s needs are fairly simple. He has to apply a water based lotion or gel to his gills every two hours or so to make sure he doesn’t die or something, and any sort of praise is met with enthusiastic response. He feeds off all emotion, but positive is what he likes best.
You, on the other hand, are more difficult, and it’s a miracle how he puts up with you. You feed off technology, and you’re constantly putting the power out for brief stints of time (which drives Karkat fucking bonkers, but everyone else laughs it off). The voices of the damned can force you to lock yourself away at times, and Eridan, saint he is, will pull up a chair and sit near you until you feel normal again.
Nothing is “normal” anymore. Something in you aches for Eridan, even when he’s right next to you, and you’ve never depended on another person so much in your life. The first time he says he loves you, the only thing that keeps you from bursting into tears is how much love he radiates, making you feel warm and whole. As it is, you’re choked up enough that you can’t say it back, just clutch him to you like a lifeline from a rocky shore.
Nothing is normal anymore, but everything feels much more right.
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noahpoligy · 5 years
An entire “album”, written on 9/13/2019
So I got super inspired in the bathroom to “write an album” whatever that means. So, I sat down, and forced to write a ton of lyrics all in one sitting. The most I’ve ever written has been 2-3 songs at once, and well, here’s 10. I started grasping at straws towards the ends, whatever was coming to mind honestly. I was listening to “Rape Me” by Nirvana in the shower and I thought to myself “Why not change that to “Hate me”, because I personally feel like I have a fair share of haters, but none of them hate me as much as I hate certain aspects about myself, ya know? Anywho, I might fuck around and see if I can find demo versions of songs w/o lyrics or whatever and see if I can produce any of these into actual listenable songs. We’ll see. Sadly, my motivation goes away with as I sleep. It took me 3 hours to write all of this, and honestly I think I should mention that it’s a bit funny comparing the second thing I wrote to the last. 
So I guess this is a “light” concept album. I think the one present theme that all these share is self perception and belief in one’s emotions and beliefs. I’m pretty tired as I right this, I can’t think of the word for that, if there is one. I’ll probably rewrite aspects of tracks 1, 4, 6, and 7. 1 looks too much like Rape Me, 4 needs “more”, I’d honestly like a rap section in there, 6 I’m just unhappy with some of the lines, it comes off as corny to me. 7 needs a chorus and the ending I just randomly threw in, so that needs to be fixed too. 
Track 1: Hate Me
I hate me
You hate me, and my friends
hate me 
I’m not the only one
I’m not the only one
I hate me
I’ll say it again and again
You’re a waste to me
You hate me and my friends
I’m not the only one
I’m not the only one
Every time I do anything it’s for the worst
A kiss would tag you as a whore
I appreciate your concern
I’d like you to die so you can burn
I hate me
You hate me my friend
Hate me
Hate me and my friends
I’m not the only one
I’m not the only one
I hate me
I hate me
I hate me
hate me 
hate me
hate me
hate me
It sates me
Track 2: Something More
She waits at windows
She daydreams all day 
And sleeps away her frowns, for now
She just waits around wishing she
Could meet that single another
At night in a parking lot wearing that new dress she bought
Only for her to go back home, she’s let down easy
She goes out to buy a drink
I noticed the one Friday she didn’t, she was locked up high
There’s something about her innocence
That makes her chafe for love
And she’s down to explain what she’s looking for
She says she wants me and will help me become someone more
Dead leaves, the sky desolate of summer
I’m underage so I’ll stand outside while you get the drinks
Tomorrow you can smoke me out, and we can hang around the cemetery
Do we need each other?
We’re two discount lives without any numbers in our bank accounts
Do you think that if I wait around that maybe she
Might go back to her room and say it was all a lie?
She’ll tell her parents that she doesn’t know my name and I’ll sigh
Get out of my head demon, you’re dismissed
I will change for love
And she explained how long she’s waited for
Something more
Come, Goodbye, I might just see you another night, and if you don’t I understand if you can’t find that definite reason why you should stay. I’ll watch you walk away
She says that she will change for love
And she explains how long she’s waited for something more
And as these days go by, it ends that track of how long we’ve waited for
In love there’s more
In love there’s something more. 
Track 3: Self-Faith
Wrap me up in my true skin
Drag me in front of my mother’s eyes
My innocence is tragic
My innocence is damned
And in a sense I’m gifted because of it all
I can breathe underwater
I can fly high in the sky
I can burrow deep inside my chest
and stab another with my teeth
and I live underground
If you spend your love around me
You’ll know fantasies beyond your wildest dreams
And before you know it, your love is gone
Cause there’s nothing as awkward as what I see
And in your fear, you’ll disappear. 
You saw my dreams, you saw death.
I believe in no one
I believe in another way
But my beliefs are not noticed
My beliefs are all held of faith
Faith in me, and that’s why I must escape
And in this ring our wedding will be true
And with this wring I will separate us in two
And with this ring you’ll see what’s in my head
And inside you’ll find the truth
Now let me tell you, if you spend your love around
We’ll enact our fantasies so they’re no longer dreams
You’ll find that your love is hard
And that it’s exactly what it seems
And no one will disappear 
Even during the darkest hour
To the revelations 
To the fresh baked victims 
To the weak that have succumbed 
They hate me
So speak your peace
While the drum drowns you out
You’re not wasting
A single breath at all
Because strength is your weakness
Your weakness is your hate 
And it’s something you just can’t explain
You’re sniffing on some roses
They’re so beautiful 
You’re getting so lost inside their smell
The others have come, to make you dumb
The others have come, to make you dumb
The others have come, to make you dumb
The others have come, to make you dumb
The others have come, to hold you down
The others have come, to hold, you, down
Track 4: Run Away
Monkey see monkey do, run away
Fuck around and follow you, run away
I don’t like you, I’ll keep it in, run away
Another fool with pencilled skin, run away
There he is, take him out, run away
He never laughs he never smiles, run away
He can’t run he’s a cripple, run away
Let’s beat his ass, it’s good fun, run away
Run away Run Away
Run Away
Monkey see monkey do, run away
Fuck around and follow you, run away
Cut him up but keep it in, run away
Another fool with poisoned skin, run away
Run Away Runaway
Run Away
Run Away Runaway
Run Away
Away, Runaway
Run Away
Run Away
Run Away
Don’t Stay
Run Away
Don’t Stay
Get Away
Track 5: Who the Fuck Are You? 
You say I’m gonna fall
Well I can’t wait to let you down
You say I’m gonna fail
We all know you’re a fucking joke 
Get out. 
You’ve lost equality.
Get out. 
You’re below a fail. 
Can anyone anywhere believe that you’re true? 
Does anyone anywhere wanna be you? 
You say I’m a faggot
Well at least I’m not a bigot, kid
You say I’m lucky 
It takes knowledge to play the cards
Get out. 
You’re a waste of sperm. 
Anyone anywhere can beat you 
Does anyone anywhere actually wanna face you?
Who’d wanna bother with you?
I guess I’d like to, bring it fucker. 
Lousy, you’re knocked out sky high
You’re flat out dead in the head
Does anyone wanna support you?
Does anyone anywhere actually believe in you? 
Does anyone anywhere wanna be you? 
Do you wanna be you? 
Track 6: Family Crest
I bathe in silence
I want you to notice
I’ve got a god complex 
I already know I’m gonna pass the test
I’m on fire
I’d hold on their hearts from the inside
And squirm myself inside and take control
I want everything they have and I want it now 
I’ll find a way 
Today I can waste away
I once flew away
Far away, from all of this, and I nearly died
Miserable dust and homeless mutts 
Hating my face and wanting to wither away without a trace
I didn’t hate anything else but my own and me. 
I’m gonna bleed
To make me believe
That my hearts still there
But is it really? I need a fucking shovel
I’ll clean off the dust, our faces will meet
I disconnected by cutting the string
Anytime that you’d try to talk to me
I bathe in silence
I want you to notice
I’ve got a god complex 
I already know I’m gonna pass the test
I’m on fire
I’ll hold onto their brains from the inside
I’ve got their heads believing in me 
It’s not enough I want fucking more 
I wanna bleed
To make them believe
Someone hurt me
So then maybe I’ll feel something
Track 7: Horribly Ever After
Let out the stampeding horses
Suffer in your suburban houses
Withdraw from the taste of the devil and God’s affair falling from the sky
Scream all you want you’re in a silent movie
Kiss up each other while your lives go tick tock
Beached by the groupies that are sick of your stuck-up hinds
Vacant is your deposition
Dead is your fleet of propogandic sources 
Your sister is actually your aunt your father had an incestual affair
You scoffed away the very true sources
You chose to go to war against another’s imaginary friend 
Blood is the key to eternal life and that’s why Earth wants more death
It’s about time
It’s about, concluding you
Black skies bring fears
Unleash armageddon, tute yourself and say one final prayer
it’ll be one last moment before you’re off where you belong my dear
Lust for a reality that is like the movies
A life where you survive the locusts
It all goes away when a angels voice says you’re damned for eternity for being a stupid sheep, you need to be fucking sheered. 
It’s about time. Maybe now you can see
Too bad you suck
Too bad you’re dumb
You looked directly at the sun and now you can’t see
This is the final message
Soon you’ll be stabbed by the ancient armies
Death by thousands of roses
It’ll take years but that’s what you deserve
You’ll be raped by the soldiers
They’ll embroider their band on your skull
You’ll probably enjoy it, it’s like your inverted cross tattoo 
I guess you got what you desired, your spot in hell. 
Black skies bring blood
Black skies bring flood
Black skies bring you 
Black lies bring truth
Track 8: Hysteria 
I woke up to a message of love 
Though I don’t think we’ve ever spoke on the phone
I’m obsessed with the poison of us
I wonder why I can’t seem to find one to trust
Is there even a soul living inside of ya? 
Oh yeah oh no, there’s nothing in that stereo baby
I’d try to bridge on over and see what’s up but it’d crack under your pressure
You need a miracle 
And I’m no miracle 
You’re honestly hysterical
What the fuck is going on inside of ya? 
I’m unimpressed with my presence at best
I get depressed from the needles of sunlight that bleed through the blinds
I make shit up so I think I’m the best
Honestly though, there’s no one I can trust
There’s no one living inside this universe 
You can call me No Paranoia Noah baby
I’m the last motherfucker that’s not hysterical 
I’m not one to crack under any amount of pressure
If you’re looking for a miracle it’s me
Now now, come on, get your broken soul out of bed baby 
What’s so funny? I’m at least trying and you’re staying a degenerate 
You’re lying in your bed about a broken phoney bone 
Come on I see a spark of something in ya
Skip the jokes, escape living in hysteria
Track 9: It Will Become
The doorbell has rung, it’s coming true
The silence and the dread, it ends here
You’ve waited and now it’s time
Come into the utopia of....
The future of earth will become
There is a past yes, it’s clear. 
You better take this face and choose your race and face the race for the constant search for anything
You’ve waited and now it’s time
Come into the the utopia of....
The future of your life will become
Track 10: Falling Apart 
I’ve got no legs
Fuck the shadows are in me too
These thoughts they won’t leave my head
Wait.... Why are my legs on the other side of the room
I was your everything
You were the one last thing I’d ever think of doing anything wrong to
Yet you’re right next to me with blood and blades all around you
I was yours and you were my one true love
And now arms are stuffed with lace
And my you’re chewing on one of my eyes
My tongue is stapled to my nose 
And my legs, oh god, you’re eating my toes
I was yours and I guess now I’m yours
Why did you cut me into this
We were best friends
And now I’m just meat
Oh, hey, good morning! 
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