#Alice X Robin
Today I realized how much I miss Curious Archer. Alice and Robin will always be one of the best parts of s7 in OUAT. We really deserved to see their wedding.
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Canon Sapphic Characters Tournament Round 1 (Bracket 5)
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yellowbugifs · 2 years
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once upon a time 7x16 - I wasn't born in a land with magic, and I may not get a fairy-tale life with a perfect ending. But you are the best and bravest woman that I have ever met. And if you could make a leap of faith with me, I'd like to build a house right here, for the two of us. And we could see what kind of life we can make together.
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Is anyone from the Ouat fandom who also ships Alice & Robin interested in reading a mid-cursed Hyperion Heights plot kind pre curse during curse where Margot hasn't left town yet but knows/is secretly dating Tilly much to Tilly's current gf Ivy's displeasure?
Basic my version of a Regina/Huntsmen loveless cursed relationship only with s7 characters.
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In case you missed my post from this morning, it's been 5 full years since these two fuckers:
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and my life has never been the same since.
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Every All Too Well Lyric as a Ship
Alice & Robin (Once Upon a Time)
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dragonbinx · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Once Upon a Time (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Alice Jones | Tilly/Robin | Margot Characters: Alice Jones | Tilly, Robin | Margot Additional Tags: Adventure & Romance, Magic, Returning Home Series: Part 5 of Pride Month Fic-A-Day 🌈 Summary:
Robin didn't do well in Wonderland.  Not at first.
Robin and Alice travel through some of the magical realms. Alice has a lovely time; Robin has some struggles.
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15lehna · 1 year
Going through my old reblogs and seeing so many wlw ships that I forgot I liked, and I'm blaming it on all of the shows being cancelled after max 2 seasons of 12 episodes. Because I was obsessed while they were airing but was so heart broken when they stopped that my brain just erased them. And I was going into the shows knowing they were gonna get cancelled. So I couldn't even get properly invested. Simply because I just didn't have the time and the strength to do so. And now to top it off, some of them are just gone from their streaming services.
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stardreamer28 · 2 years
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so in 7x14 when Alice makes the Yellow Bug appear, was Emma in Storybrooke just wondering where he car mysteriously went? or was it a copy? LOL also I wanted to hug both Alice & the Troll! so sad & sweet <3
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martianbugsbunny · 2 years
OUAT Thoughts Pt.75--Episodes 21-22
I have watched through S7E22; there are no spoilers to be had. Spoiler warning for anyone further behind than I am, though.
Kinda satisfying that I got an even 75 on that.
—I have been ugly-crying for about twenty minutes.
—Rumple dying because he gave his heart to Hook is the most poetic, beautiful culmination of their stories I ever could’ve hoped for and it’s got me wrecked. And the fact that he did it expecting to never see Belle again makes it even more lovely of him....And the fact that Hook is going to spend the rest of his life walking around with Rumple’s heart inside of him...that’s beyond words for me.
—I’m never going to love like this again. This show is the single best story I have ever consumed and I loved every minute of it, even the parts *looking at you, finale* that emotionally destroyed me. Also, Rumple is the most stunning tragic character I’ve ever met and it is impossible for anyone to ever take his place in my heart.
—That scene where Rumple was fully prepared to kill Rumplestiltskin, to keep any realm from ever having to have him in it, was a pretty poignant personification of self-hatred and it was a really weird, dark kind of beautiful.
—Look at my funky lil lesbians going off to save the world!
—Alice was looking lovely at Regina’s coronation. That blue dress was so pretty.
—I cannot stress enough how much I adore the fact that in the last two episodes of the show, I got to see Rumple and Hook adventuring together as friends.
—Rumple calling Rumplestiltskin “crocodile” was fun.
—I’m rather glad I picked up CaptainCroc as my new hobby, because I think this stuff would’ve hurt me even worse if I wasn’t trying to pick up the little bits of happiness and inspiration between them, and starting to come up with how it goes down in my AU even while it was unfolding in canon. CaptainCroc may be my comfort ship.
—It’s great that the last time we saw Emma, she was wearing her red leather jacket and a full-length dress. V cool.
—Seriously, did they have to make the last shot of the entire show the “Leaving Storybrooke” sign? That is exactly the opposite of what I want to do. I want to live in Storybrooke for the rest of my life and never have to think about being without it again. I want Storybrooke to be a constant presence in my brain and a weighted blanket for my heart and I want to imagine it happy and full of life and with all the characters I adore in it.
—Moving all the realms to one place so nobody can ever be separated again was kind of fun.
—In case you hadn’t guessed, I think I lost a couple more marbles watching those two episodes. I’m also reinforcing my belief that fanfic, headcanons, and fan-life in general is the ultimate form of escapism and comfort and I can’t imagine not turning to it at the end of something great.
—Seeing Henry dark and angry was weird. I’m glad he got out of that without actually killing Regina, because I think would’ve been the end of me. And now he gets an entire family to help him get back on the right path. (Which he appears to be doing, as he’s wearing a sheriff’s badge. Nice to see that’s still in the family.)
—It’s nice that Tiana and Naveen appear to have ended up together.
—In similar news, I also kinda like that wish realm Hook didn’t end up in a romantic relationship. It was his bond with Alice that was important, and even if the writers maybe strayed from that a bit every now and then, it was both nice to see and also, and a parent and child thing, very OUAT.
—It’s great that we got to see Robin ask for Hook’s blessing to marry Alice. I want my girl to have the happiest ending possible, and it looks like she gets it.
—I suddenly realized that the entire time Rumple was in Hyperion Heights, he didn’t seem to have a single problem with his leg, and that’s maybe a little disappointing. Hook had a false hand. Without magic, Rumple still should’ve had a limp, even if made it a bit harder to do detective action sequences.
—Hook and Alice kinda have the same cute ear shape. Iykyk, and if you don’t I’m sad for you.
—Still crying, and it’s taken me about fifteen minutes to write this much. Mostly because I’m crying.
—I like how Hook’s alcoholism is taken seriously in this last season, and in a pretty subtle way. At Flynn’s Barcade, Nick and Henry had beers while Hook had a lemon water (warding off scurvy, I’m sure). In episode 21, Regina and Rumple had a drink and Hook had what I’m assuming is water, but in a mug. (I drink cool/warm temperature beverages in mugs to annoy my kid sister, and let me tell you it’s a fun little way to mess with people. Hook should do it more often.) Also, when Hook and Rumple went to Hook’s old home in the wish realm, the booze there was specifically mentioned in connection with the fact that Hook basically went there to die a slow death. I would give a round of applause for the writers, but the writers have upset me, so I’m withholding the applause. So there.
—As sad as I am, I do love that now nobody has to choose between Storybrooke, their magical realm of origin, or Hyperion Heights *snort*
—I don’t think I’ve mentioned it yet, but Killian is such the beautiful name. I love it. I know what I’m naming one of my next two plushies.
—Yes, I hate, despise, and loathe the fact that Rumple is dead, but it really was the perfect ending to his story. And his story was the most amazing one to come out of this show, which is saying a lot. I’m glad he’s with Belle again, because my head knows that’s how he gets his happy ending, even if my heart doesn’t want him to be gone.
—It was nice to see Snow and Charming again. Especially in such pretty clothes.
—Their little round table was the start of my crying. Three generations of heroes, how does it get better?
—Okay, I hated seeing him again, but good on Rumplestiltskin to have Peter Pan in the stocks. He had it coming.
—Very nice that original Hook had a bit of rubber on his hook so he could hold the baby safely.
—Also, very nice to actually see Hook and Emma’s happy ending. And Hope is the best possible name for their baby.
—I don’t stan wish realm Rumplestiltskin, because I already have the Rumple I love, but hearing him say “dearie” again sure was nice.
—Henry was a bit of an arse. He hit Hook over the head to sneak off and do inadvisable things. He basically told Rumple that he didn’t deserve a happy ending. And you know, that was a particularly arse move with his mother, also an ex-villain, standing right behind him. *shakes head*
—As you’re probably tired of hearing, this show is now my favorite story that I’ve ever experienced. One of the things I love most about it is the theme of hope. That’s hard to find sometimes, in our world, but I find that a lot of what these characters say, and what they go through, especially some of the stuff between Regina and Henry in recent episodes, resonates. It makes sense. And it does exactly what Regina wanted to do for wish realm Henry: it shows that if these people can survive, and hold onto hope, despite the bad things that go on in their lives, so can we. And I love that. Realism has its place, but that place is far away from me. I live in reality, and a dose of fantasy and joy and hope is exactly what I need in my stories, and I’ve found it nowhere better than here. The villains redeemed themselves, because the heroes gave them a second chance. Regina and Rumple and Hook got happy endings just like Emma and the Charmings did. Full marks.
—In other news, I have other stuff I have to do tomorrow night, but on Thursday I will be starting the series over. Which means I get to see Rumple A) alive, and 2) with his suit and long hair. Quite dapper. V dashing. Also, he’s gonna say “dearie” a whole lot.
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Canon Sapphic Characters Tournament Round 1 (Bracket 5)
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userzade · 8 months
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for @priscilla9993
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Going to be getting back into this plot. Any suggestions on add-in ideas welcome
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If I had a nickel every time there was an adorable young sapphic canon ship in a fantasy show owned by Disney in which one half had mummy issues and a bow & arrow and the other had a British accent I'd only have two nickels but it's weird it's happened twice.
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new fanvid
before Speak Now TV came out I had an idea to make a fanvid to every single song on the album in order and because I'm a crazy person apparently I'm following through with it
Hoping to do a video every week but we'll see if that's actually doable but this is the first one done!
@cosette141 and @kmomof4 look I'm actually doing it! (also I wasn't sure if you want me to tag you on multicouple vids that include cs but just lmk and I'll for sure be doing a just cs one soon)
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dragonbinx · 3 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Once Upon a Time (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Alice Jones | Tilly/Robin | Margot Characters: Alice Jones | Tilly, Robin | Margot Additional Tags: Pets, Dogs, Domestic Fluff Series: Part 22 of Pride Fics 2024! 🌈 Summary:
Then she paused her pencil and tilted her head.  She heard ... something.  She stayed as still as she could, listening intently until she heard it again.  It sounded almost like a whimper.
She jumped off the troll and walked around him until something small and trembling caught her eye, hiding just behind the stone Bug.  "Well, would you look at that.  Who are you?"
While having a semi-bad day by the troll statue, Alice finds a bunny.
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