#so this is brand new - jesus christ
softichill · 5 months
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Teardrop designs across seasons
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glitteratti · 11 months
i tried to let my coworker who is still the newest on the team something she got wrong and she stormed off and then angrily lectured me up front about how i “sHoUlDn’T dO tHaT iN fRoNt oF cUsToMeRs” when she was being WAY more noticeable in FRONT OF HOUSE basically YELLING AT ME!!!! girl im going to fucking KILL MYSELF!!!!!
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this-doesnt-endd · 9 months
Im so tired despite sleeping all day and i have to go in at 8:30 tomorrow cause even tho its not christmas we have holiday hours still and i work the day after and friday abd then first week of january ill also prolly work all week cause second week i have my production assistant certification im like not having any rest till nearly mid january to which ill have 3 days then no more rest till after valentines
#also i was remembering how some lady was up by the register and i was like oh i can get you if ur ready and shes like oh??#this isnt self checkout?#and im like no? mind you the store is essentially the size of like a highschool computer lab or a bit smaller than like a stand alone#convince only 7/11 abd she was like oh i saw the scanner and i thought it was self checkout#and i was thinking oh you mean the scanner faced away from you and the register screen also faced away from you#anywyas i log in cause o have like a username and password to get into the regjster and im scanning her stuff#and shes like oh no i got that already and i tell her nothing wad scanned yet cause i have to log in and that she didnt do anything#and she was like no i scanned it it beeped abd i was like yeah the thing scanned but nothing happened transaction wise i have tk log in#for anything to happen with the register and i told her like you didnt do anything you werent logged in nothing was accomplished#this is not self checkout whatsoever#and i said it like that which maybe was mean but i was more confused than anything and she just seemed more confused#either way she paid and left#also i dont get the confusion with confirm total. like our register has them confirm. its like this purchsde is 20 bucks yes no?#and people get so confused like? its asking you is what you bought 20 bucks? yes or no#and if they have a giftcard jesus christ#they swipe it which imo seems like the main option people get so hurt that i wont swipe their giftcard for them#and it asks them to confirm to total b4 the giftcard takes anything off and they get so confised and annoyed being like it didnt take it#what does this mean i jsut used a giftcard did it steal my money like just hit yes#and its people who are like 30 or 40 and they buy the discounted giftcard sets so they know exactly how it works#but decide to act brand new for some reason#and i get new tech can be daunting but its not impossible to learn like the whole cant teach old dogs new tricks like whatever#maybe for the like customers i get who are in their 80s and 90s ill cut em slack#but people who are like 50s and 60s now screaming at me how they cant work new things or when they want things delivered#and i tell them they can use door dash and they scream that they cant use apps or the internet and im just throwinf them out to sea#cause im forcing them to use new tech they cant possibly learn and im an evil bitch like#first iphone was like what 2008? concretely established 2014?#thatd makr them like what in their 40s 50s? when they would have first started to learn that#thats not impossible#im not asking for you to learn madarin or swedish#also sorry u defunded the public libraries that could have taught you these things
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benilos · 1 year
Mkay to me it looks like someones tryna start shit so imma just put this here.
Me making this new blog was not an invitation for ppl to start shit. Take my name out of yalls mouth and do not involve in weird drama you want to start. Im not going to have a Drac/Cecil part 2 with Rea/Bee. I left the server 2 years ago for the way they spoke to people and because they involved their selves too much in the proship v antiship stuff and it made me uncomfortable. It has nothing to do with me being uncomfortable with them calling a fucking strapon "she." Thats doofy as fuck.
I have not sent them any fucking anons, and yall need to stop fucking asking them about me. Leave them both alone, and leave me alone. You guys are super weird, stirring up drama that is years old. I have had them comfortably blocked since I left the server, I dont know Icarus, and I do not care about those two getting hate anons. Im not their friend, so I do not want to be involved. This is fucking weird.
Literally, my first day with a new blog and yall pull this? Go tf away, stop bothering other ppl cuz you wanna use me as a scapegoat. I may not be comfortable around Rea and Bee, but frankly I am sorry to them for the way yall are fucking acting. Leave them both alone, and stop sending me screenshots of their blogs its weird.
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serpiaxerma · 1 year
I'm so close to my limit on this fucking card game.
Greetings fellow duelists.
Picture this, okay. You're a Branded player. Hateful, I know. You want to play paper, build the deck in real life, test it out with other people. Great. Awesome. Fun for you!
You play some Master Duel, get a feel for the deck. Alright, yeah, feels good, feels powerful. Bit bricky, but who cares? Isn't every deck? (Coping.)
Grab a couple of Albaz Strike Structure Decks. $60 total, wow! Fit together something resembling your build, if a bit on the cheap side, but that's fine. You're just testing it out.
Boom! Wake up babe, new support just dropped. Time to upgrade! A trap like Branded Banishment, a clean $10, alright. Another Ecclesia retrain in Cartesia, a monster and a fusion spell? Sick, sign me up! So, how much we talking? $20? $30?
Oh. Alright, we'll just skip her for now then. No need to cash out so much for a one-of that only boosts consistency. What else is there?
Right, yeah, the Bystial monsters! A bunch of big asshole dragons who are also handtrap chaos monsters? Damn, pretty strong! Got some nice new continuous spells and traps like Regained and Beast for $5 each, yeah, sure.
The monsters aren't too terrible. Saronir for $5, Druiswurm for $10, Magnamhut for $20. Pricey, sure, but if it changes and evolves the playstyle so much. Oh, and Lubellion! So again, like $30, right? Or is this another $60 Cartesia situation?
Okay no. If we can't have all these nice pretty new Branded cards for under $300 when I'm only planning to mess around, I'm good, I'll pass.
Luckily, the tins are coming out later this year, so I'm sure the reprints will be a lot cheaper. And prettier, too. Then I can finally upgrade my deck and play like I've practiced in-game! Just one more month, right?
Oh? Who's that?
Hmm? What did?
... But I liked Branded Beast control. I liked Masquerade + Dramaturge pass. I loved bringing back Mirrorjade with Ad Libitum. I loved banishing my opponent's monsters with Magnumhut to +2. What happened? Where're my children? Where are we? Who are you?
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pankomako · 1 year
icons for the boardwalk humans have been updated :D the monsters are next to get the treatment
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bobtheacorn · 2 years
If anon is throwing rocks at your window in the middle of the night, I am bringing you baked goods of your choice at a decent hour. Actually it rules that you're proship. Keep up the good work (minding your own business, not being a bully, not falling for reactionary nonsense, thinking for yourself, having common sense, and so on and so forth)
Genuinely, THANK U I appreciate that!! I'm doing my best!! I'm just tryin'a write my silly lil fanfics and vibe and everybody else should be allowed to do the same.
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#asked#i'm trying not to be a DOWNER but my god#I keep accidentally getting into fandoms that seem to have a high BS rate??#there's a tiny niche of ppl minding their own business and then a huge swatch of ppl that are like...........#aggressively yelling abt pretend threats to their Pure and Superior Thoughts on Fictional Characters#i don't know how to tell them that Jesus Christ is not gonna kiss them on the forehead for being hate mongering goblins#im just sayin#he would probably be the first to throw a table into the thick of y'all#like i get it u don't like incest that's valid#if u hate it so much why do you keep bringing it up?????????????????#tcest was literally trending on twitter a while ago bc baby antis were hollering abt it and the Algorithm was like U Want?? Here.#and then they took psychic damage abt it#i had to laugh#i guess i'm built different#nothing desensitizes you to stuff you don't want to see quicker than being 10 years old on the brand new interwebs#and googling your favorite digimon bc u want a cool desktop pic#NO search filters NO tags#just u as a kid fighting for ur life in google images sweeping past pages of weird grown up shit with ur eyes the size of dinner plates#let me just wave my cane and rant for a minute!!!!!!!!!! sorry!!!!!!! lmao#i'm just Old and Tired and I think ppl should be thankful for tumblr and ao3 and their fantastic fucking tagging systems and no algorithm#u can literally block things u dont wanna see#also u can just mind ur own business abt it
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brothersonahotelbed · 2 years
next i wanna cover soul meets body by dcfc or the boy who blocked his own shot by brand new or something acoustic-y with delicious harmonies.
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nat-20s · 7 months
Doctor vs Master in terms of who I'd rather have as an enemy is Master all the fucking way. The thing about The Master is their number one priority is not their moral code or revenge or domination or being a villain no their number 1 priority no matter what is being high camp. If the master was after me I would just clap to lower the lights and make "masochism tango" start playing and then during the dance I'd cuff and collar them with some ridiculously strong stuff and at the end they'd be like "mon chéri...it seems you have foiled me for now, but we shall meet again" and then they'd kiss me hand and I probably would have at least a few years before they show up again. Whereas if you're not already in a deeply codependent situation ship and you piss off The Doctor their number one priority is Fucking Getting You. You can fuck off to the year 6 billion in the 13th dimension and they'll still find your ass and be like "I tripled your lifespan and also gave you anterograde amnesia so everyday you will wake up with fewer and fewer loved ones but the grief will be brand new" like jesus christ man i don't wanna deal with that
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yimicreatesx · 9 months
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For to us a Child shall be born, to us a Son shall be given; And the government shall be upon His shoulder, And His name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Isaiah 9:6
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unicornlamps · 7 months
James Somerton measured response summarized
the video is MONITIZED and he opens up with this fact -he has reuploaded all his old videos with monetization as well -says that any money from these videos will be donated either to Hbomerguy's team OR wikipedia and trans lifeline
-he's been reaching out and making apologies to people -says he has made an apology to Jessie gender -admits to calling the police on a local person who he claims had threatened him. James says that this local person is local to him and has a violent record but he filed a police report.
-says that he didn't initially intend to plagerize people - says that he and nick would put in blocks of text into their scripts and then continue writing -due to memory issues James would forget which parts of the script were written by him and which were not -says he has memory issues due to a childhood head injury that also caused him to develop epilepsy
-says that when his mother died, he took over the legal proceedings because his father cannot read or write - the life insurance payment did not go through -James didn't get the insurance payout that he claims his mother wanted him to have in order to make a movie (????) -once the insurance payout didn't come through he decided to start Telos
-openly admits that the reason he would have been able to make a short film with such little money was because he was planning on hiring his former classmates and not paying them union wages
-says that a lot of delays with Telos happened because of him and Nick moving around. -says he's working with a producer now so there should be A Movie Out This Year (Jesus christ) -Claims that he will not be making any money off of this short film he will be releasing
-calls his apology video from December "horrendous" -says that there was a small but dedicated group of people that showed up to his house while he was hospitalized
-says he will post edited videos of his old work that do not feature any plagerized content - is also releasing some videos that he never got the chance to release before everything went to shit -is Also releasing a BRAND NEW VIDEO written "entirely by me" and says it's more of a documentary -wants to make documentaries about gay history -says that misinformation "made its way into past videos" but that it was "never malicious"
-starting a NEW patreon
-says this could have all been avoided if he had stepped away from the channel when his mother died
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oh-stars · 5 months
Now that I’m back working retail, I can’t get the image of Corroded Coffin becoming one of the vintage band tees you see on graphic tee walls. They’d be up there with Metallica and Black Sabbath, made for everyone to wear for the fashion of it rather than their love of the band.
Everyone would expect Eddie to be outraged when it first starts to happen — all these fake fans and posers wearing his merch without knowing who he is at all. And at first, sure he didn’t love it but at the same time… money is money and he’s got kids to put through school. His own are already out of college, with their fancy degrees and stable jobs, but a slew of nieces and nephews, and a few great ones now (Jesus Christ he’s old) from the Party that are even smarter than their genius parents and those tuitions aren’t cheap. Famous Uncle Eddie feels like it’s his duty to help with their tuitions to the ivys or whatever, so if Jenny, the wine mom from down the street, wants to wear a brand new, yet distressed tee with the logo he designed across the chest? Let her!
That being said, he doesn’t start loving it until they eventually reach the toddler section. Suddenly, Eddie — who previously had no opinion on whether or not his kids had kids — is begging all three of their kids for grand babies. And he’s not being subtle about it either. He buys the onesies and toddler tees, leaving them where Steve and the kids can see, shipping new designs to his kids “just in case.” All he wants is to see a baby, preferably one he knows, all done up in his merch, repping the band in a matching metal outfit. It’s not his fault all his own babies are two decades past the baby phase!
Steve doesn’t intervene, no matter how much their kids beg and plead. If anything, he thinks it’s hilarious that suddenly Eddie’s the one all baby crazy after the years of him laughing at Steve’s baby fever. Sue him.
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brownbearwrites · 9 months
offer my hand and I'll take your name
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Felix Catton x fem!Reader x Oliver Quick. (AO3)
It's yours and Felix's wedding night. That doesn't withhold you from inviting Oliver to join in on the fun of conceiving an heir.
pwp, breeding, threesome, praise, cum-eating, general filth.
“He’s good at that, isn’t he?” Oliver asks you, his voice calm and collected in the quiet of the bedroom you’re in. You choke on a sob of pleasure as you nod in agreement, feeling the corded muscles of Oliver’s thighs flex from where they are cushioned underneath your head.
Oliver’s deft fingers gently carding through your hair are a stark contrast to Felix’s, which are digging into your waist to stop you from sliding up the bed with each animalistic slap of his hips against yours. Felix’s brand-new wedding band gleams in the flames of the candles dotting the room, a welcome reminder that this is allowed now, that it’s even required of you two — the familiar slide of Felix’s thick cock inside of you unimpeded by a condom for the very first time.
“Our Felix knows exactly how to fuck your little cunny, doesn’t he?” Oliver teases you.
Above you, Felix groans, his sweat-slick skin like molten gold, “Jesus Christ, Ollie”.
Oliver lets out a pleased hum, his fingers giving a tug on your hair. His other hand wanders down your skin, first possessively curling around your throat before lowering to knead at your breasts. Your nipples harden at his attention, arching your back to urge him on.
“Look at how needy she is, Felix,” Oliver goads you, “Our pretty girl’s been begging you for this, huh? She’s been wanting you to breed her for ages, and she’s finally getting what she’s asked for. She should be grateful, hm?”.
You answer him with a desperate moan, eyes rolling back to glance up at Oliver through your eyelashes. His eyes are dark and stormy, his lips bitten red.
“C’mon now, darling, aren’t you gonna thank Felix for fucking you so well?”.
“Thankー oh fuck, thank you, Felix” you moan.
Oliver tuts, a sarcastic little sound that sends a delighted shiver down your spine, “I know you can do better than that”.
Oliver’s hand slides down over your tummy, fingers gliding over your puffy folds before thumbing at your sensitive clit, your slick easing his movements. You were dripping with it, making a mess of your marital bed. Felix’s hips stutter as he watches Oliver’s movements, entranced by the way his fingers slide against you.
“Thank you for breeding me,” you gasp in between moans, “Always so good to me, letting me have — oh god, right there, Oliver — everything I want. For making me your wife”.
Felix grinds his hips, slowing the drag of his cock inside of you. His impossibly large hands slide up, his arm brushing against Oliver’s as he gropes your breasts, looking you right in the eyes as he does, black pupils eclipsing his warm brown eyes.
“Tell me what you need,” Felix demands, looking like a modern-day Greek god as he towers above you and Oliver, his chest heaving from the exertion of fucking you, “Anything you want, you can have it”.
“Want you to fuck me full, Felix,” you moan, clenching around his cock, “want you to give me your babies”. The confession makes you blush, your already reddened cheeks deepening in color.
Felix groans at your words, a guttural sound that makes Oliver’s fingers twitch where they’re furiously rubbing at your clit. Felix readjusts you, tugging on your legs to place them on his shoulders before he leans in, almost folding you in half as he does. Oliver’s hand is squished between your cunt and Felix’s stomach, cramped but never-stilling against your sweat-slick bodies.
He fucks you with a force that makes your toes curl. The heavy press of Felix on top of you paired with the steady presence of Oliver below you is enough to make you feel dizzy. The muscles in your lower stomach clench deliciously, Felix’s cock now pumping into you even deeper than before.
Above you, Oliver has taken advantage of Felix’s new proximity to lick and suck at the taller man’s neck, adding to the smattering of red marks that were already there. Felix preens at the attention, his thrusts quickly growing sloppy.
“Fuck Ollie,” he moans, “I’m really fucking our girl raw. She’s gonna look so pretty with my cum leaking out of her little pussy”.
You sob out another desperate moan, hips twitching from the stimulation you’re receiving from both men. You feel yourself tipping over the edge, your orgasm suddenly so very close.
“There you go darling,” Oliver encourages you, “cum all over your husband’s cock for me”.
Your orgasm hits you like a freight train, punching the air from your lungs as Felix continues to fuck you through it, your walls twitching around him. Oliver’s praise barely registers for you, what with his fingers continuing to rub tight little circles on your pussy. The overstimulation sets in quickly, your hips twitching and whiny noises spilling from your lips.
“God, darling, your pussy is milking me,” Felix gasps, jackhammering into you as he chases his own orgasm.
It doesn’t take much more than that to push him over the edge, Oliver’s wet mouth against the column of Felix’s throat as he unloads inside of you with a drawn-out moan. Oliver’s hand stills its movements, sliding out from in between you and Felix to trail back up your torso. He brings them up to your face, Oliver’s digits shiny with your slick as he prods at your lips, prompting you to open up for him. You do as he wishes, obediently sucking his fingers clean from your own spend as you watch Felix pull away, your legs slipping from his shoulders as he pulls his softening cock out of you.
“Ollie, you should come see this,” Felix speaks reverently, sitting back on his hunches, bottom lip gripped between his teeth as he holds your thighs apart, watching as his cum slowly begins to drip out of your puffy pussy.
Oliver is quick to join him, sliding out from underneath you to join Felix at the foot of the bed. You feel exposed in a way that makes your skin tingle, having these two men stare at your dripping core like it’s the eighth wonder of the world. You throw your arms up to cover your eyes, blocking out the sight of your lovers, while you try your hardest to catch your breath.
When one of them leans in, their hot breath fanning over your cooling skin, you aren’t even sure at first if it’s Oliver or Felix who does it. All you know is that there’s a tongue licking broad strokes against your freshly fucked pussy, cleaning up the mess you and Felix had made. You choke out a shocked moan, lifting your arms to find Oliver crouched between your legs, eyes blissfully closed as he laps away at you. Felix sits next to him, lips parted in silent pleasure as his eyes flicker from Oliver to you, his cock soft but stubbornly twitching in interest.
“Look at our boy licking it all up,” Felix croons, reaching out to pet Oliver’s brown locks, pushing him closer up against your sensitive pussy.
Oliver’s hips gyrate against the plush material of the mattress, moaning against your folds as he licks and sucks at you like a man starved. Your thighs clench around Oliver’s head, a wanton attempt at keeping him close. He brings his fingers up to slide inside of you, pumping them at the same pace that he’s grinding his cock against the bed. Before long, Felix’s filthy praise and Oliver’s tongue and fingers pushed you over the edge a second time — your orgasm the drawn-out, toe-curling, shake-inducing kind that washes over you like a tsunami.
Between your legs, Oliver comes with a muffled shout, his face pressed against the sheets as his hips still their erratic humping.
“You’re both so fucking beautiful,” Felix praises, laying himself down on the bed next to you, an arm thrown lazily over your stomach. Oliver eventually scoots himself up, still breathing heavily, and lays down on the other side of you. His hand rests on your hip, his thumb rubbing soft circles on your skin. You feel calm and satisfied in a way that you know won’t last very long, what with Felix’s cock already back at half-mast next to you paired with the still-hungry look in Oliver’s eyes. You fidget with your wedding ring, feeling its unfamiliar grooves and diamonds with the pad of your fingers.
If this was your first night as Mrs. Catton, you couldn't wait to find out what the rest were going to be like.
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livwritesstuff · 1 month
i was writing a totally different thing and then all of a sudden it was thundering so here have this
Steve had always loved a good thunderstorm. There’s something sort of magic about them, he thinks, about the greenish, unnatural darkness and the way lightning turns the sky a kind of purple and how the air is both cool and warm at the same time.
Back when he was a teenager, when he was stuck by himself the mausoleum his parents called home, he’d sometimes sit by the patio door and watch the storm, watch the clouds opened up and beat rain down on the pool water, and Steve would feel more alive than he had in ages – even if it felt like he was living vicariously through…something. Maybe through how nature gets to storm and rage in a way Steve never will.
But he tries not to psychoanalyze himself. He’s got his own therapist for that.
Twenty-five years later, here he is still watching thunderstorms. He might not have a pool, but he does have a porch which, in his old age of forty-two, he’s learning might be even better.
He’s sitting on the porch with his husband by his side, and Eddie’s got their youngest daughter sitting in his lap while the older two dance in and out of the rain.
Eddie doesn’t like thunderstorms the way Steve does. It had sort of surprised Steve actually, when he first found out years and years ago because…it’s Eddie. Eddie is like a thunderstorm personified in the best way – all sharp smiles and dark eyes and wild hair and loud, reckless rebellion. Sure, Eddie isn’t bothered by the noise of thunderstorms, but over their years together, Eddie has shared some things — things about his dad and what he’d been able to get away with during a dark, loud storm that maybe he couldn’t otherwise.
So Steve gets it if Eddie still isn’t quite himself during thunderstorms.
Their youngest, Hazel, isn’t a fan of them either. She’s just a few months shy of her second birthday, so this really is the first summer she’s had her own opinions about these kinds of things. The verdict – not a fan of the thunderstorms, though she’s been a trooper about this one.
"Hazy, come play!" Robbie exclaims from the porch steps, but Hazel just shrinks further back against Eddie.
"She's a little afraid of the noise, Beans," Steve tells her, and he watches Robbie's face take on an expression of protective (albeit a little confused) concern.
“How come?” she asks as comes up the steps.
“It can be scary if it’s brand new.”
As if to illustrate Steve’s point, lightning flashes above the trees, and Hazel makes a whimpery kind of whine as thunder follows only a few moments later.
“It’s not scary, Hazel,” Robbie tells her, “Because you always know when thunder’s coming because lightning comes first. And it’s only loud when the storm is close.”
Steve raises his eyebrows, reminding himself that one of these days he’s gotta stop being so impressed by how damn smart his kids are.
Another flash of lighting lights up the dark sky, and Robbie covers Hazel's ears with her hands as she looks out into the rain, "And now there's gonna be the thunder."
A few moments later, thunder rumbled around them, maybe a little bit quieter than the last one because the storm is definitely moving away from them now. Still, Hazel reaches up to grip at Robbie’s wrists, her eyes wide and fixated on the stormy sky.
Hazel manages a nod.
“Come play!” Robbie urges her again, “I’ll cover your ears before the thunder comes.”
And this time, Robbie actually succeeds in dislodging Hazel from Eddie’s lap, and together they head for the front yard where Moe is still running around in the rain, wet bangs plastered to her forehead.
“Steve,” Eddie mutters in disbelief as Robbie patiently waits for Hazel’s slow descent of the porch stairs, breaking his and Steve’s subconscious agreement to keep their traps shut while that glorious scene was unfolding, “Oh my god, Steve. What the fuck was that? Are we actually doing a good job raising these kids?”
“I guess so, Jesus Christ.” 
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thisapplepielife · 2 months
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Written for @corrodedcoffinfest.
Day #12 - Prompt: Ow! | Word Count: 1000 | Rating: M | CW: Aftermath of a Sex Injury | POV: Eddie | Pairing: Minor Steddie | Tags: Gareth's Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day, And Eddie Tries To Make It Better, While Goodie Tries To Make It Worse
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"Is it bad? It feels bad," Gareth says, clearly refusing to look down again. And, he's gotta say, Eddie doesn't blame him. He wouldn't want to look down either if it was his dick in this condition.
"Well," Eddie says, as diplomatically as he can, "it's not great."
Gareth whines from his place on the closed toilet seat, as Eddie is squatted down between his thighs. Looking, examining. 
"It's probably gonna fall off," Goodie chimes in, and Eddie reaches over and swats at him. 
"Stop it," Eddie chides, because that's not gonna help anything, then he reassures Gareth, "It's not gonna fall off."
Goodie laughs his ass off, and Eddie's gonna kill him if he keeps this up. Gareth's freaked out enough as it is. These things happen, and yeah, Gareth seems more prone to stupid accidents than the rest of them. But still. This is brand new territory, even for him.
But Eddie's pretty sure it probably feels like it's gonna fall off, even if it isn't, because goddamn, fucking ow. 
The door out in the main room of the hotel opens and closes, and then Jeff is in the doorway of the bathroom, asking, "Why does it look like Eddie's examining Gareth's dick?"
"Because he is. Gareth tried to rub it off," Goodie says, dryly.
"He didn't try to rub it off," Eddie clarifies. 
Jeff leans over Eddie's shoulder, "Looks like he tried to rub it off."
"I didn't try to rub it off!" Gareth shouts. "If you aren't gonna tell me what I need to do to fix it, then let's all stop looking at my junk."
Eddie laughs, because it's ridiculous. It's not like he asked to look. Definitely not. Eddie lifts it up one more time, and man, it looks like he's been stabbed in the dick with an icepick, right under the head.
"What happened?" Jeff asks, and Gareth sighs, because he's already been through this twice before and he's beyond fed up. He told Eddie, and then told it all again to Goodie when he showed up, even if he really didn't want to, Eddie's sure. 
And now Jeff is here and wanting to know, too.
"So, I was fooling around with this girl last night," Gareth says, like he's giving witness testimony in a murder trial and not a sex story.
"And she bit your dick?" Jeff asks. 
"Tried to Lorena Bobbitt it right off," Goodie riffs.
"Yeah, with her teeth," Eddie adds, piling onto the bit. Can't help it. He feels sorry for the kid, but not that sorry.
"Guys!" Gareth shouts, and they all fucking laugh. But let him continue.
"We were fooling around, and she was grinding on my lap, my cock, and it got caught up against my zipper in a weird way," Gareth says, and the rest of them all shift uncomfortably, as if their dicks might be the next in line for such an injury.
"It didn't hurt while it was happening?" Jeff asks, being far more empathetic and reasonable than Eddie thinks Goodie or him have been.
"Of course it fucking hurt, she was rubbing a hole into my goddamn dick through my underwear with little metal teeth."
"Well, why didn't you stop her?" Jeff asks, like a reasonable solution to this would ever be the answer. 
"Because there was a girl grinding on my dick, Jesus H. Christ, why do you think, asshole?" Gareth snaps, and they all laugh. 
"I mean, you could have paused and done some rearranging, right? The options couldn't have only been 'no grinding' or 'hole in the dick', right?"
"I don't know, I didn't want her to stop what she was doing. Okay? It felt good, except for the whole making an extra hole in my dick part."
"Of course," Goodie says dryly, "that makes sense."
"Shut up, Goodie. Like you'd have ever stopped a fucking hot girl from grinding your dick down to a bloody nub," Gareth snips, covering his face with both of his hands. "Just fix it, Eddie."
Eddie isn't sure how he's supposed to fix this. It's just gonna have to heal. He can't make a hole in the dick go away. He's not a magician.
"Did you have sex like this?" Jeff asks.
"Are you crazy? I have a hole in my dick, no, I didn't have sex. I have a hole in my dick and I didn't even come. I have regrets."
And they all laugh.
Gareth's had enough, Eddie can tell.
"Okay, okay, show's over," Eddie says, and shoos the other two out of the room, the door closing behind them as they go, and then it's just him, still perched between Gareth's thighs.
Once it's just them left in the bathroom, Eddie looks up at Gareth, "Do you think you need to go to the ER?"
Gareth shakes his head, "No. It just really fucking hurts. I regret everything."
Eddie smiles, but keeps himself from laughing. It's hilarious, but it probably feels like a razor blade's stuck into his dick. It's the stuff of nightmares.
Eddie nods at him, "Okay. Then take a shower. Wash it really fucking good with soap, even if it burns, and then put some ointment on it. I'll find some gauze, or a band-aid, something. Then just keep an eye on it. Make sure it's getting better, not worse. Unless you really do want it to fall off?"
"Definitely not," Gareth says.
"Okay, that's the plan," Eddie says standing up. It's times like these that he wishes he wasn't the go-to whenever any of them need help, because this? This wasn't on his schedule for the day.
"Hey," Eddie says into the phone, "I touched another man's dick this morning. Thought you should know."
Steve laughs into the receiver, thousands of miles away, "What'd Gareth do now?"
Eddie smiles, big and bright. At the knowledge that Steve knows him, trusts him, loves him. 
And then he starts into the whole grizzly debacle, from top to tip. 
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If you want to write your own, or see more entries for this challenge, pop on over to @corrodedcoffinfest and follow along with the fun! 🦇
Notes: This is inspired by based off of Kevin Smith's comedic retelling of his first night with his wife. (Explicit story, but linked if you want to hear the original.)
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bambi-slxt · 4 months
Could you write something with Matt or Chris (or both!) and a chubby/not petite reader? I don't see a lot of those and would really appreciate it!
Doesn't have to be smut, it can be more in the style of your non-binary post or love languages. Thank you!
oh honey. of course i can.
✨a concept✨
a/n: i'm not petite and i never have been. this post is not intended to cause body dysmorphia to those who are, but rather promote and uplift those who have more fat on them than what's normally represented in the fanfiction space. i hope you enjoy this one anon!
doing their makeup at a sleep over -
chris: "yeah, come on, sit on my lap. no, seriously. i don't mind. come here, mamas." *kisses* "there we go. now put this shit on my face before i change my mind."
matt: "you were saying something about hooded lids? yeah, i don't think i have those. what do you mean people have different eyelid shapes. what the fuck. you have to look up different- jesus christ i'm glad i don't fuck with this stuff."
watching a scary movie -
chris: "i never shoulda' agreed to this. what spell do you have me under? i hate you. no like actually." *holding your hand for dear life and also shaking like a chihuahua*
matt: "-genuinely fucking terrifying. what? why do I have to be the one who tells you when it's over? i don't wanna look either!" *long-suffering sigh*
swimming -
chris: "i don't want you to look like a model, i want you to look like you. you look real, and you feel real...when i look at my girl all i see is how beautiful you are. no, i'm being serious. especially wearin' the stuff i bought you."
matt: "it's just us, darlin'. i've seen all of you before. i know what you look like, and i love you because of it. get in the water so we can play mermaids."
clothes shopping -
chris: "what the Actual Fuck are these designs. this is the plus size section? what a waste of space? i'll make you better clothes. yeah, i'm serious. you like my brand better anyway. jesus christ, i'm sorry."
matt: "...is this really what you want to wear? no? okay so let's leave. yeah, this isn't your style at all. i don't care, i'll shop with you all fucking week if that's what it takes. you're not gonna settle on this shit if it's not what you want."
going to the gym -
chris: "come on, you got it. i know it hurts but you're almost done, come on. don't you dare stop, there we go...there we go, you're good, you're good, get some water...that was a new PR baby, i'm so fucking proud of you. hell yeah, you did so good...damn i don't even think i can get that...fuck you..."
matt: "why the fuck would we go to the gym when the bed is right there? absolutely not. we can work out in my bed-"
streaming together -
chris: "no we're playing fortnite, get on here. i don't care. we've played fallout all week i wanna play duos, pleasepleaseplease-thankssss. yeah we can hop on stream. nah, they love you. trust. you wanna get ready first? i think you look great, but it's up to you, mamas. i want you to be confident, you know that."
matt: "if they have something to say i'll just rip 'em a new one and kiss you on stream. yeah. no i'm dead serious. there's my girl. come on, let's play."
boyfriend hoodies -
chris: "course it fits. i got bigger ones for me so you could steal them. you're such a thief. i love you. what? i didn't say anything..."
matt: "i'm gonna freeze. no no, take it, take my only source of warmth. i'm not bitter. come here lemme cuddle you i'm fucking cold."
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a/n: hope you like this nonnie!
request to be on the taglist under this post right here, make sure your mentions are on!
tags: @selenascorner @pinksturniolo @malirosee @st7rnioioss @nonat-111 @cindylcuwho @evie-sturns @h3arts4harry @fanficsbymia @dazednmatthews @sturniolo-rat @mattsmad @sturniolo04 @bellasturn @blahbel668 @yomamaslays4lyfe @stasiesturn @pleasantlycrazyworld @ariqolyx @wh0resstuff @krissy4gov @coochiedestroyer1 @madisturn @mattspolitank @sturnsxplr-25 @xtravrgnoliveoil @raysmayhem-72 @sturnpooks @certifiedstarrr @melanch0lybby @freshloveforthefit @xoxo4chrisss @stunza @meerkatzthings  @zivall @sturniolopepsi @that1fangirll @wh0schl0 @sharksworldd @mattscoquette @chrisslutx @sturnzsblog @sturniologals @quaxkingshs @certifiedstarrr @sarosfilms @mattsfavbigtitties @slutforsturniolos 
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