#so yeah harry and the azoffs only goal is to make sure louis is not succeeding in the music business or something
awesomefringey · 2 years
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meyhew · 4 years
I'm glad that you're not as blind as some other Larries are. They legit think Azoffs are in any other one d members' support other than Harry. They basically alienated him in one D just to show he was the lead singer and others were his backup singers (separate planes, hotels etc) and this was not the first time they did that with a group but I'm so so thankful to Louis for standing up against all that bullshit. I'm sure all of them had plans for once the band was over because let's be honest, all of them had the capability of becoming solo singers from the start. They're all killing it right now despite the hurdles. No one can say ANY of them are bad singers. So yeah one direction wouldn't have lasted long anyway because solo money is solo money. But the way Harry was given preference WAS really cruel to other boys no matter what anyone else says. I don't necessarily blame Harry because not a lot of people can resist that kinda pull towards stardom and legendary status. People do far worse for lesser opportunities. But I still don't approve of those methods, comparing Harry with other boys and insulting them in the process (which is still going on tbh), putting majority of the money on harry's promo while depriving other artists (not just Louis) of promo (a very common practice in music industry, all big stars rose after stepping on other people, it is what it is), downplaying Zayn's success (I still think Zayn is a more popular and more listened to artist all over the world than Harry despite the figures) and making jokes at his expense to make it look like he is just some forgotten thing instead of a superstar. You can choose to not acknowledge all these things and stay in a bubble or you can choose to acknowledge these things and then figure out your feelings about Harry (Harry specially because his career and business practices are more prominent and apparent on a larger scale). I think it all comes down to you as a person, how much do you want to believe that harry is involved in everything. For me personally, I don't think he specifically chose to sabotage Louis, j think it's the overall impact on other artists but Louis is connected to him via Larry. I think Louis wants to make his own path without compromising his values and with each passing day he's leaning more and more away from celeb culture and inequality of capitalism and I don't think his goal is money anymore. I honestly don't know what Harry's goal is because I don't think it's money either. Maybe a legendary status. But the main point is I do believe Harry is aware of unethical implication of the methods Azoffs use to create his legendary status, what we don't know is how he truly feels about those practices because he's bound by contracts. We may never know that just like we may never know BTS stories of one D. So in the end we all project our own interpretation of his actions to either hate him or justify his actions. His image is too carefully curated for any missteps where anything real might be revealed. So in the end it's us who define Harry styles and not Harry styles himself. The only factor that can be said about him with some degree of certainty is that he's not an asshole when he meets people. Rest is all speculation
i’m posting this without comment but i agree with the overall tone 
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