#so now its just in the italic font hope its still visible enough
arandomshine · 3 years
Hey its been i while :) in short school is mentally damaging and draining me but here i am
Wanted to post this on saturday already but didnt want to post with mcc going on you know? (congrats to teal Turkeys btw)
Also fun fact: the line scott says in this story is actually taken from the episode (31.)(Time: 8:03) its that moment specifically because thats when scott was cloesest to where she (my sona) was at that moment
Okay ill shut up now
Leigh's Masterpost
Leigh: talks in the bold font
Scott: talks in the italic font
The King's return
It's been about 3 weeks ever since Leigh found the letter and went into hidding she occasionally heard voices outside but she never investigated them in fear it might be bandits. She counted them there were atleast two different male voices and one female voice. Then one day she randomly peeks her head outside and notices the temperature was back to normal Rivendell temperatures, she looks outside of the building, the ice was still there but Rivendell was pretty cold naturally so she wasn't surprised. "Looks like our King leaving did really help.. but Rivendell needs it's ruler, well i think it'd be best to take a quick walk around everywhere to make sure the voices i heard weren't actually bandits,, So she did, she walked from the enchanting tower across the river all the way to the embassy shelby had built and everywhere else. Luckly nothing was damaged or destroyed. She was walking past her Kings home: "Now lastly the not so secret meeting room, i know im not allowed in there if it's not an emergency but i just want to make sure everything is as it should be in there, it's one of the most important places here afterall,,  She made her way towards the meeting room, she was one of the few people that knew where the room was and how to open it in case an urgent message for the King ever arrived. When she was infront of the entrance she looked around to see if she was alone, then flicked the hidden lever and not even a second later the room was open to enter. At first all seemed fine, she walked down the stairs to get to the chairs and her Kings antlers. Looking over where they were kept along with the Xornoth crystal that was supposed to be there, she thought she was gonna pass out: "Nonononono... where is the crystal?!..It was here, where did it go?! Did someone take it..? Okay deep breathes... Lets think about this logically. Who would've taken it?,, She thought and thought then it clicked:  "Shelby! Shelby must have it, im sure of it. I mean the demon did go after her the most, she told me eveytime time it did, so who's to say she didn't take it? I need to tell our King, the Owl's are smart enough, one of them should be able to find him, right?,, She rushed out of the meeting room quickly closing the door behind herself and ran down to the owl building aka. her home and called upon an owl: "Errol! Come to me!,, A few seconds later Errol was on her arm. "Errol, you think you can find our King? We need him back,, Errol ruffeld his feathers and flapped his wings as an indication that he could and was ready to fly. "Okay i trust you on this, tell him that shelby took the Xornoth crystal, that should make him come back,, And with that Errol flew of to find King smajor. Leigh wasn't worried about Errol going missing since number 1. The Owls are smart enough to find their way and number 2. every Rivendell owl has a small cyan,gold and white ribbon bound around one of their feet so if it does go missing it can easily be identified if it's found. Leigh goes back inside, since temperatures are back to normal she begins to move the unhatched eggs out of her living quarters. This took her longer the she tought, but after about 4 hours she was done. Just as she put away the last few things she heard a voice in come into proximity from outside just beyond the door: "...not sure if i'll invite people over for the Winter festival that we normally do, but i can atleast decorate. I wonder if i can create snowmen...,, The voice faded out again Leigh knew exactly who that was. "King smajor...and the Winter fest..,, She rushed to the door, and was about to turn the knob when she stops herself. "No i shouldn't..,, she let's go of the door knob. "He just came back.. and has alot to deal with, i should leave him be he told us, his citizens to do so anyway. But he did mention the Winter festival and that he was gonna start decorating for it, maybe i should aswell? I think it's best to wait until he starts decorating too. Oh! im gonna visit mom and dad on Winter fest they probably miss me! Okay thats the plan then. It's good to atleast have some normality in Rivendell again after everything that's happend in the past few weeks,, And with that she went into her living quaters to get some rest since the sun was already setting.
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