#social media purposely ostracizes us so that it can sell us false connection that is really just consumption
rollercoasterwords · 2 years
like. the desire to be seen is so human and of course we want connection!! of course we want people to look at the pieces of ourselves that we put into the things we create and say hey i recognize pieces of myself there too!! but the scam of social media is that consumption is not connection. hundreds of thousands of people could click the heart button on your post but who does that connect you to? what loneliness does virality assuage? how long can we look at our faces and our lives and our art through the lens of an ever-present, ever-silent, ever-hungry audience before we can no longer see ourselves as anything but a product to sell? how long must we choke before we stop swallowing the lie that commodifying our humanity will ever bring us joy?
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