#so yea sorry for disappearing </333
0509-brainrot · 1 year
Assorted 0509 doodles from my computer, because I can't draw them right now and it's Killing me---
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yeluki · 2 years
tw:: mentions of depression, anxiety, not having enough money, being poor, poverty, heart attacks, aneurysms, severe health issues, hospitals, pills, car crashes, de4th, mentions of being arrested, charges, being paralyzed, drunk driving, robbing, blood, and drugs.
hey everyone. so, i know i disappeared for like, what- 2 months or so? i haven't been posting, been active, or really been doing anything. i know, and i'm sorry. i have tons of ideas for headcanons and scenarios that will be released in due time, but i'm in no rush.
in return for my abrupt absence and lack of any sort of communication, please allow me to explain my main reasons.
lets begin with the subject of my mother. my mother is an extraordinarily important figure in my life; she is by far the most important woman to me. she is everything to me. however, there is a great chance that i could loose her. forever. if you know what coronary arteries are, then it'll be easier for you to understand this. basically, your coronary arteries are the arterial blood vessels of coronary circulation, which transport oxygenated blood to the heart muscle. (i just took the definition from google.) typical, healthy coronary arteries are smooth and slick, however, my mother's are scraggly and bumpy. they're also filled with blood clots. some of the bumps on her arteries are beginning to grow, and if even the tiniest one pops, boom- de4d. my mother has also had a heart attack before (to make matters worse, she was pregnant with my little sister when she had it). she said after she experienced it that she had felt the same pain three times before, years before- and her doctors think that she's actually had multiple. one more HA, and boom- gone. my mother is also on blood thinner- but if something happens and a family member isn't with her, the paramedics won't know. why is this super important? because even if my mother isn't bleeding on the outside, she could still be bleeding on the inside. pretty scary. the issue with this is that, my father works. my sister and i both go to school. i can't be with her all the time. so what if she gets into an accident and i'm not there with her? who's gonna be there to tell the paramedics about her meds? yea- that's only one issue of mine.
next up, money money money. basically, my family is poor. yay. there was also a car crash in my town where a high school girl was killed, another one is now paralyzed from the neck down, and the guy driving is being charged with manslaughter, drunk driving, and like two other things. whatever. there was a guy who robbed a store next to my house looking for drugs, and my baby sister is growing up and drifting away from me. </3
im also going on anti-depressants and anti-anxiety meds, which is great for a chick who has a fear of swallowing pills. yahoo.
i've got friend drama, boy drama, sexuality and gender drama, isecurity, and so much more. ugh i hate my life
anyways,, but my life's great so how are y'all? <333
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mo2k · 3 years
hello bambam~ sorry for disappearing, the past few weeks have been a bit rough but I'm making a comeback again >:0
to start, I would like to share my brainrot with you so please imagine with me. kageyama tobio letting you style his hair with all kinds of clips and bows. he ends up looking fabulous.
ssecondly, help I need some characters to write for- I've already done bokuto and I'm planning on doing suga too, you got some characters you'd like to see? 👀
other than that, I'll be vibing for now <3 happy to chat lovely!
hello dear reese! and no, please don’t apologise, i should be the one who must apologise for suddenly disappear outta nowhere. true, things got busy for everyone ig - > - yea me too, perhaps we can make a comeback together! 💖
ASSDFGJLUTUP — oh reese that’s TOO ADORABLE AAAAAAAA — istg i could cuddle him for the whole day ‘n night if i could. he’s too cute, i just can’t — thank you so so much for sharing this with me bby, ur the best ily <333
ofc! i’m more than happy to help ya luv! whaa bokuto-san and suga-sannn, hm may i ask what’s the plot / what’s it about? i feel like it’ll be easier if i get the picture clearer <3
happy vibing then darling ♡︎ and likewise honey, always <33
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wannawrite · 6 years
혼자야 - forever rain 🌫
blog navigator !!
day6 masterlist~
group: day6
members: park jaehyung, kang younghyun
genre: platonic, brotherly "fluff" :">>
a/n: jaehyungparkian but written with no intention of making it gay HAHAHAHA i really love their relationship +++ I WAS IN SUCH A BIG WRITING RUT so this was birthed ¡¡¡ originally a reject of my youngk series (when you love someone) LOL
imagine that brian doesnt know jae well yet and vice versa yEA HAHAHA this takes place before congratulations era~
Just as the clouds shrouding the city in mist had so subtly predicted, it had began to rain, and it had began to rain mercilessly.
The raindrops fell from the clouds, plummeting towards Younghyun's bangs at a lightning pace as if the seemingly harmless, rolls of white and grey had finally reached its breaking point and decided to offload their anger on the public.
Gradually, with each droplet gathering into one big puddle, and escalating into a waterfall, he could see the drops draping precariously on the rough tips of his brush shaped bangs, as if he was wearing beads on the tips of his hair.
Younghyun sighed as a song he held dearly to his heart, the song that spoke for their hustling generation, Forever Rain started to play, perfectly in sync with the now, unlike him. He had sighed a lot of times today, but that was most probably, his expression to life most of the time.
His songs, too, were sighs of his own. Younghyun's self written songs were never a voice of his own-they were simply a insignificant puff of hot steam, emanating tiredly into the air like a ball of wispy feathers only to disappear into thin air two seconds.
This song on his phone too, was a sigh.
A beautiful sigh.
Just like you
If I could
Just knock on somewhere
If I could kiss
The whole world so hard
Would someone welcome me
Maybe embrace my weary body
His pretty, gradually angled eyes looked up to the sky with the gaze of a baby lamb-innocent and demure. The world seemed to stop for him as he saw the beautiful teardrops of the sky pour down, knocking furiously onto his shoulder and asking for an invitation to come in.
The clouds were of white, grey, and dark grey hues, all layered vaguely together in a gently fierce gradient as their feelings oozed out onto the lamp posts, from the tips of Younghyun's raven locks to the edges of his tailor made black shoes, skimming to the depths of the drain.
The sky when it cried was so beautiful, and so unjudgemental to whoever it poured out its feelings to.
However, beneath the curtain of his clustered, jet black hair hid Younghyun's gentle sigh-in the knowledge that he'd never be able to do the same with his group members.
Still, for the first time since he had come to the thriving, fast paced city of Seoul, Younghyun felt raw, enveloping love drip through every vein in his blood as he stood upright amidst the care of the rain, and listened silently.
"Younghyun! What the heck, why are you standing like that there? You're a soaking mess, get over here!"
Revelling in the quiet of the rain caressing his ears gently and quickly, Younghyun hadn't noticed anything amidst his little zone of peace until his ears opened before his eyes did. Standing across the road was a tall figure with a striking, red umbrella domed over his even more striking blonde bangs.
"Wait, I'm sorry, I just-" Younghyun struggled to gather his words, scrambled across the road like the rain puddles as he broke from his standing position, with rising fear of disappointing his friend in his chest.
"You don't have to apologise. I know you've always liked the rain, you told me that." Jae laughed in his low, boyish voice before placing a hand on Younghyun, who had finally came back to reality and started to approach his friend. Knowing very well that it wasn't the reason for him standing there, the younger boy couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt surface to his forehead as he nodded slowly.
As both of them walked to the venue with a sudden, yet somehow not so awkward silence hanging around them, Younghyun knew, with an uneasy feeling in his heart-that someone that took to socialising like a duck to water, would never understand the pleasure of having something as insignificant as the rain to accompany them.
"Have you ever felt lonely before?"
The squeaky sound of Jae's rubber soles ceased with his question, and they stopped walking, in sync with the previous calmness that had soothed Younghyun.
Filling the awkward silence was the pattering of raindrops, crashing louder on the field of ridges in the pavement but a little softer on their umbrella.
Suddenly, the rain didn't seem so comforting after all.
"Lots of times." Jae suddenly spoke to break the silence, with an unreadable, blank expression on his face. Not being able to see a smile spread across his dashing, clear cut features felt very foreign to the younger boy, and seeing Jae feeling lonely, felt just as foreign to him.
Surprise was evident on Younghyun's face as he susceptibly raised an eyebrow.
"You're joking." he said disbelievingly.
Jae shook his head quietly. "No, I'm not."
He looked to the floor with an unusual maturity emanating from his gaze, and paused for a bit before speaking again.
"Just because I have a lot of friends doesn't mean I don't feel alone."
Instinctively and unconsciously, Younghyun's lips parted ever so slightly, gaze transfixed sharply onto the sad sliver of light skating across the curves in Jae's small, miniscule pupils.
He never really saw Jae this sad over something as small as being alone. Over being away from home, sure-over occasional fights with members, sure-but never, the hollowness of not having someone by your side.
Then, an uncheerful-maybe even condescending, maybe even bitter laugh slipped through the gaps of Jae's loosely clenched teeth.
"Ah, Younghyun, I really, really can relate to All Alone more than you think I can." he said, tone a lot more gentle than before before continuing, "It's funny, isn't it? When you have so many people surrounding you but it makes you more lonely than you were before."
Slowly recalling the sting of past incidents, Younghyun found himself nodding as he replied, "Yeah. It really just feels like...just feels like..."
"No one really cares."
The same words had come out from the mouth of two seemingly different people.
Then, with a brief exchange of glances, Younghyun started to giggle with an understanding, almost happy feeling in the crease of his eyes, and in turn, causing Jae to giggle back.
They both stood stupidly in the crowd, in the prominent presence of the storm clashing behind them-laughing, laughing and laughing, before reality hit their smiles like a brick and put a halt on their silly fit.
"H-Hey, Younghyun-or should I say, Brian-" Jae teased, with the corner of his smirk digging a small dimple at the side of his lips and earning a slap from Younghyun- "whenever you feel lonely, talk to me, yeah? We can be lonely together."
Casually, he hung a lazy arm around Younghyun's shoulder, eliciting an endearing, hearty laugh from the younger boy.
In turn, Jae's smirk softened to a smile.
"I'm totally cringing at myself for saying this, but-I'm always there for you."
Feeling the warmth amidst the cold weather beneath the laces and crosses of Jae's soft, red jumper, Younghyun's heart blossomed a small spark of warmth himself-a warmth he had never felt upon arriving in Seoul.
"I'm always there for you too, chicken-hyung." he smirked, masking his gratitude well and subsequently, arousing a strong reaction from Jae. "Hey, excuse you, since when were you-hahahahaha-allowed to-HAHAHAHAHA-tickle me?!"
In the rain, as two children played, beneath his squeals of laughter Younghyun thought inwardly-that if this was really the after effects of the rain, he wanted it to rain forever.
forgive me for how absurdly cliché this story is, this is just a warm up LOL i was having writers block after church camp but ughhh i learnt sm and grew sm spiritually <333 my life has honestly changed forever and isjdjsjsjdjs im so SOOOOO thankful rnnn hhh
anywaY like this was originally supposed to follow up w my current youngk series but i didnt really write it w my emotions so i was largely unsatisfied ://// so it was an unfinished reject sitting in my notes for a while and i really never intended to publish it HAHAHAHA until i realised i hadnt wrote in ages and then liKe i felt so so empty nd i felt like i had forgot how to immerse myself properly whenever i tried to start a chapter so all of them came out really fake and it was like a 8 year old composition quality work LOL but anyway even tho im not that happy w this either i needed smth to write (without having to think up an opening LOL IM WORST AT STARTING A STORY) to help me grasp my emotions better again <33 so i started today at "H-Hyung" HAHAHAHHAAHA obvi it has to be about my 2 day6 biases uwuwuwuwuwu
IF YALL CLDNT TELL BTW THe sCOPE OF THIS STORY WAS LARGELY INSPIRED BY MY MANS KIM NAMJOON UWUWUWU stream mono guys he deserves it :3333 alt this mixtape has been getting a lot of hypE BUT hehehe idk ilh and forever rain especially :)
also i apologise if yall are getting sick of seeing so much day6 on this blog lol as u can see i have been SO SO hooked onto their music and knowing more about them so ;------; i will write whilst i have the most inspiration to do so !!
thanks for sticking by my shitty posting times rip :"""" this is also to revive the blog because l and i r on vacay watch it slowly die for the next few days iM SORRY :(
from your favourite chicken and briyani enthusiast ^3^
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6taroluvr · 3 years
Are requests open? Because I find this idea in my head funny and it's just a small thing but bsd Dazai's reaction to his S/O and the situation
And they just disappear from the situation to be found later chilling at home or something. I just feel it's funny to me.
Hey there darling, Yes requests are open and they'll be staying open for about two weeks then I might re-open them, But yes I love this request its just super funny to me so this was veryy fun to write! I also wanted to say thank you guys for 50 followers I literally started tumblr for fun and I didn’t really think I’d get this far so thank you guys so much <333 I kind of got a bit lazy so im sorry if this isnt that good!    Warnings: Mentions of suicide. 
The guy was mad. Mad that he had lost. In his fit of anger he took out a gun and pointed it at  you yelling the words, “I’m going to kill you!” you were annoyed as well. It wasn’t your fault that he lost now was it nor was it your fault that he had shit fighting skills. Annoyed you yelled back, “Not if I kill myself first asshole!”. In your state of annoyance you had completely forgot Dazai was still in the same room as you and had heard the whole thing. He just burst out laughing he found it funny how you were so irritated over the guy and how you said you were gonna kill yourself. “Really y/n? you’re gonna kill yourself without me?” you weren’t shocked but you were more slightly surprised that you forgot he was even there. “Yea Osamu, I am. Do you have a problem with it?” you said. “Fufufu~ y/n is being selfish!!” He replied. “Osamu, can we just go home..” you say while sighing. “Mm, maybe after you let me die with you.” 
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