#so so aware 95% do not give a shit about this askdjfhsa i sWEAR will keep going with buddie wips for the rest of the week
littlespoonevan · 6 months
i only need the working of my hands
Pairing: Neil Josten/Andrew Minyard Rating: Teen and up Word Count: 20673 Summary: “Are you planning on telling me any time today who the fuck Neil is or am I just supposed to figure it out for myself?” He opens his eyes to see Nicky gaping at him before he starts spluttering over an answer. It’s Kevin who responds first though. “He’s our other starting striker. You came with me when we went to sign him. Do you remember?” Andrew remembers the file, remembers Kevin’s conviction that there was potential there and Wymack’s relief that Kevin actually liked one of his recruit suggestions for once. Andrew could’ve sworn he had dark hair though. “I remember Wymack booking our flights to Arizona. Now derail your one track mind from Exy for five minutes and tell me who he actually is.” Kevin glares at him and Andrew matches his stare. “He knows I don’t like to be touched, he’s here with my family, he smiled when he realised I was awake, who the fuck is he, Kevin?” “He’s your boyfriend.” * Andrew gets injured during an Exy game and loses almost two years' worth of memories. It leaves him with a nasty pain in the head and far too many questions. Namely, who the fuck is Neil Josten?
read here on ao3
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