#also i just know his heart broke when roger picked rouge
muselexum · 2 years
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At what point do you think Rayleigh realized that Roger would never be just his and decided to hang up his desire for that forever?
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thepaperpanda · 6 years
The primal instinct || Mad Max smut
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Summary: You and Max are running away from pursuit. When an engine in your car is gone, you have to roam through the desert on foot. Fortunately, Max finds an oasis. Some certain thing happens there as the primal instincts awakens in both of you.
Warnings: Smut
Words: 1802
Request by: @dagger-dragger
Authors: Rouge & nbf
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The cruel sun beat down, it's one malevolent eye unblinking, and the sky was co-conspirator with not even a wisp of cloud to soften the harsh rays. The lizards took shelter in the shadows of the rocks where the sand was not hot enough to roast them, but there was no shade large enough for you. Each step sunk into the searing sand, the air was thick and hazy, each breath was like drowning in lava. Since that rusted piece of scrap, a car you're traveling with was gone, you had no other choice but to walk further on foot. You sinked on your knees. "I won't make it any longer, too hot," your voice broke as you simply rolled in a ball on the hot sand. You didn't care if it was burning your skin. 
Man was looking at you over his shoulder. After brief moment he turned around, walked to you and picked you up into his arms. "Not that far," he said in his typical voice. It was mix of indifference and anger. You let your eyelids close, your breaths were shallow. There was a certain level of tiredness that equates to insanity and for you it was when you'd like to temporarily dislocate your spirit from body, as if you could ask God to take you out for just a short while. "I can't...," you repeated weakly. Man hushed you, and with a loud grunt, he improved his grasp over your waist. He knew. He couldn't explain it but he felt it, subconsciously. To him, it was even harder than to you. He was on his way for weeks, without a happy ending so far. Max squinted his eyes, protecting them from brightness. He continued walking in the direction only he knew.
You opened your eyes slowly, blinking few times in an attempt to acclimate them to unexpected shadow. "Where are we...," you barely formed the sentence. No response. You leant over your elbows and with surprise you noticed that you were laying in a blissful shade of a palm. You slowly stretched your legs and it was the most wonderful feeling you've experienced in a while. Suddenly, you heard heavy footsteps nearby, so you turned head around. It was no one else but Max. He was holding something in his hands. "Here, drink," he ordered simply, passing you a canteen. You threw him a mean glance, eyebrows cocked up, yet you took item out of his hands. Immediately you felt a nice feeling of cold, wet metal. Your eyes sparked with hope as you unscrewed canteen and took a deep gulp. Few drops of refreshing liquid leaked out of your mouth and down your neck, straight into groove between your boobs. It didn't escape your notice that Max hung his glance on your cleavage. For that one, brief moment, under his gaze, you felt oh so shyly, yet you liked it.
 Seduction was what you always did best, moving into men's personal space with just the right look of heat in your eyes. You didn't just look at a man, you looked into him as if you knew his desires. As you finished drinking, you put the canteen on the sand right next to you, then you looked Max right in the eye. The position was rather unnatural to you, you got used to fact it was you who was in charge, always. Some primal instinct, a wild desire made you reached your hand out to grab man's collar and pulled him closer to you. With the kiss came the smooth touch of your body, poised, just the right blend of relaxation and tension. As you heard his long hidden grunt, you knew it was also what he needed for all this time. Max knew that once he kissed your neck your resistance will crumble. After just a few delicate touches of his warm lips, your hands started to do his bidding. They fell down his back as your head rolled back on the piece of material, all previous thoughts stopped in their tracks. There was only one desire, one wish, and your both knew it's just a matter of time before it happened.
 For these past few days you've learnt that Rockatansky was dominant. Though he didn't talk much, mostly grunting and humming some incomprehensible words, he radiated with some certain self-confidence. "Don't look me in the eye. Don't ever say 'no' to what I want or even hesitate. You're mine to do with as I wish until I tell you to stop. Only ever show lust, always ask for more, never less, never 'stop.' Please me and good things will happen, disappoint and bad things will come, and I hope you understand me. I'm sure you'd like to stay as pretty as you currently are," his strong, deep tone hit your cheek as he leant down to you, whispering right into your ear. You only nodded, feeling like familiar tingling is massaging your core from deep inside. "Take this rags off," man instructed you coldly and you obeyed politely. You got up, taking once white, long dress off, revealing that you were wearing nothing beneath it. He grinned. When you knelt right next to him, his hand grasped your waist, he pushed you back, so you laid down, observing him, yet being careful to not look into his eyes. "Good girl. Who did you belong to?," Max asked, leaning down and placing a kiss to heated skin on your neck. "I was Immortan Joe's toy," you said in a soft voice, you felt your heart skipped a hard beat when Max was kissing his way down your body. "Just a fucking slut he's using to please honest in spare time, when he wasn't fucking with people's heads," you added, closing your eyes shut.
 "And now he's after you, isn't he? Doesn't he want to get his doll back in the Citadel?," man asked as he knelt between your spreaded legs, undoing his belt. "Yeah. I told you before that I know a bit too much. He's afraid of me and of my knowledge," you whispered and left your mouth half opened when you watched him taking his old shirt off and slipping his pants down his legs. His size was a bit above average, nothing to be losing head about. Joe got you used to bigger sizes, almost unbearable. Max was thick and it made you grin in anticipation. He spat down onto his palm and stroked his length few times, his eyes never left your naked curves. "Not surprised he picked you," he added, "You're the most beautiful creature I've seen in recent years." Then he rubbed his tip over your folds, slamming himself in your core without unnecessary warnings. You screamed shortly at the sensation, you dug your nails into his back. He was moving slowly at first, gradually increasing his pace, adding some roughness to his thrusts. Your hand moved to his neck but he snapped at you. "No touching. I don't want you to get too emotional about this," he grunted against your ear, second later he nibbled your neck. You let out a sad moan, yet you understood the reference. His hard cock was stretching your inner walls nicely, sending brand new wave of sensation all over your body with every thrust he made. Soon you became a moaning mess beneath him, you grabbed his left forearm and squeezed it tightly, like you were looking for anything to support yourself on. Max was rocking his hips hardly for you, he picked both your legs up and placed them onto his strong shoulder, slamming his cock even deeper into your cunt. You briefly licked your fingers and slipped hand between two of you, only to stroke your clitoris and tease his cock whenever he was getting out of you. Max rolled his head back after while, grunting and cursing under his breath. "Fuck you, tight cunt!," Max groaned in deep voice of his as he pulled out of you. "On your knees," he ordered. You rolled on your belly and bend your butt up for him, supporting your weight on your hands. He easily got inside of you with one strong thrust, filling you to the brim with his hard member.
 His strong, rough hand were placed on your hips as he was slipping in and out of your pussy. Soon, one of his hands moved to your boobs to give them a firm squeeze. "Yeah, just like this, Max!," you murmured for him, being completely lost in your lust and pleasure he was providing you. Few more thrusts and you felt how his cock started to tremble in your pussy. "On your knees, Y/N," he ordered as he slipped out of you and got back onto his feet. You turned to him and knelt, just like he ordered. Max gave his member few quick strokes. Instinctively, you took his cock into your hand and pumped it over his length, then you took it into your hot mouth, bobbing your head back and forth. Max's hands moved to back of your head where he held you firmly. His grunts were like the most sweet melody to your ear. Soon, after few deep, almost primal growls, man cum into your mouth and his acerbic, dense semen flew down your throat. You hummed, sending some vibrations to him as you swallowed all of his load. He laid down next to you and you simply did same, putting head to his hairy chest. You didn't care at that time if he'll push you away or not. All you have wanted was a closeness of other person. "What will we do now?," you whispered quietly, shivering when he ran his fingers along your spine. "The only thing we can," he replied, "We'll run as far as we can get. And then we'll wait at them. And when they'll come after me and you, and they will eventually, we'll do what we are the best at." You raised your head and looked him in the eye. "What do you mean by that, Max?" "We'll take their lives away,” he said, smiling sadly, “It's the only thing that has left to us.”
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Pandies🐼: @imidarogerson @grossograsso @thewildgardensstuff @leven-and-ashley @la-verdura @bearded-steve-rogers @sebbystan-plantlover @atuckyismylife @krispyjellyfishzombie @personality-within @haseki-huricihan @choppedgardenwhispers @vroobelek @lattimelka @chris-beamz @hidden-secrets69 @purepearls @i-am-margerita @volcanoxxx @kastrup-sofie @mikkal-akasaki @withoutashadowofhope @radbluebirdeagle @marvel-fan-site @smutloversblog @buquete @super-psycho-love69 @tanglesss @peter-sommer @baysidewest @vegemania @philip-stan @chodiusmmm @subwaystunnel @tykorclint @dagger-dragger @kurant @nothing-can-least-forever @oxfordkipem @deliciousbouquet90 @tuptuptup @hellenna80 @karina-marina9 @latimeriaaa @bratko @wurld89 @scott-evans @kiss-me-rouge @ovonel-espaniol @dancing-tacco @ratugadhi @white-tiger-shangrila @axn69 @eternal-life-awaits @mrs-laura-harmon @artsy-inside @gleeeeees @darkllaama @jatut @agawux @fuzzy-tigrrr @jrjohnsson2  @cassandbeast @maaargoshaaa @dontgetmewrongman @einexx @nwmtagsb @anini71  @secretlygrantaire @kyloren-supreme-ben @infinity-stones-seeker @thehappyspider @wings4life @huxyluxy @dontbeafraidchild @misafiryanki @electronicpatrolcollective @thisismysecrethappyplace @aulika @hidden-secrets69 @a-happy-wolf @creative-seahorse
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jarienn972 · 7 years
Mirrored - Chapter Five
I am so sorry to anyone who was following this story!  It was my first fan fic story for this fandom and being a Tumblr newbie, I thought I had the remaining chapters queued correctly, but oops - I found out they never posted.  I reblogged chapter one with links to Chapters 2-4 for anyone who wants to get caught up but here is Chapter 5.  There will be 8 total and I will get them up on the site by the end of the week.
Complete story on FF.net and AO3.
From the beginning on Tumblr: Chapter One  Chapter Two  Chapter Three  Chapter Four
After nearly twenty agonizing minutes, Whale finally emerged from Killian's room. Neither Snow nor David could get a read on his expression as he approached them. Behind him, they could see one of the nurses reopening the curtain but from the angle where they were standing, they weren't able to see inside.
"Well?" David asked impatiently.
"We were able to get him stabilized," Whale replied. "I've given him an anti-convulsive medication that will help control the seizures and we were able to get his fever down to under 102 degrees. It's still higher than I'd like to see, but at least it's in a safer range."
"Oh thank goodness," Snow breathed a sigh of relief.
"Let's not get too excited," Whale continued. "We still don't know how much time this bought us. If someone doesn't come up with the antidote pretty soon, we may be just prolonging the inevitable."
"You don't know Killian the way we do. He's going to fight this with everything he's got," Snow stated, if for nothing else than to make herself feel better.
"I surely hope that you're right," Whale said, "because he's still got one heck of a fight ahead of him. I did increase the sedatives so he's back into a deep sleep again, but he was having such a difficult time breathing that I had to make the decision to put him on a ventilator. If you're not familiar with that machine, it basically is one that breathes for him by way of a tube placed down into his windpipe. I wanted to warn you because it might be a little disconcerting, but there really wasn't another option."
"Thank you," Snow told him, now really unsure of what to expect. "Are we able to go back in to see him now?"
Whale nodded. "I'll check on him periodically throughout the night. Let me know as soon as you see or hear from Emma though. I'm going to need to speak to her."
"We will," David assured him as Whale left them, heading off down another corridor. He had a very good idea of what Whale needed to discuss with Emma, but he tried not to think about it as he again wrapped his arm around Snow, pulling her in tight to him. "It's going to be alright," he said. "I can't believe that I'm saying this, but I trust Regina. She's going to find the right flower to make the antidote."
"For Emma and Killian's sake, I sure hope so," Snow said as they stepped back up to the glass wall and peered into the room before stepping inside. Even with Whale's warning, Snow gasped a little at the sight before them. The doctor had not been exaggerating when he'd said that the sight of Killian being aided by the ventilator would be troubling, but it wasn't just that. The whole scene disturbed her. Neither of them said a word as they stepped through the doorway, not because they feared waking him but rather out of pure shock.
Finding the reality of the plastic tube extending from the corner of his mouth and connecting to multiple other intimidating looking tubing and hoses a bit much to take in, Snow found herself unable to even look at Killian's face, instead noting the minor details. A small square gauze bandage had been taped to his chest, covering the puncture wound Whale's syringe had inflicted when injecting the anti-convulsive drug. The back of his hand was also bandaged as it had bled when the IV needle was torn loose. A new IV was taped securely in place to the inside of his wrist, directly over the old tattoo of Milah's name.
"It's after one AM," David began, sensing her tension. "I'm wide awake now. I'll stay until Emma gets back. Why don't you head home and get some sleep?"
"I feel like I should stay though. What if Emma needs me?"
"Then I will call you," he assured her. "Go home. Try to sleep. I promise to let you know if anything changes."
"Alright," she sighed, giving him a hug and a quick kiss on the cheek. "Please let me know when you talk to Emma. I don't care what time it is."
"I promise," he replied, not sure exactly how long that might be. He'd hoped that she would have at least sent a text message by now. Clearly she was fixated on finding this rouge pirate, but with each minute that went by, he became more concerned.
This time, Killian knew where he was before he was even able to open his eyes. The welcoming scent of the marine air embraced him like an old friend; the sound of waves striking the dock and sails flapping in the breeze were like music to this pirate's ears.
"All hands on deck, Pirate!"
There was that sweet little voice again, he thought as he opened his eyes to find himself standing on the deck of the Jolly Roger.
"Is that any way to talk to the Captain of this vessel?" he smiled, seeing only the very top of a blonde head and two tiny hands above the helm. Laughing as he ascended the steps to the navigation deck, he saw Maeve poised on her tiptoes trying to maneuver the huge wheel. Thankfully, they were still moored in the harbor or who knows where they'd be now.
"You told me that a proper pirate princess should know how to captain her own ship," she stated firmly.
"And so she shall," he replied, sliding a storage trunk across the deck for her to stand on. He hoisted her up atop the trunk and guided her hands to the proper position on the helm. "Tell me where we're navigating to today, Captain?"
"The Enchanted Forest."
"Then off we shall go. Twenty degrees to starboard!"
Without any guidance from him, she turned the huge wheel clockwise. Child after his own heart. Part of him actually wanted to cast off the moorings, but not knowing exactly how things worked in this dream world, he felt it best to stay put in the harbor.
"Calm seas ahead," she giggled, turning to give him a huge hug that felt so real that for a moment, he nearly forgot that he was only dreaming.
Now after four AM, Emma had been all over town in search of Devereaux Sinclair, leaving her physically and emotionally exhausted. She'd give the pirate credit – she knew how to hide, but if she really wanted to trade the mirror for the antidote, being evasive didn't make much sense. It was almost as though this were just a part of some sick game that Emma really didn't want to play. Whatever history Devereaux and Killian had, it was pretty evident that they hadn't ended things on good terms – at least not from Devereaux's perspective. Killian didn't appear to be bothered by whatever was implied, possibly having forgiven her enough to let her go earlier. Devereaux was another story. Maybe she was just a sociopathic crazed lunatic. No matter what, Emma was determined to get answers out of her and hopefully, the antidote too, - assuming Devereaux even really had it and this wasn't just another ploy in her game.
But nagging in the back of Emma's head was a lingering bit of guilt. If she hadn't been engaged in such a long meeting with Regina discussing that stupid compact, she would have already been back at her office before Devereaux broke in. It would have been a very different confrontation had she been there. The pain in the ass pirate would already be behind bars and Killian wouldn't be fighting for his life in a hospital bed.
Of course, she knew that second guessing herself wasn't going to help them right now. Hindsight was always perfectly clear when the present and future were muddy. She had to focus so, as she sat in her car parked on the street in front of the Sheriff's station, she reminded herself of the task at hand. It was at that moment that she felt the weight of Killian's hook, still tucked securely inside her jacket as she'd wanted to keep part of him close to her heart. She lifted it from her pocket and held it lovingly in her palm for a few seconds, long enough for a tear to escape the corner of her eye and drift down her cheek. Only a few hours ago, they'd been happily strolling arm in arm along the waterfront and then Devereaux Sinclair and her damned mirror crossed their path…
The mirror.
Why hadn't she thought of this before now? With a flash of realization, Emma placed the hook on the seat next to her as she dug into a different pocket to locate the compact. It had shown her a vision earlier, and if Regina was to be believed and this compact really could function as a crystal ball, perhaps she could get it to give her some clue as to where Sinclair was hiding.
"Wonder how you get this crazy thing to work?" she asked herself as she pressed the button to open the compact. Seeing her own reflection – bloodshot eyes and weary, gaunt face - all she was seeing was her own face. "Come on," she pleaded with it. "You showed me something before. Do it again."
She nearly regretted asking for the object's help as the first fuzzy image came to life in the bottom mirror because what it showed her was a view of Killian laying deathly still in the hospital bed with her mother seated by his side. It reacts to emotion, she thought. She'd been sad when she picked it up and worrying about Killian, so it gave her an image of him. She needed to change emotion and think about what Devereaux made her feel.
Anger and frustration.
Channeling those emotions, the image in the bottom mirror began to change. The shadow of a female form came into view, at first only a dark profile. Emma needed more though. She needed something to identify where Devereaux might be and as the scene played out on the tiny mirror before her, a familiar setting was displayed in the background.
Her office.
Devereaux had apparently been interrupted early in her search when Killian found her and she had returned to continue her search for the mirror, apparently (and incorrectly) assuming that Emma would be entirely preoccupied with him. But how recent was this image? This may have been from earlier in the evening and there was a good possibility that she was long gone – a possibility that vanished as Emma spied a flash of light that flickered between the blinds on the station's front window.
A flashlight – and in the misty image displayed on the mirror, Devereaux was holding a flashlight.
She was still inside.
Emma snapped the compact closed as she pushed open the door of her little VW bug and stepped out into the street. Time to show this little pirate wench that you don't mess with the sheriff or her family in this town. She stormed up to the front door and – taking a page from Regina's playbook – blasted it open with magic. No use being subtle, Emma thought to herself as the door flew off the hinges. She didn't care if it had to be repaired later.
She wanted to make an ENTRANCE.
"I know you're here, pirate," Emma shouted, "and you can quit searching. You won't find your mirror in my office or anywhere else in this station because its right here in my hand!"
"That was quite a display," Devereaux replied as her head lifted above Emma's desk and into view through the glass partition. "I may have underestimated you, Sheriff. You have me at a bit of a disadvantage as I'm not a practitioner of magic."
"Step out of my office and give me the antidote."
"Hand over my mirror and we'll negotiate."
"This isn't up for negotiation," Emma stated as she waved her hand to close and lock the side door to her office, leaving Devereaux with only one path out. "Where's the widowsbane antidote?"
"Yeah…that…," Devereaux laughed, stepping through the door frame with an almost sadistic smile on her lips. "I kinda left it back on my ship."
"Then let's take a little trip out to your ship so you can get it."
"You think it's that easy?" Devereaux grinned. "Unless you happen to know of a portal back to the Enchanted Forest, it won't be an easy jaunt."
"I thought you told Killian that you arrived here by your ship being blown off course in a storm?"
"Not exactly. I got here through a portal after stealing a few magic beans from a sorcerer so that I could find a way back to the Jolly Roger."
"Why were you searching for the Jolly Roger?" Emma wondered.
"Because it's the last place I saw an object I've been hunting for a very long time. I'm sure by now you've opened the compact and since you obviously have magic, you know what it is."
"A looking glass."
"Exactly! A looking glass that came straight from the shores of Wonderland, but it was missing its handle. The last place I saw what I believed was the handle before the Queen's curse struck was aboard the Jolly Roger. Hook blocked me from taking it years ago and I've been searching the realms for it ever since. Little did I know that it had been brought to this strange new land."
"It's what you were after in the safe this afternoon, wasn't it?"
"Aye, and it's what I went back to search for again after our encounter here in your office. Damned if I could figure out how to open that safe though. I'll give him credit for that one…"
"Encounter? That's what you're calling it? You poisoned him!" Emma patience had waned and her face flushed crimson with anger.
"It really wasn't personal. I needed a diversion and it was a perfect one to keep him off of the ship, and of course I thought it would keep you busy, pining at his side. As I said, I may have underestimated you."
"You honestly thought that poisoning him with a deadly toxin was just a tactical diversion?!" Emma had had just about enough of Devereaux's cold, smug attitude.
"Just business," Devereaux responded nonchalantly. "Yours is upholding the law, mine is breaking it." She held up a tiny glass vial that appeared to contain the same purple dust that had been all over both Killian's skin and clothing as well as Emma's office earlier. "Now, I'd like my mirror back, if you please or I'll throw this. Think your magic is fast enough to stop a cloud of toxic dust from spreading?"
"Yeah, I do," Emma replied and with a quick wave of her hand, the vial vanished from Devereaux's palm and rematerialized in Emma's possession. "And now I'm done dealing with you."
Emma tapped into her rage and frustration, flinging Devereaux into the wall then quickly got a magical grip around the pirate's throat, dragging her out of the office without ever actually laying a finger on her.
"What are you going to do – kill me?" Devereaux asked when Emma loosened her grip around her neck. "Go ahead. I know your type. You can't do it…"
"I have no intention of killing you. You're not getting off that easy." Emma waved her hand again to cause the iron barred door of the holding cell to swing open, then with one more flourish, tossed Devereaux across the room and into the cell. The pirate slammed hard into the concrete block wall, then slid slowly down to the bare concrete floor as the door slammed shut before her.
"You can tell Captain Hook I said goodbye," Devereaux spat. "Because unless he knows where the handle is, he'll never get the antidote."
"And just what the hell is that supposed to mean?"
"With the handle attached, supposedly the looking glass gains the ability to open portals. It might be the only way to get to the antidote on my ship because you won't get it any other way."
"Guess it's a good thing that Regina is already working on a batch of the antidote then."
"Regina? The Evil Queen? If she told you that she can make the antidote here then she lied to you. There isn't a way to make the antidote here because the flower needed to brew it doesn't grow in this land." As Devereaux began to laugh over the realization that Emma had actually believed the Evil Queen's words, Emma threw her one more time, slamming her into the cell's tiny, bare cot.
"I'll be back to deal with you later, Sinclair. And just so you don't get any ideas about trying to break out…," Emma sealed the cell lock with her magic so the pirate wouldn't have any dreams of picking it. She then backed away, leaving the station with its door still laying on the floor. No one else would be crazy enough to break into a Sheriff's station anyway.
Right now, she needed to calm herself. She was angry that Regina had lied about the antidote and now that she'd learned that Devereaux didn't have it either, she was scared. Climbing back into her car, her eyes were immediately drawn to the shiny steel of Killian's hook as it reflected the street light above her. She had every right to be upset and Regina had a lot of explaining to do but right now, all she could think of was that she needed to be at his side – no matter what the outcome may be.
Hours into their research, the mountains of books had now spilled off of the library table into the floor and as dawn approached, Regina was growing increasingly frustrated. There had to be something. She refused to believe that with all of the flowers and plants in this land, there wouldn't be one that was related to a thimble flower. So far though, while she had found numerous references to thimble flowers, nothing mentioned anything outside of the Enchanted Forest.
"All of this is really beginning to make me hate flowers," Regina stated, slamming the cover of the book in front of her closed.
"Regina, please – many of these books are delicate. Could you please show them a little respect?" Belle's concern was genuine, but right now, Regina was really to tired to care.
"Are we looking in the right place?" Regina wondered.
"We are. There just aren't a lot of books that cover multiple realms, but I found this old journal that might be useful." Belle strolled over to the library table and showed Regina an ancient, sheepskin bound personal journal with a battered cover and pages that were brittle and yellowed. "It's the personal notes of an alchemist who used portals to travel through many different realms collecting flowers, plants and other items for his experiments and potions."
Regina's interest was piqued.
"Any mention of thimble flowers?"
"Not yet, but I'm only a few pages in. Its actually quite fascinating."
"Fascinating is wonderful. Relevant would be better." Sarcasm was flowing freely now as Regina was growing more weary and fatigued. "Let me know if you find anything useful."
Regina grabbed the next book from the stack and turned her attention toward it. Time was running short and so was her patience. She was ready to turn a toad into a thimble flower, but she knew it wouldn't work. Hell, she was ready to turn Devereaux Sinclair into a toad – and maybe she would after Emma got done with her. Maybe something lower than a toad? A cockroach perhaps so she could savor the satisfying squish under her heel?
But first she had to find something to make the antidote or things were going to get really challenging in this town. The last place she wanted to find herself was standing directly in front of a pissed off Emma Swan.
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dancesontheedge · 7 years
An age and a half ago, @tavsancuk tagged me in a 10 characters in 10 fandoms meme.  I am finally filling it.  I have laid myself some ground rules.  I will choose and present to you, in no particular order, my ten favorite male characters.  I will also include explanations for my picks.  I am strongly considering doing a mirror post with my ten favorite female characters with explanations.  Also, some of them are coming with fic recs.  Sorry not sorry.  Most of those recs will route you to FFN.  That, I am a little sorry about.  Since this is explanation heavy, I’ll put it under a read more.
Finn (Star Wars) This fabulous man turns his back on everything he has ever been taught because he realized it was wrong.  He broke more than a decade’s worth of programming to free Poe Dameron, and then he went back for Rey despite his fear of the First Order.  That takes serious guts, and I have so much respect for his character.
have you heard by peradi Finn sparks a stormtrooper revolution.
Jess Mariano (Gilmore Girls) Jess grew so much over the course of the series.  We did not get to see most of it happening, but he went from a really messed up, angry at the world teenager to a well-adjusted and very successful adult (based on what we’ve seen).  Also, though he and Rory had their issues as a couple, he was the only one of her boyfriends who she did not feel the need to change for.
Of Books and Music by once-was-serendipity.  Instead of cutting off all contact with Rory when he left in season 3, Jess sent books with his margin-notes to Rory.  We see him deal with all of his shit. Pay the Piper by Iscah McKrae.  Immediately after Rory’s disastrous visit to Philadelphia, Shane contacts Jess to tell him they have a daughter who she wants not part of.  Jess winds up taking full custody.  Incomplete. Truths Universally Acknowledged by 12cubed.  A Jane Austen report assigned by Mr. Medina spirals out of control as Taylor announces a Jane Austen festival.  Season 2 style Rory/Jess pining. Tide and Moon by once-was-serendipity.  Jess and Rory’s relationship over seasons 2 and 3 plays out a bit differently.  Mostly, Jess get’s his shit together earlier.  Incomplete.
Zuko (Avatar the Last Airbender) Over the course of the series, Zuko realized that his father was evil and everything he had been taught (by someone not-Uncle-Iroh) was either a lie or immoral.  Once he finished being in denial about it, he took action, ultimately changing sides and working to atone for the wrong he had done when he still believed in his father.
Embers by Vathara.  At the beginning of season 2, Zuko discovers the secret of healing fire, and then things get super AU, super fast.  Lots of worldbuilding, and I swear to god this author’s a goddess.  Has been described as “Atla in the style of Game of Thrones, minus the sex” Mismatched by Kimberly T. In season 1, Zuko discovers an Earth Kingdom baby with mismatched eyes.  Because local superstition claims the baby is a witch-child and bad luck because of it, Zuko adopts him.  This speeds his realization that everything he knows is wrong by quite a bit. Incomplete. Second Nature by lazyartisan.  At the end of season 1, Zuko is captured at the North Pole.  Angst ensues.  Essentially, the author upped the stakes and ignored the “kids show” genre.  Incomplete-ish.  The author told the story she wanted to tell, but ends the story at the end of season 2 rather than resolving everything.  She may eventually update again, she may not. Another Brother by AvocadoLove.  Zuko was scarred much younger than in canon and is found by Chief Hakoda almost dead on a Fire Navy ship.  Hakoda takes him in, and he is raised in the Southern Water Tribe alongside Sokka and Katara.
Steve Rogers (MCU) Steve Rogers’ moral compass is so on point it’s honestly terrifying.  His entire morality basically boils down to “I don’t like bullies or trust the people in power not to be bullies,” and honestly that’s the kind of role model we all could use.  He is uncompromising, but he’s right with an alarming consistency.  And he’s genuine, which warms the cockles of my own way-too-honest heart.  (It should, perhaps, be noted that this is why Benjamin Tallmadge is my favorite Turn character and that these traits are reflected in one of my most formative female characters, Keladry of Mindelen.)
Serenade by CSI Clue. Happy fic.  Steve gets a girlfriend and everything is adorable. Choice is Not a Word a Bullet Knows series by bomberqueen17.  Winter Soldier followup, so much poly capfam, at least one really awesome OC. A Pretty Boy with a Bird Tattoo by Kryptaria and rayvanfox.  Steve/Bucky/Nat OT3, punk college AU.  My favorite of their collaborative works (because Nat), but their other stuff (stucky, all of it) is super awesome too.  Source Code by Closer.  Steve is tired of everyone thinking he’s a robot clone or whatever the conspiracy theory of the week is. Freezer Burn series by Domenika Marzione.  Comics/MCU mashup that follows a different Avenger in each of the major stories. Freezer Burn follows Steve, Thaw follows Clint, Revenant follows Nat.
Spencer Reid (Criminal Minds) Spencer Reid gets put through such shit by the Criminal Minds writers (and the fandom, honestly.  We love to watch him suffer), but he continues to be dedicated to justice and peaceful solutions.  In addition, he is one of the biggest nerds and genius’ on TV, and is generally way less obnoxious and improbable about it than others of his type.  It should be noted that I am not up to date on this show, having missed almost every episode that aired while I was at University, and that I am refusing to watch the current Reid-in-prison-without-his-memory arc.  Because that was a bridge too far.
Foxtrot Whiskey Bravo by Kuria Dalmatia.  Reid and Elle have a friends with benefits relationship.  Very unangsty for my possible Reid picks. The Comstock King’s Daughter by TheKnittingLady.  Reid/OC.  Reid and his date get kidnapped by an Unsub, things go better than they could.  The least depressing/angsty story by this author, the story by this author requiring the fewest content/trigger warnings.  This author is *very* good, but her work is pretty messed up.  Writes almost exclusively Reid-centrics, usually Reid/OC. Liar by Addicted Archangel.  Reid is imprisoned for a crime he did not commit.  Somehow not as angsty/whumpy as the current canon storyline.  Begins with his conviction, ends with his release.
Gilbert Blythe (Anne of Green Gables) Honestly, who doesn’t love Gilbert?  Pining away for Anne and being generally adorable.  No long winded explanation here, but can we all just take a second, think of Gilbert Blythe, and smile?
Blythe Spirit and Unromantic Ideal by Morte Rouge.  The first three books of the Anne of Green Gables Series from Gilbert’s POV.  I promise it’s not repetitive.  Some grammar issues.
Christopher Perry/Halliwell (Charmed) This tortured soul happens to fall right in the middle of one of my favorite tropes: Time Travel.  Chris travels back in time to prevent his older brother, the most powerful witch to ever live, from turning evil and taking over the world.  He lost literally everyone, led the resistance, watched his brother kill his fiance, and when he went back in time was hated by the younger versions of his family for being so driven and not letting them have a life and also for breaking up his mother and father (they, of course, did not know who he was). Also, he’s a sarcastic little shit.  It’s like he’s the definition of my preferred angst-button.
A Pair of Ragged Claws by cunneware.  Wyatt’s most deadly assassin arrives from the future.  It is revealed that she has been magically enslaved by Wyatt, and when that magic is lifted, she decides to aid Chris in his mission to prevent Wyatt from turning evil.  Ultimately, it is revealed that Chris is the sisters’ son/nephew. The Last Horcrux by Stonage Woman.  Crossover with Harry Potter, AU from book 6.  Taking place in the original future where Wyatt is evil, with all the accompanying super-depressing things that come along with that.  Harry is in his 40s, still fighting Voldemort, and essentially adopts Chris.  If you would like to know where my angst-o-meter sits, this one registers at like an 8 of 10.
Edmund Pevensie (Chronicles of Narnia) Edmund is generally a shit in The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe.  Nobody will argue that point with you.  What’s important to me is how he grows.  He decides to become worthy of Aslan’s sacrifice.  He decides to live up to his sobriquet “The Just.”  He acts to atone for his selfishness and live a life of service.
Harold and Morgan: Not a Romance by rthstewart.  This is super a romance.  Edmund got married in Narnia to a banker from the Lone Islands.  It’s adorable, and I’m quite convinced she’s on the autism spectrum. The Stone Gryphon ‘verse by rthstewart.  The Pevensies deal with being back in WWII England, mostly by being ridiculously badass. Not a whole ton of Edmund yet, but it’s awesome, I love everything about it, and could hardly write Narnia recs and not include it. Letting Go by Lirenel.  Prince Caspian AU in which Edmund arrives separately from and substantially before his siblings because he wasn’t holding their hands at the train station. The Ledbury Run by Maddy Carr. Back in England, Edmund and Peter participate in a cross-country race and find in their path a downed German paratrooper.
Simon Tam (Firefly) Simon had it all.  He had money, he had his dream career, he had parents who were pleased as punch to have him as their son.  He gave it all up to rescue his sister from government experimentation and subsequently became a fugitive.  He has some trouble adjusting, as you can imagine, from golden child to desperate man on the edges of society, but he never considers going back.  Not once.  Because his sister was more important to him than all the accolades he could earn.
Alec Hardison (Leverage) Hardison is a hardened criminal.  Ish.  He takes immense pride in his hacking ability and would be offended if I said he was one of the best in the business.  Because he’s the best. But really, Hardison’s a soft touch.  He was the one most easily convinced to join the Leverage team and use his crime powers for good.  His first heist? Hacking into the Bank of Iceland to pay his Nana’s medical bills.  He decided that the Leverage crew was his family, and promptly adopted them all.  He’s the team-builder, the block they all built on.  He provided the space, he provided the nurturing eye, he paid attention to what his team members wanted and gave it to them.  Though he’s a criminal, he’s the moral center of the Leverage crew.  Also he’s a giant nerd and completely hilarious.
The Justice League Job by Eatsscissors.  Casefic about a stolen comic book. Hardison/Parker.
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mermaidinstereo · 8 years
LIST: 10 of My Favorite Movie Songs
I'm an idiot. On Oscar Night, I decided to wrap up a draft I was writing for a list going up soon. The theme was dark videos, again, it will be going up soon. Also, I worked a terrible work day for about 6-8 hours, so that was a huuuuuge damper on my mood that kept me from doing anything until about 4 or 5. So I was too dumb to come up with a list of movie songs on Oscar Night. Yeah. I'm that kind of idiot.
But here I am, doing it. Right now.
For this list, I have a few criteria. These songs were released solely for these films. That means that they were not picked from an artist's pre-existing album, or a cover of another song recorded for a movie, or a musical selection from a Broadway adaptation. These songs may have appeared on an artist's album after release (such as a greatest hits release), but not before. So, sorry to "Lady Marmalade," "Cell Block Tango," and "Hooked on a Feeling." Oh, that goes for you, too, "Elephant Love Medley" from Moulin Rouge. That's a mashup. You're not slick.
10. "Kiss from a Rose" - Seal (Batman Forever, 1994) Call it hokey. Call it what you want. But I better not catch you talking shit about Seal. In what is possibly his signature song, Seal's incomparable voice soars over a haunting melody and epic orchestration. Is it the best song to ever come out of a DC Comics film? Oh, hell yes it is.
9. "The World is Not Enough" - Garbage (The World is Not Enough, 1999) When you ask a group like Garbage to write a Bond theme, you probably don't expect them to deliver Shirley Bassey or Paul McCartney. Spoiler alert: they don't, but damn, do they deliver. Shirley Manson puts on the dangerous seduction worthy of a Bond girl over a smoldering orchestra, arranged by Don Black and David Arnold. It just feels so sexy, and so sinister. So of course I'm into it. The few times I actually play Overwatch with Widowmaker, I like to imagine her slinking around to this song before she snipes Genji in his tracks. Fuck Genji.
8. "Over the Rainbow" - Judy Garland (The Wizard of Oz, 1939) I felt wrong not including this song, partly because when I was a very little girl, my grandmother--a jazz singer back in the day--would sing it to me and my sister. Listening to it now as an adult effortlessly brings a tear to my eye, thanks to Judy Garland's mournful, yet optimistic vocals. That's the kind of thing that makes you want to root for a character like Dorothy. Not just that, but that's the kind of thing that makes characters and movies iconic. Yeah, there's yellow brick roads and little dogs and munchkins, but, in the way "Let It Go" defined Frozen's Queen Elsa, Dorothy Gale is synonymous with "Over the Rainbow." And that's not a bad thing to be associated with.
7. "I Don't Want To Miss a Thing" - Aerosmith (Armageddon, 1998) I was coerced to go on the Rock 'n Roller Coaster at Disney's Hollywood Studios once. I hated it. I hate coasters. It didn't necessarily affect my opinion of Aerosmith, but I don't remember hearing this classic Aerosmith track on the ride. Probably because I was busy screaming to get me off this crazy thing and into the Voyage of the Little Mermaid show. Sounds about right. But in a park that celebrates films--and on a ride themed around Aerosmith--the omission of this song feels wrong. Is Armageddon an iconic film? Nah, not really. Is this song timeless? Yeah. In fact it's one of Aerosmith's most well-known tracks. For good reason--it's Steven Tyler at his vocal best. And who'da thunk that they'd go so well with an orchestra? Tyler's emotion is remarkably raw. Not bad for a song so obviously made to sell a movie. I guess they just did it differently in the 90s.
6. "Young and Beautiful" - Lana Del Rey (The Great Gatsby, 2013) I never saw this movie, because I hated the book. It was one of those books where you were forced to read it in high school English. Hence, I hated it. Lana Del Rey was also an acquired taste for me. However, "Young and Beautiful" is Lana at her finest. Her simmering alto flies above a lush orchestra as she croons, lamenting over a love she's not sure will last. In true Lana Del Rey style, the girl just can't do happiness. But hey, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. She doesn't fix it--she enhances it, to dazzling effect
5. "Audition (The Fools Who Dream)" - Emma Stone (La La Land, 2016) Sometimes things don't work. Dreams fall short. So you have to regroup and figure out a new plan. That's exactly what Emma Stone's aspiring actress Mia did in La La Land, when she becomes discouraged and downtrodden after a series of flops. However, a glimmer of hope arrives in an audition, where, as she recounts the story of her grandmother swimming through the freezing Seine. What results is a truly impassioned, from-the-heart performance from Emma, as she honors "the fools who dream, crazy as they may seem." Where would we be without "the rebels, the ripples from pebbles, the painters, the poets, and plays?" Well, this film wouldn't exist, for one. As a supporter of the arts and a daughter of a music teacher, this lyric speaks to me. In general, I resonated with the character of Mia, often discouraged, waiting on that one person to take a chance on me and let me show what I can do. If La La Land did anything for me, it told me that if you never try, you never know. (Also, "City of Stars" be damned.)
4. "Beauty and the Beast" - Angela Lansbury/Peabo Bryson and Celine Dion (Beauty and the Beast, 1992) You know that song that no matter where or when you hear it, you immediately begin tearing up? This is one of those songs for me. I remember when I saw Moana last year and they showed the trailer for the upcoming (unnecessary) live-action remake of Beauty and the Beast, being unimpressed, until that "tale as old as time..." melody kicked in. Beauty is regarded as one of Disney's greatest animated features, with a timeless soundtrack to show for it. Its title song is appropriately timeless, and is the jewel in the crown of the Disney Renaissance. Suddenly I don't know an Ariana Grande or a John Legend.
3. "There You'll Be" - Faith Hill (Pearl Harbor, 2002) I've always dismissed Faith Hill has being "lifetimecore," that is, music made specifically for suburban white moms who spend their time on Pinterest and at Scentsy parties. Working in retail, especially, has made me resent her, being subject to her music as often as I am. That said, "There You'll Be" is so incredibly poignant and emotional, and her strong voice is perfectly suited for it. This one is another instant tearjerker. You got me this time, Faith. Just once.
2. "If You Want Me" - Marketa Irglova (Once, 2007) While not the most memorable song from this unforgettable indie gem, "If You Want Me" is remarkable in its vulnerability. In the film, Marketa's unnamed character walks down a lonely Irish street, having just bought batteries for her Walkman. She's really just kind of rehearsing the song to herself, but there is this heartbreaking vulnerability in her softspoken delivery. There's something behind that sad, sad voice, and you know it. It should've got an Oscar nod, but you know what, "Falling Slowly" is still pretty damn good.
1. "Part of Your World" - Jodi Benson (The Little Mermaid, 1989) Let's just be honest with ourselves here. My blog title is "Mermaid in Stereo." Perhaps my attraction to mermaids can be attributed to the story of Ariel, a struggle that is told in her signature song, "Part of Your World." It's not necessarily the story of a mermaid wanting to live on the land--okay, it is. But it's more than that. It's the story of someone fed up with being held down in her home life by overbearing parents, with a burning desire to get out of her bubble and see an unfamiliar world. Fun fact: Ariel did not wish to become human for Eric! No, in fact it's this song--which she sings before she ever sees Eric--that proves it. And you have to believe her. It's no wonder only Jodi Benson has voiced the character since her introduction--no one else can do it justice.
And now...my honorable mentions.
"Go the Distance" - Roger Bart (Hercules, 1997)
"You Haven't Seen the Last of Me" - Cher (Burlesque, 2010)
"Her Portrait in Black" - Atreyu (Underworld: Evolution, 2006)
"A View to a Kill" - Duran Duran (A View to a Kill, 1984)
"Chim Chim Cher-ee" - Dick Van Dyke (Mary Poppins, 1964)
"Heathens" - Twenty One Pilots (Suicide Squad, 2016)
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