#so until we get Lenore’s memories of the event
majosullivan · 8 months
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beevean · 1 month
Rewriting Castlevania
To be more specific, Castlevania post-Season 2. The first few seasons shall serve as the launchpads from which to build upon and iron out the kinks for later stories.
I don’t have an exact vision of how rewritten versions of Season 3 and 4 (or Nocturne, but that isn’t the focus here), but I know, for starters, they could’ve used a more compact cast.
First: remove Trevor and Sypha. They may have been major protagonists in Seasons 1 and 2, but their story was over. Alucard, as well. His story was also done… for now (because he’s too iconic in the franchise as a whole not to bring back in a sequel series).
Next: they could’ve easily cut out Morana and Striga (whose names escaped my memory until I just looked them up) without substantially affecting anything in Carmilla’s whole story. Lenore can stay (maybe as the show’s equivalent to Laura), but she should not get a “redemption”. Instead, develop the idea of how weak others see her and how her devious intellect helps her overcome her perceived weakness. Write the woman a Starscream arc, even (“I am Lenore of Styria, and fuq you, Carmilla! I win!”), with mistress Carmilla as her Megatron! Give her lots of ambition!
For Isaac, I would love for his chat with that Captain to be preserved (I rewatched it recently and loved the vibe of it), but a couple other events in his journey need adjustments so that he doesn’t go through the “I had an nice talk with a human, so my mind about humanity is changing, but these guys are blocking me and I can’t reason with them, therefore I’m stupid for trying to be civil and hate humans again, now they die!” bit twice. With a little streamlining, his screentime in Season 3 could be devoted to building him up as a threat, and then set up Season 4 with his role as a co-antagonist (with Carmilla) to Hector fully set up when they reunite. No sanitizing “I’m going to live!” revelations here.
Then there’s Hector. I still think we didn’t need to see the immediate aftermath of his imprisonment. In this hypothetical rewritten story, I would suggest having a 1 or 2 year timeskip, so he’s been slaving away in Carmilla’s dungeon for quite a while, forced to build her an army with his Devil Forgemaster powers, and Lenore’s been keeping watch and giving him plenty of incentives not to betray the sisters. Maybe for his first appearance in this version of Season 3, he could have this intimidating reveal where it dramatically shows the scrawny boy from Season 2 has become a buff, scarred son of a gun, clearly having worked out a lot during his year(s)-long stay.
The story following the Castlevania 3 adaptation would not have to be a Curse of Darkness adaptation, but the pieces were in place to pass the main protagonist torch over to Hector anyway. By making Season 3 all about his eventual escape, and having Season 4 follow him on the run, eventually overcoming his oppressor (Carmilla) and former partner (Isaac), we have ourselves a cohesive story that blends everything it establishes into one, airtight package, rather than feeling like a convoluted animation anthology.
Also, maybe Saint Germain’s Infinite Corridor quest can be worked into Hector’s adventure to freedom in some kind of creative way, without Saint Germain having to sacrifice his morals or gain info from a shady 3rd (or 4th) party.
Reply: I like your ideas!
Hard agree on removing Trevor and Sypha because they are effectively done, and Morana and Striga because they add absolutely nothing of importance. Ellis said that he created the council to explain who ran the kingdom while Carmilla was in Wallachia, but Lenore could do the job herself.  I’m not sure about Alucard because his story is also over, but I do see the potential of him grappling with his grief, and fearing he might become like Dracula. It’s just, the way it was done was skull-crushingly boring, and for now I have no better ideas.
(btw yes, Carmilla and Lenore could be wives at this point lmao, their personalities are strong enough that it wouldn’t come off as The Lesbians For Brownie Points. Maybe Carmilla turned Lenore so she’s her dame and superior, and this would cause frustration in Lenore who feels like Carmilla sees her more as her pet than a lover... frustration that she channels on Hector, in some sort of cycle of abuse way :) I still like the idea of her falling in love with Hector, but it’s an unhealthy, possessive love typical of a vampire, that Hector doesn’t reciprocate or grows out of.)
For Isaac, I mentioned the other day that he could use as a springboard the realization that Dracula cast him away like a broken tool, and from there, his affirmation that he’s worth more than what Dracula told him. ... yes, this is still Hector’s arc, but whatever at this point. Absolutely, S3 should avoid that stupid pattern of “oh maybe humans aren’t so bad-- nvm y’all rude, die”. Maybe he avoids people instead of barging through cities, and makes his army from the corpses he finds in abandoned towns? But he still can’t avoid everyone, hence, the scene with the captain.
Mhh. Hector’s story spanning so long would also influence Isaac’s, and it feels like too much? If Isaac had one year of time to build an army, dude would lead a small country basically. He’s already OP af, even if we nerf him by making him weak in physical combat. Same with Carmilla, she would definitely do some damage in one year.
I’m torn. Hector’s story in S3 could be tweaked a bit by making it less fetishistic and still treating Hector like a person: as in, someone with goals and principles and was not hired as General only because he’s pretty, that Lenore has to whittle down to convince him to work for him (the idea that Hector cannot be physically forced to work and his master needs to earn his trust is actually really good for a conflict). The two should butt heads and have more intriguing conversations, make the job harder for Lenore, let’s see if she keeps with the diplomacy or gets frustrated and needs to resort to the ring (which only makes sense in the scenario where Hector is deemed too dangerous to be allowed to work freely, since its only shown function is to bequeath control of the Creatures). I actually jotted some ideas down, if you’re interested :P
(oh, and no rape. obviously. she really didn’t need to do that.)
And S4 can kind of stay the same, but with the difference that Hector trapping Lenore is a form of cruel mercy, he does not crawl back to her because he too realized he does not need to cling to people to earn love, and he actually leaves the castle, ready to explore the world (with the implication that he might meet the equivalent of Rosaly, but it’s not necessary)
To clarify, what is your idea of Hector’s story in S4? Does he flee from Isaac on the chase? Will he eventually fight him and Carmilla? Will he meet Rosaly in the finale, and in this timeline they stay together without Isaac interfering? (please say yes 🥺)
But yeah. I still think the prequels could have been adapted, but if we need Carmilla as a spanner in the works tweaking the timeline, this feels much better. Trevor and Sypha alone not bogging down screentime would solve so many issues with the rushed pace.
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luckyfirerabbit · 4 years
Modern (non vampire) Strigana Au
(A great deal of this came out with my husband’s help @kamen-rider-zed, he’s my primary sound board and beta reader, so shout out to him) Also this quite long, so under the cut.
Still takes place in Styria, just modern day.
Carmilla is the owner of several developed properties, including the apartment complex where the others come to live. To her, wine is a legitimate food group.
Lenore is computer nerd/livestreamer. Works from home, kind of a space cadet but still as devious as always. Loves animals and had a tendency to bring home strays with the intention of keeping them or rehoming them. She also moonlights as Striga’s lifestyle assistant.
Striga is former military, medically discharge following a training accident; gunshot wound to the head, left her in a coma for several months and with short term amnesia that is unpredictably recurring. Tried to make it in the culinary industry following her discharge, but the rebounding memory loss saw to the end of that. Still an amazing cook, but hard to hold down a job when you keep forgetting you have one. Eventually she hooks up with another veteran -Welsh- who hooks her up as a bouncer at her club. She understands that Striga has issues and is patient with her. And Lenore helps Striga with a well honed system, namely by regularly texting her, making sure she’s together, and helping her get back home when she blanks.
Morana is a lawyer between jobs, primarily because she wants to get out from under her parent’s money and make a name for herself without them. Which also means going without their connections. So she lives out of her car for a while. She has a well versed background in the arts, namely dance, so she tries to get a side hustle with some of the local clubs, but they don’t exactly fit her particular style. What to do, right?
This is where it gets a little hazy, because I don’t have all the details, and if this ever gets written, it’s going to be a silly romance with over the top plot points and stuff. Anyway; Lenore and Morana know each other from somewhere, maybe they had some classes together at university or something. But Lenore invites Morana to come and stay with her and Striga, partly because it’s a good thing to do, and because Lenore is scheming her ass off from minute one because Morana is Striga’s TYPE.
Possibly a fake dating scenario? Lenore is kinda loaded from the live stream gig, and says she’ll pay Morana to ask her lonely-ass roommate out? I don’t know, all I know is that if that’s the case, Lenore is only able to convince Morana to do it by showing her a video of Striga crushing a watermelon with her thighs for a charity event. Something ridiculous like that.
(Unlike Shatranj, where Striga is a clueless demi, in this AU she would be the Useless Lesbian) Striga would come home to the new roommate, hearing her and Lenore discussing sleeping arrangements, and upon seeing said new roommate, Striga goes all monkey brain and blurts out “she can sleep in my bed. I will take the couch.” And she refuses to hear any arguments to the contrary. She simply insists that the couch is just fine, even though it isn’t even close to being big enough for her.
Proceed to Morana being a huge flirt and actually falling in love with Striga and her cooking and her biceps and Striga’s secret love of musicals and movies that Morana just-so-happens to share. “What were your plans today, Striga?” “Oh, I was thinking about watching Fiddler on the Roof and being mad at god for the rest of the day, why?”
Then there’s Striga who is just STUPID because of this beautiful woman in her house that she doesn’t know how to talk to but gets her movie references and accidentally heard her singing and JOINED IN for some reason. Whenever Morana does something SOFT, Striga mutters under her breath in Ukrainian “Marry me”, not realizing that Morana UNDERSTANDS (because I love secret multilingualism tropes) and that just makes Morana fall HARDER.
Then there’s the club where Striga works; Welsh wants to start open auditions on the weekends “We need fresh faces” she says. Striga doesn’t think anything of it until she sees this gorgeous dark-skinned and blue eyes woman on stage in a veil and jewelry making her HIPS do THINGS and then it hits her omg that’s my roommate and well shit, now what? All she can think to do is offer Morana a ride home (maybe she took the bus to get there?) And Striga rides a motorcycle because I said so there’s waist holding because those are the rules.
The flirting eventually turns mutual and it starts getting real and Striga feels like Morana might be the one, and life is good and she feels something like normal and she’s happy and it’s all because of her. But then the memory loss happens and she forgets all about her and it’s awful and Morana’s heartbroken. Never mind how often Lenore assures her that the phases are typically temporary. “Usually we just stuff her with a couple edibles and a xanax to knock her out and when she wakes up again she’s fine.”
Which is all well and good, but Morana begins to question whether or not she could live with that long term. How does one cope with being forgotten by the one you love?
But since I am an absolute romantic bastard, everything works out and Striga and Morana find a way and love each other and it’s awesome and soft and gay.
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spectral-ask-memes · 4 years
🥊🍅💥🏀☀️🌙⭐🍏💧🔮🌸🌺 💜💗💗💗 for either your favorite oc or your least favorite! or both!
i almost said montresor was my least favourite which is Such A Lie because i accidentally got attached and i’m very glad he ends up being Significantly Less Bad than he initially was 
anyways. it’s all under the cut (crossing my fingers that it actually works properly) (and i think i’ll answer for annabel and arthur) 
🥊 Does your OC prefer to take the lead or follow orders? With everyone or just with certain people? Is there a reason for this?
annabel doesn’t really... choose? she’s fairly smart and tends to consider that the things they’re all going to do will have an effect on other people and what will happen later. she ends up being one of the bigger characters and part of the main group that actually Knows What’s Going On and, by extension, somewhat a leader? 
arthur was more of a leader back when he was sailing, and as he got older he was more okay with sitting back and letting things happen. granted, that also possibly got him killed (well, not really. but if you go with the original story, it is) 
🍅 How easily is your OC embarassed? What subjects make them flush and why? What event has made your OC the most embarassed they’ve ever been?
i would say that annabel lee isn’t embarrassed too easily? she knows what she’s done, and the embodiment of death is willing to actually physically fight someone for her. that’s not to say that she can’t be embarrassed, though
arthur... just doesn’t tell you. you can’t find anything to make him embarrassed simply because you don’t know anything about him. he’s very good at keeping it as secretive as possible (not necessarily on purpose. he probably thought he told montresor) 
💥 Are there any emotions your OC doesn’t know how to deal with, doesn’t understand or hates having to feel? Any reason behind this?
annabel lee tries to be happier, at least in the first part, and tries to just. ignore negative emotions. but she eventually learns how to deal with the more negative emotions. in the first part, she’s also not quite sure about montresor--she loves him, and at that point they’re almost like cousins or siblings. but at one point, it seems as if montresor has just been going around and committing Crimes (they think he’s murdering people.) and she has to figure out how to work through the “he’s practically my brother and i don’t know that he would do this?” and what appears to be in front of her (it ends up okay though). because i personally find emotions difficult and have trouble putting words to them it is also difficult for me to put the right words in the correct order, but i think that this is (at the very least, for a segment of the story) a good summary 
arthur,,, i honestly don’t know that we get enough of him to tell? probably the emotions he didn’t express. wait that’s more of a Regret? so then, arguably, affection, but he’s spent time trying to work through that (and raised Montresor, and did a fairly decent job of it, in the end) 
🏀 Does your OC have any skills that people wouldn’t expect them to have? Do they have a hobby or pass time that others would consider strange or weird? How did they learn this particular skill or pick up this hobby?
people probably look at annabel and expect her to be Very Soft (which, yeah, she is, she’s a very kind and affectionate person). but she’s also very much a badass? she likes swimming and rock/shell collecting, and also found that she enjoyed helping dupin with Investigating quite a bit
arthur likes to sail. he enjoys exploring and Not-Dying. 
☀️ How well does your OC take care of themself? Do they tend to put others before their own wellbeing and if so how often? What is their favourite way to pamper themself?
annabel lee!! is very much!! a person that thinks self care is important!! and i love her!! so much!! she does try to take care of others, but she’s also learned that she needs to have Limits and take care of herself too. 
arthur went from “probably selfish, puts himself above others” to “adopted a little boy who was abandoned by his father and would now give him almost anything probably” and we love that development, except that sometimes it might possibly be bad? as in, it helps play into the “Montresor Actually Murdered Him” narrative (as well as possibly the real narrative, in which arthur got sick and probably sent montresor away so that he wouldn’t catch it, which plays into some Other Things that we don’t need to get into right now because it’s. a lot) 
🌙 What are some of your OC’s favourites? Favourite food, colour, season, stuff like that! Give some general simple facts that tend to get overlooked!
annabel lee likes cookies, pastel colours (pink/blue/yellow/purple specifically, and also some brighter ones? it depends sometimes), and spring. she likes to garden, i think! she and her fiancee have a nice house and a garden that they work on together and it’s very good :) (also, i like to think that she and her girlfriend [now fiancee] probably tried to propose to each other at the same time) 
arthur probably also likes cookies but thinks brownies are neat too, he likes blue/grey/green/gold/magenta, and summer. he also adopted montresor after montresor’s mother died and his father abandoned him, so that’s Very Good Content. arthur really is doing his best,,, (it’s also taken me until this question to realise that i do have a least favourite, and that least favourite is either prospero [MURDERED] or fortunato [MURDERED] but it’s okay)
⭐ Does your OC like to sleep alone or do they enjoy sharing their bed? Have they been to any sleepovers? Have they ever been camping? What did they think of the experiences if so?
annabel lee! very much enjoys cuddling!! she likes to have the Friend Group over for big sleepovers and they probably have big cuddle piles (and they deserve them, honestly). i think all of the characters have sort of been camping? in her case, it was probably with lenore and dupin 
arthur tends to sleep alone, save for a few times at sea. he has been camping, and probably took montresor a few times when he was a child. 
🍏 When your OC says “I had a bad day” what does that tend to mean? Is it really as bad as they’re saying or are they being a bit dramatic?
when annabel lee says she had a bad day, it means that she definitely had a bad day (although there are probably some occasions on which she might be being a little dramatic, because that’s fun sometimes) 
arthur won’t tell you how his day is going, because it probably slips his mind. he’s got a lot he’s trying to take care of, and really, he doesn’t have that many bad days now? 
💧 What is something from your OC’s past they’re the most ashamed of and why? What is something they’re really proud of? And lastly what is something in their past that could make them shake with dread?
annabel lee is probably ashamed of the time montresor was convinced she was dead (although that wasn’t her fault). she’s proud of her friend group and how they’ve managed half of what they did. 
arthur is ashamed of some of the things he did while sailing (i’m still finishing his backstory + reading the thing for him and stuff). he’s proud of his son and raising him :,)
🔮What does your OC think is their best trait. What is actually their best trait? What about their flaws? Are they one to admit these flaws or do they like to pretend they’re perfect?
i’m going to be honest: i haven’t really thought about what they think their best and worst traits are, simply because it hasn’t come up yet in the story? but: 
annabel lee probably thinks her best trait is her memory? she makes a point to remember certain details about her friends, and also things for helping with cases. really, though, she’s also incredibly brave (pluto straight up tells her they’re the embodiment of death, and instead of being terrified, she tells them that it’s cool and asks if they’d like a cookie. i love her). going hand in hand with her bravery, though, it can lead to her being a bit reckless at times? she’s a bit hesitant to admit it, but she will. 
arthur is willing to listen and change if he needs to, and is wiling to educate himself. i would agree that it’s probably his best trait (again, we don’t get a Lot of him, especially not where i’m at in the story right now, though). his worst trait is arguably how much trust he can put into people now. 
🌸 What’s a sentence that would make your OC’s day better? One that would make them laugh? One that would make their day worse? Why? What words would you have to say to them to completely ruin their day?
for annabel lee, the first really varies. probably something along the lines of “we were successful/didn’t die”. there are many sentences that could make her laugh, depending on who said them and the way they were said. she does find the initial conversation about victor amusing, though, i think (i’m still working on that scene). also how pluto references various other works of literature, she finds some of those amusing. i think one of her (and my own, if i’m being entirely honest) favourites is probably when pluto stops mid-sentence while they’re talking about something important and just kind of goes. “wait. are those two guys still waiting? we have to make sure, we can’t let godot get there”. one that would ruin her day is almost definitely someone else dying or getting injured.
arthur is an enigma, even to me. but in somewhat seriousness: he’d probably be happier if someone told him something good happened, in general? like montresor telling him about making a new friend. he is also rather amused by the fact that montresor has dated a fair share of his friend group (and one of them was on accident). he was pretty bummed about getting murdered/sick and dying. 
🌺 What additions would your OC make to their body if they could? Lets say, if they don’t have a tail would they want one? Wings? Horns? Do they wish they could shapeshift?
annabel lee is working through learning to love herself as she is, and would rather Not. she wants wings. and is definitely planning on tattoos, if she doesn’t already have some, probably. she thinks being able to shapeshift would be Neat. 
there was a time when arthur wanted to be able to breathe underwater. 
💗 Ramble a bit about this character!
god,,, i just love annabel,,, so much,,, she’s very good!!!! she’s my badass child and i love her so much. pluto almost definitely fights someone for her. honestly most of this has just been me rambling about her
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sulietsexual · 6 years
🔥+ Olivia Crain
For me, similarly to Nell, Olivia doesn’t come across as a fully-realised character. She’s Henry’s Lost Lenore, the ghost whose death disrupted the family and threw all of its members into turmoil, and as such, until her episode, we see her through idealised and Unreliable Narrator eyes and get to know her through her family’s memories of her. We actually end up getting to see several different versions of her and it’s interesting to see the different sides which the children and Henry remember.
For Shirley and Theo, she remains a mostly positive memory. She helps Shirley through the deaths of the diseased kittens which Shirley finds on the property and is a loving and caring figure through her eldest daughter’s eyes.
Theo’s memories are interrupted by her horrific visions of her mother’s death but for the most part Theo seems to remember Olivia positively. We see sweet, shared moments between Theo and Olivia, including the scene where Olivia gives Theo the gloves and eases Theo’s fears about her psychic gift. This is definitely a more idealised memory of Olivia, showing her with no flaws, the caring, compassionate mother who loved her children. And while this part is obviously true, it might have been nice to see her a little flawed.
Steve’s memories of his mother are far less idealised but they’re also not accurate. Because he never knowingly witnessed the supernatural events of the house, Steve’s memories of his mother are actually quite sad; he remembers her as slowly going crazy, random acts of violence following a sweet moment, crying in the night, standing in the twins room talking to no one. Steve’s memories of his mother scare him so much he makes it so he can’t have kids, therefore stopping anymore craziness. Steve loved his mother but his memories are of her sanity slipping before she let it overtake her and ended her life and as such he doesn’t have the most positive or warm memories of her.
We don’t really see Nell’s memories of her mother but Luke’s perception of her is kind of horrifying and shows that, on some level, he remembers her trying to kill him and Nell. All throughout Luke’s episode we see him chased by the figure from his childhood nightmares, the Tall Man in the bowler hat. Then, we get the reveal that the figure is actually Olivia, telling Luke to come home. It’s a stark way of showing how a lot of Luke’s issues (and possibly his drug use) comes from his mother trying to murder him as a child, and it’s kind of heartbreaking that his subconscious remember Olivia that way.
Of course, once we see Olivia’s episode, much of the mystery surrounding her is stripped away. We see how badly the house affected her and how determined she was to try and shake off the house’s effects. Olivia still isn’t the most fleshed-out character but through her episode we see the harrowing effect the house had on her and the way the ghosts played into her Adult Fear, twisting her natural maternal instincts into something dark and ominous, until she was ready to murder her own children to “save” them. This darkness seems to get into her ghost too, making her part of the house and becoming so twisted that she succeeds in murdering her daughter. Her ominous stare as Steve watched Hugh’s ghost embrace Olivia and Nell implies that Olivia won’t stop until she has all her children with her.
I think that Olivia worked really well for what she was supposed to be; the ominous presence hanging over the family, the tragic ghost whose death set the events of the series in motion. But she was never a fully-realised or fleshed-out character and much of her characterisation came from inconsistent and unreliable memories of her. As such, we never truly got to know her.
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Big Hero 7: The Series
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Failure Mode
(Long Post)
*In the center of San Fransokyo, there is an Art Museum currently hosting an event in the early evening, cars are lined on the street as many well-dressed people enter the building.*
Fred: San Fransokyo Museum of Art, all is quiet... for now.
*Hiding in a man-hole just outside the museum is Fred in his Kaiju monster suit, while across the street on top of Noodle Burger is Hiro, Honey Lemon, Baymax and Cora.*
Hiro: Fred, why are we staking out at an art party? What could happen-?
Fred: Everything! Museum Galas are like in the top three favorite super villain things to interrupt! Right after big parades and experimental weapon demonstrations!
Honey Lemon: This is so exciting! I can't wait to see the new Shimamoto exhibit!
Baymax: Who or what is a 'Shimamoto'?
Honey Lemon: Lenore Shimamoto, she was an amazing artist and kind of my idol!
Fred: Never heard of her.
Honey Lemon: She painted 'City Rising', the first famous masterpiece they're unveiling tonight.
Fred: Never heard of it.
Honey Lemon: Oh! That's because it was lost for like a hundred years!
Fred: Still never heard of it.
Honey Lemon: ...It captures the city's rebirth after the great catastrophe of 1906. I'm a huge fan!
*The look Hiro is giving Honey Lemon gave her a signal that her phrasing is raising some concerns.*
Honey Lemon: Not of the catastrophe, that was-that was terrible... Of Shimamoto! What about you Cora?
*But when she turned to regard the younger girl, Cora is leaning on her hand dozing off as she stared at the building...that is until a loud sound emitted from the museum. This shakes Cora out of her near asleep daze in a snap.*
Cora: Don't steal my Cranberries!
*The other four stare at Cora's shout as she blushes over what she said, it's quickly forgotten when a guard came bursting through the door.*
Guard: The Gala is under attack by an inhuman freak! Out of my way!
Fred: Inhuman freak wha-?
*The herd of stampeding guests running for their lives closed the man-hole cover, prompting Fred to fall to the sewers below.*
Fred: Oh...there's the floor... Super villain! totally called it...*Collapses again*
Cora: And I think I have a pretty good idea on which Inhuman freak/Super villain both the guard and Fred are referring to. Globby's back.
*Once Fred is recovered from his fall, the five run into the building to face off the intruder.*
Fred: Nice try super villain!
*In front of them is Globby, the chemical human hybrid that Honey Lemon inadvertently transformed, covered in shards of glass from the skylight he broke into.*
Globby: Darn it!
Hiro: You know I don't know if I can call Globby 'Super', maybe Sub-par.
Fred: Well Sub-par villain isn't a thing. So what am I supposed to say?
Globby: *Still picking glass off himself* Oh there should be a warning on that skylight! Glass may shatter!...Time out guys, really appreciate this. You guys are looking sharp by the way...except you there however*pointing to Cora*, are you alright? You look pretty tired there kid. Have you been getting enough sleep lately?
*Cora's eyes widen before she returns to her usual glare.*
Hiro: Sub-par villain.
Cora: What does Globby even want here anyway?
Baymax: Broken glass can be hazardous.
Fred: Fine...we'll wait.
*Once the glass is removed from his body, Globby turns to the team.*
Globby: OK. I'm in on three. One...two... psych!
*Globby immediately uses his elastic arm to grab the Shimamoto painting and run down the nearest hallway to escape. Cora and Hiro climb on Baymax as Honey Lemon and Fred chase after him...but Baymax did not move.*
Hiro: Baymax go!
Baymax: He did not finish counting. Technically it is still 'time out'.
Cora: Ugh Three! Just go Baymax we don't have time for this!
*Baymax flies into the hall to rescue the painting, though Hiro sees that Cora is currently irritable.*
Hiro: Hey, are you feeling alright?
Cora: *Rubs her eyes a little* Yeah I'm fine, just a little tired.
Baymax: Actually-
Cora: Oh look Globby's there!
*Soon they joined Fred and Honey Lemon through the hall.*
Fred: Hey no fair you said time out!
*Globby immediately shoots out pieces of his goop which the team dodged but barely hit on the priceless antiques.*
Honey Lemon: We have to protect the paintings!
Fred: Ha! Fredzilla to the rescue!
*A large ball of goop is fired at the team, but Fred is quick to jump into action. His flame easily burned the goop...but unintentionally melted a water fountain just down the hall.*
Fred: Okay so I did that.
*Globby continues to shoot out more goop balls to which Fred fired back, but Hiro and Cora barely grabbed a painting down another hall from being burned into a crisp.*
Hiro: Fire and paintings, bad combo!
Fred: Right! Good call!
Honey Lemon: Anti-sticky ball ready!
*As Globby is exiting the hall, Honey Lemon pulls out the anti-sticky balls to turn Globby back to Dibs. The anti-sticky balls hit Globby and turn into a yellow foam, but Globby still remains Globby. The only result it had is the chem human hybrid dropping the painting. Honey grabs the painting before it can hit the ground.*
Honey Lemon: *Gasp* I'm holding 'City Rising'!
Fred: *Lands beside her* You talking about the famous painting? I've heard of that!
*Globby slowly slithers away, but Baymax is right behind him.*
Baymax: Do not move, you could be injured from your fall.
*Baymax picks him up.*
Baymax: I will scan you now.
Hiro: Don't worry Baymax, they can take care of him in jail.
Globby: Jail? They don't even make pants that can hold me!
*Globby melts under Baymax's hands and morphs into a ball, bouncing away to the exit.*
Globby: Boing, boing, boing everybody bye-!
*Globby attaches himself to bus just outside the museum, taking him away.*
Fred: Wait, he can turn into a ball? That's new!
*Globby morphs back into himself to taunt the heroes but his head smacks into a traffic light, temporarily dislocating it before it returns to his body.*
Globby: Darn it..
*The next day at the Lucky Cat Cafe, the rest of the gang converse over last night's events. Cora is stuffing her face with the breakfast Cass made and drinking Coffee, sweetened with honey, at a fast rate.*
Baymax: Cora, it is important that you slow down and chew more thoroughly.
*Cora pouted but continues eating but in a slower rate.*
Wasabi: Thank you Baymax. OK Hiro, you mean to tell us that Globby's back?
Gogo: And you let him get away?
Hiro: We saved the painting so let's focus on that!
Fred: The very famous painting, perhaps you've heard of it?
*Just then Cass places a big plate of what appears to be breakfast nachos.*
Cass: Guess what I made? Breakfast Nachos El Diablo!
Fred: Breakfast nachos? The unbalanced part of a balanced breakfast.
*He takes a bite out of the nachos and immediately starts breathing heavily for air to cool his burning taste buds.*
Cass: So what we're you guys doing out so late last night?
Hiro: We um-
Baymax: We were at the museum.
*Cora wipes her face with a napkin as she turns to Cass.*
Cora: Yeah, we saw Shimamoto's painting called the 'City Rising'. Grandmama told me all about it when I was younger, it actually inspired me on what to do with my project.
Hiro: *Turns to his girlfriend confused* Project?
Fred: *Mouth still burning from the nachos* Caliente! Muy Caliente!
Hiro: *Whispers* Smooth.
*While Fred is running to get either water or milk, Baymax's belly lights up to show a clock.*
Baymax: Hiro, this is your reminder that you have a school project due today that is currently 10% finished.
*Cora's eyes widen when she hears the news, worried over Hiro's project being nowhere near complete.*
Cass: What? Shouldn't you have been doing homework last night? Here at home? The work?
Hiro: Aunt Cass don't worry, it's me! I'll improvise.
Wasabi: *Deadpan* You mean scramble?
Gogo: At the last minute?
Hiro: Always worked in high school.
*But Cora's eye brows' burrow as she fidgets her hands over his confident claim. While she never attended high school herself, she has doubts that this will be an easy pass. Eventually they all got to SFIT where the two teens happen to share the same class with Professor Grandville herself.*
Grandville: Alright everyone, settle.
*Grandville activated a few buttons that lights up the chalkboard with a screen.*
Grandville: Good morning, I hope you used your three weeks wisely for this seismic project.
Hiro: Totally wisely.
*Cora spots Karmi, another teen prodigy they met before but never really got along with, present her project onto the table meant to simulate earthquakes.*
Karmi: My prototype uses nickel titanium as a shape memory alloy, which allows it to have increased plasticity under pressure.
Grandville: Very good Karmi, now lets shake it and break it.
*The project Karmi built stood its ground.*
Grandville: Our goal is to withstand an 9.0 or greater on the Richter scale.
*The earthquake scale continues to climb up until Karmi's project finally broke in pieces.*
Grandville: 8.5. Impressive, but Karmi I am confident that you can do better. Let's see version 2.0 next week. Your next Miss Mizichio.
*Cora took a deep sigh as she brought out her project, which by all means looks grey and not impressive looking, aside from the bottom resembling dark rocks. Hiro gives Cora a thumbs up as she takes a deep breath.*
Cora: The Prototype I've built has the adhesive strength of Barnacles that can be often found on rocks, ships, and whales which activate to hold the base. Also, because of the recent news about Shimamoto's painting being found, I want to commemorate the memory of 'City Rising', which is why I also added this.
*The earthquake simulation is turned on as it begins to shake the project which only shook a little. Cora holds her breath as the project begin to shake more. She finally closes her eyes tightly as she waited for the result, whether it'd be a success or a failure.*
Student: Woah that's so cool!
*Cora opens her eyes hesitantly to see that not only has her project survived to the 9.0, but it functioned exactly like she planned. The dull flat surface on top of the prototype transformed into a jade-colored roof with the structure turning from grey to a white pearl surface.*
Grandville: *Very Impressed by the display and the hard work Cora obviously put into it* I have no other words to say...other than you did a truly superb job Miss Mizichio and as for you commemorating this project after Shimamoto's 'City Rising', I'd say you succeeded that as well. You should be very proud.
*Cora's face beamed over the success and praise of her project, that all her trial and error over these last three weeks have not been for naught. She picks up her project and places it back on her desk, her heart still racing over the fact that she-*
Grandville: Your turn Mr. Hamada.
*Cora's happiness shatters in an instant as she remembers that Hiro did his project last minute. Her heart stops in concern over Hiro, but she still gives a somewhat shaky smile to show support for Hiro.*
Hiro: Elastimer Dampers.
Grandville: Is the paint still wet on your model?
*Cora's hands gripped on her skirt as she looks at Hiro with concern.*
Hiro: No... that would imply I threw it together at the last possible minute!
*Grandville however, knew better. But she activated the simulator none the less.*
Grandville: Perhaps your design will save our city from the next 'Great Catastrophe'.
*The model shook for what felt like a few seconds until it begins to break, Hiro tries to place the model back into place but Cora knew that his model building is as good as dead.*
Grandville: Or not.
*The piece completely falls onto Hiro's shirt, to which he immediately smacks his face. Which gives him a red mark, which he notices and nervously laughs. Cora turns her attention to Karmi who has pulled out her phone and is recording it. *
Karmi: And scene.
*Karmi then notices Cora glaring at her with her dagger eyes, but Karmi simply smirked. Cora then wrote on her hand to remind herself on what to do later today. After the rest of the presentations are done, Cora walks beside Hiro, her fist hiding the words 'Exact Revenge on Karmi as soon as possible!'*
*Back at the lab, Honey Lemon is showing Baymax a book documenting Lenore Shimamoto and her famous painting.*
Honey Lemon: Amazing! And we saved it.
Baymax: I do not understand the purpose of art.
Honey Lemon: Well, to create art is to be human, to be alive.
Baymax: *Blinks* I am neither.
Honey Lemon: Oh, I'm sorry.. I mean how can I put this so you'll um.. it could be you know really good for emotional health like art therapy.
Baymax: I am coded to expand my therapeutic capabilities. Perhaps I should increase my understanding of art.
Honey Lemon: Ooh I could teach you! To me, art is about expressing your feelings!
Baymax: Do you mean like this?
*His belly activates his famous pain scale.*
Honey Lemon: Hmm not exactly-
*At that instant, Hiro and Cora enter the lab, the teen girl giving a half-hearted smile while Hiro remained in his paint form.*
Honey Lemon: *Horrified thinking the red paint is blood* Ah! Hiro!
*Honey Lemon rushes to Hiro, thinking he had just been in a terrible accident.*
Honey Lemon: What happened?!
Baymax: Hiro is covered in red paint. Do not be alarmed. This red paint is non-toxic.
Honey Lemon: So I guess your demo wasn't a masterpiece?
Hiro: It's more of a disaster-piece.
Cora: Well Hiro-
Fred: Hey! Check out this funny video I found!
*The video happens to be the same one Karmi recorded earlier.*
Hiro: *Not at all amused* Uh Fred that's me.
Fred: Hey that is you! Maybe you can try to imagine-
*But he stops his voice as he spots Cora's purple orbs become heated flames directed right at him. Fred nervously takes a couple steps back to avoid provoking the young, and at the moment, scary girl.*
Fred: *Somewhat scared* Uhh...you know what, never mind...
Honey Lemon: It's okay Hiro, we learn more from our failures than our successes.
Hiro: Ah! You know what? It's no big deal! I've got a ton of better ideas, I'll just do one of those! The better ones!
*Hiro quickly went towards his lab to plan out his new and better model, but Cora sighs.*
Baymax: Optimism.
*Once the whole gang is grouped up in Hiro's lab, Hiro presented a much better looking model that can be used to counter a hypothetical earthquake.*
Hiro: Check it out! A mag-lev base isolation system.
*The building suspended from the ground.*
Gogo: Yup... that's what I did when I was a freshman.
*This is disheartening news to Hiro, who simply pushes away the table, causing it to fall down. He went back to the drawing board to design another way to protect the model from the earthquake.*
Hiro: And when any fractures appear they're instantly filled by a quick drawing, but flexible foam.
Honey Lemon: *Gasps* That's wonderful Hiro! I'm sure it's super different than when I did the same exact thing!
Cora: *Softly* Oh boy...
*Hiro throws away the other model into the trash as he goes back to the drawing board again, but he finds himself stuck on making sure his model being able to withstand an earthquake and at the same time being an original idea.*
Hiro: These high strength air bags cushion the people inside the building and also prevent floors from pancaking.
*Cora notices that the gang is silent, as if they know someone else that had also done this already.*
Hiro: So just to be clear, no one here has done the airbag thing? Right?
*The gang remain silent as Cora is fidgeting her hands. She is about to speak up until Baymax waddled over.*
Baymax: This approach will be highly effective.
Hiro: *Hopeful* You think so?
Baymax: Yes. This is exactly what your brother, Tadashi did. It was highly effective.
*Hiro groans in frustration as Cora simply face palms. Just then Honey Lemon spots Cora's project sitting off to the side.*
Honey Lemon: Oh my goodness! Cora, is this your project! This is so beautiful!
*The gang turn to Cora's project, impressed over the fact that it's beautifully structured.*
Fred: Wow Cora! This is so sick! Before it was all dull and grey, but now it's all pretty and shiny!
Cora: *Embarrassed at the praising and worried about how Hiro will take it* Guys it's fine-
Wasabi: The structure surely is sticky, whatever it is it defiantly stuck together.
Honey Lemon: It reminds me of 'City Rising'!
*Cora looks at Hiro with an embarrassed and guilty smile as she blushes, hoping it won't discourage him from trying harder to find his own solution. Hiro just face plants into Baymax's belly to which the robot patted his head in comfort.*
Hiro: This is hopeless.
Wasabi: Hey, you can do this little man! Maybe you never had to work this hard for something before.
Hiro: School's never been this hard before!
Wasabi: This place is tough, for everybody. I got lost finding my first class, why aren't the buildings in alphabetical order? Am I the only one who sees the obvious solution?!
Hiro: Wasabi...Is this supposed to be a pep talk?
Wasabi:...Sorry.. The thing is, You got in for being you. Be you Hiro.
Cora: Yeah Babe, you can do it!
Hiro: You know what? You're right! I've got this!
Cora: There's the spirit!
*But when it got time to return to Grandville's class however.*
Hiro: I've got nothing.
*Cora face palms in exasperation. Granville simply writes down on her notes while Hiro groans in exasperation, throwing his notebook away. But he has inadvertently hit another student's project, which causes Hiro to panic. But Cora rushes forward and catches the other student's project, yet in doing so causes her to knock off her own project and land on the floor, breaking it into pieces. The other pieces hit on the other projects, causing them to all break. Cora's face is stricken with a mixture of shock and fear over what happens next, and Hiro is on the same boat. He threw his notebook but because of his careless aim, Cora had to protect the one in her hands but inadvertently broke her own project and others as well.*
Hiro: Oh no...
*Then came a couple of snapshots coming from Karmi and some other students.*
Karmi: Got it!
*After the students pack up the remains of their projects Cora is standing by Hiro's side.*
Hiro: I'm just no good at this...
*Cora places her hand on his shoulder to comfort him.*
Cora: Hiro...
Grandville: Mr. Hamada, I'm the one who gets to tell people they're not good. Don't take my favorite part of the job away.
Hiro: Well go ahead... enjoy.
Grandville: No! I'm not letting you off that easily. You are going to rise to this challenge!
Cora: That's true Hiro, I know you. If anyone can pull this through it's you! Like how you made*Starts to nod off*...microbots...
*But Cora's words slowly turn to muffled words as her eye lids nearly close.*
Hiro: Uh Cora? *nudges her a little* Hey, you doing alright?
Cora: *Snaps back up* I'm fine! Really, I'm alright.
Hiro: But what if I'm really no good at this?
Grandville: Then you fail, after which you try again.
*Just then Karmi butts in with her project.*
Karmi: Professor G, My new prototype is ready to go! But if you want Hiro to say he's not good at-
Cora: *Cranky and aggravated* Karmi do us all a favor and just shut up!
Grandville: *Warning Tone* Cora.
Hiro: *Surprised at his girlfriends outburst* Woah Babe, are you sure you're ok-?
Grandmama: Cora?
*The four people turn to Cora's grandmother, who is looking with concern over Cora.*
Grandmama: Cora, have you eaten at all today?
*At this, Cora just looks down sheepishly and slightly shakes her head no signifying that she hadn't.*
Grandmama: *Sighs in disappointment* Oh Cora... *Reaches into her purse and take out a protein bar* Here.
*The old lady throws the protein bar to Cora to which she catches it with her eyes lit up, but it was thrown between Karmi, which causes her to yelp and drop her project to the ground, breaking it.*
Karmi: Oh no!
Cora: Grandmama what the heck?!
Grandmama: *Sternly* You did not eat your breakfast this morning young lady...again!
Cora: I'm fine Grandmama I'm not mmph-
*She doesn't even finish her sentence as she tears off the wrapper and stuffs the protein bar into her mouth. Confusion is ringing through the other people present.*
Grandmama: It's alright, she'll be fine. This sadly happens every now and then...especially when she hasn't eaten or had a good night's sleep...
*Cora sighs after she finishes the protein bar before she looks at the three, she blushes in embarrassment before helping picking up Karmi's project to put the table.*
Cora: *Somewhat monotone with her head down and her hair hiding her eyes* I apologize for my behavior and accidentally breaking your model Karmi. *Slightly turns to Hiro but not quite meeting his eyes* Hopefully I'll see you later Hiro?
Hiro: *Confused and slightly worried* OK...?
*Cora quickly walks out the classroom in silence with her head still down, leaving more confusion on them but Grandmama simply shakes her head.*
Grandmama: I'll explain later.
*Meawhile, Honey Lemon is with Baymax at the San Fransokyo Museum of Art showing him 'City Rising' as it's being hung back where it belongs.*
Honey Lemon: Ooh this is so exciting Baymax! 'City Rising' is back where it's supposed to be!
Guard: Don't worry! Nobody's getting it on my watch! Not this time!
*Honey gave a positive smile while Baymax merely blinks. Afterwards they walk down a hall to observe more paintings.*
Baymax: Honey Lemon, thank you for teaching me about art.
Honey Lemon: This is gonna be great! Okay, look at this portrait from the golden age what do you see?
Baymax: I see a man who suffers from Rosacea, a lack of exercise, and excessive consumption of red meat.
Honey Lemon: That's not what I-let me put it in another way. To understand art you have to feel it!
Baymax: Oh.
*Baymax turns his attention to a very spiky sculpture to which he is about to touch to 'feel it'. But Honey Lemon is quick to pull Baymax away from the sculpture.*
Honey Lemon: Oh no no no, let's maybe not touch that! Maybe we should try something more abstract... and less pointy.
*The next painting Honey Lemon shows to Baymax is an abstract painting of a man whose limbs are twisted in all directions. There are moments of silence as Baymax blinks at the painting.*
Baymax: This man was in a terrible accident.
Honey Lemon: No Baymax! He's painted that way to make you feel emotions!
Baymax: I am not programmed to feel emotions. Only to monitor emotions in others. You are frustrated.
*Despite her best smile, her eyebrow is twitching.*
Honey Lemon: I'm fine!
Baymax: I detect vocal tones that indicate frustration.
*Just then the two spot Fred heading down the hall where they encountered Globby last week, where the melted water fountain is currently still running like a fountain.*
Modern Shakespeare: Caution: Water Hazard. Such a bold statement about the futility of existence. I would give anything to meet the genius who created this masterpiece!
Fred: Allow me to introduce myself, Fred Frederickson the IV. Master of this piece!
Modern Shakespeare: *Gasp* A pleasure sir! You have moved me!
*The man kissed Fred's hand.*
Fred: Cool!
Baymax: Is this also art?
Fred: Well Duh.
Modern Shakespeare: Well Duh indeed.
Honey Lemon: *Sighs* Maybe that's enough for today. Let's just go.
*But while Honey Lemon drags away Baymax. Up in the air vents, Globby is crawling. He notices that his leg is stretched until it flips forward and hits his head.*
Globby: Ow.
Honey Lemon: *Gasp* Did you hear that?
Baymax: Art must be seen, felt, and heard? Art is complicated.
*Just then out of the air vents came Globby, who has the misfortune to land himself on the spiky sculpture that Baymax nearly touched.
Globby: OW!
Guard: Don't touch! That's all I'm paid to say! Don't touch! Did my job, everybody saw it now outta my way!*And then runs off*
*During all this, Hiro is at his home in the garage currently planning his project. But looking at the blank piece of paper he grows frustrated so he crumples it up and throws it away. Just then Cora, Wasabi, and Gogo come in which the cool woman quickly catches the paper ball and unfolds it.*
Gogo: Did you just crumple up and throw away a blank piece of paper?
Hiro: I was just trying to save some time.
Gogo: OK... This is gonna hurt you more than it's gonna hurt me.
*Gogo raises her hand to slap the sense into Hiro but Wasabi quickly catches her hand.*
Wasabi: What are you doing?
Gogo: Slapping him out of it.
Wasabi: You can't do that!
Gogo: You got a better idea?
Cora: I do.
*The two adults turn to Cora, who is crossing her arms as she walks over to Hiro.*
Hiro: Hey Cora, you...doing any better after earlier?
Cora: At the moment, yes. But I'll be even better after you get out of this funk you're in. Look Hiro, I get how frustrating it is to work on these things and not have anything to work with because you feel so blocked.
Hiro: So what's your point?
Cora: *Rolls her eyes in mild annoyance* So, what my point is-
*Just then Gogo's phone rings so she picks it up and reads it.*
Gogo: Globby's back.
Hiro: *Gets out of his chair* Let's go!
*Hiro runs out to suit up, leaving Cora shaking her head in frustration over failing to comfort her boyfriend.*
Cora: Dang it! *Sigh* Well maybe we can talk about this later.
Wasabi: Uh yeah but.. my car is still at the bottom of the bay?
*The memory of them being chased into the ocean by Callaghan pops in Cora's mind.*
Cora: *Winces at the memory* Oh yeah... oops...
Hiro: So how are we gonna get there?
*After they all suited up, they go and rent a little car to drive to the museum.*
Wasabi: Rick from the self-driving car project said we can use it for an hour.
Hiro: Can't this thing self-drive any faster?
Wasabi: Of course it can, its just programmed not to for safety reasons.
*Gogo, being the famed speed adrenaline junkie she is, looks at Cora who gets the signal. She pulls the wires out of the casing and re-wires them to increase the speed...which it did as it zooms down the street.*
Wasabi: It wasn't me Rick!
*The car zooms past the other cars until they arrive at the museum where Baymax, Honey Lemon, and Fred are waiting outside. The four sprawl out of the small car gasping for air.*
Fred: Tell me you brought our super suits!
*Wasabi opens the trunk to show that they did indeed. He goes to pull out the armor but its currently stuck.*
Wasabi: *Struggling to pull the armor out* It's a little tight!
Hiro: Where's Globby?
Honey Lemon: He's got the Shimamoto, but the museum's on lock down.
Gogo: So he's trapped inside?
Fred: Sub-par villain's gonna sub-par.
Wasabi: Gah! Gotta help me!
*Just then Honey Lemon's helmet hits Fred in the head, knocking him out. Inside the museum however, Globby is struggling to open the steel gates to escape with the painting but is unable to lift it and ends up pulling his arms right off.*
Globby: Ow! Come on!
*He transforms into a ball to break through the gate but is simply bounced into a wall where he is flatten to a pancake until he falls back into the same spiky sculpture from before.*
Globby: Ow! oh..hm nice piece!
*Globby grabs the sculpture to ram into the steel gate.*
Globby: I hope this works!
*But just then Baymax lifts up the gate from the other side alongside Hiro. So in the end Globby is sent running past the team and tumbling into the street.*
Fred: Ouch!
Cora: Sheesh!
Wasabi: Ooh...
Globby: You think?!
*Globby slings his arm and grabs 'City Rising'.*
Honey Lemon: He's going for the painting!
Gogo: Well he's gotta stick-to-itivness.
Cora: But why that painting alone?
*Globby throws his goop balls to which Wasabi slices them into tiny pieces. Honey Lemon brings out a chem ball and aims it at Globby, but he simply dodges it and thus the chem ball freezes Fred.*
Globby: Nope! not this time!
*Once again he morphs into a ball to bounce away.*
Wasabi: Yes this time!
*Wasabi blocks Globby's escape route but is simply rolled over.*
Wasabi: I've got some in my mouth.
Gogo: Just spit him out and lets drop this blob!
*Gogo zooms past Wasabi as Honey Lemon's tosses one of her chem balls to her to catch up with Globby.*
Honey Lemon: Get him!
*Hiro and Cora climb up onto Baymax's back and begin to chase after him*
Hiro: Right behind you Gogo!
Fred: Get on!
Wasabi: Ok.. but just don't jump-TOO HIIIIIGH!
*Fred jumps up into the sky to join the rest of the team. Globby continues to bounce down the street where Gogo is about to take aim. But the appearance of a bus makes Gogo quickly jump up to avoid a collision. The ball misses Globby as he happily bounces away.*
Globby: Hoh it's really happening! My first successful art heist! Who's number one now? I'm-
*Just then he splats right into Baymax in front of him.*
Baymax: That painting does not belong to you.
*Hiro and Cora grab the paining from Globby.*
Hiro and Cora: Thank you!
*Globby falls down to the street splattered until he regains form.*
Globby: Well this isn't fair! Oh why do I even bother?
*Just then Gogo arrives.*
Gogo: Honey! Let's freeze him and seize him!
*Honey Lemon had just arrived using the car Wasabi rented to catch up with the rest of the team. She throws the chem ball but Globby melts into water and escapes through the sewer drain nearby.*
Gogo: Did he just...melt?
Cora: Something tells me this isn't the last we'll see him...
*Later on that day, Globby ends up on land nearby the golden gate bridge.*
Globby: I can turn into water? Woah! What else can I do? Ummm...metal!
*Globby uses his mind to morph his hand into a large piece of metal. It weighs down his hand until he thinks it back to his regular globby self.*
Globby: Yes! What else?!
*Immediately he spent the early evening morphing his body to do whatever he wanted.*
Globby: Ice! Rock! Chocolate! Wood! Brick! Chocolate! Cookie dough! Cotton candy! Chocolate with ice cream and caramel! and whip cream!
*Globby eats his ice cream hand to which he gains an idea.*
Globby: Oh this could be very useful! I'm delicious!
*He then morphs his hand into a hammer to which he breaks the drain he crawled out of.*
Globby: And powerful!
*The next day at the lab, Gogo is testing out her discs with Cora looking over her gloves as Hiro whistles through his way. *
Wasabi: Alright! Someone's in a good mood!
Hiro: Well yeah! We crushed our last mission, we had Globby so scared he wet himself!
Honey Lemon: Not exactly.
*Hiro and the others walk towards Honey Lemon as she is currently using her chemistry experiment.*
Honey Lemon: The volatile chemicals that made Dibs turn into Globby combined with the neurotransmitter.
Gogo: Right?
Honey Lemon: Well, Globby finally learned how his thoughts can control his...mmm...Globbiness?
*This raises concerns for the rest of the team.*
Wasabi: So he can turn into anything? That villain is on his way to being super.
Hiro: I don't care if he's a solid, liquid, or gas! We can take him!
Wasabi: Oh.. I hope not gas!
Cora: Hey, where's Fred?
Gogo: He's at the museum, in case Globby strikes again.
*However Fred is merely guarding the unintentional sculpture he made from the drinking fountain.*
Fred: *Blocking a kid from taking a drink out of the drinking fountain-turned art* Up up up up! Fine art, it moves people. So keep moving.
*Back at the lab*
Hiro: Anyway, it's great to feel like I'm good at something! I really needed that.
*Just then Cora notices that her boyfriend is grabbing some stuff from the lab.*
Cora: Uhh...Hiro, what are you doing?
Gogo: So you're finally ready to step up and crush that quake proofing demo?
Hiro: Totally ready! I just don't have a plan of any sorts so uh..
Wasabi: Well of course you're not just gonna blow it off.
Hiro: I hadn't considered that but...
Wasabi: No no no! Forget I said anything! Stop looking like you're considering it!
*Hiro takes some of the stuff but is blocked by Honey Lemon, and behind him is a slowly irritating Cora.*
Cora: *Slightly growling* Hiro...you better not be doing what I think you're doing...
Honey Lemon: Hiro wait! You can't just quit!
Gogo: Yeah. Do you really want to be known as a genius quitter?
Hiro: No... but at least a genius quitter is probably the best kind of quitter right?
*Cora stands up from her chair as her eyes begin to slowly burn.*
Cora: *Growling more* Don't you dare...
Wasabi: I get it. You think that if you give up, it doesn't count as failing. but actually it's worse.
Baymax: Tadashi failed 83 times before I functioned properly.
Hiro: Well maybe I'm not as smart as Tadashi!
*Hiro storms his way out of the lab leaving the rest of the gang behind.*
Baymax: Perhaps art therapy would be beneficial.
Cora: I'm joining you Baymax.
*Cora walks over and grabs Baymax by his hand, dragging him towards the door.*
Honey Lemon: Umm...You okay Cora?
*Cora turns her head sharply as her purple eyes entered full on flame mode.*
Cora: *Extremely irritated now* No! I am not doing okay! If he doesn't snap out of it, my 'genius quitter' of a boyfriend will become my 'genius corpse' of a boyfriend instead!
*They both leave to follow Hiro to his lab, leaving the other three behind.*
Wasabi: Is it just me or does she seem more irritable than usual lately?
Gogo: It's not just you. Cora's been pretty moody lately and I think half of it has to do with Hiro.
Honey Lemon: And the other half?
Gogo: Can't say for sure, but hopefully getting Hiro out of his funk will help her out with whatever's going on with her...if she doesn't end up killing him first.
*The three than walk over to see what Baymax's painting is.*
Wasabi: *Slightly disturbed* Guh! Should I be worried here?
*The painting is of Wasabi, Hiro, Cora, Gogo, and Honey Lemon. In skeletal form...in vivid detail.*
Honey Lemon: He's painting what he knows?
*Hiro is currently typing away on his computer when he heard the door slam open causing the boy to yelp and turn. There he sees the face of his angry girlfriend and Baymax on her hand.*
Hiro: *Slightly nervous now* Cora! Is uh...is something..wrong?
Cora: *Firm and irritable* You and I need to talk. NOW!
Hiro: *Still slightly nervous* A-about what exactly?
Cora: Look Hiro, we've been dating for almost a year now. Are you seriously thinking of quitting?! Oh no. This 'quitting' is the cowards' way out, and I know you Hiro. YOU are not a coward!
Hiro: *Starting to get irritable as well* Well maybe I am and you just never knew it!
Cora: Oh please Hiro! What kind of a coward would start a superhero team to track down and take down the madman who killed his brother and then go straight into an unstable inner-dimensional portal just to save said-madman's daughter?!
*Hiro eyes widen in shock at what his girlfriend just said to him and than glares hard at her, but Cora glares back just as hard. Neither say a word as they stare hard at each other that you could actually start to see sparks fly between them. Luckily, Baymax speaks up to try and ease the tension.*
Baymax: It is alright to become discouraged.
Hiro: *Having enough, he breaks eye contact with Cora and turns around in his chair* I don't want to talk abou-
*Suddenly Baymax pulls out one of the test videos of Tadashi Hamada, Hiro's brother. Shocking both Hiro and Cora out of their irritation as they watch the video together.*
Tadashi: Tadashi Hamada test number 58, robotics project.
Baymax: Hello, I am Baymax. Your personal healthcare-.
*In the video it seems like his project was finally working until it bursts into flames, which causes Tadashi to panic and quickly put out the flames with a fire extinguisher.*
Tadashi: No! Why? Why do I put myself through this 58 times!? *sighs* Maybe this will never work... maybe I should give up...you're not still recording are you?-
*The video pauses as Hiro looks at Tadashi's frustrated and defeated face, which Cora notices as she looks at the video of Tadashi with sad eyes. *
Hiro: I never saw him like that...
*Cora takes a deep breath before she turns to Hiro.*
Cora: Hiro, you can do this, I know you can. And if Tadashi were here...he'd tell you the exact same thing. *Puts a comforting hand on Hiro's shoulder and gives him a small, comforting smile* Just...look for a new angle, remember?
*Hiro looks at her and gives a half-hearted smile back to her.*
Hiro: I guess...all I can do is..try...right?
*Cora's smile widens a bit as she nods to him. Just then, Wasabi opens the door.*
Wasabi: Fred just called! The museum decided to put the painting into storage.
Hiro: Wise move.
*Just then Gogo comes in.*
Gogo: That means it's in a truck crossing the city.
Hiro: Not so wise move.
Cora: Downright stupid move if you ask me.
*That night, Globby is swinging across the streets chasing after the truck containing Shimamoto's painting. Globby throws his goop balls at the truck and finally manages to causes to skid the truck to a halt, crashing it strainght into a light pole in the process. The driver runs away at Globby's face.*
Globby: Acid!
*He drips one drop of acid to create a hole in the truck and grabs the painting from its casing.*
Globby: Ha! Got it!
*Globby takes a moment to admire the painting before he notices Baymax with Hiro and Cora.*
Hiro: Don't you ever get tired of losing?
*It is also when Globby notices that he's surrounded.*
Globby: No. No I really think today's my day.
Honey Lemon: Aw! I love your positive attitude! Sorry about this!
*Honey Lemon pulls out a chem ball and throws it at Globby, but he uses his elasticity to bounce back the ball and thus splashing Honey Lemon in yellow goo, which causes her chem purse to malfunction. Gogo chases after him but Globby uses his hands to morph into and grow crystals out of the street.*
Globby: Careful! Pavement's a little rough!
*The crystals causes Gogo to fall flat on her face. Then Fred jumps into action.*
Fred: Time for a meltdown!
*Globby uses his arm to form a shield to fend off Fred's flames, he then turns his other hand to block Fred's mouth.*
Globby: Eh shut your fire hole!
*Wasabi comes to Fred's aid as both his fire and jumping abilities had been disabled.*
Wasabi: I got you buddy!
*Globby brings out his own chem balls that immediately encase Fred and Wasabi together. Baymax flies over Globby.*
Hiro: Come on Baymax! It's up to us!
Baymax: We will protect the art that is valuable. For some reason.
*Baymax launches his rocket fist at Globby, but he uses his hand to twist the rocket and land it to the ground, causing an explosion. The goopy debris lands on Baymax's face.*
Baymax: Oh no.
*This causes him to drop Hiro and Cora, but luckily they land into the larger piles of goop safely. They look up to see that Globby transformed into a rock to protect himself. With the explosion over, Globby returns to normal.*
Globby: *Laughs triumphantly* If at first you don't succeed, learn to turn yourself into chocolate.
*Globby morphs his hands into chocolate to which he gives to Cora and Hiro. But that's when Cora brings out the biggest question on her mind ever since this whole thing started.*
Cora: Wait a second! Why do you want that painting so badly? I know it's very famous but you could have easily stolen the other art pieces at the museum! So why just that one painting? What's so special about it that you'd only go after it?
Globby: Ooh look at the time! Would love to chat but my boss isn't the patient type.
Cora: Wait wha-?
Hiro: Huh?
Globby: Enjoy! Catch ya later! Gotta bounce!
*Globby did bounce away into the street, evading the team with his prize. The two unsticky teens rush to help their friends out of the stickiness Globby left behind.*
Honey Lemon: Oh no...that was awful!
Fred: I know! 'Gotta bounce'? I mean it fits but come on! Dig deeper!
Honey Lemon: We've failed! And worse, we failed Lenore Shimamoto!
Fred: I don't know Honey Lemon that kind of makes us sound like losers.
Wasabi: Well we did lose.
*Wasabi and Gogo are currently stuck on the underside of a nearby street bridge.*
Hiro: Ah come on guys! It's not the end of the world! Look at Globby, he failed again and again. But he figured it out... Eventually. It's okay to get discouraged. But you have to pick yourself up and try again... *Looks at Cora when he's says this next part* And look for a new angle.
*Cora smiles and nods proudly at her boyfriend.*
Wasabi: That's a great speech Hiro. But can you get me down? I'm about to pass out.
*Both Hiro and Cora pull Gogo and Wasabi out of their goopy imprisonment as Cora brings up something they learned.*
Cora: By the way guys, when I asked Globby why he wanted that painting so much, he said it was for his boss or something...
Fred: Wait?! Did you say he was stealing it for his boss? Oh man...this is really getting curiouser and curiouser...
*It is the very next day where Hiro is currently working on his demo model with Cora by his side eating her bento. He turns to her and smiles brightly, to which Cora gives a thumbs up back. *
Gogo: Hey how's it going 'genius whose not a quitter'?
Hiro: Honestly not great... but failure worked for Globby. So why not for me?
Wasabi: That's the spirit!
*Just then, Fred comes in with a large check under his arm.*
Fred: Hey Honey Lemon, my art thinging, 'Caution Water Hazard', just sold for a million dollars!
Gogo: Really? I guess art must be in the eye of the beholder.
Baymax: Fred's art evoked many emotions today. It might be more accurate to say art is in the heart of the beholder.
Honey Lemon: Aw you've really learned a lot about art Baymax. That was very poetic.
Baymax: What is poetry?
*Honey Lemon and Gogo look at each other before Cora finishes her food and speaks up.*
Cora: It's okay guys, poetry lessons are next week.
Honey Lemon: What are you gonna do with the money Fred?
Fred: I'm giving the check to the museum. I don't need it and they could use a new fountain. Plus they just lost a priceless painting.
*Just then, Cora's grandmother is standing by the open door.*
Cora: Oh! Hi Grandmama!
Grandmama: Hello Cora...Would it be alright if I borrow Hiro to talk for a moment?
Cora: *Confused* Sure..go ahead?
*Hiro hesitantly walks away to converse with the old woman, wondering what she wanted with him. They finally got outside into the open air where the cherry blossoms are bathed in warm light.*
Grandmama: Do you remember how I came to check on Cora a while ago..you were with the Dean and some other student or whatever...I said I owe you an explanation.
Hiro: About..Cora?
Grandmama: Yes. I already explained this to the Dean a short while ago before I came to you Hiro, and now it's your turn. Did you notice how she's been feeling sleepy lately? Or how the slightest thing would irritate her? Or how she's not been eating much?
Hiro: *Concern* Actually, yeah I have. Is something wrong with Cora? Does it have anything to do with me?
Grandmama: *Sighs*...I'll tell you the full story one day.. but for now..you must know that Cora was born...a little premature...and different from the other children..and that led to having these..effects in her life...But ever since you came into the picture, it seems to have become fewer and fewer, and it just seems to be getting better with all your friends. However, that doesn't mean she doesn't fall into...*Sighs* I suppose the proper term would be..'relapses' from time to time... But as I mentioned before, meeting you, your...brother... and your friends has been helping her greatly. Even though you and her have your disagreements or tiffs from time to time, that's normal from anyone who's in a relationship. If anything it proves that no matter what is going on either between or just one of you, you two always manage to talk it out and work together to make it better. That is the key to any good and functioning relationship Hiro. So to answer your question about whether or not Cora's recent behavior has anything to do with you, I would say it only had half to do with you. the other half was just something she...had to work out on her own. And apparently helping you out with whatever was going on with you seems to have help a good bit. But all-in-all Hiro Whatever you and your friends are doing to help Cora overall, keep up the good work. Now I think it's about time I let you go about back to your business, you have presentation to go to after all.
*Grandmama walks past Hiro, giving a knowing smirk at him before she goes on her way. Hiro raises an eyebrow in confusion and looks back at the old woman for a moment before he runs back inside to finish his project. Time passes by until finally Hiro is ready to present his project to Grandville. He carries his model, peering inside to see Grandville with her notebook and Karmi, who's pulled out her camera ready to see him fail. But Cora quickly gives him a kiss on the cheek as their usual way of saying good luck to each other, to which he smiles brightly.*
*Hiro puts his model on the table. Cora being on his left holding his hand while Karmi is behind him ready to capture what appears to be his next magnum opus. The model puts out two stabilizers as soon as the quake simulation got a little rougher.*
Karmi: What?
Hiro: My building has sensors to measure the seismic forces, then it sends out the exact sonic pulses needed to counteract them.
*The Richter scale simulation quickly goes down in numbers. Cora smiles brightly at Hiro's success.*
Karmi: So your solution is cheating?
Hiro: No! My design was to the shaking by dealing with the problem at its source.
Grandville: Not only will the structure save itself, but it would also save the other buildings around it. This is an excellent solution.
*Cora is quick to pull out her phone and take a picture of Karmi's 'unbelievable* face. Cora and Hiro are walking out of the room once its over to take a walk around the quad to talk.*
Cora: *Smiling evilly* And scene...and revenge achieved.
Hiro: *Looking over at his girlfriend's phone and sees the picture. He than smiles smugly and puts his arm around Cora's shoulders and kisses her cheek.* That's my girl.
*As they walk outside into the quad, they walk in comfortable but still somewhat awkward silence as they both in their own minds try to figure what they were going to say. Hiro then looks over at Cora in a side glance and decides to start.*
Hiro: Um...Cora? There's...something I wanna-
Cora: *Cuts Hiro off as she stops walking, causing Hiro to stop walking to as she stands face-to-face with him and she fidgets with her hands in front of her and looks down almost ashamed-looking and only taking quick glances up at Hiro as she talks* Hiro wait. Before you say anything...there's something I should say first... About what I s-said...b-back at the l-lab...before Baymax s-showed us that video of Tadashi... I just...w-wanted you to know that...I-I was way out of line w-with what I said to you. I w-was just REALLY irritated and annoyed with how you were acting, along with some...other things I was going through. But that's still no excuse for what I said to you... And I just wanted to let you know that I'm sorry for it.
Hiro: *Surprised at his girlfriend's apology, but quickly got over it as he places his hand on Cora's shoulder.* Cora... *Sighs* It's okay Cora, I've already forgiven you for that. But to be honest with you, there's really nothing to forgive with what you said to me, because...you were right.
Cora: *Surprised at her boyfriend's words as she looks up fully to him.* I...I was?
Hiro: Yeah, you were. I-I do admit that I was just...*Sigh* I just felt humiliated... I mean first my model breaks at the beginning of the stimulation, to which Karmi took a video and posted it online.
*Cora frowns at the memory. She wanted to punch that self-absorbed biotech student for humiliating Hiro like that.*
Hiro: Then when I couldn't think of anything to make up for it, I ended up destroying the other students' projects by accident.
Cora: Technically, it was my project that kinda destroyed the others Hiro.
Hiro: Which wouldn't have happened if I hadn't throw my notebook away so carelessly...not to mention destroying your project in the process too...all of which Karmi took a photo of again...
*The teen couple grumble at the memory. Finally Hiro sighs*
Hiro: I just thought that... If I quit I wouldn't be put through that again... B-but you were right...by quitting, I was just acting like a coward...which, as you clearly pointed out to me back at the lab, I'm not. A coward wouldn't have done all the things you mentioned before, and not to mention that it would have made Karmi's day if I really was one.
Cora: Well I'm glad you didn't and that you understand what I was trying to tell you. But the thing about quitting, is that sometimes it's not always cowards who do it. Grandmama once told me this: There are actually two kinds of quitting. One is the cowards' way out as I mentioned before, where you give up because you couldn't handle it and felt it's not worth it at the cost of your own dignity or life. The other one however, is the one where it could save your's and others' lives if you're smart and do it right, where you realize that what you're doing, what your about to do or even what you think about doing could really get you or others hurt or worse and that you simply have to walk away before that can happen, even if others tell you otherwise. Does that make sense?
Hiro: *Thoughtful look in his face* Yeah, I guess.
*Cora smiles as she rests her head on his shoulder.*
Cora: You are not, nor have you ever been a coward babe. You are and always will be, my brave Hiro.
*But somewhere in the dark and abandoned undergrounds, Globby goes through the desolate building and brings in the painting. He then notices that he got a bit of himself on the priceless painting, to which he tries to clean it up but failed.*
Obake: Well? Did you bring it?
Globby: *Startled* Woah! Oh oh ah! Ah yeah! Here it is!
*Obake grabs the painting from Globby's hands and observes it.*
Obake: *Pleased* You succeeded.
Globby: Sorry about..you know...the globs!
Obake: Hm?
*He notices the pieces of Globby's globs.*
Obake: Fascinating...
*Obake grabs Globby's hand and takes off a piece of the glob using small light blue plasma tweezers.*
Globby: Ow! Rude!
*Obake places the glob into a measuring cup to study at a later date.*
Obake: Hmm.. further study might unlock even more potential..
Globby: Potential huh? I told mom she was wrong about me.
*Obake raises the painting up above his head.*
Obake: Lenore Shimamoto the artist is of no interest to me.
*He smashes the painting, causing pieces of wood to break off as it flies off everywhere.*
Obake: However Lenore Shimamoto the scientist, is of great interest... Like with so many things in life... you have to look below the surface to find real value...
*When Obake broke the painting he pealed off the paper to reveal schematics for what appears to be an ominous looking machine that Shimamoto had crafted 100 of years ago...*
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theitalianscribe · 7 years
Not In the Write Mindframe
Lenore was tired of a life of writing essays. She was also tired in general. So she decided to get some homework help she had heard a demon used to do. It was past 3, she was not capable of being rational at this point.
It had been during one of Alcor's "bad periods." Reports of entire cults, even those who sacrificed animals instead of people, disappearing in a flicker and of a form that appeared as a consuming void of madness to those who survived. But those were stories and Lenor wasn't in her right mind at the moment. She was barely in her writing mind. See, she had three essays to write in the one week and none of their deadlines had popped up until the day they were due. And the website she was supposed to upload those to were an absolute bitch for procrastinators who worked to the second. She hated that the due date was to the second. Essays should be due at midnight, not at 11:59, or due by 11:58 one second before 11:59 and at the time stated at the due date, everything looked like it would work but that submit button was nothing but a cruel decoration.
No, she wasn't in the right mind or the write mind. Essays were her kryptonite and when her lips met the demon's design on her Twin Soul coffee mug, she decided that she had nothing to lose if her grades were already doomed to be below a c.
She had heard stories of Alcor being a homework helper. All he supposedly asked for was ice cream. Lenor had not heard of anyone summoning him on a bad period and that was totally absurd to her. Surely someone would have done what she was about to do. But her google searches had come useless and she didn't care to go further than that. Alcor, for all his power, was harmless to kids like her.
So she printed out the circle, chanted the latin in her sleepy white girl voice, and waited for a response.
There was no fanfare, there was no void. There was just a tall figure that looked like it was trying to assume a human like form but couldn't settle on one. Its height stretched and shrunk. It oozed wings, then those fell into a puddle of inky void. Eventually it coalesced into a cartoony one-eyed star.
"I haven't seen this circle in a while."
"Yeah. Guess you haven't had any tutoring requests for a while, then?"
"Nope." The negative response came gurgled out. Lenor wondered if he was trying to scare her off. She was too tired to ponder that for long.
"So here's the thing. Can I just vent to you for a while before we get to this? I'll take your silence as a yes."
She sat down at her seat.
The void shape mirrored her movement and even took on an outline of her form. But with no other features colored in except for glowing gold eyes. It looked like someone had made a figuring of her but forgot to paint it and splashed on whatever color to make the eyes stand out.
"I'm an english major, right? But I hate writing essays. I want to write my own stuff, not write about what other people write. Sometimes I don't even have time to read this stuff. I just churn out words in the hopes that they fill out the requests, but I don't let myself stop until they are perfect. I don't have a shitty passable mode. So I am like a homework machine that grinds gears to get out paper for words that matter for maybe all of five minutes at most. And I'm sick of it. Just, let me put out essays fast so I can move on. I have this and I honestly feel like school is trying to make me into a robot that can't function without output from others. Isn't that amazing?
"I guess I wish I could just either be that robot or not have to bother with it at all. Is there an option for something like that?"
"Are you asking me?" The void asked.
"I guess. Can't make any decisions without someone else's input, remember?"
"So you want to be like a computer that makes essays quickly?"
"In a sense." She didn't clarify. She wasn't even thinking of deals. She was just venting about school and lost herself.
"I can make that happen."
"My power is limitless. Especially without those self-imposed limits I sometimes have. Your pain will be short lived."
"I am so down for that!" Lenor cheered.
She turned to her fridge and pulled out some tubs of ice cream, a box of ice cream sandwiches, and some gold bars that her dad wouldn't miss if she could buy new ones before he checked the freezer. "So I have a few options for you. Take whatever you want?"
"Are you sure about that."
"Yeah. You know what I mean and I've used up my ability to use my words properly. Go ahead with the deal making."
"Don't mind if I do."
True to his word, it was fast and painless.
The remaining years of her life were delectable. The memory chip dropped to the floor where the girl once stood. She basically wanted a transformation, but she didn't say what to do with it when it was done. Well, she did say to take whatever he wanted. Surely there was a use for it.
"You know what's great about homeschooling, aside from the part where your home literally is your school that teaches through simulating events and taking you on field trips?" McRosa flopped on her bed. Two tiny avatars were on her phone screen. One was listening half-heartedly while messing around with some app that dealt with sand. The other was messing with her brightness settings on the screen while also browsing through the internet for fan fiction to take down through her desktop.
"What?" The female avatar asked.
"I don't have to write essays." McRosa pumped her fists up and let them fall. The rapid change in view had Vira yell in protest and kick at her sand creation while Alvie set her brightness to full for several flashes in retribution. "Ow!"
"Hold your phone still."
"Yeah, some of us aren't everywhere and can actually feel your phone move. More or less."
"Anyway, I could actually help you with essays if you ever needed that." Alvie said as he reset the sand app. He knew Vira had yet to save it, but she underestimated how discombobulating it was to hear their voices from two places and to have several cameras showing him completely different viewpoints all the time.
"Wait, really?"
"Yep. Of course, I wouldn't do it for free."
"I honestly would be mad if you did. The pain of essays shouldn't be avoided and free rides would be a gypp to people who actually worked on them.” After a pause, she asked, “How would it work?”
“I take several different sources, mainly your notes, wikipedia articles, and whatever else depending on the subject, and generate paragraphs. You can tweak things here and there and tell me the point you want to make and I automatically adjust things to make it. The whole thing takes like ten minutes depending on the length. Oh, and the quality depends on the payment. Better the payment, higher the grade.”
“Sounds pretty…” McRosa searched her mental reservoir of outdated words, “nifty. Where did you get it?”
The digital demon paused. “I...actually don’t know.”
“Do you have like a file with the source?”
“Wait. I think it was some...chip. I have a copy of the folder here.”
On McRosa’s desktop screen, a locked Alvie file opened up. The other contents of the file and his code were either blurred or in a language that looked like a bunch of characters of different languages jumbled up. The file she could see claimed that it was originally created over a century ago. The name of the source looked like it might be some knock off lenovo or something. Nothing else explained it, except maybe the user being a poetry fan,
The name said, “Lenore.”
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rustcricket · 4 years
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Our subject of ramble today is one Lenore Edwards. 
So I have some of the background to the world and a bit on Lenore’s family in this post here (that I totally didn’t write just so I could post about Lenore). 
Lenore is a first generation Edwards alongside her twin sister Eleanor, born a few years after their older sister Freya, and a few years before their younger brother Elliot. After Freya, Lenore and Eleanor started to gain a name while still children, their parents really took off with having more kids. Lenore and Eleanor are identical twins, short of Lenore’s habit of dying her hair, Eleanor’s far more colorful personality, and the birthmarks they have at the edge of their mouths, which is mirrored on each twin. In half the pictures I draw of Lenore, I completely forget to draw the birthmark.
Lenore’s specialty is adaptive technology, though often this comes in the form of “a wide variety of ways to kill someone.” Later, it became clear her skills at multitasking, having a tool for every job, and a plan for everyone she met, stemmed from a deep rooted, unhealthy and severe paranoia. She also became well known for one particular feature that is missing from the picture above: her visor. 
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Which I would have more pictures of if it wasn’t a pain in the butt to draw (and yes her eyes are the wrong color). Inside her visor is a screen split between several camera views all provided by small, marble sized spiders she commands, seen in the picture above held by the one on the right:
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In the original roleplay she got called creepy more than a few times, as she had the ability to be all-seeing. She is rarely seen without this visor, which sits like a slab of metal across her eyes. This, plus her often flat method of vocal delivery, has also resulted in people confusing her for a robot. 
In her late teens she worked for the military as a hidden operative whose job was to get in to hard to breach places. From there, she was either to gather information, open a door behind her, or simply make the place stop existing. When one mission however turned out to be a trap laid by Elliot in exchange for some favors from a rather unscrupulous scientist and the shadow organization she worked for, this career came to a swift end.
Lenore’s team went dark, only to resurface over a week later when Lenore made contact with her older sister. A mangled, disjointed message that led Freya to a burning hole in the ground, courtesy of Lenore, deep in a state of psychosis. Something done there had cracked her brain, and Freya resulted to extreme measures to fix it, opting to block her memories of the last month of time to bury whatever had happened deep. 
Freya called in some favors and had Lenore transferred to the eponymous Demond’s, to act as an assistant principal alongside its leadership, Dietrich Tacitus. There, she would hopefully remain secure and stable, unaware of what had happened to her mind, until Freya might, eventually, find a way to fix it permanently. Eventually. Some day. Maybe twenty years from now, dunno.
In the picture above, we actually have three different versions of Lenore. 
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On the far right we have her as she first looked when she appeared at Demond’s, barely 20 years old. The green hair was in part an act of spite against Freya, who more than once impressed upon her that she needed to present herself more ‘professionally’. Her relationship with Freya was tense even without the “so you wiped my memories and left me on a mental teeter-totter for two decades of my life without doing anything about it” part.
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 In the center is her version after a flash-forward later in the story, at about 35 years of age, having decided blue was much more her color. Older, more paranoid, grumpy, and still entirely clueless to the things Freya had wiped from her mind.
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On the left, however, is an entirely different Lenore. This is in fact a part of a larger, unfinished piece that illustrated the fact that Lenore is the character in Demond’s with the most different ‘versions’ of herself, three of which are from alternate dimensions. One apocalyptic, one where a god gifts her a power and she goes a bit nutty with it, and this version, which Lenore herself calls “Altdeux” as she’s the second alternate that Lenore has met. 
Altdeux was separated from her family at birth and grew up separately, instead taking on a mercenary lifestyle. She crossed paths with the same shadow organization that messed up Central Lenore’s head, and decides to wage a personal war against them. During an event sort of referred to as the dimension cascade (cause I haven’t given it a better name yet), Altdeux gets jettisoned into the central dimension by an explosion intent to kill her. 
Seeing that the organization has more power in the central dimension than her own, she wreaks havoc for a bit before being chased down by her own self in one scene that I am still proud of myself for having written. It was fun.
And without further diving into Demond’s story, that’s Lenore Edwards!
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Equine Breeding For Beginners By Ron Petracek
If you are seeking an animal to maintain you firm, you can find the ideal one by considering the pets for fostering at your local animal sanctuary. In the 1720s, for instance, there was a major epidemic of rabies in pet dogs, wolves, as well as other wild animals in Eastern Europe, where vampire legends prospered, according to the Neurology paper. These individuals treat animals like servants. Dingo - Dingo is a wild Australian dog that originated from the earliest breeds of dogs. That really did not hold any kind of water with Trader Joe's or Entire Foods, which declared that they wouldn't offer the fish. Chaining dogs, while sadly lawful in most areas, is just one of the cruelest penalties possible for social pets. And also the antioxidants these victim animals received from their food kept turning up further up the food web. For example, vampires were believed to stray in the evening and strike women, while rabies could make its sufferers sleep deprived and aggressive, inning accordance with a 1998 research study published in Neurology And vampires were believed to become pets or bats, both animals that a lot of typically lug the illness. Wild animals parks as well as forest reserves have actually been produced to enable their pet residents to prosper and also survive while additionally serving to educate the public - traveler and neighborhood communities alike -regarding the wonder each varieties needs to use. Charlotte Lawson released the request, calling the zoo a ghost park" as well as maintained there is a catalogue of troubles, including unclean units, busted fences, chock-full pens as well as visibly neglected as well as depressed animals. When homeowners began feeding them, however, they came to be completely depending on humans for food. Animal massage could profit all pets from friend animals such as felines and dogs to steeds as well as animals or even zoo animals. People that commit the most abhorrent acts of cruelty to pets will certainly confront 5 years behind bars under hard brand-new propositions. This drove the animals wild. Pet Kingdom Individuality cards were produced to assist educators as well as parents start discussions with young people on the brink of making major life decisions, such as where to visit university or what job course to pursue. Numerous jellyfish have hurts that hurt to People and also some can be fatal. It's not unusual for trips to be terminated due to climate, as well as campers are prompted to bring additional food and water in situation the watercraft can't pick them up on time. Pet dogs, as animal buddies, were present in Egypt from the very beginning. That is significantly bigger compared to the largest fish to life today, whale sharks, which only reach 12.6 metres (41ft). Hanging out with animals will obtain your mind off of the trouble and also offer you the energy to do other things. You must brush some pets at one time, while some other animals have so much hair that it is simpler to do a little at once each day. Those that promise $25 or even more will get photos of the "Talking To Animals" project, and at the completion, will be eligible for as much as 20 electronic book copies of "Speaking with Animals" as well as as much as 75 duplicates of the paperback editions of my books "Izzy & Lenore," "Dancing Pets," or "Rose In A Storm. In the event you cherished this information and you want to get details with regards to linked website generously visit our page. " I will certainly likewise be using updates on my searchings for as well as verdicts. Beginning in 1959 with 130 farm-bred however wild foxes and also continuing up until today, scientists permitted only those individuals most tolerant of human contact to reproduce. Grown-up pets' bodies are 60% water, as well as a young puppy's is 84% water. Simon interviews the researchers that study these weird pets and also the amazing adaptations they've generated to make it through in unusual environments or gain an affordable reproductive side. Petco Foundation has purchased lifesaving clinical devices for our veterinarians and our family pets, in addition to sustaining fostering occasions and also lots of other lifesaving initiatives. Elizabeth Fulton is a seasoned animal communicator who assists people as well as their pets achieve instinctive communication. Skin tumours are very common in dogs yet rather uncommon in felines. After the predator little bit right into the wildebeest as well as started to drag the animal underwater, a nearby hippo made its method across the water to step in. Nevertheless, there suffice cons as well as disadvantages of possessing wild pets as animals. As the human environmentalist, Paul Shepard, revealed, what underlies these nostalgias for the here and now and also the creaturely self, is a fond memories for the animals. The person is not only an animal, but a remarkable creature that can understand that he lives, and transform his character, acquiring perfection. Cultured meat does not include intensively farming and butchering animals, nor the linked animal-cruelty as well as environmental expenses, as well as the threats of human contamination with disease, antibiotics, chemicals and - in the oceans - mercury and plastics. However, often we can not avoid these disorders, and we ought to aim to give the family pets ideal treatment like what modern veterinary medicine recommend. 3. The ancient Egyptians believed that the immortality included pets. Animal massage therapy can be used to minimize dullness, lower stress and anxiety and also boost relaxation for pets and also pet cats during durations of arrest.
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