#so to have a bunch of nerds (affectionate) and academics as friends is like. yeah the world is vast
mangostarjam · 6 months
my friends are so fucking smart and cool and kind
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kbstories · 3 years
(Or: Bakugou is a little shit and a dork. 1-A gets used to it.)
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One lesser known truth about Bakugou Katsuki is that he's an unrepentant thief of snacks.
Class 1-A is blissfully unaware of this habit all the way up to their move to Heights Alliance. There, they not only share living space, but every meal of the day as well — a status quo that revealed many a peculiar fun fact about most classmates, really.
Bakugou's first victim by sheer proximity is Kirishima. They're hanging out outside after a weekend session at the gym, drinking their electrolytes and talking about the pros and cons of different brands of protein bars. Well, Kirishima is, at least.
Bakugou is huffing, saying, "It's all bullshit", as he gives the one Kirishima is currently eating the side-eye. "The food industry is one big scam, really. Learn to cook your own stuff and you won't need processed anything."
"Okay", goes Kirishima, long used to debating him on anything from hero rankings to the weather. "But consider this: I burn anything I cook. Anything, dude."
"That's factually impossible."
"...I burned water trying to make ramen once?"
"Shitty Hair. Water doesn’t— How the fuck?“
Kirishima laughs, waving the half-eaten protein bar around. "I don't know, but there was smoke, I swear! I set off the fire alarm and everything, my moms were so done. Life-long kitchen ban in my own home, that's me."
Bakugou groans a disgusted eugh sound. "Fucking understandable."
When it only makes Kirishima smile all the wider, Bakugou pushes at his shoulder, a shove too rough to count as affectionate by anyone's standards but Bakugou's.
"Fine. Normal people shouldn't eat protein bars. You shouldn't either, but you'd starve without 'em, apparently."
"Or, you could, y’know, cook for m—"
Another shove, enough to push a still-laughing Kirishima over. "Keep trying, dickhead. Pshh, cooking for you. In your dreams, maybe."
Kirishima hums and says nothing, his idle sip of sports drink interrupted by Bakugou pulling him to his feet.
"Who cares, c'mon. Don't think for a second I forgot about Thirteen's assignment."
A sputtering gasp from Kirishima. "Thirteen gave us an assignment?!“
"Wait, no, listen. Why do physics have to, like, exist?", is Kirishima's brilliant argument. Nailed it.
Bakugou just stares. Then he snorts, "Fucking hell", shakes his head. "Whatever, I'm gonna make lunch and you're gonna do your damn homework. Maybe I'll let you have some. There's a faint chance. Very faint."
"Bro", Kirishima looks at him in wonder. "What about this, though?“
The glance Bakugou gives Kirishima's protein bar is downright offended if a little confused, too. "What about it?"
"Yeah, you're right. I'll just throw it awa—"
Bakugou moves so fast, all Kirishima sees is a blond blur.
Suddenly, the hand holding the snack is empty and Bakugou is chewing, having snatched the thing up with his teeth and devoured it like a beast from myths and legends.
"Problem solved, we're going. Huh, these don't even taste that shitty.“
Kirishima is too stunned to resist.
The Bakusquad is next in line when it comes to Bakugou's food-related crimes. Specifically, the croissant Kaminari is enthusiastically gesturing with to emphasize the point that yes, sneaking off campus for one (1) French pastry was definitely worth risking Aizawa's wrath over.
"It's perfectly baked. Look at its impeccable shape", Kaminari holds it up to his circle of friends like its his first-born child, "and the crust! It's so fluffy. I've been craving one all freaking week. This is gonna be so—"
Before Kirishima can even attempt to stop the tragedy waiting to happen, Bakugou has wandered back from his room, a stack of books under one arm and Kaminari's prized croissant in his mouth. The books are slammed on the table.
"Less talking, more studying", Bakugou snarks, somehow without getting crumbs of the stolen treat on anything. "Where'd ya get this from, anyway? S'good."
Kaminari’s jaw is on the floor, shell-shocked. "My… My croissant..."
"Sorry, bro", Kirishima sighs and pats his back. "He's just too damn quick."
The words are said with a look towards Bakugou, the that-wasn't-nice-man kind. Bakugou wrinkles his nose at him. (The very next day, an identical croissant shows up on Kaminari's plate during lunch break.)
Weeks fly by. By then, most of 1-A has been caught unawares by Bakugou's sneaky ways exactly once. They're training to be Heroes, after all — there's no way he'd get the drop on them again, at least not as easily.
Bakugou seems to be aware of this.
It doesn't stop him from snatching away Tokoyami's apple during movie night, smirking at both him and Dark Shadow with near-obnoxious levels of smugness. Tokoyami stares him dead in the eye while he grabs another one, one feathery brow raised in challenge.
Aoyama's handpicked brie is next, the guy's offended swearing almost as colorful as Bakugou's on his worst days. Bakugou outright cackles at that, obviously delighted by the prospect of someone else being subjected to Iida's no-cursing lecture for once, foreign language or no.
Speaking of Iida: It's his unopened cup of chocolate pudding Bakugou is eyeing like a cat does an especially oblivious mouse.
"Dooon't", Kirishima warns, hand hardened and ready to make a grab if needed. "I swear to Crimson Riot. Let the poor man have his pudding, or else."
"What has Iida even done to you, bro?", adds Kaminari, sliding his food tray into his usual spot across from them. "Like, I get it, I've pranked you enough times to owe you twenty croissants. And you're carrying Kirishima's entire academic career, so targeting him is valid, too."
"Hey! ...That's fair, actually. Carry on."
Kaminari winks at him. It's not like it's any different for him. "Iida, however, is wholesome, and—"
"Guys, you're making a great point and all that“, Ashido contributes over her bowl of natto. "But he's already gone."
Kirishima's head whips around. Indeed: No Bakugou. "No!"
"How is he this stealthy?!" Kaminari whines. "Bakugou, of all people!"
A few tables over, Iida is currently mid-story and too wrapped up in telling his audience of Momo, Todoroki, Uraraka and Midoriya about his adventures of googling what Aoyama had yelled out in sparkly rage the day before to notice a certain someone approaching.
Bakugou smiles, certain of his victory. Pretending to walk past them, he takes one hand out of his pockets and reaches out—
Only for his arm to be slammed to the table with a loud bang, mere inches from the desired snack.
"Kacchan", Midoriya pipes up casually, eyes still on Iida who — like everyone else at the table — jumped half a foot in the air from the sudden movement. "That's not yours."
Every member of 1-A is blatantly watching as Bakugou, food thief extraordinaire, is stopped in his tracks for the first time since his reign of terror began.
A collective breath is held. Surely, this will lead straight into a showdown of epic proportions in the middle of U.A.'s cafeteria. After all, any interaction between Midoriya and Bakugou tends to end in a shouting match, chaos or even bloodshed. And Bakugou does look intense, glowering at Midoriya as the muscles in his pinned arm bunch up and his palm starts to glow.
Then, he goes tch and rolls his eyes, grumbling: "Let go, Shitty Nerd. Figures you'd be the only one paying fucking attention."
Midoriya smiles and does as asked, pushing his own pudding cup closer to Bakugou right away. A blatant offer that's equally as blatantly ignored, as expected.
The actual food was never the point, after all.
Bakugou huffs off, lips upturned in somewhat of a smile of his own. Not that he'd ever admit to it as he rejoins his own friends, snapping at them to close their mouths and finish their lunch already.
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