#so my family is now watching me like a hawk for low blood sugar m
marieaqua · 1 year
Important reminder to my fellow celiac girlies, MARGARITAS CAN HAVE GLUTEN IN THEM!!!! Pls ask the restaurant you’re at about it to avoid having the day im having now
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mka1098 · 4 years
My Love is God
My Love Is God
Veronica x JD modern AU 
Rating: M
Warnings: swearing; death; murder; depictions of violence and blood; mentions of sociopathy and insanity; sex
I have a couple of things to explain about this AU because it’s a bit confusing. This is also gonna be a mess since I’m trying something new here. 
Backstory: JD and Veronica met in the lunchroom of their senior year when JD moved to her school. They met in a 7-11 and he was drawn to her and she didn’t push him away. They made close friends and he was so utterly in love with her. JD admitted his family problems to her and a lot of the deranged thoughts in his head. Veronica loved him a lot so she calmed him down and took him to therapy. It took time but he began to control his bloodlust and anger issues. Being 18, he moved out of his father’s house and found an apartment nearby Veronica’s home. JD became a normal teenager, more troubled than most but never wanted to do anything like bomb the school again. Veronica was his lifeline. She had saved him and helped him and he knew that. He fought his dangerous tendencies and continued going to therapy. One day, Veronica got into a huge fight with her best friend, Heather Chandler, who wanted her to get with one of the college boys at her party. It ends with them no longer being friends and Veronica humiliates Heather but reveals that Heather was too scared to even get close to kissing the college guy she was with. Heather is angered by this and hatches a plan to kill Veronica; she succeeds. And JD has just found out. 
Go easy on me please; it’s my first time writing present tense and I’m very lost 
My Love Is God
Heather Chandler hums to the mirror in her locker. Powdering her face during the passing period between the 4th and 5th period had become a regular affair. Her face got so oily; what a treacherous look would it be if people saw her face shiny? Biting her lip, Heather adjusts the red scrunchie in her hair. Ram has previously mussed it up in class and if not for her reputation; she’d rip hima  new asshole.
“Heather.” A voice calls behind her. Her eyes roll back in annoyance; who the hell thought that they were good enough to address her? 
“What in god’s name, do you want.” She says with bite in her voice. Her view catches on a darkened teen-boy. His long trenchcoat looked solely out of fashion and terrible for the nice summer weather. Her nose crinkled at his look. Face nearly covered up to the eyes, the boy stares directly at her. His dark brown eyes narrow into slits. 
“I’d like to take this outside.” He says with a dead tone. Heather’s eyes roll. What was the point of entertaining some idiot’s needs?
“Look, I don’t give a fuck about what you like. I have people to attend to, so unless you have an upper. Get. Out. Of. My. Way.” She snaps. His expression remains unfazed, much to her annoyance. He was supposed to cower and fade into the background. What a \\\ douche. She fluffs her ponytail and steps out away from her locker. 
“If that’s what it will take.” He calls after her. Heather spins around, glaring at him harshly. If this kid was kidding, she was going to end him. Heather puts out her hand, accepting the offer. “One the condition… we take this outside.” He continues. His stare was burning into hers. Heather inwardly scoffs at that, she had a harsh look and didn’t appreciate anyone matching it. 
Heather breaths in but finally caves. She was fresh out and in need. “Fine.” 
The teen doesn’t say much to her on the way; he was taking long, stiff strides. His arms and hands were clenched into fists. Heather had become a master of reading body language. This boy had a plan, but clearly, was unsure about it. Heather spoke not a word. Her eyes scan over him like a hawk. His appearance did merit a reliable product, that was for certain. That terrible coat would be great for cover. 
“Where are you taking me?” Heather demands. It had registered that she had not a clue his name minutes prior however, she knew better than to act like a fool and ask like a child. “I have places to be after this. Do not, make me late. You will regret up.” Heather says haughtly, giving no empty promises. 
He stops suddenly, their surroundings were empty streets and a 7-11 in only the visible future. Heather growls harshly under her breath. “You want to know where we are? We’re here. Where it all began.” He spoke in a low tone. It was slightly raspy and very attractive if she were to be honest. Heather’s perfected blonde brow rose. 
“I know your plan. I catch on quick. I get it, I’m hot, I’m a heather. I’m the Heather. If you want a quickie I take them in a closet. You’re just extra.” Heather says in a cackling tone. If only the other Heather were here; they’d love the show of embarrassing a loner. 
The boy’s expression began to morphe, not into embarrassment, not into fluster, not even impression. Instead, his hand reaches up to the hood and it tugs the fabric down behind him. “I’m not interested in fucking you.” He says in a deadpan tone. Heather laughs in a wicked way. This boy was stupid, sure but amusing as well. 
“That’s cute.” She says, putting on a seductive smirk. The boy scowled at her. 
It was now she could see his features; somewhere in her mind, there was a face match. Perhaps his father was a movie star? His hair was messy and long; skater boy hot indeed. His jaw, sharp as ever. Wide nose, but not bad. His face sure matched his voice. 
Heathers tsks approvingly. “I get what I want though. Don’t hold back.” She winks at him. He frowns harder. 
“I’d like to talk to you about someone.”
Heather licks her lip. “Enlighten me.” Her voice having now a delicate flare to it. 
The boy glares at her. “Veronica Sawyer.” He says in a harsh tone. 
Oh. Her. She was a nuisance, to say the least. Heather sighs heavily and rolls her eyes. “Do we have to? Her funeral was last month. It’s kinda overrated.” She says mindlessly. His face tightens. 
“You were the last to see her alive.” He accuses her. Heather’s eyes roll again; God, why he about Veronica? Heather was a hot bitch and in front of him. Besides, Sawyer was being a pain in the ass, not the mention a huge snitch. 
“Not really The hospital medics took her in. They didn’t let me in.” Her lips purse into a pout. “It was unfortunate. I tried to warn her from stepping into the road. The cars were going oh so fast.”
The boy snarled at her. “Don’t act so innocent. You hated her. You were friends and then you hated her.” 
Heather gasps dramatically. Sure it was suspicious but she had been playing it off so well! “How dare you! Do you even know how traumatic that was? Watching even ex, your best friend die! The therapy has finally stopped my self-blame.” Heather defends. 
“Don’t even try and think that act works on me.” He growls. 
Heather let out a high-pitched sobbed. “Why do you-”
“WILL YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP!” He shouts at her. Heather steps back in shook. That was unexpected. 
“I know you killed her.” a finger shoves into her vision. “I know because she was so scared of going. But she went anyway because goddamnit she just had to see the best in people and hope for the best. She went because she wanted things to be just a bit more okay with you guys. But she was so scared, she knew you were going to do something; I knew you were gonna do something. You pushed her in front of that car. And I know you cackled like a fucking witch while doing it.” The boy’s mouth sprouts word afterword; his fury was increasing more and more in the most obvious way. 
Heather racks her brain. Who was he? Why did he talk to Veronica? That girl only had two other friends after Heather let go of… oh… ohhhhhh.
“So what.” She says with danger. “You as her pretty little boyfriend is now going to cry about it? Get over it, she was no big thing. I’m sure the sex wasn’t that good to miss it. We’re all long past; catch up.” Heather steps forward, her intimidation factor went higher and higher up. “Calm your tits JD. No one else is worried. Learn to read a room.” 
JD’s face explodes into angry. “You dumb bitch. You’ve never cared for a single person in your life, have you? Well, let me tell you this. We were in love. So in love. She was the best person on this shithole we call earth. Veronica saw only the best and fixed anything she could. She never turned away from someone who needed help. She fixed me. She stayed with me. And you took the brightest light away.”
Heather let out a huge laugh. “Wow, dramatic. Definitely her little plaything. Love is overrated. She’s not anything anymore. Get past yourself and find a new slut.” She says with amusement. “Be glad she died painlessly. That was the best gift I could give her. Well, painless after she was dragged across the street, but still.” Her laugh fluffed and sugared; JD didn’t seem to apparatus it. How rude. 
“She hated you. She pitied you. She almost wanted to take you to therapy like me. But in the end, she decided you weren’t even worth the effort.” JD says darkly. Heather’s expression quickly shut down. Had she heard him correctly. 
“Very funny joke.” She attempts her easy-going tone of voice but the slip-up didn’t pass him by. His mouth twists into a grin. 
“Denial. Now you know how it feels. Rejection, you’re getting a lot of frists today. Congratulations princess of the fucking school.” JD’s voice echoes all around her. Coated in a thick layer of sarcasm and condensation, he spits it out at her. “Veronica felt sorry for you. That’s why she joined your little club. Sorry for the little princess who no one really cared about. She thought, maybe I can help her. But you want to know what happened? She met you and realized… what mattered? Certainly not you. Why else did you think she took Duke to the doctors? Duke was meant enough to the world to be fixed and now she’s all brand new. Mcnamara got a personality, kinda. But Veronica thought anyone worth it, was. Too bad that wasn’t you.” His wicked smirk sears her eyes. 
“You’re bullshit,” Heather growls. He laughs;  the sound is demented. 
“Am I? Or am I right?” He continues his speech. “My Veronica wanted to help people. She did. She helped me, she saved me. She saved Martha, Duke, everyone. Just not you. You’re not going anywhere. Everyone knows… don’t you?” 
His words pound into her head. Like in a small tunnel, they echo and get louder. “Shut up.” She snaps weakly. Her ears were about to bleed. Her head began to scream. How long had it been going on? The looks; the pitying looks? The laughs, the condescending laughs that she should have been the one making. She was the queen of the school; she was going to the top of the world. Did everyone think she’d melt to the bottom? “Shut up!” JD’s voice didn’t stop. Their pace; increased. The volume; skyward. 
“Veronica would have been here to tell me to stop; to tell me to go home. She would have said, breath a little and remember me. Her hand would have touched my shoulder and slowly she would walk me home and talk about anything she could do to help. She would have cleared my mind, given me my meds, and sang a song terribly to ground me. Veronica would have been here. But she’s not.  Actually, even if was alive, she’d wouldn’t do anything of that. She’d probably dance around with me with a smile on her face saying, babe you’re doing great..” JD’s voice became mixed with wicked, deranged laughter. Like her own evil cackles, but much, much worse. The insane glint in his eyes was terrifying.
She sucks in a breath; one final one to perceive her dignity, her pride. “Veronica this. Veronica that. For the love of god, she’s DEAD! She doesn’t matter anymore, you fucking jac- oof” Heather fell forward. Had he punched her in the stomach? What a weirdo! Heather went to take in a breath, only to find she couldn’t. What the fuck? The pain was there in her body; it was growing exponentially fast. Her eyes trailed down and oh- oh- oh holy mother of fucking shit!
“DID YOU FUC-” She not longer had the ability to speak; not when there was a knife sticking out of her body. JD’s eyes stare down the crumbling girl. 
His face, wide with a grin. 
His hands, perfectly clean. 
His insanity bared itself to the world. 
“You fucking psychopath.” She growls her last words. The red liquid was leaving her body fast. 
JD remains unfazed. His deaden look, his empathy free eyes. “Sociopathic tendencies, actually. Diagnosed. They’re actually not that dangerous. This? This the anger-management issue at work.” He smiles. “This is what it feels like on the other side of the killing.” He crouches down to meet her face to face. Heather musters the strength to growl. 
“What do you... want me to say? Dear diary? My teenage angst bullsh- bullshit now has a body count?” She snarls back. JD laughs. 
“No.” His voice, dark as ever.  “You’ve never loved a person in your life clearly. And no one has ever loved you, not a surprise there.” He stands up straight, looming like a darkened villain. “Let me tell you something. I love Veronica Sawyer. She was going to be Veronica Dean. I love her. More than anything in this fucking shit-world. I’ll worship her till the end of time. We had the strongest love in the universe. She was a goddess; you shouldn’t have killed her.” 
Heather’s eyes roll for the last time. “Dear god, this whole love shit you’re trying to pull on me is really annoying the last minutes of my death” She voices drily. JD crouches down to her again, lifting her chin with a rough tug. 
“Our love was so strong; it could have killed dinosaurs. I’ll settle for killing you though.” He threw down her face aggressively. The blood letched out to the ground. She scowls for the last time. 
“We could have made a pretty good murder couple.” She comments.  JD laughs and steps away, removing black gloves to shove in his pocket. “Dear God, just kill me now.” Heather expresses haughtily. 
JD laughs darkly. “Right you are my dear. Veronica and I… our love was god; it could have killed worlds. But she’s gone now. I’m left. So yes. My love is god.” Heather’s eyes began to feel heavy; was he slipping away farthing into the distance or was she dying faster? This was it wasn’t it? She grimaces. 
“My love is god. It has killed you. Isn’t that just beautiful?” 
Okay, I know it seems like I made Veronica seem like a Mary Sue and JD as this romantic guy. Let me explain things now that I have finished the story. 
Veronica hated Heather C and after helping JD, she started helping other people but she chose not to help Heather C who clearly has problems
Veronica was actually kinda okay with the murder. There was nowhere to put this and I briefly mentioned it, sorta at least, but if she didn’t like the person she was fine with JD killing them. She wanted to curb JD’s bloodlust, but she had accepted it as part of him and never was fully like THIS IS WRONG. As JD said, she would have laughed with him as he killed Heather C. 
Veronica was also kinda manipulative. I didn’t know where to put this but basically, Veronica started to isolate Heather without her even knowing. She’s not a Mary Sue, I swear it’s just not a long story
Heather C. had a lot of clear mental issues that Veronica literally just ignored and used to her advantage. She has such narcissistic behaviors, Veronica was able to get people to turn on her all while she thought she was the queen
People stopped caring about Heather C. Like they basically just made fun of her and were sarcastic to her. But with all of her mental issues and stuff, it twisted in her mind to make them think they were worshipping her. People shot her dirty looks or laughed at her, but she didn’t notice that. 
Heather D. got help for her bulimia because of Veronica. She thus was given kindness and was not a huge bitch 
Heather M. also became less of a bitch. She wasn’t one before, it was just she followed Heather C. around too much. Veronica helped her. 
Martha had Veronica back and it helped her feel like she had a true friend and ended up saving her from her depression
JD is possessive and Veronica has learned to live with it. It’s kinda unhealthy but not dangerous to her so that’s why she puts up with it. It’s directed towards other people
JD praises Veronica. She is the only thing in his life. She’s his mildly unhealthy but weirdly good fixation 
JD is adamant he and Veronica will end up together. There is nothing else. It will happen in his mind. His head is still a little twisted, though better than before. He’s not trying to kill for baby reasons now. He’d kill for Veronica and that’s basically it
Veronica’s parents do not like JD but deal with him for her 
Heather C. invited Veronica to a girl’s trip to bond a bit and make-up, then she pushed her into a street. Veronica didn’t want to go but she was too trusting and nice, like how she was in the movie and musical n trusting JD
JD goes on to flee the town and Heather C. Is discovered to be dead at the end of the school day
Now, I’m not totally sure what this is. It was an idea in my head and I needed it out. It’s not very good, It’s not the level of gore and blood I think my honestly messed-up mind needs to get out, but it can suffice Basically, I have my own mental problems, though I don’t know what they are currently, but they do give me a lot of problems. Writing is my healthy way of expressing them rather than screaming at my friends. That was my old way… not good. Anyways, hope you guys liked this story. 
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writingforjoy · 5 years
A Worse Fate
Sorry this is late @alexprompts, but here’s my take on the ‘Burn it all’ prompt! I thought it’d be cool to make something like a small backstory/piece of history for (Im)Mortal.
TW FOR BLOOD AND BODY HORROR (maybe, i tried it though. not gonna lie)
Tell me, young one. What is a fate worse than death?
Abandonment? Becoming bedridden? Immortality?
Well, for this 26 year old mother, whose skin was as brown as a ripe cocoa bean, watching her and her kids freedom being snatched away was worse. Watching your loved one die fighting for what was right was worse. Watching your child being sold and taken away was far worse than death. Being raped and tortured by your slave owner was worse. . And how could any self-respecting mother let their children childhood and freedom be plucked away from them, like the sweet nectar from a freshly bloomed honeysuckle that the white men thrived on.
Enslavement. That’s a fate worse than death.
Outside her small home, Ellie Mae could hear the bloodhounds in the distance, and she could smell the scent of their masters close behind. She had been found.
She knew they were coming, that’s why she had called for her grandfather Guidry to come help them escape to the North, the Freedom Land. She had spent days preparing their bags, teaching her second son Elijah about his family, how to follow directions when given, how to properly use magic when his has awakened, and if need be, how to follow the North Star. She had hoped that she’d have more time to escape and meet Guidry, but now she couldn’t.
Ellie Mae gathered what little else she owned: the family spellbook that she made her own editions too, her bible, a dress to change into, and all the money she had left. She stuffed it all in her own bag, threw it on, and scurried over to Elijah and Emmery’s room. “Elijah, Elijah wake up. We have to go.” She shook him gently before pulling the covers off him and sitting him up herself. “Boy, I said wake up.”
Elijah’s head nodded a few times before his eyes fluttered open. “Mama...is it time to eat?” He asked sleepily. The room was dark, save for the light of the moon shining through the window. Elijah looked around the room, noticing the sleeping dove in her makeshift nest on the floor, then noticed that his mother was fully dressed even though it was still night. “Mama, is everything okay?”
“We gon go visit Grandpa Guidry early, baby. Gon and get dressed. Emmie,” Ellie walked over to the dove in the middle of the floor and stroked her back “Emmie baby, wake up. Let’s go exploring baby.”
Emmery was no heavy sleeper, the small bird-witch stretched her wings as she rose and walked out of her nest, cooing softly at her brother and mother before finally shifting back into her human form. “Is Daddy here yet?” She asked.
“Is Drusus coming with us?”
Drusus, Emmery’s father, was on his way over going to spend a few days with them while his owner allowed it, and secretly help them meet up with Guidry. “No, we gon meet him out in the field. Now hurry and get dressed y’all two. We ain’t got-”
The howls from the bloodhounds were getting louder and more excited the closer they got to the house, causing the nine and six year old to cling to Ellie. “M-mama, are those wolves?” Emmery asked timidly.
“No, baby, no. Them just some dumb old dogs bein’ nosey. Now quick, Elijah, get y’all bag I done told y’all to make yesterday.”
She hurried out of their room into the kitchen where the bowl hushpuppies were waiting on the table. Outside the window, Ellie could see specks of red getting closer and the shadow of the bloodhounds jumping around in her yard, just waiting for their masters next command. She poured them all into a towel, along with other food, and tied it up tightly before putting it in her bag. She had cooked at least a good two pounds worth of hushpuppies to give to any dogs that might find them and give away their location, surely that would be enough.
“Mama?” Ellie turned to see Elijah and Emmery standing together in the doorway. Emmery was trying her best to tie their bag around, and Elijah stood watching Ellie, his golden eyes almost glowing in the dark carried a worried look. “I can smell Papa’s scent comin’ this way. Is Papa gonna get us?”
Ellie, too, could smell the stench of tobacco drawing near. She had told Elijah about Henry, his birth father, some time ago, and how she left him when Elijah and Emmery was younger because Henry was mean and abusive towards her. Then later that in some places, people that looked like him would have people like her to work for no pay. What she didn’t tell him was that Henry was one of those people, that he had dozens of people ‘working’ for him, that those people like her were slaves, and that she was one of Henry’s slaves. She didn’t tell him that Henry had another son that would’ve been the same age as his older brother Ezekiel, but had died in a horrible accident. She couldn’t tell him that he was almost the spitting image of Henry’s late Elijah. “No, no he ain’t.” She walked over to help Emmery with her bag, then tied the food bag around Elijah’s shoulder. “I ain’t gon let him take ya from me, got it?” She be damned if he took another child from her. She grabbed their hands and lead them down into the basement, locking the door behind them. They walked in silence in the basement, stopping first at the window to make sure the coast was clear, then they stopped just in front of the door leading outside. “Elijah, remember what I told ya ‘bout Drusus and Guidry scents?”
“Yessum, Drusus smells like cinnamon and Guidry smells like sugar canes.”
Suddenly, something started scratching at the door. One scratch. Silence. Two more. Silence. Then the scratched repeated. Ellie could smell cinnamon wafting through from the outside. It was Drusus saying saying he was here, but danger was nearby and he couldn’t be in his human form. “Emmie, you remember what ya Daddy bird form is, dontcha?”
“Mm, a big hawk, Mama!”
“Mhm, that’s him doin that scratchin out there now.” She said quietly. She squatted down low enough to be face to face with them. “Now listen y’all. There some bad men outside that gon try and separate us just cause me and Emmie look different from you, Elijah. So when we get out there, we have to be very, very quiet and move quickly, okay? If they get us, Emmie, I want you to change into a dove and fly away with yo Daddy, me and Elij-”
The sound of a door breaking startled them, followed by heavy footsteps stomping around above them, knocking everything over and causing destruction in their home. “Find my boy and that nigger woman and bring them to me, if ya find the nigger child then you can keep her!”
Ellie was quickly running out of time, at this rate even if they do get out, it wasn’t going to take long for them to be found and separated. The bloodhounds was soon barking at the basement door, and someone started banging on it in an attempt to break it down. Something had to give, Ellie knew it, and she was more than happy to do whatever it took to make sure her kids stayed free.
“Elijah, tell Drusus that I’m gon buy y’all some time to escape, and not to come back no matter what happens, ya hear?”
Elijah’s eyes grew wide with fear at the thought of leaving Ellie. “But Mama-”
“Boy we ain’t got time just do it!” She pushed them towards the door, then gave Elijah her bag. “Y’all stay together, take care of each other, remember my rules, and do whatever Drusus and Guidry tells ya.”
She hugged them both tightly and gave them both a kiss before shoving them out the door and locking it. She pulled a small dagger out from her apron pocket, then made a deep cut in her palm as she made her way to the middle of the basement. She knelt down and used the blood from her hand to draw a protective pentagram around her, then added the sacrificial runes. Ellie took a deep breath, placed both hands on the pentagram, and whispered the spell she made and experimented with often, hoping that it’d work like she wants it.
Use my magic
Build a wall
Trap my victims
Kill them all
The more drained Ellie began to feel, the more the pentagram began to glow an eerie red, then small embers crawled out from it, and started dancing around her, waiting to see who she wanted their target to be. She focused on every bloodhound and person that had invaded her house, this was going to be the last house they ever broke in.
“Go get’em!” The basement door swung open and the bloodhounds ran down the steps and charged towards Ellie, but the tiny embers around her sprung to life and surrounded each of the hounds in a wall of fire, caging them in. Their barks soon turned to whimpers as the embers snaked their way around the hounds body and tore into their flesh.
She looked up to see three of the men surrounding the dogs and trying to save them, and watched as the embers caged them in as well, then wormed their way up their bodies, leaving a scorched trail as they did before digging their way under their skin. Bubbles appeared on their skin as it darkened each second their blood was boiled before they fell to the floor shaking violently.
Then two more men appeared at the top of the basement where the door once was, but Ellie kept whispering her spell, making it stronger. She was too far in to stop now, and she wasn’t going to stop with them. “Quick, shoot’er!” Henry shouted.
The other guy jumped down the stairs aiming his gun at Ellie and fired, but the bullet bounced off the barrier that Ellie made, then she sent a few embers towards him. She watched as it boxed him in, then the shower of ember needles slowly fell on him. All that was left was the two of them and the house.
Henry descended the stairs, his eyes locked with Ellie. She could feel his hatred for her even from that small distance. She wasn’t going to let him leave the house alive, sure as hell wasn’t going to leave any kind of evidence either. Slowly the embers rolled away from her as she shifted her focus to the house. She was going to burn it all to the ground, with herself in it, to make sure that there’d be no way possible for anyone to find anything and try to trace her kids. A small sacrifice she was willing to make to ensure the safety of her kids. The only regrets that she’d have are not being able to see Emmery being able to control her shifting flawlessly, to see what beautiful magic Elijah would grow up to have, there was no doubt that he had some, he was her son after all. Most of all she wouldn’t be able to watch them grow. “Woman,” Henry growled “you’d rather sit here and die, than tell just give up and tell me where my boy is at? Dontcha know that I’ma find him anyway? Ima find him and that child of yours and sell her off just like yo other one! You gonna die in vain and go straight to hell where you belong!”
Ellie looked at him and laughed. She laughed long and hard. “Then darlin’,” She sent the embers after him, and watched as he squirmed about, trying to shake them off. “I’ll be sure to save ya a seat next to me.” She smiled.
Those regrets were small compared to the immense joy knowing that her kids are safe with Drusus and Guidry, knowing that they will be able to practice their magic freely and soon be able to harness it fully, that they’d be able to grow up together and live in a safer place among family. Her kids were going to be alright, they were going to be just fine.
She watched as he slumped over against the fiery wall, and she was finally free. She was a slave no more. Then she too fell over, the spell have taken its toll on her. She felt death was coming as the house started to fall in around her, the once small embers having turned to roaring flames, licking their way up and around the house, being sure to leave nothing behind. When death comes, she would welcome it’s freedom with open arms. To her, being a slave was a fate worse than death.
@orchidalienscribbler @rhikasa @morganwriteblr @wiseauthorowl
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