#that’s what i’ve been up to lately 🤷🏻‍♀️
irrolyphant · 1 year
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9w1ft · 5 months
i need help. i’m so slow at unpacking the songs & their lyrics but you guys seem so confident that Kaylor lives. mind sharing lyrics or interpretations that you make you feel confident?
i think i speak for a lot of kaylors when i say we weren’t going into this album thinking we were all in some make or break situation, where the songs would be what decides whether or not kaylor lives. and we haven’t come out of it feeling different! so for starters, the very process of processing the songs is a bit different, i think, than the process suggested in your question.
this post got kinda long so i’m going to put it under the cut! and just a tl;dr that i am just talking about this aforementioned process. i’ve started writing out interpretations for the songs that have caught my kaylor attention but it’s taking time, so i thought id go ahead and post the other aspect of my answer in the meantime
a big part of kaylor interpretation is taking a look at what taylor and karlie were doing over the period of time that an album was written and the lead up to album rollout, and seeing if it looks like karlie knew in advance about what would be on the album, or how it would be promoted. the fundamental idea is that if taylor and karlie truly hated each other like everyone insists, that they wouldn’t go out of their way to drop hints or allow one another to drop hints.
so for example, karlie started wearing this pair of sunglasses with the product name “poet” before the name of the album (the tortured poets department) was ever known. she walked in two schiaparelli runway shows (the significance being that these days its rare for her to walk a show, and she’s never walked for schiaparelli before although she’s been to their shows in years of late), one of these schiaparelli shows was specifically alien themed, which lines up with the theming of Down Bad, and then next taylor announced the tortured poets department at the grammys wearing custom schiaparelli (i don’t think taylor’s ever worn the house before). so like, these sorts of things don’t make sense until later but they are signs we look to as a backdrop when going into an album. they are a sort of most recent indicator of the state of the union.
historically (especially post 2019 when what i call the scorched earth narrative was disseminated) people looking to disprove kaylor tend to brush off this stuff (twinning, similar theming or messaging in social media, etc) as oh it’s coincidental, but even if it’s not, any kaylor things that happen now are just because taylor is grieving and desperate for karlie and/or karlie wants notoriety because she wants… more money. but as i’ve said and as many have said for the past 5 years, it makes no sense and is such a misread of drivers for karlie and taylor. i beg people to try and put themselves in karlie’s shoes and ask themselves, would you endure all the hate for… more… money?? would you fly across the country and go to taylor’s concert two weeks post-partum, in a state of physical disrepair just to… spite her?? and have millions of people send hate at you for it..?
anyway, i know this is different than lyric analysis but it’s an integral part of kaylor analysis so i wanted to highlight it. i’d also point out that a whole bunch of people are currently analyzing her entire back catalog re: matty context clues in the same ways so 🤷🏻‍♀️ i think it’s a natural tendency for a lot of people— with kaylor though it’s outlawed.
and i want to reiterate that i think observing the time surrounding the album is a particularly worthwhile thing to do because it takes into account a more recent period of time than that of which the songs represent. i think people can get tunnel vision analyzing an album or individual songs and lose sight of the fact that we are here now after the album has been written. the lyrics are not the most recent thing!
another point i feel that needs mentioning is that with kaylor, among kaylors, we are looking at recent albums more for signs of taylor weaving a story of them that leads to them getting back together publicly. the idea that we are probably not going to get some big reveal that oh everything prior was fake! we have always been together! but rather some separate telling of events that preserves the integrity of people involved to some extent. so there are likely several layers going on when looking at songs. a mix of truth and augmented truths. songs can be useful towards meeting an end goal without telling the entire truth, while the fact that they are useful is still an indicator of the meta truth. i know this sounds a little convoluted... but thats alright im not invested in proving it to people 🙈 (nor do i think it should be provable!!)
lastly, while i am still compiling all my kaylor observations from each song, i did want to point out the obvious: that my understanding of the album (and i assume this is true for more kaylors as well) is colored by the inclusion of the song Robin. …i guess i will mince my words a little bit because i consider it a sensitive subject but basically, it’s a song about something that we would expect taylor would be singing about if they’re together in the way we understand it to be, given what we have been shown. and some of the lyrics are so specific to this… far flung idea… and such a contemporary development… that it sort of works to recontextualize any of the songs on ttpd that would otherwise feel breakuppy? because it pushes the story so far forward in matching our understanding. the hardest songs are easier to see as emblematic of the past, and the path that led us here to the present. in this way, at least for me, it makes it easier to appreciate the kaylor easter eggs going on in the songs as emblematic of kaylor, as opposed to litigating them and filing them one by one, because i truly believe taylor would not release Robin if kaylor was actually over. same goes for recurring motifs throughout the album (and midnights, and you might also include folkevermore as well) related to what robin is about. might sound weird to say but you could almost make a drinking game out of the motif, honestly, given how often she does it throughout the album.
i know the whole thing is wild. i have accepted this and im not out here to push it on people 😌 though i do leave the porch light on for people passing by. because for years now, with each new album people continue to say oh this is the kaylor breakup album, oh she’s finally over it, and then i guess they get amnesia by the time the next album comes along and kaylor themes yet again persist. and idk, to me, kaylor just being together this whole time is actually one of the least complicated outcomes.
anyways, in conclusion, apologies for not providing a song by song analysis right away 🙏 but i wanted to put out this part in the meantime. i don’t expect everyone to agree with this premise but i think it’s key to understanding how a lot of us approach this album. i hope it provides a little insight into my perspective! 🫶
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punkpandapatrixk · 4 months
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Full Flower Moon in Sagittarius ♦︎ Moon Magick Pick A Card
Yo! Full Flower Moon in Sag was on 23rd May; have you started to feel more light, more confident, more sure-but-chill in the trajectory of your Destiny? Sagittarius is the ruler of the 9th House of philosophy and the foundation of politics…but I dunno why lately I’ve been getting this notion of ‘destiny’ attached to it🤷🏻‍♀️
I think it’s just the time we’re living in~ This year, is the year so many Lightworkers and Starseeds get on with their real missions, and sure, more of the general public are also coming to awakening. Since the ‘battle’ ahead is going to take a toll on many of us both on the spiritual and material levels, the Higher Realms are making sure all of us warriors of Light basic needs are met first. You see, Light is essentially information. The body uses a lot of energy to digest Light—to digest information. Light needs to be integrated well with your cells for it to be useful at all.
With this beautiful Full Flower Moon in powerful and passionate Sag, all of our dreams of material abundance are flowering and blooming majestically with the natural rhythm of the Divine Order. Dance, children. This is a time to fully immerse yourself in feeling abundant, safe and stable, knowing that this security is only getting stronger and realer as the weeks and months go by! <3
Romance, friendship, community, company and communication; all of that is rolling out for everybody as we celebrate the end of the spring faery magick. This summer, fears and anxiety are completely dissolved in the salt waters. Play around, babe <3 Sleep and rest as much as you like. You’ve done so well! You’re been strong for so long, so now you can be soft with yourself~🧸
[Moon PAC Masterlist] [Patreon] [Paid Readings]
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Pile 1 – Not Butting In On Other People’s Karma Nomo
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a u t h o r i t y – 10 of Cups
Babe, I think this season you’re finally coming to a realisation that you deserve to be surrounded by a Soul Tribe and Soulmates. Like I’m seeing you’re no longer interested in settling for people whose hearts are not connected to you, those whose values clash with your own. You’ve learnt the hard way just how exhausting it is to be involved in other people’s drama. Originally, it’s not like you yourself are that much into drama. Or if you did before, you’ve grown up enough to not want it anymore~
Right now, you’d much rather be in your own company and figure out ways to connect with your core again. There’s a lot of soul-searching that’s needed for now. All of the habits—and ways of thinking—you’ve absorbed from other people are being flushed out at this moment. I think it’s more like you’re weaning off their influences LOL What’s truly important right now is your own peace of mind. You’re sure from the depths of your heart that this is the real way to manifest a Soul Tribe <3
s u p r e m a c y – 3 of Cups Rx
~supremacy over your own self-defeating tendencies/inclinations/habits~
Unlike the other Piles, your supremacy over yourself this season is more about your sense of freedom in pursuing interests and activities, even studies, that genuinely suit your tastes. You’ve sacrificed enough of your physical and mental energy, as well as your creative and spiritual aenergy on being there for other people. Now you’re saying no. You’re in the midst of building a healthy boundary. Some of you could have been doing this for a while now and this is your confirmation that you’re managing just fine! Don’t doubt yourself <3
Seems like quite a number of you could have doubts every now and then…wondering if you’re turning into an antisocial bitch for choosing to be alone and saying no to helping people or attending social gatherings—or not replying to chats immediately XD So, this is your confirmation that protecting your peace and sanity is not selfish in a bad way. Maybe it’s a bit antisocial or whatever but it’s not like you’re hurting people? You’ve got to work on some things on your own, right? So that’s alright.
PsychicBigSis on YouTube says, ‘Protect your energy, even when it gets lonely~’😏
p h i l o s o p h y – 10 of Wands Rx
Yup, this philosophy is all about you realising that people can only be responsible for their own consumption and manifestation. If you consume shit media and entertain shit ways of thinking, then you manifest shit Reality as well. Now you understand that you can’t save people from the hell of their own making. Their own mindsets and what they choose to entertain are what’s creating their Reality. You understand now that you want no part in it.
Because, babe, you know from the depths of your Soul that you’re meant for a much better Reality. A Reality of abundance and glory and happy, where you get to be authentic and comfortable in your own skin. One way or another, I think your Spirit Guides have sent you an understanding on how bad it is to be involved in other people’s karma. Now you understand people can only resolve their own bad karma because that is their lesson.
If you haven’t necessarily come across this notion, I kinda think Sadhguru prolly has something meaningful to say about it <3
full moon self-care🔻🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘
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Pile 2 – True Love’s Kiss Rooted in Self-Worth
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a u t h o r i t y – 5 of Pentacles
Oh ma god, babe! What kinda heartbreak have you been through recently? Or maybe it’s an old wound that hasn’t fully, completely healed? But anyway, I’m seeing you rise above these heartaches. More like, you’ve transformed the way you think about these things. About human connections, relationships and friendships, including the essence of a familyship, of course. The betrayals and/or abandonment you’ve experienced have truly taught you that you deserve a soulmate-shit relationship and friendships! <3
You’ve learnt the hardest way that wrong friendships could destroy your Life! For some of you, maybe your past relationships or friendships weren’t necessarily socially wrong or whatever but being with the wrong people destroyed your heart; it destroyed your faith in people; and it’s such a sad thing. You’re now on your way to healing, fully, from those pains. This Flower Moon is assisting new seeds of trust and companionship to bloom in your heart. Everything’s gonna be beautiful again in the end, I promise you ^_~v
s u p r e m a c y – 2 of Cups
~supremacy over your own self-defeating tendencies/inclinations/habits~
See? 2 of Cups is a soulmate card whose focus is on an equal give and take. With the right people, you won’t even have to ask because they’re always giving Love to you anyway. It’s not to say that we should disregard real, direct communication, but more about how we, when in the company of the right people, will never feel like we have to ask for the bare minimum. This reading is basically trying to convince you that you’re not asking for too much when you ask for soulmate-flavoured connections HAHAH
It will be given to you. Because you have asked the Universe for it. Because you have done what’s necessary to transform your own point of view. Because now you want it and believe that you’re deserving of it. It will be yours~ Sorry, bitch, I didn’t make the rules. That’s just how the Law of Assumption(?) works ;P You ask for it, you work towards it, you believe in it, you get it. Not settling for any less than IT anymore. Keep your gaze at IT, vibrations high and standards even higher <3
p h i l o s o p h y – 8 of Cups
This part is probably gonna repeat some things, after all, your current aenergy is quite straightforward. You’re basically learning that it’s OK to leave behind connections that no longer fulfil you on an emotional level. For some of you, especially if you’re a Fire-dominant person, it seems like you’ve truly learnt to separate your expectations of a professional relation from a personal connection. I think you’ve come at a point where you no longer expect a deeper connection with somebody you’re just working with, and you’re fine with it.
You’re patient enough to wait for a true Soulmate friend or group of friends that will prove to be ‘your people’ until the very end. You’re also patient enough to wait for a True Love’s kiss from a divine being who values themselves completely and healthily the way you’ve learnt to value yourself. You may not really know how you’re gonna connect with these people; you just believe that when the time is right, the Universe is gonna take care of everything <3
full moon self-care🔻🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘
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Pile 3 – The Wheel of Fucking Fortune Fucking Turning Around, Bitch~
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a u t h o r i t y – Page of Pentacles Rx
Who’s been trying to tackle you, bitch? You had massive enemies, didn’t ya? There’s been this huge-ass envy aenergy targeted towards you and your spiritual progress to a point where it was messing up your physical manifestations? Your studying and healing and spiritual rehab and creating new pathways were all jammed by negative thought-forms? Damn, you survived all of that tho? Here you are feeling better than ever and I know that you know that I know that YOU know you’re coming on TOP of your Game!
And you’re just fucking started. No, no, this isn’t the end of your story. This is the end of a fucking ARC. And your aenemies—yup, with an ‘ae’ coz they’ve been up in your aenergetic ass the whole time LMAO—are somehow getting this ANNOYING inkling that you’re coming together with your greatest Destiny! I think…your aenemies are getting this inkling by observing every single thing that’s going wrong in their own lives LMAO Bitch, bad juju backfiring!
All of the fuckers who’ve wished harm and even death upon you are seeing those very wishes manifesting in their own lives ROFLMAO
s u p r e m a c y – 8 of Pentacles
~supremacy over your own self-defeating tendencies/inclinations/habits~
The way I see it, whether or not you’re still seen or in contact with those old stale farts, they somehow know that you’ve been working so hard at transforming your Life and that things are changing for the better. This message I think will resonate more for those of you who have a social media presence or friends/relatives who are talking to each other or something like that. But even if you’re currently living a completely solitary Life, it could be that your aenemies have been getting dreams about you; probably seeing you shine and be happy and successful or something. It could be a very intuitive thing like that.
At this point in time, it’s possible they could’ve changed as a person themselves and some of them are regretting their actions in the past. Many of them who are thinking about you are admitting loudly, NOW, that they’ve always seen you as a hardworking, honest, decent person who wouldn’t slight another person. And they’re bitterly—very bitterly—realising that this is why the Universe is rewarding you for all of the hard spiritual work you’ve done on yourself for yourself, and those whom you genuinely care about who’ve also genuinely got your back.
p h i l o s o p h y – 5 of Cups Rx
So, your aenemies messed up your chances to get your fortune cookies? Fret not, bitch <3 The Universe is in an active phase of sending you a million boxes of fortune macarons straight from the ‘authentic French confectionary’ section of the Cosmos! Take that! <3 What even is this illustration? XX’D
Some of your milder enemies (if that’s even a thing) are prooobably gonna try and get on your good side now that you’re proving yourself ‘useful’ to them again. This reading is advising you not to take anybody back, babe. ANYBODY. These people wished so much harm on to you once, what makes you think they wouldn’t do it again?
Trust that you’re ABSOLUTELY NOT missing out on anything by excluding these stinky-ass bitches from your blessed Life. If you’re gonna spew that Love & Light bullshit first, spew it on yourself first so you can shield yourself from what is NOT Love & Light. You got that?
If you’ve chosen this as your main pile, you’ve gotta check out PsychicBigSis on YouTube because her collective messages could have meaningful revelations for what you’ve been dealing with <3
full moon self-care🔻🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘
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hana-no-seiiki · 1 year
I’m watching kardashians new season (i guess i dont have enough drama in my life💀) and i was thinking…
What about yandere family x reader BUT they have same kind of reality tv show?
I just think it would be interesting to see how they would act/how fans would like y/n and the family🤷🏻‍♀️
And the family can be as big/small you want.
Ps.i really love your stories. Keep up the good work🫶🏻
You. You don’t know how much I’ve been having a brainrot over Yandere rich family / Yandere platonic kardashians (mostly as a young teen). How dare you send an ask like this when I’ve moved on? How dare you-
TW/CW: Yandere and Toxic Family themes. Abuse/Neglect. My capitalisation Is EverywheRe. Horny Siblings. Stepcest(?) Adoptedcest(?) Pseudocest(?) transphobia (not from characters but from society)
The Qasem Clan was notorious to say the least. They used to be known for churning out talents, changers of society and the industries they so choose to venture into. Now they were just a bunch of hopeless, talentless folks with too much money in their hands.
All of them except you.
Granted, you’re an adopted child. The matriarch of the family thought you to be ‘too cute to be in an orphanage’ and stole you away during one of her various charity events she’d attend for the sake of face and bragging rights.
The paternal grandparents didn’t like you too much at the beginning. After realizing that they spoiled their children and grandchildren too much too late, they have grown to be tired and soulless creatures. Often throwing you to lessons because they were much to apathetic to bother with a child that wasn’t of their own blood. It was only when you excelled in literally every single class that they suddenly started pouring love and attention all over you. However the Yandere (and I mean the unhealthy part of it), comes when you realize that all this newfound attention will crumble the moment you fail — not to mention how creepy it is when they started to erase whatever made you look different from the family. The only people stopping them being the yan! matriarch who didn’t want them messing with the reason she adopted you in the first place.
but yeah because of them you’re known as the “qasem’s saving grace” and many people worship the group you walk on. it’s great and all. expectations of being completely perfect aside.
yan! siblings range from being horny to being absolute degenerates towards you. the eldest loves to grope you all over and absolutely despises it when your attention is not on them. but whenever it is, they’ll be off fucking some random stranger in front of you just to make you jealous. they’re completely in it for the chase, and get turned off when you show even the slightest hint of reciprocation. they’d be rich from the amount of sex tapes they have alone. though platonically speaking they’re pretty great actually. a lot of fans made compilations titled “[y/n] and [eldest name] being normal siblings for once” or [eldest name] being [y/n] biggest fan” for when you they show genuine love and interest in what you do.
middle child aka boyloser supreme here is the current heir to the qasem riches. why? because he’s a masochist- okay not really because of just that- he’s a hardworker despite his title and often gets high grades but because that wasn’t really extraordinary in the clan he never got attention for it. what he did get attention for was being depressed and being ‘not presentable’ or ‘filthy’. even then he’s still pretty smart and hasn’t impregnated half the town like the eldest so he’s been entrusted with the riches (also he can’t exactly impregnate since his cock is non existent… yes he has a bussy)
reality tv show wise he was kind of forgotten and/or only known for being somewhat smart until he transitioned and society being society made that a controversy and his only personality trait. until people realized that he’s just so much hotter all of a sudden as a boy? gender euphoria does things to people. a lot of edits between you and him feature the man staring at you from afar. or hiding his arousal that he gets from your existence.
there are many more siblings and other fam members in mind (particularly screeching over the maternal grandparents, I’ll add them if I get more asks to this) but i need to go sleep soon so we’re skipping to youngest child.
you know him, you love him.
it’s yan! tsun!. yeah the boy is spoiled to the max. he somehow spends a million bucks per week (probably on Taylor Swift merch). he swears he doesn’t want to fuck you but he already has a million sex toys modeled after your pp or pps if you’re intersex, whatever it is. the only reason he hasn’t commissioned an accurate wax doll of you is cause he’s afraid it’ll suddenly fall out of the corner of his walk in closet through all those designer clothes and into the eyes of the camera men (he doesn’t care much about his fans/the viewers cause they’re faceless as far as he knows). like eldest he has his wholesome moments when tells you not to worry too much about the show or how you present. though it’s mostly off camera, a lot of fans see how close you are. he also shows his support subtlely when it comes to scandals, like boyloser’s for example wherein he started wearing “feminine” clothes and slaying in them just to slam on those people with paper thin, fragile as glass masculinity.
…but yeah there’s a clip that went viral of him sniffing your clothes.
(will definitely add the women of the family one day….) (most likely if I get another request for this or if this goes big yuh)
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indiaalphawhiskey · 1 year
Hi India. I feel really bad for asking this but I wondered if there is an explanation. I always see Larries say 'anyone but Louis' because if Harry is being romantically linked to men then Louis is always excluded when it's very obvious that something went on between Harry and Louis during 1D. Whether it's Harries or the odd time the media they never bring up Louis. So I always see this 'anyone but Louis'. But I noticed that Larries won't accept Harry with any man but Louis. They would prefer him to be straight than with a man who isn't Louis. Isn't this a similar thing? Anyone but Louis vs no one but Louis. Or am I missing a point? Thanks!
Um, it’s very late where I am, so I’m gonna try and be as coherent as possible.
Personally, I believe Harry and Louis are together, and have been for the last 13 years, and the reason I believe Harry has been with “no one but Louis” as you put it, is absolutely not because I would “rather Harry be straight than be with someone else”. It’s literally because I’ve never seen Harry (or Louis) look at anyone else the way they look at each other.
I say this, time and again: to me Larry isn’t a ship. Larry is not me playing with two dolls and making them kiss each other. Neither part of the couple is “swappable” with any other “character” no matter whether man or woman, no matter what level of attractiveness or wealth or fame, no matter how many pap pics are taken of them walking side by side shirtless and in silence or fake kissing next to a car or dancing on a yacht, because none of those things equate to being in love.
What convinced me of Larry isn’t the amount of time they spent together, or how handsome they both are, or what a cute couple they make (even though they are hella cute). It’s literally everything else. It’s their body language around each other, it’s Harry’s stupid little nose scrunch and how it’s disappeared now that they’re never seen together, it’s the way they always seem to reference the same documentaries and albums, is how they dance their little pointy-pointy victory dance that I’ve never seen anyone else do, its how they speak of England as home and LA as work, its the fact that their deep-seated values are so aligned, it’s the entire discography of songs that tell two perspectives of the same love story, it’s the way they describe success with insanely similar verbiage that you can imagine them discussing it laying next to each other in bed…
For me, it’s Harry for Louis and Louis for Harry not because I won’t accept anything else. It’s because I’ve never seen anyone else even come close to being on the receiving end of the way they look at each other. If I see either of them acting that way towards someone else, I’ll consider changing my mind.
I think what people don’t get is that this isn’t really a point of pride for me. I don’t ‘get anything’ by believing in Larry (in fact, there are many times I wish I could spare myself the heartbreak of knowing so much about celeb closeting and just forget about it) or by convincing other people to believe in them. I literally just believe it. And maybe one day there will be enough evidence to change my mind, and then I won’t believe it. It’s just… today’s not that day. 🤷🏻‍♀️
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acotar-taylorsversion · 6 months
So for some reason I got lost in the Elucien side of tik tok and, of course, they are convinced they are endgame. They are the ones who think Elain avoids Lucien because she’s trying to suppress her attraction to him and what not, but I just think that’s silly. Even though I agree with them about how we don’t know what’s going on in her head, I just find that theory ridiculous, especially when you look at the overall text that surrounds Elain and Lucien.
I am an Elriel supporter and have been since 2017, but I always have that “what if” in the back of my mind because we all know Sarah can just completely forget about what she’s written and do something totally different. My biggest fear is that I won’t ever accept Lucien. Like, I only really support him when I read those tiny moments when he’s talking about or with Vassa, because I can see that. But I’m scared I won’t ever accept Lucien or Elucien because of what we know.
I’ve never truly connected with Lucien. I always saw him as the annoying one. I never could understand why everyone finds him attractive or charming. I moved on quickly when we learned about his history, it didn’t really affect me. He’s just annoying to me. And I know he’s not a bad guy, like I don’t hate him. I just don’t care for him. I literally forgot all about his character in acomaf until he showed up again to kidnap Feyre, and I was totally dumbfounded when he said Elain was his mate. It was the most random thing to me. I remember reading that part 3 times because I thought I was crazy. And I was so so happy when he volunteered to go search for Vassa because that meant he was going to be gone for a while in acowar, and then I forgot about him again unless he was brought up. He’s just a very forgettable character to me and it’s going to take a lot for my opinion to change. Like I honestly hate that someone like Elain got mated to someone like him. It’s the most random thing.
Like 3 brothers x 3 sisters just makes so much sense to me and it’s so perfectly even and symmetrical. 2 brothers x 2 sisters, 1 sister x random guy, 1 brother x random girl just doesn’t make sense at all.
I don’t think I could enjoy the series anymore if Sarah has planned for Elucien and gwynriel all this time because why spend all that time building up Elriel? And I’m sorry, but people who say that they didn’t see Elriel moments as romantic clearly didn’t read them. I know we interpret things differently, but y’all are just delusional if you can’t see that.
I’ll go ahead and say it. The main reason I support vassien is because it gives Lucien a happy ending while elain is free to love who she wants and not who she is told to by the cauldron or whatever. I hate that she is being forced to make a decision that she should never have to make. And it’s not like we don’t have a reason to support vassien, there are some cute little moments between Vassa and Lucien. But even, with a vassien pov, I don’t think I would enjoy Lucien’s part. Another thing, I could totally see him dying. I’ve always thought he would seeing how he was becoming feyre’s friend and what not. That usually happens to that type of character in fantasy stories.
Who knows, though 🤷🏻‍♀️. I’m just over all these things with the fandom here lately. From the doxx threats, forcing artists to quit creating art for us because of the hate they receive, the teasing from Bloomsbury, and this stupid ship war, I’m just mentally exhausted from it.
Sorry for the rant, guys. I’ll be more positive next time, hopefully lol 😆
Hope everyone is doing good after all that’s happened ♥️
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cosmicdream222 · 6 months
Some of my manifestations from last week (with photos)
Surprise gifts
My bestie A and I regularly update each other with about our daily plan for affirming etc to keep each other accountable. I said I was manifesting VIP treatment, put on some subs and affirmed while I was making breakfast (yes I’m not a morning person and make breakfast at nearly noon 😭)
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Not even a half hour later, I received a surprise delivery from Amazon:
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My friend L, who lives out of state, sent me food and new bowls for the stray cats I feed, and treats for my cats (Stella & Panini are my cats’ names 😹)
VIP treatment
That evening I worked a brand ambassador gig that I booked only a couple days before. I’ve been avoiding working as much as possible lately lol but this one was nearby and paid well. It happened to be a giveaway event partnering with a local radio station and ended up being fun. One of the radio DJs was there, and me as the sponsor brand representative was given the same level of VIP treatment as the radio DJ! There was an event coordinator who basically did all the work and I just got to stand around looking pretty and getting paid for it. 😭
Gift card
After work I got home and found another package from my friend L with a gift card for me 💕
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More cat food
A few days later, my neighbor left a huge box of cat food at my door. My cats are getting more spoiled than me 😂
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An air fryer
This one is cool because I specifically wanted to manifest this. I had heard about air fryers for a while now and it seemed like something I would use, but I didn’t really feel the need to buy one. A couple weeks ago I was at Trader Joe’s with my mom and the cashier was saying how much he loooved his air fryer and telling me all the things I could make with it. I decided that moment I would just manifest one eventually, and forgot about it.
So the other day my mom comes to pick me up for a family lunch and she has a huge box in her hands - an air fryer?? She says jokingly “happy birthday” - my birthday isn’t for another 4 months! She said she just felt like I needed one 🤷🏻‍♀️
It’s so cute and I’ve already used it a couple times 💕
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Attention from sp
Soo I have this crush-type guy we’ll call D. He’s one of my best friends and we’ve talked nearly every day for 3 years. I can talk to him about anything, including all things supernatural and shifting. We have admitted to having feelings for each other, and even had “online boyfriend” vibes for a while, but we live in different states, and he didn’t want to do long distance. I was sad and anxious about it for a while, but since I found out about loa and shifting, I realized none of it mattered and I could just shift to a reality where we’re together already 😂
Anyway I had become detached and stopped really thinking about him in a romantic way for a while. However, I realized since I basically didn’t care and wasn’t thinking about him, he was becoming distant in response. We hadn’t been really flirty or romantic in a few months, and I hadn’t even talked to him in a week, which was unusual. Although I wasn’t anxious about it or anything, I was still missing talking to one of my best friends. So I just started assuming he would go back to blowing up my phone all day, and I sent him some mental telepathy messages about what I wanted.
Monday morning he messaged me apologizing for being distant. He had been traveling for spring vacation and took a break from his phone. He then basically spent the whole week trying to make up for it, being super attentive, listening to my long ramblings about my void and shifting progress, sending me selfies every day, being more sweet and romantic than he had been in months, and kept telling me how pretty I was 🥰
Losing a follower LOL
This is just a funny one to round out my list. I hadn’t been on tumblr in a bit, and when I went to check my asks, I saw I had 556 followers. I thought “darn I missed the angel number, haha maybe someone will unfollow me so I can get the screenshot.” Not 5 min later when I went to look again, it had happened, and I got the screenshot 😂
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(Up to 558 now thank you all 💕)
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tinydeskwriter · 2 years
Safe Harbor in a Storm (Dirty Trick. Part II)
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A/n: I tried🤷🏻‍♀️
word count: 1473
2023 Grammy’s Award Night
The cameras flashes were blinding. Tonight especially, it seemed brighter than usual.
The frantic photographers screaming her name and asking for a new pose. She gave them her million dollars smile and posed to the camera, relaxing a little feeling her husband’s hand in her small back, drawing circles with his finger against the black lace of her naked dress. His hands eventually found hers against her growing belly—something that happens often since she announced her pregnancy the year before, it had been almost impossible to keep it a secret with her protective, affectionate husband always putting his hands on her, caressing ‘their’ bump— camera flashes fire more aggressively.     
The award season was their last ‘work related commitments’ before their baby birth in late may, they planned to welcome their lil nugget in London, close to his family and their closest friends—after a month long babymoon in Italy, full hours under the sun by the beach, delicious pastries and pastas— she would have three months of recover and then they would be on the road again—with their newborn—, going from one country to another.
Y/n loved how dedicated her husband was to her and their growing little family. 
Her heart felt ready to burst with love at the sight of the handsome Brit she had married a year and a half ago. 
Andrew was truly her dream man. All she ever wished a husband would be. It was like she had dreamed her perfect man he be became true.
They met through mutual friends a month after her painful break up with Harry. She went out with friends to celebrate that her ex had just take the rest of his stuff from her house. It had been hard, even with her ultimatum, Harry went forward with what Jeff though better, and for some reason the man had convinced himself that he would be able to sweet talk his way out of losing her. He failed to understand that Y/n Y/l/n was no man’s pretty little fool, she was no weakling and would never band to his wills, he wanted the PR stunt? Fine, she wouldn’t be the fool waiting for him to come home after he spent the day making out with his geriatric director.
As she prophetically old him: in a month, she’ll have moved on. 
Harry showed up to pick the rest of his shit as she was getting ready for a night out, he bagged and nearly cried, but she was unmovable. 
After she only wanted a strong drink and to forget, and that was the night she met Andrew… properly. They had met before over the years in award shows and mutual friends house parties, but never had been properly introduced. That night they talked… for hours. And by the end of the night Andrew had asked her out. She had wanted to say ‘no’, but something in his honest brown eyes made her give him her number. 
Their first date happened in LA, she arrived one and a half hours late,  he was patiently—and anxiously—waiting for her in a booth, and when he smiled at her and ignored her tardiness, that’s when she new that he was something special.
He was patient and gentle and kind, and less than a year after their first date they tied the knot in a small ceremony at Islington Town Hall, North London.
She had loved Harry, but Andrew had been game-changer.
He made an afford. He made time. He went out of his way to visit her on set in Australia and pretended that it was nothing ‘I’ve been wanting to try the waves around here’ he told her with a smile as he delivered a bouquet of sunflowers and her favorite chocolates that were found only in a particular little store in LA.
She proposed to him the same night Harry had drunken called her, and she realized that all the butterflies she had once felt hearing his voice were now death, but Andrew? His gentle soft gaze and raspy sleepy voice was able to wake a whole zoo in her stomach. She proposed in bed, no ring, nothing, they’re half sleeping, and he answer with ‘yes, sure’.
The very next day he gave her the yellow gold with sustainable diamonds engagement ring he had bought weeks before. They spent two months living together in Sydney, before moving in together and New York, before agreeing that London would be the best place to grow a family in the future.
They got married in the Spring in London, only two witnesses and no paparazzi in sight—they had a jewish ceremony two days later—. The newly wedded A-list couple shocked the world, no one knew they are a couple to begin with.
Fans shipped them. Haters criticized the fifteen years age gap. Media emphasized how odd a couple they made: Glam Hollywood Siren, Y/n Y/l/n and dorky, adorable, Andrew Garfield.
Harry called again after finding out, he was clearly drunk and probably on something else, ‘You’re really that delusional that you thought that I would wait around for you?’she had stated with refinements of cruelty when he finished his rambling. He asked her if she had married ‘that guy’—Andrew was always that guy to Harry— to spite him, to which she honestly told him ‘My directional debut was to spite you. You’re the last thing on my mind when I married Andrew, you killed the butterflies, and he woke the zoo…Andrew is in his own category, his own brand of masculinity, he’s far too amazing to be compared, and I love him, I love him, and he loves me back, he puts me first, he takes me into consideration in his decisions, he never hurt me, and I never doubt him.’
You were a hurricane, but he’s the safe harbor during a storm I always craved for. She never tells him. 
That was the last time they talked, and it has been almost two and a half years since she last saw him.
“You’re the most gorgeous women in this event, and I am the luckiest men.”Andrew said in her ear, making her blush and smile. 
“No need to sweet talk me, luv, we’re married already, and I am carrying your glorious spawn.” She joked, making him throw his head back and laugh.
She smiled bigger and turned her head to look at him. She was truly a lucky woman.
Y/n turned her head after hearing the screams in the red carpet. 
Her smile falter a little, their eyes met for a second—of course he would be here, he was nominated to seven awards—, for a moment she can swear she sees sadness and regret in his green eyes as he takes her in. She smiles brighter—a fake smile, but no one apart from the two men in the red carpet knows— and greets him from a distance, like they were never more than old acquaintances, like they never were engaged, like they never loved each other.
He made his choice. She made hers.
Life moves on.
She left him in her past. Harry Styles was a sentence in the book of her life. 
Andrew is her present and her future.
Harry was jus the guy that wrote songs about her but were never man enough to go against his management and claim her public.
She looks ahead as Andrew and her are guided through the carpet by a assistent.
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cardboardheartss · 3 months
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Q : How are you all feeling today? (9oW, Hierophant rx, KNoC, 6oW)
A : Well… we for sure are really tired. We all have been praying/hoping there would be a better change for all of us, and we genuinely hope that will come for us soon.
Q : How are you all dealing with the backlash you’ve been receiving? (2oW, 4oC rx, Tower, Judgement, Magician)
A : We are crushed… the backlash is getting too much now. We all feel as if we went from being loved to being thrown out like stray dogs. People on social media always find ways to create unnecessary drama and we are tired!
Q : How do you all feel about the HYBE situation? (10oW, KoP, 5oC, PoC rx, Emperor rx)
A : BSH is working so hard on destroying everything. We trusted him, and now he has tainted our image even more and now we’re forced to deal with more of the backlash because of him.
Q : Yunjin what are your thoughts? (KNoS rx)
A : Everything is genuinely out of control… I wish I could speak on it but I might not watch what I say and it’s going to cause more problems.
Q: Eunchae what are your thoughts? (QoC rx)
A : I am done, all do this makes me feel so bad for everyone because at the end of the day, we’re the ones who are going to be in trouble, and continue dealing with the backlash. I don’t want to work anymore, my passion for my job has ended because what the point?
Q : Kahzua what are your thoughts? (9oP rx)
A : 😐 Now I’m going to be forced to fake it, til I make it once more. Now we’re going to be forced to work even more for the sake of the public approval. I’ve lost so much confidence, thanks to the ballet dance comments along with the backlash with the vocals too…
Q: Chaewon what are your thoughts? (8oP, 7oW)
A : I never thought this would actually happen… now I have to rebuild my image again, and the only way I can do that is by speaking up for myself but I can’t because people will twist words and cause havoc again. I wanna fight but I just can’t 😔
Q : Sakura what are your thoughts? (10oW, PoW)
A : 疲れていてイライラしている (tsukarete ite iraira shite iru) I’m tired and annoyed, I have completely given up, I feel defeated and lately I have been doing my hobbies just to keep calm but I am genuinely unhappy. My late night walks are keeping my sane right now, because I just feels so embarrassed, I don’t want to be seen in public anymore.
Q : What do you think will be the outcome of this situation? (KoC, Temperance, Hanged Man rx, 5oP rx)
A : Well… BSH will deal with this issue, all we’ll have to do is just sit back and watch.🤷🏻‍♀️
Q : Do you have anything to say to Ill’It? (4oS rx, 5oS rx, 3oS rx, 2oC, 4oW rx, 4oP rx)
A : Firstly we want to just apologize for all the backlash you’ve been receiving lately, you all truly don’t deserve any of this. Please make sure that you all rest and avoid the negative comments. It’s unfortunate that this war will never end, I mean, we even are in the same shoes as you all right now and we have no choice but to stand together. We your unnuies will stand by you!🫂
Q : Do you have anything to say to NEWJEANS? (Moon rx, 6oP, KNoP, KNoW rx)
A : Well… this is going to be an awkward time between all of us, it’s like we’re going to be walking on eggshells around you, not us only, like the rest of the groups too. We have to do this for the sake of our career so… yea
Q : Any words to the general public? (3oP, PoP rx, 3oW, 7oP, 3oC)
A : We would like to apologize, we know it’s going to take some time to get your love again. It is going to take us some time to work on our performance flaws, but once we woke on it and show you all our improvements, may we please leave the past behind us and rejoice once more… together.
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britany1997 · 7 months
I’ve decided I’m back now lol
Couple of notes with that:
-originally, I thought it would be easier to just wait till after finals, but I turned my first draft in, and I have been inspired lately, and I DID actually finish writing a fic soooo… I don’t want to wait to post it and it probably makes more sense for me to come back now
-I’m not taking requests for a while, maybe months. I’m gonna finish up some stuff I have already that I’ve been working on, then I’m just gonna write what I want to write. For the characters I want to write for too. Definitely some TLB stuff coming, but I wanna write for Steve, Spike, and maybe others too.
-I’m doing this very much on my own schedule and at my own pace so that I don’t feel pressured to write, so my writing doesn’t feel like an obligation, and so I don’t prioritize it over anything else in my life. This started as a hobby for me and I want it to go back to being that. Just writing for fun
-I reserve the right to change my mind and leave whenever I feel like it’s too much for me, not good for my mental health, or I don’t have time with school (I’ll probably take another, much shorter break in April/May around finals🤷🏻‍♀️)
-I’m not gonna be on here all the time or interacting as much as I did in the past. I don’t have the time. I still wanna read and reblog stuff though, so you’re still welcome to tag me. I’ll just have to get to it when I can. Same for responding to asks. (I actually have a backlog of asks I mean to reply too lol)
-on that note, I’ve been gone for a while, so mutuals, you can retag me in stuff y’all have written so I can go back and read it and reblog it. (Please don’t feel pressured to do so though)
Tagging some author mutuals so I can read their stuff: @6lostgirl6 @misslavenderlady @ghoulgeousimmaculate @crustyboypix @bloodywickedvamp @auntvamp @darlingverse @luv4fandoms @anna1306 @chiefdirector @david-powers-simp @dwaynedelight @sad-ghost-of-garbage @henhouse-horrors @kurt-nightcrawler @phantomenby @prettywhenibleed @darlingverse @michael-after-hours @gothamslostboy
(If I didn’t tag you and we’re mutuals you can still retag me if you want). I probably won’t be able to read everything all at once, but I plan to go through it all.
I think that’s everything, happy to be back:)
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BPP! This might be a tough one for you.
What do you think about BigHits tactics with regards to album releases and promotional tactics for members? Hobi and Namjoon have been the only ones (not without other issues) thus far who’ve gotten proper time to promote their album and allow it to sit with Army and other fans. Today with the announcement of D-Day, it basically means Jimin had only 2 weeks to promote and allow his album to sit with Army (not counting the time that was divided with In the street by JHope).
Now the focus, as you can imagine, will be divided. It is a bit unfair to jimin but this is more a company planning issue rather than an issue with the members themselves. It could be that Yoongis album also get affected because Army just spent tonnes on buying Face 🤷🏻‍♀️
What are your thoughts around this?
Hi Anon,
I’ve talked about this a few times before but it seems several people still have the same concerns, going by the flood of asks I just got on the topic, in addition to yours. So let me try a different tack.
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Fuck BigHit.
Fuck BTS.
Fuck HYBE.
Do we look like fucking ATMs? Are they trying to cause a burnout in the fandom? To see how far they can push us before we break? Do the members in BTS, those ungrateful fucktards, take ARMY so much for granted they think it's okay to push out albums one after the other like fucking pop tarts?
I just spent a shit fuck ton of money on Jimin and my wallet is still recovering. Now here comes Yoongi not even two weeks later shipping his shit out. And this is when his concert tickets are running up US$5,000 a pop on reseller sites. What does BigHit think they're doing? Writing this, I was initially going for a 'sarcastic' pitch but nah, I'm actually kinda ticked off. Fuck BigHit for their tacky, unorganized, chaotic and cluttered as fuck roll-out, and fuck BTS too for agreeing to that bullshit.
You're probably reading this and going "BigHit is the problem, not BTS", but those grown men agreed to this shit. You think Yoongi’s tour and album date was only decided yesterday? No. He and Jimin knew months before how everything would be phased, and they agreed to it. I held them responsible for agreeing to the PET and Dreamers, and I'll hold them responsible for this. You know, I actually can't believe Jimin. The actual gall to sit there and say the FACE album is very precious to him, only for him to agree to dip after two weeks of promotions. It's like he's begging to free fall off the charts. I wonder if he has a masochistic kink since he religiously keeps up with charting and social media lately. Anyway, Yoongi is the even bigger problem here since he's encroaching on Jimin's promo time. There's literally no need for BigHit to rush any of this, not even Yoongi going to the army is...
The army...
Oh, right.
The military...
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Enlistment... that thing they've been talking about lately. Yoongi has to enlist this year, and if the members all intend to do their service before returning in 2025, then they all have to enlist sometime in the next 10 months. And as the maknaes (taekook) will likely be having big debuts like Jimin, they'll need some time too. And, though it's possible he does, I doubt Jimin plans to enlist soon after promoting FACE. The guy I heard in Set Me Free Pt 2 sounds like he plans to be around for most of this year, active and trying out different projects. So BigHit will have to plan/stagger Jimin's next solo projects around Taekook's solo activities...
Hmm, now that I think about it, Joon did seem agitated when he said on his WLive, he's running out of time. Jimin and Yoongi both expressed a strong desire to return as a group ASAP on Suchwita. Jung Kook, who watched them, agreed and felt so inspired watching them that soon as it was done, he went to work and the context of his speech suggests he went to work on a solo endeavor. Oh, and if he's still working on music, that really shows how involved he is in the process, doesn't it? I mean, it's not Jung Kook who selects BTS's distributor (it's YG btw), but it's hard to say how there would be a complete album if he's still working on the song, and so he might need more time...
Enlistment is a real pressure all the guys are feeling this year, JK too even if he doesn't go, I promise you. I doubt they want these tight deadlines either. And that's all this roll-out is: tight. I refuse to call the roll-outs messy and insufficient because the guys' promotions have all without fail, even Hobi's, been thoughtfully done. And I'm saying that as someone who still thinks JITB packaging is pathetic and JITB should've come with a CD.
There’s a real possibility the fandom deals with some whiplash between releases.
Personally, I'm having the time of my life with the barrage of new music. Everything I wrote in that angry rant above is hogwash. BTS are keeping us so fucking fed, the music is incredible, they're all expressing themselves in so many ways, I can't stop gorging myself on them. As someone who has watched them for some years, it's nothing but pure fun seeing them be themselves and making great records. ARMY has already dealt with almost 20 releases since June 14th and all of them have done very well, plus it's not like BTS see themselves as competition anyway, so why should we?
That said, I can see why you think it’s unfair Jimin has likely had only two weeks to fully promote his album. I also sympathize if it all feels very overwhelming for you. Please remember it's always okay to step back and detach. In fact I recommend doing it often if you like. The music isn't going away, engage at your own pace.
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There's also the issue of solo stans and their diet versions kicking up a stink about missed goals/targets after Jimin's Hot100 win. It's a shame and it will be annoying, but also that implosion has to happen somehow right?
If you're saying this cause you worry about ARMYs (or at least the OT7-ish core), don't worry. Those people showed up for JITB, Indigo, OTS, Jimin, and they'll show up for D-Day. Of course listenability, genre accessibility, preferences in general etc, definitely also impact what people like to listen to, and metrics will also vary for that reason. It's not always solo stans who determine these variances.
If the money is an issue for you, very understandable. It's money after all not toilet paper, it's a very valuable resource and there's a real fear fans will significantly spend beyond their means. Thus far I haven't seen this happen, and people seem to always forget the fandom has a lot of people and a lot of funders. It's just that not all of them pitch in unless it's for their biases. I have an ask sitting in my inbox of an Anon noticing that many people who had spent the last year talking about how ARMYs are 'obsessed with charts' and that people should allow music to be 'organic', those people themselves got really into charts when trying to chart Jimin's FACE. For that Anon if you're reading this, I agree with your observation but that sort of mean spirited shitposting ask is just unnecessary so I'm not posting it lol.
Anyway the point is, even the fans who don't consider themselves part of ARMY will show up to support their biases. They might dip right after, but they'll show up. That's just the effect BTS has on people. So Anon, ARMY will do what they do: enjoy the music, support the guys, and bicker.. feel free to do the same.
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ironmandeficiency · 1 year
love at first fight
pairing: bofur / reader
word count: 1269
summary: after a tavern visit, you seriously consider getting your eyes checked when you mistake an unassuming dwarf for your best friend’s ex
a/n: another hella late year of idiots submission (but since i started it in may it still counts as the may entry lol). the reader’s race & gender are left ambiguous. pihla means “rowan tree” in finnish
tags: @yearofcreation2023 @oonajaeadira & my darling beta @loopyloo2610 (idk why you can’t be tagged 🤷🏻‍♀️) who helped me organize my thoughts with this piece
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“you’re absolutely belligerent, you know that right?” pihla harrumphed as you brushed her hair, a grumpy pout on her face.
you tugged a little harder than necessary and ignored the slight wince. “oh i know,” a slight chuckle accompanied the next stroke of the brush through ginger locks.
your best friend has sequestered herself in her home, refusing to leave and avoiding anyone who could carry false sympathies with their groceries. after the way elias broke her heart not even a week ago, it made sense for her to avoid the laketown gossips and stay home for a while.
however, it doesn’t mean you’ll allow it.
pihla sounds a lot more put out than she truly is as she continues lamenting, “i can’t believe you’re forcing me to go out.”
she releases a put-off sigh while she rummages through her wardrobe. “after everything i’ve been through the past several days,” one dress is tossed over her shoulder as another piques her interest. “absolutely shameful, i think.”
watching your friend smile again, you refastened your bootstraps and straightened your tunic. tonight wasn’t about you primping and feeling pretty, it was for pihla to remind herself just how amazing she is and feel happy again. so you stuck with your regular attire of a simple tunic and breeches, letting your closest friend take the popular tavern by storm.
with winks and grins sent to each other, you were off to drink your woes away.
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years before that mustached scum broke pihla’s heart, you made a promise (at her behest) to never let her despair in a breakup for more than a week. it’s why you were now downing the cheapest mead you’ve ever tasted (bought for you by a slimy looking fellow across the bar) without a second thought.
in truth, you’re just upholding your end of the friendship. a rather valiant endeavor if you do say so yourself.
the requests you gave to the performers were songs you knew pihla enjoyed dancing to, every drink you sent to your friend just right for her palate. she seemed genuinely happy once again, twirling and laughing like nothing ever occurred.
then your eyes catch the faintest glimpse of a familiar-looking man lingering in the corner of the bar and you’re suddenly jolted back into sobriety.
if that bastard turns out to be here on the night pihla is supposed to be healing, you were going to do more than bash his skull in. but then you see his face fully and nearly all the fight leaves your veins; it’s not him, and pihla’s night is still safe. but now you’re hyper aware of your surroundings. now burdened with the worry of ‘what if he shows up and she sees him?’ you abstain from getting another drink for the moment.
your eyes follow your friend from where you perched at the bar, letting her have her fun but staying vigilant just in case your newly found fear turns into reality.
a merry tune floated through the tavern, a drinking song you recognized that became an instant hit after the reclamation of erebor. the words were absurd and silly but annoyingly catchy and you found yourself humming along to the tune.
there’s an inn, there’s an inn,
there’s a merry old inn
beneath an old gray hill,
and there they brew a beer so brown
that the man in the moon himself came down
one night to drink his fill
you stay on the lookout, not trusting yourself to fully relax again but letting loose just enough to enjoy the song. the entire bar joined their voices in jovial inebriation and you finally gave in and got another drink. the drunkenness of every singer paired with absurdity of the lyrics made you chuckle around your tankard.
as the song continued, you finally began to sing along. pihla was flitting around the tables, arm in arm with all sorts of people as they danced and skipped and sang. two more mugs were refilled and you downed them both with a bacchan grin.
so the cat on his fiddle played hey-diddle-diddle, a jig that would wake the dead
he squeaked and sawed and quickened the tune,
while the landlord shook the man in the noon:
"It's after three!" he said
it was only a matter of time until the bad feeling from earlier returned, muted only by your previous drinks. thrice since the song began, you’ve caught glances of people you think are elias. everything came to a head when you met the eyes of a man dancing on a table halfway across the room.
there you are, bastard.
with righteous fury you shot out of your seat. headed directly for the troll dung that was elias, you mustered up every vile thought you had about the fate he deserved. this was no time to be meek, you were ready to brawl.
“elias, you pile of troll dung!” a few heads turned towards you as each step thundered against the floor, quickly backing away to avoid your wrath being sent unto them. they were mercifully spared when both your hands were suddenly full of a man’s lapels.
instead of flailing around like you predicted he would, the filth just stared at you vacantly. in your fury, you weren’t sure which was worse but it would garner consequences regardless.
your victim was dragged off the table he was dancing on with no other warning. “you’ve got a lot of nerve showing your face here! after what you did to pihla, you should be fed to the pigs!” with that, you swung a clenched fist directly into his jaw. his head moved with the impact and at least half of the bar’s patrons winced at the sight.
the man’s head tilted back up. his rich, brown eyes met yours with a smile wider than the long lake was deep. “you’re absolutely magnificent, lass.”
for a moment, you balked at the notion of elias coming on to you before you commenced in beating his ass. the absolute gall! then your brain processed the style of his facial hair, the obnoxious hat he wore (that was now lopsided on his head from your jostling), and the height difference being less substantial than normal.
the man you had captive wasn’t a sleazy man at all; he was a dwarf.
this realization sobered you up alarmingly quick.
by the gods, you grabbed the wrong person! and yelled in his face and punched him! oh you would never be able to show your face in this tavern again, and neither would your children that won’t ever exist because no man would want to associate themselves with you after this debacle!
“oh i am so sorry, i thought you were someone else! i cannot believe i’ve done this! let me buy you a drink as an apology, it’s the least i can do!” you were stuttering through apologies and self-scoldings, not even paying attention to the smile he was still wearing despite the color starting to blossom on his cheek.
why was his smile so charming? it really shouldn’t have been given the situation. “if that’s how ye hit the wrong man, i would not wanna be the one ye were truly aimin’ for!” a bright laugh followed his words. how could he be so jovial after getting decked by a foolish drunk?
callused hands gripped yours gently, the pads of his thumb massaging your hands to rid them of the tension that came with being ready to fight. “now come along, such a fierce warrior deserves a drink to celebrate her victory.”
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akookminsupporter · 1 year
Honestly, this is an old topic and I’ll understand if you don’t want to talk about it. I’ve seen some talk about how the actions of the members as they venture in their solo stuff seems to contradict the “BTS as a group now and in the future agenda”, and I thought it was just random comments here and there but today I also saw another blog that I follow touch on the matter. I personally am a firm believer of believing on the boys and what they say when it comes to the group. Like during Festa last year yes I felt a little out of it because I wasn’t expecting a hiatus announcement, but after jk came live and after learning about ms everything made sense. Now that we’re halfway through the members solo eras I’m beginning to see (again) comments about how the different approaches each of them has embraced seem different or to contradict the trajectory of coming back as a band in 2025-2026. I would say that the assumption that I’ve seen used the most recently is that bts are going to have a comeback maybe in 2026, do an album and a tour and then they’ll focus on their solo stuff — the “proof” I’ve also seen used a lot to back up this assumption/predictions are how NJ seems to be too into his own music and less talkative about the group and their future (as opposed to yoonmin), and V not being too into his music or wanting more freedom something that being the a member of the biggest group can’t allow (a narrative that I’ve also seen used with jk). I personally don’t see any of this as true, like I know and I’ve seen how the members even now still talk about their plans and wanting to come back as a group already, but maybe I’m being blinded by my trust or maybe I’m missing something idk 🤷🏻‍♀️. I just wanted to know your thoughts. I know the future is literally unpredictable and that not even the boy can tell what’s going to happen, even bang pd said that in that interview, but still I think that they have plans and know stuff we won’t even know until they want us to, and that if they say they’re going to do something, they will try their best to 🤷🏻‍♀️
Hi anon, how are you? Sorry for replying to your Ask a bit late. If you don't mind I would like to address several points you mentioned.
I’ve seen some talk about how the actions of the members as they venture in their solo stuff seems to contradict the “BTS as a group now and in the future agenda”,
This entry point is interesting because what things have they said or done that contradict their "bts as a band now and in the future" agenda...that they are releasing solo albums, that one went on tour alone or that they are doing solo performances? If they mean that then yes, I guess they are contradicting the "bts as a group now" part of the agenda, that's precisely the idea. BTS is technically not currently an active group, but the members have been consistent in saying that they are part of a group and want to return to being one in the future, maybe some members mention this more than others, but they've all said it more than once at some point. So I find it interesting that they say that and I am curious as to why they say it.
I’m beginning to see (again) comments about how the different approaches each of them has embraced seem different or to contradict the trajectory of coming back as a band in 2025-2026.
I find this argument a bit silly and even ignorant. Of course the focus of their solo albums is different to what they do as a group, that's the point. I thought everyone understood that. Here they can finally have full control of how they want to do everything. Every project is theirs, the way they want it to be. Here they don't have to compromise on something for the sake of the group. Here it's not just a part of each of them forming a whole, here it's a whole formed from each of them individually. This is the opportunity where they can really maybe find out what kind of artists they really are, not as a member of a group but as themselves. Literally. And there's nothing wrong with that, on the contrary. That would, in the future and in theory, benefit the group even more.
I would say that the assumption that I’ve seen used the most recently is that bts are going to have a comeback maybe in 2026, do an album and a tour and then they’ll focus on their solo stuff — the “proof” I’ve also seen used a lot to back up this assumption/predictions are how NJ seems to be too into his own music and less talkative about the group and their future (as opposed to yoonmin), and V not being too into his music or wanting more freedom something that being the a member of the biggest group can’t allow (a narrative that I’ve also seen used with jk).
Look, nothing is set in stone. No matter how much you plan for the future, it can change. In 2-3 years’ things can be different. What each of them wants may change. Maybe Jin wants to start his acting career and doesn't want to travel so much. Maybe Hobi wants to do his own solo tour. Maybe Yoongi wants to get more into production than anything else. Maybe everyone in 2-3 years wants something different and that's normal because they are human. For now, the only thing we know is that they want to come back in a few years as a group, what that comeback will be like, we don't know. Maybe it will just be an album and nothing else. Maybe it will be four albums and a tour. Maybe it will be a different kind of normality but similar to what we knew.  To accuse them of being liars or pressuring them to do what they said they would do or promised would happen is unfair. They are not robots. They did not promise anything in stone.
And honestly, it's sad how much some so-called fans question what the members say.
It's funny that they say that about Namjoon because he hasn't said much of anything lately and the times he gave an interview or did a Wlive, he mentioned coming back as a group. He mentioned BTS. They are all focused on their own things. BTS's schedule is literally at a standstill. At least the musical one.
In my opinion, I think this fandom is selfish with the artists it claims to love. This fandom has set up sometimes unfair expectations for these seven men, but demands that they be met. It doesn't matter what they want or think.
Personally, I will continue to wait patiently for each release. For every move each of them makes. Always respecting my line. Tomorrow or 2-3 years from now whatever will happen will happen. What they want to happen with their careers, with their lives. will happen.  And each one of us will be able to decide what to do as fans.
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We all see that she even tries to leave behind and ignore the films that may not do well. Maybe she has changed and improved. She is in a relationship with a man who is more experienced. Both in life and at work. She may have learned a lot from Chris. And she is trying to get better...//
Margs here, late night rant. (Post at your own discretion, friend). Uhhhhh. What is this? Are you forgetting MHGTP and her peak show WN? MH did well in getting attention for fashion/costuming. WN she was the lead character who was supposed to be a bad ass. While they might not have been critical successes, she failed to truly invest in the projects as far as overall promotion. Sure there are interviews, one premiere- but she dropped these projects like a bad habit …and the fact…the glaring fact that her coworkers were happy to put the time into it made a big difference. It comes off as selfish and entitled from her side. Idk if the goal is to just…stop acting…..but if it’s to learn from Chris, I’ve got some bad news. He didn’t want to do cap. He doesn’t want to direct anymore. (We think). He doesn’t want to produce. He turned down really good roles in favor of mediocre ones…and for the money. If it’s to stop acting…well that’s funny too, bc remember when Chris was like “wah wah if I didn’t act, idk WHAT I would do” 😂😂🤷🏻‍♀️sounds like he true love has helped him really explore his potential.
I really fail to see where she’s getting better. She doesn’t invest in the people that invest in her (and I mean from a public front. Which just seems odd). Why even have a dumb Instagram if all you’re going to do is delete negative comments about yourself and let your bf do all the heavy lifting….so you can benefit by looking good? What did she learn? Not to contribute bc she’s garbage? You notice she’s v concerned with how things look. I won’t shame a photoshopped waist. Who GAF. but defending her moms age (when no one asked her to), doubling down re: yoga certificate (when no one asked her to), attempting to post her noods then getting an article about it (that no one saw), asking her FANS. HER. FANS to take down pics she’s not happy with, having her own mother claiming her shutting down IG was to improve things (and it’s not true) like…for someone who is learning….she’s awful concerned with how she’s perceived, but to like an odd level in my opinion. Trust me when she grows up and her balls drop, she won’t GAF. But to say she’s learning and growing i just 😂 did alba just write her own GD ask so we can take her seriously?
**I realize me writing this dissertation means I’m paying attention in any case. But don’t get it twisted. I am a disgusted fan, who is scooting out the door So 🤷🏻‍♀️😂
I really love your late night rant (when I'm having lunch 😅). What really gets me is how she treated her fans. Her fans spent money on her and the only thing she could do was posting a tweet. And this this was not long time ago - "trying to get better" my ass 🙄
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angelasscribbles · 2 years
A Fervid Fixation Chapter 6: Conflagration
Series: A Fervid Fixation
Fandom: The Royal Romance
Pairings: Riley x Drake
Rating: MA
Warnings for this chapter: Language
Word Count: 4,159
A/N: This is me officially giving up on predicting the length of this story. 🤷🏻‍♀️
My other stuff: Master List.
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Riley jumped as the door slammed behind Liam. She turned back to Drake, “What do you mean I have no idea what I’ve just done?”
“I mean…you’ve only known the charming and polite Liam, the person he is when he’s getting his way.”
“What are you saying?”
“I’m saying that you don’t know what he’s capable of! Liam handles things…differently.”
“Differently how?”
“Okay, so take me for example. I’m a simple man, Riley. Straightforward. Nick pissed me off, I punched him. Tariq threatened you, I punched him. Simple. Out in the open. Resolved and moved on from. But Liam? He can destroy a person’s life from the ground up and they never see him coming until it’s too late.”
“Liam wouldn’t-
“Oh, he would, he can, and he has! I’m telling you…you don’t know him like I do! If I haven’t been fired, had my clearance revoked, and been shut out of all our systems by the time he makes it back to the office, I’ll eat my shoes.”
“But…you’re his best friend!”
“Who just betrayed him.”
“You didn’t-“
“As far as he’s concerned, I did and that’s all that matters. I told you, absolute monarchy.”
“What will you do if he fires you?”
“The job is the least of my concerns, Riley. I told you; I have money. I can get by without an income for a while. I can get another job, somewhere else, but…”
“But I can almost guarantee he’ll have all my domestic assets frozen by nightfall. He can make it impossible for me to find another job, he can seize this property if he wants to and frankly if he decides to arrest me, I could spend the rest of my life in a prison cell.”
“But you’ve done nothing wrong or illegal!” She protested, “Surely a jury-“
“Doesn’t matter. There won’t be a trail. This isn’t America.”
“Why would he do any of that?”
“Because in his mind, I just took something that belonged to him. Liam Rys doesn’t do tit-for-tat. He goes for shock and awe. Slight him, he will raze your life to the ground.”
“I…I don’t believe you! He’s just hurt right now, he’ll calm down, you’ll see.”
Drake plucked his phone up from the coffee table where she had placed it and dialed. Putting it on speaker phone while it rang, he held it toward her so she could hear the conversation.
“Who are you calling?”
“Jason Toussaint, the Lieutenant in charge of cyber operations,” he answered.
The call connected, “Drake? What the hell is going on? I just got orders to lock you out of all systems.”
“Hey, Jason,” Drake spoke into the phone, “Has my employment been terminated?”
“Yes, and all security clearances revoked,” Jason answered, “What the hell is going on, cap?”
Drake gave Riley an I told you so look before answering, “Has the order been given to freeze my assets?”
“Yes, but I haven’t done it yet.”
“The assets don’t matter,” Drake answered, “but do that last.”
“All right. I’ll buy you as much time as I can, but be advised that your passport has been revoked.”
“Noted. Thanks, Jason.”
Drake hung up the phone and started pacing.
Riley watched him, anxiety spinning her mind in a million different directions. “What are we going to do?”        
Drake stopped pacing and turned to face her, “We need to go, now!”
“Anywhere that isn’t Cordonia or a country that has an extradition treaty with Cordonia. His reach ends at the border.”
“Okay, but how do we do that if you don’t have a passport?”
“We get creative!” He smiled reassuringly at her, “Don’t worry, I have a plan! Go pack your stuff!”
It didn’t take her long because she had barely unpacked. When she came back down the stairs, Drake was just hanging up the phone, “Who was that? Is everything okay?”  
“I just found out from my contact in MiSHI that the person Tariq was working with is Bastien.” He said grimly, “And there’s only one person he takes orders from.”
“Who’s that?”
Riley’s heart dropped, “Liam’s father?”
“Yes, the fucking bastard! This makes it even more imperative that we get out of the country as soon as possible. If Constantine has determined that you’re not suitable marriage material for his son, he will go to any lengths to ensure he stays away from you.”
“Okay,” she took a deep breath as she nodded, “I’m packed, we can go!”
“Me too,” He pointed to a duffle bag laying by the door, “I’ll go grab your bags, you go grab some snacks from the kitchen so we don’t have to stop any more than necessary.”
“On it!”
“There’s a cooler under the cabinet closest to the fridge!” He called over his shoulder as he bounded up the stairs.
Fifteen minutes later their stuff was loaded into the back of a nondescript range rover.
Confusion pulled through her, “Where did that come from and where’s your car?”
“My car is stashed in the garage around back where this was parked. It won’t be easily seen unless someone is looking for it. And they won’t be. They’ll be looking for it out on the road, but they won’t find it because we’ll be in this!” He grinned at her as he dangled the keys, “It was my sister’s. They won’t think to look for her car. I doubt Liam even remembers she had a car before she left!”
“Savannah, right?” she asked as she slid into the passenger seat, “You told me about her. You never told me why she left.”
“Because some fucking duke used her and threw her away like she was garbage!” he climbed into the driver’s seat and put the car in gear as he spoke, “Made a big deal about how she was good enough to fuck but not good enough to marry. Then she found out she was pregnant and was afraid the guy would take her to court and get custody of the kid. And he would have won because he had all the money and all the power. So I helped her move away before anyone here even knew she was pregnant.”
“Jesus…that…that sucks, I’m so sorry!”
“It’s okay,” he shrugged, “Fuck that guy. She dodged a bullet if you ask me.”
He navigated the vehicle down the rutted-out path and eventually onto a better, but still rough dirt road. It took twenty minutes before they hit pavement.
“So…an officer in the Royal Guard, huh?”
“Yes, the youngest Captain in the history of the guard!” he told her proudly.
“I’m sorry you’re giving that up.”
“What?” he pulled his eyes from the road briefly to look at her, “It’s fine. I did what had to be done. I have no regrets.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Because, if titles and money were what you cared about, mine weren’t going to impress you. I’m a captain in the Cordonian Royal Guard, not a crown prince or even a duke. I make good money and I have a small inheritance from my grandmother, but I can’t compete with billionaires.”  
“I don’t care about your money, Drake.” She sighed, “I literally chose you over a crown prince, remember?”
That got a smile out of him, “You did, didn’t you?”
She smiled back, “I did.”
“I still can’t believe you did that!” his voice held a note of awe as his hand reached for hers.
She squeezed his back and smiled, “So where are we going?”
“To Hadley Airfield.”
“What is that and why are we going there?”
“It’s an old government-owned airstrip that’s still staffed by the guard, but used primarily for non-military purposes. Crop dusting, running supplies for research missions, shit like that. It’s a low priority for upgrades so it’s still pretty low-tech. I won’t need to swipe a key card to get in, just punch in a code that I’d bet money no one has thought to change, and even if they did, they’d have to physically send someone there to do it.”
“So…what? We’re going to steal a plane?”
He gave her a mischievous grin, “Yep.”
“Seriously. An old one that can’t be controlled remotely. Then we’re going to fly right over the border into Auvernall. No extradition treaty and they have an international airport there.”
They would ditch the stolen plane and melt into the masses of people in Auvernall before hopping a flight to anywhere in the world and disappearing off Liam’s radar forever.
“And just who the hell is going to fly this plane?”
“I am!”
“You’re a pilot?”
His grin widened, it was downright cocksure as he answered, “Before I joined the guard, my prior service was in the Cordonian Royal Air Force, babe. Yes, I can fly a plane.”
Five hours later they pulled up to a rusted metal gate and stopped at an unmanned guard station. Drake rolled the window down and typed a code into the box. The gate made a loud buzzing sound and then slid open.
“Told you!” He gloated as they drove unimpeded into the airport.
“I never doubted you!”
He navigated the Range Rover through the airport to a row of metal aircraft hangers in the back. He pulled up next to a small office building and put the vehicle in park. “I have to go inside and check the logs.”
“I need to know which planes are fueled and ready to go. I need to know the flight schedule. The last thing we want is to take a plane with a mechanical issue, not enough fuel or to take off at the wrong time and crash into another aircraft.”
“Okay,” She nodded, “I’m coming with you!”
“No,” he shook his head, “You should stay in the car.”
“And what if someone comes to ask me what I’m going here?”
He rolled that around in his head for a few seconds before acquiescing, “All right. Let’s go!”
A bell tinkled as they entered the office. An air-conditioned blast hit them, a stark contrast to the heat and humidity outside.
A slender, blonde-haired man with a crew cut looked up from his seat at the desk, “Hey, you can’t be in here-“
Drake flashed his badge at the young corporal, “I need access to the flight schedule and maintenance records.”
“Yes, sir!” The corporal surged to his feet, stumbling over his own feet in his haste to produce the records.
After thrusting the requested documents into Drake’s hands, the young man glanced in Riley’s direction.
“Hey!” Drake snapped his fingers in the kid’s face, “She’s not your concern!”
“R-Right! Sorry!”
Drake flipped quickly through some pages on a clipboard before tossing them onto the desktop. He grabbed Riley’s arm and aimed her toward the door, “Come on, let’s go!”
The bell jingled as the door opened again and a lone figure strode through it, blocking the light so all Riley could make out was a silhouette.
Drake took several steps back, pulling Riley with him, “Bas? What are you doing here? How did you know-“
“You don’t think I remember Leo giving us the slip just like this when you were partnered with me during your training year?”
“Shit! Fuck!” Drake kicked at a pile of boxes, sending them toppling over. He pulled Riley closer and put his mouth to her ear so only she could hear, “When I tell you to go, you get in the car and go. Meet me at hanger forty-seven. Got it? Don’t talk. Just nod if you understand.”  
She nodded as he discreetly pressed his keys into the palm of her hand.
“This place is going to be swarming with King’s Guards any minute,” Bastien flashed his badge at the corporal and told him, “Go on kid, get out of here before you end up in the middle of a shootout.”
The kid scrambled out the door without a backward glance.
Why are you doing this, Bas?” Drake asked, “I thought you believed she wasn’t good enough to marry Liam.”
“What I believe doesn’t matter, I have my orders, I can’t let you leave,” Bastien reached for Riley’s arm.
Drake moved quickly, pulling her out of his reach, “God damn it, Bas! I wish you hadn’t done that.”
“I’m trying to help you-“
“Go!” Drake spun Riley toward the door with one arm as the other shot out to clothesline the older man.
Riley hit the door running and didn’t slow down until she skidded into the Range Rover. She yanked the door open, clambered up into the driver’s seat, and threw the car in gear, leaving rubber on the asphalt as she careened out of the parking area.
Her eyes scanned the dingy metal hangers as she drove. They each had a number painted on them in now faded yellow paint. When she found the correct one, she drove straight into it and slammed the brakes on.
Flinging the door open, she rushed back to push the sliding doors of the hangar shut.
Maybe that would slow them down. She ran back to the car and started transferring luggage to the plane.
When she was done, she began pacing back and forth across the hangar. Minutes ticked by as she considered going back.
She started talking to herself, “What if he got hurt? What if he got arrested? Fuck!”
She made up her mind to go back if he didn’t appear within the next two minutes. Out loud she said, “Come on, Drake! Where are you?”
Footsteps sounded near the rear of the hangar, and she whirled toward it, ready to run.
Drake stepped away from a small door she hadn’t noticed before. He grinned at her, “I’m right here, Brooks. Miss me?”
“Oh, thank God!” She rushed into his arms, “What happened?”
“I had to knock Bastien out,” he said grimly as he caught her, “he wasn’t going to let us leave.”  
“I’m sorry, I know you were close.”
“Yeah, well, he may have been my godfather and he may have loved my mother,” Drake said as he pulled her close and kissed the top of her head, “but his first loyalty was always to the crown.”
“Well, I’m still sorry you had to hurt him.”
“It’s okay, he’ll recover,” he told her as he released her, “But we have minutes to get out of here before soldiers are everywhere. Let’s go!”
He took her by the hand and headed for the plane. He made it to the steps when she pulled her hand away, “Wait! I forgot-“
“There’s no time!”
“Your phone! It’s in the console!”
Shit! He was going to need that to reach his contact in Auvenall. “I’ll get it, you get on the plane!” He reversed direction and pushed past her.
He scooped the phone out of the center console and didn’t bother closing the door as he hustled back to the plane.
Riley was still standing at the bottom of the steps, waiting for him, instead of on the plane like he’d told her.
“Freeze!” The doors of the hanger banged open as soldiers poured into the room, scattering and taking up tactical positions around the area.
Drake pushed her in front of him, “Get on the plane!”
“But-“ she stumbled as he guided her body forward while her head moved around to see behind them.
“Riley! Drake!” Liam’s voice rang out as he stepped past the guardsmen.
Drake spun around, yanking a nine-millimeter Baretta from the waistband of his pants. He leveled the firearm at Liam while making sure to keep himself situated in front of Riley, blocking her from any potential gunfire.
Every assault rifle in the place was suddenly aimed at them as the king’s life was threatened.
“It’s okay, hold your fire!” Liam yelled at them as he held his arms out to the side to indicate that he himself was unarmed. He couldn’t risk Riley getting shot when they took Drake down. “Are you going to shoot me, Drake? Your best friend? Your brother?”
“Is that what you are?”
“You know it is,” Liam replied calmly.
“Did you tell Riley that I was obsessed with her? That I was unhinged?” Drake demanded.
Liam’s eyes slid to Riley’s face then back to Drake, “You have been acting erratically, Drake. Nick…Tariq…coronation night…this! Stealing a plane? Really?”
“Borrowing it,” Drake corrected him, “You can have it back once we’re safely out of the country.”
“This is treason, Drake. Come on, man. Be reasonable!”
Drake’s back pressed against Riley, eyes still trained on Liam as he moved backward, nudging her up the first step. In a low voice, he told her, “Everything I did, I did for you! You understand that, right?”
“Don’t move!” One of the guardsmen yelled as Drake edged Riley up another step.
A rifle clicked.
Riley’s gaze swung around the room to take in the ridiculous number of guns pointed directly at Drake’s chest. “No!” she pushed around and in front of him, placing herself between him and the guns.
“Riley, don’t!” Both men yelled.
She spread both arms out in the air, “I won’t let you shoot him! Liam, please! He’s your best friend!”
“I don’t want to hurt him, Riley, but-“
An officer stepped up next to Liam and whispered something in his ear.
Drake kept the handgun grasped in one hand while the other landed on her shoulder, “Riley, get behind me and get on the plane!”
“No! They’ll shoot you!”
Liam’s features hardened, “Riley, you don’t understand-“
“No, I don’t Liam! Why can’t we just leave?”
“Well for starters, Bastien is dead, and we have some questions,” Liam replied grimly.
“What?” Drake stumbled back like he’d been struck, shaking his head, “No! No!”
Liam’s face reddened, and his voice was laden with accusation, “You killed him!”
“No! I just disabled him! He was alive when I left!”
“Then who killed him, Drake?”
“I don’t know, Liam, you tell me!”
“Are you insinuating-“
“I’m not just insinuating, Li! You had him killed so he couldn’t reveal your father’s part in the plot against Riley!” Drake accused, then after a moment’s thought added, “And possibly so you could pin it on me!”
Liam’s eyes darted from Drake to Riley, “You’re not buying any of this, are you?”
“I don’t know, Liam.” Her eyes narrowed, “When I chose Drake, you told me I’d just made the biggest mistake of my life. That sure sounded like a threat.”
“When I said you’d made a mistake, I meant by trusting him!”
“But Drake’s been telling the truth about you, Liam, I heard it myself!”
“From whom?” Liam asked in astonishment.
“Who’s Jason?”
Her confidence wavered, “The Lieutenant in charge of cyber security…”
“There’s no Lieutenant named Jason in the cyber division, Riley.” Liam shook his head sadly then extended his arm toward her, “Come on, Riley, just take a few steps forward and all this can be over.”
Drake’s fingers dug into her shoulder, as he moved up another step, pulling her after him, “He’s lying, Riley! Can’t you see that?”
“No, Riley,” Liam moved his fingers in a come hither motion, “He’s lying! Just take a few steps forward and come here.”
“So…you didn’t fire him and revoke his clearance?” Riley asked, uncertainty coloring her voice.
“Of course, I fired him and revoked his clearance!” Liam exploded, throwing both hands in the air, “he abused his position and literally kidnapped you!”
“I rescued you, Riley!” Drake protested, “He told you himself, he wanted you on that plane that night!”
Riley’s mind spun with indecision. She still had questions, “What about his assets?”
Liam’s brows furrowed, “What about them?”
“Did you have them frozen? Did you revoke his passport?”
“Yes! Because I was trying to stop him from doing exactly what he’s doing right now! Once he gets you out of Cordonia, I won’t be able to protect you! But it didn’t matter anyway.”
“What do you mean, it didn’t matter?”
“I mean…he had no assets to freeze. Why is that Drake?”
Drake shrugged as he adjusted the Barretta in his grip, “I moved all my assets out of Cordonia two days ago, Liam.”
“And why would you do that if you weren’t planning this little escapade all along?”
“Because I know how you operate! I had to protect myself, and her!” He lowered his voice so only Riley could hear, “That’s why I told Jason to do that part last. So it took longer for Liam to figure out I was a step ahead.”
“Me?” Liam scoffed, “I think you’re the tactical genius here.”
“I don’t know what you mean,” Drake said evenly as he moved up another step, pulling Riley up with him.
“I mean….I’m beginning to think maybe you were behind the whole setup with Tariq!”
“You think I sent him to do the thing I beat the dog shit out of him for? I never pegged you as delusional, Li.”
“Maybe you didn’t know about that part. Maybe that was all Bas’s idea.”
“Bas?” Drake snorted, “You know he only took orders from one person…your father! And we all know how badly he wanted you married to Madeleine! Speaking of Madeleine, are we sure she wasn’t in on the whole thing?”
“My father is far too sick to be meddling in my affairs. We all know the person Bas would have done anything for was you!”
“What?” Riley froze, almost to the top step.
“Think about it, Riley!” Liam insisted, “He contrived the entire scandal precisely because he knew what the protocol would be, he’s a trained, high-ranking officer after all! And he knew precisely what my reaction would be. He likes pointing out how well he knows me. He’s right. He does! He knew I’d want you out of the country and out of harm’s way while I investigated and cleared your name. It was the perfect opportunity for him to swoop in and play the hero, paint me as the villain. Which is exactly what he did, isn’t it?”
Panic laced Drake’s voice, “Riley, you’re not buying this, are you? He’s twisting everything!”
“How convenient that Bastien is dead,” Liam continued, “He was the only person that could have connected you to the scandal.”
“The only person that could have exonerated me and implicated your father you mean! That is convenient, isn’t it?”
“Riley, come here!” Liam’s voice cracked, betraying signs of his rising desperation.
“Riley, get on the plane…” Drake pleaded.
She hesitated as everything they had both said swirled through her mind. They both made persuasive arguments. She was never going to know the truth either way. How well did she really know either of these men?
There was one thing she did know for sure though, “Liam, I know one thing...”
“What’s that?”
“I know you’re a liar!”
His arm dropped as shock coursed through him, “What?”
“You told me you loved me! You told me you were going to marry me! You fucked me in the hedge maze and then you turned around five minutes later and got engaged to another woman while letting me be drug out of the palace under armed guard!”
“That was different! I’ve explained why! I have to think about Cordonia, Riley!”
“I understand that Liam. I do.” She nodded.
His body sagged with relief, “Good. Okay, come here,” he held his arm out toward her again.
She stepped back, her body pushing Drake up another step, “But…”
All the stress rushed back into his body, “But?”
“But I need a man who puts me first and Drake has proven he’s more than up to that task.”
Liam’s mouth fell open, “Even if he’s a liar and a murderer?”
“He’s not, Liam. You’re wrong about him!”
Drake took one more step back, into the plane then dropped the gun as he yanked Riley inside and slammed the door.
“Goddamn it!” Liam kicked fruitlessly at the ground.
“Sir?” The officer in charge of the scene approached him as the plane’s engine roared to life, sending half the contents of the hangar flying through the air.
Shouts of “Cover! Cover!” pinged off the walls as Liam was yanked backward and drug to safety.
Men scattered and dove out of the way as the plane taxied out of the hangar and onto the runway.
“Sir!” The commander yelled, “We can still stop them! We can aim for the pilot or the fuel tank!”
Liam watched as the plane picked up speed. He shook his head, “No, if the pilot’s dead, the plane will crash, if it loses all its fuel, there’s a chance it gets airborne before it runs out and plummets to the ground.”
He still wasn’t willing to risk her life.
“But sir-“
“It doesn’t matter,” Liam sighed as he watched the plane climb into the air. He still had one play left, “Get me Isabella Achilles on the phone. Now!”
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kingmagnificoofrosas · 7 months
Hi. So I’ve been enjoying your blog for a few days now and I just want to say ‘thank you’ for giving King Magnifico fans the safe space they deserve. Thank you for giving King Magnifico the safe space he deserves.
I tried to find other blogs that defend him the way you do but I couldn’t. I agree with you 100% on Magnifico and honestly think he was the only good part of the movie.
You’ve inspired me to create an OC of my own to ship with him. I’m remaining anonymous and don’t want to tell you about them because I don’t want to offend you, due to your faith. But I will dedicate the OC side blog to you once it’s open.
Without you, I would’ve felt like a silly 37 yr old caring so much about a Disney character. Especially while I’m going through a hard time. Now I will preserve my endangered mental health by spending time on developing my character and my Magnifico fan blog.
Please keep it up. You’ve given me a Magnifico safe space and have inspired others to celebrate their love of this character.
Oh my goodness!!! *emotional noises*
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I'm so immensly moved I'm struggling to find the right words. Thank you doesn't even feel enough! I feel beyond happy and honored that I've managed to help, inspire, motivate and comfort people. That's what I want to do and if I manage to, it fills my heart with so much gratitude and joy!
But really, without you guys, I wouldn't be standing where I'm standing with my blog at this point.
I loved Magnifico from the moment I first saw him on screen and as soon as I understood enough of his story, it was more than clear to me, that I had to not only create a safe space for fans who - just like me - realized that he isn't a villain but also a place where I can fight against the very toxic stance against traumatized people and mental disorders.
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And no! Never feel bad or silly for loving something because of your age! Age doesn't matter. I'm in my late 20s and one of my friends is already 30 so 🤷🏻‍♀️ Who's to tell us we cannot love certain things anymore just because we aren't kids/teenagers anymore? People who spread such information aren't better than all those other bullies and they're obviously wrong. You can be a 100 years old and still love plushies and dolls, or Legos, or disney - it's not just for kids!
Also, while I'm more than pleased to see that more and more people start siding with Magnifico and becoming vocal that he's not a villain but a traumatized protagonist, I'm also greatly concerned by people still shaming, ridiculing, belittling and villainizing trauma.
The fact that Disney itself has pushed those toxic stigmas is beyond me! Just like one of my greatest fellow defenders stated : When did bullying a traumatized person into uncontrollable rage become acceptable? When did it become acceptable to villainize traumatized people? Since when does the message "true love breaks every curse" matter no more?
When did people lose so much compassion and became ok with pushing hate and unforgiveness?
Standing up for trauma and defending those people is not justifying wrong actions! It's calling awareness! Compassion and love! It's explaining and drawing a big difference!
There are so many toxic statements I hear people make toward traumatized people and people with mental disorders. And I think it's one of the cruelest, most disgusting and heartless things!
Magnifico has become a symbol for so many and a beacon to rise awareness to trauma and the toxic stance of disney and some people out there.
Btw, Japan has even created a hashtag that celebrates Magnifico. The japanese have been stressing from the start that Magnifico isn't a villain. The japanese amazing! ✨️
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So, I thank you for being a part of this incredible supportive, growing defender squad! I'll keep doing my best to fight for what's right and keep this blog growing ✨️
I wish you all the best from the bottom of my heart! ❤️ And again, thank you so very much!
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