#so my ongoing quest to hack neil’s braincell continues
the-darklings · 2 years
As a life long lover of The Sandman comics, I feel that if Neil Gaiman were to ever have given Dream a happy ending of some sorts, it somehow would have been your Wanderer.
I have never read anything that has come close to how Sandman has made me feel, with the exception now being your Story. In some unexplainable way, you, Dearest Writer, are on the same wavelength as Mr. Gaiman.
(If you were an artist during his Sandman publishing days I just know he would have HOUNDED you to draw an issue, you just radiate the exact vibes)
Thank you so much! That means the world to me 😭
Perhaps ironically, I’ve had quite a few people ask me how I manage to write Dream so well (which is, of course, very subjective, but I deeply appreciate the sentiment all the same) and my half-ironic thought was always: I write like Neil Gaiman himself is standing over my shoulder, keeping me on the straight and narrow. Which is now unironically true by this point. In my mind, I write tibyim as if I had to turn this in to Neil himself as I would an editor. Maybe it’s the fact I work with comics too (albeit digital) but I have a lot of respect for Neil and his work just on author level. He’s actually become a bit of an inpsiration for me which I’m always wary about and rarely have “heroes” since we all know how those tend to go jdfhjdshf.
He created something truly unique with the Sandman, and it feels like the least I can do is pay homage to these characters in a respectful manner.
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