#to any aftg followers i still have: love u šŸ˜˜
littlespoonevan Ā· 6 months
i only need the working of my hands
Pairing:Ā Neil Josten/Andrew Minyard Rating:Ā Teen and up Word Count:Ā 20673 Summary: ā€œAre you planning on telling me any time today who the fuck Neil is or am I just supposed to figure it out for myself?ā€ He opens his eyes to see Nicky gaping at him before he starts spluttering over an answer. Itā€™s Kevin who responds first though. ā€œHeā€™s our other starting striker. You came with me when we went to sign him. Do you remember?ā€ Andrew remembers the file, remembers Kevinā€™s conviction that there was potential there and Wymackā€™s relief that Kevin actually liked one of his recruit suggestions for once. Andrew couldā€™ve sworn he had dark hair though. ā€œI remember Wymack booking our flights to Arizona. Now derail your one track mind from Exy for five minutes and tell me who he actually is.ā€ Kevin glares at him and Andrew matches his stare. ā€œHe knows I donā€™t like to be touched, heā€™s here with my family, heĀ smiledĀ when he realised I was awake, who the fuck is he, Kevin?ā€ ā€œHeā€™s your boyfriend.ā€ * Andrew gets injured during an Exy game and loses almost two years' worth of memories. It leaves him with a nasty pain in the head and far too many questions. Namely, who the fuck is Neil Josten?
read here on ao3
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