#so ray isolated himself and pondered why after decades of being together
muselexum · 2 years
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At what point do you think Rayleigh realized that Roger would never be just his and decided to hang up his desire for that forever?
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yandere-wishes · 5 years
Isolation  //Yandere Hermes x reader//
This is a christmas gift for @yandere-romanticaa I hope you like it darling!
Somewhere along the last few decades, Hermes the God of messages, thieves, travel, trade, wealth, luck and music had fallen in love with a peculiar mortal girl.
(Y/N), a basted born child, who, out of her mother's shame had lived in the woods for her entire young life. In an almost complete solitary.
When (Y/N)'s mother had dragged her into the depressed woods she'd been no older than 12 months. Too innocent and unaware of the miserable life ahead of her. As the years went by (Y/N) frantically searched for a friend. As a chubby child, she'd wobble outside attempting to talk to the birds and squirrels. Yet soon she learned they would not reply. Her next target came to be the flowers and trees, but as alive as the flora seemed it too never responded. The poor girl would beg her mother to be let into the civilizations she'd read in her books. To meet and speak to other humans, others that looked like her, spoke like her, other of her species. But vicious isolation had long since driven her mother to the brink of madness. The old woman feared the society that had sunned her. In her sick mind, she'd warped people to appear as hideous beasts waiting, lurking to sink their fangs and claws into her and her precious little daughter. She refused her daughter's request every time. Looking into the young girls (E/C) eyes with her hallow ones and proclaiming lovingly that she must stay here away from the world in order to remain safe.
As (Y/N) hit the age of 7, insanity threatened to abduct her mind just as it had done with her mother's. She'd speak to the walls and the wooden floor. She'd sing to doors and dance with the blankets. It was only a matter of time before her mind was last too.
Fortunately for the doomed darling, one day, a certain god only slightly older than a millennium was flying around in the same dreary forest. Having engaged in a rather competitive game of hide and seek with his older brother and sister Apollo and Artemis. The young god known to most mortals as Hermes dodged trees and sore above bushes. Giggling joyfully as he attempted to find an adequate hiding place. His stary blue eyes looked up observing the treetops for a split second. 'No' it would be the first place they look. His gaze than wondered to a nearby pond, glittering and glistening in Helios' rays. He thought, brain pondering for a fraction of a second, he decided against it. No point in getting himself all wet over a silly little game. Finally, the messenger's eyes landed onto the forest ground. Surely there must be a certain rabbit hole or grassy hill. Those would be perfect, not even Athena's mind would consider searching for him there.
As the young god descended he looked took in his surroundings. It was much darker down here, the trees were thicker and an odd musty seem filled the air. Little Hermes walked around for a bit desperately trying to find a place to hide. 'Maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea to let them find me' he thought silently to himself. The reached smell was getting worse and frequently the young god was rather scared of the dark. He walked further in arms rubbing at his shoulders. He was mortified! Something was going to leap out from behind one of those bushes and attempt to consume him!
As fear ran a mock in Hermes' brain a bizarre noise made its self known throughout the silent woods. It caused the young immortal to practically leap out of his skin. What was? Was it some sort of beast? Maybe a nympho or maybe something worse? Gulping down his courage the god followed the sound. Walking wand walking until he made it to to a tree. The noise was loudest here, he looked around trying to find the source of the noise. When he finally turned to look at the other side of the tree he noticed a small human child curled into a tight ball making the bizarre noise. For endless seconds Hermes started at "it" trying to comprehend why the mortal girl was in such a position and why she was making such a racket. It took him some time before he builds but the courage to kneel beside her and poke at her side. Slowly the girl untwisted her self form her ball like forme. She turned her head to see who was being such a nuisance.
The girl's eyes went wide. It was some sort of sparkling creature. To an extent, it looked like her and her mother. Crunching down on two legs, having two arms and an oval face with a nest of messy blond hair laying on top of it. But this "person" had flappy white wings on their heels and gold particles floated around him, making him appear as though he was the sun god himself. The girl screamed, who was the person? She tucked her head between her knees and continued to cry. This was so so scary, where was her mother? She wanted her mother now! Loud sobs started leaving her mouth, her body was quivering. Fear was the only thing present in her mind.
There it was again, that bizarre noise. Why in Zeus' name was this mortal child making it? "Hey, hey you!" Hermes proceeded to poke her, shake her and yell at her. "Stop making that noise, it's annoying!" but the young god's demands went unheard.
Hermes stepped back, he pondered some way to get the girl to stop her dreadful noise making. He threw his head back and groaned, uncle Poseidon was right humans were exasperating and preternatural creatures. The two sat like that for some time, both mentally alone, trapped by their worries and fears.
'Please go away! Leave me alone'
'Stop making that noise, talk to me tell me why you're doing such a thing!'
Slowly a plan started forming in Hermes' mind. He quickly summoned his staff, pointing it towards the ground underneath the mortal girl. Large olympian flowers sprung from the ground, they tied together, creating a bed that lifted the girl slightly off the ground. It stopped the noise momentarily, as the human unwrapped herself and looked around.
"How did you do that!" she asked in her soar and broken voice.  Astonishment shone in their large eyes. Hermes let out a giggle, humans were amby such little things. "It's easy really just a simple mind spell that Apollo thought me years ago!"  For a second all went silent...
Hermes stepped back, letting out a gasp of shock and surprise. Why was she so surprised? Had this mortal no idea who he was? Wasn't it obvious? "O-of course I know him....haven't you figured out who I am?" Hermes' was offended, this mortal had no idea who he was? Why was she so strang?    
Whilst glaring at the girl, Hermes proudly puffed up his chest a loudly declared.
"I am Hermes' God of messages, thieves, travel, trade, wealth, luck, and music! You, mortal are in the presence of the greatest deity in all of Olympic history-"
A golden arrow flew through the air, landing directly in front of Hermes' sandaled feet.  Both human and god quickly turned to see who had tried to attack them. In the distance, a stunning woman in a deep purple toga stood, bow in hand and a smirk dancing across her face.
"Come on Hermes' time to go..."
The demand floated around the air for a brief second. So he wasn't lying, (Y/N) thought to herself.  She stared up at the by - no God- as he slowly started making his way over to the woman. Briefly, he turned around and shot her a sweet smile and a wave before he and the woman vanished. Leaving behind a dumbfounded (Y/N) who now regretted having lost her chance to maybe make a friend.
Yet the next day the god boy returned. Under the pretext that (Y/N) had merely piqued his interest. And yet again the day after he yet again returned. This had been the norm for roughly 14 years now. Hermes had watched as (Y/N) grew from a curious child into a lovely young woman. Through the years the pair had grown close, doing practically everything together. But things, especially the good ones never last for too long.
Hermes now sat at the edge of mount Olympus overlooking the mortal world. His posture was hunched over, propping up his head with his fist. A dreary expression masking his entire face. Today was it, today was the dreaded day. The day his beautiful (Y/N) would escape from her forest cage and finally find the freedom and civilization she'd spend her whole youth attempting to discover.
All that just meant that Hermes no longer had (Y/N) all to himself. For all these years (Y/N) had looked up to him as her savior from the madness that had come with her isolation. Now she no longer needed saving, no longer would she need Hermes to be her hero nor her friend. There would be others who could save her, the "real" mortal heroes and surely she too like all mortal women would fall in love with them. It was such an annoying though to bear.
Hermes flopped on to his back starring up at the clouds that made up the higher levels of Olympus. Oh, how he wished that (Y/N) could be all his. He closed his eyes for a moment savoring the wish, please, please come true he begged in silent. When he opened his eyes again the air had gotten colder, the atmosphere was much darker tainted with blood red. He could feel an anonyms presence towering over him.
"I hear that you have fallen in love, young Hermes."
"What the-"
Hermes turned, his eyes wide and fear slithering into his flesh. Before him stood the underworld goddess of madness, insanity and maniacal love,  Mania. She was a horror legend on Olympus, one of the only goddesses to not fearing to be a rival to Aphrodite and undoing most of her work. It was said she was the reason behind Hades stealing away poor Kore and all so many Olympians claimed to have seen her right before abducting their darlings.
Why was she here? Was she trying to seak an audience with him? The youngest of all the Olympians.
His body shook, words bubbled up to his tongue and then died there. His lips quivered as he attempted to open them. "W-wh w-w-why wh-why a-are y-y yo-y y-you h-her here?" His words came out in shards glistened in his fear.
The Goddess let out a haughty laugh, "Why little Hermes you summoned me here with that tiny wish of yours. I'm here to help you, darling!"
Hermes stared at the goddess something wasn't right here. Was he about to do something dreadful? Was (Y/N) going to be in danger because of him?
The goddess smirked a sadistic joy danced in her eyes "You desire that mortal girl all for yourself, right love? Well, why not simply take her?"
The messenger pondered the proposal for a moment. It really would solve all his problems. But would (Y/N) be happy with the whole outcome. She was just about to reach her freedom, could he be so insensitive to strip his dearest friend of her lifetime wish?
When Mania noticed the young boy's hesitance she lifted an eyebrow becoming him to speak his mind.
Hermes gulped than stated his worries. Yet barely had he begun that the insane Goddess let out another burst of laughter. "Hermes my boy you wouldn't be taking away her freedom quite the contrary! You'd be gifting her a much better sense of freedom here on mount Olympus!"
"But I thought that only deities may enter Olympus?"
Mania's smirk grew wider she reached into the pocket of her blood-stained toga and lifted out an old looking bag. It was small, able to fit completely in Hermes' palm. "This bag" Mania started "contains a spell that I mastered in order to help Apollo bring his darling to Olympus, I'm sure you too will find t useful. Just get her to eat one of the candies inside and all should work out from there. Good luck"
With that, she began to vanish, particle by particle until noting was left.
Hermes let out a breath, clutching the bag tightly to his chest. "You heard what she said (Y/N) this is for you. I'm doing this so you can have your freedom!"
(Y/N) ran down a path in the woods, she'd been on it hundreds of times. But this was the day! The day she'd follow it to the end. She's been able to meet actual live people who she could talk to, interact with maybe even feel in love with! The pure excitement made the young girl walk even faster, she was all so close!
"Where you going to leave without saying goodbye?"
(Y/N) stopped in her track a large, bright smile blossomed on her face! She quickly turned around and joyfully ran to the source of the voice! "Hermes! I knew you would pop up before I made it out of the woods!" She tackled her friend in a bone-crushing hug, it could possibly be their last.
When (YN) stepped back she noticed a grim shadow  Hermes's face. Something was off about the god but she just couldn't pinpoint what it was.
"Hey" Hermes was the first to break the silence. "I got you a parting gift." He outstretched his hand and in the palm, a decorated piece of chocolate appeared. Astonished by its beauty (y/n) quickly took the candy and gulped down in one quick bite. Right as she swallowed it the world began to spin everything went in circles faster and faster and faster. She shut her eyes almost as a refelex. Only to find that she couldn't open them again. what the hell was going on! Her mouth wouldn't open to yell for help. Slowly she started to slip from concludes.
Hermes stood beside the body of his dearest friend. He watched as a golde light traced around her limp body. Slowly he kneeled and cradled her in his arms, burying his face the crook of her neck.
"I'm sorry (Y?N) this is all for you... I swear"
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