#so yeah. i don’t know if it’s normal to be prioritising christmas music in august when you know time’s running out but
irrolyphant · 1 year
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lovemamarobyn-blog · 8 years
2017: NEW MUM, NEW ME!
I can’t believe it’s been almost 2 months since my last post. It has been so crazy..but crazy in the best way possible. Hope you had a lovely Christmas and New Years, celebrating with your loved ones. 
Ah feels so good to be back again. Carter’s down for his morning nap and I’ve finally got time to sit down and tap away at my keyboard. I’m not even sure where I’m going with this post but I’ll try to update you on how things are going. I’ve gotten a handful of questions from some of you over the last couple of months and I love being able to share my experience with you all. 
So I guess as the title to this blog post says…NEW MUM, NEW ME! And yes, that’s indeed how I’m feeling. I think I’ve definitely changed as a person, even from the person I was in the first couple of months of motherhood. So far, January has been a month of re-evaluating and planning. Now that Carter has a pretty stable routine, Braden and I have found parenting has gotten easier. DON’T GET ME WRONG - It’s still challenging haha! So anyway, as I was saying…it’s been a month of re-valuating. There are a few goals I’ve set for myself this year and I’m determined to make them happen. First one is to save save save!!! Prior to pregnancy/parenthood, my friends, family and B could tell you that I was a terrible saver. I am a hoarder! I have a bad habit of collecting things and I struggle to let things go. It honestly wasn’t until two weeks ago when my laundry piled up that I realised how much I had (including items I haven’t even worn yet) I’ve constantly asked myself in the past when out shopping if it’s a NEED or a WANT and you’d think it’s just that simple hey… but I have obviously spoilt myself. After Carter was born, I had quickly dropped down to my pre-pregnancy weight so I went a little bit crazy and bought myself basically a whole new wardrobe. I kept telling myself it was a push present haha and making any excuse possible. Well like I mentioned, I HAVEN’T EVEN WORN SOME OF IT YET!! Goodness me. Well, I’ve got Carter now and that’s enough motivation in itself to stick to saving. I guess I’ve learnt how to prioritise and plan my spending and it feels great. Little life changes also go a long way :) I go to the gym regularly (which means I pretty much live in active wear) I’ve tried to stop wearing make up to let my skin clear up and that means not having to stock up as often on products. We’re meal prepping now and planning out our meals for the entire week which means just one trip to the shops and basically no need to eat out. I mean, I’ll still treat myself to the occasional brunch date coz you know how much I love my melbourne breakfasts but poached eggs and smashed avo can so easily be done right in my very own kitchen haha! Anyway… you get where I’m going with this.. first goal is to save :)  
Moving on to goal number 2: As some of you would know, I’ve always been into music/singing and I came to the realisation yesterday that I totally put it off for pretty much the whole of 2016. I guess this is because I spent most of last year focusing on my pregnancy and all the changes that came with it. This meant I didn’t sing as regularly as I normally would and now I can tell a major difference in my voice/control and everything! I went into 2017 with a promise to myself that I would start singing again. I know I was meant to post a couple of vlogs showing the day I went into labour with Carter but I’ve decided to keep that video private as it’s quite personal. On that topic, I’ve made a decision to take my music more seriously and have plans to start up a YouTube Channel. I’ll start with covers of songs and work my way into writing and doing originals. Lucky for me, I have an amazing and super-talented cousin who's also into music and studied sound production. He's got all the equipment we need and is happy to teach me the basics. My goal is to have my first video up and channel up and running before I turn 25 (August 23rd) which means I’ll have plenty of time to practice, get back into playing keyboard and figure out the vibe I wanna go with. :) it’s all very exciting and I know it’ll be good to do music again. I miss it so much!!! My third goal for the year is to get fit and gain muscle. I'm happy with how things are going so far and I've gotten right into healthy eating and it's been heaps of fun. We've got a few good recipes lined up for us to try next week and honestly I never thought I'd be the type to love cooking but I'm getting there...slowly! The more colour the better ;) food prep is fun if you make it fun and Carter starts on food next month...how exciting But yeah new mum, new ME! Apart from my three main goals..I will strive to better myself everyday. Keeping a happy and healthy mind comes first and foremost and the rest will follow :) wish me luck! Thanks for reading!  
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