#so you're fool enough to go against us is that it? || archer
vivalavillain · 6 months
🎉❤️ yeeting Nico at Archer
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It had taken time-- as all things worth doing did, but after many hours across many days, Archer had finally pinpointed the person responsible for his little gift. He hadn't recognized the stranger right away nor even after looking into him a bit further after confirming his identity. He was a mystery to be solved and Archer was very much looking forward to finding him out.
So he cast his nets out into the void, asking after any and all information leading to a clearer picture of who Nico was. Most of what he found was surface information and nothing of vast interest but the fact that he'd witnessed the man psychically deliver a black-market substance through headquarters from a short distance away had more than caught his attention. Armed with a little more knowledge of who the other was, he'd sent an invitation to the last known home-location on file for him. He wasn't sure if the other would show or what he really hoped to accomplish by inviting him out, but he figured a public place like the Goldenrod Department Store's New Year's Eve party would be a more enticing place for a first meeting than, say, the basement labs of Rocket's underground base. After all, when the invitation was hand-delivered (to a mailbox or through a mail slot, Archer couldn't remember) without a return address or postage and signed with a simple, "I know. --AA", it seemed the most palatable choice to making contact without spooking his find.
He hadn't actually expected the other male to show so when he spotted a familiar face in the crowd close to midnight, he was more than a little elated (and, perhaps, after several shared glasses of champagne, more than a little tipsy). He'd weaved his way through the throng of people, making a beeline straight for the young man. The clock began to strike the hour as he approached and sneaked up behind Nico, snatching him by the wrist and twirling him around. (Surely if he was psychic as all signs seemed to indicate, he'd see it coming, right?) With a grin, he tugged the male toward him, drawing his hand up to his lips and pressing a kiss to the other's knuckles.
"Happy new year, Nico. I'm so glad you could join me."
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mehiwilldoitlater · 5 months
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He gently caressed their scattered skin, dry for their living condition and from the mud that had been spattered on them while they were dragged to the sentences of the seven.
The imposter was finally captured, and now the day of their execution has come.
As they were taken to their pyre, the seven archons observed in disgust the blasphemy of the creature that dared to impersonate the actual creator. But three, among those who wanted to claim their heads, felt a heavy doubt about this call for blood.
The Hydro and Dendro Archons looked at each other, knowing that something in them was so off. And, just behind Lady Furina, the Ludex watched, in horror, the scene in front of him.
That wasn't justice. Justice was something that needed to be used in order to create peace—to judge and punish the ones that harm others lives, the ones that have to keep everything in check.
They dragged that poor, marturated body over the stage,their hands grasping some hair from their caged throats. Their jailers didn't lose the opportunity to shove their feet on their already broken ribs, causing them to cough and gasp. That wasn't justice.
Days prior, Neuvilette studied the case, searching for everything that could justify the looming execution against someone who had impersonated the creator. And his efforts took him to nothing; the accused was attacked on the spot, but there wasn't any activity from their part.
They never professed to be the creator; the persecution started without an actual felony.
And now there they were, the former dragon in front of the soon-to-be dead imposter.
Why did he feel his heart clench at the vision of that human in that sorry state? He was the great judge of Fontaine; he wasn't supposed to feel sadness against someone like them, and yet...
Without even knowing it, he moved in their direction. Some believed that he was ready to strike something, to hurt them more like everyone else. Instead, followed by the crowd falling into silence, he kneeled in front of them, watching the creator in their eyes.
There were no eyes to watch—just two burning holes. They once admired the beauty of that world.
His gloved fingers reached for their cheeks, meeting only a trembling and sobbing mess. They retreat, fearing another sharp blow.
His voice was calm and gentle, which surprised them. How lovely did someone actually use that tone with them?
They kept trembling, but they didn't retreat again when he had the courage to stroke their faces. Was that agonizing torture really necessary? The face of a god was enough to justify the horrors of what they did to that human. In all the years of his work, Neuvilette has never felt such agony for someone who clearly faces unnecessary violence.
Did the archer really enjoy this? Did they actually feel such happiness terrorizing and violating someone who was clearly at their limit? For the first time in a century, Neuvilette felt his blood boiling.
"Why did you impersonate a god? ...Did you want to fool them in order to gain power?"
There wasn't any evidence reported in the document; the witness never actually stated that they ever did something against their law. He had nothing; now he wanted to hear it out.
No words; just a small whine came out of their lips. They wanted to say something, but they were too weak to even talk. Neuvilette came closer, trying to understand something, anything.
"It hurt... It hurt so much. Please."
He didn't need any more words.
"Ummm... I wonder what kind of interesting new show you're going to put us through, my dear Ludex!"
Furina's voice was chirpier than ever, clearly infatuated by the outcome of the last week.
Neuvilette decided to ignore her small talk; he had more important matters to attend to.
"By the way, you said that the other day our new guest had... spilled gold from their bandages?"
"Yes, I think that happened. I think I saw a few traces back at the executor, but I never investigated anything about it."
Silence fell again in the office, and the two occupants now wondered the same question.
What now?
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grailfinders · 3 years
Fate and Phantasms #202
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(Woof, we were almost a day late. Sorry about that, just got a second job. The first one at Facebook isn't working out that great. Anyway!)
Today on Fate and Phantasms we're getting a little bit beastly with the help of Atalante (Alter)! Move fast, hit hard, and outlast anyone who gets in your way. She's a Beast Barbarian for some beastly armaments and extra mobility, plus a Brute Fighter to hit harder and last longer.
Check out her build breakdown below the cut, or her character sheet over here!
Next up: They say every mentor learns from his students. This next servant really took that lesson to heart.
Race and Background
This Atalante is still a Shifter, but thanks to that beast's hide she's wearing, she's now a Beasthide Shifter, giving her +1 Strength and +2 Constitution (Thanks, Tasha!) She also gets Darkvision, Keen Senses for Perception proficiency, and a Toughness that gives her proficiency with Athletics. The big purpose of the class, however, is Shifting. You can transform into a fuzzier version of yourself for up to a minute once per short rest. Because you're a beasthide, your shift is a bit tougher than most; you gain 1d6+your level+ your constitution modifier temporary hit points, and your AC goes up by 1.
You're also still an Outlander, giving you Survival proficiency to live off of hydras. You would normally get athletics too, but you've got that already, so grab Persuasion instead. You're able to keep Yagas together, that's no small feat.
Ability Scores
You might be a wild animal now, but your speed is still your greatest asset, so your Dexterity should still be pretty high. Second highest now is your Constitution, that hide you've got on is really tough. And distracting, I mean you look like a goddamn Power Rangers villain. You kill things with your bare hands, so your Strength has to be up to snuff too. Your Wisdom is also above average, the Yaga seem to like you fine. This means your Intelligence isn't that great- you're not Chiron's star pupil this time. Finally, dump Charisma. You're a terrible liar, and you're hard to get along with.
Class Levels
Barbarian 1: Starting off as a barbarian makes your AC even better, thanks to Unarmored Defense. Now you can add your constitution and your dexterity modifiers to your AC while unarmored. (I know you technically get armor later, but it completely avoids your vital organs, so I'm not counting it.) You also get Rage, spending a bonus action to make you stronger (advantage on strength saves & checks), tougher (resistance to physical damage) and more brutal (bonus damage from strength-based attacks). Oh right, you also get proficiencies. Strength and Constitution saves, plus Intimidation and Nature skills. You're a scary wild animal, yes you are, yes you are!
Fighter 1: You still need weapons though, and rather than wait for two levels for your subclass, we'll go into Fighter right now for an Unarmed Fighting Style. You can punch people for 1d6 damage (1d8 if you have two hands free), and you can deal damage to grappled creatures if you start your turn holding onto them. You also get a Second Wind, healing yourself as a bonus action.
Barbarian 2: Second level barbs can make Reckless Attacks; you get advantage, your enemies get advantage, everyone wins! Except your enemies, because they'll all be dead before they get a turn. You also get a Danger Sense that gives you advantage on dexterity saves. You're still kind of a cat, I guess.
Barbarian 3: Third level barbarians set down a primal path, and the path of the Beast is for those who want to rip and tear, until the job is done. Right now you get a Form of the Beast when you rage, giving you one of three natural weapons. You can bite, dealing 1d8 piercing damage and regaining HP once per turn if you're bloodied. Otherwise, you can use your Claws to deal 1d6 slashing damage, and you get one extra attack with them per turn. The last one's less in character, but you can still grow a Tail if you want, dealing 1d8 piercing damage on attack, and you can use your reaction to apply a d8 to your AC against an attack that hit you. You also get Primal Knowledge in another barbarian skill. Pick up Animal Handling, it might help with the Yaga.
Barbarian 4: Bump up your Strength for better fighting. Real simple.
Barbarian 5: Fifth level barbs get an Extra Attack each attack action, as well as Fast Movement giving you an extra 10' of speed each turn. Turns out, you're fast! Who knew!
Barbarian 6: Sixth level beastbarians find their Bestial Soul, making their rage weapons magical against resistances. Whenever you finish a rest, you can also Self Evolve in one of three ways. You can gain a swiming speed and breathe underwater, a climbing speed that negates the need for climbing checks, or you can add an Athletics check to your jump distance once per turn. Normally, you can make an 8 foot long jump without runnig. Now you can jump a distance between 15' and 34'. It's a pretty good jump boost. The jump is the most in-character, but feel free to evolve whatever you need for the situation.
Barbarian 7: Seventh level barbarians grow even faster, with their Feral Instincts giving them advantage on initiative rolls, and you can ignore a surprise round by raging. Which you'd probably do anyway, so just roll with it. Speaking of raging, when you do so, you can make an Instinctive Pounce to move half your speed as part of the bonus action. You're not as fast as your archer self, but this'll help close the gap.
Fighter 2: Yep, we've got enough primal stuff, time to make it hurt. Bouncing back to fighter now gets you an Action Surge. Once per short rest, you can add an extra action to your turn, no strings attached. Use this to attack and you can hit people four times per turn, or five times with your claws!
Fighter 3: Third level fighters get their martial archetype, and becoming a Brute makes you a bit more heavy-handed. Your Brute Force lets you add a d4 to every damage roll you make with your weapons, and the die grows as you level up. This means your teeth are now arguably as strong as a greatsword.
Fighter 4: Another ASI! Bump up your Strength.
Fighter 5: Unfortunately, the fifth level of fighter gets you absolutely nothing. Extra attack doesn't stack like that. :(
Fighter 6: Use this ASI to grab the Mobile feat, for extra movement and the ability to shut down the attacks of opportunity from anyone you tried to hit this turn. Getting hit is for slow people.
Fighter 7: Seventh level brutes get Brutish Durability, adding a d6 to every save they make, up to and including death saves. If this brings a death save to a total of 20 or higher, you automatically pop back up with 1 HP. Barbarians tend to make the most death saves out of any party member, might as well be good at it.
Fighter 8: Another ASI! Grab the Martial Adept feat for a superiority die (1d6) that you can use to perform one of two Battle Master Maneuvers once per short rest. A big part of this build is adaptability, so the final say in what maneuvers you get is up to you. That being said, I highly recommend Ambush for a boost to stealth and initiative rolls, or Maneuvering Attack for even more mobility. It adds damage to your attack, and you can let one friendly creature (including you) move half its speed without provoking opportunity attacks from the target.
Fighter 9: Now that you're Indomitable, you can re-roll a failed saving throw once per long rest. I know berserkers are glass cannons in FGO, but that's just how they flavor their easily tricked nature, really they're hard as hell to fight, even if you've got fireballs and shit.
Fighter 10: Tenth level brutes get a bigger Brute Force die, now you add 1d6 to every attack, so your hands are as powerful as a greatsword. You also get an Additional Fighting Style, so grab Superior Technique for a second superiority die per rest and a third maneuver of your choice.
Fighter 11: Eleventh level fighters get another Extra Attack, and this one does stack, so you can attack up to 6 times per turn, or 7 with your claws and your action surge.
Fighter 12: Use your last ASI to become Resilient to Dexterity saves. You get +1 dexterity, and proficiency with that kind of save. So yeah, you now have advantage, proficiency, and an extra 1d6 against that fireball. Good luck, spellcasters.
Fighter 13: Our capstone level is a second use of Indomitable per day. Not the flashiest way to end a build, but at least you're not a sorcerer.
Pros and Cons
When you want to hurt someone, they really hurt. With four claw attacks and three unarmed attacks, all boosted by rage, maneuvers, and brute force, you can deal 3d8+13d6+42. And those are all with advantage, so you've got a good chance of dealing a crit. Even without that chance, you can still deal over 100 damage in a single turn with average rolls.
You've also got plenty of Mobility to stay on top of your prey, with a base movement of 50' per turn and the ability to jump an absolute minimum of 20', or you can swap in other kinds of movement if you're going to the sea or a cliff face. You've also got several ways to pour more speed in if you need it. You won't be able to win a race against your archer self, but you'll definitely make her work for it.
Your saves are ridiculous, especially your physical ones. You've got proficiency in all three, good scores, an additional 1d6, and your strength and dexterity saves probably have advantage. If people try to get through your hide, they'll find your skin is just as tough, with an AC of 16-17, damage resistance, almost 200 HP, and plenty of ways to heal yourself.
If you can't catch up to a person, your range means you're screwed. Your best weapons are all melee range, and you'll just end up chasing them around like a fool. (Technically you can just... pick up a bow and use it, you're a fighter after all, but we're playing to character.)
Despite your save shenanigans, your low charisma means you still might end up getting shunted to another dimension. That would explain how you got to the lostbelt, though....
We spent a whole feat and fighting style on those superiority dice, and to be honest they're probably not worth the effort. Bumping up your strength and picking up the Mariner style would be just as useful, if less customizable.
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akampana · 3 years
25, Caster Gilgamesh with Arturia.
Archer Gil heart might be with Enkidu, but maybe Caster gil heart, who got over the loss with a harsh lesson, can still hope to find solace in those emerald waves inside Arturia eyes?
25. “I want you to be happy. And I would love it to be with me.”
CasGil X Arturia
this is connected to that other drabble you're referring to, No. 11 Gilart :)
"You would dare make even a king plead, King of Heroes?" Arturia seethed, crushing her sword's hilt as she pointed Excalibur at Caster's throat. "Do not humiliate me further. Leave."
"I will not," the older one insisted, letting the blade slide just past his collar. "The same way you will not strike a man unarmed, Arturia."
The king flinched at the sound of her name in that familiar voice. After all the months that passed, he could still disarm her with just that.
"Don't," she whispered, her voice quivering like a leaf in autumn, barely clinging on to its branch.
"I am asking you, Gilgamesh," she managed as her heel clicked against the cold walls. "Leave, please. You have taken enough from me."
A gentle hand brushed the tears from her cheek, caressing her face the same way he did on temple grounds once before.
"The sins of my younger self are not my own. You are no fool, you know this. You know me," Caster stressed, willing the words into existence because he knew them to be true. The wise king was not so careless to toss aside one treasure in favor of another. He learned to see the beauty of each.
"This is the third time I've heard your voice say you love me—"
"Yet, the first time it was I that delivered those words and not that hedonistic idiot," Gilgamesh said, trying not to let his irritation take over. The king leaned forward, his headdress slipping from his hair as he pressed his forehead to hers.
Arturia stared straight into his eyes, a pair of rubies whose splendor she'd long memorized. Her gaze traveled downward, to the lines below his lashes that his younger self lacked, then to lips that spoke words less harsh.
There was a time Arturia would have been ready to believe him—the other him—maybe even debate that silly proposal he threw out every now and then. But that time had long passed. The person she was back then was dead and buried, six feet under together with all hopes she might have had of meeting Shirou once again.
"Gil," she enunciated his nickname, which she'd been allowed to use to differentiate him from his duplicate. "How am I to believe that I am more than something expendable in your eyes?"
Slowly, her hands crawled up his vest, pressing lightly on his chest to keep him from coming any closer.
"How can I believe that it truly is me that you want, Caster?"
The wise king of Uruk let out a long breath, anger brimming in his iridescent red eyes. He didn't think his hatred of his youthful self could go any further, but right now it was reaching a record high.
"I forgive your lack of faith, on account that it was myself that shook its foundations, but..." he trailed off, enveloping her hand in his. "However strong my efforts to distance myself from him, at our core we remain similar. There isn't a King Gilgamesh that does not want as strongly as we do, nor one that ceases pursuing his desires."
Her nails dug into the fabric of his vest, threatening to rip the fabric, but Caster stood steadfast.
"You expect me to believe you on account of that? Then you are no different—"
"I am," he interrupted, holding her chin so that she faced him.
"My younger self pursued you because he wanted a queen. He wanted you to fill a void that something he lost had left," the king declared.
"I want you to be happy," he said, finally, meeting her wide green eyes with his scarlet ones. "And I would love it to be with me. Therein lies our difference."
Gilgamesh held Arturia as her guarded heart let down its walls, circled her once stiff shoulders in his arms as the anguish that once held her upright crumbled into dust. King and King sank onto the unworthy floor, sitting amongst the rubble of her hate and doubt. But no matter. Together, they could make foundations that were stronger, built in trust instead.
Arturia whispered her response to his confession, touching her lips to his. Gil told her he wanted to make her happy. She, without fear, believed him.
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ask-beacons-finest · 5 years
GrimmAge!Yang, sitting on a wooden stool at the Tavern's bar, her face slightly flushed as she wobbles slightly: So, it was you who loosed an arrow through the arm of a member of the Vacuo Council? HAH!
GrimmAge!May, equally woozy, taking another swig from a large tankard: Y-Yes, yes that was me. They called for my branding. For my skill as an archer to be owned, by that horrid group no less. My rage built quickly and my aim was true.
GrimmAge!Yang, laughing, slamming her hand on the bar counter as she does so: Hah! That's too grand, far too grand. Yes yes, not true enough though, for the bastard lived well enough to attempt to employ none other than my Tribe to hunt for your head.
GrimmAge!May, instantly jerking upright, staring at Yang with terror: Wh...What?
GrimmAge!Yang, nodding, taking a heavy swing from her tankard, calling for the bartender to give her another as she slaps a coin from the dead man's purse on the counter: Yes yes, the anger on his face when my mother said no. Hah! Serves the fool right.
GrimmAge!May, letting out a long and relieved sigh: Oh...thank the Gods...
GrimmAge!Yang, raising an eyebrow, grabbing hold of a newly filled tankard with joy: So, that is how you became an outlaw in your home Kingdom, but Vale? How have you angered our Council?
GrimmAge!May, nervously: I...began to search for ways to activate my Light...you see I...I believe the Light exists within all of us, you only need to break it from its binds and-
GrimmAge!Yang, nodding, her face quickly growing solemn: Yes.
GrimmAge!May, in disbelief, nearly speechless: Wha...what did you say?
GrimmAge!Yang, nods again: The Light exists within all of us. It is a dormant power within each and every single human or fau-...ahem, every human you step across. However, it may not always be significantly useful, your gift of power will most likely differ from mine.
GrimmAge!May, folding her hands together on the counter, looking to them adamantly: ...ah...I see...
GrimmAge!May, after a minute or two of silence, speaking up slowly: Say...Yang?
GrimmAge!Yang, in the middle of chugging down the tankard, glancing over: Mmm?
GrimmAge!May, cautiously: Why did you save me?
GrimmAge!Yang, finishes the tankard, placing it down upside down and wipes her mouth with her arm, yawns: Ahhhhh, well. Simple really.
GrimmAge!Yang, turning to face May, a smile on her face: I was bored.
GrimmAge!May, her face contorting through an emotional spectrum of surprise and horror and disgust and humor, ending in disbelief: B-...because you were bored...you killed those men and saved me?
GrimmAge!Yang, shrugs: Well...Yes, I suppose. If who I was waiting for wasn't so late, perhaps I wouldn't have been there, and Gods know what would have happened to you. So I personally think me being there, being bored, was a blessing of fate.
GrimmAge!May, slowly nodding, looking down to her hands again, shifting slightly: Is...the person you're waiting for...?
GrimmAge!Yang, raising an eyebrow, a bit oblivious: Aye. A partner of sorts, her and I are Blood Bonded, so there's truly no excuse for her having not found her way back to me. Though I don't really mind, you see she's a bit of a bit-
GrimmAge!Weiss, smashing her way into the tavern, a blast of bone-chilling wind blowing through the room, snuffing out candles and fireplaces alike, breathing in a seething rage, her breath visible: YANG. XIAO. LONG. EXPLAIN TO ME WHY THERE ARE CORPSES LAYING TO ROT IN THE ROAD!?
GrimmAge!Patron, grumpily raising his head, irritated, snarling out in a drunken stupor: Why in the Gods names is this rancid bitch making so much noi-
GrimmAge!Weiss, angrily throws out her hand, a sheet of ice nearly instantly forming over the patron's mouth, barring him from speaking, breathing heavily in a fit of rage as she storms up to Yang: What. Have. You. Done?
GrimmAge!May, the temperature around her dropping quickly as Weiss approaches, so much so she begins to shiver: W-What sort of power?
GrimmAge!Yang, unfazed, smiling smugly as Weiss glares inches from her face, in a cheerful tune: ...hello Wei-
GrimmAge!Weiss, shouting, the gusts of icy winds exploding in intensity as she does so: DO NOT "HELLO WEISS" ME. RAVEN TOLD US TO COMPLETE THIS TASK INCONSPICUOUSLY.
GrimmAge!Yang, casually looking around the tavern, noticing ice forming all around them, the other patrons all shivering: Ah...Yes, and we're both doing a fantastic job.
GrimmAge!Weiss, seething: How many times...must I clean up your-
GrimmAge!Yang, smiling: Weiss, you're done speaking, and your magic is done as well.
GrimmAge!Weiss, her words immediately stopping, her face burning with an even greater rage as she stays perfectly silent, as though muted, the icy winds dying instantly: ...
GrimmAge!Yang, turning to an amazed May: This, is my Blood Bonded. Weiss Schnee. I'm sure you've heard the name.
GrimmAge!May, still struggling to make sense of all that happened: I-...I believe so...y-yes...
GrimmAge!Yang, standing, stretching and nodding to Weiss, who has only slightly calmed down, tosses May the coin purses she looted from her attackers: Well, we really must be going. Seeing as how not only did I reveal myself a user of the Light, but also a harborer of not only a Witch, but Weiss Schnee. Oh, and the Blood Bond. That's another crime against the Council isn't it?
GrimmAge!Yang, sheepishly laughing as Weiss glares daggers at her: There are so many nonsense crimes and rules...I forget. But yes, it was a pleasure, Miss Zedong, perhaps we shall meet ag-
GrimmAge!May, jumping up, blurting out: May I come with you?
GrimmAge!Yang, her eyes widening in surprise, ignoring Weiss's furious vibrations, stammering for a moment: I...
GrimmAge!Yang, shrugging, agreeing while continuing to ignore Weiss's silent raging protests: Sure. Why not, but uhh...we should move quickly. Using the Light to murder those thugs seemed as though the townsfolk could turn a nervous blind eye,
GrimmAge!Yang, glancing over towards the back of the tavern, a back door wide open and swinging in the wind, knowing full well Council guards are being called for: But nearly destroying a tavern with Magics? Not so much...let's go now.
GrimmAge!May, determined: Right! I have a small stash of things not far from here, let's head there first. I need my bows.
GrimmAge!Yang, nodding with a big smile, nudging Weiss with her elbow who only silently rolls her eyes and crosses her arms unhappily, anxiously attempting to get them to rush from the tavern: Perfect! We'll head there first! Quickly haha!
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enixamyram · 6 years
If you're accepting prompts, what about Tilly and Cursed!Robin watching Alice in Wonderland for the first time?
Disney’s Alice
Summary: On a stormy evening, Tilly gets stuck atmy house. With nothing better to do, I decide to put on my favourite Disneyfilm to pass the time, but Tilly seems to get irritated by it to a weirdextent. Seriously, what’s wrong with Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland? CursedRobin’s POV. Curious Archer Movie Night!
  The rainstarted just as I stood up to make myself a hot chocolate, but by the time Iadded a whip cream topping and paused to look out the window, I saw that theroads were already flooding. We lived on a slight hill, so the rain was rushingdown the concrete like a waterfall or a rushing stream, pouring down all the stormdrains but not nearly quickly enough to keep large puddles from forming at oddplaces and in each and every dip and ditch in the road. It was coming down likethe start of a powerful storm and the grey clouds hanging overhead were mostdefinitely threatening not to go away any time soon. And judging by the bendingof the trees across the road, the wind was blowing something fierce, almost tothe point of being dangerous. I felt sorry for any of the poor fools stupidenough to try taking an umbrella out into this weather. If they had any sense,they’d keep themselves locked up indoors for the night rather than trying toget anywhere until the rain and wind had eased off.
  Mum was stillworking so she probably hadn’t had a chance to call me yet, but at this point Iwas just waiting for the message that said she’d be staying late in hopes of waitingout the worst of the weather undercover. She was such a health freak as oflate, to the point that she insisted on walking to work rather than taking acar like a normal person and on days like today it just came to bite her on theass. At the very least it gave me a good laugh, not to mention a beautiful fewminutes of peace where I didn’t have to deal with her constant nagging about myfuture.
  I was stillstanding, staring out the window at the pouring rain lost in thoughts about howthe clouds were pulling together so tightly that it looked like it was almostnight rather than just the late evening, when there was a knock from close by.It was such a shock that I almost spilt the hot chocolate down my chest when Iflinched at the noise. I narrowly avoided scalding my torso with a quick stepback, stretching my arms out in front of me with the cup still cradled betweenmy palms and quickly set the drink down on the side. My heart was thudding inmy chest from the surprise, but I barely thought twice before I was automaticallywalking into the hallway, looking towards the closed front door and the sourceof the knock. With the weather as bad as it was, I couldn’t imagine why anyonewould dare trekking out in it for a visit this late in the day.
  I almostconsidered ignoring them. It would serve them right. There had been plenty ofweather warnings over the day and even hints about it yesterday so it’s notlike the dark clouds sprung up out of nowhere. Then there was a loud bang ofthe wind causing someone’s gate to slam loudly against its fence, and I found Icouldn’t just leave them after all. The warnings had been only rough, and the rainhad started within minutes at most, so it wasn’t like they had purposely comeout when it was at its worse and even if they did, they must have had a reason,maybe even an important one that couldn’t wait until tomorrow. So, despite thethoughts in the back of my head that were still screaming scenes from all thelatest horror movies I’d seen, I walked over and opened the door.
  I actuallydon’t know what I expected but I found myself staring at a familiar and prettyyoung woman that looked like she had just been the victim of an attempteddrowning. Tilly, the girl who I often saw lounging around under the bridgetroll or creeping along and spying for that weird old Detective Weaver, wasstanding on my doorstep and she was positively drenched. Her long blonde hairwas tangled and dripping a puddle on the floor at her feet, sticking to herface and neck and her clothes were all three shades darker than they normallywere and drooping off her body from where they had soaked up most of the rainwater and were now twice as heavy.
  “Lemme in!”Tilly shrieked, storming in and shoving past me into the hallway, trailingwater behind her with shoes that squelched with every step on the hardwoodflooring.
  I was sotaken aback by her sudden surprise appearance, that I didn’t say anything whenshe forced her way into my home and began ringing her hair out in the middle ofthe hallway. The storm outside was still raging and when a blast of wind and aspray of rain water almost knocked me of my feet, I rushed to push the doorclose, struggling slightly before turning to find Tilly now grinning up at melike we were best friends since childhood.
  “It israining cats and dogs out there!” Tilly gasped, shaking her arms like a dogtrying to throw the water off its fur.
  “Hey!” Isnapped. “You’re throwing water everywhere!”
  “Oh,” Tillystopped mid shake and looked down at the puddle of growing water at her feet.“Sorry.” She said, shrugging sheepishly.
  For whateverreason, I found it hard to stay mad at Tilly, especially when she gave me thatlittle pouting look. Not when she was looking so cute. “It’s fine, just waithere and I’ll go get you a towel.”
  Tilly noddedpolitely, and I ran passed – nearly skidding in the puddle on the way – andjumped up the stairs, two at a time. I don’t know why I was rushing but forwhatever reason I couldn’t resist hurrying as I gathered two thick towels fromour upstairs closet and began racing back to her. Only this time, when I slowedto a jog back to Tilly’s side, I didslip in the puddle around her and dropped hard to the floor at her feet, thetowels landing by my now aching and bruised backside. The banging I made as Ihit the floor was covered by the wind of the rain, but Tilly still jumped insurprise and looked down at me with a look on her face like she wasn’t surewhether to laugh it off or ask if I was alright.
  In the endshe settled for the laugh with a soft expression on her face. “Woops.” Tilly saidin between her nervous giggle, reaching down to offer me a hand back up.
  I smiled, toshow I was alright, if not incredibly embarrassed. “Uh. Thanks.”
  Normally Iwasn’t this clumsy – I had a natural athletic build that made me downrightgraceful, to put in the words of my overbearing mother – but then, normallythere wasn’t a puddle of water in my hallway either. Feeling like a completeidiot, I reached up, accepting the offered hand and subconsciously noting thatshe wasn’t just wet from the rain, but freezing cold as well, like her hand hada layer of ice covering the skin and I eager clung on to share my warmth.
  Tilly heavedand helped pull me back onto my feet, until I had stumbled and balanced so thatwe found ourselves standing as close as two people could get to each otherwithout actually physically touching one another. This close, I could feel howmuch she was shivering, though her breath felt comfortably hot against my face.I was surprised to find we were roughly the same height. For some reason I hadalways had it in my head that she was taller than me… Though maybe that wasbecause whenever I saw her in the streets, she was always standing on somethingthat left her towering over me all the time.
  I realised wehad just been standing, inches apart, staring at one another for a few silentseconds when Tilly suddenly cocked a smile and tilted her head, grinning at mewith a little spark in her eye. Even with water still dripping down her faceand her limp hair in desperate need of a halfway decent brushing, I couldn’thelp but note how beautiful she was. And not just beautiful. The way she heldherself, the way she smiled and tilted her head at me like that, even bitingthe inside of her lip a little… Well… Damn. It looked pretty sexy!
  At thatthought I realised we were still just standing, smiling at each like a coupleof dorks. I felt my face blush and took a careful step back, slowly (and yes,reluctantly) letting go of her hand and shuffling awkwardly for a second. Tillydidn’t seem to mind. She was still grinning as I dropped and picked up thetowels from the floor, turning and holding the two of them out to her andtrying to ignore the fact that my heart was beating twice as fast as it hadwhen I had been running around up and down the stairs a moment ago.
  “Here yougo.” I said, shrugging a little because I wasn’t sure what else to do with my body.Not many people could make me feel this way (unsure and conscious of everymovement I made) and I wasn’t sure why Tilly was among those that could.
  “Thanks!”Tilly said, throwing one towel over her head and using the other to pat downher leggings and skirt.
  “No problem.”I said, then moved around. “Here let me take your coat off. We can hang it up.”
  Withoutsaying a word, Tilly let me pull her coat of her shoulders before leaning downto continue dabbing at her legs. Despite the thick material and extra furlining the inside, the coat did little to protect her white vest and red plaidshirt from the rain fall. I turned away and hung the coat up above the heatingvent by the door, though I doubt it would be anything less than extremely dampby the time Tilly was ready to head home. When I turned back around, Tilly wasfacing me, and her vest was almost completely see through.
  This time, I wasvery aware at how I was staring. I tried to casually cover it up by giving hera little cheeky smile. “Nice bra.” I noted playfully.
  Tilly glanceddown and then slowly pulled her plaid shirt to cover herself, however shedidn’t seem embarrassed in the slightest. “Well you can cross that off yourbucket list.” She said, teasing me right back.
  “Will do.” Igiggled, then crossed my arms and frowned. “But seriously, Tilly. What are youdoing here?”
  “Actually, Iwas looking for your mum. I have a message to pass on from Weaver.” Tillyexplained.
  “She’s stillat work.” I glanced back to where the wind could be heard through the walls.“And I don’t think she’ll be coming home any time soon.”
  “You’rekidding?!” Tilly said, looking appalled. “I came running through the rain fornothing?!”
  I couldn’thelp but feel a little amused, all things considered. “You could have justcalled ahead.”
  “I don’t haveyour number.” She grumbled, crossing her arms.
  “Well. We’llhave to fix that.” I said quietly. She smiled but showed no other indicationthat she had heard me, so I went on. “Look, I have no idea when mum will beback. But you’re more than welcome to hang around. Even if she doesn’t getback, the rain might stop by the time you leave, or at least it might ease offa little.”
  “Well if youinsist!” Tilly beamed, already reaching down to untie her shoes and makeherself at home.
  I grinnedagain, shaking my head at just how laid back she was. It was a nice break tothe strict, tight attitude my mother smothered me with every day. “Tell youwhat, I’ll let you borrow some of my clothes, maybe a dressing gown orsomething, and we can try drying your stuff off before you leave.” I offered,walking towards the stairs again, making sure not to slip up on the water stillstretching over the hallway. I would need to clean that up before mum got back.
  Tilly laughedas she took off her socks and her plaid shirt, ignoring the fact that her vestwas still completely see through before following me along. “I don’t even haveyour number and you’re already getting me to strip for you.”
  “What can Isay.” I shrugged, glancing over my shoulder and winking at her. “It’s a reallynice bra.”
  She laughedloudly behind me, and I felt a little proud as I led her up to my bedroom.Since we were roughly the same size, it wasn’t too hard to find some clothesfor her to wear. In the end she settled with some old pyjamas of mine. A losewhite polo shirt and a matching pair of navy trousers with multicoloured neonheart outlines over each leg. I used to wear it all the time but somehow itlooked so much better on Tilly than I ever remembering it looking on me.
  When she hadchanged she put her long hair up in a towel and carried her clothes backdownstairs where I showed her where she could stretch them out by the heaters.It was weird. We were both acting so casual and even homey despite the factthat we never had more than a couple minute conversations at a time. We talkedand asked how each other was doing but we’d never go so far as to even callourselves friends. Or at least I wouldn’t. Maybe Tilly would. She didn’t seemto have many, so I guess it kind of made sense that she could think of me inthat way. Suddenly I felt guilty for thinking they we weren’t. I mean, what arefriends if not people who have conversations and enjoy each other’s company?
  “So!” I said,trying to get out of my head. “Want to watch a movie with me while we pass thetime?”
  “Sure,” Tillysaid, following me into the living room. “What do you wanna watch?”
  “Well, I wasgoing to watch an old childhood favourite of mine.” I grinned, grabbing thecase that was sat on top of the DVD player. “Alice Adventures in Wonderland.”
  “Huh, I’venever seen that one.” Tilly said, sitting down on the sofa and pulling her legsup to cross them on the cushion.
  “Really?” Iasked. “I thought everyone had seen the Disney Classics!”
  Tillyshrugged with a little half sad smile. “I never really had the time to watchany of them back in the home.”
  “Oh, well youcan watch them all with me if you want.” I said quickly, feeling a pang ofguilt for rubbing my home life in her face. I walked over to her quickly. “Andwhat better place to start than with my favourite!”
  “I’ll holdyou to that.” Alice grinned excitedly, bouncing slightly before we both gotcomfy in our seats and I pressed play.
  About aquarter of the way through the film, I had to pause it.
  “What’swrong?” I demanded, turning in my seat to frown at her.
  “What?” Tillyasked innocently.
  “Come on,Tilly. I’m sitting right beside you. I can hear every huffing and puffing noiseyou make.” I noted, raising an eyebrow.
  “Oh… It’snothing.” Tilly shrugged, looking back at the television.
  “Seriously.”I pushed. “What’s the problem?”
  “It’s just…Did they have to make Alice such a posh little tot.” Tilly said, scowling atthe screen. “She’s so damn annoying!”
  I blinked,glancing at the screen where Alice was standing with her feet together and herhands on her hip. “Well, I mean, I think it’s a product of the time type thing.But it’s no big deal. I mean she’s not thatbad.”
  “Hmm,” Tillygrumbled.
  After amoment, when she made no further comment, I pressed play and leaned back in myseat again. Ten more minutes in, Tilly rolled her eyes and made a clickingsound with her tongue. This time I didn’t even bother pressing pause. I hadseen the film and Tilly didn’t seem to mind if she missed bits and pieces. In fact,she looked like she would prefer it.
  “Alice stillbugging you?” I asked.
  “Well at thestart of the film she claimed she wanted to go to her own little world and havefun but ever since she got there she’s been complaining about wanting to gethome. She’s so spoilt! Even when she gets what she wants, she whines about it.”Tilly scowled. “And anyway, it’s not just her.” Tilly admitted. “Everything init is so freaking bright!”
  “Well it is acartoon.” I noted.
  “Yeah butdoes it still have to be so bright?” Tilly stressed. “I mean, couldn’t they atleast dull it down to make it a little more realistic?”
  “Tilly. It’sa cartoon.” I repeated.
  “Yeah, yeah,I know.” Tilly gave me a tight smile. “Just ignore me.”
  I had to silentlyremind myself that Tilly said she hadn’t really seen any of these kinds of Disneyfilms back in her old home. It was probably safe to assume that she hadn’treally seen any proper cartoons at all if the bright colours of this film wereannoying her that much.
  We both fellsilent and continued watching the film for the third time, but Tilly stillwasn’t happy. She did her best to keep from making any obnoxiously loud breathingnoises, but she couldn’t resist twitching around and shifting like she couldn’tget comfortable where she was sat. Every now and then she pulled a face likeconfusion or pressed her lips together like she was resisting the urge to saysomething in aggravation.
  I was quicklyfinding it more entertaining watching Tilly than Alice.
  “Okay. I’msorry, but does everything in this place talk?” Tilly snapped, so suddenly thatit made me jump.
  “What?” Iblinked.
  “The rabbitand the other animals were all bad enough, but now all the flowers talk aswell? And why are they all like oddball old ladies or gossiping women?” Tillyasked.
  “Well…” Isaid and shrugged.
  “Sorry, yeah,I know. Just a cartoon.”
  She fellquiet again. When they came to the smoking caterpillar, she oddly enough didn’tseem to have any problems with him. Nor did she have any issues with the drinksand foods that changed the consumers size. It was funny how some bits seemed togo so far as to even piss her off, while other bits she didn’t seem to thinktwice about.
  “And what’swith the creepy cat?” Tilly scowled suddenly after another long silence ofquiet throat noises.
  “That’s theCheshire Cat.” I said, as if that explained everything.
  “Look, Icould get by with a weird ass cat. But this one can turn parts of his bodyinvisible and fly and… What? Transport itself across Wonderland and separateits body parts but still move them?” Tilly said, waving a hand. “That’s justridiculous!”
  Okay, thatmade me laugh. “Tilly. It’s Wonderland! The whole point of it is that nothingmakes sense there.”
  Tillyfrowned. “Why? Just because it’s another land. Why would nothing make sense? Imean, surely there should be some reason behind it. It’s not just from herimagination is it? There should still be rules!”
  I went toanswer but found I had nothing. I couldn’t defend that because, well, it wasjust part of the film! That would be like asking why Harry Potter characterstook a train to Hogwarts! It was just how the story went!
  “I think…” Ibegan. “It is heavily implied that this whole adventure is just a dream ofAlice’s.”
  “Seriously?”Tilly frowned. “They’re using the whole ‘it was just a dream’ excuse?”
  “Well,remember, it is very old. So that kind of cliché was probably not as worn outby the time this film came along.” I defended.
  “It’s stilldumb.” Tilly grumbled. “And why does everyone sing? Like the Mad Hatter? Why onEarth would he sing?”
  “Okay,Tilly.” I reached over, grabbing her hand. “You are thinking way too much intothis. It’s a fun movie about a girl who enters a surreal world and hasadventures. There’s singing cause it’s a Disney film and Disney films alwayshave music in it. But anyway, it’s really not meant to be thought about ortaken too seriously. It’s just meant to be for fun.”
  Tilly saidnothing, slouching in her seat and scowling at the tea party scene. She seemedeven more annoyed by the end of that musical number than anything else,scowling and cringing at it like there was something she wanted to say butseemed to decide not to bother. For the moment she kept her mouth shut. Thoughdespite her best efforts, I still found myself watching her more than the filmand doing my best not to laugh because I didn’t want to offend her. But it was sofunny! Her eyebrows furrowed intensely, and she began biting her lip again,except now it was from annoyance rather than flirting. And all because of aDisney cartoon!
  “You are notenjoying this at all, are you?” I asked finally, unable to keep the giggle outof my voice.
  Tilly sighed,sitting up and reaching to pull her hair down from the towel, throwing to towelto the floor like that had released some of the pressure weighing down on her.“I’m sorry. I’m probably just being a big bore about it but… The whole thingjust annoys me! I’m not even sure why. I’ve seen weird films before but forsome reason... Everything about this one just grinds on my nerves like someonetelling a really unfunny joke but that joke just keeps going on and on and youjust want it to be over already!”
  “That bad?” Iblinked, the laughter fading from my voice.
  “Well. Imean... Like this!” She waved her hand at the screen. “Alice is such anannoying baby. She doesn’t do anything useful except run around and complainabout everything. I mean, she meets the Red Queen, who is literally about tomurder three card people and, what does she do? Plays a game of crocket?!Seriously?! If I was her, I would have thrown the red pain in her face andshoved that little heart stick up her ass. Then I would have made a run for itand gotten the hell of the whole place. Or at least gone somewhere they didn’tuse live animals to smack each other in some sick version of an old Englishgame!”
  “I have toadmit; your version would have been more interesting.” I giggled.
  “Seriously,all she does is whine about everything in that simpering annoying voice ofhers.” Tilly grumbled. “She’s giving me a headache. And how many card peoplehas she let get murdered without even saying anything?”
  “Well she isjust a little girl.” I said in her defence.
  “Being youngis no reason not to speak up against cruelty.” Tilly said firmly, crossing herarms over her chest.
  I hesitated.“Tilly, do you want to put on something less… Frustrating?”
  Tilly blinkedthen shrugged. “No, it’s fine. I mean, you said this is your favourite film, soI don’t mind watching until the end…” She paused. “Uh, and how long away fromthe end are we?”
  “Well notlong.” I laughed. “Just have to put up with the trial now.”
  “There’s atrial?” Tilly gawped.
  I bit back anothergiggle at the expressions on her face as the cartoon characters all seemed tocome back and have the stupidest trial in the history of cartoon trials. Iwasn’t even pretending to watch the film any more, almost turned completelyaround to watch Tilly instead as she groaned and twisted, stretching her legsand kicking slightly as the film went on. When it came to the chase scene withall the cards, Tilly seemed ready to start screaming and I noticed she wassqueezing her fingers together tightly like that was the only way she waskeeping quiet.
  This was theweirdest movie night I’d ever had with anyone. For whatever reason, this filmseemed to really be annoying Tilly and it sounded like even she didn’t knowwhy. The only thing she seemed one hundred percent sure of was that she foundthe main character, Alice, to be the most annoying character she had ever hadto watch.
  And then camethe ‘it was all a dream’ part of the film.
  “So thatentire film was just pointless?” Tilly demanded.
  “It was justfor fun.” I said with another laugh, watching her cringe like she had justswallowed a lemon whole.
  “There wasnothing fun about listening to that know it all’s voice talking for two hours.”Tilly growled, crossing her arms and sulking in her seat.
  I swallowedback another giggle and took a breath to keep from smirking. As much as I wasenjoying Tilly getting worked up over a harmless light-hearted film like AliceIn Wonderland, I still didn’t want to upset her by laughing so directly in herface for too long. So instead I glanced back towards the window behind me.
  The rain waslighting up now. Almost to a gentle drizzle. The wind was still plenty heavy,but even that looked like the worst of it had mostly passed. If Tilly was goingto get home, then she should probably head out now before it started up againor got too late.
  But ratherthan say any of this out loud, I found myself turning back around and leaningtowards her slightly. “Look. Alice wasn’t your favourite. Fair enough. But howabout we try a different one? I don’t want one bad film to put you off theDisney stuff altogether. Especially because you never had a chance toappreciate them when you were younger. So, come on. Try another with me.”
  “Like what?”Tilly asked, instantly relaxing like she hadn’t just been fuming a few secondsago.
  “Well, wecould always try Robin Hood.” I said, standing and grabbing one of the closest casesfrom the shelf by the TV. “You know the Robin Hood story? Well this is the samething, but all the characters are animals. That and it’s a lot more lighthearted.”
  Tilly,hesitated with a serious frown before she looked up and nodded cheerfully.“Okay, let’s give that a try. So long as there are no annoying little girlswith voices that grate on your every last nerve.” She added.
  “Well thereis the lion who can get pretty whiney. But he’s the villain so you are kind ofsupposed to dislike him anyway.” I laughed, putting the DVD in before returningto Tilly’s side.
  Before the film officially started, I quicklymade a fresh hot chocolate (since my last one was now stone cold after beingcompletely forgotten about) and a second one for Tilly. We balanced a bowl ofDoritos between our legs (second best movie treat besides popcorn) and spentthe rest of the evening indulging in tastes of cheese and chocolate (astrangely delicious combination).
  Within thefirst few minutes, it was clear that Tilly was going to enjoy this film a lotmore than she had enjoyed Alice. Right away she was laughing at almost all of thescenes with the King and his snake, sometimes even cheering for Robin Hood dramaticallyno matter how corny or over the top any of the scenes were. She didn’t mind therough animation style or the bright colours, and even tapped her foot alongwith most of the songs, bobbing her head for a couple and mouthing the wordsonce she had caught on. It was amazing how different her reaction to the two filmswas. And as funny as it was watching Tilly get irrationally angry at Alice InWonderland, I found I much preferred it when we were both having a good time watchingRobin Hood instead, though I’d be the first to admit that this wasn’t myfavourite movie of the lot.
  At some pointduring the film I fell asleep. I was woken by the sound of mum opening thefront door and hissing under her breath about the puddle of water I had failedto clean up. She was trying to be quiet upon entering the house and it wasalmost pitch black apart from the bright glow of the TV which was currently showingthe DVD menu, so I imagined it must have been quite late. I was still half asleep, groaning slightly when I tried to sit up and stretch my limbs only tostop short when I felt the pressure of something against the top of my head.
  Only then didI realise that I had fallen asleep leaning against Tilly, my head resting onher shoulder and her head resting over mine. She still seemed fast asleep andif I had been a little more awake, I might have gotten hot in the face fromflustering, but I was still caught in that dozing state between being awake andbeing asleep and in the end, I shrugged it off, resting my head back on hershoulder and shutting my eyes again, not even outwardly noticing the way herhand rest over mine on top of her leg.
  Mum wasprobably going to come in at any moment. She wouldn’t even hesitate to switchon the light and if that didn’t wake us up then I didn’t doubt that she wouldcome over and shake us awake because she wouldn’t want us sleeping in themiddle of the living room like this. But even so, for the moment I was socomfortable, and I didn’t care what happened. I just wanted a few extra minutescurling up with Alice.
  … Funny.Watching the film earlier made me accidentally think of Tilly as Alice. Betthat would be a lot more interesting than the Disney version.
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vivalavillain · 6 months
{For @cosmiicmultimuse. Continued from here.}
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He smirked dramatically, sliding a finger along the curve of his chin.
"Of course you can't tell me I'm wrong. When have I ever been as far as you know?" The expression dropped into something a little more sardonic and the pointedly jabbed a forefinger in Silver's direction.
"Besides then, of course. We don't count that." When exactly he meant wasn't entirely clear and it became apparent he had no intention of elaborating. Something flashed behind those baby blues and it wasn't clear if the slightest twitch at the corner of his mouth was a stifled grin or grimace.
"Colress. I'm... familiar with the name. He's rather well-respected in the field now, if memory serves. His contributions to scientific advancement and evolutionary study are highly regarded nowadays. Perhaps, if all things go right, you'll hear my name alongside his."
He shrugged loftily following this statement, though, and waved his hand. "Not that I crave the recognition. After barely managing to scrape my name from the bottom of the barrel following the Kanto incident and the fallout from the Radio Tower besides, I'm quite happy to remain anonymous. It's... easier that way."
"So what's this about Dynamax energy running amok? I'm not sure I remember clearly what happened there with 'those two idiot brothers' and I don't recall anyone mentioning it during my travels there."
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vivalavillain · 8 months
31 & 36 for Archer, please?
31. When do they feel the most guilt? How do they respond to it?
{The long and very short answer is that... well, he doesn't. Guilt implies he regrets his actions or feels something for the people and Pokemon he's hurt along the way and he simply does not. Due to the neurological condition of being a clinical psychopath, Archer cannot feel empathy and doesn't relate to the emotions of others. He's capable of imagining what it might feel like to have something done to him, of course, but it doesn't get a rise out of him. It doesn't fill him with remorse. It doesn't make him less likely to hurt someone because of it. The only reason he would be less inclined to do something untoward to someone is if it didn't serve him in some way. He recognizes when he's doing something inherently wrong or when he's failed-- even if he makes all sorts of excuses or downplays his failures-- so he can recognize when, say, being peaceful or giving power over to someone else is in his best interest, but that's entirely it: it's in his best interest. Nearly everything he does is self-serving in some way, from the cruelest, most brutal sin to the kindest, most 'loving' act. With very rare exception, there is an ulterior motive of some kind.}
36. Who do they keep in their life for professional gain? Is it with malicious intent?
You're picking these on purpose now, I swear.
{Well, 'most people' is a bit ambitious and a little inaccurate. He does actively care for his fellow Executives and those within Rocket that have proven themselves to be worthy of remembering among the crowd. But, there are two very good examples of people he keeps for professional gain and it is absolutely with malicious intent. @hailtheheroes's Kotone and @midorilegend He's very polite to them, professional, even nurturing or loving in some respects but he does not have their best interests at heart at all and he has very specifically malicious plans for both of them. Each for different reasons and entirely different directions, but they're his favorites for very very bad good reason.}
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vivalavillain · 5 months
He's perched in Archer's office, and he looks bored. That isn't a good combination of things. Between eyeing the executive's desk with the intention of knocking things off of it like a delinquent Meowth, and humming an irritating tune under his breath-- Proton eventually looks over, huffs, and cranes his neck to the side.
"Gimme something to do."
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He's so absorbed in what he's doing, he hardly notices the noise coming from his fellow Executive. Blue eyes flicker this way and that across the computer monitor as he reads, his chin tucked into the curve of his palm, fingers splayed across his mouth. His forefinger taps against his cheek, almost perfectly in time with the tune Proton hums. It's several moments between the other's petulant demand that Archer's response, preceded only by a stretch of the back and a reseating. He now looks directly at Proton, both arms resting on the arm of his chair.
"Are you sure asking me for something to do is wise, Proton? I have a mountain of paperwork that needs sorting through, after all, and something tells me it won't help your mood."
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vivalavillain · 5 months
{For @cosmiicmultimuse. Continued from here.}
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He lifted his shoulders in something like nonchalance, despite the dejected look that edged in around the outline of his face.
"I doubt there's enough good in the world to completely wash away Rocket's sins but, as you say, who knows? Colress was once tied with an organization whose name still darkens doorsteps in Unova and he seems liked well enough these days. Perhaps I'll get lucky."
His enthusiasm seems manufactured at best but he brushes past the subject all the same.
"I don't believe I was in Galar at the time of that particular incident and, to be quite honest, when my quest to bring the Dynamax phenomenon here ultimately ended in failure, I stopped paying close attention to what was going in the region. It sounds like everything ended up wrapped in a neat little bow, though, so I suppose that's all that matters."
Wasn't that just the way? He had no doubt that if he looked into the matter, he would find another plucky protagonist at the helm of taking down the imminent threat. He'd failed often enough and paid attention close enough to notice the trend when it came to anyone who dared pose a threat to the status quo. One might think he'd be bitter after all his ill-fated luck with his own machinations-- and, perhaps, this endeavor with Silver proved that he actually was-- but he had the good grace to keep it to himself.
"So tell me, what have you been doing in my absence? I'm curious what adventures you got up to while I was away. Anything of note?"
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vivalavillain · 6 months
A mysterious shadow passes by the corner of Archer's field of vision for just a moment and vanishes just as quickly. Where that shadow stood, something was left behind- a box containing what seems to be a vial of Berserk Gene. Where did that come from?
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"Now, where did this come from?"
Long, slender fingers pluck the vial from the box and examine it closely. He recognizes the color of the substance almost immediately-- the way it swirls in just this shade of red and orange when turned against the light-- but further study will be required to find the exact answer. He tests a few drops of the liquid down in the paltry labs beneath Goldenrod, absolutely delighted by what he finds after an hour or two of running a few specific tests. It's been years since he's seen anything like what's inside the vial and he stoppers it again with a slight pop! He can't stop smiling at the apropos gift and he sets it up behind a glass case to which only he has the key.
"Let's keep you here for now, until we find the right use for you. We have to be careful not to spill or waste too much of you. Who knows when someone will be so generous again."~
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vivalavillain · 6 months
❝ There you go. ❞
A pile of completed paperwork is dropped onto Archer's desk, his hand slapped on top of it, patting the stack a couple of times for emphasis.
❝ Not even a single bloodstain this time! Aren't I generous? ❞
Nothing is said about Archer's birthday as Proton leaves his office behind; if he were to shuffle through the paperwork, however, he'd find a birthday card, Proton's name signed in red ink, with a fair amount of cash stuffed inside it, and a voucher to pick up an expensive bottle of soju from that high roller distillery in Goldenrod.
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"My, my.~ It's almost like it's my birthday or something. Why, it's even on time. You're going to spoil me if you're not careful." His tone is light but he doesn't make any genuinely pointed statements about the 'holiday' in question other than that.
He scoops up the 'generous' gift without waiting for the other Executive to leave and begins leafing through numerous pages organized together in the manilla folder. The card doesn't fall out on first blush and he lifts the packet of paperwork like an acknowledgement, setting it back down on the desk as Proton makes his way out.
It isn't until later that he finally leafs through the paperwork and finds the card. A noise of genuine, delighted surprise leaves his mouth as the envelope falls onto the desk and he wastes no time in stacking the cash evenly to the side as he reads the voucher over. He's tickled pink to be sure and he makes a note somewhere-- actually takes out a pen and scribbles something down quickly in a notepad-- to return the favor in the future.
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vivalavillain · 6 months
{For @midorilegend. Continued from here.}
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Archer turns on his heels in an instant, ready to follow the Mightyena's trainer out of the warehouse but the sound of a pistol being cocked stops him in his tracks. He cants his head to the side, searching for any sign of his young 'protege,' halting when the gun in question crosses his line of sight. He growls low in his chest-- this wasn't good. If something were to happen to Green, there'd be far too much attention on the situation that preceded his injury (or, worse, his demise) and all his meticulous planning would be for nothing. He turns instead to face the pair of trainers and Telkhines and Dagon turn to follow him. When he double taps their empty Pokeballs on his belt, they immediately vanish in a haze of bright light.
He approaches the two with slow, methodical movements. The Houndoom trainer's pistol-hand shakes as he stares down the teen before him. He's a grizzled criminal but the thought of murdering a boy for a man's mistake causes him to hesitate just long enough for Archer to make his presence known. The gang leader turns, taking his eyes of Green, and points the gun instead at the much taller man.
"Stop where you are! I won't hesitate!"
Archer grins softly and folds his arms over his chest.
"I think you already have. Why don't you point that gun somewhere else, hm? Do us all a favor and put it against your temple."
The Houndoom trainer growls and raises the pistol a little higher, as if doubling down on his threat.
"I'm serious! I'll end ya both right here and now!"
"Tsk. If you have to tell someone you're serious, you've already lost."
On cue, his phone goes off from his breast pocket and he smiles serenely towards the gangster.
"You see? That will be my men, now. They're telling me they've already rounded up the last vestiges of your crew. You have nothing and no one left. If you step outside this building, you'll be going away for a long, long time. You might as well give it up."
"Then if I'm going down no matter what I do, I might as well take ya both with me!"
The criminal swings his other hand up to steady the pistol in the other and Archer takes an instinctive step back, covering his head with both arms. The force with which Yeth erupts from the foremost Pokeball causes Archer to stumble momentarily as the hound leaps towards the man with the gun. Savage teeth sink into the man's ankle, screams of agony and roaring flame almost-- but not quite-- masking the sound of the revolver going off. Pain rips through Archer's shoulder and he's knocked to the ground with the force of the blow, more pain crawling up his spine from where his tailbone meets the concrete warehouse floor. He shouts his pain aloud, the sound easily drowned out by that of fabric or perhaps flesh being torn as Yeth digs his teeth and claws into the gunman.
Several more shots go off, bullets lodging themselves into the wooden crates and metal shelving units around them. Archer's eyes squeeze shut against the pain, his teeth grinding together tightly. He forces oxygen through his lungs in slow, deep breaths, trying to remain still as blood seeps down his arm and ruins his uniform top. It isn't until the firing stops that Archer attempts to open his eyes again, one hand pressed firmly against the bullet hole in his shoulder. His breath shudders now that he's not as tightly focused on it and it takes him several tries to find his voice.
"Green?" A gasping breath. "Green, are you alright?"
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vivalavillain · 8 months
Who do they like as a person but hate their work? Vice versa, whose work do they like but don’t like the person?
What common etiquette do they disagree with? Do they still follow it?
What simple activity that most people do / can do scares your character?
For Archer!
Who do they like as a person but hate their work? Vice versa, whose work do they like but don’t like the person?
{For Archer, this would have to be Karen first, but specifically @pkmnsdarkqueen's Karen. As a former Rocket, even if it was an off-shoot of Rocket that he was never part of, and as a person, Archer has a great deal of respect for Karen. She's come through quite a bit and has pulled through all the stronger for it. And, like him, she has an affinity for Dark-types. She's respectful to him, knowing who he really is and keeping it a secret despite being an Elite, and they get on rather well together as people. However, given her Elite status, he cannot abide by the work she does, no matter how much he might trust her otherwise. So long as her loyalty is to the League and Lance's leadership, they will always be at odds with one another in some form or fashion.
{As for the vice versa, the easy answer here is Giovanni, but I feel like that's cheating a little. I think, perhaps, the better answer here is Elaine/Chase. They were the catalyst in the ruination of Rocket in Kanto and he still holds a great deal of anger and hatred for them and their meddling. That being said, they are clearly a strong, capable trainer and he cannot deny their accomplishments. Anyone who can take down Lance and then their strongest rival back to back is someone not to be trifled with and he can give credit where credit is due.}
What common etiquette do they disagree with? Do they still follow it?
{The idea that respecting one's elders is to be expected/demanded of anyone a decade or more younger than the person in question. He doesn't believe that someone is deserving of respect (outside of basic human decency-- although it's arguable whether he would offer even that much to someone if not absolutely necessary) simply because they are older and supposedly 'wiser.' People, regardless of age, are people and people can be backwards, hateful, mistrustful, and dangerous in their beliefs at times. The idea that someone is automatically accorded respect (read: obedience) based solely on age is ridiculous and as someone fighting against the elderly of Johto to get anything accomplished, he's especially uninterested in such archaic beliefs.
{Unfortunately, in order to get anything done, he does have to play a very specific part and while he might detest that bit of it, he does follow said etiquette when necessary.}
What simple activity that most people do / can do scares your character?
{Getting sick. He's positively miserable and pathetic when he's sick and having anyone see him in such a weakened, vulnerable state terrifies him because his reputation is everything as the Interim Boss of Team Rocket. He's more prone to snapping and flying off the handle when in consistent pain or otherwise unwell in some way. He absolutely detests being sick and goes to great lengths to prevent any instances where it happens.}
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vivalavillain · 6 months
🎉❤️ ( for archer hehe )
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New Years Eve in Goldenrod tended to be quite the party, especially with the finalized construction of the new Game Corner. Although Archer was tied most intrinsically with the gambling house, his persona as an undercover Interpol Agent wouldn't suit to find him wandering that place for merriment tonight. Instead, he'd chosen to attend the Department Store's community celebration event. His arm was still in a sling from the raid on the warehouses to the north east of the city, frustrating him with its uselessness, but he was making do and the physician made promises of a full recovery if he would take it easy.
He weaved his way through the crowd, alone for once, and paused when he spotted a familiar mop of tan spikes. He smiled jovially and waved when their eyes met, slipping ahead to join him. The pair made small talk about their lives during the last couple of weeks since they'd partnered together, catching up until the bells began to ring at midnight. Archer looked up as the sound of fireworks reached his ears and he laughed softly.
"Looks like I'm doomed to be alone all year." Glancing back down at the elder teen, he smiled and winked. "If you believe in all that kind of nonsense, of course. Although..." A twinkle in his eyes was all that foretold the mischief that played there as he bent to snatch one of the other's hands into his. He raised boy's hand upward and, just as the last bells struck the midnight hour, brushed his mouth against the knuckles on the back of that captured hand. He couldn't help but laugh at the deer-in-the-headlights expression on Green's face and shook his head mirthfully.
"Now you're stuck with me all year. I look forward to relying on you again."~
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vivalavillain · 6 months
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There aren't many on the desk behind him, but upon opening and briefly admiring the card from within the envelope, Archer turns in his chair and sets the card upon display to join the others. It sits between a small handful of other such cards-- one from his parents, ones from a few other 'friends' in the business-- but it sits prominently in the center of the displays. He sets a reminder in his primary phone to check on the status of the card he'd sent with a certain courier and returns to work.
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