#so you're thinking about him subconsciously but it's a wide shot and we've gotten shots like it before so it doesn't stand out as Of Him
meyerlansky · 4 months
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#hboww2rewatch timestamp roulette: MASTERS OF THE AIR, PART THREE ↳ what the hell is a "reserve command pilot"?
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aimasup · 5 years
Ok so from this first part I've decided to finally throw in my headcanon version of Roman and Remus when Thomas was a kid.
(Next here and next here)
But first here's a fic as my headcanon on how they split (Tw gore and angst) :
The Seperation (oneshot)
Fun sniffled. "So... so you're saying... I need to be better...?"
Heart stared. No! No, no, no no! What was happening? Fun never cried. He never let the most piercing of insults get to him. He was always the bounciest of the Sides, bold and daring, without a care in the world. The log to lean on.
And now tears were pouring down his face.
"Fun, please, I never said that! That's not what I meant!" Heart placed his hands on Fun's shoulders, feeling like he was going to tear up himself. Somehow, he had made the unstoppable force that was the royal King Fun cry. He mentally kicked himself.
"I would never think any less of you for anything you do. Everyone else thinks so too. We all love you for who you are!" he said.
"It's just... the things you say and do sometimes. We don't hate you for doing them, what we hate is the things that get Thomas in trouble. That's what we don't want."Heart pulled Fun into a tight hug.
"It's nothing to do with you. Please don't cry." Heart choked. "You're perfect."
Fun gulped down tears. "So.. so.. so it's a - a problem? That we can f - fix?"
Heart had never thought of it that way, but as always, Fun was a brilliant Side. "Y - yeah! You're right! Maybe we can fix this! L - like a cold, or - or a bad knee owie...."
They dissolved into silence. Fun sat on his knees, tear marks still left on his tanned face. Heart had joined him on the bedroom floor and let go of him, but still kept a gentle hold on his hands.
Fun knew what Heart said was true. But the overwhelming aura of his room was pressing in on him from all directions. What no one realized was that Heart was one of Thomas' strongest sides. His room was especially influential. It would constantly shift and change to any emotion, subconscious or not.
Heart was scared.
Not of him, clearly, but Fun knew what else he was scared of. It was true. He had bad things and bad thoughts in him, and they needed to go. Then, everything would be better and everyone would love him again.
Fun hiccuped. "S - so, should we.. get Learning?" He was the one who named everyone. In his chest he knew these names weren't very 'clever' but given Thomas' limited vocabulary they were his best efforts.
Heart considered this. He shook his head.
"I dunno. I'm not sure how he can help. But I do know we're supposed to... uh...separate the problem. Separate...we could just separate the bad stuff! Right!" he said excitedly.
Fun furrowed his brow in deep thought, which was rare for the Side. "Se...perate? How?"
Heart's face dropped. He plopped back onto the floor, where he had previously stood up in a 'eureka' moment.
"... I dunno."
They sat there, pondering some more.
Fun glanced over unsurely at Heart. He noticed the unnaturally tired look on his features. Heart was clearly trying so hard to come up with a solution, which was a problem because that wasn't his job. He wasn't supposed to solve objective issues, which would surely tire him out further than Fun already had.
Fun looked at the ground. He stood up, catching Heart's attention.
Everything was wrong. Was he wrong? No, it had to be the bad things, but wouldn't that make it him as well technically? Was he bad? Were the thoughts bad?
He took deep breaths, that quickened the more he thought about everything that happened in the past few years. All his friends' thoughts, all his doubts, all of the troubles because of him.
He had to banish the bad thoughts. Banish the bad thoughts. Get rid of them. Get rid of the things ruining everyone's lives.
Get rid of the things that tarnished his otherwise perfect image. Get rid of the ideas he wasn't supposed to enjoy because they were gross and wrong. Get rid of the scary stuff that would make his friends sad.
Fun choked. Rip it out. Kick it out of his body. He was supposed to extract it like a spider nest in his rib cage - no! Gross, bad, scary! You're scary, you're not me!
But why didn't it feel like it was coming out? Something was tearing away, but it wasn't a something else, it was... him.
Heart stared in horror as Fun stumbled and caught on his own feet. He was clutching at his hair and silently choking. Unholy gargled whimpers escaped his throat as golden bile bubbled out of his throat, under bloodshot, teary eyes.
Get rid of the bad things! They're awful, they're not you! They're not me!
I'm not you?
You're not me! You're you!
But I'm you! I'm me!
No! I'm me! Shut up! I'm tearing! It hurts!
No, I'm tearing, you're tearing!
Leave me! I'm leaving!
Leave me! I'm leaving!
"I don't need you!" Fun screamed in a horrific layered voice, raw and primal. "You're going away!"
Heart was crying. He didn't know what to do, his friend was in a bad shape, nothing was done about it.
"I'm leaving! Fine, I'm leaving! Gone, I'm leaving! We're leaving!" Like a madman, Fun clawed at the carpet rapidly, oozing gold and black down his center. Thin red lines crept into view with bone cracking noises, the liquids stained the floor and his beautiful grey outfit, his pupils changed color, his layered voice grew more and more divided by the minute until he tore.
Right down the middle.
Heart screamed.
What fell onto the carpets were two different shapes. One hit the floor with a soft thud, with more grace and beauty Heart had ever seen. The other hit the carpet with a greasy splat, smelling as it looked.
Heart was still unsure of the situation. With heaving breaths, he scrambled over to help up the one who looked the most like his friend. He still didn't know what to do at the moment, but he just wanted to hold Fun in his arms and comfort him.
"Fun? Fun! Please, answer me, please! I'm sorry, please, wake up..." Heart shook him. "Please, please, please, please," he chanted, then broke out a little sob. "Please?"
The Fun in his arms stirred. Bleary eyes blinked and then shot wide open. "Heart!" he gasped.
Heart also gasped, staring at the face that sort of looked like Fun. Somehow he had completely different features, and his eyes were pure ruby red, but his hair and his clothes were so similar. It was definitely his rustic, bold Fun, but every move looked like a gentle dance instead of a determined lead. His voice was more airy and full of song, more than usual.
The two Sides stared at each other, still in each other's arms. A wet splat alerted them. Their heads whipped around to the noise.
To their horror, a...figure emerged from the black oily heap on the carpet. The figure shone ebony and dripped all over the thing. Somehow it was a mockery of Fun's image, but Heart couldn't help but be drawn to recognize him too.
They stared, and as it advanced slowly, the red one screamed in fright. "No! What is that?!"
Heart and his room were pounding. The answer spilled out before he could stop it, but he didn't care. "That's the bad stuff! It must have worked!"
He took up Fun's hands, now absolutely sure that it was him. "The stuff is gone! Please, don't look so doubtful, we're a family, we've always been!" Pulling him into a hug, Heart laughed in relief. Completely unaware of how his 'Fun' was feeling through all this.
The oily figure reared its head, revealing a terrifying smile and two glowing green eyes. It stumbled over itself and fell, a high, ugly voice tearing out of its orifices. "Heart!"
Heart let go of Fun and they hurried to their feet and backed off, realizing the sludge figure was still in their room. They stared at it with bated breath, like it was a cockroach ready to take flight after them. Their expressions were contorted by fear.
From the ground, it tried and failed to reach out to them. "Heart! I'm here, I've gotten rid of the bad stuff! Heart! Please, Heart!"
But they were already bolting out the room, Fun in Heart's tow. With a yelp, they had fled, calling for Learning and Careful.
The demonic creature sat in silence. Then it started laughing, cackling, a noise that was the stuff of nightmares. Tears streamed down its cheeks, smile permanently etched on its face, its shoulders shaking.
A small, crouched monster with yellow snake eyes silently watched the broken thing crumble from the doorway.
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