#so the thing is teehee im a hack
catboyrights · 2 years
(looks at the literal hundreds of abandoned or paused fic WIPs i have accumulated) this is what life is about baybee take me seriously as a content creator
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astrxlfinale · 5 months
And ding ! There'd be a few more mess- Ding , ding ! Ding !
Messages from the ever so FIERY Guinaifen. Who else lacks such fear for double texting and spamming?
[txt]: nice legs [txt]: do they spread (❁´◡`❁)
While it might not be obvious in the text, she's having a little hoot in her own company, laughing a bit at her own attempt at silly, cheesy pick-up texts. That, and she might have been dared by some of her followers from her steam to do something risky, a dare that had ended with a 'I'll take you up on it!' and a warm farewell and promise of an even better stream next them.
(of course they were disappointment about not knowing what she was going to be up to ...)
[txt]: is this what being a shameless flirt feels like [txt]: i feel so tough (*/ω\*)
Maaaaybe she could've chosen another emoticon for that...
[txt]: lemme try another one !!! [txt]: ok okokok so
Utmost preparation! She'll even sit up in her bed for this one, trying to cook on some exquisite, well written poetry to be sent to Caelus.
[txt]: is your google maps working? [txt]:cause i looked up best places to eat and your name didn’t pop up
There might have been a slight loud and ugly snort at that message, Guinaifen falling back onto her. There's something funny about this, sending little silly texts. She, however, might have outdone herself with a small message of encouragement...
[txt]: dw babe i've got alll the meat material , im here all night (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ [txt]: HAN(D)G in here <3<3 (〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜
Penacony finds itself a land once entrenched by dangerous forces, and in many ways, still is with the hierarchical Order leaving era old wounds within this land once ruled by paradise and decadence all the same.
If only they realized the inspirational levels of discord that's become such an insurmountable foundation in his life. One such example being checked as the phone is booted up with life, leading to an artificial life to brighten up his face.
An unconscious shot of elation dawns at that smile that could bring life to the darkest nights. With a selfie of her smiling face framed while a fireworks flare surrounds that name of Firekiss, it left him wondering what sort've excitement got her bouncing out the walls.
Many things were anticipated, a feeble attempt in predicting the unpredictable.
Caelus had no fucking clue just how bad his mind was off course.
do they spread (❁´◡`❁)
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Being rocked with this level of whiplash was so potent, that Guinaifen may as well flung fireworks through the screen. For an instant a daze of stars cloud his vision before his voice tried to speak, only for a hacking cough to follow suit that immediately made a good round of passerbys immediately avoid him, judging stares digging into his back all the while. Breathe. The internal order forced air into his dreamy lungs before edging back, doubling down his resolve to stare at this screen again!
It wasn't over. A wicked force had to have taken over her soul, imbuing it with a sense of thrills that she normally never typed before! That mere teehee emoji that follows being undeniable proof!
In a flash of delirium as he begins to run, Caelus hadn't even realized what he typed.
[Txt]: HELLO???
What follows was a blur as one moment he's underneath the eternal sky, and the next he finds himself stashed in the nearest clothing store. Stumbling past the designer Ts, the skinny jeans, only to find himself propped upon a nearby wall after nearly tearing a rack off the hinges.
He could feel the way his heart proceeds to race within his chest, more of those damnable buzzes following in heart pursuit. It was enough to make the hairs on his neck stand while a measure of heat swarm his face. Think Caelus, think.
'Spreading my legs.. Huh. I have heard that the flexible do enjoy having someone 'remotely' in their ballpark. But then what does that have to do with me on Google maps? ..Having me go full eagle, wanting to eat.. Is she finding herself in a mood to make me a 5 star meal?!'
It's flattering really, and in the same vein the sheer amount of chaos that elicited stunned him into stupor. This level of brazenness exercised was a line they've never dove into before. Was this some kind of fun joke or did the fiery carnivore within found itself unleashed!?
Just as he flicked his eyes across the screen, wholly prepared to give his earnest thoughts on the matter while calling her a goofball, once again does reality pause...
Eyes scrambling across the text, she was about to find out the exact way he perceived this information. Caelus could be found sinking down to his knees as his jaw remained hanging.
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[Txt]: ...Honey?
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unlimitedtrees · 1 year
thinkin about 'Evil Mode' from 'Among the Others' , my last rom hack
so, after beating sylvie lime yesterday ,it got me thinkin about silly precision platformers and kaizo stuff ... U see , despite me being a Sonic CD-loving freak , i do like to play trial and error crazy platformers , such as N++ and celeste some other games im too lazy to think about right now . i just. like a fun and silly challenge sometimes. However , as i established in me last post , i am a Picky Bitch when it comes to platformers and i tend to prefer the controls and movement of the classic sonic games compared to every other platformer out there . i just Love the unique movement and interactions u have with environment in stuff like Sonic CD ... its something that no other game feels like and is something ive always wanted to see be experimented with in something like a kaizo sort of game .. but it hasnt really been done much before aside from a kaizo sonic rom hack that i thought handled the level design Very Poorly ..
there is also a rom hack named Sonic VR which i Really Really like ... but im probably gonna save that for its own post , teehee !!
Anyways. along with Sonic VR being a Huge Inspiration for me , and also seeing all those crazy kaizo mario hacks over the years , its something i wanted to try making myself for a Long, Long time . and well ... i finally got the chance in 2018, with my rom hack named 'Among the Others'.
so. Among the Others was a rom hack of Sonic 1 that i made. there is a Lot of history behind it that i wont get into for this post , but basically it was supposed to be my final, ambitious rom hack that eventually got cancelled and then i put a wall of text at the very end complaining about the rom hacking community. i then released it to the sonic hacking contest and then left the community .. but a few months before the contest begun, i still had a bunch of free time and the main game was already complete, so i decided to just add a bunch of random extra stuff just because .. and in the end there ended up being a Lot More content for a game that Was Technically unfinished...
one of the thing i added into the game was the secret 'Evil Mode' , something which not many people have played and is what im gonna get into in this post ... click da Read More thingy if u Dare !!!
So , in the level select (which u can just access by using the normal Sonic 1 level select code) , there are 3 evil mode levels in the game. these are basically extra levels based off the normal levels in the game, except these are completely redesigned to be Very Difficult and Evil. i wanted to make a sort of kaizo like thing ,where u have to get past all sorts of Deranged challenges that take advantage of the unique controls and movement of this game (which, btw, in case u dont know, this game has special abilities unique to it that make the movement Very Crazy , Lol !!).
There Is One Big Problem However... and it has to deal with the limitations of Making A Sonic ROM Hack When You Are Just A Dumb Little Creature Who Does Not Understand Assembly Programming.
You See, designing kaizo levels for a sonic rom hack is way more difficult than you may think. there comes a lot of Limitations to making sonic rom hacks that, combined with my limited skill, made making these levels very Annoying and Difficult to Create.
First Off, the game can only handle so many objects on screen. Which, well, i Suppose is fine. after all, im sure that's the case with mario world rom hacks. But In The Case Of A Sonic ROM Hack ... Well . Not only are you limited by having few sprites on screen, but you Also are limited by how many Types of objects can be in a level. You See.. all of the artwork for the objects are loaded in by 'pattern load cues'. each zone in the game has their own table which lists all the artwork thats loaded in ,including the level art and all the art for all the objects . not only was i limited by how Much art could be loaded in a single zone .. but Also i was limited by My Ability To Program. i could Not understand how the pattern load cues worked At All. getting objects from One Zone to work in Another Zone was Nearly Impossible for me ... idont know how to describe this fully. Basically , Most of the time , i could Not bring over another object from another zone Unless it used the same amount of tiles as an object from the current zone .. if that makes sense. idont know. All I Know Is ... I Was Greatly Limited by What objects i could use , and that's on Top of worrying about having too many objects on screen .
But That's Not The End Of It. you also have to worry about objects just. Disappearing in the game. sometimes , an object will just Not Load In and i have No Idea Why. i dont understand how any of it works .. all i know is that i was Unable to fully rely on building the level out of objects ,as id constantly have to worry if an important object would Unload , making progressing in the levels difficult.
because of all this , i was Severely Limited by how i could design the levels and what hazards i could even make . i couldnt even have too many spikes anywhere like a kaizo mario level ... it was very Limiting . and thats not even getting into the Level Chunks . you see, the levels themselves are also built out of Chunks of 128x128 pixels ,which have all the level art and collision. but i was also limited by How Many Chunks a zone could have , and these zones already were using the chunks from the normal levels which already used most of the chunks .... so i couldnt design much unique areas for these levels ...
despite it all , i tried my best to make levels that would be an interesting challenge ... and u know what. i am Kind Of proud of what i managed to accomplish , especially considering all the limitations i had to deal with. there's Definitely a ton of stuff i wish i couldve done with these levels, and theres stuff i probably couldve done better ,but Damn. playing through these dickish levels is kind of fun sometimes. Lol. i tried my best to make these levels use the physics and unique abilities to their fullest potential ... i just wish i coulda done More with em.
something i am pretty proud of that i think No One has done is playing the evil levels in Encore Mode. you see, in the game there is a secret encore mode that can be accessed by entering '81, 82, 80, 80' in the sound test ... and aside from letting you play as Pepsiman it also gives every level entirely different object layouts, along with new palettes and music. The Evil Mode levels in particular were fun to make Even More Evil , with The Core Zone specifically being made to be Actually Deranged , with its palette being Pitch Black and the evil mode level being Longer than the original one . and ,while i was also a bit limited with making these encore versions as i could only edit the object layouts , they were still fun to make and i am pretty proud of Encore Mode as a whole .
anyways. if you want something insane to go through, try the Evil Mode in Among the Others if you wish. you can download the game and its source code on github, if you wish.
anywayz thats all. there is so much about Among the Others ive ought to talk about .,,,, so much about this game that people dont even know about . maybe someday i can share more about it with you all ....
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re-ikrmso · 1 year
anyways had this intrest in this one rom hack and i just went overnalyzization(??) mode and i have so many. ideas. but they. they’re all like variations of the same-kinda deal that changes things slightly. i dont know if i should combine all of those ideas. HHRGHHHH POKEMON FIRERED ROCKET EDITION WAAAAAAAAAUUGHHH
-- ramble BELOW
litterally. SO MUCH FUN trying to THINK of thier personailty. the main character, i mean. sometimes i base the personailty on the person playing the gamebut like. are they just a natural born psychopath/sociopath?? are they a clone??? are they just a normal person or is this game gonna get “twitch plays pokemon” territory and have the player be interepted as something in-universe?? 
We know for sure the main character has a bad conscience, both(?) endings are similar but carry implications on the character themselves. have a bad concscinece but go out of your way to steal from anyone you see anyway?? or will you do the best you can to stay moral within a crimial group??? and what of giovanni’s words? his apology that team rocket would not rule kanto?! was that just an assumption? an overall apology forced to be directed towards the protag at that moment because he couldnt  bear to face anyone else?!?!? or did our protag really believe in team rocket? either for it’s power, financal stability or because of thier pride?! are they a part of team rocket because they hate the new government??? were they just desperate for money? the game describes the protag as an “aspiring young trainer but desperate” trainer that team rocket recruited. but that could fucking mean anything! are they truamatized by what they saw in the war?
just how old is the protag anyway/??? we know that team rocket can and could just straight up recruit pre-teens, and many charatcers in the rom hack refer to them as “kid” but thats also just a thing older people can do to younger poeple who are also adults (i litteraly have no other way to phrase that sry). not to mention BLUE calls them “Mr. Rocket”, meaning they’re at least deently older. so im gonnaput thier age at like 17-22. nearly/young adult stuff that poeple can call “kid” cause they’re fukcing young but also where kids can call you “mr” cause you look that age. the reason im freaking out about the age is cause (teehee yay charatcerzzaiton) and also in the rom hack’s timeline, present day takes 10 years after a war between jotho and kanto, which i think would be interesting to build on for the protag. were they just a kid? did they have enough situational awareness to hold bitterness? were they orphaned??? im going off track, but dammit i need answers!! 
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oswednesday · 3 years
Weds since you're in Pokémon mode rn I wanna see your Legends Arceus opinions if you have any, it's personally the most fun I've ever had with a pokemon game so far I love being a pokemon biologist
omg i have not played it yet! i hope they carry any fun like full sim stuff over to the new region, and okay i really like the mythos lore and stuff of d/p, if it Had been the actual last pkmn that would have been alright i feel like that or b/w like how people thought back then and sometimes it does feel like that had been the intent but x/y is so charming despite a lot of things and sun and moon is like top slot number one pkmn game, but d/p its so like deep futuristic and strange, and im glad that carried over to legends, im also a big fan of like time travel theories right along with like war stuff so like, also legends and stuff like it often are my fave things about pkmn like nonmain series stuff ends up being so cool, like i miss stuff like sevvi islands or like the just overload of strange stuff in emerald or like the shadow series
but i think its rather problematic to take pokemon from other regions and connect them to like to this and like others who are affected by this in a day to day way have said its really freaking weird to make a game be like teehee my pocket monsters [colonizing of an inhabited land in the background] like, pokemon games have avoided this in the past by making stuff seem like scifi futuristic alt space so this past thing in the way theyre doing it is really like,i think in poor tastes
cause like past games were designed like with draw Hard Line this pokemon is from this region, even if they appear from another region its as import, invasive, or like an expanded territory, where further away regions were given no like interconnectivity like why would rowlet be there, implying thats like the Truer form like its really,,hm, tasteless, given like japan's history with hawaii,, and like rude, a lot of design work recently has felt that that to me like, mean spirited
like here's all this work and effort previous teams put in to make this world feel a certain way, like rules the setting has, designs meant to exist in a certain space and feel a certain way, well now we're going to use it this way, do as little work on it as possible, to make fat stacks of cash, overall i find design work is uggo to me, i know its a by product of how the staff is like separated from each other (like you can design a creature and have no say in its name or what it does in the game or even its final color palette,,,,insane) and how much crunch it is but it has a really strong vibe of like being made to cater to like a casual western player in a way that feels hard to arctiulate like when you're in a shop and there's stuff for tourists willing to spend 30 dollars or so on something that Looks like its from there
but from the fan art im filter feeding off the dash the writing looks like it takes it so some pretty cool places! not fully related, but i dont think id mind it if they did these like mini games to support legendary lore! like i do mind that theyre 60 dollars each, but if each legendary came with a free or like 10 dollarish or 30 dollarish (being realistic =_=) dlc event thing that would be really cool! one of my All time fave things about d/p is like invsa wall hacking it and walking off into the void to see the legendaries chilling, and its all extremely cluttered in the main game but imagine like a two hour or so fully written add on getting to explore them, they just try to do soo much in the main games it ends up thinning them out too much, id rather like smaller story with a more robust simulator with story added overtime
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