#shes young and pretty and she loves her boyfriend and is captain of her highschool girls soccer team! shes gonna go to the local college!
clitchuck · 1 year
I can't put this well into words bc it's almost 2am and I'm SO sleepy but I think it would be cool if Shauna was the Antler Queen
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yanderecrazysie · 2 months
Oikawa dating a reader who's more popular than him, like she's a new young rising celebrity. At first things were perfect, they love each other, he doesn't have to worry about her getting harassed by his fangirls cuz they love her to, and they're one hot couple. But everything changed, when the fanboys attacked. They were not happy to see her happy with another guy. Especially since in their eyes, he's just some random highschool volleyball player.
It got so bad, that reader broke up with him to protect him from possibly getting harrassed in real life. But ofcourse as yanderes do, he won't accept things ending this way.
This has an ambiguous ending which can be seen as death or kidnapping, whichever you prefer. I really enjoyed writing it!
Title: Protect
Pairings: Oikawa Tooru x Reader
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, physical violence (all characters are 18 in their final year of high school)
Summary: All you wanted to do was protect him.
keep safe from harm or injury:
As the whistle blew, sounding another Aoba Johsai victory, Oikawa Tooru raised his hand and waved to the stands. The girls high above squealed, but you knew that he was waving at only one person. You.
If the cameras weren’t flashing for the victory, they sure were snapping a million pictures a minute when you ran into his arms off the court. A popular volleyball player was an article, but a popular volleyball player dating a famous actress? That was a story.
“(Y/n) (L/n)! What a surprise to see you at the game this evening!” a reporter, sensing some seriously big news on her hands, shoved a microphone in your face, “And so close to the captain of Seijoh!”
You exchanged a look with Oikawa and he gave you an imperceptible nod. “He’s my boyfriend,” you answered with a smile.
The reporter’s eyes shone like the stars, practically shaking in excitement, “And how long has the happy couple been together?”
Before you could answer, Oikawa’s fangirls came running over, squealing at the sight of you two together. It wasn’t news to the school that the two of you were an item- in fact, it was a wonder that the news hadn’t already leaked.
“(Y/n)-chan! Over here!” one of the girls shrieked, waving enthusiastically with one hand as the other clutched a poster with Oikawa’s name on it. You waved back and giggled a little at her enthusiasm. 
“I love you both!” another girl screamed, raising her own “Go, Seijoh, Go!” poster in the air. 
Oikawa took your hand in his and squeezed. You smiled gratefully at him as he leaned closer, his breath tickling your ear.
“You ready, my precious star?” he whispered.
“Always,” you whispered back playfully.
Life was perfect.
Perfection has a way of crumbling. 
Everything is wonderful until the cracks start to show and spiderweb across the fragile glass of perfection. 
Oikawa’s fangirls had accepted you with open arms, but your fanboys were outraged at the news that you had a boyfriend. Some were mad that you were taken, but a lot thought you could do better than a volleyball-playing pretty boy.
(Y/n)-chan deserves better than some flatass.
Dump the loser, (Y/n)-chan!
She would be wayyyy better off with one of her co-stars and not some nobody.
He’s using you, (Y/n)-chan!
Oikawa seemed to deflate more and more as the days went on. You caught him scrolling through hate comments on more than one occasion. But it wasn’t until you caught him nursing a bloody nose and black eye that you realized that he wasn’t safe as long as he was with you.
“Tooru, we need to talk.”
The setting sun cast long shadows over Oikawa’s downturned face. 
You fought back tears as your gaze fell on the damage done to his face by the fans that had recognized him in the street. You needed to do this… for his protection.
“We need to break up.” Your voice was a hushed whisper and cracks in the middle, but he heard you all the same. His head snapped up and his eyes went wide.
“What? Why?” he demanded, a hint of panic in his voice.
“All the hate and harassment you’re getting… it’s because of me. And… I can’t take it. I can’t watch them hurt you any longer. I’ll just announce that we’ve broken up and your life will go back to normal.”
“No no no no no, we can handle this together,” Oikawa protested, suddenly grabbing you by the shoulders, “You can’t leave me!”
“I need to!” you replied, a tear slipping down your cheek, “I can’t let you get hurt on my account. We can’t be together anymore, okay?”
“Or…” Oikawa’s tone dropped several levels and his gaze became more intense. Suddenly, the man you knew was gone, replaced by something devoid of all emotion. His hands tightened on your shoulders until it began to hurt.
“Or you could just… disappear. The whole world will wonder why you went missing and, after they clear me of suspicion, the world will move on,” Oikawa smiled down at you with a grin so twisted that you could barely believe it belonged to him, “Don’t worry, my little star, I’ll never forget about you.”
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(Open Rp) Spring, Romance, Drama, Kim Possible Au And Highschool Romance in "Beauty and The Super Geek"
A Long time Ago in the City called Middleton, It was Summer Time And People in the Neighborhood Heard that there is a Celebrity going to Live in this Lovely City. They Can tell by their Fancy Moving trucks heading to the Nice, Old and Historic Manor...Many Young men Who Came to See Who is a Hottie..Lets Just say, Those guys Knew Who This beautiful Young lady is. She is Famous all over the world and She's From the Place called "Tokyo, Japan", When She Appears Out from Her Front door with an genuine smiles...Her Hair is Brunette brown, Her Fox ears and a tail are Sapphire blue, Her Skin is Pale like a Moonlight...and She wears a Cute Kimono. Her Name is Saphira Lorraina Fox, She is a Most Famous Model and a Performers too. Five Days later, Saphira Sees Alot of guys wanted to Throw themselves at her. Then She Sees the Cute nerdy Guy Who's name is (Your muse name here) was Smart and also major A+ Student from middleton School, And Now She and ( muse name here) is going to ended up seeing eachother in Middleton Highschool But He has a Bully name Chad, He is a Captain Of the Football team and also Really Had an interest of Saphira..But Saphira Wasn't amused Of his own Antics..But Saphira has a keen feeling about The cute Nerdy guys personality...So (His muses name) Saw Saphira at the cafe where he Usually hangs out with his friends...He saw her Ordering a Nice Tea and Muffins as well..She sits there Looking all pretty and all...But Saphira has a Rival name Mandy Rockweller, Bonnies Own twin Sister and She is just More Cruel Than her own twin sister as well...She was So jealous of Saphira's Own Charm and Beauty but Swore to make her Life a Living hell...But However Saphira Is a Head Captain of the Cheer Squad. But Rumor has it that She had once A Boyfriend But turns out Her ex-boyfriend Cheated on her with her Best friend and Got Dumped by Saphira and Swore to never be near saphira again....The Nerds was feeling so bad for saphira for being heartbroken ..So The Nerdy began to try to find a Way to get Notice by her and get to know her...After hanging out with his friends, he began to ride the bike home Until He Saw the Lone Tent with a Sign Called "Starstruck" So He began to enter the tent and saw Alot of merchandise and the Mysterious Gypsy woman who hid her face with a veil and she said "Well I've been expecting you young man..I see you are trying to impress this Famous Fox gal, hehe I know just a thing darling~" She giggles and began to digs in to find it...but the Nerd guy was asking questions about how does she knows about his situation and she said," The Questions are classify with me, Oh there it is" She Pulls out a Huge Chest of everlast...When it opens..it has an Amulet and a Whole Supplies of The Vile of Beautify potion..The Gypsy woman told him that This two gift is for him and on the house..then she told him about the amulet will make him grew muscles and made him look handsome, So handsome and charming that even girls will throw themselves at him..So the Nerdy guy thanked this Gypsy woman and gives her a tip, When he got home..he wears this Amulet, Then It began to Glow....Then On the First Day Of Highschool, Saphira comes to her locker and alot of students saw The nerd guy became a Highschool hunk..Saphira Notice him...But She doesn't care.., Suddenly..the Nerd guy now a Hottie said to saphira....
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morceid · 4 years
Beating the Dead Swan
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Chapter 2: lonely angels wrapped in silk
read on ao3
<- chapter one
Summary: Penelope gives the profiles of Camille and other victims like her to the team.
Word Count: 1928
Category: angst
Content Warnings: general criminal minds murder stuff
A/N: noting here that this fic takes place in 2005 when criminal minds starts and spencer is 24
It started out a simple equivocal death investigation. Seven women had been found in their apartments, dead with their wrists slashed. Unfortunately not an unusual occurrence, Detective Conner thought nothing of it. Upon trying to contact the employers of each victim, Conner found they all worked for the same people, and decided to mark them down for further investigation just in case. When the fourth victim was found in her father’s beach house just outside of Virginia, the case became federal and handed to the FBI.
The case, being low priority, was given to Derek Morgan to monitor the progress of. 
“You’re completely sure there’s nothing about the bodies that connect these victims?”
“Agent Morgan, if there was anything I would tell you. I think it’s time you tell Detective Conner to rule these deaths a suicide.”
“Alright, will do.” Derek hung up with the coroner. Just then his mobile phone rang with the number of the detective displayed on the top of the screen. Derek sighed.
“Agent Morgan.” He answered.
“Agent, there’s another victim-”
“Conner, listen, they aren’t connected, there is no signature unless you can consider the suicide, I think you oughtta-”
“She was called in by a friend. Not a family member, not an apartment manager, not a coworker, a real friend. Derek, he’s devolving.”
Derek sighed, “Detective, I’ll let you send her body over to the coroner but I doubt there will be anything remarkable.”
There was some mumbling on the other end of the line before Detective Conner gave a response.
“That’s the thing, Agent Morgan, this victim is remarkable. She had piercing holes in her ears just like the others.”
“And how is that remarkable?”
“Her ears weren’t pierced.”
“And you’re sure about that, Detective?”
“Her best friend swears it. Do you think they could be puncture marks?”
“I’m not sure, let me tell Doctor Phyllis.”
Derek set down his mobile phone and dialed the coroner on his office phone.
“Doctor Phyllis?”
“You back again so soon, Agent?”
“Look, we got a new victim, she's got puncture marks on her ears. Not piercings, puncture marks. Can you check the other victims to make sure they’re not puncture marks?”
“Okay, give me a minute.”
Derek heard the sound of doors opening.
“Well, shit, they are puncture marks. On every single ear.”
“Thanks, Doctor Phyllis.”
Derek hung up on the office phone.
“Do I still have you here, Detective?”
“Yep. Were they piercings?”
“Nope. Bring in the girl’s friend and call in the family members of the other victims. We’re gonna need to talk to them.”
Derek hung up the phone and ran up to Hotch’s office.
“Something up, Morgan?” Hotch asked.
“You know that case Detective Conner asked me to look into?”
“The one with the suicides?”
“Yeah, well they might not be suicides. I’m having Conner bring in some people to ask them some questions. You mind if I ask Rossi and Prentiss to help?”
“Of course not, but if we get another case then leave the questioning for Detective Conner, alright?”
“Gotcha, boss.”
Derek gathered Rossi, Prentiss, and Penelope in the break room to discuss the case.
“Babygirl, you want to read out the profiles of our victims?”
“Reluctantly,” Penelope pulled up each of the files onto her laptop. “Danica Wilson, a 45 year old woman, was found by her landlord. She grew up in Victoria, Canada, but when she was 12, her parents got a divorce. Her mother moved her and her three siblings to North Dakota shortly after. All throughout highschool she seemed immensely interested in biology and chemistry. She was really good at it too, she took AP classes and she was a promising student. Unfortunately, her mom didn’t want her to do anything of the sort, and set her up for ballet classes her junior year. To appease her mom she studied the history of dance during college and ended up climbing up from an intern at a dance company all the way to a choreographer. Her love for science was still there the whole way through though, she’s been taking free college courses online for biology for about a year. She was found with her wrists slashed and spread out in a star shape on the middle of her bed. There were no fingerprints anywhere in her home and the slashes appeared to be self inflicted. Her mom died a week before she was found, all of her siblings live in other states, and she didn't have any close friends. She never dated, even though she had perfect brown eyes and blonde hair. According to her siblings she had all of the boys at her school after her. Despite there being no evidence of depression or other mental illness officers deemed her mothers death as a stressor and marked her death a suicide.”
“Then we have Maya Peto, 22 years old, found by her sister.”
“So there’s no age preference?” Rossi asked.
“Precisely,” Penelope continued, “She grew up in Detroit. Her parents raised her in a Christian household and shes been openly gay since she was 18. Her dad died when she was 14, leaving Maya and one sister to be raised by their mother. She did exceptionally well in math, but seemed to have no interest in pursuing it as a career. Instead, she became captain of her dance team in highschool and went to Wirtson’s Dance Academy for college. Her last year there, she was picked by Next Star Theatre Company, the same one as all of the other victims, to be on their ballet team. She was found just like Danica, and would be just like the rest of the victims. Her now ex-girlfriend and her had a kid, his name is Gene, he’s a year old, and Maya had full custody of him because Khloe, the girlfriend, had begun doing drugs about a week after Gene was born. How could lesbians have a child? Khloe was cheating. Maya gained full custody of Gene after a year long legal battle, and she had left him with her sister for a weekend while she baby proofed her house. Unfortunately, when she went to Maya’s apartment to return Gene, she found her dead. It was the anniversary of her father’s death when she was found, so the ever so ignorant officers deemed it another suicide.
“Then we have Annie Carr, 24. A coworker found her. Born here in Virginia, Annie was raised by her dad after her mom died when she was about one. She seemed to have a pretty awesome life. Her dad worked two jobs and she’s never had all that much money, but she was a happy kid. She went to a community college and ended up taking the same internship that Danica Wilson took, but she has stayed in that internship for years, mooching money off of her dad and siblings. Mabel Golden, the coworker that found her, claims that there’s no way Annie could’ve killed herself. She didn’t show any signs of depression or mental illness, though she could be pessimistic at times. Mabel said their boss was threatening to let her go, seeing as she hasn’t improved her work ethic in the last five years. Deemed another suicide.
“The fourth victim was Valentine Orange, 36, found by her father. She grew up in Maryland, started acting and dancing at six, her family was pretty wealthy, and she got accepted into the same dance academy and theatre company as Maya Peto. She also danced on the same ballet team. She told her team leader she was going away for a week to her father’s beach house, and when her father came to get her on the day she was supposed to leave, he found her in the guest bedroom, just like the other victims. The beach house was located in Maryland, and due to Detective Cooper’s hunch, the case got handed to us for an equivocal death investigation.
“Francis Falstaff, our fifth victim, was found by her adoptive mother. She was 22. Both of her parents died in a car crash a month after she was born, so she grew up in a multitude of foster homes. When she was ten her and her sister were adopted by Baron Falstaff and Maggie Falstaff. They seemed to be good parents. They went to all of their school events and paid for both of the girls’ college tuition. Francis was trying to make it into the same theatre company that employed the rest of the victims, specifically to work as a jazz dancer. She seemed to have killed herself, just like the rest of the victims, but her mom insists that she couldn’t have. She had a very promising life ahead of her. When they dissected her room they found an evidence board in the back of her closet. Her sister, Yvette, was stabbed to death a couple years back on the way to a party, and Francis was obsessed with finding the killer. Which is why she didn’t have many friends. When it was all processed, they found that the evidence led to Yvette’s boyfriend at the time. It was assumed that this weighed heavily enough on Francis that she ended up, well you know, on the same day she found out.
“Jane Sweeney, the second to last victim who worked on the Next Star Theatre Company ballet team, was 29. She’s been with the company since she was 20, and unfortunately her private teacher was the one who found her. Her father left when she was young. She liked expressing all of her success, almost narcissistically so. According to some other people on the dance team she was the best dancer and loved flaunting it. She was a kind of queen bee and seemed to value herself more than others most of the time. It just doesn’t make sense for her to kill herself.
“Lillian Bonner was the next victim. She was 54. She taught modern dance at the company. She lived with and was found by her only son, Tyrell, who she had with her husband Ivan. Though they were still legally married, the two were separated. Tyrell, who’s 16, said she was a fantastic mom. She always made sure he was fed and had someone to talk to. He told her practically everything about his life and he is having a really difficult time without her. He doesn’t believe that she would do that to herself.
“Our last victim was Camille Price. She was 25. Her best friend, Spencer Reid, who was on the same ballet team, found her. She was the only one who really had people around her. She grew up in Virginia with her parents and two brothers, one older, one younger. She visited them whenever she could. Everyone in her apartment building loved her, she even made dinner for one of the elderly occupants every Friday. Spencer doubts there is anything that would want to make her commit suicide, and to put the icing on the cake, there were puncture marks on her ears that police mistook for piercings. ‘What were they?’ you ask? Injection sites. How do we know this? Spencer swore that there was no way they could be piercings because Camille never wore earrings the entire 8 years he knew her because the Next Star Theatre Company does not allow their dancers to wear piercings or jewelry.”
“Alright, let’s go see if these people got any info for us.” Rossi got out of his seat and headed towards the interview rooms.
TAGLIST: @hotchrocket @hotpotatowoman @thisdeathtollbringsnopeace @endingsbeginnings @d3pr3ss3d-w33d-wh0re @nonbinary-spencie @moss0ntherocks @scandinavian-punk @drinkingcroissants @penemily @izzyl13 @leomo0n @tiedyedrose1705 @natclis
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yumeiii · 3 years
Chapter 1
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Love can be great. It makes you feel warm inside, be so invested in a person that you don’t know what to do with your feelings, be loved and give love. But the majority of the time, love is ruthless. It can be unrequited, it sometimes doesn’t work out and it can make you feel so miserable you don’t have any strength left in you. Being young and having to deal with school, social life and love isn’t as easy as it seems and it’s been quite the ride for a certain group of students in Seoul.
Seo Seyoung, a junior in highschool with light brown hair and brown eyes, stopped by her family’s cafe before going to school, getting her daily bagel before heading out. The cafe was a side business so her parents entrusted the cafe to her older brother, Johnny.
Johnny Seo was tall, athletic, smart, funny and attractive with his brown hair, deep brown eyes and impeccable fashion. He also took good care of Seyoung and she knew she was basically privileged to have the most perfect brother. They were one year apart but she wondered why they were so different.
Seyoung arrived at school to see her best friend, Nanase Ayumi, sitting at her desk, probably doing the homework she forgot to do the day before. Ayumi was average in height but a bit taller than Seyoung, with black hair and light brown eyes, she was energetic, friendly and an amazing person to confide in.
— “Hey Yumi-ya” Seyoung greeted.
— “Oh, Seyoung-ah! Goodmorning!” Ayumi exclaimed energetically. “Did Jinyoung text you yet?”
— “Not yet...” Seyoung replied.
Jinyoung was Seyoung’s boyfriend. Tall, smart, popular and handsome but these days, Seyoung noticed that he was acting differently. He wasn’t replying to her texts, he had been a bit cold with her and not to mention that he was always busy for whatever reason.
— “See? I told you that bastard wouldn’t be good for you! He’s been paying you pure dust lately!” Ayumi complained.
— “Ayu, it’s not that big of a deal… he’s just busy,” Seyoung said.
— “But you do realise that you’re his girlfriend, right? There’s literally no reason why he should be ignoring you like this. What if he ends up ghosting you?!” Ayumi replied.
— “You worry too much! He’s not the type to do that” Seyoung exclaimed
— “Okay, then but if he does anything to you, I’m murdering him, understood?” Ayumi asked with a frown on her face.
— “Yeah, fine,” Seyoung laughed.
The homeroom teacher entered the classroom, marking the start of the first lecture of the day. Seyoung didn’t dare to think that Jinyoung would ghost her or that he was ignoring him on purpose but she still couldn’t get the thought out of her mind. She had better get rid of those feelings before her brother found out and started asking her about it, knowing how protective he is.
The bell rang, signaling the start of lunchtime as two boys came to Seyoung and Ayumi’s shared desk. They were Seyoung’s childhood besties, Donghyuck and Mark.
— “Hey can we go buy some banana milk? I have a strong craving today” Mark asked.
Mark Lee (or Korean name Lee Minhyung), was born in Jeju before moving to canada when he was 7 and coming back to korea when he was 13. He was the average height with black hair and bright eyes. He was adorable, a dork and a bit clumsy sometimes but he was the best friend anyone could have.
— “You have a craving for banana milk everyday, Mark Lee,” Hyuck complained.
Lee Donghyuck, nicknamed Hyuck, was the self-appointed #1 Seo Seyoung and Mark Lee bully. He was about the same height as Mark, with tanned skin, light brown hair and a bright smile. He’s known for being pretty mischievous and a bit over-the-top when teasing his friends but he will fight anyone who dares disrespect anyone he loves.
— “Damn Hyuck, give the man a break” Ayumi laughs as she rolls her eyes.
— “Not my fault that banana milk is the only thing he drinks,” Hyuck responded as he defended himself.
— “Well, there’s no use fighting about it so let’s go get Minhyung his milk” Seyoung smiled.
The group of friends were on one of the hallways as they made their way to the canteen just to be stopped by Johnny, who went up to his sister and his childhood friends.
— “Hey Elena!” Johnny exclaimed cheerfully. Elena was Seyoung’s english name but she didn’t really like using it but since Johnny and Seyoung communicate in english, Johnny saw it as the perfect opportunity to tease her about it.
— “Bro seriously, when will you stop using that name on me?” Seyoung sighed, annoyed.
— ”Never. So hey, I just wanted to ask you if you were short on money” Johnny said.
— “I’m fine but why?” Seyoung asked curiously.
— “I mean, I really wouldn’t want you to not have money because I don’t want you skipping any meals” as Johnny lectured his younger sister, another tall figure approached them.
— “Johnny, Xiao’s looking for you,” The tall young man said.
— “Oh Yuta, wait a sec,” Johnny responded.
— “Sunbae, hello” the younger group of friends greeted as they bowed.
— “Guys, you don’t need to bow! All of you know how close we are” Yuta smiled.
Nakamoto Yuta was a guy from japanese descent studying in korea, while also being the soccer team’s captain. He was tall, handsome, with dark brown hair reaching the middle of his neck and bright brown eyes. He was also one of Johnny’s best friends so he got to know Seyoung and the others very well.
— “So, sunbae! How’s the soccer team doing?” Mark asked politely.
— “Well, we’re getting in a little bit of extra training because inter-highs are in 2 months. We’ve also got some pretty good new additions to the team” Yuta responded.
— “It’s gotta be hard being the captain,” Ayumi commented.
— “I love doing it so I personally think it’s not that hard,” Yuta laughed as he was interrupted by a voice calling his name.
— “Sunbae! The coach is calling you!” Seyoung recognized the owner of the voice as Na Jaemin, one of the most popular guys in the whole school. He had everything: tall, smart, good at sports, kind and funny. It was no surprise that he had a girlfriend.
— “Oh, I gotta go. It was nice seeing you guys!” Yuta said before running off.
— “Wow… Yuta sunbae is so cool...” Mark said surprised.
— “I have to agree,” Hyuck nodded.
— “Well brother, we gotta go. We need to get Mark his daily dose of banana milk” Ayumi stated.
— “Right. I’ll see you later!” Johnny answered as he smiled and left to look for his friend.
After the quartet went to the canteen and got Mark his much desired banana milk, they went outside and sat down at their usual hideout: an old clubroom in the third building of the school. It was a bit dirty when they first found it but after Ayumi forced everyone to clean it up with her, it became a quiet space for the group to have fun since not many people knew of it and they were the only ones to have the key to the room itself after they begged faculty for it. They were currently sitting down on the table and chairs they had brought into the clubroom talking about whatever they wanted as they enjoyed their breaktime.
— “He hasn’t talked to you yet?!” Donghyuck asked, surprised.
— “Yeah but maybe he’s just busy...” Seyoung answered quietly.
— “But even if he was busy, he can actually put aside like two seconds of his time and text you? It’s not that hard” Mark said as he sipped a bit of his banana milk.
— “That’s what I told her! They’re dating and it doesn’t make any sense that Jinyoung is ignoring her like this” Ayumi agreed.
— “Seyoung, bro, he’s literally ghosting you at this point” Donghyuck commented as Seyoung tensed up.
— “Hyuck, don’t say that!” Mark exclaimed as he rubbed Seyoung’s shoulder in empathy.
— “He’s right, though. Seyoung-ah, if you want this relationship to last, you need to confront him about it! It’s really not fair for you” Ayumi said.
— “I want to but I really can’t do it!” Seyoung whined as Ayumi took some time to think of an alternative.
— “Oh, I know! Let’s make a deal” Ayumi smiled. “If you promise to confront Jinyoung, I’ll confess to Jungwoo”
Mark and Donghyucks’ jaws dropped to the floor as Seyoung went deep into thought. Jungwoo Kim was Ayumi’s one year crush. They were casual friends and they got along well and she fell for his kindness, calming presence, as well as his humour which never failed to brighten up her day. She could never find the right time to confess to him but she would do it if it could help her best friend.
— “... tempting,” Seyoung said after a long silence.
— “Tempting?! This is more than tempting! Just do it!!” Donghyuck exclaimed.
— “I don’t want to force you into anything but you should really do it” Mark agreed.
— “So, what do you say?” Ayumi asked as she put her hand out for a handshake.
— “Call” Seyoung answered as she took Ayumi’s hand and shook it. “We both need to do it before classes end today or else we’re getting a punishment chosen by Lee Donghyuck himself”
— “Oooh this is gonna be good” Donghyuck smiled evilly as a thousand ideas went through his mind on how to embarrass them in the most cruel way possible.
— “Call” Ayumi agreed as both friends sealed their promise.
Some time later, Seyoung mustered up the courage to look for Jinyoung and tell him how she felt. Her heartbeat sped up like crazy as she walked down the halls of the school in search of her boyfriend. She got to his classroom as she was met with a surprise: Jinyoung kissing another girl. Seyoung felt her blood boiling and all of her feelings of timidness faded away as they were replaced by pure anger.
— “Choi Jinyoung!” Seyoung exclaimed in anger.
— “Seyoung-ah?!” Jinyoung said surprised as the girl at his side was equally confused
— “You ghosted me and to make it worse you’re also cheating on me?!” Seyoung asked
— “Cheated on you?! Jinyoung-ah, what’s the meaning of this?” the other girl inquired.
— “Wait! Seyoung-ah, Minju-ya, I can explain!” Jinyoung said hastedly
— “There’s nothing to explain. We’re over” Seyoung said as a tear ran down her face and ran out of the classroom.
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oikawasbread · 4 years
Oooo how abt prompt #18, akaashi x reader? Fluff please 🥰
  hi darlinggg!! yes ofc ! I hope you like it; it came out way longer than I wanted.
18.Today, I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth.
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¬ present day ¬
 Y/N’S POV :         “I. Am. Going. To. Kill. This. Man.”       “Y/n, I understand, but please calm down!!”
¬ about 3 days ago ¬
       “Darling, it’s alright. Calm down. It’s just a 3 days trip with the boys.. you know how much they struggled planning this whole thing.. and it’s Kuroo and Bokuto we’re talking about.’’       “Alright.. you’re right on this one. But please, Keiji. You better not be late at your own wedding.”       “It’s a promise.”   ¬ present day ¬
     “Not trying to make you lose hope but his location isn’t on.”       “Say sike right now Kenma.”       “I can’t say it, Kuroo.”       The car was under the most awkward silence ever. No one had no idea of what should they do or say.         “I am sorry for your loss, man.” Seijoh’s ex captain says, sarcastically wiping a tear off his eye.
       “What the hell are you even doing here Oikawa, were we even friends in highschool?” says Bokuto, not even bothering looking at him.
      “Yeah Oikawa, honestly Bokuto has a point.”       “But Iwa-chan! You weren’t friends with them either!!”       “Yeah but they like me.” Everyone nods.       “Well if you must know, I’m friends with Daichi! And since I’m a part of the ex pretty captains & pretty setters squad, of course I am here.”       “Pretty squad what now? Have you spent too much time with your fan girls??” Kuroo replies slightly annoyed but amused at the same time.       “EVERYONE SHUT THE HELL UP! WHERE IS AKAASHI BECAUSE WE CAN’T GO TO HIS WEDDING WITHOUT HIM. Y/N WILL KILL EACH ONE OF US.”       “Dude, we are still hungover, stop shouting.. We are literally in the same car.”       “I agree with you, Oikawa.”      “WA- What??? What is Ushiwaka even doing here ???? Since WHEN! Who had the audacity??”
     “I remember being a part of the beautiful captains squad as well, Oikawa.”       “It’s PRETTY, boke. Not beautiful. And you’re not a part of it.”      “GUYS PLEASE SHUT UP ! SUGA TURN AROUND WE’RE GONNA SEARCH FOR AKAASHI!!”       “Your wish is my command, Daichi!!” *zzzzz..*      “Eye sorry to bother but do we have something to eat-“      “Ewww Tobio-CHAN! Who had the audac-“ Everyone : Oikawa shut up.   ¬ a few hours later.¬        The boys arrived at the building where they knew they saw Akaashi the last time, which was a well-known strip club. Everyone was pissing themselves. If they caught Akaashi cheating on Y/n, it was over for everyone, mostly for the future groom.      Finding Akaashi was a lot harder than they expected ; firstly because you needed a VIP Pass, which none of them didn’t had, and secondly because everyone was still hungover and the building was huge so they were most likely to be late and ,very soon, dead by Y/n’s hand.
     “I’d say : Let’s split up!”      “ Kuroo.. what if someone else gets lost?”      “No, Tooru. Think about it : would you rather be killed by Y/n or just be careful to not get lost?”      “Alright, everyone, let’s split up. Since I am the captai-“      “ You are… what now?” Ushijima’s face literally made everyone burst out laughing; the man was so emotionless.      “Sorry, I forgot. Almost everyone in here is a captain. But guess who isn’t!! IT’S YOU TOBIO!!”      “Yeah, but where is the vending machine?”      “Anyways, hear me out useless captains. I go with Kuroo, Oikawa you go with Tobio. Iwaizumi takes Bokuto and -wait where is Wakatoshi??”       Everyone remains silent and the panic is starting to catch up with them. Oikawa was the only one smiling proudly, but immediately looks disappointed as soon as he sees the club’s doors opening.      Wakatoshi comes back outside after sneaking in, carrying Akaashi’s motionless body. As soon as he got closer, the boys gasped in terror.
      “WHAT THE HELL AKAASHII???? HOW DID U MANAGE TO HAVE A BABY IN 3 DAYS!!!!!!! THAT BABY BETTER BE Y/N’S!!”       “Bro shut up, why are you even yelling, the security will notice us.”       “Oh shit you’re right, sorry.”       “Well let’s go to the mall.” Oikawa says smiling at the camera and gesturing towards Akaashi’s still motionless body.        “All right. I will drive, indeed.” Wakatoshi says confused.        “Guys are y’all making a.. tiktok.. right. now. ????”         “Yeah Bokuto. Without you, now shut up lemme post it.”         “O-oh.. Alright:( .”         “DAMN NO OIKAWA WAIT DON’T POST---“         “Sorry Daichi, ugly faces don’t get to make an appearance on my account.”         Tobio bursts out laughing, holding himself by his stomach just like Kuroo taught him.
         “Holy shit Oikawa. I may be your junior but you still are dumb as a brick!!!!”          “Tobio-chan do you want me to slap the audacity out of you like I never got the chance in-. Oh shit wait I have a comment under my tiktok.”          Oikawa’s jaw drops and everyone has the most judgy glare, stabbing him with their eyes.           “ Why didn’t y’all tell me Y/n was following me on tiktok??? I wouldn’t have posted it!!”           “What did she say??” asks Suga, patting Oikawa on his head to make him feel less guilty.           “Uhh..Bring Akaashi home, alive, or me and the girls will burn you, volleyball idiots. Right, fucking, now.”            “Bro let’s hurry, I can’t let my man Akaashi getting divorced right before he gets married.”
           “Alright, bye Wakatoshi gotta blast!”            “Oikawa, I am indeed coming with you, all.”            “BOKUTO WAIT!!! WHAT ABOUT THE BABY???”             “Move it, Kuroo, he has enough place in the car.”             “Dude do you even have a brain? You can’t just steal someone’s baby!”              “Shut up Mr. Flatass, of course I can. Watch me.”            “EXCUSE ME!! I AM TRULY SORRY!!” The woman runs towards them and stops in  front of Kuroo, who was holding her baby, to catch her breath.            “Thank you so much for finding my son! I can’t thank you enough!”
¬      Great. Now the boys finally arrived at the wedding, with an alive and perfectly fine Akaashi, but with some really really sleepy hungover friends of his. Everyone was probably in the church, since the yard was empty. Akaashi already knew that he screwed up; Y/n’s dad would probably beat him up and her mom would step on his throat. Bokuto gives him a thumbs up and the boys are encouraging him to go inside.      As soon as the the doors opened, everyone had the attention on the man who was late at his own wedding. He was walking down the aisle, not even bothering to be ashamed of everyone’s judgeful looks, because Y/n was in front of him; wearing the most beautiful yet simple dress, blushing, but trying to look mad. He took a minute to look around and process everything, and he realised that this was the big day of his life : him and Y/n would start a marriage, and soon a family. But he was late, making her wait and probably think that he’s backing down.
      Y/n didn’t fail to notice the sudden change of expression on Akaashi’s face, so she cups his cheek with one of her hands, giving him a reassuring smile.       “Weren’t you the one who was supposed to wait for me at the aisle?”       He smiles, scratching the back of his head. How could she not be mad? Did Y/n really trust him THAT much?       “Don’t worry, Keiji. This could be our thing, you know… Imagine our children’s faces when we tell them how our wedding went.”       That was it. Now the man was a blushing mess. Children? He couldn’t wait for that.       Everyone was listening at the conversation that was happening; but no one was annoyed or bored; they were enjoying young love.
     “Y/n… I am truly sorry. But.. I had to take care of the boys.. and there was this baby at the strip club, I have no idea.. Things got crazy and I was taking care of that kid because no one seemed to care. Don’t worry, I didn’t let Bokuto-san to give him Tequila shots. But i-“
     She giggles and everyone looks at them amused by the whole situation.        “Don’t worry, darling. I told you, it’s our thing from now on. But don’t make me wait for you everytime..”        He sighs in relief. Akaashi couldn’t be more happier now, that he was finally here, crossing destinies with the love of his life.        “And how could I even get mad at you after you took care of a baby? Who knows what could’ve happen to him if you weren’t there?” she was brightly smiling, but as soon as she looked in the boys’ direction, she had the most scary look in her eyes. Y/n was clearly aiming at the fact that she’s going to have a discussion with them.         And so, the wedding went on; they continued the ceremony and went to the after party.        ¬         “Oh my god, Bokuto.. you have my condoleances.”
        “Thank you, Kuroo.. I really appreciate it. He was a great wing man, a great friend, a-“         “I still am, Bokuto-san. I’m not dead...But you guys are going to be the best uncles.” he giggles,  not even being surprised by his friends’ conversation. Akaashi sat down, next to his two best friends.          “Honestly, today, I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth. And if I think of it, I’ll be the luckiest man even tomorrow, and the day after, until I’ll no longer be here.”    “Are you drunk, Akaashi? Or is this really how marriage feels?”     “Kuroo.. this isn’t about the marriage. And no, I’m not.” he says with the most unbothered expression ever. “It’s about the person you’re spending your life with; I could be her husband, the father of her kids, or just her boyfriend; the marriage itself won’t change anything. I mean, yeah.. you will feel like the relationship touched the next level; but it’s about Y/n. I’ve dreamed about this day since we were at the beginning of our relationship; and I can’t wait to live my whole life with her by my side.”
      “Damn.. that sounds beautiful.But I can’t wait to tell  your kids how their father was late at his wedding and made their mother wait.” Bokuto couldn’t stop laughing now.       Kuroo joined him and they were laughing like crazy, hitting Akaashi in his shoulder playfully. Three best friends, gazing at the stars on such a beautiful day. He couldn’t ask for more : Y/n was finally his wife and his high school best friends were there with him, too.
       “ You know what can’t I wait for, guys?” Akaashi asks looking down, smiling, but not wanting Kuroo and Bokuto to see him.       The two look at him, a little scared, because he wasn’t laughing anymore; they suddenly stopped their laugh session and waiting impatiently for him to speak.
      “I can’t wait to sit here, again, at your wedding. We could make it our thing, as well.”
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ugh i still have second thoughts about posting this, but anyways! I hope it was.. decent?
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imaginesmai · 5 years
Peter Parker-Peter’s Tingle
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Requested by anon! Angst alphabet letter B with fluffly ending! Although is not really angsty! I hope you like it!!
Plot: Peter’s tingle must always be trusted; through the good and bad.
Warnings: pregnant!reader, pregnancy problems (sightly), giving birth. Let’s pretend Peter’s 18 for this fanfic! ALWAYS WRAP IT BEFORE YOU TAP IT
Cravings were weird, and yours were definitely the weirdest of them all. You were sure of it when, at eleven thirty of the night, you were walking down the aisle of a store that was fifteen minutes away from your house just because of those snacks that you used to have as a child. Walking into the store and greeting the old man in the front, you looked around until you spotted what you came in there for. They were ordered by colours, the weirdest flavours displayed in front of you. You smiled at the thought of shoving a bunch of them in your mouth, and you almost clapped. While you were picking as much of them as you could in your arms and balancing them in your pregnant belly, you thought about him.
Probably, it would have been a good idea to tell Peter.
Peter, your boyfriend and the father of your child. Peter, the super hero of Queens that fainted when you went to the bathroom on the cinema two weeks ago. Peter, who didn’t know where you were and probably was coming back from patrol in a few minutes. Yeah, it seemed a pretty stupid idea, coming down all the way to the store when your boyfriend is fucking spiderman and could just swing there.
But he had left the toilet seat up once more and you didn’t want to deal with him. Not when you knew you would melt with his cute brown eyes and his innocent self.
Arms full of snacks and weird things, you walked back to the counter; only to stop by the third aisle, where the baby section peaked. You were over the 7th month of the pregnancy, yet you had decided to keep the gender of the baby a secret. It was Peter idea, who wanted to surprise everyone with the little bundle. He liked to have arguments with Tony, saying that it would be a boy, smarter than Tony that would make the most incredible suit the world had ever seen. To what Tony proposed to create a bubble paper room in the tower just for the baby.
It had been an accident. The unsafe sex, the pregnancy, the baby. Yet you knew that Peter and you would love that kid, either if it was a girl or a boy. Shuffling through the clothes, you tried to pick gender neutral ones when your phone rang. The annoying tone of Spiderman, does whatever a spider can started sounding, and thank God it was so late and there wasn’t anyone around.
“Hey babe” you answered, putting on a happy smile even if he couldn’t see you.
“Y/N! Thank God you’re alive. I-I came from patrol, and I didn’t see you. Thought you would be over Tony’s? But he hadn’t seen you either. S-so I got a bit, uh, worried?”
“I’m fine, just needed a quick run to-where are you?”
In the background, you could hear strange sounds. At first, they seemed a machine working, yet the more you focused, the farther the sounds were from being that. You sighed when you realised that it was Peter’s swinging by the buildings, the metallic suit colliding with the air.
“Peter, you better not be talking while swinging.”
There was a pregnant pause, where Peter could only keep silence shamefully; but he didn’t stop. You left the yellow onesie on its place and turned back to pay for all your items; apart from the snacks, two Spiderman’s plushie and a sippy cup themed like captain America.
“I swear, this stress is bad for the baby”
“I’m fine, thanks for asking though” a new voice interrupted the conversation, your eyes widening. “Hey Y/N. How’s it going?”
You let your mouth fall open when Tony’s voice came through your phone, and had to tighten your arms around the products to keep them from falling. Your adoptive father had been against the relationship since you had known Peter, and actually made the show of chasing Peter around New York with his ironman suit. Your mother, Pepper, and you had to stop him before it actually got bad.
When he found out you were pregnant, Peter ended up unconscious in the med bay and, once more, your mother and you had shouted to hell and back. Now, seven months later, Tony Stark and Peter Parker made the best team in keeping Y/N Potts away from danger; danger being opening a can by yourself or doing some shopping.
“I can’t believe your brought him into this, Pete” you said, half angry half i-knew-it-would-happen. “I thought we said no more Tony in your paranoias! His old heart can’t handle it!”
“Hey, I heard that!”
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry Y/N, but my senses kept bugging me and I’m really worried. And-then I called Tony, to ask him if you were with him, you know I can’t lie to him!” Peter rushed out, actually afraid of what you might do against him. “I’m sorry.”
“Okay, good. Good” you rubbed your eyes slowly, suddenly dying for a warm bed. Was it you, or it was too cold in that shop? Damn the hormones and the cravings. “I just want to go home, I’m really tired. I don’t care anymore, just be here quickly”
“Minutes away, Y/N. Promise”
You decided to sit in ones of the chairs that was exposed on the shop. It was a weird shop, that sold too many things. But it felt amazing to have somewhere to sit. Peter insisted in keeping on the line while he got there, and something in his voice made you reconsider your quick nap and hum in approval. Then, he began talking about his patrol and about how he almost broke his leg rescuing a lost kitten.
Tony made the occasional appearance, adding some snarky remark or just making sure you were okay. It didn’t worry you that he was so overprotective; they always were. Teen pregnancy was always a risk. From school, to people and social media, to health problems. A lot of things could go wrong in a teen pregnancy.
Minutes passed and, before you knew it, you heard the owner of the shop gasp in surprise. A male voice called your name, and you answered half-heartedly, almost ready to fall asleep there. From where you were sitting, you saw Iron Man impressive suit peeking over the shelves, and calling with one hand to a small figure, who ran to your side in seconds.
“Hey” Peter’s soft voice made you smile, and soon his fluffy locks welcomed you.
Peter kneeled on your right, his suit covered hand resting on your thigh and squeezing it carefully. He had bags under his eyes and a tired smile adorning his face. His locks were all over the place, still not used to the new mask Tony had gave him. You couldn’t resist the urge of running a hand through them.
As if it was a routine, his other hand travelled to your belly, covered by a horrendous pre-mom jacket he had made you wear. Still, both of you felt the baby kicking softly where Peter was touching it, and you smiled happy.
“Young woman, consider yourself the main cause of my grey hair” Iron man’s voice said.
Tony stepped out of the suit, leaving it on guarding mood on the beginning of the aisle; Spiderman’s identity was yet to be revealed. Although he looked slightly annoying from being out of his lab, he had a fond shine on his eyes, that was only directed to a few people in the world.
“I’m sorry I got you out of bed, old man” you heard Peter’s stiffen a laugh. “I just wanted something to eat.”
“Next time you can just call me” Peter said. “You know I can drop anything for you”
He would, and you knew it more than well. When he had discovered you were pregnant, you expected a lot of things. Walking out on you, insulting you, questioning the father of the child, excusing himself of its life. But Peter Parker had only hugged you tight and promised you that he would never move from your side, whatever you wanted or decided. And even proposed to leave highschool and search for some job.
Thankfully, aunt May and Pepper took that idea out of his mind quickly.
“I could use some spiderman swinging right now” you said, using your best puppy eyes. You faked a small pout and watched as Peter’s eyes widened. “I’m really, really tired… I walked here and all. And I want to go to sleep. Like, now.”
“What? Why?” Peter panicked. “Do you feel sick? I can bright you a paper bin. Mr Stark, can you bring a paper bin? Or do you need anything else? Karen, can you call-“
“Kid, she’s fine” Tony rolled his eyes. “I’ve been living with her long enough to know those eyes. She’s just trying to get away with being lazy.
You chuckled and Peter relaxed his shoulders, muttering something to Karen about not bringing the ambulance. With his help, you got up from the chair and wrapped your arms around his shoulders. He hugged your back and rubbed his nose against your neck, curls tickling your cheeks. Tony said something about keeping it PG and going to pay for the snacks, but you didn’t move from the embrace.
Peter’s arms had something that made you want to stay between them all day, even if it was weird with a huge stomach in between. The hard plates of his suit felt uncomfortable against your skin, and it was too chilly for you liking; yet you enjoyed yourself for a little bit, not aware of what was waiting for you.
It had probably passed only a few minutes before you heard the man in the counter walking angrily towards you. Your lips were awfully close to his, previously having kissed his neck, cheeks and chin, when Peter pushed aside and the mask covered him quickly, just in time to see the man walking in the aisle with Tony hot on his heels. He was speaking so fast you couldn’t understand him, although it was true that your mind felt a little foggy. The lights bothered you, the noises were too loud and it was cold in that dammed shop. You only wanted to go back to bed.
Peter gripped your hand and managed to push you a little behind him, not liking the way that man was pointing an angry arm at you.
“…pay! You have to pay for everything! Now it’s useless!”
“Hey man, I already paid for everything. And gave you a tip!” Tony raised his arms, and with a sharp look stopped the suit from frying that man. “This is ridiculous, you can’t even properly speak my language.”
“No, you pay more! She sat, and now useless! No one is buying the chair no more, and shop close if doesn’t have money! Pay!”
“Mr Stark?” Peter asked, voice unsure but ready to jump into the argument. By then, you were leaning on his back, cheek pressed against his shoulder blade while his thumb caressed your palm.
The man shouted something in his language. Judging by the small black moustache, dark skin and long clothes, he was probably muslim. He kept pointing to the chair, as if he wanted desperately for you to notice something.
And, in an ironic way, you were the first one to do so. You should had probably noticed earlier; the discomfort, the constant need to pee. Those were alarming signals, but you had just confused them with cravings and maternity hormones. While Tony shouted back and forwards with the man, you got stuck looking at the red stain on the chair you had been sitting on mere seconds ago. Some of it had leaked to the ground, and just then you were aware of the sticky feeling on your legs. Looking down, you saw the grey leggings darkened, and you gasped.
“You al-“
Peter stopped at midsentence when he noticed the blood on your thighs. Once you were up and not sitting, he could see the beginning of a larger stain of red. He didn’t mind when his mask fell off and the muslim man stopped talking in surprise, neither when, in an attempt to catch you, he crashed with the shelves on his back and knocked over some diaper’s boxes.
Tony had never heard such a desperation in the boy’s voice. He had you gripping on his forearms, face suddenly face and sweat rolling down your neck. His face wasn’t much better; wide eyes, tears already forming in them, and mouth open.
However, Peter didn’t get to say anything before you finally crumbled down on his arms while your world turned black.
As Peter swung through the buildings of New York, bag on his shoulders, all he could think was about the crib. The half-done crib you were trying to build in what would be the kid’s room, in the tower. You had decided to stay there, with Peter, and although he would miss May, he had been happy with the idea.
Until the moment came, and he had been too busy fussing over the avengers to build the crib; then, he felt miserable. It couldn’t have been his fault, as the little bundle had decided to come three fucking months earlier.
His heartbeat was wild on his ears, so loud that he couldn’t see or feel the wind that passed through him. If you were there, you would shout at him for going to fast. If you were there, you would make him focus on the task and forget about the damn crib. But you weren’t, you were in an hospital bed giving birth while he went for the bag, that thankfully he had already prepared.
In a daze, he found himself in the hospital. The whole ‘protect the secret identity’ was long forgotten, and he ripped the mask off his head in front of the nurse in charge.
“C-Can I help you?” the lady said, voice trembling. She blinked a few times, surprised to see such a young boy in the spiderman’s suit.
“Yes, yeah. I’m… Y/N Y/L/N. She’s-She’s my girlfriend. Pregnant” Peter stumbled over his words. “She-well, not any more. I guess? She’s giving birth. Early, thought. We had a problem in a shop and-“
“Room 311. That’s the third floor” the woman cut him, kind smile on her face. “Take the elevator, then it’s down the hall and to the right”
He didn’t even think. His mind was only a mix of white noise and blurry images passing through him. Peter ran to the elevator, resting his forehead against the metallic wall of it as it rose, exacerbating the swooping feeling he had been fighting since you fainted on his arms; like someone ripped the floor out from beneath his feet. He had been trying to prepare himself for that moment for months, reading all the available books he found and asking for advice to every person he knew.
But, the moment had arrived and he didn’t even had the crib.
There was a woman waiting outside room 311, sipping from a water bottle and wearing awful expensive clothes. She had her hair tied up in a bun, and Peter barely recognised her as the lawyer Tony had gotten for you. Without sparing her another glance, he sprinted past her and almost kicked the door open.
It was sort of a nightmare, what lied behind that door. Peter thought his mind filtered out the worse of it, yet when he opened it and found you sitting on a bed, the end of it covered by blood, he was ready to faint himself.
Tony was by your side, shouting something over the phone with a frown on his face. And you were crying. Fat, big tears were making their way down your chest, and Peter’s knees became jelly. He managed to step up to your bed.
You looked up at him briefly, eyes squeezed in pain. You didn’t make any sound of recognition, but grabbed his hand in an iron grip and squeezed it. Peter immediately got the hint, and used his other hand to avoid the sweat getting into your eyes.
Tony got out of the room after nodding to Peter, taking the bag out of his white knuckles and placing it on the chair. Bile rose up to Peter’s throat when a particularly pained scream left your lips. You leaned over for a second, before relaxing slightly.
He took that as his cue to start whispering soothing words to you. They didn’t do much, and you only wanted to push him apart. But his voice was trembling, his hands were shaking and Peter had also tears on his eyes. So you let him keep talking while the next contraction hit you.
“You seem awfully close to passing out” you tried to joke, enjoying the few seconds of rest. Peter let out a nervous chuckle.
“That’s probably because I am” he whispered. “But I’m not! I promise, I’m not moving. Squeeze my hand, do whatever you want. I’ve read that maybe insulting me might-“
“Pete” you interrupted him, breathless. “I’ll be okay. The baby will be okay, doctors get preemies in here all the time, they know how to take care of them”
Peter’s thought went back to the unfinished crib, how he might had been the one not prepared. He would willingly give his life away from you. But taking care of another life? He wasn’t so sure about that. Even with the financial support of your mother and Tony, they were still a lot of things to solve. Like, highschool, life changes, his schedules.
He didn’t get to continue the list of things he could do wrong because it happened.
One second he was whispering just one more push to you, the next the room was filled with the sound of crying. It was like the first time he heard the heartbeat; it came from everywhere. It came from inside him, he could heart it in his bones. Already, Peter knew he could never forget it.
It wasn’t loud, just tiny mewling noises. The nurses rushed forward with clean towels to wipe away the blood. They were swaddling something in their arms, talking in hushed whispered. He can’t hear your voice calling him over the kid’s low cries. A blonde old nurse came forward, looking at you with soft eyes and asked you something.
Peter’s ears seemed to snap open to her words.
“Would you like to hold her?”
Vaguely, he registered the doctor talking to you about delivering the placenta next, but you nodded excitedly. Peter turned everything he had heard, seen or felt in his life down, and only focused on the blonde nurse standing by your side, offering up a bundle of blankets with a baby, his baby. The room became blurry because of his tears, and he had to sit down.
Next to you. So, Peter saw the little head between the blankets. And he cried.
“Remember to support her head-yeah, like that! I feel like you’re gonna be a natural.”
Peter didn’t actually heard what came after, neither did you. His ears aren’t ringing anymore, either. It was just him, the love of his life laying on a bed, and the bundle of happiness the world had decided to gift him with. A wriggling and squirming little baby girl, with her rounded cheeks flushed with red. Her tiny daughter.
The words made him choke on his sobs, and he covered his mouth with his hand. The love that crashed him was like anything else; it eclipsed everything, warmed him like a rising sun and washed away the thought about the crib.
There wasn’t anything he wouldn’t do, there was nothing that meant more to him that that moment.
“Hi, baby” you whispered.
Blindly, she reached towards the source of the voice.
Ten years ago, you had met Peter Parker. A boy with asthma, thin and a little nerdy; that had given you a silly necklace with a self-made atom. The same way it had captured your attention, and since that moment you had stuck to his side, your daughter gripped it with chubby fingers, and her cries died down.
Peter felt as if he was staring at the sun. He put one hand on her head, and the baby, his baby, made a soft little whining sound. Her eyes fluttered open and, if Peter could, he would sit down again.
He couldn’t control the urge of turning your head to the side and crashing his lips to yours. You squealed in surprise, and some nurses gasped. You were both sweaty and with tears on your eyes. The kiss tasted salty, it was awkward because the position and couldn’t last long because they had to take the little girl to the NICU. But it felt like the most perfect kiss of all times.
“I love you” he cried, not bothering to hide his sobs anymore. “I love you, I love you, I love you…”
You giggle wetly at him, and pulled him closer for another kiss.
Things were going to be hard. Teen pregnancy, highschool, a premature baby and a whole new world waiting for you. But something in Peter’s gut, his Peter’s tingle, told him everything was going to be just fine.
Want to know more about me? Here is my Masterlist! Feedback is always appreciated!!
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spirkpride · 6 years
My Fave Spirk Fics
(!) = Smut
(*) = I love this fic and have gone back to re-read multiple times
(-) = Short fic
(|) = Long Fic
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When disgraced former Starfleet captain and current salvage runner James T. Kirk stumbles upon what appears to be an abandoned Vulcan research vessel on the edge of Federation Space, he thinks he’s finally found some luck. The state of the ship and the fate of her original crew however, turn what was supposed to have been a standard day’s work into something quite a bit stranger. As Kirk and his crew debate if they can—or should—wake a sleeping survivor, it soon becomes clear that the nightmare is just beginning.
In Another World by ashayamspirk (!)
Starfleet believed Jim Kirk was destined for command. Jim Kirk would prefer to leave his father's long Starfleet reputation behind him and dedicate himself to xeno-botany. Offered a position to work on hybrid plants on Vulcan, Jim is put into contact with a tutor, the blind xenolinguistics professor, Spock. It's only after meeting him that Jim realizes how he and Spock are connected, and why the Vulcan hates him so much.But then fate has other ideas, and long after Jim leaves earth for Vulcan, they're thrown into each other's paths once again.
Designated by ashayamspirk (!)
“I would like you to read over the contract and consider what you are agreeing to before you sign,” Spock says, and reaches for the PADD on the table.And because Jim is an absolute dipshit who thinks nothing through ever at all, he just shrugs and uses his fingers to scroll to the bottom, signs, and hits send. Amok Time AU
Vulcan Keeping and Other Problems by t_3po (*)
Where's the manual for raising nerdy young Vulcans chasing after local bad boys when you actually need it?
I Will Have This by ashayamspirk (!) (series has been discontinued, consider the first story in the series a one shot)
Just as she finished adding a small box of sweets to her items, she felt a tug on the sleeve of her robe. Turning, she had a smile prepared, and a praise on the tip of her tongue for whatever item her son had chosen. That turned into a sharp gasp when she realized that carefully ensconced in her son’s arms was not any item for sale in the shop, but a very human baby. “Mother, I will have this.”
Something Smart To To by kianspo (|) (!)
In which Jim finds himself fake-married to his first officer every other month. It's not his fault. Mostly. Dowries and Klingons are involved. Starfleet is decidedly not amused.
When You’re Making Other Plans by lah_mrh
Jim always thought the absence of a soulmark on his arm meant he didn't have a soulmate. When he and Spock team up to take down Nero, he discovers how wrong he was.
Somewhere to Begin by jouissant (|)
Everything's fine between Jim and Spock at the end of the first five year mission, or so Jim thinks. But then Spock up and leaves San Francisco without so much as a goodbye, and Jim's suddenly faced with the prospect of life without his first officer...unless he can go to New York and win Spock back.
Of Spocks and Socks by gentleau (-) (*)
The giving of gifts is a most illogical practice, Spock doesn’t know how to be in a human relationship, and no one ever talks to Jim about anything.
My Soul, Reflected, or Mirror Kirk Sucks at Wooing by Nicnac (-) (*)
Five times Kirk tried to win his soulmate over, and one time Spock succeeded without really trying.
Star Trek: T-Shirts, Jackets, and Kisses by IBegToDreamAndDiffer
Or, how Jim outed them to the crew, how Spock outed them to the Academy, and how they outed themselves to Earth at large.
Everything’s Alright by VicBaylies (-) (!)
Set sometime after Amok Time. Spock suffers a relapse of Pon Farr, and Kirk is there to help him out. Somewhat established relationship
Spaceships, Private Jets, and Minivans: How to Start a Global Incident in 5 Minutes Flat by Scientia_Fantasia (|)
One early summer morning in Riverside, Iowa, a spacecraft crash lands into the backyard of a highschooler by the name of James T. Kirk.Earth history is changed forever.
To Catch A Fish by Darksknight (!) (*)
Spock’s realized that while he treasures his deep friendship with Jim, he’s come to desire more. He sets out to tell Jim of his feelings, but finds the task... considerably more difficult than he'd first imagined it to be.
Plucked by cembular (!)
Spock loses his virginity to his captain and boyfriend. PWP
This is Bumbles by PurpleFluffyCat (!) (-) (*)
This porny, fluffy, slightly-cracky(!) fic was written for a Star Trek kink meme. The prompt suggested subverting the usual trope of Vulcans in pon farr as aggressive and uber-dominant, and read as follows:"Spock's in pon farr. Jim finds out and offers to help him out! Instead of being aggressive in pon farr, Spock is super loving, emotional and sweet. Bonus if it takes Jim off guard!"
In Any Language by Enterprisingly (!) (-)
A love story in 10 parts. Based on a tumblr post about relationship words that do not translate to English.
Aubade by jouissant (-) (*)
In which a child is born, and nobody is ever going to sleep ever again.
Sudden Insight by falsepremise (!) (|)
Jim experiences a sudden insight- he is in love with Spock. Fortunately, Spock Prime foresaw this eventuality and has ensured that Jim will have access to the knowledge that he needs to seduce his t'hy'la.
Another Way Jim and Spock Could Meet as Kids by Seasnake (-)
Your heart’s sudden but inevitable betrayal by WhatIfImaMermaid (-)
Every once in while, when he’s feeling the perfect combination of nostalgic and impish, he asks Spock about that night. Most times Spock just smiles that non-smile of his into the curve of Jim's neck, and says nothing.
They first meet in a bar. In San Francisco. After one of Jim’s epic brawls.
Blue Fields by WerewolvesAreReal (|) (*)
In his thirteenth year James Kirk ends up on Tarsus IV with his aunt and uncle. During the famine he takes refuge with a six year-old named Kevin Riley and a young half-Vulcan.
Missing Pieces by IchabodNasty (Effulgent) (*)
Spock is very young when he loses his leg, he feels like he is incomplete until he meets one James T. Kirk.
The Stars Seem Familiar by lallyloo (-) (*)
After a transporter incident, de-aged Spock Prime is left in the care of Jim Kirk. Nu Spock becomes illogically jealous of Spock Prime. De-aged fluff fic.
Bragging Rights by Ragdoll (Keshka) (!) (*) (|)
AU. Two and a half years into his time at Starfleet Academy, Cadet Jim Kirk meets Lieutenant-Commander Spock, and the sparks begin to fly.
Dynamic by coffee666
Jim is tired of the crew assuming he and Spock don't work well together just because they happen to disagree a lot. To prove them wrong, Jim convinces Spock they should start dating.
Playing up their romantic relationship in front of the crew for spite should be fun. The hard part is that they're both secretly crushing on each other.
Ardor by ThereBeWhalesHere (!)
AU where everything is the same, but when Vulcans find their soulmate they sense it through their pheromones. These pheromones are, well, incredibly insistent. Spock's pretty sure he's immune to them until he meets one James T. Kirk. Really this is just an excuse to write sexually-frustrated!Spock who's pretty much DTF from the get-go.
cast out fear by s0mmerspr0ssen (|) (*)
Kirk saves Vulcan from Nero at high cost to himself. It falls to Spock to pick up the pieces.
A Theoretical Novelty by FallacyFallacy (!) (|)
So, it turned out that Jim's skill at chess was the hottest thing Spock had ever experienced. He only wished he hadn't found that out in the middle of the rec room. Repeatedly. Written for Kink_Bingo for 'Humiliation (In Public)'.
Some Cupid by summerofspock (-) (!)
Tired of their childish fighting, McCoy sets out to set up Jim and Spock. Antics ensue. (i.e. that time i wrote Much Ado About Nothing using Kirk and Spock)
Devil’s Bargain by Rhaegal (RhaegalKS) (!)
Set after TMP. Spock’s impending pon farr makes him wary of agreeing to a second five-year mission, so Kirk agrees to lend a hand (so to speak) should the situation arise. What could possibly go wrong?
Written for the KiScon 2012 zine. Beta-read by jaylee_g with additional editing by arminaa.
That One Time When Jim and Spock Met Their Daughter From the Future by pristineungift
You know your day is going to be weird when some kid you’ve never seen before calls you ‘Papa.’
The level of human emotional and physical sexual satisfaction as determined by one’s partner; an examination of the accuracy of the tiered interpretation as applied to male, homosexual couples by Aerlalaith (-)
Or, in which Kirk and Spock have sex for science.
Searching for Everything by notboldly (!)
Spock never expected his youthful indiscretions to affect his future. Fortunately, Jim is too stubborn to let that happen.
Santa, Baby by rabidchild67
Spock is a department store Santa. Hilarity ensues.
Reasons We Should Date: A Logical Approach by iknewaman (*) (-)
Jim really wants to get across to Spock how well they are together, but he's not sure how to go about it.
Eventually he decides fuck it, the simplest way to get Spock to understand is to walk him through it, and he does so using the wonderful medium of digital presentations.
What We Don't Say (or The Epic Wedding of Jim and Spock) museaway (-)
The first time Jim proposes, they’re naked.
Bang a Gong by waketosleep (|) (!) (*)
The chronicles of the Sad Bastards Club (Enterprise Chapter).
It was just the two of us by sinking_m (-)
Again, everyone knows except for Jim
Measure of Happiness by writeonclara (|)
When Spock chose Starfleet over the Vulcan Science Academy, he had not anticipated cohabiting with the most illogical, irrational, emotional human he ever met.
On the flip side, Jim never asked for a Vulcan chaperone, especially one as snotty as Spock, son of Sarek.
A Starfleet Academy AU in which Spock adapts to human life, Jim learns very, very quickly never to play a prank on a Vulcan, and there are far too many people after Jim Kirk's life.
No-Win Scenario by CateAdams (!)
A split-second decision changes Jim’s life forever, as a desperate bid for survival results in a bond with Spock. As Jim tries to understand their new connection, he must contend with his own inner struggles. Surprising new enemies are revealed and unexpected threats emerge, and Jim must come to terms with the true significance of their bond before it is too late.
Through Chekov's Eyes by littlebirdtold (!)
In which Mr. Spock hates Chekov and terrorizes the crew, Captain Kirk has the best poker face on the ship, Chekov never means to eavesdrop, Uhura gets some curves, Kirk gets cock-blocked, Spock gets off, McCoy pulls rank, Spock pulls Kirk's pigtails, and love sucks.
Friends With Benefits For Idiots by yaoichan12 (|) (!)
Spock loves Jim but won't tell him. Jim loves Spock but won't tell him. They get to talking about friends with benefits and end up agreeing to start that type of relationship. Both think that's all they'll ever get to have with one another, so they keep their mouth shut about their feelings and just have sex.
Chess, and other Aphrodisiacs by obsidienne (!) (*) (|)
When Jim is brought up on charges of academic dishonesty, he decides to find out who his accuser is.
As You Wish by writeonclara (|) (*)
It's probably a phenomenally bad idea to let someone named Lucifer grant you seven wishes, but, well, why the hell not? Maybe then Jim can finally have that perfect command team from the other universe he so desperately wants.
Then again, wishing that Spock would loosen up a bit shouldn't land him in pre-Reform Vulcan.
Maybe he'll get it right next time.
Sure Thing by FagurFiskur (!) (-) (*)
Based on this prompt:
Because of his reputation (which initally came from nowhere) men have always assumed Kirk is a sure thing and have never tried to seduced Kirk... just used the old wham, bam thank you ma'am (or sir in this case)and have rarely bothed about his pleasure. (...)
(...)So suddenly Kirk finds himself being courted by Spock... at first Kirk thinks it is Spock trying to mess with his mind because Spock is still pissed about the 'cheating' incident but is soon disabused of that notion and he finds himself in his first loving, committed relationship in his life.
Echolocation by Darksknight (-)
Kirk and Spock don’t realize that they’ve bonded right away. The rest of the crew is a different story.
Eavesdropping by coffee666 (-) (!) (*)
Jim knows for a fact that Spock and Uhura and talking about him when they start whispering in Vulcan. He has no idea what they're saying, until he takes it upon himself to learn the language.
Spock gushes about his crush on Jim, having no idea that Jim can understand him
Subtext by noodleinabarrel (*)
Texting your Vulcan first officer in the middle of the night is never a good idea. Especially when you have an obsessive crush on said Vulcan.
The holidays are approaching and Jim is left entirely Spockless aboard the Enterprise when his First takes shore leave on New Vulcan. After some midnight pining, Jim sends a text he instantly regrets. That is, until Spock responds and willingly continues their textual communications to an inevitable conclusion.
Pyromania by sinestrated (-) (!)
Jim has been burning bridges since childhood. The Enterprise and Spock eventually change that.
Limits of Interpretation, or: So You Want to Date a Vulcan by druxykexy (*)
Kirk learns that, when it comes to the cultural habits of Vulcans, it's not a good idea to trust other people's research. Spock gets to see a different side of his captain (that may or may not exist). There's a reboot of the TOS episode "Shore Leave" somewhere in the middle of all this.
Note: The McCoy/Barrows relationship is fairly background, and is included due to its presence in the episode.
Armchair Psychology bigmamag (-)
McCoy forces Kirk and Spock to write an ongoing list of things they like about each other. Kirk doesn’t know if he’ll be able to make his weekly quota. At least, not at first.
Blind Date by Aelimir (-) (*)
McCoy convinces Jim to go on a blind date. Only, things don't go as planned.
Abrams-style, except for that fact that George lived.
Perception by Aelimir (-)
Everything happened like it did in 2009, except the Narada never attacked Vulcan. After several missions, Pike retires and Jim is appointed in his place. The downside? He's required to have Spock, that bastard who tried to get him kicked out of Starfleet, as his First Officer.
Jim soon learns that perception is everything, and not all is as it seems.
So Wise We Grow by Deastar (|) (*)
"Commander Spock, we have located your son," the Vulcan lady on the screen says, which would be great, except Jim can tell by the look on Spock's face that he's never heard of this kid before in his life. "If it is expedient, the child will be sent to join you on the Enterprise within the week."
Looking to the Stars (Like They've Got All the Answers) by shards_of_divinity (!) (|)
Jim and Spock's relationship is on the edge of something deeper than friendship. When their kidnapper's ship crashes to an uncharted and uninhabited planet, Jim and Spock have to fight to stay alive, and the strength of their uncertain relationship is tested when Spock enters Pon Farr...
we have not touched the stars by prouvairing (-) (*)
Sometimes they’ll also ask him why he hasn’t gone out and chased his soulbond yet.
Jim will point to the sky, and say, “The moon’s always there, babe. Don’t need to go chasin’ after her.”
It is January, year 2063. Humanity has quietly achieved interstellar travel, and Jim Kirk’s soulbond stretches into the stars.
These things tend to get messy by WhatIfImaMermaid (!) (-)
A lot, Jim tells himself. A lot of heartbreak.
It begins because aliens make them do it, and then it becomes one of those things.
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amnachil · 5 years
To the Perfection Chapter 1 Part 2
I’m very stupid :o I totally forgot to post the next part !! I’m sorry :( I hope you’ll like it anyway
Thomas Monday January 7
The last week of the holiday went and ended like a blur. Monday came. The end of the holidays. Thomas wasn't particulary sad about it. After all, he mostly stayed at home where he played video games. Of course, he had a very organized schedule for his training too. But well, he didn't want to be back at school either. He hadn't any difficulties and he had already studied more than enough. It was more a social problem. It would be false to say he didn't have friends, only they weren't real friends. They do like me. Because I'm smart, good-looking and Raphaël's brother. Nonetheless, he wasn't sure a single one of them knew his favorite game or his favorite movie. In the end, they liked his reputation more than anything else.
"Hi Thomas." greeted Ilhan. "You look good today."
"Thanks." smiled the ginger lad.
You don't even ask me how I am doing anymore, uh ? He had met Ilhan during last year, when this one moved in town from the south. At first, the newcomer was acting more friendly, more kind with Thomas. Now I guess he thinks someone like me can only be fine. They all think that way.
"I saw your brother on TV last week." continued his classmate, far away his thoughts. "He's so awesome. You're so lucky to be related."
Really ? Thomas liked his big brother, yes, but it was sometimes hard to live in his shadow. He had always tried to be nicer, kinder, and now he thought about it, it probably explained his whole personality. Anyway, Raphaël was still far better in everything. Even in love...
"Hey guys." intervened Cody.
Thomas barely looked at him. He joined his class, letting his mind ramble.
At noon, the young lad escorted some of his friends to the local Mcdo. According to them, it was to celebrate the end of the holidays. Most of them were soccer players, just like him. They were hanging together for years, but none of them knew how much he hated burgers. They just don't care at all. Once in the restaurant, Thomas quickly found a table and took a sit. He looked around, bored. The flavor made him sick. A new year eh... It started like the last. Well, except for Dan who was moving in. Only the idea of this made him shiver with pleasure. The two of us, alone at home... Around him, his friends were coming with their order, but he ignored their waffles. He looked foward to be wednesday, when his mother would leave. (Of course he was sad about her departure, but better watch the good side of it, right ?).
"Thomy, what do you think ?"
The ginger turned towards his friends, surprised to hear his name. They were all waiting for an answer to the question he didn't listen.
"Cody and Ilhan are convinced the little Ulrich will be the next captain of the team once we graduate." resumed his third fellow, Joël. "I say otherwise, he's too cocky, don't you think ?"
"Man, you're hella cocky and you're the supporting striker." retorted Ilhan.
The other smirked. He was tall (around 184 cm or 6'1") and definitely ripped. Joël was Thomas's partner for work out, so this explained that. Well, it's true he's arrogant.
"Still, little Ulrich is just... unfit for the role." he stated.
A waiter went to refill Cody's glass with coke. Thomas recognized an old friend of Raphaël, Sam. Back in highschool, he was an awful jock, a bit like Joël. But with my brother's control, he became what he truly wanted to be. A kinda fat young adult. At least, his personnality had softened along his body. The young teenager greeted him with a nod, and then focused bad on his friend's conversation. They were still arguing about this nonsense.
"Guys, it doesn't matter right now." he smiled. "We have to focus on our games until graduation, okay ?"
They all agreed. What a bunch of boot-lickers.
This evening, when Thomas arrived at home, his mother was waiting for him. She wanted to talk. The ginger smiled cheerfully and sat on the couch. Another unecessary discussion... He loved her, but as the others, she didn't know him very well. She always said he was "as perfect as Raphaël." Why people couldn't see past their resemblance ?
"I'm leaving in two days now..." she started. "I wanted to be sure you're okay with that ? I know this isn't what we planned, but your father and I think you're very capable..."
He could guess the rest. Like my brother, right ?
"...Like your brother. Anyway, tell me what do you think ?"
You won't like what I think. Hey mom, I'm totally gay and you will literally let me alone with my crush for almost five years. I hate your new shoes, by the way.
"Everything gonna be fine." he assured kindly. "I already know how to survive on my own, and Dan will be there with me. I know you miss dad, and I know you two want to be together as fast as possible."
His mother sighed, reassured. She was so predictable. Raphaël and him were free to do whatever they wanted for years now, since they knew how to manipulate her.
"I'll cook diner." he decided.
After all, he couldn't wait to see Dan eating his food.
Dan Wednesday January 9
"Looks like we got everything. I'm sure you'll feel like home quickly."
Dan smiled to Raphaël's mother. He had always be welcome in their house, it wouldn't be much of a change to move in. He looked at his "new" environment. His boyfriend had a wide bedroom, with a lot of full bookcases. Some old clothes were lying around. A portrait of them during Raphaël's departure party caught his attention. We're together for one year and more than seven months now. As long as he remembered, he had always been friend with Raphaël. When he had done his coming out, the soccer's genius had asked for a date. I was so surprised, back then. I would have never guessed he was on the same side.
"I know this is a selfish request." said suddenly Mrs. Muller. "But I really hope you'll watch over Thomas. He's so grown-up, it worries me sometimes. I mean, he's completely capable but... He's not even 17 yet."
"It's normal to be stressed but I'll be there all the time. I'm not going anywhere."
She nodded. It was easy to reassure her apparently.
"I hope he will relax a little, he looks so tensed..." she whispered. "Thomas is always taking things too seriously. He should learn some tips from Raphaël."
Dan made a face, a bit skeptical. Raphaël's definition of fun is very personal, to my humble opinion. Make the man genuinely smile was very hard, not to mention laugh.
"They must be waiting for us." Mrs. Muller stated. "Let's go."
All the family went to the bus station. She was going to New York, and then she would take a plane to England. A long trip, but she seemed almost glad to do it.
"My boys. You're both amazing, you know that ?" she said as a goodbye. "I love you. I'm really proud of you."
Thomas nodded silently. Raphaël did nothing but stare at her. I can only imagine how bizarre it must have been to educate these two...
"Raphaël, I'm sure you'll shine as the best center foward of our country." she smiled. "Also, I know you're still hesitating, but you should start this career in modelling. You're so handsome."
He didn't answer at all. Dan knew he wasn't approving this. He saw the little tautness of his jaw, the almost invisible twicthing of his fingers. And his eyes. They were so emotionless. He's too polite to say anything, but he's far from convinced.
"And you my dear Thomas." Mrs. Muller continued, far away these considerations. "You'll be as good as your brother, I'm sure of it. Try to have some fun okay ?"
He did his warmest smile.
"Of course mom. I love you too."
It was a different way to express his feelings, but it was just as much significant. He's also disappointed. But he'll not say it either. In this family, they weren't saying much. You had to read between the lines, to guess what they were thinking. An exercise Dan started to get used too. Anyway, their mother left after a last good bye. And they went back home.
This evening, probably to distract himself from his mother's departure, Thomas cooked another feast. According to Raphaël, he was always cooking a lot when he was troubled. Much for Dan pleasure, he was the one taking advantage of it. And boy, he cooks so well. Apparently, Thomas wasn't interested in a culinary's career, but he was so gifted for it.
"You enjoyed yourself." whispered Dan's boyfriend while stroking his distended stomach.
His rubs caused a slight series of belch. They were comfortably lying on their bed after this succulent diner.
"I can't resist a good meal." confessed the junior. "You know I have zero control over my eatings habits."
"Yeah, I noticed." chuckled Raphaël.
Slowly, he kissed his boyfriend with passion. I love him so much. People always said Raphaël was insensitive, but that was so not true. The ginger lad smoothly rolled over Dan and kissed him again.
"If Thomas doesn't stop, you will end up fat again. And I'm pretty sure he won't stop."
As he spoke, he fondled Dan's chest and belly. His touch was sensual, enjoyable. It feels so nice. Raphaël was more than appealing, and the junior was already getting aroused.
"I don't care about that." he replied. "Do you ?"
"Absolutely not."
Dan's hands found a way to Raphaël's ass. A firm and solid ass. His boyfriend unclothed them. Oh boy. I'm gonna love this night.
Raphaël left early in the morning, around 6 a.m. He would be gone for almost two weeks, until saturday 19th. Dan escorted him to his bus. It wasn't the first time they were separated for a long time, but it always felt bad. I miss him each time. But they would manage, they always did.
"I'll call you once I'm there." assured Raphaël. "And I'll relay my schedule to you."
"Sure thing."
Dan hugged him firmly. I want to have you a bit more.
"You'll look over Thomas, right ? I know he's acting weird since this case with Liam last year... I think he's more disturbed by this stuff than he pretends to be."
"You worry too much honey." reassured him Dan. "But I swear I'll take care of him."
It's only the third time you and your mother ask me to do it after all. The bus left five minutes later. The junior looked his boyfriend go away for a moment, gloomy. Then, he headed back home. Much to his surprise, Thomas was already awake. And he had made breakfast. A big breakfast. Well, what is the more worrying right now is how much weight I'll put on in only two weeks ?
To be continued
The setting is now finished. Let’s see if Thomas will be able to resist his desire with his crush... Especially when Dan has no problem with the feeding part at all ;)
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The One, Part 5
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Jim Kirk x Reader
Warnings: angst, I apologize because I don’t think this part is up to par. But enjoy!
Summary: It had been years since you had last since Jimmy. The two of you were highschool sweethearts, until you parted ways. After a horrible breakup with your two timing ex-fiance, you transfer to the U.S.S Enterprise. Finally coming face to face with the boy you left behind. Can the two of you work alongside each other in peace? Or will the past come back to haunt you?
The One Masterlist
You strolled into the Sickbay, feeling relaxed and calm. It had been a few days since the little disaster with Jim had occurred. Leonard was keeping you busy, which you expected was his way of keeping Jim out of your line of sight. It worked and you were grateful, because you were just fine being a coward in the meantime. At least until you could summon the courage to actually talk to the captain.
“Bed two needs a hypo,” Leonard looked up from his PADD.
His eyes followed you as you nodded and started scrolling through your own PADD. He stood there nervous, wanting to say something about what he found a few days ago. But how does one go about saying such a thing? He also knew it was none of his business, but Jim was his best friend and he hated that he had a secret to keep from him. Beside, maybe it wasn't his child.
The doctor groaned quietly, because he was betting his lucky stars that you had given birth to Jim’s son, it all made sense. Aligned to the story you told.
“You good? You're looking a little sick, Leonard,” you placed the PADD down and walked over to him with a tricorder.
His vital signs looked normal, his heart rate was a little up. “Maybe you should go relax for a bit,” you suggested with a smile. He ran a hand over his face and sighed, he couldn't hold it off any longer.
“I know about the baby,” he whispered quietly.
Your eyes widen and you fake laughed, “What baby?”
Your mind was racing mile a minute, how the hell did he know?
Then it hit you.
The other day you were looking at our own medical history and he must have seen it on your PADD.
Leonard placed his hand on your shoulder and squeezed it lightly, “I didn't mean to find out, it sorta just happened.”
Your head snapped up and with eyes full of desperation, you pleaded with your friend. “Don't tell Jim. You can't.”
“I won't, but listen as a father myself, he deserves to know.”
“You don't think I know that? You don't think this hasn't haunted me for the last 13 years?”
“I know, but it’s his son,” the doctor’s tone was firm and final.
“He never beloved to either of us. We were too young and stupid. Sam has a family, he has a life,” you whispered back harshly.
Leonard made it sound so simple, but things were never simple. Sam was a happy kid, he loved his mom and dad. He had a dog and a dream of going to art school. He had everything you knew Jim and you couldn’t offer. Not then and not now.
“His name is Sam? I-I don't want to know anything else,” the doctor held up his hands to get you to stop divulging information. “Jim’s the captain but he's my closest friend. I know far too much now.”
“I'm sorry,  it was never my intention to put you in this position. Don't worry, I'll tell Jim soon.”
“How soon?”
You sighed and grabbed the hypo from the counter. “Real soon.”
The nurse’s words echoed in your head, the entire room suddenly got 10 degrees warmer and you felt like you were drowning.
“I'm pregnant?”
“Three weeks, congratulations,” the blond nurse smiled but you just frowned, tears welled up in your eyes. The woman jumped away from the counter she was leaning against and kneeled down beside you. Her hand went to your shoulders and she started rubbing her palm against your shirt.
“It's going to be fine, I'm sure the father will be happy.”
What would he do?
You doubled over in the chair and sobbed into your knees, this was not happening. The two of you were always so safe, every damn time.
“I can't do this,” you looked up to the nurse. “Jim would want to raise it, throw away his future. We can’t stay in that damn town!”
The nurse quickly got up and went to close the door, your eyes were stinging and all you could think about was Jim. You loved him so much, but a child! A baby! Your parents would kill you and what about art school? What about the plans to leave town on your 18th birthday with Jim? The two of you were going to move far away and start a new life, but with a baby? That was impossible.
Or was it? You started to think of a little round face with Jim’s beautiful blue eyes and your cute little lips. He would be an amazing dad, you knew that for certain.
“You still have time to decide what you want to do,” the nurse stood up and smiled. “You should tell the father, talk to him and see what happens.”
“I guess,” you wiped tears from your eyes. “You don't happen to know anyone looking to adopt, huh?”
Your tone was playful as you tried making light of the situation, but the nurse didn't laugh, she stood quietly for a brief moment.
“Actually, my husband and I've been looking to adopt. No pressure of course,” her voice broke into a soft chuckle. She grinned warmly at you, making you feel a million times better.
“I'm going to talk to my boyfriend and we'll decide.”
“Of course! Whatever you decide, I'm here for you.”
Of course, you never talked to Jim about being pregnant. You tried on several video calls, but the words could never form. He was always so happy and asking about your classes, telling you how he missed you and going over the plans he had made for when you got back. And you smiled through each of those conversations until the summer program was near it’s end. It was almost time to go home, but you couldn't. So you went back to the medical clinic and had a long talk with the nurse. Her name was Amy and her husband was Thomas, he worked for Starfleet Academy. You told her that you couldn’t raise a child, that you wanted to put the baby up for adoption. That you wanted to stay in San Francisco until the baby was born. The art school had gladly accepted you into the regular semester because they offered a program for high school students. Amy had asked about Jim and you shamefully lied to her, through very real tears you told her that he didn’t want the baby either. You cried hard when those fake words left your mouth, because you knew Jim would have taken that little boy and loved him for an eternity.
But it was you.
You were drowning at the time, didn’t want to be a mother. Selfishness had taken over your instincts and you knew that letting the baby go was for the best. And you sacrificed Jim’s feelings, but not without thought. That’s what you told yourself even after all these years. That you did it for Jim and you, it was the only way you were able to get out of the bed in the mornings. The only way you could breathe, because you had given away your son. The beautiful little creation Jim and you made.
And it was time.
To fess up.
You stood in front of Jim’s quarters, hands shaking at your sides. The back of your neck was sweating, your heart was racing and you had to hold back vomit from coming up. This was finally happening and you weren’t sure how Jim would react. You hoped he’d hate you, tell you to leave. Demand you transfer off his ship, send you back to the U.S.S Inquisitor. Where you’d probably take Ranin back and marry him, but that was all too easy and you didn’t deserve easy.
You had to face the past, it was time.
Taking a deep inhale of air, your hand goes to the intercom next to Jim’s door, but the door slid open instead. It was Hayden, with her hair roused up and cheeks flushed. Your heart dropped, but you maintained the smile on your face, because you had no damn right. You had no right to feel the ball of jealously in the pit of your stomach, because you were just about to deliver the news to Jim, that he had a son. A son you gave away.
“Y/N,” Hayden’s face fell when she saw you standing there. “I-I was just leaving. I’ll see you around.”
You noticed the back of her uniform dress was tucked into her panties and you chuckled. “Um, here let me fix that for you.”
The two of you giggled softly, because neither of you wanted bad blood. There was no call for it, because you actually liked Hayden.
The two of you froze when Jim appeared at the door, his hands were pulling down on his shirt. His blue eyes flew from Hayden to you, easily you recognized the panic expression on his face. Hayden sensing the tension, quickly made her exit, leaving Jim and you standing there awkwardly.
“I didn’t mean to interrupt,” you apologized.
“Is everything okay?”
The concern in his voice was enough to bring tears to your eyes, your lips trembled as you tried to speak. But nothing came out. Without a single hesitation, Jim pulled you into his chest. His hand rode up your back and rested on the nape of your neck.
“What is it? Tell me.”
Jim held you against his chest and his eyes caught the glances of a few crew members walking by, so he quickly moved you into his cabin. Pulling away from you, his eyes smiled at you.
I’m so sorry, Jimmy.
“Are you hurt? What’s going on?”
You backed away from him, his hand slipped from your back and he looked hurt. And you wanted nothing more than to turn around and forget the whole thing.
But it was time.
“Jim, there’s something you need to know.”
Tagging:  @captain-almighty @whovianayesha @evilrocknroll @hope-mundane@indierockukbond@feelmyroarrrr @mysterymegal @protontippens @supernaturallymarvellous@rayleyanns @bucky-laufeyson @enaishungry  @all-things-nerdy @dr-dean @ladyxdezi @infinity1321 @run-with-the-fandoms @kristaparadowski@curlyhairedblueeyedangel @kitchenwitchsuperwhovian @fantasticimpaladoctor@omgikwangminwoo @usynthpunk @darkchocolaterey@stargirlhorse @tiny-sam-is-my-jam @uss-lesbian @serenityspiral @fizzylollipop12 @ghostlydetectivenerd @pretty-with-andorian-shingles@musingsongbird @andrastesflamingtitties @daughterofthebrowncoats  @caffiene-nights @brownbuble @spinsterlocity  @mysteriouslyme81@raversam @ababyinatrenchcoat @fandomheadrush @amy-longhurst1699 @chunkymonky11 @randomlittleimp  @mspseudonymwho @cassidy-the-crazy-mofo @harleenquinsellovesj @imoutofmyvulcanmind  @irony-is-my-life @iwillstaywiththemforever @yourtropegirl  @woodlandfoxtea @curiositykilledthecompanion  @theonlyparadox @milszymijestpantofelek @thechamberofcaitlyn @captian-hannah-kirk @bluebird214 @ha-tep 
Forever tags: @my-amazing-nerdyness @naih-reedus @maciiiofficial @casownsmyass @adorable-assbutt @jade-taillia @fangirlextraordinaire @indominusregina @feelmyroarrrr @my-rainbow-wonderland @myhopeisinfinite @girl-next-door-writes @policeofficerdean@dontbeamenacetotheforce @melonberri @theothergirl2212 @superisatomboyuniverse@xloudwhocares @crownie-sr  @darkmystress00 @castieltrash1 @hannahsakorax3  @dracsgirl @moonlight53 @makemyownwonderland @dreamwhisper87 @rayleyanns  @imagine-all-the-imagines @trekken81 
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amnachil · 5 years
The College Society Chapter 1 Part 6
Enjoy ! :)
Liam Friday October 6 – Saturday October 7
I hate the dishes as much as I hate my dad. With anger, the young lad threw a spoon into the water, and looked at it sink, strangely satisfied. (At least, he had power over spoon, they couldn't resist to him). (This is certainly weird, but whatever). He was working for at least three hours or more, and he started to feet exhausted. Sadly, his break wasn't coming yet. I wish I could just rest for three seconds... His coworker gave him a tray full of spoons, and Liam stared at it, stunned. (Spoon's revenge... What a movie name). Fortunately, Judy called him suddenly :
"Hey handsome ! There is someone who wants to see you in the dining room ! Wash yours hands and come over here !"
Curious and quite worried (after all, his demonic father knew where he lived, he could also knew where he worked), the lad yielded. He crossed the big doors, and glanced to Judy and... Theo. His swimteam captain, with his elbows on the counter, smiled spiritedly.
"Hi Liam. Laura told me you were working here."
The freshman joined Theo and they sat around a table, under Judy concupiscents stares. Why did he come ? Liam knew the captain. Either he was drunk, either he was high, either he was speaking about swimming. But I have already said that I couldn't do tournaments, I'm not drinking that much and I'm not taking drugs. (Sometimes, he wondered if he could be constantly high, but that was always hypothetical). (By the way, he got drunk once, and since, he tried to avoid this as much as possible). He realised he was looking weird when Theo laughed.
"You really look like death warmed up you know ? I should even say you look awful. Rebecca told me you got some troubles... are you fine now ? I may can help."
"Thanks, but it will not be necessary. I'm good. It just was a... bad period."
Almost two weeks after his meeting with his dad, he sincerely felt better. (He stopped his destruction of trash cans when Rebbie asked him to, and he may has hit one or two times his pillow, but nothing too violent.) (Honestly, his pillow was too strong for him, trahs cans were weaker).
"Nice. Don't forget you can always come to me if you are in troubles." declared Theo.
Liam nodded, and then, there was a gap. He wants to say something more, but he's hesitating. It was weird, because the freshman wasn't really good to guess what people wanted, but Theo's mind was easy to read.
"I have something to ask you." this one eventually started. "It might be awkward, don't be scared... I just wanted to know what you're feeling about Nick ?"
The young lad frowned, surprised. Theo smiled.
"C'mon Liam, I know you're gay. I just want to know what are your feelings towards Nick."
Gay. This single word brought bad memories to Liam. Really bad one's. His last romantic relationship had ended because of this word. This cursed word. The young lad stuttered :
"I... I... He's just a friend... nothing more... I... Sorry..."
"Do you think Pete gained weight ?"
Surprised, Liam looked Theo in the eyes. What is he doing ? The swimteam captain laughed and raised a hand by way of forgiveness.
"I brought a sore point, I can see that, and I wanted to skirt the issue because it was painful. Sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you."
It seemed sincere. In fact, Liam just didn't want to speak about this stuff at all. It definitely was too painful, as Theo said. I should go back to work. He tried to help me but... I messed everything with my ex and there is no way I date someone else for now.
"He may have gained a bit of belly." approved Liam. "But this is common in college, please, don't blame him for it."
(The young lad was saying this because he wanted to go back to work as fast as possible). (But he noticed Pete's little belly hanging over his swimtrunks, and he was pretty sure he was rounding up a bit). (Yeah, despite being Liam-the-absent-minded-and-stupid-boy, he was careful of his relatives).
"Don't worry, it was not my intend at all." assured Theo. "Anyway, I'm sorry I have bothered you. I should let you work, I can see your cute little boss looking towards there... Is she seriously your boss ?"
The next morning, Liam decided to go to the pool for a swim before his work. (By the next morning, thanks to understand 2pm, because Liam never woke up before at least 11am). With a bit of attention, he did his lengths, and took advantage of the relaxing atmosphere. (He feared Colton, and tried his best to spot him, but found nothing). Finally, once he exerted himself enough, Liam stopped, and went to the locker room. He was taking a shower when he heard the fawning voice he wanted to avoid since several weeks. (Until now, he succeeded pretty well, even for the tutorial project). (Nevertheless, right now, he was naked... He couldn't ran away without losing the last fragments of his pride).
"Hey Liam." started Colton. "I saw you swim, you're good. Why didn't you participate in the tournament ?"
The light-brown boy turned towards his classmate. This one was naked too, and quite impressive. Muscled, with a six pack, strong chest and arms, nice legs and nothing going wrong... He match perfectly with Barbara's taste after all. Even his pe... (Liam blushed, and lowered... looked away).
"Okay, no answer, as usual..." laughed Colton.
"Uh sorry. I'm working during the weekend, I can't do the swimming tournaments. Are you... swimming too ?"
The brown lad looked at him and smiled. He had this smile... He's smart in addition to be handsome. Definitely Barbara's taste. It was weird, to discuss with a stranger in a shower. Liam wasn't used to it, even if he had played soccer. (Besides, he felt quite ugly in comparison with Colton, and it was depressing). (Liam always considered himself as a "normal" guy, but right now, he felt like a trash can). (No worries, he will not hit himself for all that).
"Only for my pleasure." answered Colton. "I wanted to join the club but... with the studies, my girlfriend, the gym and everything, I thought I wouldn't be able to handle this. Maybe later."
Liam nodded slowly. He had one question to ask. But it will be awkward... And I will blush... Anyway, he had to.
"Did you tell her about me ?"
As expected, he blushed a lot. (He was like a tomato when something was discomforting him). Plus, some sophomore entered in the shower, and glanced at them with knowing smile.
"I said nothing yet." assured Colton. "In fact, I'm still wondering... Are you a really bad and indiscreet stalker, or there is something else ? Maybe you know her, but you don't want to talk to her ?"
"Something like that, yes. Please, don't tell her about me."
After all what happened, Liam just wanted to avoid question. He wasn't able to face Barbara. Colton smiled. Eventually, he's cool. Cute, smart and cool, what a winning combination. (This thoughts made Liam blush even more, and he felt a bit of excitement which made him blush again, but thanks to the vapor in the shower, Colton saw nothing).
"Look, I'll be quiet as a grave, but I want something in return. Something simple. You stop avoid me, and you help us on the tutorial project. Deal ?"
"Deal. Can I go dress myself now ?"
Rebecca Monday October 9
As he looked towards Nick, she knew her coach was disapproving. The young freshman was sat on the bleacher, playing at his gameboy while eating a burger. He's just enjoying college freedom... Seing him here, Rebbie realised she didn't know much about him. He was childish, loved video games and junkfood, he always wore baggy clothes, and he had is own kind of humor. And that's all... I don't even know why he has a scolarship... But she wasnt bothered by this... After all, herself didn't talk that much.
"He doesn't look like an athlete to me Rebbie." whispered Bob. "I know what you think : he's my friend, and I don't care about his life's habits, but look... Being surrounded by athlete will lead you to outdo yourself. Furthermore, I don't want you to be... inspired by bad habits. Do you understand what I mean ?"
"Very well coach but... trust me, he's sportier than you think. And he's not encouraging me in any wrong way."
Usually, she never lied to Bob. I don't know why I feel the need to lie about Nick... Maybe, after one month with him, she wanted to remain at his side. He was like the first friend she ever had since she started running. Well, the first friend who was not interested by running. Back in highschool, or even before, she had people around her, but it had been always the same thing : they had only wanted to see her run, or make a sportive performance. As for him, Nick just didn't care about this stuff. This was new for her, and she wanted to see what it would create. Of course, she had also Liam, but it was quite different, the chestnut boy being the most inattentive person she knew.
"Rebbie, it's a reckless process... Let me give you an exemple. Do you remember Shirley Vince, one of your main opposant in highschool ?"
She nodded. A short but resolute blonde girl. Liam was in the same town and school...
"Do you know why you surpassed her ?"
"Because I'm better ?"
Bob smiled. A condescending smile she knew well. It meant she was wrong.
"You see Rebbie, while you're running, my job is to watch you, and to study your opponents. And here is what I know about Shirley Vince. Her brother went at their community college and completely let himself go. Plus, her boyfriend is overweight. That's why she couldn't win. Bad influences. Do you get it ?"
She nodded. From her experience, Bob was always right about sport. Thanks to him, she won more tournaments than she would had ever dream to. And now, she wanted to go at the Olympics Games in two year. She couldn't allow herself any relaxation.
"Anyway, I have to go." continued her coach. "See you tomorow Rebbie. I know you'll make the right thing."
Again, she kindly nodded. In fact, she had an idea. (Probably a bad one, but she wanted to try). Bob was right, she needed a good environment, with healthy relatives, and Nick wasn't. But if I can turn him into an athlete... The black girl came closer and hailed him :
"Hey dude. I... I want to see something with you tonight at the pool, after the swim training. Would you come ?"
The dark-haired boy didn't even raise his head. He simply agreed, and then focused back on his game. (At this moment, she wondered why she was doing all this for this fucking guy). (Then she realised the reason why was because he was this fucking guy). (Weird).
This night, once the training ended, Rebecca waited for him patiently in the tiers. She had prepared a plan in order to help him. Yeah, because finally, I'm helping him to get back in shape. It was hard to know Nick's figure. Outside, he was wearing baggy clothes all the time. And during the swim training, he was wearing his jacket, way too large for him. (He pretended being cold without the jacket). Anyway, the young girl was convinced his friend wasn't in the best shape, and she needed to help him. While she was thinking about him, Nick arrived. However, he wasn't alone, (Liam was here) and fully dressed, what she didn't expected. Damnit...I give him a meeting in the pool, and he comes dressed ?
"Hey Rebbie." he started. "So, what did you want to tell me ?"
Behind him, Liam was contemplating the water without any attention for them. Nevertheless, she felt insulted. Why he brought a friend, and why he was fucking dressed ? She decided to ask this last question, but more diplomatically.
"Can you explain me why are you dressed ? I expected us to swim a bit. You... and me."
She emphasized the last three words. (Liam wasn't listening anyway, so he couldn't be offended). However, Nick, as for him just smiled.
"Was it a date ? You should have say it was date."
A what ? Is he fucking kidding me ? A date ?
"Why the fuck would I date you ? Stop your fucking jokes for once. You're not funny at all."
"Calm down Hulk... I didn't want to upset you..."
"How dare you call me Hulk ?!"
Part of her tried to restrain her anger. But sadly, Rebecca was an impulsive girl. She hated being mocked. And even more being humiliated. Nick was a fucking little jackass, and she was exasperated by his humor. I think it's time to tell him some home truths.
"Listen to me bastard. I'm sick of your attitude. I'm sick of your humor. And I'm sick of your way of life. You're a lazy glutton, a smartass I want to punch since the first time I met you. You're cheeky and offensive."
She took a deep breath, but continued before he could react.
"Everything to say you're a little bugger."
Nick stared at her, astonished, for at least five minutes. I may have overreacted... She felt a bit ashamed, but her pride was stronger. A date, seriously. Who would date a guy like him ?
"Well, now I know what you're thinking." he eventually said. "Can we go ?"
No sadness in his voice, only a bit of anger. He did not feel concerned. He thinks I'm exaggerating.
"Guys ?" suddenly took part Liam. "Have you ever notice how transparent is this water ? I think there is too much chlorine..."
Pete Wednesday October 11
The young lad closed his eyes. He inhaled as much as possible and buttoned quickly his jeans. Once sure it was fastened, he relaxed a bit. I'm starting to regret having bought tight pants. Ten days since he decided to gain weight, and the results were starting to show. Right now, a roll of flab was hanging over his jeans. To be honest, it was the only physic change he noticed for now. A bit more of belly. However, both his appetite and love for junkfood were increasing, and he expected soon some results. While buttoning his shirt, he wondered if Theo noticed his growing waistline. Mike didn't even notice, so my sweet captain neither... I need to put on more pounds. He weighted himself yesterday, and was up to 75 kg (165 pounds). In other word, I gained 2 kg (5 pounds)... That's definitely not enough. Anyway, he was sure to succeed in the long run. (To be honest, he felt better now... like more... brave. It was a strange feeling, but he loved it. And he ached to get Theo back). A knock at the door made him jump. It's already time... Damnit. Swiftly, he opened the door, and sighed when his older sister yelled :
"Pete !!!!! I missed you so much !"
I already regret this meeting. His two sisters and his mother had come from his town to visit him this evening, and he didn't know how to feel about it. Yeah, because she might have insulted him, in fact his mother just loved him. (She was totally crazy, and didn't wanted him to leave). (It what happen when you are the only son, and the last born).
"My little boy !" she shouted. "Come here and cuddle your momma !"
He obeyed, and then led them in the living room. By the way, the young lad noticed they were holding severals bags, and he wondered why... But he was too shy to ask. In presence of his mother, he was a whole different person.
"You look fine to me." stated this one. "We brought diner, because we knew you would not be able do to anything fine. I hope you built a bit of appetite, because as I always said, you need to eat, my lovely son."
Slumped on the sofa, half conscious, Pete let a belch slip out his lips, and closed his eyes, relaxed. Next to him, one of his sister was rubbing his distended belly, undeniably happy, while the other put a spoon full of ice cream in his mouth. Please... I'm so full... He felt ready to explode. His jeans, which he lost so much time to fasten a bit earlier, was now open, as his shirt, to let place for his stomach. This one was round, hard as a rock, stuffed to the brim. Pete was experiencing something new. Back in highschool, he had always tried to control what his sisters and his mother wanted him to eat. But now, he knew he could handle it. (Maybe not, but it was worth a try). He was in a strange food-coma, opening his mouth, swallowing, and opening his mouth again. A delicious spoon of ice cream found his way towards his throat. Slowly, he wanted to sit up straight, but failed. A loud burp resonated in the room.
"Sounds like my boy is almost full." stated his mother. "I'm really glad you are eating more, it's healthier. You might become less ugly than you are."
She dropped off the table a big tray full of cookies. Pete looked at it, surprised. Is she expecting me to finish all these ? His family always have been full of big eaters. His two sister were quite similar, blonde, short and chubby, both with blue eyes. They often ate more than he was used too, and didn't have any problem with their weight. As for her, his mother wasn't that fat. Just a bit, as the great majority of old woman. She gave everything to my father I guess. Mr. Norisson, Pete's dad, was sporting a well-nourished gut, sign of his wealthy lifestyle. Ironically, his whole youth, the freshman tried to avoid the same fate. Being gay, he had been convinced he couldn't find love if he was fat. And now, he met the love of his life, but this one didn't like him because he was too thin. Thinking about it, Pete opened his mouth and gobbled several cookies, for the delight of his mother.
"You definitely changed." she smiled. "Seems like you decided to be an adult now."
He nodded, and took another cookie. After all, it was working perfectly for his plans, despite being a bit awkward.
Later, Pete found himself exhausted, and just relaxed on his bed. He could hear his mother and sisters talking about how proud they were, and it made him smile. However, right now, he didn't really consider himself fine. His belly was oversized, definitely too stuffed. It was hard, and each time he pushed a bit, he felt a painful pressure. (Which was why he tried to rub his stomach with meticulousness). I shouldn't have do this... Mentally, the pleasure of eating left, replaced by the impression to be a pig. It was a mistake, wasn't it ? Gain weight didn't mean he had to act like a fat slob. Pete closed his eyes, shameful, when he suddenly heard his mother saying :
"I'm sorry, but my son overeat a bit, and he's sleeping right now. You know how men are sometimes."
"Of course. I understand." replied Theo, souding amused.
What the fuck is he doing here ? Don't tell me I'll miss him... And his mother had just said he "overeat". Hell... She could have think before speaking...
"I'll tell him you came." she assured. "By the way, you're ?"
"A swimteam buddy." replied the captain. "What did you mean by... overeat ? Is he fine ?"
(In his deepest desire, Pete had expected Theo to introduce himself as his boyfriend, but nevermind). Right now, he feared his mother answer, and wanted to stood up, but he felt too heavy to even move. Damnit... I shouldn't have eat that much... He looked at his distended belly, and listened to the response.
"When I'm here, Pete is a real little glutton you know." she said. "I may have cooked a bit too much, but anyway, don't worry, he's fine. He just need to rest, which is normal after such a binge."
What a disgrace... I'm dead to him now. (Pete knew she was doing it on purpose. Since he left, she tried everything to make him come back. Crazy, as he said). Now, he looked like a pig, and a fat glutton.
"I understand." replied joyfully Theo. "I'll see him tomorrow. Have a good evening.”
To be continued
So we crossed the half of the 1st chapter ! I hope you’re liking it so far :)
I really enjoy writing Liam’s pov. He’s one of my favorite character since The High School Game and I’ve planned so much things for him ! But you’ll have to read to see that hehe.
Pete is on his way to become a nice feedee ! I guess that’s why Theo is waiting...
Rebecca versus Nick is a side story I wanted to develop a bit. But remember this is wrote under her pov ! She might not be percieving the whole picture :)
See you next week !!
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