#so yeah guys stream lover cause its awesome
demonsofhunting · 5 years
All My Sins - Chapter 4
Pairing: priest!Cas x demon!Dean
Summary: After their trip to the natural reserve, Dean and Cas are heading home. The priest discovers something that changes everything...
Warnings: fluffy fluff, some angst
Words: about 1700
A/N: Chapter four woohoo!♡ Thank you for sticking around! This one brings our two lovers a step closer to hell...get ready for some dark stuff in the next chapter!
Anyway, I hope you'll like it! Enjoy! <3
Catch up here ( Masterlist ) ♡
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They're back in Castiel's car, heading home. It's already dark outside, the sky is filled with thousands of stars. Some lazy clouds are crawling over the horizon.
The car drives over a big, wide street that leads straight through the forest.
It's all empty, and they're the only people out here.
It's so quiet.
Castiel looks over to his boyfriend, carefully. Dean catches his gaze, smiling.
"I'm alright," he says, grabbing Cas' hand, gently, "Don't worry. I'm over it."
The priest nods, swallowing.
"Dean...I," he begins, "Thank you. Thank you for telling me. You didn't have to, but you did, and I know that it's everything but easy - "
"Hey, hey, shut up," Dean chuckles, covering his face with his other hand, "You're ruining the moment."
Cas winces: "Oh, really? Sorry - "
"You're doing it again."
"What? Dean, I don't understand," Castiel stutters, his eyes on the road, nervously.
The other laughs, deeply.
He shakes his head, a wide grin on his lips.
"You're always apologising. For everything. You don't have to do that. Stop apologising for who you are, Cas," he says, softly.
He's so sweet. I don't deserve him.
"Oh, I'm - " the priest begins, and bites his lip, quickly, before the words can leave his mouth...again. He chuckles.
"Jeez, I'm fucking weird," he sighs, shaking his head, lightly.
"I bet you're not as weird as me," Dean tells him, blinking with his long eye lashes, and making an innocent pout.
"Oh, I definitely am. You just don't know yet. Maybe I have some creepy serial killers in my family and I just don't know about it! I could be some kind of strange hybrid!" the priest laughs.
Suddenly, he gets quiet.
"Hey...are you alright? Cas?" Dean asks, carefully.
The other nods, trying to hide the dark feeling that starts to rumble in his stomage.
The priest shakes his head: "Sorry, I...I just thought about the things my mum would say about you." He smiles. It's a sad smile.
Dean stops himself from commenting on the new apologise. Instead, he raises an eyebrow: "And? What would she say about me?"
Castiel chuckles, quietly: "You don't want to know that, seriously."
"Trust me."
With a cocky smirk, he just determines: "No."
"Okay...well, she passed away a couple of years ago, but I bet she would say that I should stay away from guys like you. Guys in general, I think," Castiel mutters, slowly.
"Oh," Dean whispers, "I'm sorry...and I understand. I think that my dad would've killed me if he found out about us. But hey, life's short. And it's ours. So let's make it awesome, right?"
His gaze meets Cas for a brief second, and the priest squeezes his hand, lovingly.
"No need to apologise. And yes. Let's make it awesome."
Dean smiles, kissing the other's hand, softly.
Then they stay silent for a couple of minutes, just enjoying the presence of the other. Castiel breathes in and out, slowly. He starts to think about the last months and how much Dean Winchester means to him.
He became his world.
Slowly, and completely.
And it feels so damn good that Cas never wants it to stop.
I wish we could be more open about it...I wish I could -
Dean's scream rings in his ears, making him return to reality. The priest winces, his hands grabbing the steering wheel, forcing the car into a heavy turn. Dean curses as his head hits the window on his side with a loud bang. It shatters. Glass is falling on the street with a loud noise, some pieces are landing in Dean's lap. The young man struggles to keep his balance. Cas' head aches as he finally gets to stop the car on the side of the road. He breathes, heavily, panicking.
Wow. What the heaven just happened?!
"Oh my god, what the hell was that?! Dean, are you okay?" he rasps, turning around to his boyfriend.
Dean nods, moaning. There's a small stream of blood running down his forehead.
"Ow. That hurts. You're a wild driver, Cas," he mutters, pulling himself more up, "Yeah, yeah. I'm okay. I just thought there was something on the street."
He looks around, quickly, then he growls: "Well, obviously, there isn't anything. Great. Again. I think I'm losing my mind, no joke. Fuck it. Did - did I just ruin your car?"
The priest fights against the worries that are circling in his mind. He worries about Dean, deeply. But he doesn't want to push it...still. The young man is right. There wasn't anything crossing their way in the road.
Nothing Castiel could see.
There is something going on with him. He'll tell me for sure when he feels like sharing. Someday, it will be the time for it. I'm sure.
He really wants to believe that.
Cas steps out, taking a quick look on the car's outside, then he returns into his seat. "No," he confirms, "Everything is in its place...Well, except your window, but this isn't a big deal to repair. As long as your head is alright. Too bad that no one got to see my cool turn. It was great, you have to admit that." The priest curls his lips into a playful pout, even though the pain in his heart is telling him the opposite of it.
Dean chuckles: "Damn it, Cas! I'm going insane and you're joking about it! That's not nice, Sir!"
"You're not going insane, Dean. I'm sure.Your mind was playing ticks on you...or...or...a deer crossed the street. It's a wonder that we didn't run it over, though," Castiel adds, seriously, "Jeez, what a wild day. Wanna head home?"
Dean nods, a small smile on his lips.
"Sure," he says.
As they're reaching their hometown, Cas realises that after all these months he has literally no idea where Dean lives.
"Dean, where's your home? I would drop you off, but I don't know where to drive..." he says, laughing, kinda awkwardly.
Dean yawns, leaning his head back.
"Oh, I almost forgot. It's down this street, yeah, right here! Now left and now..."
He guides the priest until they reach an old, lonely house at the end of a road that's near the forest.
"Wow," Cas mutters, "What a pretty house!"
Dean laughs, giving his boyfriend a soft kiss.
"No need to lie, sweetheart," he chuckles, his hot breath flowing over Cas' skin.
The priest closes his eyes for a moment, resting his forehead against the other's.
"I don't want you to leave," he moans, kissing the young man again, his hands stroking his cheek, gently.
"I know. I don't want to leave, either. I'll come over tomorrow, alright?" Dean whispers, his green eyes searching for the priest's gaze.
Cas smiles.
"Sure. Love you!"
Then he steps out of the car, making his way over to the few steps that are leading to the entrance of the house. He turns around, waving. Cas waves back, already feeling his heart aching.
He doesn't want Dean to leave. Really.
It's strange. It's like he's the air that I need to breathe. He's what keeps me going.
He shakes his head, watching Dean stepping inside the house, closing the door behind him.
Love is such a strange feeling.
He's still wearing one of Cas' shirts, but the priest doesn't mind it.
He'll bring it with him tomorrow. I'm sure.
"Well, let's head home," Castiel mutters, starting the car again.
Suddenly, there's a loud scream ringing in his ears. He winces, and opens the door, rapidly. The priest sticks his head out of the car, listening.
The screaming continues.
It sounds like someone is being tortured, brutally.
It sounds like...a girl?
Cas shivers. He steps out of the car, looking around. The street is empty, darkness is covering every inch of it. He takes a few steps, looking around. Castiel crosses his arms, trying to locate the noise.
"Hello?" he asks, carefully.
Wow, Novak. Really? That's such a smart thing to do...
The screaming stops, suddenly.
All the priest can hear, is the wind tugging on the big, quiet trees near the houses. He tilts his head, giving it a few more minutes.
After he hears nothing else than than the far noise of cars driving down streets, and the wind howling in distance, he shakes his head, and steps back into his car.
Seems like Dean is not the only one who's going insane...
As the priest finally gets to enter his apartment, he's tired as hell. He kicks his boots off, yawning. He has to smile as he thinks about the feeling of Dean's soft lips on his own, making his heart almost explode...
His hand goes to his mouth, and he chuckles.
Yep. I'm definitely a hopeless cause.
Suddenly, he hesitates, cocking his head.
Something isn't right.
His heart starts to race as the priest listens, carefully. There's a weeping sound coming from the bathroom.
But...the apartment is empty, what -
"Hello?" he whispers, quietly, his voice almost breaking.
No one answers, the weeping just continues.
A shiver is running down his spine, and he shifts, uncomfortably.
C'mon Castiel! You can do this!
He steps forth, carefully. He balls his fists, and breathes in, deeply. The priest counts to three.
Cas opens the door, preparing himself for the worst.
A serial killer?
He already starts to scream as he notices the open window that is moving in the wind that comes from the outside. The curtain flows in the strong breeze, making a howling sound. The priest sighs in relief, closing the window.
Jeez. I'm so damn paranoid.
In this moment, he hesitates. He just stepped on something.
What is that? A piece of paper?
It is. He picks it up, squinting his eyes.
"How did you get here, huh?" he mutters, unfolding it, slowly.
There's something written on it. It's a foreign handwriting. Big, static letters.
Cas' heart skips a beat as his gaze flies over the lines.
The paper falls to the ground. Castiel's knees are giving in. He pulls his hair in despairation, trying to hold back the tears.
Nonononononononon -
He stares at the big letters of doom in disbelief, panicking. He blinks, trying to make them go away.
It doesn't work.
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That was chapter four! Thank you so much for reading and if you would like to leave a comment or reblog this shit, I will love you forever! <3
Tag lists are open!
Destiel/Forever Tags: @adoptdontshoppets @rebeloftheseas @ablavalba @smodernlife @ignis-glaciesque @certaindeanwinchesterforcastiel @xsghn @trenchcoatsandfreckles @helpmeluci @legendary-destiel @leahslovelylibrary
"All My Sins" Tags: @emodestielshipper @emumag @waywardtricksterangel @didntwanderstillgotlost
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mindless21 · 5 years
ok Lover has me shook
So yes, in the last couple of hours since the release of Taylor’s seventh, wonderfully written, and fully OWNED album I’ve scattered and listened for my favorite parts of each song and decide to share because it is necessary ok????cool here we go. 
ps. the songs are not in order because I am a mess and it shows LLOOOOOLLL
False God. (13)
religion’s in your lips, even if it’s a false God, we’d still worship. We might get away with it. The altar is my hips.
I know heaven is a thing. I go there when you touch me honey, hell is when I’m fighting with you.
first of all I need an ambulance because when Taylor references anything sexual it does things to me cause OMG YES MAAM. The altar part had me ON THE FLOOR and the heaven and hell made me a new person.
Paper Rings. (8)
I want to drive away with you, I want your complications too, I want your dreary Mondays, wrap your arms around me baby boy
When I got home I tried to stalk you on the internet, now I’ve read all the books beside your bed.
Now I wake up at night and watch you breath.
You’re the one I want; in paper rings, in picture frames, in dirty dream (in all my dreams)
this songs makes me SOFT ok ???? the little insights we get about her relationship make feel I don't know lucky?? like I know she is sharing this with the whole world but still?? like how sweet is this ??? like she went from wanting to know everything about him after they met to now knowing all of the books he reads in his spare time. I can't handle this my poor HEARTTTTT
Cornelia Street. (9)
We were a fresh page on the desk, filling in the blanks as we go.As if the streetlights pointed in an arrowhead, leading as home.
And I hope I never lose you, hope it never ends. I’d never walk Cornelia street again. That’s thinking of heartbreak time could never mend. 
Barefoot in the kitchen, sacred new beginnings that became my religion, listen.
So barefoot in the kitchen ???? Im sorry but after the master piece that is All Too Well I’ve realized that to Tay Tay kitchens are internet places she shares sweet moments with people she loves and the fact that they're barefoot?? just shows how at home and intimate that moment is. Excuse me while I go cry in the corner thx. 
London Boy. (11)
But something happened, I heard him laughing. I saw the dimples first and then I heard the accent. They say home is where the heart is but thats not where mine lives (but god I love the English)
Like a child when our eyes meet. Darling I fancy you.
So I guess the rumors are true. You know I love a London boy.
first of all. IS THAT HIM AT THE BEGINING ???? cause maam i know understand the accent thing good lord. Second. I know she loves him but the fact that she plainly says it in a song??? im crying and so so happy for her. LASTLY how does one stay calm after taylor swit writes a song about you like that?? like i need to know hoe Joe reacted cause holy shit. ALSO THIS SONG IS SUCH A BOP.
Death by a Thousand Cuts. (10)
Cause the morning comes and you’re not my baby.
But if the story is over why I’m I still writing pages?
My heart, my hips, my body, my love. I’m still trying to find a part of me you didn't touch.
Quiet my fears with the touch of your hand, paper cut stings from my paper thins plans. 
Gave you so much, but it wasn’t enough. But I’ll be alright, It’s juts death by a thousand cuts.
her mind y'all. her lyrics??? even more so. like the way taylor writes just amazes me, the way she puts words together that hurt ?? that make you smile?? and cry?? that woman has a gift and is A gift. also guys. the writing pages part touched my little heart. cause i felt that. 
Afterglow. (15)
Fighting with a true love is boxing with no gloves.
Why’d I have to break what I love so much?
I’m the one who burned this down. But it’s not what I meant. Sorry that I hurt you, I don't wanna do this to you, I don't want to lose this with you. 
It’s so excruciating to see you low, just want to lift you up and never let you go.
Tell me I am all you want, even when I break your heart.
this song broke my heart a little. so much damn vulnerability in these lyrics give me chills. she's so open and i HURTTTT. like he's in pain and she's in pain because of that and now im in pain because of them and once again crying and omg what’s new. nothings new. Im crying over one of taylor’s songs again.
Daylight. (18)
I’ll tell you the truth, but never goodbye.
I wounded the good, but trust the wicked. Clearing the air, I breathed in the smoke.
I can still see it all in my mind. All of you, all of me intertwined. I once believed love would be black and white. But it’s golden
I can still see it all in my head. Back-and-Forth from New York, sneaking in your bed. I once believed that love would be burning red like its golden.
I want to be defined by the things I love not the things I hate. Not the things that I’m afraid of. I’m afraid of the things that haunt me in the middle of the night.
I just think that You Are What You Love.
the fact that this song is what closes the album makes me emo. its such a wonderful conclusion and such and explanation of the last couple of years and the reference to RED??? I was NOT prepared. Also the last line tugged at my heart strings because I believe that with every little fiber of my being.
Miss Americana & The Heartbreak Prince. (7)
American Glory faded before me, Now I’m feeling hopeless.
My team is losing, battered and bruising. I see the high fives between the bad guys.
Boys will be boys then. Where are the wise men? Darling, I’m scared.
Cause I know this is a fight, that some day we’re gonna win.
y'all. I am so so so proud of the fact that Taylor now uses her platform to speak about what she believes is right and wrong. she no longer story quiet. she backs up her people and advocates and that is so so so important in todays world. because people listen, and people watch and sometimes they need that someone to speak up so they can know whats happening out there. and the political message of this song got me. America is a mess, and as a person that lives in one its states im scared. but this song gives me hope. cause eventually we will win. we will see the light. and i can't wait for that day. also the boy will be boys?? shit that got me. screw that excuse.
Soon You’ll get Better. (12)
In doctor’s office lighting I didn't tell you I was scared.
Desperate people find faith, so now I pray to Jesus too.
And I say to you, ohh soon you’ll get better, ohh you get better soon, cause you have to.
I know delusion when I see in in the mirror.
You make the best of a bad deal, I just pretend it isn't real.
I hate that I make this all about me. But who I’m I supposed to talk to? What I’m I supposed to do? If there is no you.
Im sorry. But as someone that has lost her dad thanks to an illness this made me sob. I don't think I’ve cried this hard since the last time I listen to Ronan. holy damn. I am so glad Andrea is better because the pain of losing a parent beats every hear break. But with every lyric I related a little more, and maybe not the part where she got better but wow. It got me and it broke me na made me a little happy. Taylor this was beautiful. thank you.
It’s Nice to have a Friend. (17)
20 questions, we the the truth.
Something gave you the nerve to touch my hand.
Call my bluff, call you babe. Have my back, yeah, everyday.
this song was so sweet and simple with so much of that child innocence that it  makes me wish I had simple teenage years and not the mess they were looooll, This song is truly so sweet guys, like cotton candy sweet. 
You Need to Calm Down. (14)
Say it in the street thats a knock out, but you say it in a tweet thats a cop out.
But I’ve learned the lesson that stressing and obsessing about somebody else is no fun.
You need to calm down, you're being too loud.
And control your urges to scream about all the people you hate. Because shade never made anybody less gay.
this song is savagery and I LOVE IT. yeah you call people out Taylor, cause holy damn this was great. I took me a minute to get the fast parts but guys i got it downnnn and the song makes me JAMMMM. You go queen Taylor, you’ve won your crown, ily.
Me! (16)
Baby doll, when It comes to a lover I promise that you’ll never find another like me.
I know I tend to make it about me. I know you never get just what you see, but I will never bore you baby. 
And when we had that fight out in the rain, you ran after me and called my name. I��never want to see you walk away.
Living in Winter, I am your Summer.
This song gave me such a laugh when it first came out, its freaking awesome (get it ????) but guys did the ran after me and called my name gave me such Mine vibes that I had to go and watch the video after cause damn. I love when lyrics bring me back to old albums, specially when the songs have two completely different tones in the story telling side.
I Forgot that You Existed. (1)
Lived in the shade you were throwing till all of my sunshine was gone.
Your name on my lips. tongue tied. Free rent living in my mind.
I forgot that you existed. And I though that it would kill me but it didn't. 
I forgot that you existed. It isn't love, it isn’t hate its just indifference. 
Sent me  a clear message, taught me some hard lessons. I just forgot what they were.
THIS SONG IS SUCH A MOOD yallllll, like byeee you hurt me? were my friend once??? tried to play me ???? CHAUUUU ADIOOSS like wow this not only a bomb but can easily be an anthem. Also I love shady taylor.
Cruel Summer. (2)
What doesn't kill me, makes me want you more.
And it’s new, the shape of your body, its blue. The feeling I got and it’s ooh.
No rules in a breakable heaven but, ooh. It’s a cruel summer with you.
I’m always waiting for you just to cut to the bone.
And I don't want to keep secrets just to keep you.
And I scream “For what it’s worth” “I love you, ain’t that the worst thing you’ve ever heard?” He looks up grinning like a devil.
A MF BOP OK???? the ohhhs had be screaming and the lyrics had me grinning. Also i need background .... secrets ??? what was he lying about??? and was her first i love you this dramatic ??? who knows, but I am so enthralled. Also its been decided that breakable heaven equals new scared oasis and OMG. Also the color blue has been mentioned so many times in this album anyone know what kind of easter egg that is ??? cause I’m lost.  like is it about Joe’s eyes?? cause honey honestly same. 
Lover. (3)
Have I known you 20 seconds or 20 years.
Can we always be this close? forever and ever?
I’ve love you 3 summers now honey, but I want them all.
With every guitar string scar on my hand I take this magnetic force of a man to be my lover.
My heart has been borrowed and your has been blue. All’s well that ends well to end up with you.
And you’ll say all of your dirtiest jokes for me, and at every table I’ll save you a seat.
mark my words. the day i get married this will be what i dance to on my first dance. if my spouse doesn't like it we are just gonna have to settle and do it anyway. this song is so timeless and the lyrics so soft, like i feel like i’m in love and so single. like c’mon lets dance around in the kitchen in the refrigerator light to this song because i am in my FEEELSSSSSS. (also y'all the reference to her scars from writing all those heart breaking songs??? i need to hug her.)
The Man. (4)
They’d say I played the field before I found someone to comment to, and that would be okay for me to do. Every conquest I had made made would make me more of a boss to you.
I’s be a fearless leader, I’s be an alpha type.
Wondering if I’s get here quicker If I was man.
I’m so sick of them coming at me again, cause if I was a man I’s be The Man
If I was flashing my dollars I’s be a bitch not a baller. They paint me out to be bad, so it’s okay that I’m mad.
BIG DICK ENERGY TAYLOR. y'all she’s so not wrong, 75% of the shot she has gotten about what she does she would have gotten praises for if she was a dude. i love love love how she is calling sexism out in this song.as much as it is progressive times and what not she is explaining the kind work we live in to those that don’t understand and YESSSS BAD BITCH TAY. WE STAN. (we have for 13 years but ya know who is counting)
The Archer. (5)
I’ve got a hundred thrown out speeches I almost said to you.
I never grew up, it’s getting so old. 
All of my heroes die all alone, help me hold on to you.
Cause all of my enemies started out friends, help me hold on to you. 
Who could ever leave me darling? But who could stay? you could stay.
This song omg.... the music makes me melt first of all, and then the lyrics break me. like she is so clearly explain that she's doing all she can not lose him. explains how her best friends have betrayed her and how the people she had high regard for also hurt her and omg so open and honest my heart bleedddss. The heroes part also makes me feel like she's telling him that she sees him as one of her heroes which is why she asking for help to not lose him (i could be reaching buuttt) and I don't know how to deal with my emotions right now. 
I Think He Knows. (6)
I think he knows that his hands around a cold glass, make me wanna know that body like it’s mine.
want to see what’s under that attitude. I want you, bless my soul.
I think he knows he better lock it down or I won't stick around ‘cause good ones never wait.
He is so obsessed with me, and boy I understand. 
yallllll this songgggg. the innuendo ??? i love ittttttt. also I love the fact that she knows her worth. That she finally understand who she is in a relationship and is able to realize that she is a good one, that if she is not happy she can leave. AND THAT AMKES ME SO PROUD CAUSE TAYLOR YOU ARE SO AMAZING.
And thats the end of it folks. I waited so long for this album... had so many count downs and bless me for living in Hawaii were I go the album on the 22 at 6pm thanks to time differences. 
0 notes
nickyschneiderus · 6 years
I spent several weeks streaming NRA TV—here’s what I discovered
The National Rifle Association is fighting a losing battle.
In the two months since the devastating Parkland shooting, the NRA has come under so much controversy that pro-gun politicians are helping to pass gun-control legislation and a former Supreme Court justice called for the repeal of the Second Amendment. More so than the Sandy Hook massacre, more so than the Pulse nightclub shooting, more so than the Las Vegas mass slaughter, the NRA is perhaps facing more pressure than ever before in its 147-year history.
But if you think the NRA is cowering away from a fight, you obviously haven’t watched NRA TV on YouTube.
I have.
In fact, I’ve spent several hours in the past few weeks watching the NRA’s media outlet online. I’m not a gun person, and I fully support just about every gun control measure that has been proposed. But I wanted to hear what America’s most fervent gun supporters had to say. The NRA says NRA TV is “the Truth. Delivered.” Yeah, about that.
What you find on NRA TV is not surprising. It’s all about the people who love guns, and the analysts who bash people that don’t. NRA TV is a platform that is not hiding from exactly what it wants to be: an antagonistic arena where gun enthusiasts can gather in one place and shout to each other in an echo chamber. Nothing is the NRA’s fault. Everything is a result or a cause of liberal snowflakes who can’t stop crying because the NRA and guns are so very awesome. In the NRA’s eyes, that’s the truth. Delivered.
You can, of course, stream NRATV on its website or you can find it on the Amazon, Google, and Apple streaming platforms. But if you want to get the organization’s most fiery takes in one easy-to-digest place—more bang for your buck, so to speak—YouTube is the place to watch.
It’s where you can enjoy spots like this where liberal snowflakes are mocked.
It’s where you can discover why the Parkland shooting was Barack Obama’s fault.
It’s where the NRA’s most visible spokesperson Dana Loesch can bash Vermont Gov. Phil Scott—who received an A rating from the NRA during his 2016 campaign but raised the organization’s ire by recently signing three gun-related bills—and how he betrayed his constituents.
And where they can savage the so-called fake news media, like CNN’s Jim Acosta.
The clips on the YouTube channel are relatively short and yet filled with vitriol and venom for the NRA’s opponents. And hardly anybody is more vitriolic than Loesch. She’s been accused of inciting a civil war with her viral ads, and she made a flippant Holocaust joke when commenting on President Donald Trump’s feud with CNN. She is unapologetic and fiery and sardonic, and her fans probably love it because she says what they want to be saying. She is the embodiment of that ideology’s id.
But there are plenty of other commentators on the platform who try to top her viciousness.
The site doesn’t list how many people subscribe to the channel—the YouTube analytics site Social Blade counts more than 26,000 subscribers—and even though the account has existed for 11 years, it hasn’t even reached 10 million views as of this writing (the main NRA YouTube channel, for what it’s worth, counts 158,000 subscribers).
The most viral a video had gone in the past month was when Colion Noir, one of the site’s standout stars, interviewed rapper Killer Mike, and they discussed the positive aspects that guns bring to our society. Killer Mike helped bring in 150,000 views for their intelligent conversation. The NRA ran that spot on its YouTube channel a few days before the March For our Lives, and Killer Mike later apologized that the interview was used as a weapon against those who don’t believe in his gun rights views.
Other than that, Noir found 110,000 willing to watch him explain how the media ignored a “hero who stopped [a] school shooting,” while 62,000 people were enticed to listen to him blast Parkland shooting survivor David Hogg’s “white privilege.”
Don’t get me wrong, Noir is intelligent and makes cohesive arguments. But he undercuts the seriousness of his views when he refers to the 17-year-old Hogg as “Malcolm in the Middle.” And it’s a larger theme on the channel where Loesch, Dan Bongino, and others are condescending and snarky when they’re talking about the people they’re bashing.
Still, Noir might be the most popular commentator on NRA TV. In the past, he’s referred to the stereotypical NRA member as OFWG, aka “Old, Fat White Guys,” and he came to prominence on YouTube several years ago where he talked about guns, politics, and pop culture. His real name is Collins Iyare Idehen Jr., and he has more than 670,000 YouTube subscribers. He represents a segment of the population that traditionally votes for Democrats but which has at least some pro-gun viewpoints. He doesn’t mind courting controversy—he recently blasted the Parkland survivors who participated in the March for Our Lives—and he knows that he’s seen by some as the token minority for the NRA.
As he told the Los Angeles Times in 2013, “Some of the most influential Black individuals have advocated for the use of firearms, so how come when I do it, I’m vilified? Take a look at the Black Panthers, MLK, Malcolm X.”
For Noir, this is his truth. Delivered.
Still, the channel hasn’t gained much traction— most videos are in the 500-2,000-view range. Much of the time, the people on the screen aren’t ranting and raving. They’re not foaming at the mouth. They’re not covering the camera in outraged spittle. They’re calm and reasoned. And perhaps that’s why they don’t get many pageviews on YouTube without the help of a celebrity friend or without having to rip a school massacre survivor.
There’s also no attempt to unpack the NRA’s role—or the NRA’s fault—in any of this. After a while, it’s maddening to watch the NRA spin itself around over much of the same points.
So, I checked out some of the NRA’s other options. Like, Love at First Shot, a show (presented by Smith & Wesson) that brings together female gun-lovers, talks to them about what it was like to first discharge a firearm, and how to be fashionable while doing so now. This season, the theme is about concealed carry, and it’s supposed to show a younger, more empowered wing of the NRA.
From the title, it might seem like a reality dating show, but it’s more of a beginner’s guide to the Second Amendment and how and what to shoot. There are perhaps some overdramatic slow-motion shots throughout the show, but it’s well-produced and quickly moves from topic to topic to keep the content fresh.
In case you don’t think this is geared toward women, one episode discusses how, if you use an inside-the-waistband holster for your concealed-carry firearm, you might have to buy a dress or pants that are a size higher than you normally would and how that might be mentally difficult. Or, how an appendix holster might be a better option for mothers so they can move the gun to the center of their waist, allowing them to hold their baby on their hip.
For history buffs, there’s the American Rifleman show, a program that covers the firearm community and those who participate in it. The episode I watched studied the handguns of World War I and later pivoted to a gun review of the Ruger SR-762. For a gun enthusiast, this is probably great content. For somebody who doesn’t agree with the NRA, it’s a welcome break from the caustic commentators.
Clearly, though, NRA TV is trying to recruit a new generation of fans. Which makes perfect sense. It can’t be an organization of OFWGs anymore. That demographic will begin to die out in the next few decades. To stay vibrant, the NRA has to draw younger, more diverse, and more tech-savvy members. NRA TV is probably a good place to start.
NRA TV won’t win over people who are moderate on the issue of guns, and it certainly doesn’t seem to care about those who want gun control. But that’s not the point. It’s an outlet where the so-called truth is delivered.
It just all depends on the kind of truth you’re actually seeking.
from Ricky Schneiderus Curation https://www.dailydot.com/upstream/nra-tv/
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