#the snake eats its own tail
rollercoasterwords · 2 years
like. the desire to be seen is so human and of course we want connection!! of course we want people to look at the pieces of ourselves that we put into the things we create and say hey i recognize pieces of myself there too!! but the scam of social media is that consumption is not connection. hundreds of thousands of people could click the heart button on your post but who does that connect you to? what loneliness does virality assuage? how long can we look at our faces and our lives and our art through the lens of an ever-present, ever-silent, ever-hungry audience before we can no longer see ourselves as anything but a product to sell? how long must we choke before we stop swallowing the lie that commodifying our humanity will ever bring us joy?
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jasminebythebay · 2 months
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ouroboros follows samsara 🐍
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ohdeargodwhy · 10 months
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Loki, devastated
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I've seen this film before
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And now I'm haunted
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i picture art tashi patrick love triangle as more of a circle tbh. imagine an ouroboros..... that's them
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sakaisms · 1 year
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so-what-then · 1 year
Look at this point if you think Depp is guilty because of your own trauma or academic theories about patriarchy, then fine. No one can help that except you and as long as you aren't trying to change the world for worse based off your personal issues, it doesn't matter.
But that means don't seek out posts like mine - which was about the existence of false accusations - to vent your struggles and Depp fixation onto others. Use that energy to find a therapist. I can't help you, sorry
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Something something, Vylad knowing every move Zane makes before he makes it because that was his big brother, who he looked up to and tried to replicate so much as a kid. Zane knowing every move Garroth makes before he makes it because that was his big brother, who he envied so much and tried to replicate so much for his own safety. Garroth knowing every move Vylad makes before he makes it because that’s his baby brother, who was the most like their mother and the only one of any three of them that he could stomach without being reminded too much of the man that raised them.
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Kanji: If it's this hot in July, can you imagine how hot it's gonna be in December???
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carefulfears · 1 year
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(x) the whole thing was too late for him…he came back from the dead and there was no need for an announcement, the maternity sweaters were out and the first sonogram was in the kitchen. he touched down in georgia and the baby had already cried. he wrote to her, wrote to them, “i want to come home. to you, to william.” and couldn’t get off the train until “home” was an empty nursery and that picture she kept. he follows someone else’s dreams and arrives just in time to hear the gunshots. he listens to his son speak for the first time on video tape, he was inside while she pumped the gas.
forever twelve years old and frozen on the other side of the room. forever standing on that mountain as the lights were already fading. thanks for the warning, “it just came too late.”
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mechahero · 2 months
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@outofthiisworld asked- 🖕 A headcanon relating to anger !!! Headcanon Ask Game (accepting!)
It's not too uncommon to see Lambda snap at someone or seemingly lash out out of frustration. That's all it is though. Surface level frustration or irritation that makes itself know every now and then. Or well, often given the shoddy grasp he's got on it. But pure anger? A angry Lambda is scary.
Because it's one thing to hit or throw something at the person/thing that upset him, it's another thing to lash out at whatever or whoever made him mad, it's an entirely different thing to sit there and stew in that anger until you get up and try to hunt them down to take your anger out on them. Yeah, Lambda does not handle his anger well, much less have a way to handle it all.
He knows he doesn't have a good grip on it as well. He doesn't like the way he feels after he lashes out. He doesn't feel vindicated afterwards. He feels... horrible. He hates it. He hates the guilt and hates the fact that he feels utterly miserable after. It's a cycle to him. He explodes, he tells himself he'll have a better grasp on it next time because he has to, and then... he never does.
His anger is all consuming and burns within him like a fire, and it keeps eating him alive.
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dogbunni · 4 months
being Unwell™ really fucking sucks bc what do you MEAN I can't get top surgery bc my blood pressure is that of dropping a mentos into a 2l bottle of coke and then screwing the lid on real tight??????? my titties though???
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the-tropes-are-hungry · 5 months
Channeling all of this week’s bad energy into reading. I’m now 65% through Fonda Lee’s Jade War after starting it last night.
Not as good as Jade City. But I also went to her workshop on Middle Book Syndrome and I can see a LOT of the advice she gave at work in this book.
So if nothing else as a craft exercise this is great
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raayllum · 2 years
thinking about how the season starts and ends surrounded / beneath mountains (the storm spire, umber tor) and how the pervasive sense of loss is ultimately the same
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qualek · 1 year
how badly i want to draw disbarment art but i have a whole ass essay to do for tonight curse the hubris of procrastination...
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tsuchinokoroyale · 2 years
he tsuchi on my noko till i royale with cheese....
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