#socially awkward ford has to be one of my favorite things honestly
tazmiilly · 2 years
Fiddleford dresses as a fiddle for Halloween and hands out candy to the kids
Ford is himself
When kids ask what they're supposed to be they don't get the joke
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low budget costumes since neither of them remembered what day it was.
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triangleguy · 2 years
alright ive mentioned these headcanons before but since it is currently autism acceptance month and this show is my special interest i wanna go more in depth on my autism headcanons for the gravity falls characters!!!
dipper: obviously his interest in the supernatural can be considered a special interest, and he also tends to be very organized and gets upset when things dont go how he planned (best example of this is in double dipper). he also has trouble a lot in social situations and a lot of his behavior is stimming (like chewing on/clicking pens, chewing on his shirt, pacing, etc). also gf is a cartoon so its not too weird that he wears the same outfit every day but i am choosing to believe its because thats his routine.
mabel: very creative and eccentric i love her. she also stims a lot and tends to miss social cues, but unlike dipper she doesnt get nervous, she just tends to be a bit sillier and more outgoing in situations where it may not be appropriate. shes also pretty high empathy; she cares a lot about people and objects and in the hand that rocks the mabel its shown she has a hard time saying no because she doesnt want other people to be upset. she also wears the same outfit everyday (not Exactly the same but shes always wearing a headband, sweater, skirt, and the same socks and shoes).
ford: like dipper, ford also seems to have a special interest in the supernatural, as shown by the journals. ford is also a bit socially awkward and tends to only keep a few people close. he also gets stressed when things dont turn out the way he planned. ford is also shown to have trouble with empathy and understanding others, especially stan. he doesnt understand why he does what he does, and its hard for him to grasp decisions that arent logical.
stan: honestly i dont have too much to say about stan, hes a bit stubborn but beyond that i dont think theres too much explicit evidence from what i can remember. this one is less about actual traits and more just about vibes.
soos: hes interested in a lot of tv shows and games and has a somewhat unique sense of humor. he also has trouble in social situations, the best examples being in soos and the real girl. he also has interests in things that may be considered childish, which isnt an autistic trait in and of itself, but it is common. also soos is just awesome
wendy: once again this one is more about vibes. shes just really cool
fiddleford: i have less to go on for him, but theres still a lot. fiddleford very obviously has an interest in mechanics and technology; this strikes me as especially important as a special interest because even after losing his memory he still retains lots of mechanical knowledge and skill. hes also shown both in the show and the book to be stimming a lot, specifically bouncing his leg. he also gets overwhelmed easily, which is shown a lot more in the journal.
bill: HOOO BOY now this is where it gets rambley bc bills my personal favorite and we have quite a bit in common so i'll be listing off more stuff here. obviously bill cant really be judged by human standards because hes. not one. but personally i think he has a lot of autistic traits. number one his low empathy swag. bill is like ford and has difficulty understanding others and why they do things. he also gets thrown off when things dont go his way. his dialogue also tends to be pretty blunt (hes good at being vague about his intentions but in general he doesnt really use idioms and if hes not trying to hide anything he'll usually say what he means). his speech is also relatively flat; hes basically always yelling but beyond that he isnt super expressive with how he talks, at least not in comparison to some other characters. he also does a lot of stuff that can be considered stimming, which you can see a lot in sock opera (like ive picked up several stims from stuff he does in that episode). also, weirdmageddon is just what happens when you get understimulated. You know how it is
obviously these arent the only characters who i think are autistic, but these are some of the main characters that i have a decent amount of evidence for.
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itwoodbeprefect · 3 years
livewatch thoughts for sga 1x08 (or 09, because the order on my dvds seems to differ from the one on wikipedia), home:
rodney being so sure he can do a very risky but scientifically interesting thing that he doesn’t even deign to acknowledge that it is risky (because he’s the one doing it, so of course it will work, because he believes himself infallible, so basically there’s no risk at all!) is such a warning for things to come (cough-trinity-cough) and it’s not like i think they were intentionally setting up a single season 2 episode already, but it does make me appreciate that we get a whole episode exploring the consequences of this character flaw of his later on.
we can see john thinking for a second while rodney is talking and then he goes “eight hundred and four years” (how long it would take them to get rodney by puddlejumper if he breaks the gate on the fog planet) and that’s our first hint at math nerd john!! beautiful
rodney, talking about travelling 804 years by puddlejumper to come get him: “but you would do that, right?” john: “of course we would.” fjdkf.
ALSO the first time we see john with his brick of a copy of war and peace! many iconic sheppard things contained in these first six and a half minutes of the episode.
same point as the one above but i’m not done yet because he just... thinks he’s so clever for this, gosh. i feel like there’s something to be said here about how this is not at all a fun read (and he’s a very repressed man used to denying himself), and i don’t imagine john has some hidden deep interest in russian literature (i mean, possible, but unlikely), so the actual real point of it is just performance, start to finish. if he ever finishes it, that’s some weird bragging rights, but even better is when, like in this scene, someone catches him at it while he’s reading because they will ask because it’s not a very inconspicuous choice of reading material. and it makes him look smart, potentially, but it’s also a little “look at me! i’m weird and quirky! #sorandom.” (yes, i am diagnosing john with socially awkward lonely teen girl disease because he decided to bring russian classic lit when he moved to another galaxy. i am.)
anyway, here’s his face, now that i’ve spent so many words on this:
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elizabeth giving john a chance to be the one to go home if rodney’s gate project works out (giving him an excuse, even, because she says he’d be the one most qualified to brief general hammond) is both kind, because obviously john entered into the mission very late and he did NOT sign on as military commander fighting wraith, and also extremely silly, for pretty much the same reasons. you found this man in antarctica, elizabeth. he was cut off from earth way before he left the planet.
rodney thinking he commands respect at the sgc and has a bunch of virtues of which “patience” is one is very sweet and very funny and i’m glad ford clearly recognizes it for that. the team bonding and found family of it all is very <3
john talking to teyla: “then there’s all those cool earth things i told you about. football, ferris wheels.” in part this is of course a function of this being a tv show and repeated mentions of the same little detail feeling like a fun callback that ties this moment to previous episodes (which it is and does!!) but in-universe it tickles me how incredibly specific and wildly misleading john’s descriptions are of what earth is like. it is going to be very disappointing when there is not, in fact, a football field full of ferris wheels at the end of every city block.
elizabeth making an argument for a continued presence in the pegasus galaxy is an interesting discussion because on the one hand she’s claiming that they have a responsibility to the people of pegasus after waking up the wraith and on the other she acts like they, the people from earth, are the only ones that could possibly do anything with the ancient technology, like they don’t have a pretty effective gene therapy and could give that to at least some of the people of pegasus, who could then operate atlantis mostly without the earthlings.
god, john getting compliments from general hammond that clearly mean a lot to him, while knowing that’s not actually happening as a viewer, that’s. that’s painful.
rodney coming home and turning on the television is great because a) he moved to another galaxy, possibly never to return, but kept on paying his cable bill? dude. and b) the tv plays something for which the audio is “we are controlling the transmission” and that’s FORESHADOWING. i love this. (of course alternately he did not continue paying for cable but he just doesn’t think about it and so the aliens make his tv work because they don’t know it shouldn’t, but my first interpretation is funnier, so i’m sticking with that.)
the way this contructed reality falls apart and the bits and pieces we as viewers see of where it’s not right is EXCELLENT and john’s undead buddies mitch and dex in particular are a whole eassay on their own, but rodney’s line about the laws of physics having gone out the window and that “it’s like looking through a microscope at a cell culture and seeing a thousand dancing hamsters” is quite possibly my favorite thing here. A THOUSAND. DACING HAMSTERS. so it’s a+ content and would make you go viral in a second on youtube, is what you’re saying, rodney.
fake hammond: “major sheppard seemed uniquely capable of manipulating his own fabricated reality.” john: “when i think about the scenarios i COULD have thought up i’d kick myself.” GOD. lots of john thoughts, lots of fic space.
john: “this isn’t life! what do you want us to do, just pretend?” fjdkfd. okay, so, in a reading of canon in which john is queer man pretending all the time, this is an interesting dialogue snippet.
the discussion at the end honestly makes so little sense (the alien’s like, every time the gate activates some of us die, and the humans are like, hm okay, but we are human and we like living so you should send us back anyway, and the alien is like, okay that’s fair), but i don’t mind in the least. this is such a nice episode and the dilemma they’re faced with feels very star trek to me (vague fog aliens that are never given shape other than fog or a human illusion and a plot that leads to moral questions and a true test of the character and the intentions of humanity? PRECISELY the sweet spot for the tos budget), and i love that.
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julystorms · 7 years
(not to go into to much detail but i myself am a victim of sexual harrassement which is why i have even less patience than before for this kind of content. But i'll keep your advice in mind, sorry for this here long post)i agree wholeheartedly that there are bad het/gay ships that makes me want to puke, like virion/cherche noire/laurent gerome/inigo ESPECIALLY rinkah/jakob my god. those 2 ships were the first to come in my mind, and of course nothing is 100 perfect but my main issue is that it
doesnt take that much morality to make your gay characters not predetory nor should such beheviour be handwaved with an apology. It comes across as fetishizing to me when all it takes is for 2 people of the same gender to be a perfect couple when back then the fandom went from dispising male flirts simply sweet talking to sugarcoating soleils sexual harrasment of other women. Which is bizarre to me when there are tons of great interactions between 2 people of the same gender in fe main one beingbeing kagero/orochi seeing no reason to praise soleil and even then i doubt that most people ship kagero and orochi because of their interactions, Lot of the time there are more people that wanna jack off to gays/lesbians which disgusts me beyond words.
No worries about the long message. I don’t mind!
Like I said, I totally get where you’re coming from, and I suspected you weren’t harping on f/f ships in particular on purpose; it’s just something to keep in mind when you present a criticism: sometimes being vague is better to avoid writing yourself into a corner. I dislike all of the ships you’ve mentioned proobably for the same reason(s) you do, minus one: I haven’t read Noire and Laurent’s supports--and now I’m afraid to.
And I agree completely that it doesn’t take that much effort to create representation for people that isn’t an offensive stereotype. “Predatory gay” is honestly one of the worst things. It’s real, it exists (just like predatory straight people do), but the issue I take with it is that gay/bi/pan people have a hard enough time in this world as it is; I hate that Soleil exists to, I don’t know, almost perpetuate the idea that that’s how gay people act. And that can be harmful.
Fandom’s opinion of the “flirty male character” trope has changed a lot over the years. Sain was a well-liked character. Forde was well-liked, too. And then it fell out of favor and started to have an effect on the way these characters were written/portrayed. I remember fandom’s opinion re: Sain was mostly neutral/good and then suddenly everyone wrote him like he was a male cat surrounded by females in heat. It was jolting! (Not to mention OOC, but my point is that fandom’s view of the trope changed from being kinda meh toward it to outright despising it--which I understand. It’s never been my favorite trope and by the time FE13 hit I was hoping they’d drop it because I felt they couldn’t manage to write it as an ASPECT of a character instead of the whole character....if that makes sense.)
I’m honestly not sure why people like what they do. I agree, Kagero and Orochi have nice supports and I think they’re kind of casually shipped by most of the fandom...but there’s not a lot of meat in their supports to inspire people to do creating I think. They’re fun for amazing art, but as far as fanfiction goes...I honestly couldn’t write anything for them--not something engaging anyway. I think they seem like they’re good enough together that it’s just not necessary to add more...? Huh.
As far as your last part goes, I understand the frustration of fetishization and I’ve seen it, too, but sometimes it’s better to just let it go. Fandom is gonna ship whatever they want, and you have to remember that fandom isn’t just a haven for the socially awkward and anxious folks with mental and physical issues to work through/out/around, but also a lot of people who are looking for representation...and frankly a place to get their jollies, whatever those may be. The question I think people need to ask themselves is why they seek m/m things over f/f at a ratio of like, 50:1, especially considering women outnumber men in fandom by a large margin most of the time. And hey, why is fandom is so incredibly biphobic, not to mention acephobic? 
Anyway, your frustration with the source material makes a lot of sense to me, and your irritation with fandom for not also being overtly critical about what they’re consuming also resonates with me--just at the surface level, though. I think the first thing you have to teach yourself to not go crazy in fandom is that everyone consumes media differently and what you hate may still ring true/important for someone else, regardless of its status of “healthy” or “unhealthy.” You do you, let other people do them, and unfollow/block those whose words/justifications you don’t want to see. It’s worked out well for me so far. :)
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