#so- go on VK if you wanna dig up stuff with little to no interesting results
spoopieere · 10 months
After a long while of digging about the two movies (mostly The Collection), here’s what I found:
A high audio quality of the behind the scenes shooting at the film set for The Collection
(These shots are a god send, you don’t get this kind of stuff in the DVD exclusive BTS Documentary. The site is Russian, it’s kinda laggy and slow, so watching without good internet is not recommended)
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Cast interview for The Collection -no Randall abt Asa for some reason :(
Arkin and Elena interview about the movie for a foreign Vietnamese broadcast channel???
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These two pictures of Arkin… uh, sitting? Looking a bit submissive?
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Also this pic of Asa with a baby:
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kmp78 · 4 years
hey K! I don't know much about SL's ex-girlfriends, I've heard you talk about Nursey and Inchslit before but I don't know what happened when they were with Shannon. Could I get some info on that please?
Hi, anon! 👋
Well, I'll try to rehash the saga to the best of my recollection! 😆
Back in spring 2014 SL was dating/hooking up with Inch BUT we did not yet know about it. We only came to know of her existence a whole year later, but we'll get to it later!
In July/August 2014, after SL was released from rehab and the band finished their Euro tour and returned to the States, we got pap pics of SL with Colonna in LA.
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MEGA random since she is a literal nobody and he is... well, a nobody as well. 🤷🏼‍♀️
And it got even weirder as we got TWO MORE PAP INCIDENTS just days later when Mars was in NYC for the Carnivores tour! 👀
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Again: WHY was this no-name couple suddenly sooooo interesting for paps...? 🤔
Anyway, they dated/hooked up for a few weeks (and SL pulled his usual bs stunts by skipping a M&G just to hang with her... 😒), until he dumped her in September.
We know he dumped her cos she went a bit vengeful on socials, taking digs at his height etc. 🙄
Then it was all quiet on SL dating front until January 2015 when echies pulled that Rola stunt (= Brazilian echies played a trick on her on Twitter by tweeting her "My name is Rola, can you tell me you love Rola?", and she answered "I love Rola" without realizing rola means dick in Braz slang... 😂🙊) and SL came to her rescue on socials by ranting that people need to leave his friends alone.
Well, turns out HE is the one who didn't wanna leave her alone as immediately after that debacle, those two got back together ans she resumed her trolling from their vacays and from his home etc. 🍿
The fandom absolutely loathed her, and it DID NOT HELP that SL made the fateful decision to bring her along for the March 2015 Russian tour. 😬
All hell broke loose in the fandom, and seemingly JL despised her too (there were blind item gossips around stating that her luggage got "misplaced" and her plane tickets "accidentally cancelled" etc. 🤭), and it looked like her presence drove a huge wedge between the bros and also Tomo.
A few weeks into the tour, she and SL had some sort of massive breakup and she sulked off to the States (with a barrage of social media insults again...), and that was it for #Shanstina. 👉🚪
After the tour ended in April 2015 SL went back to LA (while JL kept busy dicking VK in NYC oh and also occasionally doing some Joker stuffs... 😈), and attended Coachella.
And this is where we come back to Inch!
During Coachella 15, thanks to her trolling and BF featuring her on their IG, we learned that SL has a "new" special friend! 😮
Except once we started digging around her IG and looked up old posts, we realized she had actually been his special friend for over a year - meaning that while he was effing Inch, he was also effing Colonna. 🤷🏼‍♀️
Claaaaaaaaassic Shanny. 🙈
He and Inch kept going "strong" for all of 2015 and she kept trolling and updating us very thoroughly... 🙄.
Then we get to Nursey.
Now, I have to admit that I cannot be 100% certain I'm remembering the timeframe correctly, but in early 2016 we learned that he has been fucking around with her too (thanks to her joining the "Showing SL's fireplace and nekkid toes on IG" club) - and again while still with Inch! 🤨
And also again, upon doing further investigation, we found out that her links to Mars /SL went FAR beyond them just "randomly" getting together in 2015/16.
In fact, she can be seen in Mars fan pics in 2012 and attended at least 1 M&G in 2014, soooooo... 🤷🏼‍♀️
Once again, the overlapping of 🐱 is astonishing. 😳
By 2016 SL had moved to Seattle, and both Inch and Nursey kept going up there to entertain him in what I can only assume to be a rotaring schedule... 😂
Inch even moved there full-time, and is still up there even tho at some point she and he parted ways.
Nursey kept on trolling about SL well into 2019, but apparently had moved into the ex-gf category by Nov 2019 when she randomly popped up on Aaron Carter's IG Live and dropped a little snippet regarding... something... and someone... 🤔
And there we have it. 🤷🏼‍♀️
A quick but long overview of SL adventures in 🐱-land. 😆
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