remembertheplunge · 2 months
The Help. 6/8/2020
Watched “The Help” last evening  as I baked a chicken in the Kitchen. It’s a movie all about writing down your “religion”—risky writing.
And, as the anxiety built in the film, it also built in my soul as our stories are parallel.  Leading to a “crack”. A huge tree limb snapped off one of the Modesto Ashes in front of my house and crashed into my neighbor’s  yard! The smashing crack of Truth slamming into the hardpan ugliness of small town America.
I like the fact that in the movie , they show her writing in her journal. Like me, she is a documenter of the times. A very risky proposition.
But, she and I agree, a very necessary one. To document , you stand outside the experience—but, you record it as if you were fully part of the story.
End of  entry
Note: 7/10/2024
“The Help” was a 2011 movie in which an African American woman who works as a servant for  a white family in a southern state in the 1960’s  and journals her story.
It is based by a novel published in 2009 written by Kathryn Stockett.
I was watching the movie in the above entry in my kitchen. The Modesto Ash that had the limb snap off was about 40 feet to the West of where I was in the Kitchen. It probably snapped off due the summer heat. I was watching the movie for inspiration, as, I too, was writing a book based on my journals. 
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bonusdragons · 7 months
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February 23, 2024:
Twilight Primary, Snapper, Veined.
Sockett of huehuecoyotl's clan!
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erinlindsayy · 2 years
a sockett halloween blurb oh my god !! I still don’t know what a blurb is but yes gimme pls <3
omg hey hi hello I am here to provide
blurbs are generally just short little things BUT i am here to provide content that is probably longer than what a blurb is supposed to be
‘It’s called ‘carving a pumpkin’, Sarah, not ‘brutal pumpkin murder’. Show some decorum and seasonal goodwill.’
“And?” responds Sarah, eyebrow cocked as she continues her brutal crusade. She’s got a knife in one hand, wielded with surgical precision, and her other hand is currently covered in pumpkin guts, a shiny glint in her eye as she all but attacks her poor pumpkin.
Crockett, on the other hand, is taking the time to carefully take each seed out of his pumpkin, determined to have even the inside be as neat as humanly possible. After all, he doesn’t want the inside to risk burning when he places the candle inside.
Naturally, Sarah is taking the opportunity to relax, and to let go a little bit. It’s only a pumpkin, right? Doesn’t matter if she takes out that internalized anger and frustration on the little inanimate object, right? RIGHT?
“Sarah, darling,” exclaims Crockett, laughing as he notes the way Sarah continues to stab away at the pumpkin. “What on Earth did you do?”
Sarah looks up, meeting Crockett’s gaze.
“I turned the pumpkin into my father. And then I cut it out. And stabbed it.”
Crockett is silent.
“I read in a medical journal that this could be a good way of coping with difficult feelings.”
“By... stabbing pumpkins? Aren’t you supposed to smash them?”
“First,” Sarah begins. “Bad joke. Good band, but bad joke. Second, it’s not specifically pumpkins. Just... things. Getting your anger out with ways that won’t harm you.”
Crockett looks at Sarah with his big eyes, pouting as he reminds her that she’s currently wielding a big, sharp, very scary knife, and that she absolutely could harm herself.
“Good thing you deal with all sorts of crazy injury in the ED every day,” she responds, focusing her concentration back on her pumpkin. “I’ve got a hot boyfriend who can stitch me up if need be. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got some eyes I need to slash through.”
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crockettmarcel · 2 years
society if there was more sockett content :/
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solesommerso · 2 years
Tired | Sarah Reese x Crockett Marcel
background: established relationship, fluff
a/n: I haven’t watched med in actual years so like if this is out of character just be quiet about it yeah? Yeah. also Shh about how short this is, I just wanted to post something abt them
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“Tired love?” Crockett grins up from his paperwork in the break room, watching how Sarah nods groggily before flopping onto the small couch the hospital supplies them.
“So tired, stupid people keep doing stupid things.” Crockett hums, shifting his binder of patient files closed, he quickly checks to make sure nobody’s paged him before settling next to Sarah.
“Sounds rough. Anything I can do to help?” Reese cuddles into Crocketts side within seconds, curling under his arm to tuck her face up against Marcels chest.
“Just stay here a minute.” She mumbles with a hum of agreement in response.
Not a full five minutes goes by and soft snores start to fall from Sarah’s mouth, her curls unruly when Crockett does his best to push them away from her face.
He honestly should’ve done a better job at trying to get Reese into a better position before letting her fall asleep, her lab coats still stuck around her arms with sweat from the humidity in the summer heat, shoes halfway kicked off, a small amount of drool already starting to pool out of her mouth and her arms are bent in a way that just can’t be comfortable.
“Oh hey-.” Maggie enters only to stop when she sees Sarah’s sleeping state, she gives a soft smile to Marcel and dims the lights for the two, leaving them in their little bubble of peace for a moment or two.
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neworleansspecial · 2 years
Solstice: Last Resort (1/6)
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Summary: Sarah and Crockett are held hostage together. They stay together. (for @crockettmarcel)
Day: 5 | WC: 1.2k | AO3 | Prompt: Blood Loss
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Crockett has been planning this for weeks. It feels like weeks, anyways, but without any windows, calendars, or clocks to keep track of the passage of time, he can’t be certain of anything. It’s only by the length of his beard that he knows he’s been here at least two or three months. Sarah, currently huddled up in the corner with her teeth chattering, told him she thought it had been a month or so since her own abduction. She, like Crockett, was taken from Chicago, which tells Crockett that they’re probably not all that far from the city. 
He curls his fingers tighter around the makeshift weapon in his hand, tucking it into his palm before turning to Sarah. "Yeah, sugar?"
"I'm cold."
"I know." They haven't been eating much at all, but Sarah got herself into enough trouble with their captors to be put on food restriction earlier this week. Crockett joined her on day three when he was caught sharing. "We'll be warmer soon."
She nods miserably and puts her head down on her knees, too tired to ask what he means by that. Crockett smiles at the mop of tangled curls shining dully in the low light and silently promises her an escape. They're almost free. He'll get them out of here.
He waits by the locked door. Neither of them get food today, but it feels about time for one of their captors to check in on them. That's how they describe it. Crockett prefers the term torment. That would be a much more accurate way to describe the obsessive and borderline clinical examinations that coincide with visits from either of the two men responsible for this.
Crockett passes the small weapon back and forth between his hands as he waits. It had been a tongue-depressor or something originally, maybe a similar piece of wood, before he painstakingly filed it against the rough hinges of the door into a deadly point. He’s determined to get both himself and Sarah out of here before they’re too weak to try and escape. She’s already toeing that line far closer than he would prefer. 
“Sarah,” he says.
She lifts her head up again. Her teeth are chattering. “Yeah?”
“I want you to keep your eyes closed until I tell you it’s safe.” The large slam that always precedes a visit, presumably a door at the end of the hallway their room opens up to, rings out. “Can you do that for me?”
With seconds to spare, she does so. He slides his weapon up, holding it securely in his fist. Crockett knows he’ll have to be fast and accurate for this to work. This can’t just be enough to hurt someone, it has to be deadly on the first try. The door swings open heavily.
Crockett doesn’t close his eyes. He looks into those of the man who’s been keeping them here. They’re blue, like the pale smear of the sky the last time Crockett was outside, and they go wide the moment his weapon sinks three inches deep into their captor’s throat. An awful gurgling sound accompanies the foam of blood that begins to spill from his lips. Clumsy hands manage to grab hold of the wood and pull it out, sending a spray of blood directly into Crockett’s own face. It was stupid to do that, but leaving it in would not have been enough to save his life. 
Once the body stops twitching, and the room is silent save for the harsh counts of Crockett’s breathing, he takes a deep breath. He crouches down and starts with the puffy winter jacket, a bright blue color beneath the fresh blood stains. It’s easy to unzip and work off the man’s body. The pockets are empty. He curses, but still folds the coat over his arm. A flashlight is clipped onto one of the belt loops, so Crockett takes that, too. He manages to procure a pocket knife, a pack of gum, and a set of keys as well. 
He brings his loot over to Sarah and drapes the coat over her shoulders. “Hey, sugar, I need you to open your eyes for me.”
She blinks at him. For a moment, her eyes flitter over to the body by the open door, but then they return to his face. He grabs one of her wrists and more or less puts her arm through one of the coat sleeves himself before she catches up and puts it the rest of the way on. Crockett allows himself a moment to skim his fingers over the logo on the breast pocket. The coat looks familiar, although he can’t figure out why. 
“Come on, up,” he urges. “We ought to get going now.”
She nods and allows him to help her to her feet. She takes the knife and the gum, which is fair, and he leads the two of them out. There are several other doors in the hallway. Part of Crockett, the part that was a doctor and hadn’t been tortured yet, wants to check behind each one. Still, it is only a part of him, and more important than making sure no one else is trapped is getting himself and Sarah as far from this place as possible. 
The heavy metal door at the end of the hallway makes its usual noise when it thuds closed behind them as they run up a flight of concrete stairs. The floor at the top of them is at least ten degrees warmer than their prison had been. Crockett takes inventory of the sight before them, almost domestic in the photos on the wall and four coffee mugs by the sink. No one else is here. He refuses to wait around for company, however, and grabs Sarah’s arm. 
“Come on.”
She tugs away from him and starts rifling through the drawers in the kitchen. As she does, he goes to the shoe rack by the door. A pair of heavy work boots, only a size too small, are better than nothing as he laces bare feet into them. The only other pair of shoes on the rack are house shoes, slippers, but they’re much close to Sarah’s size, and better than going barefoot in the winter. 
“Let’s go,” he says. 
He turns to offer her the shoes to see her coming toward him with a piece of plain white bread sticking out of her mouth. She offers him another piece, which he can’t stuff into his own fast enough as she puts on the house shoes. Finally. He gets the front door unlocked and opened only for his heart to sink. 
There’s no car in the driveway, just a pair of tracks that indicate at least three inches of snowfall since its departure. Outside of that, there’s at least five inches accumulated on the ground, and snowflakes are still falling to decorate Sarah’s hair in the faint gold glow of the porch light behind them. In every direction, there’s nothing but gnarled husks of leafless trees and more pillowy snow that looks too pretty for its deadliness. 
It’s too cold outside, they’re too weak, help is too far. They won’t make it. They’ll die. 
But he looks at her, with her wide dark eyes, and the bite of pink at the tip of her nose, and he can’t imagine things will be better if they wait. So, instead of telling her any of the reasons they might fail, he wraps his arm around her waist. 
“Keep your hands in your pockets so they stay warm,” he tells her, “and I’ll make sure you don’t fall.”
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calisustom101 · 1 year
Solving Shoe Discomfort: How Insoles Can Alleviate Foot Pain
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Foot pain and discomfort can be a major hindrance to our daily lives. Finding relief is essential, whether caused by ill-fitting shoes, certain foot conditions, or prolonged standing or walking. This article explores the potential solution of insoles and how they can effectively alleviate foot pain and provide lasting comfort.
Understanding Shoe Discomfort
The Importance of Comfortable Shoes
When it comes to choosing footwear, comfort should always take precedence. Ill-fitting shoe horn can lead to various foot problems, including blisters, corns, and calluses. Moreover, they can contribute to more serious conditions such as plantar fasciitis or metatarsalgia. It is vital to understand that investing in well-fitting shoes is crucial for overall foot health.
Common Causes of Foot Pain
Foot pain can arise from various factors. One common cause is inadequate arch support, which can strain the ligaments and muscles in the feet. Another contributing factor is the lack of cushioning, which increases pressure on certain areas. Additionally, foot conditions such as plantar fasciitis, flat feet, or high arches can exacerbate discomfort. In such cases, insoles can provide effective relief.
Introducing Insoles
What Are Insoles?
Insoles, also known as shoe inserts or footbeds, are cushioned inserts placed inside shoes to provide additional support, stability, and comfort. They are designed to enhance shoe fit, correct foot alignment, and distribute pressure evenly across the feet. Insoles can be made from various materials, including foam, gel, or custom-molded orthotics.
How Insoles Work to Alleviate Foot Pain
Insoles work by addressing the underlying causes of foot pain. They provide arch support, which helps reduce strain on the arches and ligaments. Additionally, insoles offer cushioning and shock absorption, minimizing the impact on the feet while walking or running. Insoles can significantly alleviate pain and discomfort by enhancing shoe fit and improving foot alignment.
Choosing the Right Insoles
Assessing Your Foot Type
Before selecting insoles, it is essential to determine your foot type. This can be done by observing your arches (high, low, or neutral) and identifying any specific foot conditions you may have. Understanding your foot type will help you choose the appropriate insoles that cater to your needs.
Different Types of Insoles are Available
A wide variety of insoles are available on the market, each designed to address different foot conditions or discomfort. For individuals with plantar fasciitis, orthotic insoles with arch support are recommended. Flat feet can benefit from insoles with enhanced arch support and stability. Those with high arches can find relief with insoles that provide cushioning and shock absorption.
Factors to Consider When Selecting Insoles
When selecting insoles, several factors should be considered. These include the level of cushioning and support required, the material of the insoles, the shoe type they will be used in, and the desired durability. It is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or a podiatrist to determine the most suitable insoles for your specific needs.
Using Insoles for Specific Conditions
Insoles for Plantar Fasciitis
Plantar fasciitis is a common condition characterized by heel pain caused by inflammation of the plantar fascia ligament. Insoles designed for plantar fasciitis provide targeted arch support and help distribute pressure evenly, reducing strain on the ligament. They can alleviate pain and promote healing.
Insoles for Flat Feet
Flat feet lack the natural arch, leading to overpronation and foot discomfort. Insoles for flat feet offer substantial arch support, improving foot alignment and stability. They help distribute weight evenly and minimize excessive strain on the feet, providing relief and preventing further complications.
Insoles for High Arches
High arches can create instability and insufficient shock absorption, leading to foot pain and discomfort. Insoles for high arches provide extra cushioning and shock absorption to compensate for the lack of natural arch support. They promote proper weight distribution and reduce pressure on the balls and heels of the feet.
Proper shoe fit and insoles
Importance of Proper Shoe Fit
Insoles work best when combined with properly fitted shoes. Ensuring that your shoes provide adequate room for insoles without causing crowding or discomfort is essential. When purchasing new shoes, it is recommended to try them with insoles to ensure a proper fit and optimal comfort.
How Insoles Enhance Shoe Fit
Insoles can enhance shoe fit by filling gaps between the foot and the shoe. They provide additional padding and support, preventing the foot from sliding or moving excessively within the shoe. This enhanced fit improves stability and reduces the likelihood of blisters or other foot problems.
Maintaining and caring for insoles
Cleaning and Deodorizing Insoles
Regular cleaning is necessary to maintain hygiene and prolong the lifespan of insoles' lifespan. Most insoles can be hand-washed using mild soap and warm water. It is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions for cleaning and allow the insoles to dry completely before placing them back in the shoes. Additionally, using odor-absorbing inserts or sprays can help keep insoles fresh and odor-free.
Replacing worn-out insoles
Over time, insoles may lose their cushioning and support due to wear and tear. It is important to monitor the condition of your insoles and replace them when necessary. Signs of worn-out insoles include flattened cushioning, visible cracks or tears, and decreased comfort. Regularly replacing insoles ensures continued support and optimal foot comfort.
Additional Tips for Foot Pain Relief
Stretching and Strengthening Exercises
In addition to using insoles, incorporating stretching and strengthening exercises into your daily routine can help alleviate foot pain. Exercises targeting calf muscles, plantar fascia, and intrinsic foot muscles can improve flexibility, enhance foot stability, and reduce discomfort.
Using Shoe stretchers and Shoelaces
For individuals with tight or narrow shoes, shoe stretchers can help expand the shoe's width and provide more room for the feet. The shoelaces can also be adjusted to better fit and alleviate pressure points. These simple adjustments can make a significant difference in overall foot comfort.
Polishing and Protecting Shoes
Taking care of your shoes enhances their appearance and promotes longevity and foot comfort. Regularly polishing and protecting shoes, especially leather or suede ones, can prevent drying, cracking, and discomfort. Using suitable shoe polish, suede brushes, and protective sprays can keep your shoes in good condition and provide a more pleasant wearing experience.
Foot pain and discomfort can greatly impact our daily lives, but relief is possible with the right solutions, such as insoles. Insoles alleviate foot pain and promote overall health by providing support, cushioning, and an enhanced shoe fit. Properly selecting and maintaining insoles, combined with additional foot care tips, can significantly improve comfort and alleviate discomfort, enabling us to move through life easily.
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triangularitydubs · 4 months
Welcome to...
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AU Information
Inspired by Mario Party! An Au where a the gang you know and love are trapped digitally in a Party game, jam packed with the most wacky minigames and boards you can think of! Their goal? To obtain the most Stars!
Who will be The Superstar?
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Princess Loolilalu
Circus Tent
Candy Canyon Kingdom
Glitched Map
Digital Lake
Game Mechanics
Digital Fairgrounds
Each player(4 total) starts with 10 Caine Coins, their goal is to get a Star, which is 20 Caine Coins.
CC are obtained via Minigames or specific board spaces.
After each player has had their turn, a minigame starts. It is randomly selected via a roulette.
Depending on how they do in a minigame, depends on how much coins they get!
1st: 5CC
2nd: 3CC
3rd: 1CC
The player with the most stars after 20 rounds is deemed the Superstar!(For that game)
Blue Space(+3CC)
Red Space(-3CC)
Shop Space(Is that..Abel? Buy things from him when you land here. Prices vary on item)
Surprise! Space: A random event happens on the board, it can be good or bad
Gloinks Space!: Encounter with the Gloink Queen...not good. Random Roulette of bad things(Only in the circus boards)
The Fudge Space: LOSE a turn, cuz The Fudge trapped you.(Only in CCK)
Item Space: Get a random item for free!
Caine Space: Caine gives you a random good thing via A ROULETTE.
Verses Space: Go up against another player in a 1v1 Minigame for a chance to steal their coins, items or even stars!
Star Space: Where you can buy a star!
Solo Game Space: Play a solo minigame for a chance to win coins and items!
Blank Space: Nothing happens if you land here.
Game Modes
Battle Royale: 4 Players Free For All
2v2: Four Player Team Battle
Duel: 2 player 1v1
Test For The Best: A solo journey on special versions of the boards
Let's Party!!
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fortressofserenity · 6 months
Not Goth enough
I think when it comes to creating a Goth character in fiction, the fashion sense and association with creepiness often comes first before the musical association. I think this is what Kai Decadence brought up when it comes to Goth characters, but if I were to add my take it's like how their spookiness is always played up but it's unfortunately easy to forget that Goth is also the name of a music (sub)genre in punk rock and linked to a musical subculture.
I suppose it would be really rare to find Goth characters who are into Goth music (the Goth music canon often consists of the Cure, Siouxsie and the Banshees, Bauhaus and Sisters of Mercy), let alone outside of Goth orientated stories such as Writhe and Shine. I have to bring up these four as they are foundational to the Goth subculture in a way Depeche Mode isn't, that the Cure is one of the few true Goth bands to get any real airplay speaking from personal experience.
It's kind of easy to lump what seems dark and eerie into Goth, but as a musical genre and subculture it doesn't always revolve around it. The earliest Goth bands have their origins in punk rock in some way or another, Bauhaus's David J was part of Jack Plug and the Sockettes, both the Cure and Siouxsie and the Banshees started out as punk bands. Even Joy Division started out as the punkier Warsaw, which should tell you about Goth's roots in punk rock. It's that easy to forget that Goth has anything to do with punk rock.
I feel this is a problem with the way a good number of Goth characters are portrayed in fiction that sometimes influences people's misconceptions of Gothdom, even I myself was susceptible to it at one point. Somebody who likes horror isn't necessarily affiliated with the Goth subculture, someone like Hirohiko Araki may enjoy horror films but isn't that deeply into Goth music in any way and he actually listens to Prince more.
Goth is something else altogether by then, it's not merely a love of spooky things but it's its own thing. To put it this way, just because it has anthropomorphic animals doesn't mean it's furry. Plenty of people anthropomorphise animals but have little to no involvement in furry fandom themselves, dressing in animal fancy dress doesn't necessarily make you a furry either. Furry is something else altogether, as evidenced by the existence of fursonas.
Most people who anthropomorphise animals don't have fursonas, so to me a fursona's a big indicator that somebody is a furry. I might be getting off-topic here but this is to give you an idea that Goth is its own thing, separate from horror fandom in other regards. Somebody may like horror films but have no real interest in Goth music themselves, it's easy to get into misconceptions about Goth because we don't really understand the scene from the inside out.
Kai Decadence said that liking Goth music is a big indicator of being Goth, or at least having an idea of what it actually is like. If somebody listens to Goth music, they may not always be Goth themselves (let alone for life), but they know what it actually is contrary to what others think and expect Goth to be.
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magicalgirlartist · 7 months
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[ID: four photos of a paper doll, a young woman with long pink hair in half pigtails with big green eyes, smiling and holding her hand towards her face. Her outfits, in order: ruffled pink dress patterned with strawberries and red Mary Janes, light pink shortalls over a light green t shirt with white sneakers and knee socks, long pink dress with short puffed sleeves and dark green ankle boots, pale pink underwear, bra, and sockettes. End ID.]
Paper dolls part 3! The clothes stay on by themselves now!
After looking up vintage paper dolls online, I found that a lot of them either didn't let you change the shoes at all or had some kind of base behind the feet to attach the shoes to. I decided to try the second option because I really wanted her to have multiple shoe options, and it works so well! The shoes are the easiest things to get on and off now lmao.
I also gave her a couple accessories that she's just always going to have, namely the hair bows and strawberry earrings. I wanted to make those removable, but that's just not feasible. Whatever, they match her nails.
I also cut between her hair and shoulders to see how that went, but while it allows the clothes to be attached at the shoulders, it also means you're constantly pushing at the hair and it gets bent out of shape easily. I think I'm going to have to bite the bullet and change her hairstyle. I really wanted it to match the sticker version one to one, but I'll just give her regular pigtails instead. I might move her hand, too. Its positioning right next to her face is causing some problems.
I think for the next prototype, I'll make her some more outfits, then make at least one more doll and take them all to the library to use the Cricut. They changed how it works recently so I can just book an appointment instead of waiting for an allotted time, which is nice. There are some fiddly little bits that are hard to cut out by hand and I find some of the detail is lost on things like ruffles if I'm not following the exact line, so we’ll see how that goes. At least using the Cricut at the library is free!
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notwerewolf · 1 year
SO Outlett is my little pet project! it'll likelyyy never be published anywhere. it serves as a collection of any little pieces of internet fiction that i decide to expand upon, making up little pieces of things that could possibly be fucked up online.
in essence, Outlett is my hypothetical "what if Google Plus never went down and it became mainstream," set in 2016. within the greater app, Outlett, there's a list of sub-communities called Socketts. they're your subreddits, your "sides of tumblr," your forums, you get it.
one example:
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madebycarolyn · 1 year
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Sunday, 18th June 2023
me-made jumper, shirt, skirt, tights, sockettes
visiting C
7-17C, sunny
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crockettmarcel · 2 years
i'm going through my requests rn looking for something to write and you would not Believe how much reesker is there
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jazy3 · 1 year
Are you there God? It’s me Margaret Review
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So I went to see the movie adaption of Are you there God? It’s me Margaret on Saturday with a friend and it was really good! My friend said it was very accurate to the book. I haven’t read the book and I really liked it! If you don’t know the story, the book and its adaptation are about 11 year old Margaret Simon, whose family moves from New York City to the New Jersey suburbs. This move causes her to contemplate everything she knows about life, friendship, and adolescence. She relies on her mother, Barbara, who offers love and support, and her grandmother, Sylvia, who misses her dearly and is coming to terms with finding happiness in the next phase of her life. The plot centres on Margaret adjusting to life in New Jersey, making new friends, and questioning religion while trying to find herself and figure out who she is. 
The actors do a great job with the material and I recognized so many of the items in their house as stuff my grandmother had. Abby Fortson shines as Margaret and Kathy Bates, who plays her grandmother, is fantastic as always. Rachel McAdams shines as Barbara, the kind of mother we all wish we could have. Someone who is flawed, but who owns their mistakes, and who genuinely loves and wants what’s best for her child. Throughout the movie, you see what a loving and genuine relationship Margaret’s parents have. I found this depiction very refreshing as it’s rare to see good parental relationships like this on screen.  I also loved how Barbara set boundaries at the end of the film when she tells the head of the PTA that she just doesn’t want to do something and returns to her love of painting. It’s so hard in life to just say no and stand up for yourself. To just be honest and say, ‘No I don’t want to.’ I love that they showed that. 
As for Margaret’s new friends and classmates, the actors are similarly well cast. Amari Price and Katherine Kupferer play Margaret’s friends Janie and Gretchen wonderfully. And there’s always that one girl in the class who develops before the others and has a rough go of it. Isol Young, who plays classmate Laura Danker, plays that perfectly. Margaret also has a friend and neighbour named Nancy Wheeler which as a Stranger Things fan I could not get over. She comes from a wealthy respectable family of course. I also really felt for Margaret over the no socks with shoes thing. I get blisters really badly to this day if I don’t wear socks or sockettes before I put shoes on. I felt her pain. 
They also perfectly captured how fights between different religions a lot of time aren’t even about religion. Everyone gets so caught up in what religion Margaret should be that they miss out on what’s really important: whether she’s happy and getting to spend time with her. I love that in the end Margaret’s grandmother Sylvia finds love and a community of her own. I love that Margaret finds God in her own way and finds a way to bring others into the fold and be friends with them rather than being cliquey. All in all Are you there God? It’s me Margaret is both a faithful adaptation and a great film to watch whether you’ve read the book or not. 
Until next time!
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watchingdiary · 2 years
the help
Type: Serial/Movie
Genre: Period drama
Year: 2011
Director: Tate Taylor
Based on a novel by Kathryn Sockett with the same name
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This movie is three-dimensional. Not only it deals with institutional racial segregation, it also deals with femininity and class issue as well as how the two are impacted by the segregation. On the other hand, the story is told and put in a great manner.
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scalingsilverlinings · 3 months
Go shopping
To be honest, I think I made this goal thinking I don’t do much shopping and I haven’t for years but recently I have bought SO MANY clothes online. I am not sure what’s triggered it but I have spent a lot of money recently on things and so this maybe explains why my little shopping trip to the city was so uninspiring today.
I went to Billini and even though I tried really hard I just could not find a single pair of shoes to buy - there were no enclosed shoes apart from boots and I already have a pair of those and then all the other shoes were generic dressy shoes and I don’t think I go to that many places requiring shoes like that - especially given it’s winter. I tried really hard but I couldn’t find anything and then I got the acute sense that I’d been in the shop too long and if I bought sockettes it would just be an excuse to buy something so I left.
I wanted coloured leggings and there were some green ones at Aje Athletica but they weren’t in my size. I ended up with some black ones, my only purchase for the day, which is fine because I only wear my blue ones at this stage, but this experience was only good because the sales assistant was so friendly and I ended up buying a size 6 which is crazy I’ve never been a size 6 in anything ever for years and I’m not sure if it’s because I felt pressured by her and the 8 would be better but oh well.
And then I went to Wolford but it was on level 4 and the sales assistant was unfriendly and it just in general felt too bougie and unwelcoming so I left - and there wasn’t really scope to try anything on everything was packaged - even though I probably could do with some shapewear or leggings. The prices also weren’t evident and it’s potentially to expensive.
Then to kill time I went through Dymocks and Milligram and couldn’t find any inspiration for a present for Jess for her birthday even though I tried so maybe I will have to go through Hands or something another time and not bring her gift which is okay because we are going out.
I think yeah I procrastinated a lot this morning and it’s a mixture of todays ennui, feeling a bit poor from all my recent purchases and having to catch public transport into the city.
Anyway, the rest of my day is going to be better because I will do the Coogee to Bondi walk with them which is good self-care and then I will go to Jess’ birthday at Chinese Laundry which will be fun and social and hopefully bring me a bit more energy.
I also tried to organise booking of things today and I am slightly irritated because Jordy is obviously still away but it’s therefore hard to organise like flights and accommodation and things and I’m definitely just overthinking it. Also I got rejected for some work today because I don’t have enough references but I don’t feel comfortable chasing more because I need them for job apps which are coming soon, so that overall made me feel antsy and a bit upset I think. I would like to work and it’s upsetting and worrying Gok and Prof Kelly never sent in their responses.
Anyway, focusing on silver linings I have new leggings, I left the house and I walked through some shops. Onto the next goal I suppose, and hopefully I can get references for BPT and locuming simultaneously in the next few weeks anyway.
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