#so yeah maybe time for a good thriller and piano lessons
roxannepolice · 2 years
Inside me there are two wolves
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llogllady99 · 3 years
Crimson Red : Chapter 1
Scholar’s Mate
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CHARACTERS | Levi, Erwin, Petra, Hange, Moblit, Mike, Nanaba, Eld, Oluo, Gunther, Kenny, Erwin’s Father, Kuchel, Frieda Reiss, Nile Dok, Yelena, Marie RELATIONSHIPS | Levi x Erwin GENRE | Mystery, Thriller, Romance, Dark Academia IV | Blood and gore, Blood and violence, Alternate universe - modern setting/high school/ boarding school, angst and fluff and smut, knife kink, knife play, drama & romance, eventual romance, eventual smut, emotional manipulation, cults, rituals SUMMARY | Sina Academy of Excellence and Inquiry is the best boarding school in all of England, producing over time leaders of Nations and outstanding personalities in society as well as being the perfect environment for your child to flourish in, spending his time with specially trained staff to support his need and wonderful, well behaved peers like him. We only have two rules: don't go in the woods and do not try to go through locked doors. From the statement above one would have assumed that Sina was the perfect school and that the rules that were imposed were just for their children's safety, but as Levi joins the school at the beginning of his senior year, he uncovers a secret so putrid and morbid that will leave him scared for life. That is...if he manages to make it out alive.
Chapter song: Devil’s trill sonata
August 23rd 1996, London
Deformed, lazy, pungent smelling circles rose above her head, as Kuchel exhaled the smoke the cigarette she was currently holding between her long, bony, alabaster fingers provided her with. She did not smoke that often, only when she was under a rather stressful situation. Today, her son would be departing from home in order to attend a boarding school across country. It wasn’t that she did not trust him or have enough faith in him, but since his brother announced Levi’s immediate enrolment, a feeling of distress had started to grow in the pit of her stomach, becoming larger and larger everyday, until it finally managed to take upon her entire being. Thence, the obnoxious amount of cigarette butts lying around carelessly and forgotten on the balcony of her victorian terraced house. Taking one last drag out of the device, which would inevitably bring upon her death someday, she dropped it to the tiled floor and not sparing a second glance its way, stomped it until the electric orange that lined its edge turned a dark ashy brown. Further covering up herself with her long brown coat and shivering slightly from the chill morning, Kuchel made her way back inside the house where the sound of piano keys being pressed consistently in formation of a slow and disturbing song grew louder and louder as she approached her son’s room.
The door was opened and inside a large piano could be spotted by the large and covered with white and blue curtains window. Sited at the instrument was Levi, pressing the keys with precision, his brows furrowed in concentration.
“Devil’s trill sonata?” Kuchel asked, sitting down on the small sofa in front of a coffee table where an unfinished game of chess laid, its pieces shining with the bright light seeping in from the windows. If she didn’t know any better she might’ve said that this was a new chess set, but with her son’s obsession with keeping everything clean and organised, something rarely got in poor condition.
“Indeed, mother. Took me a while to learn it. Care to share your opinion?” Levi replied not taking his eyes off the keyboard.
“It’s exquisite, like every sound your hands ever produced on that piano.” She answered, leaning further into the soft cushions of the couch. As if to prove her wrong, Levi pressed the wrong key and unbalanced the whole song, losing his concentration and ultimately his rhythm. Sighing in frustration, he got up and joined his mother on the couch.
“And just when I think I’ve got it, I mess it up.” Levi fretted, then glanced at the unfinished game of chess. “Humour me mother and grant me the honour of one last game of chess before we depart.”
“Certainly,” she replied then helped her son rearrange the pieces on the board. She chose white so she could dictate the conduct of the game: a simple scholar’s mate from her son as they were already late to the station. ‘E4 e5, Qh7 Nc6, Bc4 Nf6, Qxf7’ , Levi checkmated her, stood up and sought her hand, also bring her to her feet shortly after.
“I think it would have been better if we postponed the game, winning in such a desolate manner almost has me furious. However, I am well aware that we are already late to the station. Please lead the way mother.” Kuchel smiled at her boy, of course it would infuriate him, this game was nothing like the hour long matches they used to share, her being the first that introduced the game to Levi.
“Levi dear, you never did tell me why you quit competition, you would have become a master by now.” Kuchel said from the driver’s seat, looking shortly in Levi’s way. She personally offered to drive her son to the station as she wanted to spent every last moment with him before he was gone. She was sure to miss him dearly, and he would miss her too, though he won’t show it because he would be too embarrassed to do so.
“I’m quite confident you know, but I will tell you one final time: Isabell enjoyed the game and it feels wrong competing, something that she never got to experience as the rug was pulled from beneath her feet before she even had a chance.” Levi turned away and looked out the window, slightly fidgeting with his hands. “What do you think the school will be like? You attended a boarding school yourself, so please tell me.”
“That was a long time sweetie, a lot has changed since then, but I will tell you this: the bond you will form with your soon to be friends will last a life time.” Kuchel replied, not taking her eyes off the road. After a few more turns they arrived at the train station. It was finally time to say goodbye. Levi regarded her with one of his warmest smiles and wrapped her in a tight hug. “I will see you soon, mother. Take care.” And just like that he was gone, his small form disappearing behind the high arched red pillars of the station, the small black suitcase with the last of his belongings trailing behind him. His other luggage had been sent before hand. Kuchel wiped a tear from her cheek and got back in the car, heading in the direction of the closest high class bar.
To say the train was packed would be an understatement, every wagon was agglomerated by students just like him chatting animatedly about their summers, their high pitched voices ringing through the train, worsening his already present headache. He decided to try another wagon, so pushing past the intermediate hall’s door, he entered the isle of one with cabins. Every single one of them was packed with the same loud and obnoxious students, except the one from the very end. A cabin whose occupant was a girl with messy brown hair, tied up carelessly into a ponytail, square glasses sitting gently on the tip of her slightly down turned nose. She was mindlessly eating from a bag of chips as she pondered over whatever it was that she was looking at through the compartment’s window. Levi slid the door open and cleared his throat to get the girl’s attention. The girl shook her head, startled a bit by his presence then cocked an eyebrow his way, urging him to say something.
“Do you mind?”
“Mind what?” The brunette replied, her voice melodic and with just the right amount of deepness to it.
“Me sitting here.” Levi replied awkwardly, faking indifference and adopting a bored looking expression. He was never good with people and interactions like this distressed him immensely.
“Not at all, please take a sit.” The girl smiled and gestured for the sit in front of him.
“Thanks.” Levi hoisted his luggage up and dumped it on the support space above their heads, before proceeding to sit across from her. For a few minutes none of them spoke a word, instead switching their gaze between the landscape present beyond the window and themselves when they thought the other wasn’t looking.
“Hange.” The girl suddenly muttered.
“Excuse me?” Levi switched his gaze towards her, tilting his head to the side bewildered.
“Name’s Hange.” The girl, Hange, rapidly spoke, seemingly experiencing the same overwhelming emotions that came with meeting new people as him.
“Nice meeting you Hange, my name is Levi.” He extended her hand out to her and after a moment’s hesitation the brunette shook his hand.
"You headin’ to Sina?”
“Indeed, I am. I assume you do too?” He said, his eyes fixing her uniform: a white and freshly starched button up with a navy blue skirt, tailored to sit just above the knee, and a purple tie.
“Yeah.” Hange replied awkwardly then started fidgeting with her hands a bit more.
“The students screaming like they own the place do too?” He tried to ask, to further stir the conversation.
“Yeah, they are. My friends were also supposed to be here but one of them will be coming tomorrow and the rest are already at the academy.”
“So soon? Wow, I barely came today because it was required and because of the orientation day tomorrow.” Levi was being unusually vocal. Maybe he was just trying to soothe the other girl’s nerves, but he also felt that he could trust her, weirdly enough. At his affirmation, Hange’s face lighted up, and all traces of embarrassment seemed to have fled from her face as she now began talking earnestly. Orientation day was an opportunity for the students to mingle with other houses, or factions as she like to call them, and meet their professors, explore the school, and if they weren’t already be sorted into a house. Hange also made sure to enumerate all the teachers present, emphasising on someone with the name of Frieda Reiss, the math teacher and Nile Dok, the history teacher that apparently made very good jokes and his lessons were always pleasant for the students, being one of the few moments of relaxation throughout their day.
“What house are you in Levi?”
“That I certainly don’t know, I suppose I am to be sorted.”
“Yeah, well the housing system is pretty fucked up if you ask me. They organise us based on our personality type.”
“Is that a bad thing? It doesn’t seem to be, I would be quite content with being placed in a house with personalities similar to mine, makes the whole socialising thing so much easier.”
“Sure, but you wouldn’t be stepping outside your comfort zone,” retorted Hange. “Not to mention the discrimination against those who are considered “less special” are made.”
“I believe that if we were all to be the same, the world would surely become quite insipid.”
“If everyone shared your opinion, the school would be a much more better place.”
“Please explain the housing system to me, Hange.” Her gaze settling once again on him from where it was directed out the window, she began explaining. The housing system was based on the personality types of people and the roles which they played in society, making it easier for the staff to each of their individual needs. There were four houses. The first was Boethiah house, where architects, logicians, commanders, and debaters would reside. Its signature colour was purple, symbolising the high intellect its students possessed. The second house was Antheia, where advocates, mediators, protagonists, and campaigners found their place. Represented by the colour green, the house was known for its social and communicative students. The third was Martell house, which gave place to the logisticians, defenders, executives, and consuls, the indigo blue colour signifying their nurturing and loyal nature. The last of the houses was Lannister, housing the virtuosus, adventurers, entrepreneurs, and entertainers. The people in this house were fun and full of humour, the colour yellow revealing their outgoing nature. The houses were named by the four founders of the school, respectively Phoibe Boethiah, Panacea Martell, Caelum Antheia, Kestrel Lannister.
“Hange I’m sorry to interrupt you but this whole thing seems very Harry Potter to me, and don’t let me get started on the names, they sound right out of a fantasy novel.” Levi snorted, amused by his new school.
“Yeah, but the school was founded in 1000 AD, imagine the names they had then.” Hange replied, huffing out a laugh.
“I assume you’re from Boethiah?” He said, jerking his chin in the direction of her purple tie.
“Yeah, we are the smallest house as our personalities are so rare. I wonder what house they’ll place you in. Did you take the test?”
“Yeah, when I took my entrance exam a few months ago, something about a psychological evaluation.” And with that their conversation ended, instead each of them turning their attention to their forever changing surroundings, vibrant green meadows and flowery fields slowly turning into dull, grey moors as the sun above then started to set, orange, red, yellow, and orange blending with the dark blue the night brought along.
At the academy, in the encrimsoned light of the headmaster’s office, Erwin Smith stood proudly  with his hands behind his back watching from the giant circular window over the school’s gates in anticipation of the students’ arrival for the new trimester.
“You did quite a good job last year, Erwin. I expect the same this year.” Arcturus Smith, Erwin’s father and also the headmaster, spoke from his dark oak desk in the middle of the room, breaking the silence that had settled over the office. The blonde turned his attention to his father and bowed his head in appreciation and assurance. Arcturus bent slightly over the desk, his chin now resting in the palm of his hands.
“Please come take a seat. Let me introduce you to this year’s targets.”
“I was actually questioning myself when you were going to introduce them to me.” Erwin said, as he made to take a sit across his father. The man pushed two files in his direction, both of them stamped with red ink that spelled “CLASSIFIED”. Carefully, he picked up the first one and opened it. The picture of a redheaded girl with short hair stood in front of him.
“Nifa Thompson,” he read out loud. He eyed his father expectingly.
“She’s a sophomore and you have until September 21st, think you can handle it?” Arcturus cocked his eyebrow. “The girl isn’t very sociable and I’m sure some undeserved attention from the school’s head boy and number one bachelor will send her flying over the moon.” Erwin sighed and shook his head, then after a moment’s reconsideration looked up at his father and approved. The next file was about a new boy by the name of Levi Ackerman, he had short raven hair styled in an undercut, piercing blue-silver eyes, and a bored, impassive expression. He doubted he would be an easy target but he was up for a challenge. Looking up at his father, Erwin smirked.
“This one is perfect father. Blood type O and INTJ Personality type. He’s a gem. His mother is an alcoholic, his uncle is nowhere to be found, and he has no other close relatives. No one's going to miss him when he's gone. ” Now he laughed. Arcturus eyes shone with satisfaction.
“Just perfect for this winter’s sacrifice. And guess what? It’s also going to be a full moon, just like you always wanted. Maybe this year I’ll let you do the honourifics. That is, if everything goes as planned.” Then the headmaster leaned down in his chair and adopting again his usual cold demeanour, he said, “You are dismissed, son. Please go and welcome our students. I wish you a good year, full of achievements and perfect scores.
Erwin bowed and left the office.
As Levi walked through the massive iron gates of the school, he immediately gawked. Sina was like nothing he had seen. To put it simply: the school was spectacular. Touched by gothic architecture, the building displayed pointed arches lighted by golden yellow lamps from below, flying buttresses, and embellished colonnades. One feature that particularly stood out to Levi were the large lion statuettes that stood firmly place on each side of the enormous front staircase that started from the yard in which they were currently walking in, and that had a beautiful lotus pooled white marble fountain, and ended right beneath two high arched oak doors. At the gate they were met with a teacher, a women in her thirties that had piercing blue-purple eyes and ebony black hair that fell flawlessly on her navy blue Tudor coat, who escorted them inside the school.
The entry gave way to a long and wide hallway with vaulted ceiling and intermittently placed pillars. A few feet from each other hung golden chandeliers lightning their way as they headed in the direction the teacher was leading them in. High up in the ceiling there was stained glass through which the moon’s light slipped in, almost unnoticeably.
In the dining room there were four long tables each placed parallel to each other, the ceiling was painted with frescoes, beautiful biblical images. The professors’ dinning table was in an adjacent room, being separated by one of those pointed arches Levi had seen outside. Similar to the hallway, the dinning room also had stained glass, one particular piece stood out to Levi as it was the image of Jesus himself painted on red and blue glass, slightly highlighted by the moon’s light, whose outline could be made through the blue glass that composed Jesus’s robe. Truly spectacular. Even though he was just as rich as everyone attending here, he had never seen such a school. His last school was also private, but instead had modern architecture with the sparing of a few buildings such as the chapel or assembly hall.
“Please leave your luggage by the entrance and go take a seat at the table assigned to your house specifically. Those of you who have not been assigned a house yet please go and stand by the teachers’ table as the headmaster and the other staff will join us shortly and place you where they think fits you best. I’m Frieda Reiss and I will be your math teacher this trimester.”
Shortly after, the staff made their way to their table and as everyone was seated and quieted down, Arcturus, the headmaster delivered his annual welcoming speech and turned to the fresh meat waiting patiently and awkwardly into a corner.
“Ah I suppose I am to assign each of you your house, very well then come on here don’t be shy.” The group made their way once more in the middle of the dinning room. All of the eyes were on them, the other students waiting just as nervously as them to see who they would be welcoming in their house next. The headmaster rummaged through his black Tudor coat and pulled out a piece of yellow, coffee stained paper and started reading aloud:
“Emma Williams goes to Lannister.” A blonde petite freshman girl made her way to the table on the far off right of the room and proceeded to sit down at the table with the other students, who were cheering and clapping exasperatingly, excited for their new member.
“Jane Walker to Martell,” again, a freckled redheaded girl made her way to one of the middle tables on the left, also welcomed by the cheering of the other members and quietly sat down with a smile on her face, clearly satisfied with the choice.
“Hmm, Levi Ackermann, an interesting name for someone British. Your assignment has been a hard one as the test refused to reveal anything concrete, but after a long dispute among all members of the faculty, we decided to assign you to Boethiah as an architect!” Arcturus beamed, extending his hands and widening his eyes as he bore Levi with his predatory gaze. The boy smiled then made his way to the table in the far off left end of the dinning room. His eyes searched involuntary for Hange, who was seated at the middle already on her feet and waving him over ecstatically.
“Oh my god Levi! I can’t believe you’re an architect!! I never would have guessed! Come have a sit don’t just stand there.” Levi took a sit beside her as the brunette shuffled to the side to make him space. Everyone was looking at him, throwing glances and misplaced whispers to their colleagues. Levi only smiled in their direction and looked around the table, his eyes stopping on a fiery strawberry blonde girl in front of him that was burning holes in him with her gaze. They stared at each other, none making a step towards the other. Hange was talking about something in the background but he didn’t turn to pay attention, refusing to break eye contact with the girl. Eventually, with a puff the girl relinquished and extended her hand over the table,
“Petra,” she said. Levi took her hand and with a smirk told her his name. And just like that Levi made two friends at the Academy already, chatting animatedly with them over dinner. At some point, someone placed a hand over his shoulder. Somewhat startled, the raven flinched then turn to look for the hand’s owner, a blonde and well built boy with a cold stare was fixing him with his sapphire eyes, a lop sided grin present on his face.
“Erwin Smith, I came here to give you an official greeting to our school,” pulling Levi to his feet, he forcefully shook his hand and with a forced grin continued, “I am the head boy here and I am in charge of the students, if you have any concern or question about anything by all means come to me and I will do my best to support you and grant the answers you seek. Welcome to Sina Academy of Excellence and Inquiry, Levi Ackerman.” And with that Erwin dropped his hand and after placing a hand on his shoulder, walked away retaking his seat at the head of their obscenely long table, disappearing out of his sight as he took a sit back down. A rather interesting start to what he reckoned would be an equally interesting year.
I do not own Attack on titan or any of the characters in the show or related to it!!
I really hoped you like it, if you did please stick around as there will be more where that came from!
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needyounow-love · 4 years
Hi! Could I ask you a match? I'm 5'2, but I like being short, I'm thankful that I'm not more tall! I have short dark brown hair, hazel eyes and pale skin (and I don't like to be tanned, I don't see myself in it). I'm slim, maybe too much, for this reason I'm not curvy, at all. I'm gemini, if this can help somehow ._.' I'm a person who has some difficulties to trust other people, if I trust a person it means that they did something that made them gain my respect and trust. If the person that I trust betrays me, I don't know if I can trust them anymore. 
 I love my family, even if I have a bad relationship with them. I think it's because of my rage: I'm easily irritable if something go wrong, because I'm always afraid to do something wrong, but this don't leave the problem. But only I can interact in a so-so way with my family, not anyone can hurt them. I don't have any problem to hurt badly any person who hurt my family with things that I can't write here because of the guidelines. It’s the same with my friends. 
I don't have a lot friends, but for me it’s better like that, because I have a few trusted friends. 
I'm kind of overprotective person, and I'm always afraid that people won’t accept me when I act in that way. I have some anxiety. When I hang out with my friends I can't stay too long in crowded places, 'cause I don't feel comfortable. I don't know how to explain it. When I get home I probably try to relax if I want to sleep, or I will be insomnious.  I stay in silence for the whole time, my father always say to me "be silent and watch all over you". 
I like to be observant, to understand. But if someone ask me something, I'm that tipe of friend that if I think something isn’t good for you, I will say it. 
I hate lies, corruption... I can't stand a person who lies without a reason that oblige them to lie. Or people who corrupt to have all the things they want. 
Even if I'm a lazy person, If I want something and I have to work to get it, I won't corrupt anyone, I will work for it. 
I love cuddles, sometimes I act cold about it, but if you know how to make me feel confortable I will love your cuddles. In a relationship, I don't like to kiss or be intimate in public. I like it more when we're alone, not on the streets in some dark place, I prefer to show my affection when we are alone in the house. I have this opinion of privacy. And I prefer a person with experience and someone who really know what are doing, who use their brain. I don't like impulsive people. 
I will wear his clothes, beacause that will make me feel better, somehow. I always try to help if I can. And I feel really sad if someone that know me don't trust me, that makes me feel like I did something wrong to make them act like that, so if they don't trust me, and I will do anything to fix that. 
I love to listen to music. I believe that the music you listen can describe a part of you. I don't like a particular genre: I listen Metal, Rock, Classic music... I don't like trap. I hate it. I love the way music can make you sad or happy without stressing you. I don't like being stressed. 
 I'm a weird person, and I like being described like that. I play piano, and even if I don't take lessons anymore, I want to continue by myself in my free time (my last teacher was a little stressful). Some times my sister help me with it, and she is really well at it because she has a lot of experience with music! 
I stay a lot of my time in silence in my room or with music on my headphones (I don't hang out of my house without them). 
 Drawing is my passion, even if I'm really bad at it, but I can become more confident with it if I continue to exercise! I pass my time by day dreaming, I watch a drawing, then start with some music and then I create a story about it. 
Sometimes I write, but when I posted it I then deleted it because I didn’t feel confident about it. Maybe I will post some of my writing in the future. 
Sometimes I like to sing, but my voice isn't that good, but I'm exercise for that.
I always try to be a good person, try to control my wrath, because I have a little problem with it, but only in really bad things. If I really care about a person, well, it's difficult for me to stay angry for a long time. I don't want to be a bad with them. I'm always angry with myself. 
 I love coffee and tea, both without sugar! Yeah, you can give me a lot of sweet things, but not coffee or tea with sugar. I need someone who can easily calm me down, who can know me really well, and who don't disrespect me for my protective attitude. A person who can accept my company, I'll be silent, promise! I can be a really cold and acid person if I lose my trust in you, or if you hurt someone that I care. And sometimes I'm jealous... 
I'm also stubborn. Sometimes this make me bad, however I have to say that this part of me has helped me. The circumstances change the choices. I'm a creative person. Even if I'm a little lazy, sometimes I draw what comes to my mind, or play the piano without any point to start, I just play some notes. If I'm really interested in something I will look foward to learn it, and I like to also teach it. I like to read, but I'm not a big reader. I can read some good books that relax me (I prefer thrillers, but I read all the generes). 
I like manga and anime. And I like to watch film.
 I like to wear oversize clothes, but at the same time a like some elegant dresses (don't misunderstand me, I don't like the types of clothes that are too tight or too like disney princesses). And I have a really stange tastes in shoes. 
I have a lot of other oversize hoodie and, yes, I wear a lot of chokers, I like them :). 
I don't make to much differences to wear male or female clothes, I don't mind it. But I wear a lot of ì sportive shoes, they’re comfy :). And I like cute things. My favourite color is black, red and white. 
I really like crows, cats, wolves and lynxes. I love animals, and I prefer if they stay in their natural habitat, even if they stay with humans. Sorry for the long message! I hope I didn't bother you, if it is, I'm really sorry! ._.' Sorry for my mistakes in the text, I'm trying to learn always more in English. Thank you for you're time! Hope you a nice day!
This is the last match up because the requests are now closed! 
Plus, I have seen the images of the clothes that you sent me, but I’m not going to add them to the post because they’re too many lolol <3
I match you with Lucifer.
Lucifer would be attracted by you because, just like you, he would protect his brothers and the people he cares about with his whole life, even if they annoy him constantly and if he hangs his brothers upside down it doesn’t mean that he will let someone else do that.
He would also trust you a lot because you seem a reliable person and he will  expect you to trust him back.
Luci would admire you for being careful, hardworking and for only trusting people who can gain your trusts because he's like that too.
He doesn’t particularly appreciate loud people (*cough* Mammom *cough*) and prefers calm and quiet people, so he wouldn’t feel stressed around you.
Lucifer would be very good at encouraging you with doing things that you enjoy and praise you for each one of your achievements. He won’t absolutely see your stubbornness as a defect: he would love that you don’t give up easily.
PDA isn’t for him. Maybe he could want to hold your hand in public, but he won’t do more than that. On the other hand, he’s very affectionate behind closed doors and won’t esistate to pamper you with love when you two are alone.
He love coffee and tea, so he would try any type of them with you because you seem to like them just as much as him.
He’s pretty fond of your chockers and might buy more of them to use them during some of your specific encounters in his room *coff**coff**
Lucifer is very possessive, so he won’t mind if you’re possessive around him because he would be like that with you too. It kinda finds it cute because he likes to see that you want him as much as he wants you. However, even if enjoys to see you get all riled up he won’t really try to make you jealous on purpose.
And he will surely let you wear all his clothes, just don’t steal all of them (even if he won’t stop you from doing that) lol
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