#so we don’t get mad at him we just get mad at sparrow for enabling it
kaseyskat · 10 months
related to my other post about sparrows unhealthy devotion. i cannot stop thinking about how fucked up it is that like. sparrow goes along with larks plans because at least he can be there to tone down the worst of it and he truly believes lark would do it himself if sparrow openly disagreed. and then lark MAKES bad plans because he’s so convinced that he’s irredeemable that it gives him the grace to make bad decisions for the sake of the people around him- he can be the one to take on the burden because he doesn’t have a chance at being a better person. and to lark, sparrow helping him is proof that it’s working. and to sparrow, helping lark is keeping him from losing his humanity altogether even if sparrow doesn’t agree with larks decisions. and together if they would just fucking communicate-
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kittyphoenix12-xx · 2 years
The Slightly Incoherent Review Of UA Season 3
·       The fucking dance-off. Before we saw it, I had joked to my sister that they should do a dance battle, and I was in tears the entire time. It was such a good song choice, and the vibes were immaculate, so it was a shame that the entire thing was a fever dream.
·       Unstoppable Force (Umbrella Academy) meets Immovable Wall (Sparrow Academy). I think this explains how most of the Sparrows were taken out – the Umbrellas had been humbled by 5 disappearing and Ben dying, they knew that they couldn’t stay, whilst the Sparrows hadn’t had this, they were arrogant – like the Illuminati in Multiverse of Madness.
·       also, doesn’t help that the Umbrellas are basically feral by this point.
·       HOTEL OBSIDIAN was such a vibe, honestly. It was such a cool hotel. Although, I did think that the patrons that we kept getting close-ups on would be more important. Especially the guy who played Death in SpN – thought his role would be bigger
·       STANLEY!!!!!!!! He was so cute, and such a good foil for Diego. I know he wasn’t actually his son, but they were so cute together. I wish they had been more upset when he fucking died tho?? Like, they just stood there and then left??? TF??
·       HARLAN! TBH, I hadn’t really been expecting his character, which was stupid of me, but I liked what they had done with him and how they developed him, both as a super-powered person and as an autistic person. I’m not autistic myself, so I cant say much, but he was very interesting especially with how his power was utilised in comparison to Viktor’s.
·       On that note, Viktor’s coming out was handled so well. I know that some people might’ve been annoyed about how brushed over it was, but I’m of the opinion that if we normalise coming out in anyway, it doesn’t have to be a big deal.
·       LUTHER: Luther’s character has come such a long way since season 1. I liked him well enough in season 2, even though he wasn’t my favourite, but this season he was; funny and caring and had major proper himbo energy. He just loved his wife and his siblings so much and I honestly love that vibe for him
·       Luther/Sloane – I know that this relationship isn’t for everyone, but honestly, Luther needed to move on from Allison and this time they’re not actually siblings. Not even adopted technically, the issue with Allsion and Luther was the fact that they had grown up together as siblings, so Luther/Sloane was much healthier. They were cute as well, because Sloane really cared about Luther and the moon, and I know it was annoying in season 1 (even though he was partially correct about it having to do with the moon???) but the fact that he was alone up there for four years and none of his siblings cared?? Like, Sloane did??? And I think them getting married really quickly was in character for both of them, change my mind.
·       DIEGO: Diego wasn’t my favourite in season 2, I felt like they’d ruined his character from season 1 (maybe, it was the hair?? and JFK??) but he was so much better this season. He was a better sibling, father, boyfriend etc and he was trying so hard, the entire time and I really thought that they did his character justice this season
·       Diego/Lila – I knew they’d bring this back for this season, but I had been expecting some drama with Patch for some reason?? I wasn’t the biggest fan in season 2 because I thought that they’d enabled each other, but their relationship was much better this season. I think Lila makes Diego soft in comparison??? I don’t know how to explain it?? But yeah. If there’s a season 4, hope they make good parents, would probably let their kid drink a glass of wine sometimes or something.
·       Allison: Oh, Allison. Look I get it, you lost your child and then your husband, but honestly, it wasn’t surprising that Claire wasn’t there. But her toxic arc was kinda horrifying to witness?? Like I wanted to slap her at some points. Was she valid in the way she was feeling? Mostly. Did that give her the right to do most of the things she did? No. she sexually assaulted Luther (unacceptable, no matter what) and murdered Harlan (the only thing about this was the fact that I think Harlan let her do it willingly). But Harlan was practically Viktor’s child, he’d been living with him, helping Sissy raise him and it had only been a few days for him, so it was understandable why Viktor was unwilling to murder Harlan, so that sat uncomfortably with me. The fact that Allison didn’t think she’d done anything wrong was even more terrifying??? Like, Harlan’s death hadn’t really united the families, the wedding did, and she was awful to Viktor. TELLING YOUR BROTHER THAT YOU SHOULD’VE LEFT HIM IN THE BASEMENT IS TERRIBLE. It was a good thing that Viktor was emotionally stable this season, honestly.
·       Also, how does the Claire/Ray thing work? Did Alison still sleep with Patrick in this timeline? How is Ray alive? Is it because it was her ‘wish’ and the timeline just rewrote itself around them?
·       KLAUS: Babe, I miss season 1 Klaus, he was such a vibe. But he’s matured somehow, and I like him all the same (although season 2 was iffy, no matter how funny the cult was). I’m glad that they put Klaus and 5 together, because their dynamic is hilarious. And I love the power exploration this season, but I wish they did more with ghosts because that was kind of confusing??? I know they did it so that he could summon Luther, but I felt like their was a better way to utilise that??? Also, does his power work with alcohol now? Or was it just drugs that stopped them??
·       Klaus and Reginald: This was a rollercoaster that broke me in the end. I’m not a fan of characters forgiving abusive parental figures without a really good reason, but it was in character for Klaus (and the rest of the Umbrellas), so I understood. But the fact that Reginald killed him over and over and Klaus accepted it made me sad, even if it was necessary but the ULTIMATE BETRAYAL was the act at the end when he left Klaus to the apocalypse. That made me so upset and I wish Reggie died and I hope Klaus fucking wrecks him next season
·       FIVE: love this little guy. Very feral, although he did lose a few braincells, as in it took him way too long to realise something was wrong but I think we can cut him some slack, he just survived three apocalypses in a month. He deserves a break. He was the least changed character, so I don’t actually have much to say
·       BEN: Benny, Bennerino, oh boy. I love this dickhead so much. He’s basically Diego if Diego didn’t have Grace. Inferiority complex a mile wide, coupled with the fact that some douchebags from another timeline bonded with his father more than he did and kept comparing his to a different Ben, I get why he was mad. I did want him to take a chill-pill tho, lmao
·       VIKTOR: Viktor was so self-assured this season, I love it. He had some of the best character development and it really showed. Did he technically start three apocalypses? Yes. Do we blame him for it? No. Emotional trauma for the win, baby.
·       The Sparrows: Cool concept, subpar execution. I didn’t even no what Marcus’s power was, was it super-strength????? They were so hyped up that they definitely fell flat and only served as plot devices (even Sloane) other than Ben and it makes me sad, because they were so cool. They were what Reginald both wanted and feared. Powerful children? Check. Don’t respect or fear him anymore? Double check. That was a power move though, honestly.
·       THE PLOT: Uh, better than season 2 in my opinion. Dallas was boring for me, but this was an interesting apocalypse – because I’m 98% sure that it could’ve been solved with communication from all parties, but it wouldn’t be the Umbrella Academy otherwise. Oblivion definitely confused me, and I think it came in too fast once we got there??? You get me??? Like they fixed it pretty quickly once it happened and I thought that part was the least interesting plot point. IDK
·       Also Pogo as a tattoo artist was hilarious.
Sorry that this was long, what do you think about any of these opinions??
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I don't hate Dumbledore but I have a question; although I do think Cersei is evil and I hate her very much, how is she worse than Ramsey? I can agree she can be considered worse than Joffrey because of his age, even though he's completely mad and sadistic, but at least Cersei doesn't rape or skin people alive. She is ruthless and vengeful and admittedly devoid of a functioning moral sense but she is not *that* cruel. Not as much as Ramsey or Joffrey, and I do think the former is the evilest.
A good question, and I know that this is a strange opinion to have. But while Ramsay and Joffrey have personalities and resumes that are more traditionally “evil” they don’t invoke the same feelings from me, for basically that reason. 
Joffrey feels like a case of arrested development. His tendencies toward cruelty were nurtured and he was never told “no” by anyone other than Tyrion. He was enabled at every turn. By Cersei. Joffrey would never have been able to do the damage that he did without her arranging his coronation, when she should have known damn well that he wasn’t ready. I can’t stand Joffrey at all, but I honestly get the sense that he doesn’t know any better than what he’s doing. He’s never had to learn. It doesn’t excuse his actions, but I feel like I would send him to a psychiatric hospital rather than a prison. The kid needs serious help. 
Ramsay is the same way. His evil is so utterly inhuman, that I find it difficult to relate to him in any way. Sure, he’s a monster, but it’s also extremely clear to me that he is mentally unwell. He grew up in a family that loves flaying people so much that they made it their sigil. And even among them, he was the lowest - a bastard. Again, I do not pity him at all, but it feels like Ramsay’s lived in his own little world for his entire life. He knows nothing but his sick, twisted games, and they’re the only joy he has. He doesn’t know how to not be abusive. He needs help, but also a straight jacket. 
Cersei...is different. This is going to sound weird, but because she’s slightly more sympathetic, I hate her all the more. We're far less likely to meet a Ramsay or a Joffrey in real life, than we are someone like Cersei. She is just human enough and just empathetic enough that it isn’t a case of her not knowing any better. She knows...she just doesn’t care. I understand why she does what she does, all the petty, vindictive selfishness that is fueling her choices. Cersei may not flay people by preference, but she’s not above torture. It’s heavily implied that she did have the Mountain rape that Sparrow woman. She made sure that Margery and Loras were in the Sept when she blew it up, even though they were innocent - because of her jealousy and desire to control Tommen. Then she had the nerve to blame Tyrion for his death - in general, what she put Tyrion through was horrendous...and like every other instance in Cersei’s life, she refused to take any blame or responsibility. She ordered Lady be executed out of spite. Then she had the nerve to act like she was a mentor or mother figure to Sansa while the latter was the Lannisters’ prisoner in King’s Landing. Trying to “prepare” her for the marriage that she was literally forced into, with the monster that Cersei raised. 
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