#so no i dont think shauna is actually antler queen but i think it would be a very interesting angle for the show to take
clitchuck · 1 year
I can't put this well into words bc it's almost 2am and I'm SO sleepy but I think it would be cool if Shauna was the Antler Queen
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S2E7 Burial - a post viewing rant
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feeling like brokeback mountain tai tonight, head hung low, in solemnity. I just watched season 2 episode 7 'Burial' (yes i havent finished, don't sue me i like to take my time) and by god if that wasn't one of the greatest episodes of television i have ever witnessed in my short life. it was simply fantastic and topped the previous episode for me.
the way they weaved between the timelines was particularly good. i do not understand how they managed to fit in so much character development in one episode. like i feel like we learnt so much about shauna, misty, van, and lottie. i also found it really interesting how each one of their 'therapies' seemed to be really effective almost like it was planned .
i was nearly brought to tears by shauna and that stupid fucking goat. the manifestation of shauna's trauma through her estranged relationship with her daughter uugghhh. i cannot imagine what effect it would have had on her to lose the baby in the wilderness and it completely explains why shauna keeps callie 'at arms length'. the callback to jackie was also done fantastically. i miss her too though shauna, you're not special.
this episode had me thinking that misty isnt even that psychotic; baby just wants to be loved. her motives of not wanting her friend to be eaten actually warms my heart (doesnt excuse what she did). the fear of knowing that the body was out there and if it were to be found, mari would turn it into her next masterpiece of a stew, would be too much for me. i was also enjoying having all the girls on the compound just as much as she was. my very much needed comic relief.
ok taissa really turned up the crunchy gay vibes this episode like you know that women knows how to pitch a tent. (doesn't she have like a state to run or something?!?) the taivan moments were DELICIOUS and she was like REALLY getting into that kiss. i love how all it took was one kiss from her ex gf for her to start planning her divorce.
look van, your situation is tragic, really, but girl...you have had your face eaten off by wolves and have been burned alive TWICE like i think cancer is the least of your problems.
I FUCKING CALLED THAT LOTTIE'S THERAPIST WAS NOT REAL!!!! I KNEWWWWW IT. just thinking though, to be Lottie Matthew's therapist you'd have to be like the final boss therapist you get once you have defeated all other therapists. i find it very interesting that lottie wanted all the girls to go home once she had scared herself sufficiently (dont even ask me what that Antler Queen shit was about). All nat had to do was up the sexual innuendo and to get her to change her mind.
speaking of which, the lottienat truthers were FED this episode. like they're SOOO GAYYYY. I can feel a rage creeping up on me already. it's a preemptive rage. i am preparing myself for when the COWARD writers of this show do not deliver on the canon that we know we deserve in season 3. LIKE ITS ALL THERE. ALL THAT SET UP FOR... a wilderness lottienat kiss (*prays*). i will stop myself from speaking any further on the issue of lottienat (im sure you'll see the gifsets later - sorry in advance)
ok, and FINALLY. Of all the gore, bloodshed, and gruesome, or downright depraved moments in this show...NOTHING has come close to what i witnessed in the final scene of this episode. it is the only moment in yellowjackets where i have actually had to cover up what i was seeing on the screen. i am a big girl now and that was just too much for me. like, the cannibalism is one thing, but i draw the line at having to watch shauna shipman beat the shit out of lottie Matthew's pretty face. LIKE YOU CANT DO THAT TO HER. i was waiting and wanting so badly for natalie to step in and stop her but she just kept going. no one did anything and i dont get it. i understand that she needed to let her rage out but SHE WAS ABOUT TO KILL HER WTF. when lottie put her hands behind her back, my heart sunk bro. shauna you violent bitch. lottie you pathological people pleaser.
yea, great ep
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geroya · 1 year
a few thoughts i had this episode (in as close to a particular order as i can recall having them haha) (yellowjackets spoilers)
i hope this cop gets choke slammed by shauna. stabbed even. run over in her precious red mini van & then charged for any damages he caused <3
actually i hope all of the surviving yellowjackets get in on this & choke slam him for dating callie who is underage. an underage high school girl. a child. she is a child. a baby.
i dont really understand why they're staking shauna out ? when she's not doing anything wrong if he was given info that she's actually fucking randy. having an affair is not punishable anymore is it ? is that a jersey thing ?? idk i dont live in jersey
oh hey ! there he is !!
thinking about what kata said about javi + what this random yj is saying about javi. that he's already dead. its his ghost. going crazy
also also also. who is his friend. who is she......
also liked what akilah was saying to tai, the whole breakdown of the superstitions & rituals that she would perform before games & comparing that to THIS.
um. the deck of cards. i am. LOOKING.
but holy fuck .
that was.
& then the parallels between mr. frodo & crystal. except he's like 👁👁, i am THE biggest misty apologist ESPECIALLY if you killed a man. in fact, if you killed a man, it makes it even better for me ❤ you have so much love in your heart bc u killed him for your besties & THAT is what matters. pls call me back. mwah.
um??? worried about van. is SHE sick? the way she was saying her mom was or is it something else.....
the uh interconnectedness of those that are part of the prayer circle thing i thought was a little cheesy. reminded me of like idk. wendy from the wizard of oz, there's no place like home chanting, but idk. the fact that they might STILL be that connected AFTER.....
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xodarbiox · 3 years
so hi tumblr, long time no see. im now obsessed with yellowjackets and as of lastnight have seen all the eps to air so far.  SPOILERY.. so if your not caught up... read at own risk Although a little creepy for my liking (the eye episode) im loving the show.  what im mainly obsessed with is who the antler people are.  so ive shared a bunch of posts from that scene and similar.  theory time. and please add yours too if you have some or add to mine.  Mari is the one in the pit... i was trying to find black haired girls and there are only a few. My first through was Lottie. but in recent episodes since shes embraced her visions shes become more confident and powerful which makes me think shes the leader, especially more since doomcoming.  now if i am wrong and it is lottie, then maybe its a vision of what is to come? now to the theory about how they select the next victim.  perhaps most of them voted that it will be random, and to give the person a chance they are to run? put in next to nothing and then kinda hunted.  ORRRRR there is 2 groups now. and this girl was separated and put into a hunted situation and let go and this is the results?  along with the scenes where the antler tribe get up to leave.  We already know misty is the one with the long fur drape over her face. she is to the left in the gif i posted.  If lottie is center Queen (because she has visions so Van and the others put her as leader) i think van is to the right, the face coverings the way she had it in Doomcoming maybe is done like that for a reason.  in the promo shots. I thought maybe the little brother is in that too.  I think Van will side with Lottie (the queen in my theory) and Tai is on the other team. separated by survival and a willingness to do what they need to do.  Akilah is someone i havent really factor in due to me not really remembering them in much of the story.  Now to who got out alive.  So far we see Nat, Shauna, Tai, Travis, Misty. --we know misty is on the Antler tribe, but the others...? We know Jackie gets back, according to a reddit post i read, in her journal that Shauna reads through on the birthday, there is movie references from years later. so unless someone wrote in things she might have liked years later, she likely got out of there, and either Committed Sui___, vanished off like travis did but didnt tell her folks, maybe Shauna is responsible. I dont think the little brother is alive in the future or someone would have told him about Travis (misty was all for tracking them down) ORRRRR he is the one behind the murder... (he did go to the séance late to “see what everyone is laughing about”) Shauna is my main suspect for all things odd. We have Tai with her sleeping thing thats been passed onto the son. so shes got an obvious issue.  Nat and her addiction, again, another obvious issue. Misty is all kinds of fucked up nutty, but her reasoning is she does shit so people need her and rely on her. she needs to feel needed. She might be crazy, but its again, obvious.  Shauna killed someone, she sliced into rabbits and deer and isnt too phased at all. She is the silent type you generally have to look out for, ANDDDDD she was the first to be cast and the first on the credit thing on the intro. (if im not mistaken) just makes me think she was cast first because she is secretly leading the entire story.  however it all went down. much like on lost. at the end of it all, no matter what happened while they were there, they all come together to protect eachothers secrets even if they didnt actually do anything bad. thats why even if some of the 2021 women didnt actually cross that line they are still in contact. (think of the attitude the 3 woman have in the later season episodes where they are there for eachother but really arent friendly, but still care)  --one more theory about the 2 group thing, maybe in the beginning someone went missing, groups split up to look, dead of winter, one group finds the missing person and they are dead or close to it, they figure there is no point wasting good meat and only bring back the meat, feed the other group but then its revealed how they got the meat and thats how the 2 groups part... if you have read to this point. thanks. i hope you add to my theories and share some of your own. if not then this is just a way for me to write down my throughts of the show. coz i dont know anyone else who watches it. nor becomes obsessed with shows like this. all the questions and clues to follow.  till next week when i hope they actually expand on the opening scene a bit more. 
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