#i am Passionate about this and anyone who agrees is an honorary sibling to me
0509-brainrot · 1 year
Assorted 0509 doodles from my computer, because I can't draw them right now and it's Killing me---
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malyceaduncastellan · 4 years
Hello! Prepare yourself people, this one is... pretty long. I got a bit carried away so here’s another Talbott piece for you. 
Also, writing in second person with a neutral MC is HARD. I don’t know if you people prefer it that way, because I kept trying to write with my MC in it, a Slytherin girl, and boy would it have been easier. But what’s done is done. Just don’t forget to tell me what you think about this !
Forgive the eventual mistakes as English isn’t my native language. I hope you’ll enjoy it though!
Today was… Quiet, to say the least.
While you sat in the great hall, you couldn’t help but notice just how weird that was. You were the only one in your friend group eating at the moment (and knowing how many friends you had, that was, once again, weird) and all the others students chatter felt like a distant whisper. You almost felt a bit sad. It felt way too much like… home, today.
You did not like that. Or at least you weren’t used to it here. You let out a sigh and decided to play with whatever was left of food on your plate with your fork.
-Nobody taught you not to play with your food?
You almost jumped at hearing the rich and deep voice. When you turned around to meet the amused glare of Talbott Winger, you furrowed your brows. He even had the nerve to make fun of you.
-Talbott, you git!  You almost scared me to death, you protested.
-Yes, I am sure I’m way scarier than a Cursed Vault. Terrifying, even. You’re shivering at nights thinking of me.
-If you think I’m even fearing a Vault you’re severely mistaken. Now, I suppose our resident bird boy didn’t make me jump out of my robes for nothing.
-You’re the only person I wouldn’t mind eating with today. That is, if you’re still eating.
You looked at your plate, that looked more like an uneatable mess of stuff you wouldn’t feed a dog. Talbott was watching you silently, his gaze trained on you with a dubious look, and suddenly you felt like eating what you were playing with earlier was not such a bad idea.
-Sure. I was bored eating on my own anyway.
The ghost of a smile graced Talbott’s face and he sat beside you. Silence fell between the two of you while you managed to eat your mess of a lunch. 
Your plate was soon empty though, and you were left staring at the wall, trying not to put too much attention on Talbott eating. You didn’t want to make him uncomfortable.
-You’re not eating any pudding?
-Never been one for to much sweets… you whispered.
Oh bloody hell, this was awkward. You weren’t really nervous with Talbott around. He made you relaxed somehow. What was awkward was how every single time you were within a meter of his presence, you started to think a bit too much. Like, how intense his gaze was, how his jawline was manly even though he was barely sixteen, how tall he was, how big but slim his hands were… And his voice. His voice, that noise so rich, so deep that sounded like melted chocolate, and it somehow came from his throat even when he tried to groan.
Boy, were you into deep.
But it was much better to think about how hot you found Talbott than this dreadful feeling following you today.
-You’re awfully quiet, you know, he ended up saying. It shows that you’re usually the one maintaining conversation, we’re being awfully silent today.
Bugger, now he had noticed you were day dreaming.
-Sorry, I suppose the ambiance is getting to me. With Quidditch, the Cursed Vaults, my brother and… the many other things I do in a year, I never really stop to... think.
-I never noticed. So Hogwarts Curse Breaker, prefect, and top-notch student doesn’t stop to think.
-You really like to make fun of me, don’t you?
-I love the way you react when I do.
-You’re such a tease, Winger.
He smiled at you and you felt you were done for. That smug awful little smile. You hated it. It looked way too endearing for your own good, so you turned your head and pretended to focus on your plate.
-What classes do you have this afternoon? Talbott ended up asking.
-I’m free since I passed last flying exam.
-Good. I’m free too.
-Why do I have the feeling you’re about to drag me somewhere in the woods to talk to me about ornithology in what seems like a three-hour class?
-Who do you think I am, you? I was just thinking we could go to the Owlery together. You look like you need to get away from all… this.
He gestured at the Great Hall and at what now looked like a huge sea of people. He knew you way too much compared to some of your other friends. You didn’t even hint to the fact you weren’t feeling well at all, yet he knew you didn’t.
-You’re way too good at knowing what I’m thinking of. It’s depressing.
-Not really. I just figured even you needed an escape sometimes. It’s not like you to be so distracted. And let’s be honest, I like it better when you’re cheery.
He was right, again. It was not like you. But now, Hogwarts seemed so liveless, so useless to you. You did not want to do anything or see anyone. It felt… empty. So you had to fill up your mind, and it turned out it only filled with thoughts of him when he was around. And there was no way you would tell him that.
-It’s even worse than I thought, said Talbott after a moment. You worry me right now.
-Wouldn’t have taken you for the type to be worried about me. It’s cute.
-Don’t pretend you’re okay by joking. Besides, how do you even expect me not to worry about you? We tell you “Don’t go there, don’t do it, it’s dangerous”, and then you’ll get all smiley and stubborn and say “Sweet, danger! Let’s go there, what a ride!”
-Oh, shut it.
Okay, Talbott could be quite vexing sometimes. Your mouth started to form a pout and you stayed silent while he ate. You could feel he sent some looks your way, but you were too busy pretending he didn't exist to care. 
Five minutes into it, you couldn’t stand it anymore. You were still upset, but as you could only think of him right now, either you were going to hit him, or hug him. And somehow, you felt he wouldn’t be pleased by either options. 
-I need to go.
You got up and finally looked at his bewildered face.
-I thought you didn't have any classes? he asked.
-Huh… yeah. But I… have something to tell Bill. And Charlie. A… Prefect thing.
-Oh. I.. see?
Talbott always seemed tense whenever one of the Weasley boys were involved. You supposed they made him feel insecure with how passionate and driven they could be. Anyway, you could see him tense the moment you mentioned Bill, but per usual he didn't say a word of what was going on in that pretty head of his.
-... Join me in the Owlery after you're done?
You raised an eyebrow at Talbott's question, but decided to not think about it to much. This certainly was bad for your brain.
-Sure. Look forward to it. 
You ended up smiling at him without forcing it despite how nauseous you felt. That felt like a win. You rushed to the corridors and ran straight into the Weasley boys, Percy included. 
-I'm sorry Percy, but I need to grab those two, prefect thing. You muttered without leaving room to protestation.
Bill seemed a bit startled when you grabbed his arm and dragged him through the corridor, but didn't say anything, and per usual, Charlie didn't find useful to ask you any question.
You supposed they knew better.
When the three of you reached the prefect bathroom, Bill finally spoke.
-You need a massive Weasley hug, right ?
And then the dam broke.
-It feels too much like home here. It’s so empty and lifeless, and I can’t feel anything but dread if that makes sense, and then Talbott comes in and has the nerve to speak, and then I was thinking “either I hug him or hit him” but honestly, if I stayed inside this hall I would probably have puked on him.
You took a breath, then looked at the Weasley brothers.
-I need a ton of Weasley hugs, if I’m still entitled to them.
-Oh, come on. You’re an honorary Weasley. You’re getting a hug.
Charlie reacted faster than his brother, wrapping his arms around your shuddering form. Bill followed suit, engulfing both of you with a smothering hug that was definitely all you needed right now.
-Hey, do you know there’s a species of small plush-like dragons in North-America that are reported to comfort children by eating their bad dreams?
You laughed. Of course he would speak about dragons. Charlie always spoke about dragons.
-Of course I don't, Charlie. Only you would know that.
-Brother, less talking. More hugging, ordered Bill.
Lost in this mass of ginger hair, you felt a little more at ease. When they let you go, you giggled.
-Oh boy, I don’t know what I’d do without the both of you… I don’t really know what happened to me. It felt like I was overwhelmed with… nothingness, if that makes sense?
-... You said it felt like home to you. And if I’m by any means right, home really doesn’t feel good.
-Home feels… More and more empty, is all. I don’t really want to talk about it. I just… I really needed emotional support, I’m sorry I grabbed you both like that.
-Hey, listen. Anytime you need, we’re there. You’re our new sibling, that’s how it is now, said Bill. 
-Wholeheartedly agrees with that brother of mine. 
-Now, have we cheered you up enough so we both can go and eat? Not that I don’t like hugs, but they don’t fill up a man’s stomach.
-Yes, yes you did. Thanks a lot.
They moved to get out of the prefect bathroom and made their way to the Great Hall.
-So, what exactly are you going to do this afternoon? I have to pass the flying exam, but you did so last week, Charlie asked.
-No real plans whatsoever. Talbott said something to me about going to the Owlery, but I don’t really know if I’m up to it. 
-That boy is smitten with you if I’ve ever seen it, pointed Bill. He’d never ask anyone else to go to the Owlery with him.
-Merlin’s beard, no. He’s just more sensitive than you think.
-Cut the crap, I know you like him too.
Busted. You bit your lip, but your cheeks flushed red nonetheless. If anyone saw you right now, they might think someone transfigured you as a strawberry and failed miserably to turn you back to a human being.
-I think you should go there. You shouldn’t spend today alone, and it’s unlikely Talbott would force you to talk if you don’t want to.
You stopped walking in the middle of the corridor.
-I’ll be going there, then. Thanks again for… everything. 
Bill winked at you and you watched as the Weasley brothers disappeared when they turned. The uneasy feeling began to spread again in your chest and you did your best to suppress it.
-Come on… You muttered between your teeth.
You faced worse things than that, you should be able to get on with your day.
The thought of Talbott, waiting for you at the Owlery and being disappointed that you didn’t join him became more and more dreadful in your mind. And while, somehow, you felt awkward going there, you thought it was even worse to be a bad friend to him. 
Bill’s words echoed in your mind. You didn’t find it really… logical. Talbott liking you, really? He liked quiet, calm, composed people. Or you thought he did. And while you could be all that, you were pretty much the dangerous type. He couldn’t possibly like that.
And yet, you liked the idea, but you pushed it in the back of your mind. You had to focus on being a good friend. He deserved to have a good friend, not a friend that was gushing over him like a first year marveling at his transfiguration’s skills.
Though, when you noticed him in the Owlery, you found it overly difficult. You had become friends something around two years ago, and boy had he changed. His face that perpetually seemed frozen in a frown surely smiled more now, but that was not the only thing. He had a lot of growth spurts, and he was tall, and lean. While you had been around the same height before and you were taller than most of the students in your year, Talbott towered above all of you. As if he even needed you to find him more handsome now, it kinda looked like he was constantly telling you “watch me, i’m getting better every day!”. And if he knew what you were thinking about, he would probably tease you about it.
-A little birdie told me that infamous animagus Talbott Winger was around here. I wonder who that is?
Talbott turned and smiled at you. There was an owl he seemed to care for in his hand, and it spreaded its wings a bit more at your sight too. 
The two of you had become a known pair with the birds here, and some of them seemed to recognize you. This one looked pleased to see you, and you walked over to Talbott to greet the bird.
-Ain’t that…  Ain’t that Merula’s owl? you said. What happened to her?
-I don’t really know. But she seemed a bit stunned when she flew back here, I figured she needed a bit of attention.
The owl made a little chirping sound at your hand on her head, and you smiled. Birds were awesome. 
-Are you okay ? With… that “prefect thing” with Bill and Charlie?
-Yeah, sure. I mean… Why wouldn’t I be okay?
A nervous laugh escaped your throat.
-You look like you need a bit of attention.
-Oh boy…
-Listen, I’m not one to force you to anything, but you were there for me when I was feeling down. You even forced me to be your friend. Let me feel I didn’t let you in for nothing.
-You didn’t, I swear… But I can’t very well explain it. And it’s not against you that I can’t seem to think properly about that when you’re around. I just get… Overwhelmed.
Silence followed suit. Talbott seemed to study you, and his glare was almost unbearable to you. Whether it was because you were scared or because you wanted to get lost in his eyes, you didn’t know, but this uneasy feeling wasn’t really something you appreciated.
-I really can not seem to win against you, huh? Talbott muttered. 
He let go of the owl, then sat down on the floor, his gaze still trained on you.
-Come on.
You followed him a bit reluctantly, not even trying to put a distance between the two of you, because he would notice. He was too smart not to notice. It was not because you wanted to be close to him. Not at all. You tried to concentrate on your conversation.
-I don’t know what you’re talking about when you say “winning”... Are we fighting? Are we fighting and I was too busy self-wallowing to notice? I’m sure I was a terrible friend, I’m so sorry. 
-You talk too much.
An arm wrapped around you and you jumped.
-The Weasley always do that when you’re down. I’m not really good at this but… If you need it, I’m here. I’ll always be. I’m sorry if I’m overstepping.
-Oh no, this…  it’s fine. Really. Thank you. I guess… I guess I was afraid of annoying you. You got too much on your mind already.
-Then I was the terrible friend. But on a more serious note… I like you way to much for you to ever annoy me.
You giggled.
-Are you mocking me? Talbott asked, groaning.
But you didn’t stop giggling.
-It’s just I fought so hard to get you to say we’re friends, I can’t imagine what it must have taken for you to tell me you like me.
-It didn’t take anything. I like you. Pretty much the easiest feeling about you I had to understand.
-So you got “feelings” about me.
-Including the fact that I like you, I got a lot of feelings for you.
And then, finally, it dawned on you.
-Wait, when you said you “like” me. You mean… “like” me “like” me?
-Whatever you say doesn’t make any sense.
You raised your head and finally got to get a glance at him. He looked a bit confused, and his gaze couldn’t seem to hold yours, but the sunlight fell on him and he had never looked more handsome than now, basked in golden rays that just made his eyes stand out.
-Talbott, you won’t make me believe you didn’t understand what I just meant, you’re not stupid.
-I’m not, but what you said could easily be interpreted in… other ways.
The way he avoided your gaze made it impossible for you not to smile. He was cute. He looked cute.
-I need to rephrase it then, to avoid ambiguity?
-Only if you want to… mumbled Talbott.
-Oh lord, you’re way too cute.
The words had escaped you but you didn’t feel bad about it. Not when Talbott’s eyebrows raised in surprise while still avoiding to look at you.
-Okay. Talbott Winger, are you saying you like me as in you want to be my boyfriend?
-This might be correct.
-Oh, so it is that way, huh?
Silence followed and Talbott turned to finally look at you. You couldn’t stop grinning like a fool. That day had started horribly, but right now was probably the highlight of the whole year.
-I’d expect more reaction from you. 
It then dawned on you that you hadn’t told him anything yet. You lost your smile, realizing that while this was exhilarating, you had no idea of this worked. And Talbott almost literally asked you to date him. Like, seriously date him. No secret meetings at the owlery. Dating. Like holding hands, hugging, kissing. Maybe more. Date. Him.
-The idea doesn’t seem to drown you in enthusiasm.
A little smile appeared on Talbott’s face. But it was not that warm smile he offered only to you. The comprehensive look he sent you didn’t have this affection lingering behind. His stance was not relaxed as it usually was. And his voice sounded cold, far from that rich sound that usually graced your ears. 
How many times did all those things scream at you that he had feelings for you? You didn’t really know. You knew when you had started to notice all of it. But knowing that all this time, he hadn’t said anything to you… 
And now that he did, you even managed to hurt him. And you could not bear it for one more second. You liked the fact he liked you way too much. You liked him way too much.
He didn’t react, simply looking outside the window.
-Talbott, look at me. 
He flinched, but once again, he didn’t move. Maybe he tried to collect himself or something, but you were having none of it.
-By Merlin’s bloody beaded braided beard, Talbott, look at me, please!
-How the bloody hell did you pronounce that? 
He finally turned his head, reluctantly, furrowed brows, and he looked at you while you tried on a little smile.
-Forgive me, okay? I didn’t want to seem insensitive.
-You don’t have to feel bad for that. I got it, you’re not interested, and you have the right not to be interested, but-
-Oh, will you let me speak, birdbrain? You interrupted him. I’m trying to explain myself here, don’t make me shut your pretty mouth myself!
-And how, pray tell, would you even make me shut my mouth?
A ghost of his usual smirk made its way on Talbott’s face. And you decided that, for real, he had not only lead you on, but he had teased you enough. Now was the time to not only tell him how you felt, but to play a little.
-I could kiss you, you said bluntly. Would you like that? 
Talbott’s mouth opened, as if he was too shocked to even process what you just said, and you worked on making the most innocent face you could manage. 
-Wouldn’t you? You continued. The idea didn’t shut your mouth, but you did stop talking. Too bad, I would have liked to kiss you.
-Do it.
-Kiss me. 
A surprised gasp escaped your lips. You almost had forgotten Talbott’s arm around you, but you sure as hell were reminded of it when he pulled you closer to him.
-H...Hey, I might bump your nose or something, Talbott… you whispered, a bit flustered.
-I don’t care. Kiss me.
Your hands found their way on Talbott’s cheeks and you planted what felt like the softest kiss on his lips. It was barely a peck, nothing more, but it seemed to build a fire inside of you. That felt so much better than the dread from the morning that you started to giggle.
-What’s so funny?
-Oh my god, I never would have thought you liked me, how clueless was I?
-You didn’t really answer though.
You gave him another kiss, a bit longer, a bit clumsier too.
-I’d love you to be my boyfriend, Talbott.
And when he hugged you with all he had, you were sure of one thing. This moment, right here, right now, with him.
This felt like a real home.
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thearrangment-phff · 5 years
June 2019
The timing of the infamous Trump state visit had meant that Isabella stayed home on maternity leave. It caused a bit of an uproar in the press that the wife of a senior royal had not participated in the state visit. Her past political comments had resurfaced until various people had to lie to the world and say that the very true statements were false. Even prestigious Yale professors had to lie about Isabella’s papers and her thesis was switched with another girl’s, who had written about the rise of technology in people’s lives.
“I feel as if I’m living a lie,” commented Isabella.
“You aren’t. But you can’t be political and those people lied to protect all of us.”
“What would’ve happened if those professors didn’t agree to lie? What would have happened if that poor girl didn’t agree to switch papers?” asked Isabella.
“Since everything worked out, who knows, and frankly we shouldn’t be dwelling,” replied Harry.  
“How can I not dwell?”  
Harry saw the sadness in his wife’s eyes, “We can talk about this later.”
While Isabella had gone to Luxembourg, Harry stayed in London for Trooping the Colour. Isabella along with her uncle and aunt The Grand Duke and Duchess of Luxembourg; her mother Archduchess Marie-Astrid; aunt and uncle Prince Nikolaus and Princess Margaretha of Liechtenstein; uncle Prince Jean; and siblings Archduke Alexander, Archduchesses Marie-Christine and Gabriella; and sister-in-law Archduchess Adelaide had attended a service to end the period of mourning for Grand Duke Jean of Luxembourg.
For various reasons, not every family member could make it to the service. Isabella, Charlie, and Bertie’s absence in London was well known not only within the public but also the royal family. The people of the world were robbed of Charlie and Bertie’s first balcony experience.
“Harry, when are Isabella and the children coming back again?”
Harry looked behind to find his father talking with some of his grandmother’s cousins, the Kent’s. He walked over towards them finding some difficulty with a large number of people in his way, “Charlie, Bertie, and Mary-Astrid are coming back tomorrow but Isabella has to fly to France soon after. The chateau’s 500-year anniversary is going up and she is finalizing all the details on the event.”
“Your father says you will be going to France a lot of the next couple of weeks,” mentioned Princess Michael of Kent.
“Yes. Isabella has some business with her properties and we are spending some time with her family again,” replied Harry.
��Habsburgs or Bourbons?”
“Well with Isabella’s family it’s both, isn’t it?” joked Princess Michael. Harry had ignored Princess Michael’s comment.
“We hope to see your children soon. Every year it seems that it family grows larger,” smiled Prince Michael.
“Not compared to Isabella’s family. Two weddings and two pregnancies is a slow year for them.”
“Of course it is. They always had large families because they understood the importance of alliances. They don’t revolve around history, history revolves around them, it always has.”
“Perhaps you should introduce Harry to your cousin. She could teach him a little bit of what it means to marry into their family,” suggested Princess Michael.
“I don’t think Harry would be interested,” waved off Prince Michael.
“Well actually, I might. It’s been 2 years since I married Isabella and I still feel I am looking at the tip of an iceberg when it comes to knowing anything about her family.”
“My family has served them for centuries, I don’t think anyone who isn’t born into their family can truly understand them.”
“There’s no need to depress the young man Marie. I’ll put you in contact with Helene.”
Harry nodded as Prince and Princess Michael of Kent walked away and Charles had given Harry a small hug, “Here I thought Isabella would struggle to fit in with the family.”
“Isabella doesn’t have a problem fitting in anywhere,” interrupted Harry.
“It’s been 2 years Harry. You two have changed and not necessarily have fallen in love from what I’ve seen but definitely learned to care for each other. She has given me three grandchildren who I love with all my heart. I hope you understand your blessings.”
“I don’t take her for granted. Because of her I have two sons, a daughter, and a life I never would have imagined,” replied Harry.
The 500 anniversary of the Château de Chambord had brought together Bourbon and Habsburg royals unlike ever before. Children ran around in the gardens and champagne bottles were being emptied at a fast rate by Isabella’s relations that jokes were being passed around. While she had little to do with the actual planning of the anniversary, Isabella had named her uncle Henri Honorary President of the celebrations.
Isabella had given an interview, but many were disappointed to find she simply talked about the Château. There were mentions of the twins which please only a small number of people. The public had wanted more since both Harry and Isabella had kept them out of public view. The pictures to celebrate Charlie and Bertie’s first birthday was a very unexpected surprise. Even the simple photos of the birth of Mary-Astrid had been unexpected. 
Once the celebrations were over, Isabella’s maternal cousins were called into one of the larger rooms in the Château. There was secrecy as Isabella led them up to the stairs into a private room, away from workers and guests. She had immediately noticed the lack of cousins who walked away from the group. Isabella simply couldn’t start without them, so she waited patiently.
“Belle are you going to explain why we are all in here?” asked Marie Astrid of Liechtenstein.
“Almost. Where are Felix and Louis?”
“I think they went to find a drink. But that was almost an hour ago,” answered Alexandra of Luxembourg.
The doors opened finding Felix and Louis red in the face, “Sorry we got lost and have been up and down stairs,” apologized Felix.
“We couldn’t have met on the first floor?” asked Louis.
“Maybe if you didn’t walk away from the group you would know where we were,” argued Isabella.
“Alright get on with it then!” yelled Alexander.
“Fine! I have two plans. The first is I want to talk with Marie-Esmeralda about making a documentary for the 100th anniversary of grandpapa’s birth.”
“Wait, what?!”
“Are you serious?”
“Belle you can’t be serious.”
Isabella got the wrong impression from the mumbles until finally, she heard the opposite agreement from her various cousins.
“I love it.”
“I think it’s a good idea.”
“Okay so should we take a show of hands?” asked Josef-Emanuel.
“I don’t think that’s necessary,” replied Marie-Christine.
“So we do the documentary?” asked Isabella.
“I think it’s a lovely idea, Belle,” smiled Alexandra.
“Thank you. So I’ll reach out to Marie-Esmeralda?” asked Isabella getting mostly nods from the room.
“Are we going to be speaking English?” asked Guillaume.
“I don’t think so. I didn’t plan on it,” answered Isabella.
“I really don’t like speaking English,” said Gabriella.
“Not all of us are good at speaking English Belle,” spoke Marie-Astrid of Liechtenstein.
“I understand that. I’ll speak to Marie-Esmeralda to put captions so you can speak whatever language you want and the masses can still understand.”
“What are we going to do exactly just talk about him?”
“Yes. We’ll talk about his life and bring in family and friends to talk about him and his accomplishments. That sort of thing.”
“Okay so then what’s the second thing?” asked Maria Anunciata.
“Well... I sort of always wanted to create a charity together. A charity that caters to refugees like those from Yemon or Central America.”
“Belle that is controversial,” said Alexandra.
“I understand that but these are the people who need the most help. Well, everyone needs help but I feel passionate about this. Please you have to understand-” explained Isabella.
“I’m in,” interrupted Alexander, needing not to hear another word from his younger sister.
“Wait a minute,” replied Marie-Christine.
Alexander stood us addressing the room, ready as ever to defend his little sister against any opposition, “Oh come on! We all know Belle. We all knew her when she was in uni in the states and how passionate she was.. is actually. If there is anyone we should follow it should be her.”
The room had mixed feelings. While they understood how Isabella was before Harry she was now a changed woman. She was a member of the British Royal Family and the spark that Isabella had in her youth had gone out the moment Harry was introduced to the family through the act of marriage.
It was not a secret that Isabella had her issues and they were more erratic now than they have ever been. All of her cousins looked at each other, some with worried faces, others with stern faces knowing they would support Isabella in this newest project.
Isabella sensed the tension, “All my life I have wanted to help people. I wanted to right the wrong our family has done. I want to help people and that’s why I want to do this, especially now. This isn’t about nationality or religion it’s simply about the people, it always has been.”
Once again everyone looked around the room and some nodded at each other. Finally, Louis of Luxembourg had stood up, “I think we are all in agreement now. We’ll work on this, together... as a family... like we always have.”
Isabella gave the biggest smile. Since her marriage, this would be her biggest project that she would gladly put her life into, “In all honesty, these past couple of years I have lost track of who I truly am. This is a foot in the right direction.”
“This could bring us close together again,” smiled Maria-Anunciata.
“Or tear us apart,” said Constantin earning himself a couple of light hits from surrounding siblings and cousins, “Would people just stop hitting me!? I’m getting tired of it.”
“And I think we are all tired of hearing you speak sometimes Constantin,” joked Marie-Gabrielle.
“So I’ll get in contact with Marie-Esmeralda and I’ll have my private secretary draw up some things to get this charity rolling, oh this is going to be amazing!” smiled Isabella.
“So this documentary is going to be made over the next two years?” asked Wenceslaus.
“Well I think we’ll need some time to get everything set up. Maybe next year we’ll be doing interviews. I think it would be lovely to release this piece to grandpapa on the day of his birth,” answered Isabella.
“You are truly wonderful Belle.”
“Thank you. With every year our own little families get bigger or someone gets married, I thought this would bring us all back together. Just like the old times, and with this joint charity we get to help people. I’ve missed seeing smiles on people’s face like that.”
Harry looked at Isabella and in that exact moment found a woman he had rarely seen. While she never faced away from her royal duty her heart wasn’t in it some days. Harry pieced together in his head the reason why Isabella sometimes didn’t care. It was because Isabella wasn’t doing what she loved. She had shown up, shook hands, and gotten flowers from people but those engagements weren’t what her heart was into.
Going to Columbia and New Zealand, that was when Isabella felt something. Isabella’s heart was into helping immigrants and refugees and because of the political backlash, she was forbidden to put her heart into something like that. But with this new project with her cousins, she could simply saw this her name wasn’t technically apart of it, therefore, she could not be held to the notion of violating the royal family’s rule of no political interference. It was a smart job on Isabella’s part.
“So I’m guessing we will be meeting in London a lot?” asked Felix.
“No. I was thinking any meeting would be done in Geneva or Chambord. Mutal meeting ground” answered Isabella.
Per family tradition, Isabella and Harry had to wrangle three children to France to spend time with Isabella’s family in Cabasson. The family had grown large over the last couple of months including new babies and new people by marriage.
In the midst of all the chaos of several dozen people on a beach, Prince Wenceslas of Nassau, Isabella’s cousin, had announced his engagement to Countess Marie-Gabrielle von und zu Acro-Zinneberg. Countess Marie-Gabrielle von und zu Acro-Zinneberg was the granddaughter of Robert, Archduke of Austria-Este and a first cousin to Luisa Maria, Amedeo, and Joachim of Belgium. Her sister Olympia also recently gotten engaged to Jean-Christophe, Prince Napoleon. The surprise engagement had confused the family since Wenceslas had already been in a relationship with another woman.
But Isabella and Harry had understood Wenceslas more than anyone else. The fast engagement and little attention to the relationship was more than enough for Harry and Isabella to pull him aside. The moment they were out of public view the act Wenceslas was putting up had stopped.
“How are you?” asked Isabella.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” asked Wenceslas.
“I was sworn to secrecy,” answered Isabella with a hurt look. She never wanted to lie to her family but it needed to be done.
“Why did you agree to this?”
Harry stepped away knowing this was a conversation between cousins. Isabella grabbed her cousins' hands, “Because I understood the significance of a marriage between the Houses of Windsor and Habsburg.”
“I agreed to marry her because I thought it was the best thing. They explained to me what was supposed to happen. I thought if it wasn’t me then she would just marry someone else, someone horrible,” explained Wenceslas.
“So you thought she needed saving?” asked Harry.
“Not saving but I think I’m a good person. I think she’s a good person so why not just agree to their demands. We could learn to love each other.”
Isabella left out this horrid sound and the two men looked at her in confusion. It hurt Isabella to know those she loved were marrying for a title or for a dynastic marriage than marrying for love. She had come to terms with how Harry and she got together. They had grown to love each other, they had three beautiful children, and there were rough days but they got through them.
“Look, Wenceslas, trust me I understand where you are coming from and I understand the secrecy but entering this arrangement means it could go two ways. The first, you truly do fall in love and have a happy and long marriage, the second is you two hate each other. You have one or a couple of children then just divorce and can you honestly see another divorce will hurt this family. After what happened with Louis and Tessy-”  
“Marie-Gabrielle is not Tessy,” interrupted Wenceslas.
“Belle! Why are you keeping Wenceslas to yourself!?”
Within seconds Wenceslas walked away to avoid talking with his younger cousin. Isabella left out a huff and rolled her eyes, “What were you expecting from that?” asked Harry.
“I don’t know.”
“You’re sort of being a hypocrite in this situation,” added Harry.
“I am not!”
“You are. You did exactly what they are doing, so I don’t know why are getting upset about this. We’re happy.”
“Yes we are happy but what if their relationship turns out to be hell,” argued Isabella.
“We could have ended up that way but we didn’t and maybe they won’t either. You know Wenceslas and you know Marie Gabrielle to a certain extent, do you honestly believe they could hate each other?”
“They could learn, but you’re right. It’s just ever since Olga’s miscarriage and her unhappy marriage, I worry. You should hear what is happening to her daughter. That poor little girl is in a custody battle between her parents.”
“I didn’t know that,” mumbled Harry.
“Olga wants to move to Switzerland and take her daughter with her. George refuses to have his daughter in another country away from him. I recently heard that now the grandparents of that poor innocent girl are now fighting for custody. Olga parents want to take her to Texas in the states and George’s mother wants to take her to Spain.”
“I didn’t know that,” repeated Harry.
“Very few know. Olga happens to call me every once in a while and vent on the situation. George should have never married her. He wanted a royal wife, he just should have chosen someone else,” argued Isabella.
“We had some choice in our arrangement. I’m sure they did too so I wouldn’t worry too much,” replied Harry.
“Well, I understand that, but sometimes I can’t help it. Look at their marriage and look at ours. Such a difference but we are examples of what could happen when entering an arrangement.”
“You’re getting emotional. We should head to bed. We’ll stop by the children’s room so you can get a look at them before we go to bed, it will be good for you to see them after a day like this.”
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likeathunderbolt · 6 years
jasmine; what mythical creature do you wish actually existed? the fée, I'd go live with them in the forest and dedicate my life to practicing supernatural hijinks and fucking shit up for the humans.
lavender; soundcloud or vinyls? I suppose soundcloud gives artists an easier method of sharing with the world.
primrose; what book does everyone right now need to read? The Cooking Gene by Michael W Twitty.
lunar mist; do you like wearing other people’s shirts/jackets? They're always too small for me because I am a frost giant.
bird of paradise; what was the best thing that happened to you this month? I went to see one of my all time favourite artists with one of my oldest friends. 
gardenia; what’s a promise you’ve recently made to yourself? To really mean it this time.
lion’s fairytale; would you rather be the sky, the ocean or the forests? The Ocean.
whirling butterflies; would you kiss the last person you kissed again? Sure, why not?
marmalade skies; do you plan your outfits? Not really, I just make sure my clothes are washed and ironed.
apricot drift; how do you feel right now? Gross from eating too much junk food.
everlasting daisy; what’s the last dream you remember having? My friends at a barbecue and for some reason everyone had superpowers but it was completely normal and no big deal so we just had this full on X-Men cook out.
queen’s cup; what are you craving right now? Water and a clear head.
lavender dream; turn ons/offs? On: Confidence, inner peace, knowing what you want. Off: Control, agendas, “white” lies. 
water lilly; when was the last time you cried? why? I was given a gift and a note both of which were very very heartfelt, referencing years’ worth of actions I had no idea had left such an impact.
lily of the valley; did the one person who hurt you most in your life apologize? The person who hurt me most is me, being self sabotaging fool, I practice my apology every day by trying to be better.
winterberry; do you bite or lick your ice cream? Lick, biting ice cream sounds very odd to me.
honey perfume; favourite movie ever? I love the Ghibli films, ハウルの動く城, 千���千尋の神隠し, 魔女の宅急便, 風の谷のナウシカ, etc.
desert rose; do you like yourself? I'm working on it.
snapdragon; have you ever met or seen in person a celebrity? I'm not sure if this counts but I had lunch with Carla Bruni once, and twice I shared a fruitcake with Kofi Annan.
night owl; how many countries have you visited? I have actually genuinely lost count and don't want to miss anyone out.
heliotrope; have you ever been in a castle? I'm British, we can't move for castles.
creams and sky; what’s the craziest/bravest thing you’ve done? Moved to Toulouse on my own? Decided to actually look at myself and how much I was contributing to my own unhappiness? Trying to take responsibility for my self and be a better human?
lantana; what’s on your mind right now? I left my peppermint tea at work but water was a close second anyway.
pumpkin patch; what’s your zodiac sign? Earth sign, Taurus.
tulip; name 5 facts about yourself. 1. I love water; I'm a water baby, island child. Water is my favourite beverage, swimming is my favourite exercise, I love lakes, rivers, streams seas, oceans and waterfalls. Rainy days make me feel calm. Water is in my soul. 2. I love cooking; when I was a wee child my nan had a lodger from Hong Kong who was a chef, and he used to let me "help" him in the kitchen. So I grew up learning how to cook authentic HK/Cantonese cuisine. He actually runs a quite successful restaurant now too. 3. My first job was a Junior Librarian in a Grade 1 listed building; it had a variety of secret passageways and hidden rooms that I still think about a lot. Taking a hidden staircase up to a secret turret to repair books in the dusty sunlight is soul therapy. 4. I'm quite ambiverted; almost painfully shy with people I don't know very well, especially if I'm not feeling very confident that day. I have known this shyness to be mistaken for rudeness on occasion which has spurred me on to be more open a friendly even when I feel vulnerable, which has gone a long way to helping deal with the shyness. 5. As of the day after my birthday this year, I am now an uncle.
daphne; do you believe in karma? Yes, karma or the karmic rose by any other name. queen of the meadow; ever been in love? With humanity, life, the future.
wisteria; whom do you admire and why? Kind people. Anyone who has kept a warm heart through the hard times.
angel’s face; what was your favourite bedtime story as a child? The Jolly Witch.
remember me; did you make someone laugh today? My cats made me laugh, not too sure if I returned the favour just yet.
iris; do you believe in ghosts? Yes, or something of the sort we don't fully understand.
lilac; if you could go back in time which time period would you visit? Pre-Roman Britain.
caramel kisses; would you want to live forever? why/why not? No, I want to eventually move on.
primula; what makes you sad? Missed opportunities, being unable to help, misunderstandings, injustice.
rain lily; was today typical? why/why not? Yes and no, I spent a lazy Sunday with my family playing games so it was fun, but a typical day usually involved more work, working out, etc.
queen anne’s lace; who do you trust the most? My loved ones.
lady’s slipper; what did you have for breakfast today? Boiled rice with shredded veg & chilli sauce.
forget me not; do you have any regrets looking back in your life? I would like to have learnt certain lessons sooner and I am sorry for upsetting people.
lunaria; what’s your favourite fictional universe? I love so many, I think Tolkien's Middle Earth just  wins it for me though, I have so many great memories both reading alone and playing or discussing with friends as a child, a teen and even now.
violet; favourite telly show? Of all time: I have a soft spot for the OC in all its ridiculous glory.  Of the last year or so: Ugly Delicious. Honorary mentions: Supernatural, Springwatch, Summerwatch, Autumnwatch and Winterwatch.
sunflower; share a favourite quote. Again, so many: "You're as good as you reciprocate." from Light's Everybody Breaks A Glass. "To be rather than to seem." is also one that means a lot to me, I think the good people of North Carolina may agree with me on that one too.
snowdrop; what does your ideal day look like? Waking up in a bright, comfy room, good hearty breakfast, swimming, spending time with loved ones, working on passion projects, cooking for everyone, relaxing under the stars.
tiger lily; do you have any hobbies? Swimming, cooking, reading, yoga, painting, writing, and outdoor activities. I love skating either board or blades and ju jitsu too, but I can't really do impact stuff anymore.
peony; share a small random book passage that means something to you. So many from Terry Crews Manhood and Anna Akana's So Much I Want to Tell You. I don't have the energy to go get them and type them out though because it would take me half an hour to even pick which passage to use. I'm already thinking of more books that mean a great deal to me.
tea rose; what’s something you always wanted to do but were too scared? I really wanted to move to Japan for a while to be with my friends, who are from Osaka, I went as far as to get necessary qualifications, studied Japanese and secured a job before I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease that meant I needed ongoing treatment at home, I was terrified of moving to Japan because it is literally the other side of Eurasia but once the opportunity was taken away after all that work, I was devastated. I always imagined that doing these things that scare me would make me a better person and now I'm scared I'll never have a chance to right that missed opportunity.
honeysuckle; do you usually date people your age or older/younger? I operate on the 5 year rule usually; no older or younger than fiver years from my age, but I suppose I'd waive that for the right person?
sweet pea; who means the world to you? why? My loved ones, because friends really are the family you choose and there is no greater blessing than having friends who are your family and family who are truly your friends.
love in the mist; best books you’ve ever read? Again, too many, off the top of my head: Mineko Iwasaki's Geisha of Gion, Jung Chang's Wild Swans, Anhua Gao's On the Edge of the Sky, Jo Rowlings Harry Potter series, Tolkien's Entire works, particularly Beren and Lúthien. I also really love Michelle Paver's Chronicles of Ancient Darkness and Lemony Snicket’s A Series of Unfortunate Events. I also read Nigella's cookbooks like novels. I literally just sit and read them. I could write whole books on books I love and why.
foxglove; who is your favourite cartoon character? The entire cast of Pokémon is my childhood.
magnolia; coffee or tea? Tea please.
crown imperial; would you rather be extremely rich or extremely loved? Love is richness.
snowflake; are you a dog or a cat person? Why is the word or in this sentence? Unless your allergic or afraid I don't trust people who don't like animals.
bell flower; what is your biggest addiction? Junk food. Easily.
cosmos; do you ever think about the galaxy? It fascinates me endlessly, I love watching Professor Brian Cox.
moonflower; what’s your favourite colour? Brown, blue and orange.
freesia; do you have a good relationship with your parents and siblings? why/why not? I think we communicate well and they are some of my best friends.
sundrop; are you a morning or a night person? Learning to be a morning person, definitely still more of a night person. I was born with starlight in my eyes and that was my first love.
poppy; have you ever dealt with a mental illness? Yes, from both a point of view of concern for loved ones and from the point of view of not even realising how bad my own mental health was. If you want to talk about mental health either yours or that of a loved one, no matter who you are please feel free to reach out. I'm here.
clover; how would your friends describe you? You'd have to ask them, but I really hope they'd say kind.
dandelion; do you consider yourself and extrovert or an introvert? I'm an introvert that has learnt to be ambiverted.
lilly; what’s something you love watching/reading but you are too embarrassed to admit you do? That's hard, I don't really feel ashamed of things like that anymore. Two people I feel are criticised a lot, sometimes rightly so, but who I still love because I'm aware humans, including myself, are fallible (and those throwing the stones are invariably living in glass houses) are Taylor Swift and Jo Rowling.
anemone; describe yourself in 3 words. Striving for better.
lotus; best memory as a child? Any time I was having fun with my loved ones.
angelonia; what is your eye and hair colour? Blue and a really dark auburn.
dahlia; do you like crystals? They're pretty I suppose? And they feel nice and cool.
buttercup; if you could change one thing in the world, what would it be? More love and compassion.
baby’s breath; what’s your Hogwarts house? Slytherin according to Pottermore. My friends had me pegged as a Ravenclaw in the pre Pottermore days.
calendula; biggest pet peeve? When people give it that "Gotcha!" thing as  though they're irrefutably in the right, but they're still completely wrong and then they proceed to act like you just can't let an argument go, when all you are doing is refusing to be walked all over.
blanker flower; would you rather go to a cocktail party with your best friends or stay home and read a book/watch a movie with your pet? Both of these sound like great nights, I'd say the latter most of the time and the former for a change every now and then. Friday night I didn’t get home until 2am I wound down by sitting in bed with my cats watching The X-Files and eating chicken nuggets.
blazing star; share a secret. If I did, it wouldn't be a secret.
carnation; would you rather live longer or happier? Happier. Happiness is such and important thing to share.
petunia; who’s story is your biggest inspiration in life? why? So many people; I really admire my loved one because I know their struggles and still see first hand their kindness and compassion every single day.
bluebell; do you wear glasses? I do not.
nymphea; forest or river? I love both but I'll go for river.
orchid; do you like exercise? Exercise releases endorphins, for which I am very grateful.
pansy; do you like poetry? Poetry is great. I love it.
morning glory; any special talent that you have? You mean other than eating two entire tubes of pringles to myself in a single day? I can make icing flowers from scratch and bake a cake to put them on, thank to my nan.
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