#I saw many interesting and barely known/seen fanart on the way
spoopieere · 10 months
After a long while of digging about the two movies (mostly The Collection), here’s what I found:
A high audio quality of the behind the scenes shooting at the film set for The Collection
(These shots are a god send, you don’t get this kind of stuff in the DVD exclusive BTS Documentary. The site is Russian, it’s kinda laggy and slow, so watching without good internet is not recommended)
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Cast interview for The Collection -no Randall abt Asa for some reason :(
Arkin and Elena interview about the movie for a foreign Vietnamese broadcast channel???
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These two pictures of Arkin… uh, sitting? Looking a bit submissive?
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Also this pic of Asa with a baby:
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Survey #428
“there’s more money in tragedy, more net worth in self-pity  /  so you’re doubling down inside of your screen, hiding behind attention you seek”
Have you ever told someone, besides family, that you love them and meant it? Yeah. I've told friends that platonically, and I've said it to two people and romantically meant it. Are the blankets that are on your bed now made by someone you know in life? No. Have you seen all The Lord of the Rings movies? I haven't even seen one. How many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had in 2014? I had one. Can you walk in heels? I mean I can, but I don't like to. What does your mom say about the pictures on your Myspace? First the '14 question, now this... I don't think Mom ever had a Myspace, but I can answer for Facebook. She's always the person to "heart" react them and say something about how "beautiful" I am or something. ;x; What was the last thing you and your parents argued about? Idr. Do you feel your life is at its best? Fuck no. There better be better times than this. What do you worry about the most? The most? That's hard to say... but probably my career future. Or really just the future in general. Have you ever let someone be your everything? "Everything" still feels like an understatement. He was my source of happiness, a massive part of my own identity, and my promise for a better future. It was so, so unhealthy. Think back to the last person you kissed, how many times have you cried in their arms? Two times, I wanna say? What are some things you do when you’re mad? I get snappy and try to isolate myself to cry it out. How do you feel about your hair right now? I hate itttt. It's getting too long and just boring. I'm hoping I can get up with my hairdresser soon for a trim. What’s an interesting fact about you that not many people know? Uhhhh... I guess that I was a dancer for many years. I feel like I don't really fit the general "aesthetic" of dancers, so people have definitely been surprised to find out I was one. Do you do anything embarrassing when no one is home? No. Just because no one ELSE is there, I'd embarrass my damn self lol. If you had the chance to move to a completely different state/county, would you? Fuck yes I would. Could you ever be friends with someone that broke your heart? It's funny, because that's what the traumatized, overly-attached part of me wants (at the bare minimum), but my common sense knows that's dumb as fuck. I could never healthily be friends with him. Are you scared of fireworks? No, but others are terrified by them, so keep that in mind. Does anyone know every little detail about you? No. You woke up one day and discovered that you were only able to see in black and white… as well as one other colour. What colour would that be and why? I guess red? It sounds morbid for it to be the first thing my mind goes to, but that way, I'd be able to see blood and therefore be able to detect a symptom of danger. What is your favourite soundtrack for a film/video game/television show? (Though feel free to name as many!) Silent Hill 2 and Shadow of the Colossus have fucking LEGENDARY soundtracks. What is your favourite Pokémon? Ninetales! I also really love Espeon and Umbreon, too. And Charmander. And Pikachu. And Skitty. And... well, too many, ha ha. What is something your best friend of the opposite sex does that you can’t stand? He calls me "kid" a lot. Is the last book you read a really well-known book? It's not world-famous or anything, but it seems relatively known by teens/young adults. At least, I follow a lot of artists who make fanart for it. Do you have anything besides just songs downloaded on your iPod? No. When at the beach, do you spend more time on the beach or in the ocean? In the water. I hate the beach itself. Do you have any siblings you absolutely despise? Why do you despise them? No. Have you ever babysat before? Did you enjoy this job? Yes, and no, not at all. Have you ever busted a window before? Why did you bust it? No. Do you still get scared watching old horror movies? You watch them alone? Horror movies pretty much never scare me, never mind old cheesy ones. I don't mind watching them alone. Do knives scare you? Is it from watching scary movies? I'm terrified of big knives, and it has nothing to do with movies. It's a fear that started after Mom stopped me from a suicide attempt where I was going to slit my throat with one. They just radiate danger for me. Have you ever tried to sing opera? Did it work out for you or no? No. What was the last piece of furniture you purchased? I've never bought any furniture, and I don't recall the last thing Mom bought. Have you ever broken up with someone for a reason other than lack of feelings (ex. moving away, etc.)? Yeah; we split because we were essentially two shaky towers leaning against one another. We have to learn to straighten ourselves up independently before that relationship even becomes a "maybe" again. Has anyone ever told you that you are too picky when it comes to the people you date? What about not picky enough? Neither. Was there anything unusual or unique about your birth? Nothing really, besides being born in an icestorm. My birth itself was totally normal, as far as I know. Mom considers it pretty extraordinary though because according to her, I took one look at her and smiled so big. Says a lot about our relationship now. What was the best conversation you’ve had recently? *shrug* What is the next book you are going to read? The book that comes next in the series I'm reading. Who was the last person to do something nice for you? My mom does nice things for me every day, like making dinner, letting me live under her roof... a lot of stuff. Is there any artwork in the room you’re in? Yeah, some of my stuff. Have you ever made out on a couch? Yeah. Someone asks you what you want; what do you say? Happiness. Direction. What was the last thing you complained about? Just being incredibly sore. The gym's kicking my ass, but it needs to, so I'm fine with it. How do you feel when you hear other people complaining? It depends on how frequently and about what. It can become overwhelming sometimes, especially if it's over something truly trivial. Has your name been in someone’s Facebook status lately? No. Do you own any Sims games? Which ones? I have the original animals one, as well as the African animals one (which I surprisingly like less). What was your first job? I was a sales associate at GameStop. Do people praise you for your looks? Yeah, definitely not. Do you like your eyes? No. I wish they were bluer and wider. Tell me what your back pack looks like: My last one was a galaxy texture. What celebrity do you think is hot? HMMMMMMMMMMMM I DON'T KNOW????????????? NEVER SEEN ONE IN MY LIFE O: O: O: Last movie you saw in theatre: The The Lion King remake. Has someone you were dating ever cheated on you? No. What’s the cutest thing someone’s ever done for you? I'd rather not dig through the memories to find what I'd consider the "cutest." What was the last thing you heated up in your microwave? A chicken pesto bowl for lunch. Did you ever watch Phil of the Future? Occasionally, but I was never big on it. Do you have an online game that you play often? I play World of Warcraft pretty much daily. Do you prefer regular or electric toothbrushes? Electric. What was the last thing to piss you off? Truly piss me off, I'm not sure. When and where was the last time you took a picture of yourself? Months ago in my room. I want to take a new one to update my Facebook profile pic, because I think I'm ready to return there. Who was the last person to pay you a compliment or praise? The first day at the gym, Mom told me she was extremely proud of me, and it meant a lot. I truly think I can stick to this, and it's a fucking phenomenal feeling. What’s one thought you have regarding the subject of love? It can be the most beautiful thing in the world, yet simultaneously has the capability to be one of the most painful. Do you think that it’s possible to fall in love at a young age like eleven or twelve? Who am I to say, honestly. I lean towards no because at the age of puberty, you're really all over the place with your hormones and emotions, and I just don't know if it's possible for two pre-teens to have the maturity level to grasp what it truly means to be in love with someone. But again, what do I really know? Everyone is different. Are sex and sexual activities something you enjoy? Yeah sure, if it's something I'm in the mood to engage in and I'm in love with the person. What’s an interesting fact about the state in which you were born? We're the home of Pepsi products. I know, of course I would share a fact about soda, ha ha. What’s one aspect of your life that did not turn out as you expected? Where I am now as far as "adult development" goes. I don't drive. I don't have a job. I still live with my mother. I could go on and on... By this point, I definitely expected something much, much different when I was younger. What was the last event to cause you any sort of heartache? Hm. I don't know. What was the worst phase you’ve ever gone through? *shrug* What excuse did you use most often to skip school? There were times I'd pretend to have a really bad cough. I could fake a nasty cough, man. Are you shy about singing in front of people? Very. Honestly, do you put your elbows on the dinner table? Yes, because why the fuck would that matter. I don't get how something so simple and harmless is "bad manners." Have you ever taken a picture in a public bathroom? No. Yes or no: corsets? I. FUCKING. LOVE. CORSETS. UGH I wish I could pull one off, omfg. In your opinion, is money the root of all evil? All evil? No. There are some horrible crimes people can commit that have nothing to do with money. Do you own a pair of overalls? Ew, no. I hate overalls. What is the best game to play while in the car? Uh, idk. Has a movie ever made you jump in fear? I'm sure at some point. Jumpscares are hard to be unfazed by; it's just a natural reaction to something sudden. Yes or no: pickles? Bro I LOVE pickles. Yes or no: strawberry ice cream? Ugh, no. Do you know what your mom’s favorite movie is? No, actually. Are you a role model to anybody? No fucking way I am. Do you know how much you weighed at birth? Somewhere around six or seven pounds. Look outside the nearest window. What can you see? From where I'm at, I can just see the shed. What are you interested in that most people would be surprised to know? Cutesy, pastel stuff, probably. How many bathrooms are in your house? Two. Do you prefer stripes or polka dots? Polka dots. Are you considered a very sensitive person? Very. Have you ever told someone you never wanted to speak to them again? Yes. What’s the weather like today? Is it nice enough to go outside? It's hot as fuck outside. You will NOT see me outside today. What does your last text message say and who is it from? It's just a thumbs up emoji from the woman who works at my psychiatrist's office. She schedules my phone appointments with him. Do you listen to any podcasts? How do you listen to them? No. Why did you leave your last job? It was WAY too fast-paced with lots of responsibilities that I just couldn't handle. Have you ever eaten at a restaurant and left without paying? No, that's awful. What’s your favorite scent of air freshener? Probably something floral and subtle. Are your hands and feet in good condition or could you do with a mani-pedi? Ugh. I pick my fingernails off badly, so they're a mess rn. I also DISDAIN my feet because they are horribly callused from when I used to walk like crazy. It's so weird how I can exfoliate the area and scrub (... and sometimes tear) them off, but they're pretty much immediately back. When was the last time you played a board game? What did you play? A couple years ago with Girt and Sara, I think. We played Scrabble. How old were you when you first became sexually active? Do you mean like, doing anything sexual? In which case that would be 16. I woulda been 16 or 17 when I actually lost my virginity, though. Do you know anyone who has been through a divorce? A load of people. Does anyone not know somebody? Have you ever done a juice cleanse? No. Do you have to pay for parking in most places in the town/city you live in? No. That's a foreign concept here. It's one of the very alien things I experienced in Chicago; I don't really think I knew it was a thing (save for massive attractions, like Disney Word and stuff) before then. Can you hear lots of traffic from your house? Does it bother you? No. We live in a cul-de-sac, and our road is further into it, away from the main road.
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karuframe · 6 years
Yooooo i saw your tags on that post saying there werent many ship fans in warframe and i was curious what your favorite ships are!! I havent seen anyone else that ships stuff before. Theres almost no warframe fanfiction out there and its kind of hard to find people to talk to about it with that dont just want to talk about builds and stats ^w^
yeah there’s barely any fanfiction or fanart with this topic. to be fair, the warframe story is not really asking for this sort of content and you have to be quite creative and twist the story around to be able to do so, so i’m not surprised, but still it feels a bit lonely at time.i’ve explored some ships and dynamics in my casualframe/humanframe sets and headcanons, there’s more to come, but anyway, i will share some of those i put a bit thought into (take into consideration that everyone interprets the frames differently)!!WARNING FOR DORKY HEADCANONS INCOMING!!
VOLT X BANSHEE-best friends, swaggers, bros-volt flirts around a lot and never scores, banshee crushes on volt-banshee spends most time with their squad (octavia,nyx,nezha,loki)-banshee’s always there for him and to pretend that he’s not a glam loser-eventually volt realizes that he enjoys being with banshee the most and they become a thing
ASH X LOKI-Ash is very distant and introverted, spends most of his time training and meditating-Loki always needs to be everywhere, needs others to like him which in most cases they do, except Ash-Loki gets curious about Ash’s dissapearances and follows him into the dojo where he just stealthily watches him until he’s being pointed out-Ash finds Loki too loud, irresponsible, distracting and annoying and yet he never tells him off-thanks to Ash not liking Loki immediately, he sets it as a personal goal-Ash never seems to be caring for Loki much but when Loki gets himself in a dangerous situation, it’s Ash’s priority to get him out-eventually after Loki proves himself just as worthy, Ash finds pride in having him by his side-Loki cools down a bit and together they give off yakuza powercouple vibes
MESA X TRINITY-amazing synergy on the battlefield and off of it-mesa is very hard on herself-trinity is very patient and loving-both are protecting each other more than themselves-mesa feels like she’s not deserving of trinity but for sure won’t say no to the opportunity-trinity is a pacifist but she’d kill for mesa-mesa loves practicing with ash- both likes pushing their limits- trinity then has some bandaging to do on her-mesa visits vauban from time to time for gun augmentation-trinity is helping/nursing people in her free time
RHINO X NYX-the muscle and the mind-rhino is excal’s right hand man and he spends most time with him-nyx is part of the young’uns squad and spends most time with them or sleeping-they are very casual together-no one knows how they even got together it jsut sort of happened-rhino never lost the pink glasses, even though nyx is a sloppy couch potato gremlin-nyx is the boss-nyx tries to look unimpressed of having the hot kind beefy bf
EXCALIBUR X VALKYR-Excal used to spend the most time with Mag, Volt, Rhino and Frost before-after being chosen as the leader, he took huge amount of responsibility while making Rhino his right hand man-working more with all the frames, he faces the tough task of making all these different characters work together in unity - one of the more problematic ones being Valkyr-Excal takes extra time off to make a personal visit to Valkyr’s quarters to try and let her trust him more-she doesn’t let him at first, but even though he has no experience of dealing with someone so unstable and skittish, he finds a way of making her feel calm and secure-he keeps an extra eye on her in battle and pays her compliments about her skills afterwards-to show her his trust in her, he makes her his right hand woman as well after taking few of her concerns and ideas and decissions more than into consideration -Rhino being the voice of reason and Valkyr trusting her senses and taking risks is a perfect balance between setting Excal on the right path
SARYN / LIMBO-saryn- single by choice / limbo- single NOT by a choice-strong independent saryn who needs no partner / weak dependent limbo who desperatedly wants a laid-saryn- very desired / limbo- gentleman with no game-she doesn’t mind the attention but she makes it obvious that she’s not interested / he craves the attention and is oblivious to people not being interested-saryn- the hot mom of the team / limbo - the wine uncle of the team
NEKROS X OBERON (X NIDUS)-(lots of nekobe HCs i got from lotusshim554 so go check their stuff out!)-Nekros joined later and Oberon was one of the first frames he met; fell in love immediately-Nekros tries too hard, Oberon plays hard to get/isn’t interested-Oberon uses Nekros as an easy “deal with” his heat without any deeper meaning, although Nekros groes even more attached - thinks they are a thing-Oberon enjoys reading or spending time with other mature calm frames, while Nekros tries to be everywhere where he is, just in case-Oberon is sent on a solo mission where he is met with Nidus who he brings back-Nidus has been isolated for too long and lacks lots of manners and empathy, although is very attractive and dangerous looking; catching Oberon’s attention-Oberon clings to Nidus more than he ever showed interested in Nekros and Nidus uses that against Nekros-Nidus, just like Mirage, starts to subvert harmony within the frames for selfish joy-On a mission with these three only, Oberon is facing a decission to help one of those two-Oberon chooses Nekros-Nekros helps Nidus even after everything-after they are back safe and sound, Nidus is locked and watched over, Oberon is coming to terms that after all he chose Nekros and Nekros is in seventh heaven-they become a thing
EMBER X NEZHA-Nezha often catches Ember not keeping her eyes off him which both scares and flatters him-Ember is a known badass tough punk lady, saying it as it is, picking up on people twice her size, not afraid of fight-Nezha is very much aware of fight, very impressionable, feels confident only amongst his friends-Ember is the first one to approach Nezha, she is very casual and straight-to-the-point about stuff she wants-Ember is very grabby and terrirotial of things that are hers-even after being a thing, Nezha’s not sure if he’s aroused or terrified
VAUBAN X NOVA-”sugar daddy” vauban, “petite doll” nova-vauban spends most of his alone time planning and working on tech-nova is paegant girl, scared, unaware of her own potential-nova doesn’t feel good in the company of the other frames, therefore she quietly spends time with vauban in his workplace-vauban teaching curious nova about his creations-nova visting is part of the routine now and vauban makes little gifts for her in exchange
KHORA X HYDROID-the kinky couple-both are very mature, classy and dangerous looking-lots of innuendos-”open” relationship where they are together for the physical aspect of it and for the power couple realness, but neither have problem with the other branching out-khora is desired by many and sometimes gives in to some poor loser’s fantasies-with hydroid’s pirate nature, he really cannot be trusted, yet both him and khora know each other’s game
OCTAVIA X BANSHEE X VOLT X NYX X NEZHA-the young’uns squad-volt the fuckboi leader-banshee the quiet empathic one-octavia the loud diva-nyx the genius sloppy drunk-nezha the hyperactive optimistic one-sometimes includes loki or equinox
OBERON X TITANIA-older brother and younger sister-titania is the more bossy and overprotective one-even though Oberon takes his team as his family, Titania will always come first-Oberon is both her teacher and protector, while Titania gives him courage and talks (yells) sense to him when he gets lost
there were other ships i considered like Mag x Frost, Titania x Ivara,Nidus x Mirage, but i’d stick with those above I’ve mentioned, not everyone has to be paired up and if new dynamic comes to me, i may add to this!
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artemisegeria · 6 years
Love by Design (Chapter 2/?)
Title: Love by Design (Chapter 2/?)
Rating: T
Word count: 3148
Warnings: None for this chapter.  
Summary: Vision makes elaborate foam art as a barista at the coffee shop that his brother owns. One day a new customer comes in, and he completely loses his cool. As she keeps coming back, they grow closer. A casual acquaintance becomes something much more.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16272371
A/N: The shirt that Vision wore on Valentine’s Day in the second half of this chapter was inspired by this wonderful piece of fanart by @lazy-stitch: http://lazy-stitch.tumblr.com/post/177990036362/something-simple-and-soothing-for-the-soul.
Chapter 1
Wanda listened to the fourth audition for the lead role in the school’s production of The Phantom of the Opera. It was the best so far, but she hoped one of the next three students would do better. When the girl finished, Wanda smiled and thanked her. 
After another hour of auditions, Wanda was finally able to go home for the night. The evening passed uneventfully. She rarely did anything on school nights. She simply sat down to a frozen portion of a meal she had batch cooked over the weekend and practiced her instruments for a while. Then, the gentle drone of the television lulled her to sleep on her sofa. 
Wanda opened her eyes and stretched, rolling her shoulders and trying to work out the crick in her neck. It took her a moment to realize that the sun was unusually bright. She cursed when she looked over her shoulder and saw the time on her microwave clock. Running into her room to throw on clothes, run a brush through her hair, and brush her teeth quickly, she spared a thought that she would not have time to get coffee this morning for the first time in more than a month. 
She took her seldom-used car to save herself a few minutes and managed to make it to her first class just in time for the bell. She tried to play it cool, like the adult she was, but she did notice snickers coming from a few of her students.
By the time lunch came around, her eyelids felt like they were being dragged down by lead weights. Her colleague Mantis knocked on her partially-open door, and Wanda invited her in. “Hello, Wanda.” 
“Hey, Mantis.”
“Are you coming to the lounge for lunch?”
“No, I was going to walk to a coffee shop down the street.” It was solely for necessary caffeine she told herself. It had nothing to do with not having seen Vision that day. “Do you want to come?”
“Oh, that sounds nice.”
As they walked, they made small talk. Wanda always found talking to Mantis soothing. She was Wanda’s favorite person among all her more boisterous colleagues. Mantis always knew exactly what to say and when not to say anything. The shop was a little more crowded than usual, with people scattered at several tables. Fortunately, Vision was the one at the counter. 
He smiled as they approached. “Hello, Wanda.” He nodded politely at Mantis. 
“Hi, Vision. This is my friend Samantha.” 
“Pleasure to meet you. What can I get for you both?” They ordered lattes and sat at the counter. Wanda tried not pay any attention to the way Mantis’s eyes were darting between her and Vision. Mantis was duly impressed with Vision’s foam art, this time an abstract geometric design and another type of flower.
Vision smiled at Wanda as he handed her a cup, the tips of their fingers just barely brushing against each other. Mantis’s scrutiny made Wanda acutely aware of the soft quality to Vision’s eyes when he looked at her. She couldn’t help but return it. “I was hoping everything was alright when you didn’t come in this morning. You haven’t missed a day in weeks.”
Wanda blushed, and she could feel Mantis’s eyes grow even more intent. “Yeah, I just accidentally fell asleep on my couch last night and didn’t hear my alarm until I was almost late for work.”
Vision’s eyes crinkled at the corners as his smile deepened. “Ah, we’ve all done that at one time or another.” He turned his attention back to cleaning the coffee equipment. 
Pausing halfway through wiping down the counter, he asked, “Have you found your leads for Phantom yet?”
“I think so. Not the cream of the crop this year, but they’ll do.”
His eyes moved toward Mantis as he asked, “And what subject do you teach, Samantha?”
“Oh, you can call me Mantis. Everyone I know does. I’m the school counselor.” She looked between Vision and Wanda again, and Wanda hoped that Vision did not notice. “Have you known Wanda long, Vision?”
“A little over two months.” He settled in with an elbow leaning on the counter. She could see the “Why?” burning behind his eyes, but he said nothing more.
Wanda quickly changed the subject to a sci-fi book that she had recently finished based on Vision’s recommendation. It was a good choice because both Mantis and Vision were fans of the work and had read many other works by the author. The conversation kept them distracted until it was time for her and Mantis to return to school.
On their way back, Mantis said, “You didn’t tell me you had a boyfriend, Wanda.” She skipped ahead a few paces and then waited for Wanda to catch up. 
Heat crawled up Wanda’s cheeks. It was almost pleasant in the cold winter air. “I don’t. He just makes me coffee and we chat.”
“It seemed like more than that. He could not stop staring at you.”
“He’s just being nice,” Wanda protested. 
“If you say so.” They walked in silence for a few more minutes when a new thought seemed to strike Mantis. “But you’ve been voluntarily getting up early to come down for coffee every day?” 
“It’s just a nice, relaxed way to start the morning.” Mantis finally let the subject drop, but Wanda knew that she had done nothing to change her mind. They parted ways to head to their afternoon classes, and Wanda tried not to think any more about it.
Vision sat in the local university library on a Saturday, attempting to draft a newer section of his dissertation. His study carrel was full of books, reserved for him over the past few months as he devoted as much time as possible to finishing his work. He enjoyed the quiet atmosphere. There were still a few weeks until mid-terms, so there weren’t many full-time students around. 
His friend Jane pushed a cart past him, restocking the shelves. “How’s the progress today, Vision?” 
“It is all going well enough.” In truth, he had been stuck on the same part for weeks, but he felt it was appropriate to stick to the social niceties. “Thank you for asking.” He ran a hand over his face, trying to clear his mind and take a break from the computer screen. “I think I may be done for today, though.” 
“That’s a good idea. Give yourself a break.” Jane placed a few more books in empty slots. “Hey, before you go, I was wondering if you’d like to come to a party at my house in a few weeks. My boyfriend Thor is visiting from Norway.”
Vision was a little taken aback; he rarely received party invitations. “Why yes, thank you, Jane.”
“Good. I’ll send you the details when it gets closer.” With that she moved on with her cart. 
Wanda entered the coffee shop on a whim one afternoon only to see Vision’s brother at the counter. It was too late to just back out the door because he was already smiling invitingly at her. She wrapped her cardigan more closely around herself. “I’m glad you’re back. You never took me up on my invitation.” He leaned forward against the counter, getting into her personal space. Seeing her step back, he added, “You know, I don’t think we’ve been properly introduced.” His smile flashed brilliantly, in what he must think was a charming manner, but really just showed too many teeth. “I’m Ultron.” It was something of an odd name, but she had no interest in discovering its origin. He gave it to her anyway. “My high school football team gave me that the year we won the state championship. I was the quarterback.” 
“It’s a pleasure to finally get your name, Wanda.” The way he drew out the word “pleasure” and her name exasperated her. For some reason, she always seemed to attract attention from this kind of conceited, overgrown frat boy.
Wanda worked to keep the annoyance out of her voice. “Right, well, I don’t have much time. Could I get a black coffee to go, please?”
“Can’t you spare just a few minutes?”
Wanda forced her mouth to form an apologetic smile. “Unfortunately, I have to get going.” Ultron took his sweet time with her simple order, but he finally handed her the cup. Managing to snatch her hand away before he caught her again, she said a quick thank you and exited the shop.
As she was leaving, Vision was parking in the small parking lot on the side of the shop. He smiled and paused to lean against his car when he saw her. “Hello, Wanda.”
“Hey, Vision.” She grinned back at him. “I’ve never actually seen you outside the shop.” He looked out of place not surrounded by a counter. 
“Well, it is rare that I go out.” She could imagine, what with all the shifts he took on at the shop and his work on his dissertation.
“What was the occasion?”
“I was studying and drafting. My brother hates the sight of my books spread out on the kitchen table.” The image of him with books piled all around him and holding one open in front of him, perhaps with glasses perched low on his nose, was cute.
Drifting closer until she was standing just on the other side of his car, Wanda asked, “How far did you get?” 
“Oh, far enough.” Vision almost seemed to wave the question away, and she suspected it had not been going well, but she didn’t want to press. “How was your yoga class this morning?” 
She chuckled a bit. “The instructor kicked my ass. I need to practice more during the week.” She caught a glimpse of something out of the corner of her eye and noted that Ultron was leaning out of the front door, staring at them. “Sorry, I’d better go. I told your brother I had to leave.”
“Have a pleasant day, Wanda.” 
“You too, Vizh. See you tomorrow.” He no longer questioned why she came in at the same time on Sunday mornings, though she had no good excuse and nowhere to be, and she was grateful not to have to come up with a lame, unconvincing excuse. 
Upon closing, Vision climbed the steps wearily. The lights were off in the living room that separated his and Ultron’s bedrooms. “Don’t even think about it, little brother.” The lights switched on to reveal Ultron just sitting there.
Vision tried not to jump at his brother’s sudden presence. He paused where he stood, hand paused on the handle of his bedroom door. “What do you mean?”
“Wanda is far too hot for you.” Vision sighed internally. He had been afraid that was the direction Ultron was heading. It was one of the main reasons that Vision never let on just how frequently Wanda came to the shop. He supposed that he was being selfish, but he knew that there would never be another peaceful morning conversation if Ultron saw an opportunity to pursue Wanda in earnest. Vision felt less guilty when he considered that Wanda had evinced no interest in being near Ultron. 
“We are friends. There is nothing more between us.” The words were as much to convince himself as to convince Ultron. The more time passed, the more that seeing Wanda Maximoff was the best part of his day. He did not like to give more thought to that than necessary, for fear of losing her friendship, certain that she could never feel the same way.
Ultron gave an exaggerated scoff. “And there never will be. You’re wasting your time. There’s only one reason to be friends with a woman.” 
“I disagree. I simply enjoy her company.” When he had been younger and more naïve, Vision had tried to explain to his brother that he did not think about the same way Ultron did, but he’d given that up long ago. 
Ultron shook his head as he turned on the television, dismissing Vision from his thoughts. “Just keep it that way.”
The next week was Valentine’s Day. Hearts littered the shop, filling every corner with red and pink. Wanda hated Valentine’s Day. The only thing that held her back from expressing her distaste was Vision’s evident enthusiasm. Made clear by everything from the decorations to the special menu items to the white button-down with small pink flowers he wore that day. 
“Here’s your hot chocolate, Wanda. Would you like a cookie as well?” 
“Sure.” He handed her a heart-shaped sugar cookie with pink frosting. “This is delicious. Thanks.” 
“My pleasure. I think Valentine’s Day is my favorite holiday.”
“I never would’ve guessed,” she teased. He sent her an exaggerated frown, and she laughed. 
“Do you have any plans for tonight?” Wanda couldn’t help but imagine that he looked like he was dreading the answer. Their love lives were one of the few subjects they never touched on in their far-reaching conversations.
“Just Skyping with my brother. We always promised to be each other’s Valentines if we were single.” Pietro was only too happy that she was still single as usual.
“I thought you said that your brother was always dating someone.”
“Most of the time, but he hates to start dating someone around Valentine’s Day. He’s convinced the person would think he was much more serious about them than he really was.” She grinned at him. “What about you?”
“Oh, I will just be working. All the students who work part-time requested the night off. I’m happy to oblige and let people celebrate with their loved ones.” Wanda was impressed, but not surprised, by his selflessness. 
“And your brother?” Vision seemed surprised that she was asking. “You said he liked to play the field as much as mine does.”
“He has a date.” She nodded, and he paused, studying her face. “That doesn’t bother you, does it?” 
“No! I haven’t been giving off the impression that I have any interest in your brother’s romantic life, have I?” She didn’t know how she could have; she’d done everything within the bounds of simple politeness to stay away from him.
“No, it’s just that you asked what he was doing tonight, and he has been hoping that you felt favorably toward him.”
“Well, I don’t. Uh, no offense.” He brightened measurably at that. “Please don’t tell him that. I don’t want there to be any tension between us. Where else would I get my coffee?” Wanda hoped that she made it clear that she wasn’t really concerned about the coffee, as much as her friendship with Vision. 
“Your secret is safe with me.” He winked at her, making her heart flutter unexpectedly. 
On a whim, Wanda added, “Maybe I’ll stop by tonight after I’m done talking with my brother.” 
“You’re always welcome.” His beaming lopsided grin made her grateful that she had said something. She imagined that Pietro might look for an excuse to cut the conversation short anyway, as he typically had to get up at 4:30 am for practices.
Wanda looked at her watch and picked up her scarf and coat from the back of the chair. “Gotta go. See you.” 
“Have a good day.”
Even though she had said she might come back, Vision was surprised to see Wanda walk through the front door later that night. The shop was full of teenagers experiencing their first taste of love and gazing into each other’s eyes. It was simultaneously adorable and dispiriting, highlighting his own lack of a love life.
“Good evening, Wanda.” He noted that she was holding back laughter and felt his brow furrow in confusion. “What’s so funny?”
“Hey.” She pointed to the light above his head, over which he’d thrown a gauzy red scarf for added ambiance. “It’s making your hair look pink.”
“Oh.” He ran a hand through his hair self-consciously, certain that his deepening blush would only make him look pink from head to foot. Which only made the blush worse. But Wanda was only smiling gently at him. Vision cleared his throat to change the subject. “What would you like to drink?”
“Herbal tea, please, and do you have any of those cookies from this morning left?” He set a tea bag in some hot water and pulled out a plate from underneath the counter.
Wanda made a little hand-waving gesture of denial. “I don’t want to take it if you were saving it for yourself.”
“Why don’t we split it?”
“Sounds good. Thank you.” He handed her the tea and cut the cookie precisely in two for her.
Vision asked, “How is your brother?”
“He’s enjoying himself at his coaching job. At the number one cross country school in the country as he never fails to remind me.” He chuckled with her at her brother’s boasting, but he noted that her eyes were growing misty. Her brother was the only family member she ever mentioned, and he hesitated to pry into the reason for his silence. Vision had his own family tragedies. “He was teasing me about the weather. It was 70 degrees in Florida today.”
“That does sound lovely.” Someone came to the counter, and Vision excused himself to wait on her. 
Then, they discussed their days. Wanda shared some juicy gossip about some of her students that she couldn’t keep quiet about. How one student named Peter had been living a double life as a graduate teaching assistant at the local university and got caught when his homecoming date’s father recognized him. Vision informed her about some of his recent research, about which she displayed a gratifying level of interest. The shop gradually emptied out as they continued talking. “Is there anything I can do to help you clean up?”
“You don’t have to, Wanda.” He shook his head emphatically as he looked around the shop, surveying what needed to be done before closing. “It will only take me a few minutes.”
“I want to. Besides I was distracting you.” His head ducked slightly. 
“If you insist.” Vision handed her a damp rag. She wiped down the tables, and they both put the chairs up on the tabletops. He quickly swept the floor, which only had a smattering of crumbs on it. “Thank you for your help.”
“Any time. I’ll see you tomorrow morning.” Vision had half-expected her to say that she wouldn’t be in the next day, but he was only too happy that he would see her again in less than twelve hours. 
“Have a good night.” He thought of offering to walk her home, but her apartment was only ten minutes away, and he knew how much she valued her independence. He simply locked up behind her and gave her a final wave where she stood under the streetlamp. 
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heloflor · 6 years
I don't know if you've watched the full S8 finale yet, but what are your thoughts on it?
(Sorry foranswering so late, I was kept busy >_
So I didwatch it entirely and, if it may not be my favourite finale, it’sdefinitely a really interesting and entertaining one (and hey ! It starts withDerpy so it can only be good !). Now, for my thoughts of it, here’s some kindof review :
First off,I like the way they made the story. It’s interesting to have two differentplots, making it possible to focus on the school while still making the Mane 6be active (but I must admit ��To Where And Back Again” is my second favouritefinale and the mane 6 are barely doing anything, but it’s true that the contextwas different). Although, the mane 6 plot feels a bit too rushed in my opinion.Like, by the end of the first part, the only thing left in their plot was totake magic to open the door while at the same moment Cozy Glow still hadn’ttaken over the school. But despite it, it’s still a good way to make the plotaround the school and justify the mane 6 absence while still having their questbe shown.
Now, forthe scenario, in the little scenes I saw before the entire thing, one of themwas the scene with Rarity complaining about being unable to brush her tail andI must admit seeing only this scene made it hilarious because this is so much asituation in which you can have 2/3 of ponykind being like “geeze, it suresucks to live like a pegasus or earth pony, you know, what we are -_-“. Buthonestly the episode made a pretty good job to avoid this “unicorns/alicornsare superior” cliché thanks to scenes showing that magic is actually everywherein their world, like how we see Pinkie’s food not lasting or Rainbow sayingshe’s unable to move the clouds. So yeah, it’s another good thing.
As for themagic disappearing plot, it’s an interesting one. It’s great to see howEquestria would actually struggle at all levels without magic (although itfeels like they may still be able to survive, it would just need some bigadaptations, especially in terms of making food last or dealing with anunpredictable weather) and I like how they tied it with Tirek, a magic stealercreature; which makes sense to accuse him. Though, I’m kind of weird out as tohow the artefacts are able to take magic like that. I know Tirek told Cozy howto do it so there must be something behind it but still…and speaking of it, howdoes Tirek know about the power of 6 artefacts coming from species he may notknow nothing about ?? (considering he wanted to take Equestria’s magic in atime when ponies were enemies with other species (Changelings, Dragons,possibly Griffons) or didn’t care about them (Yaks, Hippogriffs) )
Now, I wantto talk about Cozy individually so let’s skip the school part for now and talkabout Tartarus. It’s really interesting to finally see this place after yearsof knowing it exist. However, I kind of have two issues about it. First of, itlooks so small ! I mean, it’s true that there’s some kind of path on the cornerof the screen in one scene but overall it’s just a long corridor with Tirek’s prisonat the end of it ! Isn’t it supposed to be the equivalent of hell or at leastsome big prison ? And my second issue, also partly related to what the place issupposed to be : why are there so many creatures from Everfree ?! What are theydoing there ? Sure, they attacked the ponies but when you think of it they’rejust wild animals living in a forest who is known to be threatening; andhalf these animals have been tamed in the past by Fluttershy who says here thatthey aren’t monsters !
Seriously :
- thechicken thing (Cockatrice in French but I’m not sure of the English name) canbe easily tamed and lives in Everfree which, again, is considered as adangerous place that ponykind should avoid.
- theManticore is the same deal but less dangerous (because you don’t instantly diesby looking at them)
- theTiger/Goat/Serpent chimera lives in a random place full of fire and I’m prettysure not a lot of ponies go there (well, yeah, you have Starlight, Trixie andthose mail ponies but like Applejack they probably know how to remain safes)
- thebugbear seems more of a threat but can still be defeated and sent back toEverfree
Also areyou telling me that random animals are sent in hell because they arepotentially a threat but next to that actual threats like Chrysalis arefree ? Really ? So yeah, I’m sorry but having these creatures here just feellike the creators being too lazy to create new species (although it’s true thatwe see other cages with creatures but they aren’t put under the spotlight)
- and yetthe Timberwolves, the ones who were seen as the most dangerous animals inEverfree, aren’t here
…You knowwhat ? When you consider it, these animals being here actually get rid of oneplot-hole : Everfree being a forest with no creatures and “pretty littleflowers” in “The Mean 6”  X)
But despitethese two points, the scenes in Tartarus are very interesting. The moments withFluttershy are just amazing. Honestly, the scene when she comforts thecreatures and the one with Cerberus are adorable and her expression when sheencourage the creatures is just the best ! Also, when Twilight drains the magicof the others, I find it quite interesting to see them being actual differentseparated animals when magic-less…and then I started to think of how much of azoo it would be if Discord had to give his magic like that and now I can’t stopimagining the bunch of animals that he is all snuggling against Fluttershywhile a grey stallion with a tornado cutie mark (and a grey horn instead of ablue one I guess since the antlers would have given an other animal ?) would belooking away, blushing while saying something like “I swear they all have amind of their own, it’s definitely not my feelings rubbing on them !”. (sorry;I’m a shipper)
Anotherthing I love about these scenes is the moment they decide to weaponize PinkiePie. It’s just always funny when her randomness is used to make people loosetheir shit (and hey ! At least we know that Pinkie still has her magic in sucha crisis !) and, as badass as Tirek can be, it still fits to see him beingharassed by Pinkie. But honestly we need more situations with Pinkie or evenFluttershy being weaponized (and with Flutters, it would be her cuteness, likeher puppy eyes in “Fluttershy Leans In”). Seriously, you know you need toweaponize someone when you have episodes like “To Where And Back Again” inwhich the enemy uses one of the protagonists as a weapon (aka theFluttershy trap).
Now, aboutthe student 6…to be honest, I didn’t find their appearance to be as “strong” asin some previous episodes. I mean, clearly they are the ones saving the schooland we see them working together and all; but, in my opinion, Cozy is the onewho completely steals the show in the school plot. Although, I like how, foronce, we saw a bit more of Sandbar; and I like how his first thoughts againstthe Chancellor was to make sure to be out to get help, giving him kind of aclever side. Also, random detail but I like how he’s called a child but isvisibly taller than the CMCs, reminding that the trio are still pre-teens, like11-12 while Sandbar is probably like 15. And speaking of the CMCs, it’s good tofinally see them in a premiere/finale; but their role is kind of limited,making it a bit sad.
But I mustadmit, the student 6 are still a delight to watch and their interactions arestill great and adorable. Though, a little thing that kind of bothers me is howthey don’t trust Cozy from the beginning. I mean, coming from Smolder or evenGallus, I’m not surprised considering where they come from. But for the others,it just feels like they don’t trust her because they’re main characters; andeven if at one point they show Sandbar liking how friendly she is, if Iremember correctly the feeling is quickly dismissed by the rest of the group.
One last thingI really liked is this shot at the end with the princesses and an entire army,including both day and night guards, which is a good touch. Although I do havean issue about this scene but I’ll talk about it later on the post.
Now, withmost the story said, I wanted to go back to two characters : the twoantagonists (god is this post going to be long)
First off,Tirek. When I saw him in the SDCC trailer, I was really hyped to see him again,and honestly I wasn’t disappointed. Sure, he isn’t as badass and intimidatingas he previously was, but that was the point of it; and if they did add humoraround him, he still feels like a good character. He’s clearly in a badsituation, put into a cell with no way to escape. So when a random pony askshim about how to steal magic, it’s not surprise that he finds it funny andcan’t resist helping her out. After all, he has nothing to loose; and seeingthe mane 6 in a bad situation surely feels like revenge to him (at least untilthey reminded him that they were stuck with him and they deployed Pinkie onhim). And despite that bad situation, he’s clearly in control in his firstdialogue with the group since he’s the one with the answers they seek; and heclearly has fun about it (and even making Pinkie uncomfortable…sighs I swear if people made fanart of Pinkieflirting with the statue in Griffonstone, there’s going to be weird shit aboutthis episode…). However, I found it a bit sad that none of his previousappearance was really mentioned. Seriously, if someone starts the show withthis season (like kids who only watch on TV), all they will no about him isthat he once was a threat and stole magic. But they won’t know anything abouthow he stole magic and was able to use it, about how he manipulated Discord oreven how Twilight had to face him with all alicorn’s magic in an epic fight.The only callback we have seems to be how Fluttershy was the most scared aboutthe idea of Tirek coming back, considering that Twilight and her were the oneswho went through the worst during Tirek’s attack (with Twi having to deal withthe biggest responsibility alone and Flutters going through Discord’sbetrayal); and even so I think she’s shown as being terrified because she’sFluttershy, not because of what happened in the past…
So yeah,good appearance and personality but maybe more callbacks may have been good(and heck, in “Twilight’s Kingdom”, Tirek teams up with Discord before beingbeaten by friendship and here he’s penpals with Cozy. Honestly there wasmaterial for a small callback)
As for thesecond villain, Cozy Glow, gosh is she great ! Honestly it was obvious thatshe’s the manipulative little kid but damn ! It’s almost Gideon’s level(character from “Gravity Falls”); and I just love it ! Especially forone detail I think : she’s powerless. Until now, all antagonists were eithermagic beasts with their own abilities (Discord, Tirek) or had a horn to usemagic (Nightmare moon, Chrysalis, Sombra, Starlight, Stygian). But Cozy Glow ?She’s a simple pegasus. So it’s understandable why she would try to puteveryone on her side, especially considering she actually seeks friendship forpower. And her ways to manipulate are really felt. When she talks to theChancellor or the student 6 in front of the rest of the school, she doesn’thesitate to cut the others and she clearly has full control of theconversations. Also her evil laugh just sounds creepily crazy and it’s great.But um…maybe the skull and the mane 6 dolls were a bit too much…
Anotherthing I really like about her is how she’s the reasons Neighsay had achange of heart through some good cruel irony : during the entire season,Neighsay had been shown to fear the student 6, claiming that they would usemagic as a form of power against Equestria. But suddenly, he finds himself infront of a pony who is doing exactly what he feared (and thenlater on the student 6 helping him surely made him truly see they don’t wishany harm). And speaking of that, little detail but I like how Cozy is actuallymad when the Chancellor push away the student 6 files, because to her they aremembers of the school that she can use.
But yeah,Cozy truly is a good villain who really knows how to keep control over thesituation. Also, it’s kind of genius how they still reminded us that she’sstill a child with how she used fricking duct tape to stick the school’slogo on her crown. One last good thing I could say about her is how she mayeasily go into the category of strong villains and one of the things making itpossible is that, when you think of it, she doesn’t have a backstory (unlikeactually all the others pony threats), making her being evil just to be evil.
As fornegative points, honestly I would give just one : the fact that Celestiadecided to sent her to Tartarus, literally hell while next to that youstill have Chrysalis on the run, Chrysalis who isn’t a child unlikeCozy.
Finally, Iwanted to point out some random details that I find a bit bothering but theyare more stuff like what you may find in a “Everything Wrong With” video so it may be a bit picky :
- Why isYona always the one who almost die ?! Hasbro, what do you have against thatpoor adorable thing ?
- It mayjust be me who wanted it to be more explicit but the way the three days are putis a bit confusing. Like, when they went to Canterlot, it was the first day.But then, when they leave the school, we only see one night happening andbefore it creatures already lost their power so does that mean they went awayon the second day ? Again, it’s being extremely picky but it kind of bothers me(and again, these points are the kind you can find in “EWW” videos who aren’tpopular to never be picky).
-Additionally, it means that the mane 6 took less than 24 hours to reachTartarus, which is who knows where.
- So by thetime they are in Canterlot and get Starswirl’s letter, it’s the first day,which means that creatures still have their magic…I know it has always been abig plot-hole but why couldn’t Fluttershy or Spike call for a noodle godex-machina ? Or at least mention him or saying something like him sending aletter telling them that he refused to try solving their problem if it meantrisking loosing his magic or something (and speaking of this, if the Chaosrealm is affected by what happens, considering the creatures living in it, I’mpretty sure Discord almost died after the second day).
- Twilighttelling Rarity that she finally learned that she couldn’t save the worldalone…um…guys…you’re doing an episode with Tirek in it and yet you forgot about“Twilight’s Kingdom” ? You know, the episode where the mane 6 say about how inthe past they were standing the same way in front of the Everfree forest andTwilight said something like “And at that time I was foolish enough to think Icould do it alone”; or how Twi wanted to warn her friends about the shit happeningbut Celestia told her to keep it secret. So yeah, Twilight learned likefour seasons ago that she needed her friends, and they are aware of it.
- Twilightsays at one point that she went to Tartarus in the past, but when ?? Was itwhen she brought back Cerberus in season 2 or did we miss something cool thatwasn’t shown ?
- How doesTirek know that Twilight is the princess of friendship ? Wasn’t she called thatway after he was defeated ?
- Sandbarbeing out of apples in an apple farm…I’m sorry but he just wanted tokill Apple Bloom (heck, looking at the episode to write that part of the post,he has a fricking anvil next to him !).
- Soapparently there’s a fricking mail system in hell ? And no one checks theletters of the most dangerous creature kept here ? Really ?
- As saidbefore, how can the artefacts take magic like that ? And how can Starlight betrapped in it ?
- The treeex-machina. Honestly I already found it confusing to have the three being underthe school (how did it get here ?? From Twilight’s castle ?) but having himacting and even making the elements out of the student 6 just feels like someex-machina save (although I easily forgive it because the elements being someex-machina stuff has always been a thing)
- Celestiaand Luna being like “An evil centaur trying to steal magic ? A god of Chaos ?An evil king ? meh, let’s get rid of it by ourselves. What ? A child with nomagic took over a school full of ponies who will surely listen to us, theleaders of the country, rather than this kid ? WE NEED THE ARMY !”. Seriously,what the heck Celestia ? It’s a kid ! And she’s not even an unicorn !
- Alsowasn’t it shown from Rainbow that pegasis can still fly ? Why didn’t theprincesses went to the school flying, possibly with some pegasis guards ? Andwhy do they start flying the moment they get their magic back ?!
- Again,they sent a kid to hell ! What the heck Celestia ?! EvenTirek is like “wait what ?” !
Phew, well here are my thoughts about this episode !I hope it’s not too annoying to read considering how long it is !  
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shirlleycoyle · 3 years
Did Zack Snyder Draw A Picture of Batman Going Down on Catwoman? An Investigation
Over the weekend, director Zack Snyder—a man who Mr. Magoo'd his way into having control over the cinematic presentation of DC Comics for many years and is an avowed fan of Batman—posted an image of the Dark Knight performing cunnilingus on Catwoman. Since that time, I have not known peace. I must know who drew it.
Like the two women at the counter of the coffee shop where I bought the iced coffee that was necessary to begin this investigation, I am so desensitized to pornography involving cartoon characters that at first this image barely registered. The necessary context is that, apparently  in response to the ongoing conversation about DC's decree that Batman canonically doesn't eat pussy, Snyder, who once directed a movie called Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and was for a long time as in control as anyone else was of DC lore, posted a drawing of Batman going down on Catwoman. He captioned it "canon." I guess!
As time went on, theories began to emerge about who drew the image. Snyder fans—and to be clear, he is a divisive figure in the multiple fandoms oriented toward and revolving around various DC brands—propose that he, personally, drew it. A major aspect of this theory is that Snyder didn't provide any information about the image when he posted it, at all. The image doesn't even have a signature. Running it through a reverse image search yields nothing from before Snyder posted it. The drawing seems to have appeared from the ether.
Representatives for Snyder didn't respond to requests for comment, leaving Motherboard unable to put the question of whether he drew this image of Batman satisfying his longtime love interest and occasional fiancé with his own hand. A Motherboard review of footage from the DVD extras of Watchmen—a movie directed by Snyder that I definitely saw in theaters and remember absolutely none of—suggests that Snyder is a talented draughtsman, and may well be capable of having drawn this image. We cannot definitively establish, though, whether or not he did so by putting the question directly to him, and so had to turn elsewhere in search of answers. 
Logically, there are only so many options here. It's possible that, as some fans are beginning to think, Snyder drew it himself; it's also possible, though, that it's a panel from an existing comic book or a piece of fan art, whether preexisting or commissioned personally by Snyder.  Roy T. Cook, a professor of philosophy at the University of Minnesota who specializes in the aesthetics of popular art, told Motherboard that it seems unlikely that it comes from something DC published.
"If this were from a comic, it would certainly be well known given its content, and hence would have been identified by fans or scholars by now," Cook said. "So it’s almost certainly a custom piece of art."
In theory this would narrow things down some, but the sheer ubiquity of Batman-related pornography means that there are still too many images to anyone to sift through. On the pornographic website Rule 34—named for the humorous "rule," which functions with the force and power of a basic law of physics, that anything that exists will also have porn of it on the internet—there are more than 400 images with both the tags "Catwoman" and "Batman." The image Snyder posted can be found there, but was only added after he tweeted it, and notes Snyder's tweet as the original source. It is not hard at all to find an image of Batman eating out Catwoman. Finding one that no one has ever seen before is much harder.
It's possible to inferentially establish that this image is unique to Snyder, whether as something he commissioned or as something he had unique access to and chose to put on the internet. The question consuming many fans, though, is the one of whether he personally drew it. Experts in comic book art doubt that he did. Both of the comic-art brokers that responded to Motherboard's requests for comment said that they definitely don't think Snyder drew it. Details noted about the art style offer food for thought.
"I would say that [Frank] Miller is most certainly an influence/inspiration for the style of the image Snyder tweeted. Dark Knight Returns and all. Gritty stuff," Douglas Gillock, vice-president of the comic art brokerage ComicLink, said. (He was referring to the writer/artist whose mid-80s Batman comics set the tone for all the many, many grim and bleak interpretations of the billionaire who does kung-fu at muggers that have dominated pop culture for decades. Miller's Batman comics have been critiqued as fascistic but could also be read as brilliant parodies of fascistic excess; complicating the question is Miller's later-career turn toward things like a comic where Batman murdered Muslims to avenge 9/11, which was rejected by DC and subsequently repackaged as Holy Terror, a comic where a thinly-veiled Batman stand-in murdered Muslims.)  "I would also say that I also see some David Mazzucchelli here. He was an artist that was also influenced by Miller. He did the art on the Batman: Year One run, which Miller wrote. Pretty sure that is where that particular iteration of Catwoman's costume came from in the modern era too. A similar version was used for the Paul Dini/Bruce Timm Batman animated series."
Gillock's interpretations seem correct. Notably, the outfit that Catwoman is wearing in the image that Snyder tweeted is purple—the color used in most Miller versions of the character—while many popular depictions of the character have her wearing black. It also features cat ears, which not all of her costumes have; this design was favored by Miller and used not only in Year One, but in a special wedding issue of Batman written by Tom King—a renowned comic book writer who spent much of his run on Batman making it canonical that Batman and Catwoman fall in love and get married with the insistent energy of a Livejournal poster embroiled in a shipwar—and featuring a Miller drawing of Catwoman wearing this exact costume. 
Snyder's Miller fandom cannot be overstated. He directed 300, based on the Miller graphic novel. He recreated scenes from The Dark Knight Returns in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice in exactingly specific detail, even where it made no sense to do so. Like Miller, Snyder has used his work to promote and exult in vaguely fascist iconography. (Unlike Miller, for Snyder the appeal seems to be mostly aesthetic.) Snyder's fandom for Miller is so intense and specific  that the details in the shading, the coloring, and the costumes depicted in the image of Batman face down in Catwoman's super soaker pussy stand out as ones a fan steeped in Miller's work would not only appreciate, but commission or create, if they were able to. Especially on Selina's legs and head, the specific way that the image is shaded looks a lot like the way that Miller draws Catwoman. In both Snyder's tweet and the image from King's Batman, the shading on Catwoman's suit consists of black swirls and circles. (Miller's image is a lot more stylized than what Snyder posted, though, with Catwoman's spine curving exaggeratedly, like an actual cat's would.)
It should be noted that one thing we know about Snyder is that he's a passable artist, at least from the storyboards he's released for a few of his films. According to a profile in Bloomberg, he studied painting for a year before transferring to film school. It's difficult to tell, but when I look at this blurry screenshot of one of Snyder's sketchbooks where he shows off a drawing he did of Watchmen's Silk Spectre kicking a Nazi in the back of the head, it kinda looks like the same general body proportions as Catwoman as she's getting eaten out by Batman. In particular, both Silk Spectre and Catwoman have pretty sturdy thighs, though comparing a fully colored and inked image to a sketch is not going to yield conclusive results.
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Image Source: League of Mayhem
DC, several art history professors, noted Snyder enthusiast Armond White, and Tom King did not respond to requests for comment. In absence of their authoritative input, as well as Snyder's, it seems Motherboard will never know for sure whether Zack Snyder spent the weekend drawing Batman eating box. But my friend and film critic Nadine Smith pointed out something important to me as I discussed this mystery with her: With any other director, this wouldn't even be a question. Snyder's fandom for comics, which somehow is for the exact opposite things about the genre that I admire, is nevertheless deep and powerful to the extent that he forced a major studio to release a four-hour uncut version of the Justice League fanfiction he filmed at a cost of hundreds of millions of dollars. He's always expected to do the most, and could not surprise anyone by doing anything that demonstrated the depth of his passion.
"If anyone else posted it, we would probably assume they just found some fanart," Smith told me. "But like, Snyder would."
Did Zack Snyder Draw A Picture of Batman Going Down on Catwoman? An Investigation syndicated from https://triviaqaweb.wordpress.com/feed/
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messrsmemoirs · 7 years
This may be random, but I always kinda wondered this. When Remus was bitten by Fenrir Greyback as a child, where do you think he bit him. I always imagined a place like his shoulder or arm, but what do you think? Also, I assume it would scar? Do you think he was ever ashamed or insecure about that?
Now this is an interesting question. And I’ve had some lengthy conversations with one meerkat in particular about it, and it’s safe to say that this is one of those things that differs widely between Remus fans. I’ve seen fanart–brilliant, all of them–that never seem to depict it in the same place. So I like to think about it logically, which… when dealing with wizards, and often times with Remus, is never as simple as it sounds.
First we have to deal with sifting through what we know concretely about the night of the attack.
At the time, Voldemort was making strong headway in his first rise to power. There was an uptick in the number of attacks and sightingsfrom Dark Creatures, who unbeknownst to the Ministry at the time were being recruited by Voldemort in unheard of numbers at the time. In order to investigate the cause of the attacks and put a stop to the fear, the Ministry called in all experts on Dark Creatures, including those in “lower”, less dangerous classifications like the Boggart or the poltergeist. Enter Lyall Lupin, encountering Fenrir Greyback as part of a Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creaturesinvestigation for the deaths of two Muggle children.
Right away, that gives us one very important piece of information: that Fenrir Greyback was already experienced in his signature attack style just in the year 1965, well before the 1990s. In fact, he was experienced enough that he was even under investigation–though not well known, because he was able to convince the committee that he was just a Muggle tramp despite what (I hope) was a reasonable trail of evidence that eventually (hopefully) lead to the families getting some kind of reparations.
Anyway, this is a man who knows his intended victim well enough to isolate them from their families before he transformed and was out of his own control. We can argue that Greyback “works” with his wolf, that he can target someone whilst transformed, but there’s no evidence to suggest anything other than a blind bloodlust which will attack anyone. In other words, if a werewolf fails to isolate his intended target before moonrise, his wolfish self will likely seek an easier target despite all intents to the contrary. That’s why Greyback actually forced open Remus’ bedroom window while he slept. That’s how he got in.
Here’s where things get messy:
In order to force open the window, I assume that Greyback is in his final minutes as a human. I assume that he needs his thumbs and his human intelligence to do so. Pottermore states that Lyall “reached the bedroom in time to save his son’s life”, which to me seems to indicate that it took him some time, because more than hearing Remus’s screams, falling out of bed, stumbling down the hallway and reaching the bedroom, first thing’s first: Greyback had to transform. Remus has told us how brutally painful, how agonizing it is to transform into a werewolf. I think even a man who relishes in it would still scream. And so he did, waking up a four year old boy trapped in his bedroom.
Remus’ transformation in PoA is exactly five lines long. Five tiny lines in a scene with major plot implications, and one that I expect was deliberately kept short both for moving the story onward and to save the readers a gruesome experience. Magic aside, we have to be a tiny bit honest: the logistics of going from man to beast takes just slightly longer than five lines. It takes time, it takes energy, and it’s not a small chunk of change. And what’s to stop a target escaping while the transformation happens, like Peter did many years later? I have a strange gut feeling that Greyback would also have blocked the door before he transformed, trapping Remus and also further preventing a timely intervention by the only armed wizard in the home. I picture Lyall trying the doorknob, then pounding desperately on the door to try and force it, and then finally, desperately, taking his wand and blasting it open and blowing the werewolf away from tiny, crumpled form of his son in one terrifying and heart-wrenching moment. All the while Remus screams, and Greyback had to actually be driven out of the house with multiple powerful curses. So he likely escaped punishment in the end unless Lyall barged into the Ministry later on and demanded justice. But how can they prove it was one specific werewolf, when, as we saw, they couldn’t even decide if Greyback even was a werewolf at that time?
But back to the attack. Have an interesting tidbit:
In the late nineteenth century the great English authority on werewolves, Professor Marlowe Forfang, undertook the first comprehensive study of their habits. He found that nearly all those he managed to study and question had been wizards before being bitten. He also learned from the werewolves that Muggles ‘taste’ different to wizards and that they are much more likely to die of their wounds, whereas witches and wizards survive to become werewolves. [x]
That right there means that there’s something beyond pure bloodlust when a werewolf attacks. Sure, a werewolf will attack anyone and everyone blindly, without pause. But they are magical creatures. And they are creatures that are physically incapable of reproducing sexually. (See the pack of wolves in the Forbidden Forest for more on that.) This means that the only way for the werewolf to procreate and ensure the survival of the species is to infect another human with lycanthropy, most commonly via the transfer of saliva during a bite. And Muggles are most likely to die after a bite. This give the werewolf a biological incentive to seek out magical people. Still, werewolf bite victims do still die, and probably with some regularity. After all, bloodlust is a powerful drug. And an animal can’t always resist going a little too far. Sometimes there just isn’t enough inhibition. It’s nasty business.
Fenrir Greyback has killed. He killed those two Muggle children. And he’s been known to transform in whole crowds, using himself as a weapon of mass destruction. He purposely ruins lives. Greyback is okay with murder, but that isn’t what he wants. His purpose in life is to create as many werewolves as he can; to infect as many innocent people as he can. And more than inflicting maximum suffering (which I am not about to argue that he did not want to cause, because he most definitely did), turning children means that there’s less chance of escape, less change of a physical struggle, less chance of lasting damage. Children are more fragile than the standard adult, but then, children also recover quicker.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think it was as simple as that. Children squirm. Terrified children squirm like their life depends on it, which in this case, it very much does. When Remus heard the sounds of Greyback transforming and awoke, his first instincts would either be to hide or to flee. He’s not quite 5 years old. What else can he do? And so my guess would be that he tried to run, first to his parents’ room which if Greyback were smart he would have blocked off. But he could also have tried to make a run for the closet, or tried hiding under the bed.
Or, honestly, he may have cowered right there in his bed, frozen. Either way, the werewolf probably pounced at him, knocking him down. Remus would have been scratched by the claws. And his instincts would have driven his arms up to protect his face and head and neck, to use them as a shield. This is most likely where he was bitten, and in the violence of it all there is no way it was one of those “clean”-looking dotted rows. Dog bites take a variety of shapes. ... I looked. Remus would probably have been swatting, hitting, kicking... He may have been bitten on his legs, too, or on his bare feet. Honestly it really depends on how the attack actually happened, and we have very little detail about that traumatizing event to say. We may even go so far as to suggest that it wasn’t just a single bite, because these kinds of things are just so chaotic and messy. We just don’t know, but logically it makes a lot of sense for it to be on his arm in an attempt to shield himself. So that’s where I tend to hover.
And yes, they would scar. All werewolf injuries scar, no matter how minor. They’re cursed, and thus leave a permanent reminder. And supposing that the bite mark and other scars are present on his arms, Remus would likely try to hide behind long-sleeve shirts at all times. People stare at scars. We’re all told not to, but sometimes we just do anyway, without even noticing. Even without a stigmatizing illness to hide, the scars, if gruesome or large, or glaring, are noticeable. Many are not: Remus is able to lie and claim he has an obnoxious cat, etc, and we have the story about the badly behaved rabbit. But nonetheless, any scar to Remus is an open invitation, a question waiting to be asked, and it would be something he would not want. So yes, I do think there would be insecurity.
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roseymoseyberry · 8 years
Pin-Up (one-shot)
Because these days I need distractions, and what better distraction is there than robots in lingerie?
Truthfully, this fanart by @larrydraws (link is nsfw) has haunted me for literal months now, so I finally decided to sit down and write something about it. And here’s the results of that, haha.
And I went with Swerve as Minimus’s partner which means there ended up being fluff for days.
Title: Pin-Up
Series: MTMTE/LL, no specific point in the timeline besides after everyone found out about Minimus
Pairing: Minims/Swerve
Rating/Warnings: M or E for sexual content (lingerie kink, sticky, oral and penetrative), fluff, and Swerve using the nickname Minnie. I was definitely imagining the fanart for how the lingerie looks. Only difference are I made the stockings sheer and Minimus is in his irreducible form.
Fic Summary:
Swerve had called them ‘Pin-Ups.’
Or he had once he had gotten over the initial embarrassment of Minimus catching him scrolling through his small archive of them on one of his many datapads filled with human media.
Swerve had called them ‘Pin-Ups.’
Or he had once he had gotten over the initial embarrassment of Minimus catching him scrolling through his small archive of them on one of his many datapads filled with human media.
Minimus did not fully understand just what had his lover wound so tightly about them. The way Swerve acted wasn’t unusual for when he was breaking rules or generally felt guilty – Minimus had long figured out that particular pattern of facial expressions and physical ticks.
But there was nothing about the images that Minimus found particularly objectionable.
The humans wore relatively less clothing than most humans Minimus had ever interacted with, some practically bare even, but that held little importance. Cybertronians as a species and culture had never bothered with clothing the way that many organic species did, so nudity hardly bothered Minimus. Beyond that, the images didn’t seem all that special. They shared an aesthetic style with common themes and poses, but that was all that Minimus took from them.
Minimus had not even realized that the images were meant to titillate until Swerve had shyly explained what set Pin-Ups apart from just any other images of humans.
For all of a moment, Minimus had thought he had figured it out.
“So you’re attracted to humans?”
Clearly embarrassed and flustered, Swerve’s frame had dumped heat out of his vents as he hurriedly stumbled over words insisting that no, his interest in human media was totally pure, that one time he started up a human pornography film had been an accident, honest—
Minimus had been quick to retract his hypothesis.
Ultimately, Swerve admitted it was, in fact, the clothing itself that drew his attention.
“Look, this is gonna sound weird, but there’s just something about lingerie that I can’t get out of my processor? It’s like – here, hold on, let me just--” With servos that still trembled a bit, Swerve picked up the datapad and started to swipe until he found an appropriate example. Minimus scooted himself so he was sitting shoulder-to-shoulder with Swerve, both to see the datapad with greater ease and because physical contact typically lessoned anxiety, regardless of which of them – or even at times both of them – was anxious.
Swerve’s servos had become steadier, holding the datapad with one and pointing with the other.
“The stockings were what I noticed first, because they seem pretty useless, right?” His digit pointed out the sheer fabric stretched up the human’s legs, tracing the article of clothing from their feet to their thighs. He indicated another piece of clothing as he continued, “Panties I get because they don’t have natural ways of covering their junk--”
“Genitalia,” Minimus corrected before he could stop himself. Luckily, it just startled a laugh out of Swerve. His frame relaxed a bit more against Minimus’s.
“Right, you’re right. So obviously they want to cover that. I mean, I even get other clothes for the most part, because they don’t have armor or paintjobs, but these stockings – they’re so thin! You can literally see their skin through them, and they don’t even stay up without the garter. And then garters are completely pointless beyond holding up the stockings!” Swerve twisted his shoulders a bit to better glance at Minimus. “I mean, if we’re being honest, even the panties aren’t really doing much either besides covering.”
“And even then just barely,” Minimus agreed. His processor had already started to work on the same puzzle that Swerve had found himself with. “So you’re looking at these images to try to figure out the purpose of the clothing?”
Swerve’s in-vent hitched.
“Uh, well, no.”
Minimus turned his gaze with raised optic ridges. He watched as Swerve glanced between him and the datapad, his servo making a couple aborted motions before finally the fellow minibot blurted, “I think I figured it out pretty quick, actually.”
After a moment passed, Minimus pushed, “And?”
Swerve sucked his bottom lip between his dentae and settled his focus on Minimus. “I don’t want to frag a human, ok?”
“I don’t, I just – I need you to know that because I know about the jokes that go around the ship sometimes and if they knew about this it wouldn’t help at all--”
Minimus reached his servo out to cup Swerve’s cheek and keep his face turned towards his. “If you tell me that this is the truth, then I will believe you.”
“Yeah?” His voice was quiet, but already Minimus could see the corners of his lips curling up, already comforted by words he had heard before.
Minimus couldn’t help an ex-vent that sounded suspiciously like a chuckle. “Do I seem irresponsible enough to court someone I don’t trust?”
There was always a wobbly quality to the smile that Swerve would wear when Minimus freely reassured him.
“Ultra Magnus, the former Enforcer of the Tyrest Accord, otherwise known as Minimus Ambus of the House of Ambus?” Swerve asked dramatically, only to dissolve into a giggle when Minimus quickly corrected “Former Duly Appointed Enforcer.” Finally his frame was completely at ease against Minimus’s. “No, can’t say that does sound right at all. I guess you really have made the mistake of trusting me.”
“I have yet to regret that decision. So,” Minimus started, tilting his helm towards the datapad, “tell me the purpose of lingerie.” 
It made sense in a purely theoretical understanding.
“It’s a tease.”
But Minimus had to admit that by the end of their discussion, when he looked at the images they still held little interest for him. Whatever erotic potential that Swerve saw there was beyond what Minimus could glean from the outfits.
“It’s like ‘here’s my leg, you can see my bare skin, but it’s still covered so you aren’t actually seeing it’, you know? Ok, I know, that sounds contradictory, but it’s – it’s bare but also it’s covered by this sheer material, so it’s not naked but also super naked. You can see their leg and you know what it’s like underneath, you can see it all, but also you still want to see more.”
That was fine though. It didn’t bother Minimus on any personal level. They had always had interests that the other did not hold, so there was nothing unusual about that. Swerve could continue to peruse the images to his spark’s content and Minimus understood as well as he needed to.
“And then you have the panties and the garter and even a bra sometimes, and you can’t see through those at all, but they’re all pretty thin so you can still see the shape, and you can see the skin around them. It’s all just sort of framing and showing off both what you see and what you can’t. It’s all teasing!”
Months went by. Much more pressing matters took up residence in Minimus’s processor.
“Take this space for example. There’s this area between the stockings and the panties that doesn’t have anything covering it. A couple straps from the garter cross it but that’s it. You can see the same area in other pictures were the whole leg is bare and it’s just another part of the leg. But when it’s between these thin pieces of fabric where it’s the only uncovered part – it’s hot!”
That was until Swerve came to their habsuite with a small package cradled so, so carefully in his servos. His face was contorted with both worry and excitement, as if torn between hope and preparing for rejection.
“But not like—not because it’s a human leg, ok? I’m serious about that. It’s more the idea and the potential, you know?”
Minimus was wary, told Swerve such, because the material was so delicate. It would only take getting caught in a single joint for any piece to be torn and ruined. Swerve no doubt had gone to great lengths to obtain them and was so obviously attached already that Minimus would hate to destroy the garments.
“Honestly, I think it’s hot because, well… I hope this isn’t weird, but I like to think about you wearing something like this.”
But Swerve insisted that was alright, that even if they only got to use them once, it would be worth it. And he was simply so eager, shifting from pede to pede as he wrung his servos, his visor laser focused on Minimus as he considered the garments in the box.
Minimus couldn’t find it in himself to say no, not when Swerve was so excited and there were no real consequences in trying.
“It would look so pretty on you!”
“I’ll wear it for you.” 
When it was all put together and Minimus considered his reflection in the mirror, he had to admit to himself that Swerve hadn’t been wrong. Once he could look past how silly it was to wear clothing, the lingerie did actually suit his irreducible form surprisingly well.
Which was doubly surprising since Minimus took little pride in how he looked without any of his armors. No matter how many times Swerve had suggested he should get a paintjob more similar to his Minimus suit, Minimus had passed on it. His irreducible form was so rarely seen by anyone other than Swerve that he saw little reason to.
Swerve would of course argue that the lack of customizing his irreducible form was probably part of why he was so averse to being out and about without his suits. And he wasn’t wrong.
Minimus didn’t particularly like how he looked. Never had. He was plain and uninteresting, inside and out.
Yet Swerve had picked lingerie that suited him nearly perfectly.
The light pink color fit well with his color scheme, nicely contrasting the white and bits of green and grey without being garish. Due to the rather streamline nature of his irreducible form, his waist was smooth enough that the garter belt laid flat above his hips and across his abdomen, the silky fabric free of wrinkles and ever so slightly reflecting light off its surface when he moved. It was pleasant to run his digits across, but Minimus did his best not to touch, afraid that even the joints of his digits could somehow catch on the organic material.
The stockings had been a concern because the fabric was even thinner than that of the garter belt, but they stretched more than Minimus would have guessed. It was slow and careful work but he managed to pull them up over the few edges and corners of his legs until they could be hooked by the ribbons that hung from the garter belt. The material reached just above the middle of his thighs. There was no denying that the sheer fabric wasn’t nearly as pleasant to touch, the grain of it more obvious to the tactile receptors of his digits, but the slide of it along his armor when he shifted was interesting. However, Minimus quickly worked to keep his legs as still as possible, aware of all the joints and juts of armor that could catch on the fabric.
The sheer pink fabric tinted the armor beneath it, giving the armor a blush tone to match the garter belt. It was rather pretty if Minimus was honest with himself.
The only piece that had given Minimus pause were the panties.
They fit, but they strained where his modesty panels jutted out. Minimus ignored that until he put on the garter belt and stockings and found that they laid more smoothly, the contours of his frame they clung to more curved and more similar to the look the human models had been portraying. The contrast of where the lingerie suited nicely with where he was more boxy and angled was displeasing to his optics.
Minimus debated back and forth on what to do. It was possible that if he retracted his panels, the panties would lay more nicely against his array, giving him more of the look he suspected that Swerve wanted. However, the idea of having his valve already exposed before Swerve had even returned was a bit embarrassing. It just seemed rather wanton.
But, ultimately, that was what this endeavor was about. Minimus had agreed to put on the outfit for Swerve with the assumption that it would arouse him, so if all went as expected, the likelihood that they would interface was high. And technically the panties would cover his valve – their very purpose was to cover human genitalia, which was analogous to cybertronian arrays, so it would make sense.
However, it wasn’t out of the question though that he had misunderstood Swerve’s intentions. Perhaps it was a purely aesthetic appreciation, so having his panels retracted would seem presumptuous. Or it was completely possible that Swerve would find that lingerie did not appeal as much when on Minimus’s frame. After all, cybertronians were hardly as soft and round as humans. It would be far less embarrassing to accept that eventuality with his array already tucked away—
There was a knock on the habsuite door followed by Swerve calling from outside it, “It’s me! Are you ready?”
Minimus’s optics focused on the mirror to consider himself.
With his lips pressed together tightly, Minimus set himself in motion before he could get further caught up in his internal debate. He pulled the crotch of the panties away from his armor before retracting his modesty panels and letting the fabric rest against his array.
A shiver trailed up his back as silky fabric brushed against his valve. While it was not sheer like the stockings, the fabric was still thin enough that it followed the curves and dips of mesh lips, leaving little to the imagination. But it was technically covered.
A tease, as Swerve had put it.
“Should I come back in another few minutes? Oh! If you’re having trouble putting any of it on, I could help!”
Minimus considered his reflection and found that it did look better now. It was a risk, but he felt that it was the right one to make.
“No one else is out there with you?”
It was tricky to move with the stockings, as he did not dare bend his knees, and Minimus was starting to realize how much that would limit his mobility. Nevertheless, he managed to turn to face towards the door, though he kept far enough back that no passersby in the hallway would be able to catch a glimpse of him.
“Nope! Just me. I checked. Nobody in any of the hallways around here.”
Relief was immediate, though it could not quell the nerves that had taken up residence in Minimus’s spark.
He had not expected to feel so much trepidation about it. They were just clothes and this was Swerve. Even if he didn’t like how Minimus looked, he would try to be kind about it.
He trusted Swerve.
“The door is unlocked now.”
“Is it the garter things giving you trouble? Those looked tricky,” Swerve was saying as the door slid open. His mouth was already open to say something more, but whatever it was, it was lost as his vocalizer let out a static pop. His visor brightened until it was nearly blinding and his mouth dropped further open.
Minimus felt the undignified desire to squirm, but kept himself still. If not for his dignity, than at least to keep the lingerie in one piece.
“I managed to figure them out,” Minimus started, hoping that continuing the conversation might snap Swerve out of his sudden silence and stillness. “The mechanism is surprisingly simple and effective for holding them up without risk of tearing.” When Swerve still just stood there, staring, Minimus audibly cleared his own vocalizer and asked, “Would you please shut the door?”
That finally got through. Swerve’s plating twitched and he nodded with too much enthusiasm and said louder than necessary, “Right, sorry!” His servo reached out blindly to slap at the door switch. Because he was still in the doorway though, it bumped into his side as it closed, and Swerve’s visor finally was torn away from Minimus’s frame as he yelped and stumbled out of the way of the steel door and into the room as the door shut behind him.
However, his gaze wasn’t gone for long. Once balanced on his pedes, Swerve’s visor was locked on Minimus again, though this time his bottom lip was tightly clamped between his dentae. His servos flexed and clenched at his sides. “Sorry, sorry, I just – wow. Wow.”
Minimus fought back another squirm.
“I hope you mean that in a positive light.”
“Yes!” Swerve insisted, his visor somehow managing to strobe brighter for a moment as he took a couple steps closer. “Yes, you look good, really good, like – wow.” A gleeful giggle managed to escape from his vocalizer as he finally came within touching range, though Swerve kept his servos at his sides. His lip was back between his dentae, but the corners were curled up. Every inch of his frame radiated barely restrained eagerness.
Relief flooded Minimus and his sparked swelled to see his lover so excited.
“So you like it?”
“Like it? Minnie, I love it.” Swerve’s servos finally moved, reaching up to cradle Minimus’s helm, the thumb of one servo stroking the edge of Minimus’s facial insignia. “You’re the best.” It was with practiced ease that Minimus tilted his helm just so, making it that much easier for Swerve to kiss him. One chaste kiss – “Thank you” – followed by another – “Thank you, thank you!” – until the third lingered.
Emboldened, Minimus slipped his servos into the gap between Swerve’s hips and torso, grasping him by the sturdy but sensitive joints therein and tugging him closer by them. Swerve whined into his mouth as his cooling fans whirled to life.
However, Swerve pulled back from the kiss, his visor gleaming.
“Can I take a closer look?”
Minimus huffed an amused ventilation and nodded. “I did put this on for you, after all.”
Swerve grin stretched from one side of his face all the way to the other, and without any other warning, he dropped down onto his knees. Minimus tried to protest – surely Swerve would be more comfortable if they moved to the berth, excitement was no reason they could not take a moment to better situate themselves – but it died in his vocalizer when Swerve’s servos lightly caressed up his shins. The corners of his digits dragged against the sheer fabric, pulling it along Minimus’s plating until the tension reached a breaking point and the fabric snapped back in place.
It was such a small sensation, just the barest triggering of his tactile receptors, but it still made Minimus shiver.
“I knew this color would look good on you,” Swerve commented, his visor completely focused on the stockings in front of him. His digits traced transformation seams he could just make out through the sheer material. “I thought about getting something that matched the green, or even the grey, but what if the shade was off? I knew that would drive you crazy.” With servos that even now surprised Minimus with their span, Swerve grasped and stroked his thighs, the familiar touch of his lover altered by the slide and drag of fabric. “But pink? You’re so pretty in pink! I honestly cannot handle how handsome you are right now.”
Minimus tried to think of something to say in response, perhaps gratitude for the compliments, anything really – but he found himself speechless under the almost reverent way Swerve touched him.
As if he were special.
Minimus’s vents hitched when Swerve leaned forward to kiss just below the upper edge of the stockings, even the sensation of those soft, warm lips muted by the fabric.
“Do you like it?”
It took a moment for Minimus to clear his vocalizer of static and try to find words for how, with the stockings between them, touch felt new but not enough, building anticipation. “It feels… different,” he settled on.
“Well, pink hasn’t been in style for paintjobs for a while. You don’t hate it though, right?”
Minimus’s optic ridges furrowed until realization dawned.
“Oh. No, no, I don’t hate it at all. I had actually wanted to compliment your taste in color palette.”
Swerve’s smile wobbled with sudden amusement and his servos rubbed circles into Minimus’s legs. His thumbs dipped to press against the sensitive transformation seams on his inner thighs, dragging a shaky ex-vent from Minimus as they trailed up, but never higher than the stockings. “So, you mean this feels different?”
Minimus simply nodded, unsure if he could trust his voice.
“Good different?”
Minimus paused before, slowly, he nodded again.
Swerve pressed his lips to bare plating above the stockings and Minimus was incapable of hiding his sharp intake or how his cooling fans started to spin.
“Primus,” Swerve murmured, his visor brilliant as it stared up at Minimus’s face with something all too similar to awe. “You’re so hot, Minnie, it’s killing me. I honestly don’t deserve you.”
That only sent Minimus’s cooling fans spinning faster, embarrassed and flattered in equal measure. “That’s inaccurate,” he managed as he settled his servos on Swerve’s armored cowl.
"No way," Swerve replied as his servos drifted up Minimus's thighs, his digits tucking carefully behind the ribbons and following them up to the garter belt. His knuckles brushed against uncovered plating as well as some covered by the panties, the difference in sensation only further pronounced than before because of the thicker but softer material. "You didn't judge me at all when you found out what I’m into, and you were even willing to put this on for me!"
Swerve shifted up fully onto his knees and planted another kiss in the center of the garter belt. His servos were petting along the sides and then around to the back of the garment, and Minimus found himself leaning into Swerve's embrace. Each stroke of digits along the fabric left Minimus longing for direct contact.
“Of course. Those are reasonable things to do as your lover.”
The hum against Minimus’s abdomen was dulled by the garter belt. The second hum was muted as well, but it was against the panties, and the proximity to his array was enough to spark a charge to race across Minimus’s circuits.
“You even removed your modesty panel,” Swerve continued, desire tinting his otherwise gleeful tone. One digit trailed down a garter ribbon to find and follow the ridge between abdominal plating and array mesh hidden behind the pink silk.
Minimus’s spark swelled and he could feel his face grow hot.
“The garment looked better this way.”
“I couldn’t agree more.” Swerve settled some of his weight back on his heels, no doubt to have a better view, to better see the faint outlines of Minimus’s valve—
Swerve’s manic smile wavered, softened, until he sucked his lip between his dentae again. His visor shone brightly.
The press of the digit was so slight, a mere whisper through the fabric, but enough that Minimus could tell the material wasn’t moving right. It did not catch on Swerve’s digit nor did it shift against Minimus’s array like before. Rather, it clung to the swells of his valve, making Swerve’s touch feel that much more as if it were directly touching him, but still separate—
“You’re wet.”
Cooling fans whined as they suddenly picked up the pace to try to combat the way that Minimus’s systems burned. He hadn’t noticed, hadn’t felt the usual way that lubricant would drip freely since it had been caught and absorbed by the panties, but now Minimus was overwhelmingly aware of how his valve ached and pulsed.
Embarrassment wasn’t far behind though.
“Oh no, I’m sorry, Swerve. I hadn’t realized I was staining them,” Minimus said, his servos making unsure motions towards the panties, unsure if he should remove them to prevent further damage. “Perhaps if we’re quick to wash them they can be salvaged? Though I have no idea what chemicals to use for this material.” Were they already beyond repair? Anxiety gripped his spark because Minimus had tried so hard to be careful with Swerve’s garments but still had ruined them and the night. “Perhaps Perceptor would know—”
Minimus’s vocalizer fritzed as Swerve dragged his glossa across the fabric covering his anterior node. One servo grasped at his hip to tug him closer while the other stroked through the cleft of Minimus’s valve lips made all the more visible as the wet fabric clung to the mesh.
All that made it through his vocalizer was Swerve’s name wrapped up in a moan.
The gust of Swerve’s ventilations against the wet fabric felt cool against the overly hot array.
“Hey, relax, ok? I like it, I promise.” There was another sweep of that glossa that sparked more charge than the first as the panties clung to his anterior node. “It’s hot as hell.”
Minimus tightened his hold on Swerve’s hood for support as Swerve’s thumb pressed between his valve lips, the panties alone keeping it from pushing in further, pushing into his frame, filling him. His hips rocked ever so slightly down into the touch as more lubricant seeped from his valve to soak the fabric further.
“Are you certain? I—” Minimus’s vents hitched in a sharp intake of air, Swerve’s lips sealing around his node as best they could through the fabric, “—I don’t want to ruin the lingerie. You like them so much—”
The rest was lost in a static-laced groan as Swerve briefly suckled his node.
“I like you in them,” Swerve insisted as he nuzzled against the silk, peppering open-mouthed kisses in a seemingly random pattern across Minimus’s array. While being mindful of keeping his legs as still as possible, Minimus tilted his hips up and shifted his pedes to widen the space between his thighs. “I like that you like them.” Minimus’s silent request was rewarded as Swerve’s nasal ridge rubbed against his anterior node and Swerve’s glossa pressed against the crease of his lips, tasting his lubricant through the fabric. His lover’s pleased hum vibrated through Minimus’s array and his calipers clenched down on nothing.
Swerve pulled back just enough to focus on the pulsing anterior node again, briefly catching it between his dentae before closing his lips around it and sucking, flicking his glossa across the fabric to stimulate the sensors underneath. Minimus was quick to lock his knee joints when he felt them threaten to buckle and he leaned more of his weight on Swerve's shoulders. Pleasure overwhelmed his systems, charge crackling between his armor plates, but it wasn't enough.
A noise of complaint slipped from Minimus's vocalizer as Swerve's mouth left his array altogether this time. Swerve was staring up at him, visor bright but the shade shifted, aroused and excited. A sheen of oral fluids and Minimus's own lubricate covered the minibot's lips.
"I like you, Minimus."
Minimus's spark clenched tight in his chest as it burned with affection and desire.
He had meant to reply in kind. To tell Swerve how much he cared for him, loved him, longed to see him smile for the rest of his days; to tell Swerve how he felt so cared for and loved in return, that he was a better mech for knowing him.
"I need you," was what came out, and it was just as true.
Swerve's servos tightened their hold on his hips, his visor flickering for only a moment as he chewed on his bottom lip. Distantly, Minimus heard the telltale click and slide of a panel opening beneath the cacophony of their combined cooling fans.
"R-right, sure! Yes! Should we move, or...?" Swerve trailed off before snorting self-deprecatingly. "Ok, obviously we have to. Fragging standing in the middle of the room sounds like a disaster waiting to happen, doesn’t it?"
Minimus noticed the way Swerve trembled as he nearly stumbled trying to get up onto his pedes. Minimus caught him though, warning him "Careful" as together they got him upright. A look at his expression though made it clear that Swerve was restless with excitement, fumbling over his own babbling in a need to do something with the manic energy and charge.
A kiss meant to ground him only left the couple grasping at each other with greater need. Feeling Swerve’s digits grab and stroke along his helm, his shoulders, his back, all without anything to separate them felt far more intimate than before. Each slide of metal against metal was glorious. Minimus felt Swerve’s spike bump against his pelvis, and when Minimus tugged his hips closer to rub it against the silken fabric of the panties, Swerve whimpered into his mouth and jerked his hips even closer.
Still, they needed to move. So Minimus did, awkwardly shifting his pedes along the floor in an attempt to move backwards without bending his knees much at all. Swerve followed after and nearly knocked him over when he found the other moving so slowly. It was then that he must have noticed the odd way that Minimus moved as he pulled his mouth away to look at Minimus with bemusement.
"Why are you walking so weird?"
"I don't want to bend my knees," Minimus explained as he made another awkward swivel of his hips to slide another pede back. "I fear that if I do, the fabric will catch in the joints, or that my knee armor will break through the fabric, or—"
Swerve's lips were pulled up in a crooked smile as they pressed against Minimus's.
"You're too sweet, you know that?"
Before Minimus could argue, Swerve braced his servos under aft to try to lift him. However, he had underestimated how slippery the fabric was against the metal, and had barely lifted Minimus before the panties slide up his aft while the rest of his frame returned to the floor. It pulled the crotch of the panties up against Minimus’s valve too tightly, a squeak escaping him at the sharp and sudden burst of pain/pleasure. "Oh, scrap! Sorry, I hadn't thought that through. Are you ok?"
Minimus couldn't help the laugh that slipped from his lips, warm as he pulled Swerve into another kiss.
"I think we're both in unexplored space here. Let's work together, shall we?"
It was still awkward, but with Swerve's servos supporting him, Minimus was able to move a bit faster until finally his legs met the edge of the berth. Sitting was another debacle, but Swerve was eager to continue touching and holding until Minimus was settled.
Minimus ex-vented in satisfaction when he laid back and Swerve followed, their frames fitting together well as he spread his legs for Swerve's hips to fit between. Again, that hot spike rubbed against the panties, though now it was against the lubricant-soaked fabric that clung to his valve lips. It would have been so easy for it to simply sink into Minimus were it not for the lingerie.
The sensation wasn't unwanted though. The slide of it was almost intoxicating, so close but still separate. The only activity that Minimus had ever done that came close was rutting with panels closed, seeking satisfaction through desperation. However, where that had left Minimus simply frustrated and dissatisfied, this still activated his receptors, lit up his sensornet, had him arching up, and yes. Primus, but Minimus could have overloaded with Swerve's mouth or spike teasing him through the panties.
But right now, that wasn't what he wanted at all.
Thankfully, neither did Swerve. He pulled back and sat up so he was kneeling on the berth between Minimus's legs. His visor and servos trailed up those legs before finally settling on the panties.
Then his visor flickered uncertainly.
"Uh, wait. Scrap. Ok, hold on, I'll just—I’ll undo the garter, I guess? I hadn't realized that it would be so difficult to interface without having to undo some of it. Let me just—" Swerve's digits were already reaching for the garter ribbons and where they clasped to the stockings, hesitant.
Minimus recalled the long minutes he had spent trying to figure out how to put them on, and was uninterested in spending that much time showing Swerve how to undo all four clasps to slide the panties off.
"That’s unnecessary," he interrupted, reaching down to his array. He slipped his fingers around the edge of the panties, momentarily surprised at how wet the fabric was with his lubricant. Frankly, they were soaked. Still, he tugged it to one side, finally exposing his valve. A shiver raced down his spine at the coolness that came with uncovering the moist valve lips.
It was startling how, well, naked he felt in that moment. Minimus’s modesty panel had long been removed, and the panties had done so little to cover him, but apparently it had been enough.
Swerve's vocalizer spat static, his visor bright enough that for a moment Minimus worried it would burn itself out. "Primus," he murmured, his digits twitching, his cooling fans shrieking with how quickly they spun. His gaze was completely transfixed on Minimus’s valve, on how it was displayed while still framed by the lingerie. "Minnie, I really do love you."
Minimus's face heated as he watched Swerve with half-lidded optics. He might have been embarrassed if he wasn't so aroused.
"I love you too, Swerve."
That startled Swerve out of his revelry, his expression twisting with unfettered affection as he stared up at Minimus's face. He reached out with one servo to cup Minimus's cheek, stroking with his thumb.
"You're going to be the death of me, I swear."
"If you don't hurry, I'll join soon after," Minimus replied, rolling his hips up enough to recapture Swerve's attention. He could see Swerve's spike twitch, already fully pressurized with transfluid beading at the top.
"Do you need any stretching first?"
"No. I'm ready, so please."
He must have made for such a disgustingly wanton image, spread across the berth with human lingerie covering most of his bottom half except his valve which he purposely exposed, glistening with lubricant that dribbled out in its excess, all but begging for his lover to spike him.
However, it did the trick as Swerve nodded quickly and moved his hips to Minimus's.
Minimus's helm tipped back and his ventilations hitched when the spike head pressed to his valve, rubbing against the mesh directly, nothing separating them, nothing to stop it as it pushed and pushed and pushed—
Minimus arched his back and let out a long, low groan as finally he was filled. The tactile receptors in his valve lips were alight with the direct contact with Swerve's pelvic plating and the nodes lining his passage sparked and pulsed as finally they were stroked and pressed against, sharing charge with the nodes of Swerve's spike eagerly. Better yet, Swerve was whining above him, his servos stroking the silk garter belt around Minimus’s waist as his hips moved in barely there rolls. He was trying so hard to keep himself still for Minimus, to give him time to adjust, but it was clear that Swerve was barely able to contain himself.
Without a thought, Minimus rolled his own hips as his calipers rippled around the spike in their grasp.
That was all that Swerve needed. His hips pulled back and thrust in again as he began to babble.
"Minimus—hhn, frag, you feel so good, and you look so good, I—h-hah! So good, Minnie, I love you so much—"
Minimus gladly let it wash over him, let the words of praise and affection sink in as his frame shuddered with the overwhelming pleasure of those servos and that spike and then that mouth against his neck. Swerve still rambled between damp kisses, still complimented him, still rubbed his servos against the fabric around Minimus's waist and the sheer stockings around his thighs, still keened and whined in ecstasy, all while driving his spike into Minimus desperately, and—
And Minimus felt desirable.
That thought had him arching nearly off the berth, optics flashing bright as he dug his digits into Swerve's back. Concern for the garments was forgotten as he wrapped his legs around Swerve's hips and held him close, his cooling fans whining and his vents dumping heat, and Swerve's name falling from his lips in seemingly endless grunts and moans.
"Minimus, I'm gonna—"
"Yes, please, inside me, I—"
Overload thundered through Minimus's frame, his spark full to bursting.
His valve tightened around Swerve in waves and hardly a second passed before his lover spilled inside, hot and slick, all while Swerve shouted and shuddered in Minimus's hold. The pleasure that overwhelmed Minimus only doubled as he clung to Swerve, letting his lover’s ecstasy wash over him with harsh ex-vents and jerking motions as Minimus’s frame trembled with the aftershocks of overload.
Minimus felt utterly satisfied as his frame slowly relaxed back into the berth. Swerve followed, nearly suffocating as he sprawled across Minimus's slighter frame. It normally would have been uncomfortable, but at that moment, Minimus wouldn't have dreamed of pushing his lover away. It felt comforting instead of cloying to be blanketed by the weight.
"Slag me," Swerve murmured, his tone completely void of the manic energy of before. It was warm and rumbly and satiated. He nuzzled his helm against the side of Minimus's. "That was great."
Minimus hummed in agreement, his servos relaxing their grip on Swerve to instead rub his back. He moved to unwrap his legs from around Swerve when he noticed that parts of his knee plates were registering unimpeded air movement.
He raised one leg up straight to see that, yes, in his haste to pull his lover close, the armor plates on his knees had been too much, even for the stretchy fabric of the stockings. The juts had ripped right through, and from those initial tears there were ugly runs that stretched all the way up his thigh and down his calves.
Somehow though, the warmth glowing in his chest didn’t wane.
"I've ruined the stockings."
Swerve shifted once before settling back on Minimus, seemingly giving up on the idea of sitting up. Instead he only moved his servo down to investigate. The brush of his digits on the exposed armor where the stockings had ripped sent a small shiver up Minimus's back.
"Oh. Well, that's alright."
Minimus turned his head to the side while he moved one of his servos from Swerve's back to lightly cup his helm, prompting him to turn and look back. "Are you sure?"
Swerve's visor was dim and his smile doopy as he nodded.
"What's a couple of torn stockings when I was able to do all of that with the most attractive mech I know?"
Somehow, despite it all, Minimus could feel his face grow warm as he glanced away. "You flatter me."
"Oh no you don't," Swerve replied, lifting his frame just enough to steal a kiss. Minimus was helpless to it, sighing and allowing himself to get swept up in the lazy tangle of lips and glossae. Against his mouth, Swerve continued, "You're super attractive. Like, out of this world hot. Too handsome for your own good and the prettiest picture a mech could ask for."
And, despite himself, Minimus could feel his lips pick up in a soft smile.
"I'll admit, you have a way of making me feel that way."
Swerve’s smile at that turned almost bashful as he replied, "Oh, well, that’s good then."
After another long, slow kiss, Minimus pulled back enough to ask, "Swerve?"
"Perhaps we should find something in your size next."
And just like that, Swerve's visor brightened to a nearly blinding degree and it was his face that grew hot under Minimus's chaste kisses to his cheeks.
"Oh, well, I could, but there's no way I would look nearly as good—"
Minimus tightened his valve around the spike still filling it and gave a small roll of his hips. Swerve's ventilations hiccupped as he whimpered.
"I would be more than happy return the favor and prove you wrong." Swerve’s spike was beginning to repressurize with each clench and Minimus could feel his own systems revving back online. “I think you would make for a lovely pin-up.”
Swerve huffed disbelievingly, even as his hips started to thrust again.
“You sure? I don’t have a pretty frame like you.”
Since the stockings were ruined anyway, Minimus didn’t hesitate in rolling his lover onto his back. Swerve yelped and, once Minimus was settled, the prone minibot moaned as Minimus began to slowly, leisurely, ride his spike.
“I think it would look very pretty on you.”
The awe was back on Swerve’s face and he laughed, unconcerned as a whine interrupted it.
“Then I’ll wear it for you.”
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shirlleycoyle · 3 years
Did Zack Snyder Draw A Picture of Batman Going Down on Catwoman? An Investigation
Over the weekend, director Zack Snyder—a man who Mr. Magoo'd his way into having control over the cinematic presentation of DC Comics for many years and is an avowed fan of Batman—posted an image of the Dark Knight performing cunnilingus on Catwoman. Since that time, I have not known peace. I must know who drew it.
Like the two women at the counter of the coffee shop where I bought the iced coffee that was necessary to begin this investigation, I am so desensitized to pornography involving cartoon characters that at first this image barely registered. The necessary context is that, apparently  in response to the ongoing conversation about DC's decree that Batman canonically doesn't eat pussy, Snyder, who once directed a movie called Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and was for a long time as in control as anyone else was of DC lore, posted a drawing of Batman going down on Catwoman. He captioned it "canon." I guess!
As time went on, theories began to emerge about who drew the image. Snyder fans—and to be clear, he is a divisive figure in the multiple fandoms oriented toward and revolving around various DC brands—propose that he, personally, drew it. A major aspect of this theory is that Snyder didn't provide any information about the image when he posted it, at all. The image doesn't even have a signature. Running it through a reverse image search yields nothing from before Snyder posted it. The drawing seems to have appeared from the ether.
Representatives for Snyder didn't respond to requests for comment, leaving Motherboard unable to put the question of whether he drew this image of Batman satisfying his longtime love interest and occasional fiancé with his own hand. A Motherboard review of footage from the DVD extras of Watchmen—a movie directed by Snyder that I definitely saw in theaters and remember absolutely none of—suggests that Snyder is a talented draughtsman, and may well be capable of having drawn this image. We cannot definitively establish, though, whether or not he did so by putting the question directly to him, and so had to turn elsewhere in search of answers. 
Logically, there are only so many options here. It's possible that, as some fans are beginning to think, Snyder drew it himself; it's also possible, though, that it's a panel from an existing comic book or a piece of fan art, whether preexisting or commissioned personally by Snyder.  Roy T. Cook, a professor of philosophy at the University of Minnesota who specializes in the aesthetics of popular art, told Motherboard that it seems unlikely that it comes from something DC published.
"If this were from a comic, it would certainly be well known given its content, and hence would have been identified by fans or scholars by now," Cook said. "So it’s almost certainly a custom piece of art."
In theory this would narrow things down some, but the sheer ubiquity of Batman-related pornography means that there are still too many images to anyone to sift through. On the pornographic website Rule 34—named for the humorous "rule," which functions with the force and power of a basic law of physics, that anything that exists will also have porn of it on the internet—there are more than 400 images with both the tags "Catwoman" and "Batman." The image Snyder posted can be found there, but was only added after he tweeted it, and notes Snyder's tweet as the original source. It is not hard at all to find an image of Batman eating out Catwoman. Finding one that no one has ever seen before is much harder.
It's possible to inferentially establish that this image is unique to Snyder, whether as something he commissioned or as something he had unique access to and chose to put on the internet. The question consuming many fans, though, is the one of whether he personally drew it. Experts in comic book art doubt that he did. Both of the comic-art brokers that responded to Motherboard's requests for comment said that they definitely don't think Snyder drew it. Details noted about the art style offer food for thought.
"I would say that [Frank] Miller is most certainly an influence/inspiration for the style of the image Snyder tweeted. Dark Knight Returns and all. Gritty stuff," Douglas Gillock, vice-president of the comic art brokerage ComicLink, said. (He was referring to the writer/artist whose mid-80s Batman comics set the tone for all the many, many grim and bleak interpretations of the billionaire who does kung-fu at muggers that have dominated pop culture for decades. Miller's Batman comics have been critiqued as fascistic but could also be read as brilliant parodies of fascistic excess; complicating the question is Miller's later-career turn toward things like a comic where Batman murdered Muslims to avenge 9/11, which was rejected by DC and subsequently repackaged as Holy Terror, a comic where a thinly-veiled Batman stand-in murdered Muslims.)  "I would also say that I also see some David Mazzucchelli here. He was an artist that was also influenced by Miller. He did the art on the Batman: Year One run, which Miller wrote. Pretty sure that is where that particular iteration of Catwoman's costume came from in the modern era too. A similar version was used for the Paul Dini/Bruce Timm Batman animated series."
Gillock's interpretations seem correct. Notably, the outfit that Catwoman is wearing in the image that Snyder tweeted is purple—the color used in most Miller versions of the character—while many popular depictions of the character have her wearing black. It also features cat ears, which not all of her costumes have; this design was favored by Miller and used not only in Year One, but in a special wedding issue of Batman written by Tom King—a renowned comic book writer who spent much of his run on Batman making it canonical that Batman and Catwoman fall in love and get married with the insistent energy of a Livejournal poster embroiled in a shipwar—and featuring a Miller drawing of Catwoman wearing this exact costume. 
Snyder's Miller fandom cannot be overstated. He directed 300, based on the Miller graphic novel. He recreated scenes from The Dark Knight Returns in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice in exactingly specific detail, even where it made no sense to do so. Like Miller, Snyder has used his work to promote and exult in vaguely fascist iconography. (Unlike Miller, for Snyder the appeal seems to be mostly aesthetic.) Snyder's fandom for Miller is so intense and specific  that the details in the shading, the coloring, and the costumes depicted in the image of Batman face down in Catwoman's super soaker pussy stand out as ones a fan steeped in Miller's work would not only appreciate, but commission or create, if they were able to. Especially on Selina's legs and head, the specific way that the image is shaded looks a lot like the way that Miller draws Catwoman. In both Snyder's tweet and the image from King's Batman, the shading on Catwoman's suit consists of black swirls and circles. (Miller's image is a lot more stylized than what Snyder posted, though, with Catwoman's spine curving exaggeratedly, like an actual cat's would.)
It should be noted that one thing we know about Snyder is that he's a passable artist, at least from the storyboards he's released for a few of his films. According to a profile in Bloomberg, he studied painting for a year before transferring to film school. It's difficult to tell, but when I look at this blurry screenshot of one of Snyder's sketchbooks where he shows off a drawing he did of Watchmen's Silk Spectre kicking a Nazi in the back of the head, it kinda looks like the same general body proportions as Catwoman as she's getting eaten out by Batman. In particular, both Silk Spectre and Catwoman have pretty sturdy thighs, though comparing a fully colored and inked image to a sketch is not going to yield conclusive results.
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Image Source: League of Mayhem
DC, several art history professors, noted Snyder enthusiast Armond White, and Tom King did not respond to requests for comment. In absence of their authoritative input, as well as Snyder's, it seems Motherboard will never know for sure whether Zack Snyder spent the weekend drawing Batman eating box. But my friend and film critic Nadine Smith pointed out something important to me as I discussed this mystery with her: With any other director, this wouldn't even be a question. Snyder's fandom for comics, which somehow is for the exact opposite things about the genre that I admire, is nevertheless deep and powerful to the extent that he forced a major studio to release a four-hour uncut version of the Justice League fanfiction he filmed at a cost of hundreds of millions of dollars. He's always expected to do the most, and could not surprise anyone by doing anything that demonstrated the depth of his passion.
"If anyone else posted it, we would probably assume they just found some fanart," Smith told me. "But like, Snyder would."
Did Zack Snyder Draw A Picture of Batman Going Down on Catwoman? An Investigation syndicated from https://triviaqaweb.wordpress.com/feed/
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