#so now I cringe at the idea of continuing the quest because I don't know if I wanna play 3+ hours at a time anymore
shamera · 10 months
okay, FINE, I will catch up on the Fontaine Archon Quest in Genshin.
(so there are, like, a dozen gmvs for Genshin to the song Gods and they are all FIRE??? Literally the perfect song for the game.)
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halothenthehorns · 1 year
Spoilery goodness on TSatS below!
I want to preface this by saying I've never been active in the PJO fandom before when something first came out. His books have always been on and off my radar every five years or so since I was in middle school and I binge read to catch up then move on to something else, but since I've been actively writing fanfiction for these books lately, here are my first, fresh thoughts.
First the good!
I actually really liked Will was a big ol' doofus damsel in distress. Not everybody needs to be a big action hero and 'useful' on a quest. Will was there purely for moral support because Nico was going back to a most dreaded place, and he fulfilled that roll with moderate success while the two worked on their issues. I will now forever laugh at Care Bare Powers activate, and Will punning his own name and just being happy to be along was all I wanted from him.
I don't know why anybody would say him and Nico were ooc. You do know characters adapt and change over time, right? Of course Nico's going to be slightly different than before, this is the first book we've ever seen him actively trying to be happy.
I did laugh at some parts, I did have whole chunks of chapters were I was invested and curious what was going to happen, and I can not say enough how much I love Bob and Small Bob!
The Gorgyra's parts were some of my favorite, I can't help but laugh there was a scenic route through Tartarus on the happy friendship boat by sharing memories, and that's what I really wanted out of this book. A little background on these boys, a good promise of their future, and that is exactly what I got.
The Cocoa Puffs are a hilarious addition and I hope Nico and Will name every one of them and they make terrifying additions in continuing novels.
It wasn't a great shock or twist or anything he left his darkness behind. I half expected it to be their treasured objects that were invented for this book, so the fact that it was instead a piece of Nico he always clung to was a fairish way out of it without having to dramatically kill somebody, or break up Solangelo, or worse, make it Bob.
Chapter 24 was probably my favorite. I really loved Persephone's talk with Will;
but this chapter also kind of highlights some of my bad.
I really get why a lot of people are saying it reads like preachy bad fanfiction. Persephone could have shown up and had that talk with Will without the whole, oh if somebody's forcing you to be in a bad relationship you should runaway as fast as possible detail.
There's whole chunks of the book like that.
I was genuinely bored on some of it, Epiales  nightmares went on way to long when a first grader could figure out that's what was going on from the moment they reached the bottom the first time and mysteriously found their way at the top with a 'shadow' lurking behind them.
I like the sidequesty idea, the RR books had always been bad about doddling around to get to the real meat of the story with his sidequests and exploring more of the Underworld is always fun. The update on Geryon getting a boyfriend made me freeze up and mind blank for a good minute in shock, so I'll give it that.
I don't know, I think a good sideplot would have helped some of the structure problems. I've never written my own novel, I'm not going to pretend to think I can and should fix this, just my first thought.
The almost last bit where it was Hades who put all this together was another good example of why this was kind of cringe but mostly in line with the general RR series. The gods can never be OOC because they're gods. They can do whatever they want from book to book and it's just their mood for that moment. Hades breaking his rules to give Nico a moment with Bianca and Bianca (that's not a typo) was a sweet gesture and him using his son to get Bob out because his yelling got to loud was sweet and amusing.
But then they didn't do anything with the moment. It was just a quick shot, Bianca (actual Bianca) barley even got to say anything, and it was just over :( You spent whole pages of them just walking around like a Tolkien novel, you couldn't have given a little more emotion to Nico finally getting to talk to his mother and sister for the last time...
My only major complaint was the camp.
Dionysus was OOC. Him just sporadically being a good counselor and listening to Nico and caring is just, so, ugh. Not everybody needs to be nice and sweet and rainbows. I don't care I'm contradicting myself, Dionysus was written in previous books to care about the kids but in his own salty way about being stuck there, you didn't have to make him share his popcorn.
Chiron's always been like that. Oh, another big bad prophecy where my campers are off to do the most dangerous and world perilous things?
Cool, yeah, I'll be over here teaching archery, have fun with that.
The fact that there were no campers was?! I call absolute bull the 80-100+ kids that are supposedly there all have happy homes lives they went off to. Why would you even want to write it like the place was empty and barren? I wasn't even hoping for more OC and intense background, just a little casual time of Nico being accepted in camp which we only got on the first pages and then- Just, so much, !?
Thing two was Piper getting the check-up call at the end instead of Reyna. Yes authors, highlight the recently found out gay chick instead of Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano, Jason's best friend you keep forgetting existed and is now possibly exploring her Aro/Ace life with the Hunters and Jason's sister Thalia! This choice just personally infuriated me because I want a Hunters book sooooo bad, and I was desperately hoping when the scene started we were going to get a 'jump off' point for them like this book was at the end of ToA
If we get a Piper book next, maybe I'll get lucky and it'll be a team up book wit them, but I am not holding my breath at this rate.
5/10, would only recommend to hardcore RR fans. Will probably reread again someday, but years from now when I convince myself it might not have been as bland as I remember it.
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aizawaslovebot · 4 years
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NOW PLAYING: the ex factor by iwaizumi hajime
—reader pronouns: he/him
—warnings: curse words ; slight implied violence
—summary: desperate times mean desperate measures, and y/n is definitely the embodiment of desperate. eager to make his ex jealous for reasons undisclosed, (read as: he's just petty), he asks his long-time best friend, iwaizumi hajime, to pretend as his boyfriend
—note: y'know how it always is, sorry for being late!!
TAGLIST: OPEN ; just send me an ask!! i don't mind you guys resending asks to be added ^^
@ohmygodronnie2020 @beyond-the-mxxn @clinomanians
<- the sweetheart playlist | part i | part ii | next song ->
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The plan was simple, really.
Pretend to be boyfriends and find the bane of your existence so you could rub it in his face that he was much more disposable than he made you feel. Then you’d both get the hell out of there and go someplace you both actually enjoyed. It was easy to do, too. Pretending to be together was something you had done when one of the other had problems with strangers. Finding your ex was an easier task because all you had to look for is where there was an influx of vulnerable girls.
Apparently, this plan was simple only in theory.
Realistically speaking, as you and Iwa fail to wade through the many drunk people flailing their limbs and calling it dancing, finding your ex was not an easy task.
The other part of the plan was also much more difficult than either of you expected too. Pretending was not easy. It was not easy when either of you couldn’t ignore the beating of your hearts at close contact. It was not easy when everyone readily acknowledged that you were together; that it was normal for Iwaizumi Hajime and Y/N L/N to be together. It was not easy when pretending reminded both of you that this was fake and that reality will sink in much sooner than the way next week came.
“Finally!” Someone would say, “We’ve been waiting for you two to get together!” Then a drunk acquaintance would add, “I thought you were together this whole time!”
So, sure, making it seem like you two were together was easy. But pretending— oh dear lord, just pretending— was what made it difficult. It had become apparent to both of you, without the other knowing, that just pretending hurt so much.
“Just how much did everyone drink? I heard the party started an hour ago,” You sigh, cringing when you see the class valedictorian puking her guts out by the plant.
Iwa snorts as he fixes his grip on your waist, “Just let the bunch of idiots let loose. The sem ended after all, puddin’.” Only a mere squeak comes out of your mouth because of the way his soft lips neared your ears.
God damn. Was it really necessary to gay panic in the middle of a mission?
With no answer to the hypothetical question in your head, you decided to let the energy die out a little before you commence part two of the plan. You and Iwa find solace in the comfort of an unoccupied booth but you couldn’t sit still at all.
The thought of being close to Iwa tonight felt different. It made you giddy and nervous and flustered and anxious all at once. It was like having to hold your breath and close your eyes to prepare for the “big thing” to happen. And you were too scared to find out what the “big thing” was for you so, despite much reluctance, you said, “I’m gonna get a drink, Zumi.”
You hastily got out of the booth and made a beeline for the kitchen to look for any drink that was sealed or canned. As much as you wanted the confidence that being intoxicated gives you, you’d rather not be embarrassingly drunk while facing your ex. In your quest to find something safe to drink in a college party, your acquaintances strike up a conversation.
“So, you and Iwaizumi, huh?” The aforementioned drunk class valedictorian asked, surprisingly still able to make a conversation despite feeling unwell just a few moments ago. “Been a long time coming,” she continued when you nodded, “You two are made for each other, y’know?”
You two hear a sigh from Claire’s, the drunkard valedictorian, friend beside her. “How romantic… I still remember how the whole ‘pudding’ nickname started. We honestly thought you’ve been dating ever since then.”
Claire looks at you questioningly, as if mentally asking you to relay the story to her because she was probably piss drunk when it happened; I mean, she’s still drunk right now but she was far worse back then.
You give in before they start to get the idea of gathering more and more people to make you tell the story. “It’s a weird story though,” You warn, but judging by the way they still urged you on, you could continue. “There was a time in our first year when we had this party, right? By then, Iwa and I were, at most, acquaintances if not just roommates.”
“I didn’t know how to like, interact with him because I found him so intimidating,” You smiled faintly, causing the two girls to look at each other quickly. “Anyway, everyone got challenged to eat as many diet pudding cups as we could possibly eat— which was quite unhealthy considering we’re studying to become trainers.”
Claire’s friend snorts, reminiscing the day when your class bought out all the diet pudding cups available in the nearest convenience stores for a stupid game.
“I got really competitive about it to the point where only Iwa and I remained. Neither of us wanted to back down but everyone got concerned about the amount we ate so we were both crowned diet pudding cup champions”
They giggle at the odd story but let you continue. “We started calling each other ‘diet pudding cup champion’ after that but it was honestly a mouthful to say so somewhere down the line, it got shortened to ‘pudding’.”
“Which is why we thought you two were a thing but you dated that asshole ex of yours and left us stumped,” Claire downs another bottle, “You didn’t even look comfortable with that ex and you two were never compatible, honestly. But all is well now! I wish I had love like yours…”
Claire’s friend rolls her eyes when the valedictorian starts crying, mumbling how cute you and Iwa were and that the entire class should be invited to your wedding. Claire then cries out how soft you two are for each other. “Sorry for her nonsense,” Claire’s friend sighs, “Anyway, we shouldn’t keep you for long… You should go back to your boyfriend.”
You wave slowly as they leave you to yourself and your thoughts. Was that really how people thought? That Iwa and you were a much better match? Would you have been far happier if Iwaizumi Hajime, your long-time best friend, was your boyfriend instead?
Speaking of your ‘boyfriend’...
Iwaizumi was thankful you decided to part for a while. Had there not been distance between you two at that moment, he wasn’t sure what mistake he would’ve made. He was too scared to risk everything and find out too. Patiently, while rejecting the class drunkards who wanted to dance or drown in booze with him, Iwa waits for your return.
Iwaizumi Hajime was hopelessly, irretrievably in love with you. You were his idiot, his contradiction, his pudding, his everything, and sadly, just his best friend. How much did the universe have to hate him to bind you two to simply being best friends? How much did the universe have to hate him to let Iwaizumi Hajime get a taste of what could’ve been and deprive him of what would be? Why, of all people, did it have to be Iwaizumi Hajime who had to go through the turmoil of falling for his best friend?
Far too many questions have formed in his head but Iwaizumi persists. He still had to help you after all. So Iwa waits and waits and waits for your return while simultaneously having to deal with his realization and the universe’s hatred.
And the universe might have hated him more than it let on.
Y’know what they say when you can’t seem to find what you’re looking for specifically because you’re looking for it? How you should let time pass and that thing will magically pop up when you don’t need it?
It happened.
In front of Iwaizumi stood the very person they planned to spite that night, the very person who decided it was fun to toy with your heart, and the very person who Iwaizumi loathed to the very core: Akuma Azamuku.
While you were questioning your “what could be” with your pretend boyfriend, Iwaizumi was busy facing your bastard ex.
“I heard you two are together now,” The poor excuse of a man started, standing confidently as if he didn’t have women in his arms, “Kind of a fast development, don’t ‘ya think?”
Iwaizumi almost pulverized your ex to the ground at that statement. What a hypocrite. What a stupid guy. What a terrible person. To imply that you were the one who cheated when the God forsaken ex was the one who manipulated you into this chaos.
“Fast development? What do you call yours then?” He challenged, eyebrows raised unamused at your ex.
“I’m not here to argue with you,” Akuma rolled his eyes rather condescendingly, “He never had eyes for me anyway. The same way I never liked him one bit.”
Iwaizumi’s fingers twitched; they itched to close the distance between Akuma’s face and Iwa’s fist. You never liked him? What utter bullshit. You spent most of your days walking on eggshells to please the goddamn piece of shit and he tells him that you never liked your ex? He tells Iwa that he never liked you?
Sadly, Akuma took his silence as a sign to continue. Bad choice on his part, really.
“He has always liked you though, hasn’t he? You always had to be the man of the hour in Y/N’s eyes when he and I were together. The son of a bi—”
Then fist connected to face faster than anyone could have comprehended. Iwaizumi never liked your ex and his fists figured it was time to convey what he had been internalizing this whole time.
“You don’t get to talk that way. Not when it was you who two-timed him from the start,” Iwaizumi’s voice took a menacing tone. This was, by far, the scariest he had been: he wasn’t spouting off in anger, his voice sounded hushed, but it was obvious that there would be carnage.
“Y’know,” Iwaizumi started, slowly walking up to Akuma who was keeling over in pain, “I didn’t even hear the news from Y/N.”
“He wanted to hide that you cheated on him from me because even if he didn’t want to beat the shit out of you physically, he knew that I would.” Iwaizumi sat slowly to look at your ex eye-to-eye, death seen in his, “And he knows me so well.”
The girls in your ex’s arms were long gone. All that was left to face the wrath of Iwaizumi Hajime was the poor excuse of a man who manipulated you, hurt you, and used you. Your ex wasn’t going to go out of this party unscathed and everyone in their radar knew. Before his right knuckle could find its way to Akuma’s fear-stricken face, however, you had arrived.
“Stop it, Hajime.”
The aforementioned male sighed, relaxed his posture, and complied. Iwaizumi walks towards you as his anger slowly dissipates. As much as Iwa wanted to do so much more to your ex, he’d rather not anger nor disappoint you. It was you who was involved in the chaos after all, not him. Iwa was there to back you up and if it meant that he had to restrain himself from getting revenge for your sake, he would do it. He would do anything for you.
Akuma visibly relaxed too, assuming that you stopped Iwaizumi because you wanted to save your ex. He got so cocky at your presence to the point that he thought it was a good idea to utter the words “Just a guard dog, eh?” when you and Iwa started to walk away.
You retaliated at the speed of light, snarling as you threw a heavy punch to your ex’s disgusting face and successfully knocked the living daylights out of the spawn of Satan. Shocking everyone speechless, you looked your ex dead in the eyes and before leaving, you muttered, “Go to hell.”
Whether the mission was successful or not, neither you nor Iwa could tell. Yes, you were able to fool your ex and the entire class that you were together. Yes, you did make your ex feel jealous. So why did it feel so incomplete? Why did it feel as if you had more to resolve than you first did?
That was it? Is this the end of your faux relationship then?
The walk to your shared dorm was silent; the air heavy from what occurred just a few moments ago. With more questions than answers, you two had no choice but to retreat to the comfort of your shared living space.
While you went straight to your room to change, Iwa does what he does best when the atmosphere isn’t as light as either of you liked. He goes to the kitchen, gets a flurry of unhealthy junk foods that you two, as health practitioners in the making, ironically had, and prepares the living room for your impromptu Godzilla marathon.
This is how it always had been, you muse as you hear him surf the TV for the movies, this is how you two always cheer yourselves up when you get into disagreements or when either of you haven’t had the best day. You will forever be grateful for the support that Iwa always had been because without him, you don’t know how you would’ve survived this gruelling journey of yours.
Iwaizumi will always be important to you. He was your pillar, your anchor, your partner in crime, your pudding. You find yourself smiling as you fix your— it was Iwa’s but it’s yours now— hoodie, deciding to leave out all negativity that you had experienced because at the end of the day, Iwa was still with you.
Iwaizumi Hajime was still with you.
You pause, moments away from opening your door to your Iwa, wondering why it made you feel so warm to know that Iwaizumi Hajime was still with you, is still with you, and will always be with you.
Then you realize it all along.
The reason why pretending hurt more than your breakup, why seeing him so readily into your revenge quest stirred something inside of you, and why you felt that it was far more important to have Iwaizumi Hajime by your side than your ex.
Iwaizumi Hajime is and will always be your everything.
And maybe that meant that you wanted him by your side not as someone who you call your best friend, but someone who you hoped would be yours.
Is that too much to ask for?
Too focused on your revelation of the century, you failed to realize that the one person who reigned in your pretty head was standing before you— concerned by the fact that you had taken too long in your room, only to find you frozen by your front door, quite oblivious of his presence.
“You good?” He whispers, tone nothing but gentle. Iwaizumi, the ever-gruff and brash athlete, had always been gentle to you, hadn’t he?
You’ve had too many thoughts about your longtime roommate and best friend that his one question left you speechless. Perhaps it was your body’s precautionary measure against you and the possibility of a flurry of your heart’s unspoken desire pouring themselves out readily for Iwaizumi Hajime.
You love him, you realize. You’d always be ready to do anything for him, you realize.
“Hey…” Iwaizumi tries again when the only thing you did in response was look at him. Then he nervously goes on a tangent because he wasn’t fond of your silence, you had always been the better talker between the two of you, but Iwaizumi would rather he embarrass himself than let you sleep the night feeling terrible.
“I have Godzilla on for a marathon and I know we swore off on diet pudding cups after the challenge, but I bought some yesterday to eat with you because it had been years, right? Maybe we could—”
“I like you.”
“— eat some while… What?”
It was Iwa’s turn to be speechless. Maybe he was hallucinating. Maybe he was actually dreaming right now. You just said what?
“I like you,” You firmly repeated, far more serious than he’d ever seen you been. Iwaizumi stands frozen, unable to process what you had said; unable to fully grasp the thought of you liking him back; unable to get it in his head that the one person he had always cared about admitted to having feelings for him.
Iwaizumi Hajime had to be dreaming. That’s not what you said right? How could you ever possibly like him back?
“‘Like’ isn’t enough to convey how much adoration I hold for you, ‘Zumi. I care for you more than you could comprehend— more than the four letter word could hold so when I say I like you, Iwaizumi,” You mumble, nerves getting the best of you when your confession only received silence but you couldn’t stop yourself from finally admitting, “I mean I love you.”
With that final blow, Iwaizumi could finally affirm that you will be the death of him. You were his idiot, his contradiction, his pudding, and, with full confidence, he could finally say, his everything.
“Say something you idiot,” You whined out of pure embarrassment— too nervous to calm the loud beating of your heart as you witness Iwaizumi’s ears turn red— successfully bringing him out of his everlasting gay-panicking for you. Godzilla plays on in the background, reminding the both of you that the world will keep moving to tomorrow despite how slow time seemed for you two.
Iwaizumi tries to calm his nerves in the guise of sighing the way he always did when you did something that was contradictory to how things were for him. Smiling ever so softly at your scrunched up face trying its best to hide your trembles, he says:
“I like you too.”
“And when I say I like you, Y/N,” Iwaizumi immediately adds with a teasing smirk on his face, “I mean I love you.”
“Damn you idiot.”
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before either of you could even move from your place, your dorm's door bursts open with an annoyed oikawa waiting.
"i've been standing outside for 15 minutes with all my luggage because i wanted to surprise my best friends but this is the welcome i get?" oikawa growls as he chucks the multitude of suitcases that he brought, only then noticing the atmosphere.
oikawa feels daggers pointed at him when he meets iwaizumi's glare. "oh wait..." oikawa slowly realizes, the imaginary lightbulb on his head lighting up by the way you had been so embarrassed, "oops...?"
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—reblogging helps, thank you!!
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amane-by-together · 4 years
Blue Hour || Amane Yugi pt. 4/5
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(Amane Yugi x Fem!Reader)
genre: romance, drama and a bit of fantasy
summary: in which the yugi twins, kou minamoto and sousuke mitsuba went to find [name]
"The night without a single starlight, the path we walked on is lonely and regretful"
It was around 7:15 am when Amane woke up from his bed. He scratched his messy hair while looking at Tsukasa hugging his pillow with a tiny drool on the side of his lips. The older twin hopped off the bed as he made his way to his sleeping brother. “Oi Tsukasa, wake up we have to leave early!”
“Five more minutes” Tsukasa groaned against the pillow he was hugging. Amane's eyes twitched in annoyance. Yesterday, Tsukasa was the one pestering his older brother about being excited on the upcoming trip.
Amane lets out an exaggerated sigh, he smacked the back of his brother's head. “Ow! What the—” Tsukasa opened his eyes and rubbed the back of his head pouting. “I'm up!”
“Good.” Amane walks away from their room and went straight to the bathroom. Tsukasa rubbed the back of his head to soothe the pain. He stood up and went to the kitchen to get something to eat.
The shower room was a bit steamy since Amane activated the heater to produce hot water. He sighed, water droplets begin to trickle down from his hair to his skin. Amane placed his hands against the wall in front of him, his hair looked damped as it continues to drip droplets of water like rain.
Amane stepped out of the shower whilst wrapping a towel around his torso. He grabbed another towel to dry his hair and draped it around his neck for a little while.
After drying himself, Amane puts on his undergarments, then his oversized black shirt tuckdd in to his black cargo pants. He grabbed a belt and buckled it to his pants. Finally, he grabbed his white hoodie with a silhouette of a rocket ship as a design and puts it inside his bag.
“Tsukasa, are you done?” Amane asked, grabbing his black backpack nearby and putting on one of its straps.
Tsukasa came out, he's wearing a grey shirt with striped sleeves that has a smiley face on it. He's wearing black shorts, he doesn't like anything that covers his legs. “Yeah, I'm done!”
“Mitsuba and the Minamoto kid must be waiting for us.” Amane beckoned him to go downstairs to the doorway to change their shoes. “If we don't go early, we wouldn't be able to find her. [name] said to meet her in 5:53 pm so let's go!”
“We need some food too, Amane!” Tsukasa went to the kitchen and grabbed two packs of Lays. He stuffed it inside Amane's backpack. “Okay, that's all!”
‘I was gonna say that we're gonna eat in a fast food restaurant but that works I guess.’ Amane puts on his black chonky-soled boots. “Let's go.” he stood up as the twins went out of their house, starting their quest to find [name].
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“We just have to ride two trains towards Sanaol Academy.” Mitsuba mentions. “We don't have to waste four hours of getting there.”
Kou looked over to Amane and sweatdropped. “Senpai, why are you dressing so casually? I thought we're supposed to find [name]?” he said.
“He's going to flex his fashion sense for [name].” Mitsuba smugs at Amane earning a smack from the latter, the pink haired boy is known for being a cocky bastard and a tease especially to his close friends.
“Let's go to the train station.” Amane tells the three boys who were glancing all over the place. They nodded as they followed Amane towards the nearest station to take the train towards Yokohama to [name]'s school.
The train ride took longer than they thought it would be. Tsukasa was sitting on one of the seats while texting with someone on the phone. Mitsuba and Kou were sleeping next to each other during the ride. As for Amane, he remained standing, clinging on one of the handles next to Tsukasa's seat.
Amane was listening through his headphones while scrolling through his phone. The train stopped for the people who are going to leave and the people who are going inside.
Amane has his eyes on his phone that he didn't even realize that the train was crowding with people. A certain girl wearing a fluffy jacket with a crop top underneath and a pair of cargo pants passed by the standing boy.
Then, he heard a sound that made his eyes widen. Amane looked over to the person who just passed by but they were already gone. “Amane?” Tsukasa called. “What are you looking at?”
Amane shook his head. “That was nothing.” he replied flatly.
What he did not know is that it was [name] who passed by.
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Amane fell asleep while hanging on to one of the handles in the train. The train halted to its next stop making his eyes flutter open. He pulled out his phone from his pocket. “It's noon already.” he mentions.
“Wake them up.” Amane covered his mouth to yawn as he beckons Tsukasa to wake Mitsuba and Kou since they arrived to Yokohama.
The four of them stepped out of the train. Amane looked around for the person who passed by him that triggered a sound. He furrowed his eyes in confusion and shook his head. “You three want something to eat?”
“I mean, we’re hungry anyways of course we want to.” Mitsuba cocked an eyebrow at Amane as if the answer is obvious that they were hungry because of the train ride. Amane looked over to his phone, then pointed at the distance.
“There’s a fast food restaurant that we can go to.” He pointed out.
“Then what the hell were we waiting for? New Year? Let’s go!” Mitsuba waves his hands towards Kou and Tsukasa who were admiring the tall buildings and the roaming transportations. The four boys started to walk their way to a nearby restaurant. 
After ordering their food from the counter, the four of them took some seats by the window. “Now that we’re here, when do we start looking?” Kou unwrapped the wrapper that was around the burger, then took a bite from it. “You said we’ll start by going to Sanaol Academy”
“After we eat I guess.” Amane sipped on the cherry soda he was drinking, looking at the window deep in thought. He was kind of nervous of meeting [name] like he wanted to make a good impression of her. “Hmm, what should I say when we meet?”
“Give her a pick up line!” Mitsuba suggested with a cocky grin but it turned into a look of disgust after that. “But not the corny ones of course. Ew.”
“Yeah, Amane!” Tsukasa added, agreeing with Mitsuba's idea. Truth to be told, Amane is a pretty charming guy and everything about him is godly so they're sure that he can initiate a pick up line. “Tell us your best pick up line!”
Amane slowly raised his hand and awkwardly smiled. “Hi...?”
Mitsuba sat there judging Amane with a look of disgust and cringe. Tsukasa's eyes twitched and he looked like he was gonna rant out on how he should make a pick up line. “Amane, you're never gonna have a girlfriend if you stick with that.”
And so when they got out of the restaurant, Mitsuba and Tsukasa gave Amane a lecture about flirting with girls. You can't blame him though, he doesn't have any experience with girls so he has poor knowledge about it. “Maybe you two shouldn't pressure Senpai like that.” Kou worriedly looks at Amane. “Just say hi and smile at her, talk about your backgrounds and stuffs.”
Amane smiled and ruffled his junior's blonde hair. “Thanks, kid.”
“Oi!” Mitsuba whirled around to the two. “We're here in Sanaol Academy.” he pointed out to the gate of the school.
Amane's heart quickened in nervousness, could it be that he was finally meeting [name] behind those letters?
The choppy haired boy saw a girl going out from the school, he decided to go and ask her of she knew [name]. “Ah, excuse me.” Amane called the girl.
“Yo!” she greeted back with a quirkful grin. “Whaddya need?”
“Do you know someone named [name] [surname]?” Amane asked while twiddling his fingers.
“[name]-san?” the girl rubbed her chin to think and then her eyes lit up when she knew. “Oh yes! She's from my dance class!”
“[name]-san is a dancer?” Amane tilted his head.
“Yeah, she takes dancing lessons after school.” She grabbed a lollipop and plopped it inside her mouth. “But she left an hour ago after the practice.”
“Oh.” Amane felt like he was relying on false hope.
“Are you perhaps her boyfriend?”
Mitsuba let out a plfft sound, Tsukasa tried his best not to utter an 'oop' and Kou stood there wondering what the hell is going on. Amane's face turned red till the tips of his ears. “N-No! I-I'm just her friend, that's all—”
“Drop the cap, Amane.” Tsukasa cocked his head and raised his enclosed fist. “We been knew you have a thing for her—”
“Tsukasa I swear—”
“But I think I know wheres she's heading.” The girl interrupted the two twin boys from talking. “[name]-san is always heading towards that abandoned ferris wheel that she's talking about.”
‘The ferris wheel that I keep seeing in my dream and the postcard!’
“Do you know where this ferris wheel is?” Amane handed her the postcard which contains the picture of the ferris wheel.
“It wasn't that far but it wasn't that near either, I'll let you borrow my bike for that matter. Oh and my name is Yiren.”
Yiren told Amane which way he should go to the ferris wheel. The choppy haired boy nodded at every word she says. “...And then you'll see the ferris wheel.”
“That's a long way to go...” Kou commented.
Amane gets on the bike and looked at the three. He gripped on to the handle and then sets his foot down for a moment. “Tsukasa, I'll go find [name]-san, you guys should go ahead.”
“Yiren-san, thank you.” And so Amane started to pedal towards his destination to find [name].
“So that guy was [name]-san's pen pal.” Yiren smiled, crossing her arms. She looked over to the three and grinned. “Wanna go to the arcade?”
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“This is a pretty bumpy ride.” Amane kept his balance steady since he's going down to a steep hill. The sky suddenly turned into a mixture of pink, purple and orange, giving it a sunset vibe. The way the wind blows against his hair as it lifted his bangs up.
Amane tried hoisting his head up to get a better look until he saw something lose his balance.
The ferris wheel.
Amane wobbled as if he was going to fall at any moment but ended up falling off the bike. He rolled down to the grassy hill, writhing in pain at the impact. Then, it stopped.
“Ahck!” Amane hissed at the pain. There was a bruise on his arm because of the fall. He couldn't get up and felt tears pricking from his eyes.
Why was he chasing someone so far? Why was he desperate to find [name]? He was almost there, almost to the ferris wheel, almost there to meeting her.
But Amane wouldn't give up that easily.
He wouldn't give up because he loves [name], and he'd come so far for looking for her.
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lokiondisneyplus · 4 years
In late March, when Robert and Michelle King convened the writers room for their supernatural drama Evil, they plotted out a second season premiere in a haunted New York City subway station.
Now, more than two months later, as the novel coronavirus continues to ravage so much of the world, the idea has been scrapped at the behest of their line producer, who warned that filming permits would be hard, if not impossible, to come by. When the CBS series does return, the season opener will explore the spiritual consciousness of its characters instead, with a storyline devoted to the "God helmet" and its virtual-reality-meets-peyote-style impact. It's a plot perfectly suited for a post-pandemic world, explains Robert King, because it relies heavily on visual effects. "You have to look at scope in a different way," he says, in this case referencing the scope of the brain rather than scope of a subway.
In virtual rooms all over Hollywood, writers like the Kings are being asked to rethink what could be feasible once production resumes. Many are waiting to actually tweak their scripts — "I don't want to have to rewrite everything six times while the guidelines change," says Shameless' John Wells — while others are already avoiding or scrubbing crowds, hugs and handshakes. Sex scenes and fight scenes will need to be carefully considered, too, and in some cases reconsidered as storytellers along with their line producers and studio bosses navigate an unknown future.
"What we're telling our writers is 'Don't be dumb,' " says one studio executive, who suggests that an elaborate crowd scene with dozens of extras would surely qualify. "We're not going to be able to shoot it, so don't write it."
Regardless of directives, which vary by studio, more than a dozen producers who spoke with THR say their anxiety lies largely in the uncertainty. "It's very hard when you don't know what the future looks like," says Marta Kauffman, showrunner of Netflix's Grace and Frankie, whose situation is made more complicated by the fact that the youngest of her four leads is 79 years old. She has yet to go back into her scripts and start making the necessary changes, but that's coming, and she's dreading it. "We had scenes at our assisted living facility with a crowd, and, well, we can't do that anymore. And we know we certainly won't be doing lots of kissing with elderly people, but it may have to go beyond that."
Though Kenya Barris' actors are several decades younger than Kauffman's, he's having trouble wrapping his head around how he'll make his Freeform series Grown-ish, which takes place almost entirely on a college campus. "It's literally about a place where people gather," he says, "and you can only do so many [contained] bottle episodes before it starts to lose the tone and feeling of what the show is." Meanwhile, Mythic Quest's Rob McElhenney was smack in the middle of shooting a scene set at the E3 gaming conference when production shut down. "There were literally thousands of people in the audience, and that's not going to happen anytime soon," he says. "So I'm going to have to rewrite it and reshoot it."
The days of doing a dozen extra takes are likely over, laments another producer, and shooting long just to have it, too. In fact, one executive suggests scripts could soon be five or six pages shorter ultimately, to make room in a show's budget for pricey protocols like crew-wide testing. There have been rumblings of putting line producers into writers rooms as well, though writers with any modicum of power are likely to resist additional infringement on the creative process. ("It's a terrible idea unless you have an irresponsible showrunner," says Kauffman.)
Writers will also be asked to lean on fewer characters along with special effects to provide scale. As one producer explains, if a pre-virus scene was set at a backyard birthday party full of children, the post-virus one will have two or three characters sitting around a kitchen table talking about the party — and any flashes to it would largely be CGI.
"The technology that brought you dragons and exploding people is the same technology that will be bringing you ordinary crowd scenes on shows you wouldn't expect [to use] visual effects," says You's Sera Gamble, who suggests CGI will be of little help on her intimate scenes, which she isn't interested in writing out. "We're not at the place in 2020 where we can talk about using visual effects to fake a kiss between [You stars] Penn Badgley and Victoria Pedretti — that's a separate issue and one we have to figure it out."
In recent weeks, writers such as Gamble have been looking abroad to see and study how productions elsewhere are grappling with the same challenges. All eyes are on Australia's long-running soap Neighbours, which announced it's resuming without extras or physical contact between castmembers. The show's producers have said they'll cut away before a kiss or punch, relying on the audience's imagination to do the rest. It's a strategy that some will consider stateside, too, particularly when it comes to intimacy.
Other approaches being discussed involve facilitating separate shoots, which can then be pieced together in post, and quarantining participating talent for 14 days, with testing done regularly, before shooting the scene in full. The actors involved with the latter would have to be OK with that plan, of course. "And if they're not, you're fucked," says one executive, "because you can't force an actor to do something that they're not comfortable with." At least two more predict those kinds of conversations about comfort levels — both general and specific — will start to happen with No. 1's on every call sheet in the coming weeks, if they haven't begun already. And the responses are expected to vary, particularly among the older and more vulnerable set. Regardless of how many safety measures are put in place, there will be some who simply won't feel comfortable and, as one network head warns, some shows could go away as a result.
For the time being, writers seem to be relying on their own gut to guide them. Barris, for instance, won't be writing in handshakes anytime soon, since he cringes every time he sees one on TV now. "I'd be less offended if you came up and cupped my girl's boob than shook her hand," he jokes. Curb Your Enthusiasm boss Jeff Schaffer agrees: "The handshake is gone," he says, "it's the VHS of salutations." And McElhenney's partner, Megan Ganz, reveals she'll be editing out a pre-pandemic line in which Mythic Quest's lead characters are asked, in response to their slacking, "What have you been doing for the past six months?" because it no longer feels right.
Studio and network execs must rethink their choices, too: Some are looking to their own libraries for contained shows that might be worth rebooting, while others are exploring potential series add-ons where only a couple of characters are needed. Working in their collective favor is an overwhelming desire among most casts and crews to get back to work. Says Black-ish showrunner Courtney Lilly, "If [our show] ends up being a one-act play for 21 minutes between two characters so that people can work and America can see characters they like onscreen doing something that isn't a repeat, we're going to find a way to do it."
It's a sentiment shared by many — just not all. Robert King falls among the skeptics: "Oh my God, network shows can't be made more boring," he says, horrified by the notion of having to scale Evil or The Good Fight down to a series of two- or three-character scenes. "You need to find ways that are visually interesting and inspired, and if you start limiting things, it'll just be, 'Why do I want to watch that? I'll wait for the newest Netflix thing that's shot in Hungary or somewhere where they will let people sit on each other's laps.' I just think everybody needs to calm the fuck down and not write with the idea of limitations in mind — or [at least] not as the guiding force."
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