#so you go to the store and buy magnet material
ethan-is-obsessed · 1 year
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ayo ayo it’s the guy! 
(background ver under the cut)
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oh? what’s this? it’s on my redbubble!? very cool
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unique-high · 8 months
Boyfriend Material | RIIZE idol! Sungchan x short! blk fem reader
—Spending time with Sungchan before his comeback.
genre: romance and fluff
Requested: @iamflawless303
a/n: there's this edit I saw of this drama (idk the name) where the lady stands on a bench and hugs the taller male character, so I wanted to recreate something like this for Sungchan and Reader.
Sorry for any mistakes.
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Sungchan wanted to spend as much time with you as possible since he was preparing for a comeback and his schedule would be super busy. It's Saturday afternoon when Sungchan takes you shopping, he's holding your hand as you point out all the little shops you want to go into it. He laughs at how cute you are when you go, “No, no, no, I want to go in this one. No, never mind, let's go into this one first!”
He gently pulls you in front of him, his soft brown eyes staring into yours. “My love we have all day, we can visit all the shops.”
So you picked a shop called Moshi Moshi Gifts & Stationery Co. It's a small shop with very few people inside. J-pop music played from the speakers overhead. Sungchan looks around for something he could buy you, he knew you loved cute things, there were many cute things in the shop, but he wanted something perfect for you.
You were doing the same; you wanted to find something for Sungchan he could keep with him. Sungchan walks around the shop looking at everything, and you were looking at AirPod cases, Sungchan needed a new one, anyway.
Sungchan finds a plush couple piggy magnet keychain. He smiles at the pink and brown plushies. She'll love this! It didn't take him long to find you in the tiny store; you were at the back wall looking at the different Airpod cases. Sungchan stands beside you, You hadn't noticed your boyfriend standing there; he was just staring at you admiring your beauty. How did I get so lucky to have Y/n as my girlfriend? A small smile blossoms across his face. Feeling someone staring at you slightly jumped at Sungchan.
"Oh, geez, you scared me." you laughed.
"Find anything you like?" He tries to look at what you're holding, but you clutch it to your chest.
"It's a surprise!"
"Oh, a surprise?" He nods a little. "I have a surprise too."
"Let's see!" You bounce on your tiptoes.
"Noooo, it's a surprise." he laughed.
Sungchan hides the plush couple keychains behind his back. You both walk around the store some more before heading to the front. You wanted to pay for Sungchan's gift with your own money, but Sungchan was the type of boyfriend who paid for everything, He never let you pay even if you were treating him, he always paid. Before you two got to the front counter, you told Sungchan, "Let me pay for your surprise with my money."
But Sungchan doesn't want to hear that. "No."
"Come on, Sungchan!" You wiggled your shoulders. "It'll make me happy."
If it was something that would make you happy, Sungchan didn't want to take that away from you. So he agreed to let you pay with your money. You go first in line smiling at the ducky cartoon Airpod case you got for him. After you both paid for your things, Sungchan holds open the door of the shop for you to go out first, he takes your hand in his. That Saturday afternoon was spent going to many shops along the shopping strip and getting ice cream at the end of the day.
It was around six p.m. when you and Sungchan walked back to his apartment. You were talking about a show you wanted to watch on Netflix and Sungchan's only thought was getting to cuddle with you and kiss you in between the important scenes of the show you were going to miss because of him.
Once inside his apartment, you and Sungchan get changed into something comfortable.
“Do you want your surprise now?” Sungchan asked, plopping down beside you on the comfy couch.
“Yes, Please!” You're all giddy. Sungchan hands you the plastic bag. You look inside before pulling out the plush couple keychains. “Awe, these are so cute!”
“Like You.” Sungchan added with a quick peck to your cheek.
You picked the little pink piggy, and Sungchan got the brown piggy. Now you had something to put the spare key on to his apartment he gave you.
“Okay, now to your surprise!” You grabbed your plastic bag and hand it to your boyfriend.
He pulls out the ducky cartoon Airpod case. He gushes at how cute it is. A ducky wearing a straw hat.
“I love it, Y/n.” Sungchan hugs you tight and you melt into him. For a few seconds, he holds you closer to him like he wants your soul to be a part of his. He was going to miss hugging on you like this, so he had to savor every little second of you being in his arms. “I love you.” He kissed the top of your head. “So so so much.”
Your face grows warm at his words and his warmth crashes down on you, just like him, you were going to miss his hugs. His hugs always pulled you back home when you floated too far away. He's always been home for you. You were going to miss your boyfriend like crazy during his comeback. Lots of FaceTime calls and sleepy talks on the phone late at night. You'll miss his sweet face and sweet kisses the most.
Sungchan gets comfortable with you. You get Netflix open and start the series. Sungchan fingers played with yours as he watched the TV. He couldn't focus on the show that much, he'll sneak little kisses to the corner of your mouth and on the back of your hand. Sungchan's a little needy right now; he wants a little more like your lips on his. He gently grabs your chin pulling your attention away from the TV.
“I'm trying to watch this.” you pout.
Sungchan kisses your pouty lips. “Focus on me right now, just for a bit?” his voice is a little low. “Please, Y/n.”
You couldn't say no to him. He did say please. So you give your full attention to your boyfriend. Sungchan kisses you again, it's slow, it's makes your head spin and the TV show becomes white noise in the background. There's a steady rhythm either of you wanted to break.
You feel his lips pull into a smile and he chuckles, saying, “This feels like our last kiss.”
“It does. But we have tomorrow to kiss all day before you get swept away with comeback activities.”
“I want to kiss all night, though.” He said in a teasing manner.
“You're being greedy.” You poke him at his stomach.
He laughed. “Oh, Really?”
You nodded.
Sungchan kissed your forehead before pulling away. “Since we can't kiss all night, I want cuddles.”
“As you wish.” you said.
Sungchan lead cuddled up behind you on the couch. He fell asleep halfway through the show. You paused the series and turned over in his arms. You stare at your boyfriend taking in every detail of his facial features. Counting every one of his breaths it soothes you to sleep.
It's the next day around noon when Sungchan is making you and him lunch. He's singing your favorite song as you dance around the kitchen. You taught him the song over the summer when you and him took a mini road trip. That song will always be your favorite because of him and now it was his because he found little pieces of you scattered throughout that song.
Sungchan leans against the island eating his sandwich. You munch down yours sitting on top of the island.
“Today is our last day together.” Sungchan said, there's a hint of sadness that lingers in his voice.
You slowly chew on your sandwich. “Ah, don't say it like that. We'll see each other again after your comeback.”
“I know I don't say this often, but you are my world.”
“Don't make throw up my sandwich.” You joked.
Sungchan rolled his eyes taking another bite of his sandwich.
“I love you~” you nudged him with your knee.
“I'm going to be greedy again.” Sungchan said. He cast a look at you. “I want a hug. Like a real long soul melting hug, that when you part from me, I'll still feel you.”
You put your sandwich down on the plate and hop off the kitchen Island. You ran to the grab a chair from the table and put it in front Sungchan. You were short and though short people's hugs were the best in the world; you wanted to be at his height for this soul melting hug. Sungchan's trying to figure out why you had gotten the chair. He watches as you climb up on it, your eye level to him now.
You held out your arms, making a cutesy face at him.
“Well, don't just stand there. You want a soul melting hug? I'm going to give you one.”
Sungchan sat his half-eaten sandwich on the plate next to yours. He then hugs you, pulling you off your feet just a little. He closed his eyes, his arms getting tighter around you.
Sungchan deeply breathes you in. He liked that you smell like autumn, with brief hints of summer lingering around.
“Is this soul melting enough?” you whispered.
Sungchan nodded. “Very.”
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a/n: I didn't know where to fit in a cute short person joke between Sungchan and her and I didn't know any, so I did some quick looking around. So here's a bonus?
Sungchan made you mad, and he thought it was the cutest thing. He held out his folding fan at your forehead to keep distance between the two of you. He laughed, but you felt like he was mocking you and that made you really want to get after him.
“Y/n.” Sungchan choked on his laughter. “Short girl problem: you don't look scary when you are mad.”
“I'll show you scary, Sungchan!”
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total-lunareclipse4 · 2 years
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🌜We share the same skin🌛
pairing: eddie munson x reader
summary: the soulmate au in which you are connected by what’s physical. Any pain you feel, any injuries you get, any doodles you draw, any sentences you write on yourself, these are all felt and seen by your soulmate, they reflect on their body.
warnings: per usual, none I can think of!
word count: 3.6k ish
For the earliest years of your life, destiny was outweighed by your annoyance towards the reckless person that couldn’t go a day without injuring themselves. Truly, it was such that you’d asked your mom to take you to the store to buy a helmet and some knee pads to give them to this clumsy person upon meeting. 
It wasn’t only the bruises, cuts, and scraped knees. It was the doodles, too. Sometimes it would be things you could tolerate, like stupid fantasy creatures. But it really pissed you off when whoever it was that was doing this to you, wrote down bad words on visible parts of your body that you later on had to cover so as not to get in trouble.
Sometimes you would write back. 
Under your bruises you’d say, “Is there a magnetic force pulling you to the ground?” 
And under the cuss words you’d remind them that; “My mom says that those words aren’t kind.”
But almost always their response would be a stupid comeback or nothing at all. 
Things got better as you grew up. The injuries didn’t happen as often, and you started having more fluent conversations with this person, reaching the point where you began appreciating their sense of humor. Your arms and legs were constantly filled with scrabbles, talks you had with each other. 
Once in junior high, you had been absentmindedly looking outside the window while in a class you weren’t too keen on, when you felt the familiar tickling sensation on your left forearm. 
“S.O.S,” written on that messy handwriting that was growing into you adorned your skin. 
“?” You tried to keep your responses short, leaving more space available to chat. 
“First state to grant women voting rights?” 
“Are you taking a test?” You wrote back.
“Please!!!!” The exclamation marks kept on showing up until you gave in and replied. 
“Life saver :)” 
You put your pen down and waited for more questions to appear. It wasn’t uncommon for them to solicit your help when it came to academic material, and although you didn’t see it as a big deal, you liked to make them ask for your knowledge instead of just handing it out to them. Especially after all of the pain they’d put you through when you were younger. 
As time went on, you started toying around with the idea of meeting Eddie. It had taken you years to learn his name. For whatever reason, the bond that tied you both together didn’t allow you to know any important details about each other until later on in life. 
You theorized that perhaps you were allowed to know his name and where he was from just now because now you were actually ready to meet each other. 
Opposed to the prior times when you had tried to tell him your name but realized that while you had written it down on your skin, it hadn’t appeared on his. 
That was until the idiot got his first tattoo. 
It was a warm afternoon, the kind in which you don’t feel like doing anything besides getting home and napping the hotness away. You were about to cross the line towards the land of dreams when a sharp, piercing pain awoke you.
Looking down at your arm, you saw a few black incoherent lines forming. Quickly, you darted for a pen and wrote on your pain-free arm. 
“What the hell are you doing?” You waited a couple of seconds, which then became minutes, but nothing in response. 
Inspecting the bizarre black lines once again, you realized you could make out the outline of a bat. Suddenly, it hit you. 
Eddie had been drawing those bats on him for months, testing out different placements and styles. When you had asked about it, he had told you that he was planning on getting them permanently on his skin, and that he wanted to see if he liked how they looked before making a decision. 
Even being something you had talked about, you didn’t think he would actually get them tattooed without telling you first. 
You still weren’t getting any answers from him, but since it was halfway done anyway, you left it alone. Not that the thought of tampering with it and dumping black ink all over your arm so he couldn't get it done didn’t cross your mind.
But if this was something you would be forced to have on you for the rest of your life, then you supposed you should let the artist finish their job and yell (write in all capitals) at Eddie later. 
After a few hours, you finally felt his ticklish response. 
“Sorry, couldn’t reply, was getting a tattoo.” Somehow, his response only made your anger grow. 
“Figured. Why would you do that without consulting with me?”
“Didn’t know I had to ask for your permission to get something on my body?”
“It affects my body too?” Even though *technically* you couldn’t hear his tone, you knew you didn’t like it. 
“Wait, it appeared on you?” 
“We share injuries, pain, scars, drawings and words we write on each other but you didn’t think we would share this?”
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t think this would happen.” And again, even without hearing his voice, it was clear that he was being sincere. So you opted to scribble a quick message letting him know you were going to bed to cool off and proceeded to sleep for the rest of the night. 
After the incident, he offered to cover them up with something chosen by you, since he now knew your link was deeper than what he had estimated.
But you made it clear that it hadn’t been the bats that had annoyed you, it was the lack of consideration. To be truthful, you loved the bats, you loved them even more because they were his design. But you didn’t appreciate having woken up in pain without a prior warning. 
You had a long conversation about it, one that required taking quick showers in between to wash off the ink and be able to replace it by new one. 
You had made it clear that he could get whatever tattoos he wanted, only if he let you know beforehand. And that you reserved the right to veto any of his ideas if you didn’t like them. Although after Eddie’s sixth tattoo, you didn’t think that was going to happen. They weren’t necessarily your style, but the thought of carrying his art with you everywhere you went, well, it was one of those things you thought about often because it made you smile.
After that, meeting each other got subconsciously postponed, it wasn’t a thought that had come to you rationally, but you were waiting for him to mature just a little more before flying to Hawkins. 
High school went by, and you were soon faced with the tsunami of responsibilities that being a senior involved. Were you taking the SAT’s? Were you going to college? If so, which school were you attending? 
When standing in front of several university pamphlets given to you by your career counselor, you noticed how all of the options you had picked out were located in or near Indiana. 
Eddie Munson had infested your mind. A decision this big, one that would impact the rest of your life could not be made based on a guy you’d never even met before. It was impossible to plan a future when you didn’t even know how or if he fitted in it. 
You also had no idea of what his plans were. Why were you intending on moving closer to him when he could be moving away? There were so many interrogatives, so many conversations you needed to have that were too long to have them in writing. 
So, you grabbed a pen, scribbled something down, and went to bed. The amount of worrying and thinking you had just done had exhausted you. 
Meanwhile, while you slept, Eddie kept awake all night reading over and over again the message that had appeared on his right thigh. 
“I’m flying over to your town. Gotta meet and talk about the future and shit. Sleep tight :)”
Spending two hours in the bathroom wasn’t how you envisioned the start of this day going. You had gone through every single hairstyle and still couldn’t seem to find one that you liked. Prior to that, you had spent at least one more hour trying on every single item in your closet, until finding something you were kind of satisfied with. 
It was stupid, you knew that. Most of today you would spend it on a plane, but the knowledge of who would be waiting for you once you got out of the plane was the reason why you had woken up extremely early to deal with your appearance. 
Walking into your room, you disposed of the long-sleeved shirt you were wearing to put on one that didn’t cover your bat tattoo. It was the one you liked the most, and you usually showed it off. 
“Okay, now I’m done. Definitely no more changes after this one,” you whispered to yourself. Grabbing your bags, you exited your home and rode to the airport with your mother. She had been a little skeptical at first since you insisted on going on your own, but she was happy, nonetheless. Happy for you to finally meet your soulmate. 
Once you arrived, you went into autopilot while going through airport security and such. Anxious to be on the plane and zone off for the rest of the flight while listening to “Powerslave,” the latest album Eddie had you listening to. 
You had the tape on repeat, analyzing each song. When Eddie gave you music to listen to, you took your time with it, wanting to understand the meaning behind it all. It made you feel closer to him, as if this was a way for you to know him better. 
Then, that tickling feeling you (usually) loved made you look down at your arm.
“Got on the plane safe?” It was a little annoying how this guy you had never met before was able to give you butterflies by doing the bare minimum, like checking in on you. 
“Yeah, I have my Iron Maiden tape with me to keep me company.”
“Cool. You’ll have to tell me what you thought of it once we see each other. Can’t wait!” Reading the last part over and over, you drifted off to sleep. 
You could feel his piercing stare on you. Maybe it was part of the cosmic connection you two shared, although you hadn’t heard other soulmates talking about anything like what you were experiencing right now. But you knew exactly where he was and who he was the minute you stepped foot on the mechanical stairs. 
Just a little longer and you’d reach the bottom, just a little longer and you’d see him face to face. To avoid the awkwardness of it all, you didn’t look back, although you allowed him to stare at you. Maintaining uncomfortable eye contact as the stairs brought you to his level wasn’t something you wanted to experience, even if it was with the person you were destined to spend the rest of your life with. 
So you concentrated on every and anything else. The messages he’d written you throughout the day, the ones you’d written back. Your heavy bags, the shoes of the lady standing in front of you. How you had seemingly taken the longest flight of stairs in the country. 
He was smiling, you didn’t see his face, but he was smiling. It was a common occurrence to be the first one to know when he accidentally bit his tongue or got a papercut. 
But this was entirely new, an addicting sensation, one you were sure you would never get tired of. His joy was reflected on you, and yours on him. Even as intimidating as it was, knowing that you now did not only share what one could consider to be superficial, but the important things too, you were ecstatic to find out that there were still things about your relationship that were new to you both. Things that could only be amplified as you actually developed a face to face bond. 
Your feet hit the floor and you felt him moving through the crowd, not only that, but after deciding to glance upwards, you actually saw him walking over towards you. His face was unfamiliarly known territory. One you had never laid eyes upon before today, but one you were sure you could esculpt perfectly if you tried to. 
“Hey,” he spoke. It was such a casual greeting, one an outsider could mistake by an old and common salutation instead of the first words being spoken between soulmates. 
“Hi.” The grin on your face was as wide as ever. 
“Can I?” He didn’t finish his sentence, he didn’t even gesture at what it was that he was asking for, but you knew exactly what it was that he was requesting. 
Nodding, you let go of your bags and opened your arms slightly, prepared to welcome his embrace. 
Hugging him was like the feeling you experienced whenever he talked to you through your skin amplified by the number of stars there are in the night sky
Ticklings all over. Fireworks imploding. The universe collapsing in on itself. 
If that’s how being held by him felt, you could only imagine how others things would make you feel. 
It was so bizarre, feeling so strongly about a person who in theory was a stranger, a stranger you grew up connected to. A stranger who you were used to talking to everyday, a stranger who stood before you. 
You had no control over your destiny, no choice when it came to who you decided to spend eternity with. It should be a matter of rage, of rebellion against such injustice, but having Eddie’s arms around you was enough proof to know that the universe was wise. 
“You should wash your hair more often,” he said, nose sniffing your head. There it was, the teasing. 
“Shut up, I don’t take advice from someone who uses a 3 in 1 shampoo.” 
He chuckled, creating a memory you would come back to often, of that you were certain.
 You pulled apart, instantly missing him. 
“Wait, before I forget, I have something for you,” you said as you opened one of your bags. You retrieved the items and handed them to him. 
“Sweetheart, I’m afraid my head isn’t going to fit in this. And these knee pads look awfully small, too.” 
“Well, yeah, I got those for you when we were like five years old. So you’d stop injuring yourself so much.” 
He stared at the objects for a few seconds, coming up with something. 
“You know, maybe if I add a little carton here and there, I can make the helmet bigger.”
“You like them then?” 
“Love them. Even if it was a selfish gift,” he chuckled. 
“Hey!” You pretended to be offended.
“Admit it! You got them so you wouldn’t have to deal with my injuries! Not because you were worried about my safety!”  Instinctively, he grabbed your bags and together you walked towards his van, bickering about the true reason behind your gesture. It felt so rutinary, so comforting, so couple-like.
If you had to describe the ride to his home in one word, you would go for noisy. Between the talking, the laughter, and the ungodly loud music coming from the car speakers, a symphony of love was composed. 
It was terrifying how hard you were falling. Maybe part of the things you were feeling were old sentiments, ones that had bloomed years ago, but that you hadn’t been able to pick apart because there wasn’t a face to associate them with. Either way, you were sure this was the best decision you had made in a long time. 
“We have arrived,” Eddie said before exiting the vehicle and going to open your door for you. 
“Thanks,” you giggled, a sound your soulmate hadn’t stopped hearing since meeting you. 
You both entered his trailer and he guided you to his room. It was so full of him, items that had Eddie written all over them, items you wanted to inspect closely for hours. 
“I tried my best to clean up, even got rid of the rats for you.” 
“Oh, I’m getting the VIP treatment, I see. Did you kill the cockroaches too?”
“I’m afraid that’s gonna run you a little extra. Bugs extermination comes with the platinum package, do you wish to upgrade?” 
“That depends, how much extra are we talking about here?” 
“Mhh, a date or two with the local freak,” he replied, collapsing onto his bed. 
You took a few seconds to (fakely) consider his offer. 
“I’ll make you one better, four dates and a prospect for infinite future ones if I end up liking you enough.” He sat back up, meeting your line of sight. 
“You got yourself a deal.” 
So far, you hadn’t seen much of Hawkins yet, but it was obvious that the stereotypes associated with small towns fit this one perfectly.
You weren’t exactly sure where Eddie would take you to experience all this “excitement” he had promised you considering how dull your surroundings looked, but you were sure that you two could fill tax returns together and still have a blast. 
He’d offered to stay in today, to let you rest after your trip. But you didn’t want to rest, you wanted to go out and see all the places that he loved, to see how he lived. 
“Are you gonna tell me where we’re going now?” You had his black bandana wrapped around your eyes, per his request. An unreasonable request you had argued, considering you weren't familiar with the place and had no way of knowing where you were heading based on your surroundings, but one you followed through with anyway. 
“Nope, you’ll have to wait a little longer. We’re almost there, I promise.” 
“I have trust issues when it comes to you.” 
“Okay, for the last time, I never said I was a good cook.” 
“Yes, you did!” You exclaimed. “You said you were the greatest cook I would ever meet after I told you I had caused a small fire in my kitchen after trying out a fancy recipe I saw on T.V!”
“You have no proof of that ever happening.”
“I do! I took a polaroid of my arm when you wrote that just in case you turned out to be shit in the kitchen, which, you are! Thank you very much for overcooking dinner.” 
“You took a picture of it?” His tone and feelings behind it changed drastically, it wasn’t just flirtatious teasing, he was now feeling genuine intrigue.
“Yeah, I have a few pictures of things you’ve said, others I’ve written down elsewhere. I also take pictures of the things you draw on yourself before you wash them off.” 
“Unless they’re ugly,” you added jokingly. 
“You’re such a sap,” he said, and you felt how moved and loved you had made him feel. 
It turned out to be a music store. Eddie had brought you to his favorite music store. Not only that, he had asked one of the workers to put a box aside full of tapes he’d picked out for you. 
After going through the box (and maybe crying a little although you turned around so Eddie wouldn't see you) you kept browsing through the place, with your soulmate by your side. A few more tapes caught your eye, and he encouraged you to put them inside the box as well. 
Time flew by and the guy working the registry let you know that they were closing soon, and that it would be a good idea for you two to check out. You went to grab your wallet, but Eddie stopped you from doing so. 
He leaned in closer and said to you; “I got this, it’s the least I can do after you flew all this way.” 
Thanking him, you grabbed the heavy bag the employee gave you and walked back out to his van. You snuck your face inside the bag and read over the titles once again before grabbing “Defenders of the Faith” and shoving it inside the cassette player. 
The volume had been set pretty high priorly, but you couldn’t help but jump a little when “Love Bites” started blasting, drowning you in the music. 
Eddie looked at you entertained, staring without muttering a sound.
“What?” You asked. 
“Nothing, I’m just looking at you.” 
“Why?” You asked, giggling. You tried your best to ignore the wave of nerves that had just hit you. 
“Working up the nerve to do what I’m about to do next,” he breathed out, “can I? 
And just like before, he didn’t have to finish the sentence for you to know what he wanted to do. You nodded, and he slowly made his way to your lips, keeping a few inches between you two before closing the gap.
The angle was a bit awkward, so he grabbed you by your waist and pulled you closer to him, placing you on his lap. 
One of his hands stayed on your waist, while the other went to grab one side of your face. Your fingers were lost in his curls, twisting and playing with them. 
He slid his tongue inside your mouth, slow, but firm. With the hold he had on your waist, he pulled you towards him even more, not wanting there to be any space between you both. 
And there, lightheaded and utterly happy, you realized you had been right before. 
If hugging him felt like being at the center of a volcanic eruption, then kissing him felt like tasting heaven.
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For anyone curious about resin printing prices, I just thought I'd share my 2 cents as a hobbiest printer.
Resin printing requires a lot of PPE (more than filament printing afaik, though that requires some too)! Protective equipment alone can run upwards of $100 dollars. I spent time hunting for good prices and my setup ended up being around $130. You need stuff like nitrile gloves to handle the resin with, masks (ideally a good particulate and VOC filter so you can sand with the same mask you use for fumes), ducting to vent the fumes out somewhere (and everything else venting involves), and so on. There's lots of little things, and they'll add up fast.
There's also other equipment you'll need besides just a printer. Resin printing requires post processing requires something to wash the print in (usually IPA) and something to cure it with (UV light). You can re-use IPA and cure in the sun, but how you choose to process the resin afterwards is still an up-front cost to consider. You'll need containers to store the IPA to save it in, and you'll need a funnel with a good filter in order to save extra resin from prints. (Up-front costs for long-term materials saving. if you skip those, you'll pay more replacing them in the long term.)
In order to have a setup that's comfortable instead of only functional, many people will want extra supplies for their battle stations, like mylar boxes (like indoor greenhouse tents) to contain fumes and hide the printer from sunlight, and silicone mats to protect surrounding surfaces from resin. And omg, you can see how this is starting to take up a lot of space...
That's not even touching the cost of resin itself! even really cheap resin is going to be over $10 a kg. and if you want more than one color, you're either going to need to buy lots of UV-proof chemical bottles to store your different custom mixed colors, or you'll need to buy more colors. (If you mix your own, you'll need dyes.) You'll need to acquire elastic to string the doll, and you'll usually want to purchase metal s-hooks. resin has many strengths as a medium (high detail, etc), but unfortunately, it is brittle, which makes it a poor candidate for tiny objects under a lot of stress. so, 3D printing the s-hook is usually not a good idea. (Unless you're paying extra for, like, some siraya tech tenacious, or something like that. but even then, I'm not sure it's the best choice.) And if you want to assemble the doll with magnets instead of snap fits, you'll need magnets too.
TL;DR Resin printing is a high-investment hobby. It might be cost effective if you're making ten dolls, but if you want one or two, it won't save you money or time. (I still think people should try making their own dolls if they're interested!! :) It doesn't have to be about money. Making your own custom dolls is a rewarding experience! But it's not a cheat code to avoid the cost of this hobby.)
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haruharuz · 1 year
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Let's talk about one of my upcoming DIY's! If you love plants but say "oh but I don't have a balcony/lots of light/a yard" this is for you.
The most important thing to note about this entire project is that you need to be intentional about what you're buying and doing. So ask yourself a couple questions:
What kind of plants am I going to grow? How big are they?
Do I need to automate things or will I be able to do everything on my own?
This helps you determine how big of a glass cabinet/greenhouse you need and if you're going to be using smart plugs or not.
Now you can absolutely just buy a damn greenhouse online and put it inside. Don't let no one tell you that you can't. But if you're a DIY hottie and like to do things yourself and learn, you could benefit from doing this yourself.
You'll need some tools, for assembly. Probably a circular hole saw to cut a hole in the bottom of your cabinet, some magnets or something to keep the lights up and basic skills. Also a bowl of water to help humidity can be put at the bottom.
"What kind of plants can I grow?" Basically anything that can fit. Plants that need heat and lots of sunlight should be placed towards the top, plants that are okay with a tiny bit less heat and sun should be at the bottom.
"I don't know what to grow!" Cool, Here's some ideas:
Green onions
Generally the more space, the better. So if you can get a really tall cabinet and just use a big step stool to reach the plants, do it! You can also buy acrylic shelves to place inside to promote airflow.
Plants can get big, don't be afraid to cut them down a little if your greenhouse becomes more of a jungle than you're okay with.
You can automate this whole thing (save for the watering, kind of) using smart plugs to turn off the fan and lights. For watering, you can buy self watering plant spikes for some of them (unless you want to water them, then that's fine)!
You'll want fertilizer (you can DIY it, or you can buy something like fish fertilizer), soil, and some pots of some sort.
Groceries have been god awfully expensive and this can help save money over time. Less trips to the grocery store and most importantly- you're not riding on someone else to make the prices for you. You pay for the electricity to run it, the water, the materials, and seeds. That's all you need.
example :
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good luck and remember: DIY with caution and care!
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sentientstump · 11 months
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yall really want me to spill the beans about the song, eh? 😭🙈
[orchid ⇢ what’s a song you consider to be perfect? ] x5
So many asked, so I'm going to go full details here:
I haven't listened to that many songs in life, mind you, so my answer would be Playing By The Rules by Red Vox (quinn you already listened to it on loop, sorry, no new info for you) I find it very great to my ears on all sound levels, every time I listen to it I try to focus on different instruments because i don't want to get bored of it xD I really enjoy the MV for it too! The theme, the style fits so nicely that sometimes it's difficult to separate it from the song itself (also, i saw that Mason Lindroth inspiration from miles away, so +quadspillion points to this MV!) The ONLY downside (upside in disguise) is that its so short... but! I have this feeling of silent appreciation when it comes up on shuffle play, yknow. Gotta enjoy things while they last! And I guess this song is a good exercise for me. Also if you asked me this question like 8 months ago I would've answered with Reno by Red Vox too .... I think I have a thing for gambling themes in songs- xD oh well
[sage ⇢ what ‘medium’ of art (poetry, music, fiction, paintings, statues etc.) is the most touching to you? why do you think that is? ]
Oooh man, I haven't thought about this before! I don't think I have strong preference towards one 'medium' of art? I just really enjoy when someone uses the medium in a very 'their' way, because what is more touching than their love to the craft? I mean, of course there's people who hate their craft but good at it, and maybe that's a little touching to me too in a more.... tiny humans on a pale blue dot in a vast space of cosmos sorta way? If you catch my drift
[edelweiss ⇢ how’d you think of your url/username? what’s it associated with to you? ]
ahaha, I keep wondering why people don't ask me about it more frequently "xD (one person got me though) It's from PesterChum's rules of creating nicknames (Homestuck's chat app). I had to come up with a name based on my attributes at the time, so I wrote something like "artisticArtist" but then in one chat group I somehow got the lore that I am a stump??? So that one originated from there. And then I tried to follow the rules of nicknames by writing "cleverStump" instead, because it's CS which is 1/2 closer to the GCAT rule. But then I said "screw it" and thought that sentientStump is more accurate to ✨the lore✨ , because I am sentient, but not smart (I also have a screenshot of it (thank you 13 y.o. me) but I cannot find it currently, maybe someday)
[chamomile ⇢ what kind of things do you like receiving as gifts? ]
I really like to receive trinkets of any kind! They're usually small, usually cheap (I mean if they are expensive then im double happy and double sad of your wallet :c ), usually infinite happy chemicals in my brain! Magnets, pins, keychains, art supplies, gift paper bags, boxes, crafting materials and so on! I really enjoy things that are small (no joke here lol xD)
[aloe vera ⇢ what’s something (mundane) you really want to experience in life? ]
Everything mundane. like legit, whatever there is in life I want to experience it. Well, there is some no-no's such as physical pain? xD i don't want to experience a broken bone but i like the thought of experiencing wearing a cast. Or something...? 😅 I gotta experience all of the world has to offer but i do understand that i never will. Y'know, small things like walking at 16:45 on a ground road to the place where people apparently are fishing! (before walking there i didnt know!) Or eating a melted popsicle in a plastic wrap on a balcony watching a thunderstorm dissipate, or standing on a bus stop at 20:05 for one hour to understand that the buses on the bus app lied to you and no one will appear and you run to the 24hr store to buy yourself instant noodles for your dinner because you won't be able to join your family and their dinner in the countryside? Stuff like this y'know! Makes me enjoy life fr👍🏼 genuinely
[cactus ⇢ something you’re currently learning (about)? ]
Driving! But only theory rn "xD
[bamboo ⇢ do you change into a different outfit when you get home? ]
Of course! Who doesn't? o_o jk jk, it's totally cool! I tried it once because why not (look at [aloe vera] above) and tbh... not my thing! Especially when the outfit has 400 layers because of the 9 month winter, brrr. The apartment gets a lot of heating, so gotta unpeal the layers! At summer it's reverse i guess? I'm usually hanging out at my countryside house (technically two houses but same plot) and i change to the most "outside work" outfit possible after taking a short trip to the grocery store with my "i am from the city, downtown" outfit XD So basically i change into a more comfortable outfit and more worn down👍🏼✨
[chia ⇢ what’s an inside joke you have with someone else? ]
i have this very specific inside joke with my longest irl I've ever had (since 3y.o. 💪🏼💪🏼) We keep asking each other and their doggy Deya questions like: "[you're] Sitting?", "Sleeping?", "Eating?", "Walking?", "Staring?", "Barking?", "Taking a toilet?" etc. in a "what are you doing currently?" tone. It's so dumb!!!! I love it! xD
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n1cholaswang · 1 year
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sucking on a candy cane
lgbtq+ mirae! — lee junhyuk x nb!reader
cw: lingerie (r!wearing), mention of toys, teasing, nipple play
wc: 933 words
a/n: i wanted this to be longer but i rushed it :(( next one will be better <3
IT WAS A week before christmas and you and junhyuk decided to go out to the mall to buy stocking stuffers.
you and your boyfriend separated, you going to find pokémon cards for yubin and junhyuk going to find something for you.
he walked into a dark colored store with all kinds of things inside; shirts, manga, magnets, jewelry, blankets, and as he continued to walk back, he saw sex toys. a wide variety of sex toys.
there were so many, junhyuk nearly passed out trying to choose. luckily, a worker helped him.
he walked out with many toys and a couple of pairs of lingerie. (he thinks he went overboard)
you two met up at the food court, ordering some pretzels and drinks.
"ooh i can't wait for you to see what i got you! you're gonna love it!", you smile, sipping on your lemonade afterwards
"same here", he says quietly, feeling slight embarrassment for buying some lewd items.
— — — •• — — —
it was finally christmas and while everyone else was opening presents, junhyuk took you into the kitchen.
"merry christmas my dear", he kisses your hand before handing you a bag.
you sit down on the floor and take out all the paper, revealing a black slingshot teddy, 2 bodysuits, and a crotchless bra set. you look up at your boyfriend, his arms crossed with a small smirk tugging on his lips.
"keep diggin"
you take his advice, looking dead at a clear suction cup dildo, a glass dildo, a red curved vibrator, a chrome wand, anal beads, and a remote vibrator.
"a-are you planning to use these on me...?"
he thought you'd get the hint, but of course, his innocent partner didn't understand.
he crouched down to your level, placing a finger under your chin, "who else would i buy them for? why don't you wear that set tonight when the boys have fallen asleep?", he leaned into your ear, whispering, "i wanna see how easy i can rip it apart"
you placed everything back in the bag and went to the bathroom, taking off your clothes to put on one of the lingerie outfits. you turn around in the mirror, checking yourself out and being happy with how you looked. you put on the clothes you had on previously and walked out, sitting with the boys and their partners.
siyoung's boyfriend handed you a candy cane, smiling small at you. you took the candy, unwrapping it and taking it into your mouth.
junhyuk watched as you did this, his cock hardening in his pants as he imagined that candy cane was him filling up your mouth. he grabbed the pillow beside him and put it over his lap, sighing in slight pleasure as the soft material pressed up against his hard-on.
he couldn't wait to get you alone.
once everyone went home, you and junhyuk were in the living room together, watching a christmas special of a show the two of you enjoyed.
he placed a gentle hand on your thigh, slowly inching towards the spot he's been needing most, but you moved, making him frown a bit.
you reach over to the table in front of you, grabbing another candy cane and unwrapping it. you placed it in between your lips, sucking just a bit.
his wolf-like eyes studied you before he spoke, "don't you think you've had enough of those today?"
"i like them! leave me alone", you say, licking the candy with your tongue out
you were teasing him and you both knew it. junhyuk took the candy cane out of your hand and leaned in, taking the tip of your tongue into his mouth and sucking lightly. his actions surprised you but you didn't stop him.
his hands gripped your hips and moved you onto his lap, pulling away from your tongue before kissing you with the intent of making you cum untouched.
his lips were pillowy soft against yours, his strong hands holding you in place before forcing your hips upwards, grinding on the painful boner he's had for the past 2 hours.
he groaned into your mouth, licking your bottom lip, asking for access before he explored your mouth with his tongue.
he could taste the mint on your tongue, ecstatic as he continued to swirl the tip of your tongue with his. he hummed in pleasure, feeling a little wet spot form on his cock.
junhyuk's hands unbuttoned the top you were wearing, feeling your chilled and exposed skin. he pulled away only to find out you were wearing that slingshot he bought for you.
he smirked, looking up at your face, "i didn't know you were hiding this. if i did..."
he snapped the thin strings to gain access to your chest, "wouldve fucked you a long time ago"
junhyuk took one nipple into his mouth, the tip of his tongue circling around the sensitive bud while his fingers squeezed the other.
your back arches into his mouth, whining slightly at the attention. your hands go to his hair, pushing his head further into your chest as if that were possible.
he smacks your chest, getting you to whimper and stop tugging on him before he switches nipples.
"junhyuk...", you moan, grinding down onto his dick, "fuck me... please?"
he bites down on your nipple, a squeal leaving your lips.
"i'll fuck you when i feel like it", he mumbles before siyoung walks in.
"oh! i-im sorry... i'll just..."
he walks away slowly but before he leaves the room, he gives junhyuk a thumbs up.
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bharatref01 · 2 years
How Do Glass Door Display Chillers benefit the end user?
In this blog, we are going to highlightCommercial Display Fridge, its importance, prominent features, and applications among others.
Before we move forward, it makes sense to understand the machine.
So, what is a Commercial Display Fridge?
It is a technically sound machine designed for storing and persevering edibles, beverages, and medicines among others. It is also famous as Glass Door Display Chillers across the industry circles.  
Unique features of a quality-driven Glass Door Display Chillers  
Let’s now focus on the prominent features of the machine. As an owner of a hotel or shopping complex, you require a flawless machine that delivers excellent results. Here is a list of salient features of a quality-driven machine:
Better Display Area
Large storage with Display
Temperature retaining
Customized size
Energy efficient
Uniform Temperature
Easy maintenance
Easy assemble & dismantle
Temperature: 2 to 8 ° C
Technical specifications
Technical specifications vary from company to company. More or less, the basics remain the same. Here is the technical specifications of a Glass Door Display Chiller manufactured by Bharat Refrigerations:            
Glass Door Frame Size: 1401 mm x 1840 mm
Single Door Opening Size: 600 mm x 1720 mm.
Customized glass doors (hinged type) with magnetic door gasket for air-tight seal.
Minimum 2 Glass Door.
Floor Insulation: Aluminium Chequered plate.
Digital temperature controller with digital display.
Insulated perimeter frames designed with forward facing for easy service and maintenance from front of the door.
Energy efficient frame that reduces heat loss by 30% with its added insulation
Double layer vacuumed tempered glass to prevent moisture.
For the specific arrangement of products.
Adjustable Stainless Steel Shelves for specific arrangements of merchandise.
Provision for special demands such as glass doors, special flooring, silent condensing unit, Shelves, etc.
Long durability and perfect construction with a balanced refrigeration system
The automatic machine is designed to safely store and preserve a wide range of edibles, beverages, and medicines among others, including Chocolates, Soft drinks, Milk, Pastry, Cake, Ready to eat, etc.  
Commercial use
As the name indicates, the machine is designed for commercial use. Generally, set between 2 and 8°C, the machine is used in a wide range of setups and commercials including Cinema halls, Multiplexes, Hotels, Restaurants, Shopping malls, Corporate Towers, etc.  
Keep your requirement in view      
Before taking the final decision to buy the product, don’t forget to keep in view your custom requirements. Factors like the average amount of food prepares every day, the number of raw materials, you would like to store, space designed for refrigerators, etc. should be considered. It’s important to list down your different requirements, before reaching a conclusion.  
Custom-designed Glass Door Display ChillersIndian market isn’t short of
Commercial Display Fridge manufacturers
, however, don’t trust blindly. An inferior quality product wouldn’t meet your requirements, leading to wastage of items stored. Subsequently, it makes sense to buy the product only from reputed manufacturers.                  
The picture is no hazier, given the content of this blog. Buying an excellence-drivenGlass Door Display Chillers is always a tough decision, especially when the market is flooded with many companies and brands. Considering the expertise of Bharat Refrigerations, you can trust their quality-driven range of Commercial Display fridges.                            
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milannefinds · 16 days
Rapoo V50S Backlit Gaming Keyboard with light Wired |Legit store to buy
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Rapoo V50S Backlit Gaming Keyboard with light Wired keyboard for laptop Ergonomic keyboard for phone
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Below are the specifications for the Rapoo V50S keyboard: - Keyboard Type: Mechanical - Switch Type: Rapoo Yellow Switch - Keycaps: ABS Double Injection Keycaps - Backlighting: RGB, customizable - Connectivity: Wired (USB) - Cable Length: 1.8 meters - Anti-Ghosting: Full keys anti-ghosting - Key Rollover: N-key rollover - Key Life: Up to 60 million keystrokes - Dimensions: 355 x 137 x 33 mm - Weight: 914g - Compatibility: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10, Mac OS X 10.10 or later - Additional Features: - Multimedia Function Keys - Detachable Magnetic Wrist Rest - Adjustable Footstand - Braided Cable - Metal Panel - Waterproof Design Title: Elevate Your Gaming Experience with the Rapoo V50S Backlit Gaming Keyboard In the realm of gaming, having the right tools can make all the difference between victory and defeat. Enter the Rapoo V50S Backlit Gaming Keyboard, a versatile and feature-packed keyboard designed to take your gaming experience to the next level. In this blog post, we'll explore the key features and benefits of the V50S and why it's a must-have accessory for gamers of all levels. Sleek and Stylish Design The Rapoo V50S boasts a sleek and stylish design that's sure to turn heads. With its backlit keys and customizable RGB lighting, you can create the perfect ambiance for your gaming setup. Whether you prefer a subtle glow or a vibrant light show, the V50S allows you to express your style and personality. Ergonomic and Comfortable Comfort is key during long gaming sessions, and the V50S delivers with its ergonomic design and comfortable key layout. The keyboard's low-profile keys and adjustable feet ensure optimal comfort and support, reducing strain and fatigue even during extended use. Plus, the included wrist rest provides added support for your wrists, allowing you to game in comfort for hours on end. Responsive and Accurate
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Equipped with Rapoo's high-quality mechanical switches, the V50S offers responsive and accurate keystrokes with every press. Whether you're executing precise combos in your favorite fighting game or typing out messages in the heat of battle, the V50S delivers unmatched performance and reliability. Plus, with full keys anti-ghosting and N-key rollover, you can press multiple keys simultaneously without worrying about missed inputs or ghosting. Versatile Connectivity The V50S is compatible with a wide range of devices, making it a versatile option for gamers on the go. Whether you're gaming on your laptop, desktop, or even your phone, the V50S has you covered. Simply plug in the USB cable, and you're ready to game – no additional drivers or software required. Plus, with its compact and lightweight design, the V50S is easy to take with you wherever you go. Waterproof and Durable Accidents happen, but with the V50S, you don't have to worry about spills ruining your gaming experience. The keyboard features a waterproof design that protects against liquid damage, ensuring that your keyboard remains functional even in the face of spills or accidents. Plus, with its durable construction and high-quality materials, the V50S is built to withstand the rigors of gaming and everyday use.
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In conclusion, the Rapoo V50S Backlit Gaming Keyboard is a versatile and reliable option for gamers looking to elevate their gaming experience. With its sleek design, ergonomic layout, responsive switches, versatile connectivity, and durable construction, the V50S offers everything you need to game in comfort and style. Whether you're a casual gamer or a competitive esports athlete, the V50S is sure to impress with its performance and reliability. So why wait? Upgrade your gaming setup with the Rapoo V50S and take your gaming to the next level. These specifications highlight the key features and functionalities of the Rapoo V50S keyboard, making it a versatile and reliable option for gamers and typists alike. Read the full article
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anhometech · 2 months
Phone Stands Near Me: A Must-Have Accessory for Your Device
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In today’s fast-paced world, our smartphones have become indispensable companions. Whether we’re checking emails, browsing social media, or watching cat videos, our phones are always within arm’s reach. But what if you could enhance your mobile experience even further? Enter phone stands near me – the unsung heroes that elevate your device usage to new heights.
Why Do You Need a Phone Stands near me?
Hands-Free Convenience: Imagine watching your favorite cooking tutorial while preparing dinner. With a phone stand, you can prop up your phone at the perfect angle, leaving your hands free to chop, stir, and sauté.
Video Calls Made Easy: Whether it’s a work conference or a catch-up call with family, a phone stand ensures stable video calls. No more awkward angles or wobbly screens – just crystal-clear communication.
Desk Organization: Tired of your phone lying flat on your cluttered desk? A stand keeps it upright, saving precious workspace. Plus, it prevents accidental spills or knocks.
Types of Phone Stands near me
Adjustable Stands: These versatile stands allow you to tweak the angle and height according to your preference. Perfect for both portrait and landscape viewing.
Foldable Stands: Ideal for travelers or minimalists, these compact stands fold flat when not in use. Slip one into your bag, and you’re ready to go.
Magnetic Stands: Some stands use magnets to securely hold your phone. Just snap your device into place – no fuss, no hassle.
Where to Find Phone Stands Near me
Best Buy: A trusted retailer, Best Buy offers a variety of cell phone stands. From simple designs to multi-functional options, you’ll find something that suits your style and budget.
Online Retailers: Websites like Amazon, eBay, and Walmart have extensive selections. Search for “phone stands near me,” and explore customer reviews to make an informed choice.
Local Electronics Stores: Check out stores in your area. They often carry accessories like phone stands. Plus, you can see them in person before making a decision.
Choosing the Right Phone Stands near me
Compatibility: Ensure the stand fits your phone’s dimensions. Some stands accommodate tablets and e-readers too.
Stability: Look for non-slip materials or anti-skid pads. You don’t want your phone doing acrobatics on the stand.
Aesthetics: Phone stands come in various designs – sleek metal, colorful plastic, or natural wood. Pick one that complements your style.
Next time you’re binge-watching your favorite series or following a recipe, consider investing in a phone stand. It’s a small accessory that makes a big difference. So, go ahead – elevate your phone experience and find the perfect stand near you!
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outasktd · 3 months
5 Features to Look for in a Car Roof Light
Envisaging a night drive or demanding additional light energy while performing outdoor activities, say, “A good car roof light is definitely a must”. It matters greatly if it is high-performing, powerful, and energy-efficient for off-road adventures, emergency situations, camping trips in a car, or the most important roof light. At outasktd, we are a professional business that provides quality lighting systems. Come to find out, in this post; we will be exploring the 5 most important features you should consider when picking a car roof light. We will try to light up your drives and make them secure.
1. Powerful Illumination with OUTASK Technology
As far as car roof lights go, they must render the light you cannot help but adore. Such technology-forward products as TITHAL and VIEWFINDER are the offerings of the said brand. OUTASK products with their roof lights, whose cutting-edge LED technology gives off bright but reliable eye-catching light, bring additional safety and visibility whether you drive or participate in any outdoor activity. Prioritize the implementation of efficient lighting so that securing an adequate level of security and lighting is a must.
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2. Versatility with Rechargeable and Battery Operated Options
A multiple-purpose emergency lighting for cars should provide various powered modes to suit different needs at different times. Dig ones that can be recharged or powered by batteries. This way, you can also avoid the moment you’re left in the dark and utilize batteries when required. Having a light on the top of your car, which is powered in multiple ways, makes it a trustworthy travelling partner for long-distance trips.
3. Durability and Portability
A specific example is that an adventure outdoors requires lighting options that are durable and portable. Ensure you buy a car roof light made from strong materials that are resilient enough to meet the harsh environment on off-road travel. One factor that ensures a boat is able to stay long in the sea is the capability to withstand dangers. Apart from that, focus on the portability of the light, which becomes possible due to its compact and lightweight design, making it easy to take and store, facilitating your outdoor hiking or camping.
4. Magnetic and Tripod Compatibility for Hands-Free Operation
Hands-free mode is like a new level, especially if you need your hands to work on your vehicle or to set up a camp. Select a plastic roof light that is magnetic with a tripod head. The magnetic feature gives an advantage of easy attaching to metal surfaces and can be hands-free lighting, depending on the requirements. Another advantage is the ability to mount the light on a tripod, which gives you the option of placing it at your convenience, hence, being able to adjust it to enable you to work in the posture you need and for the task at hand.
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5. Emergency Features and Adaptability
In unexpected situations, being backed up by a jeep light bar with emergency features is just perfect. Seeking tail lights with emergency lighting modes, e.g. flashing or SOS, is a good option. Adaptability to all types of scenarios, be it a car emergency light or a versatile outdoor light, is one of what makes this car roof light functional in all types of situations.
Utilizing a top-notch car roof light through investment will definitely help you in attaining a better driving experience plus enhancing your safety. By taking into account factors like strength, mounting option, power source and other features, you can look for and decide on the right light that will be appropriate for your application. Check out outask-td and we guarantee quality and versatility as an easy-to-install, multi-purpose car roof light. This lamp uses a bright bulb, is made of strong materials, and has multiple functions. This makes it an excellent choice for camping trips and off-road adventures.
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handymagnet · 4 months
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Neodymium Metal/Gold/Silver Testing Magnet Key Chain. 
Very small and very powerful.  Neodymium magnets (the strongest kind available), can be difficult to handle and fragile, not so good for constant handling and use. Not to mention, they are so small they are easily misplaced or lost.  However, they are the best type of magnet for detecting iron content due to their superior field strength.
We have mounted a powerful 3/8" diameter x 3/8" diameter cylinder N52 grade neodymium-iron-boron magnet in brass for industrial and hobby use. It comes with a split ring for easy carrying, and comes with a protective vinyl cap.
Identify and sort steel grades and metal alloys that contain iron, nickel, or cobalt.
Identify/sort chrome plated items from polished aluminum, silver, and non-magnetic grades of stainless steel
Identify/sort solid brass and bronze from plated steel items (handy in the antique market and hardware store)
Identify/sort some types of costume (fake) jewelry, which often uses steel or nickel as the base material under the plating.
Use as a very powerful magnetic pickup, not like those 1/2 pound jokes at the hardware store.
Attach to your fishing line and cast away.  You will find all sorts of sunken goodies.  I am told that if you live in a big city, bridges are an excellent place to go "magnet fishing."  If you want to retrieve really big items (like engine blocks), use this magnet as an underwater finder, when it latches on to something, you can drop a very large normal magnet and pull up as much as you or your boat winch will lift.
Also handy for science experiments involving ferromagnetism
10 lbs Pull Force Rated Magnet Insert
The magnet insert is rated at 10 lbs pull force (as with all magnets, this rating depends on the magnet mating to a smooth, flat, unpainted steel surface). Pull force is not necessarily lifting strength, which depends on many factors. Take a look at the last picture, it's holding a sledge hammer in mid air with no problems.
Dimensions are:
1/2" (12.5mm) diameter x 3/4" (19mm) tall head
1-3/4" (45mm) overall length
3/8" (9.5mm)diameter handle
1/2" (12.5mm) diameter stainless steel split ring.
The brass casing protects the magnet from chipping and breaking, and makes removing iron and steel shavings much easier. We also include a protective vinyl cap for when the magnet is not in use. These are made in the USA.
International Buyers ? Please Note: Import duties, taxes, and charges are not included in the item price or shipping cost. These charges are the buyer's responsibility. Please check with your country's customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding or buying.
Handy Magnets are manufactured in the USA by Revolution Machines LLC
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bagwalamyfav · 8 months
Buy Laptop Sleeves Online
MyFavBagwala is a great place to buy laptop sleeves online. They have a wide variety of sleeves to choose from, so you're sure to find one that's perfect for your needs. Plus, their prices are very competitive.
Here are some of the benefits of buying a laptop sleeve from MyFavBagwala:
Protection: Laptop sleeves protect your laptop from scratches, dents, and other damage.
Organization: Laptop sleeves can help you keep your laptop and accessories organized.
Style: Laptop sleeves can come in a variety of colors and styles, so you can find one that matches your personality.
Convenience: Laptop sleeves are easy to carry around, so you can take your laptop with you wherever you go.
If you're looking for a high-quality laptop sleeve at a great price, I highly recommend checking out MyFavBagwala.
Here are some of the top-selling laptop sleeves on MyFavBagwala:
Leather Laptop Sleeve: This sleeve is made of high-quality leather and features a soft interior lining to protect your laptop. It also has a magnetic closure to keep your laptop secure.
Neoprene Laptop Sleeve: This sleeve is made of durable neoprene material and features a padded interior to protect your laptop from bumps and scratches. It also has a water-resistant exterior to protect your laptop from the elements.
Canvas Laptop Sleeve: This sleeve is made of sturdy canvas material and features a reinforced stitching to ensure durability. It also has a large front pocket to store accessories.
No matter what your needs are, MyFavBagwala has the perfect laptop sleeve for you. So what are you waiting for? Visit their website today and start shopping!
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royalchessmallusa · 11 months
Chess Sets With The Preference You Like Folding And Non-Folding. 
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The feeling of a Chess player when you sat down for a good Chess Game and you find out that some of your chess pieces are missing. It is probably the worst feeling you can get as a Chess Player and purchasing those specific Chess Pieces is even harder with being an extra expense. For avoiding such unwanted expenses, it is best to have your pieces in a storage box. Buying a storage box that is just right for your chess set is difficult, so it’s much better to purchase a Chess Set with a storage box. In this blog, we will be guiding you on the types of storage sets for you to choose from. Royal Chess Mall produces each final good with the finest material whether it’s metal or wooden, we don’t compromise with the fineness that you need. 
The types of storage sets that we provide you with are-
1. Folding Chess Set
The classic Chess Sets are foldable and magnetic that equipped with built-in storage space for the Chess Pieces. Perfect portable set for any kind of trip and travel such as family game night, camping, picnics, and many more. It uses less amount of space in your bags and makes it easier to carry around. Each tray contains space made accordingly to the shape of the pieces. One can fit the pieces securely with no chance of ruffling inside and moves with ease. Royal Chess Mall’s products are carved with the finest material by workmen who make them fully functional Chess Box yet delicate that will make you proud to show them off to your competitors. 
2. Non-Folding Chess Sets
Searching for storage in-built that does not require folding of the Chess Board then Non-folding chess sets are perfect for you. With an in-built sliding drawer under the board making it easier to take the board with you anywhere. Royal Chess Mall presents you with a vast range of decorative wooden sets that have an extra storage box that makes it perfect for a beautiful set-up both for your office and home. Made with premium wood, these sets of Chess boards are equipped with storage so that you won’t lose another chess piece again. 
3. Storage Boxes
A separate storage box offers a space for the chess pieces with a beige velvet clothing interior of the box and a wooden sculpture of the box. When going out you can grab the box by its handle and not worry about the pieces spreading around in your bag. These wooden boxes are hand-crafted with premium quality wood. Store your chess pieces in these storage boxes and worry not about losing any pieces again. 
At Royal Chess Mall, you can get a variety of storage chess sets to fit different sizes of chess pieces. Keep your expensive chess pieces secure when you know have young kids or pets that could destroy them. We offer a vast collection of folding and non-folding chess sets for you to choose from accordingly to your taste or preference. For any chess player or chess enthusiasts nothing is better than chess sets that are classy and perfect for them to carry around. They do not have to worry about losing any pieces and keep their chess set safely at home. Feeling like commencing a chess battle you can easily locate your chess sets and get on with your match. To know more visit our www.royalchessmall.com
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urbanitecreation · 1 year
Top Name Plate Stores in Noida: Where to Find the Perfect Sign for Your Home or Business.
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Why Choose Urban Night Creation Company
When it comes to name plates, there are many options in the market. While some stores may offer attractive prices and good quality products, others can be a bit more expensive but deliver better results. So how do you know where to buy your next sign?
Urban Night Creation Company is one of the best places for signs in Noida because we have been providing top-notch services since 2008 and our customers love us! Here are some reasons why you should choose Urban Night Creation Company:
A-We use high-quality materials that will last for years without fading or peeling off your wall.
B-Our experienced craftsmen will make sure every detail of your sign is perfect before they leave your home or office space so that no one can tell it wasn’t made by an expert carpenter!
C- They’ll even help pick out which font would look best with the rest of their decorating scheme if needed!
We offer personalized customer service at all times — you won’t ever feel like just another number here at Urban Night Creation Company! Whether it’s via phone call or email message (or both), our friendly staff members will always try their best within reason given any circumstances surrounding each individual project request(s). And if there’s ever anything wrong with an order after delivery has been confirmed then rest assured knowing there won’t be any hassle whatsoever when trying fixing things up again later down the road because these guys really care about making sure everything goes smoothly without fail.”
How to Place an Order
Place an order for your nameplate by following these steps:
1-Choose the material and size of your sign.
2-Select a design that suits your needs, or have one custom-made for you!
3-Provide text for the sign in both English and Hindi (if applicable).
4-Provide payment information to complete checkout, then wait for delivery!
Advantages of Buying Online
Online shopping is a convenient way to shop for name plates. You can browse through hundreds of designs and choose the one that best suits your needs. Plus, you don’t have to leave the comfort of your own home!
If you’re looking for the best name plate stores in Noida, Urban Night Creation��Company is your go-to place. We have all kinds of customized signs and decals that will suit your needs and preferences.
We offer a wide range of products that can be used for both personal and commercial purposes. Our products include:
1-Name plates
2-Name badges
3-Door signs & doorplates (including magnetic ones)
A-What is the cost of a name plate?
B-What materials are available?
C-How long will it take to get my sign?
D-Are there any customization options available?
#nameplate #nameplates #tabela #homedecor #signboard #sign #plaque #handmade #signwriter #art #kutuharf #name #tabelaimalati #silver #kutuharftabela #isiklireklam #tabelaci #totemtabela #jewelry #y #gold #accessories #rings #personalisedgifts #nameplatesforhome #blackownedbusiness #namenecklace #freeshipping #customisedgifts #customearrings
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