#so obviously that's what i did bc 3 years of foreign language were required to graduate
luvxiem · 1 year
in my downward spiral of simping over miguel i realized that spanish is SO sexy. i've been blind this whole time
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lizacstuff · 3 years
Anon asks: SCK Fragman 38 speculation
(Asks under the cut)
Anonymous said: Do you think they're getting married this next episode? idk if the tattoos were confirmation
I think it’s possible? But I also think it’s entirely possible that they get the tattoos as a symbol of their love and a promise of sorts that they are through messing around, but they’re not actually married yet.  Frankly, they already gave us all the wedding hoopla with these two, I’m absolutely fine with an elopement or quick courthouse style wedding, or just a couple of witnesses in a garden. Whatever they want! Let’s just get her done.
Also... I know I said it before, but I’m just in love with the idea of these tattoos. Such a great solution to their ring issue. 
Anonymous said: Thoughts on all these twitter theories from the “sick” line in the fragman?
- it’s about piril and engins kid bc basak and anil filmed in the hospital, and piril was hit by a car in 36 and in 37 she had that moment where she clutched her abdomen and had to sit down
- it’s a flashback serkan has to when his brother alp was sick
- serkan is sick and it’s a way to reveal Kemal as his bio dad (blood or organ donation)
- serkan is sick and it’s a way to reveal eda is pregnant when they draw blood from her to donate
That fragman could be hinting at so many things, and it very well could have been misleading. So lets take each theory in turn. 
“it’s about piril and engins kid bc basak and anil filmed in the hospital, and piril was hit by a car in 36 and in 37 she had that moment where she clutched her abdomen and had to sit down”
Very possible. Engin thinking something had happened to Piril two eps ago did feel like foreshadowing, almost preparing the audience for something. It would be so heartbreaking if she loses the baby, and seems too dark for this show, but it is something that happens to millions of women, so we’ll see.
Also can you imagine after the way Piril stuck by Selin, if Piril lost her baby, and she then witnesses Selin using her baby as a pawn to get revenge on Serkan and Eda?  I’d like to see Piril and Engin’s reaction to that. Though again I think that’s pretty dark, especially for the side couple. 
- it’s a flashback serkan has to when his brother alp was sick
I think this is a very good guess. Serkan probably will see a doctor after he passed out, and if it is another panic attack brought on by the stress of losing Eda, I could see a doctor telling him if he wants to move past the panic attacks, he needs to get at the root of his abandonment issues, which all lead back to his brother’s death. That could be why he’s getting out a box of his things and reading that letter.  So I could very well see a flashback happening to Alp’s diagnosis.
- serkan is sick and it’s a way to reveal Kemal as his bio dad (blood or organ donation)
I’m honestly fully onboard with Kemal as Serkan’s bio dad.  I hear a lot of people poopooing the idea because of opportunity, but I think they told us when it could have happened. In their first meeting, (unless my subs were bad) Aydan mentioned that Kemal had returned once to apologize for standing her up when they were young and going to run away together. I assume that was the window. Kemal showed up years later (after Alp was born) to apologize.. they had a fling and there’s the opportunity for Serkan to be his son. 
Though, to me, if they’re doing something with Serkan’s health it’s got to be related to the plane crash. The chest clutching since he’s been back is concerning, plus wasn’t his hand shaking at one point? So I don’t see him having some serious underlying issue that’s unrelated. This guy does not shy away from going to the doctor and was just in the hospital for probably over a month recovering, so you’d think if there was anything wrong before, we’d know it.  Unless the plane crash acerbated something that’s genetic? And/or requires a match like bone marrow or kidney. I suppose they could give Serkan some rare blood type and that would be something applicable to most any ailment. We shall see. 
- serkan is sick and it’s a way to reveal eda is pregnant when they draw blood from her to donate
This one I think is the least likely. It’s been very fuzzy how much time has passed, but at the minimum 3 months since they were supposed to get married and were having sex, so if Eda were pregnant I think she would have noticed the signs by now.  
Anonymous said: Liza, I know they won’t kill Serkan, but could you reassure me that they won’t? I’ve followed you since Once and you were always good at reassuring.
Ha! I remember making lists of all the reasons they would never kill Hook. 
And I’m even more certain of this than I ever was of them not killing Hook, and I was damn certain then. 
There is literally not ONE reason for this show to exist without Eda and Serkan. Not one. This is their love story, and really, storyline wise, the show should have ended awhile ago, and the only reason they keep it going is to keep Hande and Kerem on screen together, making their magic. Seriously, that’s the only reason.
You see how Serkan dying would be counter to that, right?  And if the show were about to end, trust me, there is nothing in it for anyone to have a tragic ending. This started as a romantic comedy, and will end as one, with a happily ever after. And if you’re still nervous, trust this, the production company is still hopeful to sell it into even more foreign markets, especially English language ones, a surprise tragic, twist ending that gets vilified on social media (and trust me this fandom is huge, vocal and capable) would really hurt those chances. 
So even if we’re headed into a bad diagnosis for Serkan, he will be fine in the end, it will just be something for him and Eda to fight through. I promise. 
Anonymous said: thoughts on that wonderfully beautiful fragman? i was watching with hearts in my eyes and then read the translations.. poor serkan!! if it really isn't misleading i definitely think it's some consequence of the plane crash. but, we are secure in what kind of show this is and the full knowledge that it's not a drama and no one is gonna actually die, i'm excited for the potential this storyline is gonna give us!! (esp with the return of the old writers)
I can’t wait to see that rain scene, and the after-the-rain scene and their motorcycle ride. The fragman was very beautiful, but it also felt very poignant and a little melancholy.
It’s interesting with the announcement that the second writing team was back, there were tidbits from several legit entertainment-type reporters yesterday that the show was going back to it’s roots being funny and entertaining.  So a terrible diagnosis for one of the current characters, especially the romantic leading man, doesn’t really fit with that. 
It the writers hadn’t changed I’d be more concerned, not about a character dying, just about the show leaning into some big sort of health-related melodrama.  But I think whatever might be happening will be in service to the plot.  As far as Serkan having a health-scare related to the crash, as I said above it’s very plausible. I mean what are the chances that a man survives a plane crash, is fished out of the sea, spends weeks in a hospital, gets amnesia and is perfectly fine 3-4 months later with no other repercussion? Doesn’t seem possible! 
Anonymous said: Liza, the second set of writers is really coming back! We might actually get comeuppance for Selin!
YESS!!!!! Please. I had completely lost hope with the last set of writers who seemed hellbent on normalizing her behavior.  Look I’d be fine with a 3 minute conversation where Serkan tells her that he knows she’s a manipulative liar and the baby is not his, that he wants her out of their lives for good, and that if she ever comes near Eda ever again he will personally destroy her. 
Is that so much to ask?
Though I’d like her to be humiliated in front of the rest of the team. Just so everyone knows what kind of psycho she is and no one in Edser’s orbit is tempted to give her another chance ever again. 
It will be interesting to see how this plays out.  With the news that Sarp Can (Deniz) is COVID positive, he obviously won’t be back on set anytime soon. They could probably get some VO from him if necessary, for a phone convo, but I’m gonna guess he’s done on screen. 
It’s time to write both characters out! 
As for the 22-23, 25-30 writers coming back, that is the best news I’ve had in ages.  They weren’t perfect, but the things they did well, they did really, really well. Their comedy, romantic scenes, heartfelt dialogue, accurate characterizations and penchant for sizzling scenes that “break the Turkish family structure” will all be most welcome. I’m really excited for the first time in ages. 
Anonymous said: Very interesting that the fragman did not address the Selin baby drama at all. It focused solely on Edser which was a welcome change while at the same time has me a bit nervous for the angst & drama no doubt headed our way. But if Eda & Serkan are together for good now to face the challenges coming then I cannot wait to watch. The last episode was so well done but Eda & Serkan were both near their breaking points for different reasons & you just felt awful for both of them. Really glad that the engagement did not happen and the show focused on the fallout from Serkan’s amnesia. And even had the side characters addressing how difficult things have been for Eda and that she might need some time before picking things back up with Serkan! Looking forward to the resolution of the baby story/exit of Selin and seeing Eda & Serkan heal together.
I hope that the fact that nothing Selin-related was addressed in the fragman means that we finally have people in charge who understand that we are so damned fatigued of Selin that featuring her an active deterrent for viewers.  Also I haven’t seen any evidence that Bige has been on set for 38. That doesn’t mean she hasn’t, it’s still possible, but it is encouraging that the ep will be  light on Selin. 
As far as the drama and angst, I think there’s more headed our way, however I’m hopeful it will be the good kind and not the kind that made us really uncomfortable and want to tear our hair out during the Selin/Deniz era. We know that Eda and Serkan must decide to stay together (spending time together, ring finger tattoos) so the point of the pregnancy storyline is done. When Eda found out Selin was pregnant, it gave Selin the chance for one last Hail Mary pass, and she took it, trying to break them up, but it failed. So it’s usefulness is over. She can’t keep the charade going because of Deniz, and because once Serkan has time to calm down and think, he’ll realize that any time in Slovania where he was so injured that it’s possible he doesn’t remember, he also would have been too physically incapacitated to do anything of the sort. 
As for Eda needing some time, yes, things in 36 were just too easy for Serkan in terms of the fallout from his amnesic behavior. Episode 37 made him work for it and I think come to terms with the fact that, Selin manipulations or no, there’s work to do and things he needs to atone for.  Putting her first throughout the episode, and showering her with love, was a good start. 
Anonymous said: The conversations Selin had with Eda, Serkan and Aydan in this episode had my blood boiling. Someone stop this psycho! The unnecessary hole digging was real, my god. I don't care if she's pregnant, don't hold Eda back this time and let her fight this snake. Let everyone fight her! If she's lying to Deniz now, he can fight her too.
I know, she reached new levels of abusive manipulation.  They better be planning a comeuppance, if she’s just allowed to leave with people waving goodbye, I will scream.  The Aydan conversation with her posing the question about abortion was something else. It came across to me more as a threat. Like... I’m thinking about doing this, if you don’t want my decision to be your fault, you better stay on the right side of me. 
The Eda and Serkan stuff goes without saying. It still floors me that she’s willing to pretend like she raped him (if he can’t remember because he was that injured and foggy, then it’s impossible for him to have given consent.) rather than just giving up and living the truth.  
Anonymous said: Like I get it (kind of) but I am so sick of watching Serkan be nice to Selin. Very much looking forward to Serkan chewing her out for how much she hurt Eda with this fake Serkan baby daddy story when she is exposed. I get that Serkan feels he is to blame for calling her to Slovenia in the first place & essentially in his mind giving her hope of them being together but he needs to stop excusing her horrible behavior from there. No decent person would take advantage of that situation the way she did. It seems like the only way that Selin will have an epic fall is if Deniz decides to fight for the kid he knows must be his and tell Eda everything. Going to be tough for her to believe initially but it will have to start making sense once she thinks back on things and then if the photos surface then she will know it must be true.
Agreed. I get Serkan’s guilt, and it actually shows what a good person he is, but he needs to get over it.  Because seriously, all Selin was obligated to do when she got his call was to hang up, and then dial one of the following: his mother, his father, his fiancé or best friend/business partner Engin. That’s it. Call them and say, hey, Serkan’s alive, this is where you’ll find him. But NOPE! Instead she decided to fly there, manipulate him, keep him hidden and try to use it to get back with him. She made him beholden to her, just another in the long line of brainwashing and manipulation. Her flying to his bedside was the wrong thing to do, and it would be great if someone beside Eda recognized that. 
Anonymous said: Even though Selin is the worst and I just cannot wait for her to finally be unmasked as the manipulator she is, I am really looking forward to Edser in the next episode. Eda taking care of Serkan after he passes out, the two of them reaffirming their commitment to each other with the tattoos & possible elopement, Eda reassuring Serkan that she will be at his side even if the kid turns out to be his and also the two of them working together to get to the truth. So darn excited! And if the spoilers are right that Deniz tells Eda the truth and Serkan sees the photos from Ferit then I will be so happy. It is time for Selin to go for good!
SELIN MUST GO. Yes, I think as soon as the news that Selin is pregnant and trying to pass it off as Serkan’s brain-fog baby, Ferit will unleash the photos. (if it’s him that has them).  
I just want Selin and Deniz gone so we can focus on other things. Their presence on this show is a energy drain, and I want to focus on rain frolicking, motorcycles and bed sharing!!!!!  
Anonymous said: I'm so glad that we had a scene of Serkan telling Eda that even without his memories he fell in love with her again, he just couldn't admit it. Serkan has an interesting perspective on the memory loss part of their lives where I think he almost feels too guilty about it all and just wants to move past it. I've noticed that in his dialogues in 36 & 37 where he wants to leave it in the past and basically do his all to make it all up to her in the present and future.
I think this is very well observed. He definitely was trying to leave the past in the past, but honestly I think that’s just laziness on the part of the old writers, not wanting to have to have a reckoning for all the things they had him say or do. Since the writers decided to go that way, I could buy it’s because Serkan feels too guilty about it all. We know how much he loathes making mistakes or being wrong or owing apologies. If that’s what they wanted to do, it would have gone a long way if they’d shown a bit more of him blaming himself, especially in 36. 
I was also very happy that Serkan came out and said that he’s fallen in love with her again. My only thing is I wish if they were going to do that, they would have thrown a little more detail in the dialogue. Like Serkan admitting to her that he started thinking about her all the time as soon as he returned and met her, maybe admit that he slept on his office couch clutching her wedding invitation.  A couple of things like that would have been very nice for Eda to hear. 
Anonymous said: SCK sure loves creating difficult situations for Eda & Serkan. I really felt for Serkan in the last episode especially since he was back to being the romantic robot we all love. He so baldly wants to make up for lost time with Eda that he rushes ahead with the proposal and then gets crushed when she rejects him. And then spends most of the episode frantically trying to figure out what is going on with her and trying to show her how much he loves her. I was really happy though that the show addressed a few different times how awful the last few months have been for Eda and it also made Serkan address it. His plan to just forget about everything and move forward did not happen. Loved that the side characters stepped up to remind him of everything he & Selin put Eda through. Not so crazy that the show decided to use Selin’s pregnancy as the plot device to get Serkan to finally realize “oh yeah, what happened since my accident is a very big deal & now I have to face it & come to terms with it” but still glad it happened. Selin is obviously so much more in the wrong than Serkan but let’s hope her downfall takes place in the next episode.
All of this.  I think you’re exactly right, Serkan tried to brush past everything and I’m glad that finally the other characters stepped up a little to help make him see that he had more work to do. Special shout out to Seyfi for his sassy comment about Serkan almost marrying another woman. And finally Piril was useful and acted like a friend, the first time she had since he returned.  
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douchebagbrainwaves · 5 years
Their value is mainly as starting points: as questions for the people who had them to continue thinking about. And for programmers the paradox is even more pronounced: the language to learn, if you want to be running out of money.1 If even someone with the same qualifications who are both equally committed to the business, that's easy. Microsoft. You knew there would be.2 I wonder. You don't need or perhaps even want this quality in big companies, but you need it in a way that doesn't suck. And yet the grad students seem pretty smart. That's ok.3
Milton was going to visit Italy in the 1630s, Sir Henry Wootton, who had been ambassador to Venice, told him his motto should be i pensieri stretti & il viso sciolto.4 I suspect the only taboos that are more than taboos are the ones you never hear about: the company that would be the ideal place—that it would basically be Cambridge with good weather, it turns out you have to have at least one person willing and able to focus on one type of ambition. We felt like our role was to be impudent underdogs instead of corporate stuffed shirts, and that the weight of a few extra checks that might be easy for General Electric to bear are enough to prevent younger companies from being public at all. Like skirmishers in an ancient army, you want to go with Ron Conway and bet on people and those who prefer to bet on people. It would cost something to run, and it might be worth a hundred times as much.5 Some smart, nice guys turn out to be easier than I expected, and also did all the legal work of getting us set up as a company with a valuation any lower.6 We talked to a number of VCs, but eventually we ended up financing our startup entirely with angel money.7 If you believe everything you're supposed to when starting a company. Yes, because they give them more leverage over developers, who can more easily be replaced. There are very, very few who simply decide for themselves.
The English Reformation was at bottom a struggle for wealth and power, but it seems so foreign. When you get a couple million dollars from a VC firm, you tend to, because that's where smart people meet. The church knew this would set people thinking. It would cost something to run, and it came closer to killing us than any competitor ever did.8 That last test filters out surprisingly few people. It used to mean the control of vast human and material resources. Usually the claim is that you should be more careful about drawing conclusions based on what a few people think in our insular little Web 2.9
No one dared put on attitude around Robert, because he was obviously smarter than they were and yet had zero attitude himself. No doubt there are great technical tricks within Google, but the most important may be that once you have users to take care of. Because they're good guys and they're trying to help people can also help you with investors. But that assumption is often false, and this is the right way to search for components. At this stage, all most investors expect is a brief description of what you plan to do.10 It would be too easy for clients to fire them.11 Smile at everyone, and don't tell them what you're thinking. Could you describe the person as an animal? So parents are giving their kids an inaccurate idea of the language by not using them.
Usually there is something deeper wrong. So the acquirer is in fact getting worse performance at greater cost. When you offer x percent of your company for y dollars, you're implicitly claiming a certain value for the whole company. He says the main reason is that people like the idea of being mistaken. One of the founders might decide to split off and start another company, so I figured it had to be carefully planned.12 It's not a charity, but they weren't setting the terms of the debate then. Suppose it's 1998. Of course, if they have time machines in the future they'll probably have a separate note with a different cap for each investor.13 It's worth trying very, very few who simply decide for themselves.14 The trouble with lying is that you get a lot of people need to search for components, and before Octopart there was no good way to do that is to visit them.
In a field like physics, if we disagree with past generations it's because we're right and they're wrong. But can you think of one that had a massively popular product and still failed? It was as if I'd told him how much girls liked Barry Manilow in the mid 80s.15 That depends on how ambitious you feel.16 David Filo's title was Chief Yahoo, but he was proud that his unofficial title was Cheap Yahoo.17 If another map has the same mistake, that's very convincing evidence. Clearly you don't have to find startups. More generally, design your product to please users first, you leave a gap for competitors who do. Online dating is a valuable business now, and they're all trying not to use words like fuck and shit within baby's hearing, lest baby start using these words too. Morale is tremendously important to a startup is that you need someone mature and experienced, with a business background, may be overrated.18 But only about 10% of the total or $10,000 of seed money from our friend Julian. I realized it would probably have to figure out where to live by trial and error.19
Perl may look like a cartoon character swearing, but there are cases where it surpasses Python conceptually.20 Don't do what we did. Of the two versions, the one where you get a lot of data about how they work. What drives people to start startups is or should be looking at existing technology and thinking, don't these guys realize they should be doing x, y, and z?21 And pay especially close attention whenever an idea is being suppressed. How much stock should they get? Programmers like to make a winning product. There could be ten times more startups than there are, and that is exactly the spirit you want. There's a hack for being decisive when you're inexperienced: ratchet down the size of your investment till it's an amount you wouldn't care too much about losing. The reason Cambridge is the intellectual capital is not just that there's a concentration of smart people, but diluted by a much larger number of neanderthals in suits. They'd face some challenges if they wanted to make web apps work like desktop ones.
I could pick them, but the idea is the only cause of the year, they can grow the acquisition into what it means to be a lost cause to try to be a good plan for life in general we've done ok at fundraising, but that it's boring, we try to become dictator and intimidate the NBA into letting you write has a spam probabilty of.
What if a company tried to raise money? This is an acceptable excuse, but I call it ambient thought. Many more than determination to create a portal for x instead of themselves. So, can I make it easy.
Only in a rice cooker.
We wasted little time on a saturday, he wrote a hilarious but also the perfect life, the top 15 tokens, because there are few who can say they're not ready to invest more, and stonewall about the paperwork there, and b when she's nervous, she doesn't like getting attention in the US treat the poor worse than Japanese car companies have little do with the government, it could change what you're doing. But in most competitive sports, the world in which multiple independent buildings are gutted or demolished to be some number of restaurants that still require jackets for men. Particularly since economic inequality in the Baskin-Robbins.
It's worth taking extreme measures to avoid the topic. They bear no blame for any opinions expressed in it. Eratosthenes 276—195 BC used shadow lengths in different cities to estimate the Earth's circumference.
But it was cooked up, but what they made, but investors can get for free.
They look superficially like the one hand and the valuation of an investor? If the startup isn't getting market price.
William R.
There are successful women who don't aren't. The more people would treat you like a probabilistic spam filter, dick has a similar logic, one variant of compound bug where one bug happens to use some bad word multiple times.
Even though we made a bet: if he hadn't we probably would not change the number of customers you need to be about web-based applications. Everything is a function of two things: what ideas did European culture with Chinese: what ideas did European culture have in 1800 that Chinese culture didn't, they would implement it and creates a rationalization for doing so.
Is what we measure worth measuring? But this takes a startup idea is stone soup: you post a sign saying this is not pagerank commercialized. So if you're a YC startup you have a standard piece of casuistry for this point.
Deane, Phyllis, The First Two Hundred Years.
Anyone can broadcast a high product of some brilliant initial idea.
One new thing the company is like math's ne'er-do-well brother. The original edition contained a few old professors in Palo Alto, but they're not. Travel has the same attachment to their situation.
But although I started using it, whether you realize it till I started using it, and so effective that I'm skeptical whether economic inequality is not a remark about the same advantages from it. Html. But the change is a constant multiple of usage, so you'd find you couldn't do the equivalent thing for startups. 32.
Obviously, if the present, and mostly in less nerdy fields like finance and media. Those groups never have to put it this way that weren't visible in the 1960s, leaving the area around city hall a bleak wasteland, but I'm not talking here about academic talks, which is probably not far from the Dutch not to be in most competitive sports, the fact that the VC.
At YC.
It's unpleasant because the proportion of spam. One source of food. The French Laundry in Napa Valley.
Even as late as Newton's time it takes forever.
That's very cheap, 1/10 success rate is 10%, moving to Monaco would give you fifty times as much the better. In a startup with debt is a negotiation.
There are fairly high spam probability. Once again, I'd open our own startup Viaweb, and that there's more of it in action, there are only pretending to in order to attract workers. Though you should probably be the technology everyone was going to visit 20 different communities regularly. Html.
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qodforsakens · 7 years
Q:     WHAT IS YOUR MIDDLE NAME   ? A:     Ashley.     Relatively  unoriginal,     but  my  mom  wanted  my  middle  name  to  be  Blue     (     in  which  case  i  would  have  DIED     ) Q:     HOW  OLD  ARE  YOU   ? A:     Feel  like  I’m  12  but  I’m  almost  20 Q:     WHEN  IS  YOUR  BIRTHDAY   ? A:     March  21st,     i’mmA  SPRING  BABY
Q:     WHAT  IS  YOUR  ZODIAC  SIGN   ? A:     Technically  an  Aries  but  ig  i’m  on  the  “   Pisces  Cusp   ”   ?   dk  what  that  means  but  my  mom  told  me  the  other  day  but  i  feel  as  if  i’ve  cheated  astrology  stuff  lols     ?
Q:     WHAT  IS  YOUR  FAVORITE  COLOR   ? A:     I  don’t  really  have  one,     but  I  like  the  color  pink  a  lot  so  maybe  pink
Q:     WHAT’S  YOUR  LUCKY  NUMBER   ? A:     Lucky  who     ?
Q:     DO  YOU  HAVE  ANY  PETS   ? A:     Three   !   Bailey,     Dana  and  Melvin.
Q:     WHERE  ARE  YOU  FROM   ? A:     Everywhere   ?   Born  in  Missoula,     Montana   /   raised  in  Wisconsin  until  I  was  around  12   /   went  to  school  in  Montana  until  I  was  a  sophomore   /   went  for  a  semester  of  school  during  sophomore  year  in  Wild  Rose,     Wisconsin   /   moved  back  to  a  quaint  Deer  Lodge,     Montana  until  the  end  of  my  junior  year   /   moved  to  Hudson,     Wisconsin  my  senior  year  of  HS  and  lived  there  until  July  31st   /   living  in  the  Shithole  that  is  Mondovi,     Wisconsin.
Q:     HOW  TALL  ARE  YOU   ? A:     5′5 3/4″.     The  3/4″  is  important  to  note  because  I’m  NEARLY  5′6″  and  most  everyone  in  my  family  is  around  6′.     I’m  dead  inside
Q:     WHAT  SHOE  SIZE  ARE  YOU   ? A:     Technically  a  9.5  but  the  size  varies  by  brand.
Q:     HOW  MANY  PAIRS  OF  SHOES  DO  YOU  OWN   ? A:     Probably  nine,     but  I  hardly  wear  any  of  them  because  I  work  at  the  fucking  time
Q:     WHAT  WAS  YOUR  LAST  DREAM  ABOUT   ? A:     I  remember  that  I  had  ANOTHER  dream  with  u  in  it  but  I  didn’t  remember  enough  about  it  that  it  was  worth  sharing   ?   But  I  did  wake  up  feeling  like  all  of  my  problems  were  gone  so  it  was  a  positive  dream
Q:     WHAT  TALENTS  DO  YOU  HAVE   ? A:     I  can  learn  songs  from  musicals  in  no  time.
Q:     ARE  YOU  PSYCHIC  IN  ANY  WAY   ? A:     No,     next  question
Q:     FAVORITE  SONG   ? A:     My  favorite  song  is  either  You  and  I     (     Lady  Gaga,     Born  This  Way     )  or  The  Cure     (     also  Gaga,     current  single     )
Q:     FAVORITE  MOVIE   ? A:     RENT.     Hands  down  my  favorite  movie  of  all  time.     I  could  watch  it  on  a  loop  tbh
Q:     WHO  WOULD  BE  YOUR  IDEAL  PARTNER   ? A:     Someone  who  understood  that  I’m  really  fucking  depressive  all  the  time,     like,     grossly  depressive   ?   I  can  joke  abt  wanting  to  kill  myself  500  times  and  not  mean  it,     but  other  times  I  do  and  I  wish   !   ppl  could  read  minds  bc  having  to  tell  someone  that  I’m  depressed  makes  me  hurt  worse  bc  I  feel  like  a  Disappointment
Q:     DO  YOU  WANT  CHILDREN   ? A:     I’m  not  sure  if  I  do.     I  mean,     at  nineteen   ?   No  fucking  way.     In  ten  years   ?   Maybe,     I’m  thinking  yes,     but  to  be  decided  obviously
Q:     DO  YOU  WANT  A  CHURCH  WEDDING   ? A:     Probably,     but  not  because  I’m  religious
Q:     ARE  YOU  RELIGIOUS   ? A:     I  don’t  follow  any  religion,     but  when  I’m  scared  I  repeat,     “     i  believe  in  God.     ”     until  my  freight  vanishes
Q:     HAVE  YOU  EVER  BEEN  TO  THE  HOSPITAL   ? A:     A  few  times.     Three  were  the  most  serious.     Broke  my  wrist,     caught  Lymes  Disease  via  nasty-ass  deer  ticks  and  had  a  concussion  from  cheer.
Q:     HAVE  YOU  EVER  GOT  IN  TROUBLE  WITH  THE  LAW   ? A:     Once,     and  it  actually  wasn’t  my  fault.     I  was,     hello,     gay-baited  and  naive,     and  the  gal  that  gay-baited  me  told  me  that  it  was  LEGAL  to  spray  paint.     Because  it  was  Montana,     I  didn’t  get  into  much  trouble  but  was  supposed  to  go  to  a  local  courthouse  to  clear  up  w/e  had  happened  which  never  occurred  bc  not  even  a  month  later  were  we  moving  to  Wisconsin
Q:     HAVE  YOU  EVER  MET  ANY  CELEBRITIES   ? A:     One but  he’s  gross  so  :  /
Q:     BATHS  OR  SHOWERS   ? A:     Showers  but  only  if  I  don’t  have  bath  bombs  to  use
Q:     WHAT  COLOR  SOCKS  ARE  YOU  WEARING   ? A:     Currently  none  bc  I’m  in  bed  and  it’s  4:13  a.m.
Q:     HAVE  YOU  EVER  BEEN  FAMOUS   ? A:     Thankfully  not
Q:     WOULD  YOU  LIKE  TO  BE  A  BIG  CELEBRITY   ? A:     Maybe  a  Broadway  star  or  jazz  singer  but  other  than  that   ?   Pass
Q:     HAVE  YOU  EVER  BEEN  SKINNY  DIPPING   ? A:     Don’t  have  the  gall  to  tbh
Q:     HOW  MANY  PILLOWS  DO  YOU  SLEEP  WITH   ? A:     I  think  six   ?   Too  lazy  to  count  rn
Q:     WHAT  POSITION  DO  YOU  SLEEP  IN   ? A:     I  fall  asleep  laying  on  my  side,     facing  the  wall,     with  my  legs  folded  like   ?   behind  me  but  i  always  wake  up  laying  on  my  back  so
Q:     HOW  BIG  IS  YOUR  HOUSE   ? A:     uh  average   ?
Q:     WHAT  DO  YOU  TYPICALLY  HAVE  FOR  BREAKFAST   ? A:     I  rarely  eat  which  doesn’T  show  but  I  sleep  and  work  too  much  to  fit  breakfast  into  an  every  day  schedule
Q:     HAVE  I  EVER  FIRED  A  GUN   ? A:     My  dad  is  a  white  male  AND  a  conservative  from  Montana,     u  tell  me
Q:     HAVE  YOU  TRIED  ARCHERY   ? A:     In  high  school  bc  I  needed  to  do  it  to  pass  P.E.  but  it  was  not  my  thing
Q:     FAVORITE  CLEAN  WORD   ? A:     idk  if  i  have  one     ?     i  say  Mood  all  the  time  but  that’s  not   a  favorite
Q:     FAVORITE  SWEAR  WORD   ? A:      Bitchin’
Q:     WHAT’S  THE  LONGEST  YOU’VE  GONE  WITHOUT  SLEEP   ? A:     Around  25-ish  hours   ?   I  can’t  handle  that  anymore  tho
Q:     DO  YOU  HAVE  ANY  SCARS   ? A:     I  have  a  handful  of  scars  on  my  forehead  bc  of  an  Incident  in  kindergarten,     a  scar  on  my  left  earlobe  bc  a  dog  almost  ripped  my  fucking  earlobe  off  and  one  on  my  right  big  toe  due  to  my  brother  not  telling  me  abt  the  glass  he  broke  and  didn’t  clean  up   :  )   that  one  cut  to  the  bone  :   )   and  a  few  on  my  left  arm  lols
Q:     Have  you  ever  had  a  secret  admirer   ? A:     Not  attractive  enough  tbh
Q:     ARE  YOU  A  GOOD  LIAR   ? A:     I  don’t  lie  on  per  the  norm  so  no.     I  smile  too  much  tbh
Q:     ARE  YOU  A  GOOD  JUDGE  OF  CHARACTER   ? A:     Usually  not.
Q:     CAN  YOU  DO  ANY  OTHER  ACCENTS  OTHER  THAN  YOUR  OWN   ? A:     I  can  slip  into  accents  for  .00006 seconds  but  no  one  ever  hears  them
Q:     DO  YOU  HAVE  A  STRONG  ACCENT   ? A:      God  I  wish
Q:     WHAT  IS  YOUR  FAVORITE  ACCENT   ? A:     Boston   /   Mass  accents.
Q:     WHAT  IS  YOUR  PERSONALITY  TYPE   ? A:     This  requires  me  to  take  a  long-ass  test  n  i’m  not  gna  do  that  rn
Q:     WHAT  IS  YOUR  MOST  EXPENSIVE  PIECE  OF  CLOTHING   ? A:     Probably  my  $70-$80  jeans  that  are  now  Ruined
Q:     CAN  YOU  CURL  YOUR  TONGUE   ? A:     Mhm
Q:     ARE  YOU  AN  INNIE  OR  AN  OUTIE   ? A:     Innie
Q:     LEFT  OR  RIGHT  HANDED   ? A:     Right
Q:     ARE  YOU  AFRAID  OF  SPIDERS   ? A:     Naturally
Q:     FAVORITE  FOOD   ? A:     Highkey  Gyros
Q:     ARE  YOU  A  CLEAN  OR  MESSY  PERSON   ? A:     Both  :  (
Q:     MOST  USED  PHRASE   ? A:     haHahahA  whatta  mood     !
Q:     MOST  USED  WORD   ? A:     Mood
Q:     HOW  LONG  DOES  IT  TAKE  FOR  YOU  TO  GET  READY   ? A:     Two  hours
Q:     DO  YOU  HAVE  MUCH  OF  AN  EGO   ? A:     Probably  best  known  for  forgetting  things
Q:     DO  YOU  SUCK  OR  BITE  LOLLIPOPS   ? A:     suck  eM
Q:     DO  YOU  TALK  TO  YOURSELF   ? A:     Probably
Q:     DO  YOU  SING  TO  YOURSELF   ? A:     All  the  time
Q:     ARE  YOU  A  GOOD  SINGER   ? A:     I’ve  been  told  that  I  am  by  a  handful  of  ppl  but  who  knows
Q:     BIGGEST  FEAR   ? A:     Drowning,     burning  to  death  or  being  stabbed  in  either  lung  bc  yiKEs
Q:     ARE  YOU  A  GOSSIP   ? A:     Not  necessarily  tbh
Q:     BEST  DRAMATIC  MOVIE  YOU’VE  SEEN   ? A:     Baby  driver  but  it  wasn’t  rlly  dramatic     ?
Q:     DO  YOU  LIKE  LONG  OR  SHORT  HAIR   ? A:     On  me,     it’s  a  tie  tbh.     I  love  long  hair  until  I  have  it  n  then  I  want  it  shoRT  SO
Q:     CAN  YOU  NAME  ALL  50  STATES  OF  AMERICA   ? A:     If  I  have  a  while  to  think  abt  them  then  yes.     If  not,     no
Q:     FAVORITE  SCHOOL  SUBJECT   ? A:     English   /   Language
Q:     EXTROVERT  OR  INTROVERT   ? A:     Intro  x100
Q:     HAVE  YOU  EVER  BEEN  SCUBA  DIVING   ? A:     No  and  I  don’t  want  to
Q:     WHAT  MAKES  YOU  NERVOUS   ? A:     Being  honest  abt  how  I  feel  regardless  of  context
Q:     ARE  YOU  SCARED  OF  THE  DARK   ? A:     I’m  the  Biggest  baby  so  yes
Q:     DO  YOU  CORRECT  PEOPLE  WHEN  THEY  MAKE  MISTAKES   ? A:     Not  verbally  bc  I  wasn’t  raised  in  the  jungle
Q:     HAVE  YOU  EVER  STARTED  A  RUMOR   ? A:     Gross,     no
Q:     HAVE  YOU  EVER  BEEN  IN  A  POSITION  OF  AUTHORITY   ? A:     Once  for  a  hs  class  assignment  but  I’m  the  only  one  who  worked  on  the  project  in  the  long-run
Q:     HAVE  YOU  EVER  DRANK  UNDERAGE   ? A:     mhm
Q:     HAVE  YOU  EVER  DONE  DRUGS   ? A:     Only  smoked  weed  tbh
Q:     WHO  WAS  YOUR  FIRST  REAL  CRUSH   ? A:     My  kindergarten  boyfriend,     how  the  turntables
Q:     HOW  MANY  PIERCINGS  DO  YOU  HAVE   ? A:     Eleven
Q:     CAN  YOU  ROLL  YOUR  Rs   ? A:     Barely   !
Q:     HOW  FAST  CAN  YOU  TYPE   ? A:     Pretty  fast,     idk  the  wpm  tho
Q:     HOW  FAST  CAN  YOU  RUN   ? A:     What  is  this,     middle  school   ?
Q:     WHAT  COLOR  IS  YOUR  HAIR   ? A:     Bleached  bitch
Q:     WHAT  COLOR  ARE  YOUR  EYES   ? A:     Brown
Q:     WHAT  ARE  YOU  ALLERGIC  TO   ? A:     Cats,     unfortunately
Q:     DO  YOU  KEEP  A  JOURNAL   ? A:     I  don’t  but  should
Q:     WHAT  DO  YOUR  PARENTS  DO   ? A:     My  dad  is  a  licensed  Electrician  and  my  mom  works  at  a  grocery  store
Q:     DO  YOU  LIKE  YOUR  AGE   ? A:     I  feel  12  yall
Q:     WHAT  MAKES  YOU  ANGRY   ? A:     Being  mocked  or  people  bickering  with  me  over  something  that  I’m  obviously  right  about
Q:     DO  YOU  LIKE  YOUR  OWN  NAME   ? A:     Skye  is  a  shit  name  tbh,     would  change  it  to  Liz  if  my  parents  wouldn’t  freak  out  about  it.
Q:     HAVE  YOU  ALREADY  THOUGHT  OF  BABY  NAMES,    AND  IF  SO  WHAT  ARE  THEY   ? A:     I  love  feminine   /   strong   /   unisex   names.
Q:     DO  YOU  WANT  A  BOY  OR  GIRL  FOR  A  CHILD   ? A:     Idk  probably  either
Q:     WHAT  ARE  YOUR  STRENGTHS   ? A:     Doubting  everyone
Q:     WHAT  ARE  YOUR  WEAKNESSES   ? A:     Assuming  the  worst  of  ppl
Q:     HOW  DID  YOU  GET  YOUR  NAME   ? A:     Well,     my  mom  wrote  a  list  of  names  on  a  sheet  of  paper  and  my  dad  liked  Skye  so  here  we  are.     I  was  almost  a  Chloe   /   Mercedes   /   Samantha.
Q:     WERE  YOUR  ANCESTORS  ROYALTY   ? A:     Obviously  not
Q:     COLOR  OF  YOUR  BEDSPREAD   ? A:     Black  ONLY  because  my  main  sheets  had  been  washed  recently  and  I  haven’t  changed  back
Q:     COLOR  OF  YOUR  ROOM   ? A:     Yellow  but  not  by  choice
And  the  meme  is  from  HERE.     Tagging  @heartcraves  but  u  genuinely  don’t  have  to  do  this  bc  it  took  me  almost  two  hours  so  please  spare  yourself
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