#so now the goverment controlling the largest magic world kingdom and the goverment in the non magic world country that wanted the land are
crazyhermitdm · 8 years
So the current campaign I’m DMing has been a fun one so far. This is my fourth full campaign and my first one for 5th Edition. (I’ve done like 4 more minor ones that fizzled out) Since I’m really enjoying this campaign and this page just hit 3000 followers! I figured I’d share the premise and the PC’s that play in it. First off the premise for it is something I’ve been playing around with running for years now but I was always hesitant because I don’t think it fit the role-play style of my original play group . Basically the ‘players’ at my table have been magically transfered into their player characters by ‘me’ the DM and they have to figure out a way to get back home while having to deal sharing a mind with their PC and dealing with the characters past dealings that they have no memory of. I borrowed from several sources to develop this idea. I straight stole the premise from The Guardian of the Flames book series, than continued to borrow ideas from the Wizard of Oz, Quantum Leap, Land of the Last, The Sword of Truth Book Series, Doctor Who, Tron: Legacy as well a number of other sources. I’m using my own custom campaign setting which I was developing already from the novel I’ve been writing off and on for years but with that on hold for now I figured I’d take advantage of my dnd group to flesh out my world more and develop it more than I ever could. Anyways here’s our starring line up.
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Amelia Ravenscroft (Ava) - Imagine Khalessi from Game of Thrones meets the Evil Queen from Once Upon a Time and that is Amelia. She’s the 'Evil’ Queen whose also a human draconic sorceress from the Southern Isle of Thelum who narrowly escaped being executed and ran from her kingdom after her niece Joandanna Ravenscroft usurped her and took the throne. Not being able to claim her throne Amelia/Ava being 'their’ fiery self’s have made the best of a bad situation, with a foggy memory of things of things back home both have agreed to work together instead of against one another to help Amelia take her throne while searching for a way home. 
So far she’s managed to acquire her father’s former knight Walter who is fiercely loyal to her and has already proven he’d kill without question at just the whim of her order. Mingled with the nobles of different towns and has recently started a small rebellion in Alexandria, the largest city on the continent after it became apparent that she wasn’t going to be able to get the return in fealty from the ruler of the city that her father once gave in a war that happened in decades before.
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Azazel Ebonnova (Daven) - Being our Satyr Bard Azazel is literally the Swiss army knife of skill checks to our group. Much of his childhood is shrouded in mystery still and the transfer of essences has made their memory a bit foggy. Piece by piece though their memories have been coming back especially as the in game version of Daven realizes that in the land their in no one has heard or seen of a Satyr causing both to assume they’re the only Satyr in existence.
Azazel/Daven have had some unique encounters though in their shared time. Azazel is wanted by a hobgoblin tribe known as the horned riders for skipping out on the wedding of the tribal chiefs daughter because he realized it was gonna be too hard to loot the tribes crown gem on his own, he’s successfully robbed the governess in the first town the group encountered and not only that but after one his many drunken nights, won at gambling against a shephardess and acquired the woman’s daughter as a prize which he is now training to be a wizards apprentice.
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Enna Nailo (Rachel) - Being a Half-Elf Thief isn’t easy but it’s something Enna makes look like it is. Being raised by humans of a more lower class Enna has been thieving since she was just a small pointy eared girl. At times she’s let her inner kleptomaniac loose by just going down the streets and helping herself to whatever she can grab off a person. Her biggest accomplishment is stealing a prized greataxe off a minotaurs back without a single person noticing. 
Being Azazels woman is far an easy task as well but Enna/Rachel manage the satyrs often at times large ego and reckless drinking behavior. Even if the goal to get home seems impossible at times the urges she has with her sticky fingers and borderline narcissistic lover keeps her going.
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Evette/Alison: The relationship between Evette and Alison is often a tricky one. Since the point of the groups arrival. These two were the only ones to fully integrate as one vessel. While Evette remains in control the genius but rogue Wizard has full access to Alison’s memories. Which caused some tension for Kaid since he’s married to the half whose not in charge.
While she is in full control Evette is often quiet and mysterious. Her motives are unknown and it hard to tell whether or not she’s working with the group or for some personal cause. One thing that is known is time and time again her knowledge of the arcane arts have been indispensable and she wants to see Amelia return to power for the Thelumian bounty from rival wizard Tharkun the Grey can be pardoned.  
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Kaid Wither (Brent): Born and raised along the borders of Freelands and the Elven Forest Kaid was raised by his Uncle Kirk in the arts of being a Gunslinger which in this campaign world is the only knowledge that remains of what an Artificer was or use to be. Though things were tricky at first with Evette; things have settled down now as he is now focused on getting home and freeing Alison away from the wizard. 
Being at times the moral voice of the group is probably one of the hardest jobs considering the group is far from beacon of shining light. Since arriving he’s clashed with a number of the members of the party over their decisions and actions and more recently faltered on his own when his uncle and mentor came back into his life and proclaimed that Kaid and the group need to stay out of his and his employers (a Necromancers Guild) way. Racked with guilt over the past and what has transpired between him and his Uncle, Kaid is torn between doing the right thing and stopping his Uncle or letting his past mistakes stayed buried. Either way the newly named 'Elemental Slayer’ has his choices ahead of him.
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Nelg 'TwistedLimb" Wahi (Glen): Nelg is big… well big is an understatement for the groups Goliath Eldritch Knight. The hulking Goliath who I’ve teased calling him a giant because he stands over ten feet tall which for a Goliath is huge with their race being an average of eight. Though he isn’t the most graceful of the group Nelg is definitely the most imposing and his shield and axe in hand has stood toe and toe with Scions to Ancient Elementals, Champions to the Arch-Duke of Alexandria and yes even more recently a Mummy Lord
Since 'Glen’ has transferred into Nelg’s body the two have have quite a ride together and gotten themselves into a fair bit of trouble as well everything from pinning a dwarf head to a Tavern sign out of anger . For every bad thing he’s done he’s made up for it with something good. Such as saving a young boy from being executed for stealing bread. Nelg is the prophesized one known in prophecy as “The one bonded to the shield” and is foretold to become a great hero as well as figuring out a way to get back home so Glen can see his new baby boy and woman.
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