#socks speeks
caffeinatedkris · 2 years
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deadsoul965 · 3 years
The signs of Sherlock's Asperger:
1. Unusual manner of speech. Sherlock speeks like a computer: he unleashes a stream of facts at interlocutor, without pausing and (almost) not listening people. His tone of voice is mechanical.
2. Difficulty with non-verbal communication. You may notice that Sherlock almost doesn't use gestures, and his facial expressions are not rich (if he doesn't want to use some)
3. Lack of eye contact. Sherlock don't feel the need for eye contact. But if he will be needs he will looking at people too intently.
4. Problems with etiquette. Sherlock seem rude or ill-mannered. He can turn away and go about his business without hearing what people say to him. And we all know how Sherlock deals with clients :) The rules of good manners, which are accepted in society, are alien to him.
5. Obsessive focus on one topic (often unusual).
He is dependent on the investigation of crimes, on various experiences, to some extent, on John. In old age - on bees. And, of course, his violin!
And he talk non-stop about it, not noticing how he tires his interlocutors. He talks to John, not noticing that he is not there. He suddenly switches to another hobby (bees?).
6. Failure to understand another person's feelings. He is often seen as cold, unfeeling, and lacking in empathy. Often he cannot understand why other people are so upset or agitated, and he prefer to leave and think about it alone (with violin).
7. Underdeveloped communication skills. He can non-stop talk about something, not noticing that others are offended or they are no longer interested in listening. Or he notice but can't understand why it is happened. And when he don't like someone, he can abruptly cut off the conversation.
8. Inability to share feelings. Sherlock doesn't share his feelings and impressions.
9. Emotional difficulties. Adults with Asperger Syndrome can find it difficult to cope with their emotional reactions to situations or events. This can cause inappropriate reactions or emotional outbursts. They may also have difficulty understanding other people's emotional experiences. As a result, a person with Asperger Syndrome may have difficulty expressing empathy.
Sherlock always keeps his emotions in check (he was taught, Mycroft said that as a child he was an emotional child; let's not take into account Eurus) but when it is too difficult to hide them what can we see? Emotional outbursts (when he thinks John doesn't believe him in 2s 3ep, when he saw the creepy dog in Baskerville).
10. Lack of close friendships. Sherlock has difficulty establishing or maintaining close friendships. John is an exception, though it is quite difficult for him to accept Sherlock for who he is. At first he tried to correct him, teach him to be more "human", "correct". But it doesn't work. Sherlock is also prefer solo activities over team.
11. Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD).
Look at Sherlock's bedroom. It's perfect clean. He asked John to fold the socks as they lay after the next drug search. This means that everything in his drawers and closets is laid out in its place, and he can be upset and even nervous when his things, at least in his room, are not in their places.
12. High intelligence.
13. John's words in these scene where he actually said "Aspergers?" And Sherlock heard it and a little flinches.
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Sherlock doesn't have all the symptoms of the syndrome, many of them are blurred, barely noticeable. Probably his parents and brother helped him, thanks to which he learned a lot in order to be more adapted to society.
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grim-faux · 3 years
2 _ 16 _ Discarded Banquet
 The dumpster absolutely reeked. Spoiled stuff crammed into the bottom, everything heated by the dull light always cast through the wisp of clouds. He curled his nose at the metal canister, nothing good could come out of this. It was pointless. Worse, they were going to get sick, and then be worse off. If not die right off the bat.
 But that horrid gnawing worked at his ribs, and there was no arguing with the prospect. This was the worst. They weren’t going to get smashed, or caught, or eaten, or blown up, or smacked, or… or…..
 Mono showed his agitation by flexing his fists at his sides. She couldn’t see the intense frown through the paper bag, he was almost tempted to tear it off just to share that piercing glare. She wasn’t the only one that could make faces.
 But it was best if he didn’t.
 She was up on the dumpster rim, offering a hand. Her face equally set in a grim scowl beneath her hair, rigid and displeased as him. She flashed her hand, all five fingers, speek clear:
 Anything is better than nothing.
 “We ll’die,” he muttered. But he took Her hand, and let her heave him up along the side.
 The air lay humid and tight weaving in their clothing. It was even worse in this alley behind the building, he thought – they hoped – it was a food make place, a restaurant, something that tossed castoffs regularly. It didn’t smell like anything but awful.
 He stood in a layer of yuck in a layer of not so yuck, glaring at the papers and boxes littered and crushed. Some clothing, another box that had some food, but those scraps were no good. In practiced silence they sifted, gently, excavating the discarded unwanted. Some edible bits layered in the surface icky, but most of it was too far gone. If he found a wrapper crammed with some sandwich mutilation, he could snip out the bread pieces with his teeth. Nothing that would be nourishing, but it helped push aside the incessant piercing in his middle. The meat, you learned FAST could not be a good thing to test. Bread usually didn’t go too far bad. He still had to be careful.
 He found a carton full of crusty meat things, still soft. Like a shadow he swept over to the Six and showed her the find. He rattled the container carefully, noises carried in the metal bin.
 “S'good,” he hummed, softer than a thought.
 She took two and shoved them into her mouth. Six covered her face with her hand as she munched, ravenous.
 Mono took the last three – it was his after all – and scarfed. He tugged down his paper bag and chewed quietly, listening, always pricking above the little environment they occupied.
 Without a word, he skipped back to the other corner and worked, picking through foul smelling bags, containers leaking and rancid. Not the best spot. He inched further, and further toward the center. He stopped to give Her a look, when she began chewing on something from a crumpled bag. He tipped his head, but that was it.
 Six shook her head.
 It was hard to peg when foods got tossed fresher. Who sent the food out? She deemed Chefs, or someone that worked in a kitchen. The word was weird. She grimaced when he couldn’t pronounce it right. She did that on purpose. Made hard speek.
 A squeal caught his instant focus, and he spied the direct lash of excitement glean in Her eyes, as the animal scuttled up the wall of the dumpster. It was so effortless, the way the animal moved up a shear wall. He was envious.
 But there was no time for admiration. He used the little bit of strength in his own limbs to scramble over the scuffed dumpster side and flopped out onto the pavement. With a firm tug, he adjusted his bag and tore off toward the dark movement zipping along the wall.
 Something whistled through the air, he didn’t know from which way, he couldn’t see. It spurred him to lunge, because the animal made a straight shot toward a dark space behind some crates.
 The projectile clattered against the ground in front of him, as he sailed through the air. It missed the animal completely.
 But he snared it by the foot and held tight. Mono was a little stunned, after crashing to his hollowed stomach. The animal writhed in his grip, and tore loose. He fumbled forward despite the ache in his ribs, clawing at its back and legs, however, the animal was slippery and writhing. Within a blink it was vanished in a space between the cinderblock wall and stacked cardboard.
 He sprang onto a sturdy crate, poking at the edge, seeking an opening and listening for the animal. But it was gone. Long gone.
 Mono whipped his coat around himself and marched back to the dumpster, shoulders hunched up.
 The girl was climbing out, expression expectant but not excited.
 He waved his arm, and brought his hand to a palm. Silent impact. “Noise,” he rasped.
 She scowled. “Loud speek.” Another gestured fitted her arms, a sharp display. He didn’t understand what that meant, but it insinuated he messed up.
 Did, she clicked.
 He poked her shoulder. A little hard. “Oi, almost hit.”
 And She shoved him back a pace. “Got n’way.” And Missed.
 Mono pushed back. “Not.” She resisted, pushing him, hissing at his mask.
 Then they’re both spinning around, tugging at the others clothing and grabbing at handfuls of hair, or clothing, or whatever else they can snatch on the other. A childish brawl, it goes about as much as expected. Six is trying to knock him over, and the Mono is trying to make her stumble with a foot jammed at her ankle.
 Reeling a hand back, Six slapped at his chest and made to grab his arm. He knew better, and recoiled. When she lost her balance in the gloom and unsteady pavement, he tackled her around the waist. He tried to get up and snare her neck, but she headbutted his forehead. Maybe she didn’t mean to do that, because she grabbed her head and groaned.
 He too, held the sides of his paper mask. OW! In the distraction, She wrenched her body and flipped them over. She took his arm and twisted it expertly. Not that! MEAN!
 Mono smacked her in the chin, and they’re on their sides in the dirt and grime fumbling, kicking, slapping. Like two idiots. She’s trying to take his hand or bite, or both. He managed to catch her wrists, and she socked him in the chest. It didn’t hurt quite too much, given their distance and his reach.
 “Not my fault. I was hurt in try,” he whispered.
 Six snarled at him, bearing her teeth. Mad-mad-angry girl.
 Eventually, the two tuckered out of the precious energy they managed to conserve to this point. The children lay locked together. Mono’s feet knotted against her stomach, his hands on Her head. The Six’s hands straining the color of his undershirt, and her feet stiff against his upper arms. She looked so mad. And he was mad too.
 “Almost got,” he panted. The bag on his head stifling, he’d have to exchange for a hat. “Next time. I in do better.” He didn’t want to admit the noise startled him. It was such a lame excuse.
 Six shoved him away and released his collar. She sat up, crouched and back facing him.
 Mono eased up, a hand pressed to the side of his bag. “Thanks for not bite.”
 She huffed. “Eat you.”
 He kind of snickered. “Not bad idea.” It would solve some problems, but wouldn’t be too convenient. At first, he wanted to ask her a question, but decided this… was not the time. Instead, he made it to his feet and took a hand from her knee. She let him pull her up off the grungy pavement and followed his lead.
 The alley was long and nothing in the murk shifted or grumbled, all a good sign. They had not made much noise in the scuffle, but She did throw some metal thing it seemed thunderous. Or, it was all echoing and noise, due to their immersion in the silence. Who could say?
 To risk making noise, She must’ve been desperate. Hunger made children do crazy things, such as sneak into occupied rooms and snatch food off the busy plates. Other things, too. There was so much children would do, when desperation hit.
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cnbnews · 4 years
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奔驰S级豪华轿跑 (Mercedes-Benz)
【希望之声2020年7月28日】(希望之声记者张鑫综合报导)据Automotive News消息,奔驰车行们直接从梅赛德斯-奔驰美国分公司首席执行官尼古拉斯·斯派克斯(Nicholas Speeks)处了解到该品牌将在美国停售7款车型。
目前尚不清楚具体哪些车型将退出或何时退出,但一位匿名消息人士指出有可能会是C级,E级和S级的轿跑和敞篷版本、 CLS轿跑、以及GT中的一款。
路透社7月16日报道,这家汽车制造商将停止在美国阿拉巴马州Tuscaloosa工厂生产C级轿车,而将精力仅用于生产SUV。此外,该公司还宣布将停止墨西哥生产轿车,并出售制造Smart ForTwo的法国Hambach工厂。
早在2月,德国商业报纸《 Handelsblatt》 报道,CLS和梅赛德斯-AMG的GT 4门双门轿跑车有可能在目前的产品周期之后,被新的EQS电池-电动轿车取代,该轿车将于2020年晚些时候发布。
美国停售土耳其F35:买俄军备 别要美国货
安卓翻墙APP、Windows翻墙:ChromeGo AD:搬瓦工官方翻墙服务Just My Socks,不怕被墙
原文链接:为削减成本,奔驰的这些豪华轿跑将在美国停售 - 新闻评论
本文标签:墨西哥, 奔驰, 奔驰车, 希望之声, 戴姆勒, 梅赛德斯, 美国, 美国停售, 自动驾驶
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Sub Episode 5 Page S-2
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CHRIS (thought): Oh, man! All this soda pop gone to waste…
CHRIS (thought): I better take a shower and come out smelling like a flower.
CAPTION: 3 seconds later…
CHRIS (thought): That was a mighty “CWC” shower.
CHRIS: Hmmm… Now I’m mad!
CHRIS: D’oh!
W-M MANAJERK: Ha ha! Try to get out of my evil grip!
Annotated Sonichu Continued:
After Chris lands from the impact of the W-M-Manajerk’s attack on the previous page, his first thought is inexplicably to lament the amount of soda pop wasted. One could easily interpret this as an extension of Mr. Chandler’s materialism, but it could just be a set-up for the truly baffling joke that follows. Where, exactly, is Chris taking a shower? Did he just teleport home to do so? Why would the W-M-Manajerk (who in the comic is actively trying to harm Chris, unlike real life) letting him do this? And how did he get clean in only 3 seconds? The intent of this whole absurd sequence of events may be a lead-up to the awful “CWC” pun, but it raises so many questions that it hardly seems worth the effort. (That said, Mr. Chandler does have dubious hygiene, so the 3-second shower depicted here could be implying something about his view of bathing.)
Worth noting is that only *after* the manajerk socks him in the face does Chris get mad at him. This could be another result of the author’s tendency to warp his escapades in the comic to make himself look good - here, the manajerk is in the wrong by attacking him seemingly without provocation, while in real life Mr. Chandler was definitely the one at fault. Compare the events of this sub-episode with Mr. Chandler’s own account of the event in his former online diary:
“[The B-Manajerk] went up to the Wal-Mart Manajerk, and he was like, “Hey, Let’s talk.” But I sat silent for a minute, then I said to him, “I do not speek to any Man other than myself, because they all have taken all the pretty girls leaving me with none.” Verbal Combat had started, and during the fight, I ran off, still giving verbal punishment, as well as da finger, and many “Curse-Ye-Ha-Me-Has.” I nearly backed up onto him with my car, and I gave him another finger. Then I dashed off.”
Getting back to the comic, as Chris prepares his assault the W-M-Manajerk grabs his hand and triumphantly holds him up like a sacrifice to the gods, daring him to escape from his grasp. The situation seems all but lost for Chris; luckily, another new power will come to fruition on the next page.
Unrelated side note: My predecessor consistently misspelled “thought” as “thot”; I don’t think the slang existed at the time but it makes reading the blog in 2018 quite funny.
It’s not particularly obvious, but Chris was thrown backwards by W-M Manajerk’s fistfull fries punch into the soda machine, even though the punch from page 41 would have seemingly knocked him onto the floor, not through the air into the soda machine.
As an interesting side note, Chris’s Ruckersville, VA is right on the border between “soda” country (the northeast) and “pop” country (Appalachia and the midwest), which might explain why he used both terms here.
The “3-second shower” is intended as a pun on “CWC” being pronounced “quick” (“That was a mighty quick shower!”), but he unintentionally shines a spotlight onto his failure to properly bathe or shower – in spite of his insistence that he bathes daily, both the condition of his bathtub (in short, he never cleans it) and his actual smell (in short, he smells horrifying and most certainly nothing like a flower) heavily imply that his shower is used infrequently if ever. Normally Chris seems to assume dousing himself in gallons of Axe body spray is a suitable substitute (as seen in the Sonichu Axe ad), so the fact that he even bothers to shower at all in this case is incredibly surprising.
I also must ask – where on Earth did that showerhead come from though? Do they just have a shower somewhere at the Walmart? Did he shower out in the middle of the open Walmart? Did he go all the way home for a three-second shower in this monstrosity?
The action in panel 6 is also fairly confusing, as well perhaps it would have made more sense if the two halves of the panel were switched – have W-M Manajerk grab Chris’ hand and then he react.
“D’oh” is the catchphrase of Homer Simpson, father of the Simpson family on the long running sitcom The Simpsons. A minced oath dating back to the Laurel and Hardy film series, the exclamation is used Homer does something stupid that backfires on him or he gets hurt. I’m sorry there’s probably one person who didn’t already know that and I’m trying to be thorough.
The final panel also doesn’t seem too well planned out - Chris was trying to be ambitious by showing a perspective shot of W-M Manajerk holding him up in the air, and his drawing of the Manajerk is fairly well done in that regard, but it came at the expense of cutting off some of his face and arm under another panel. Perhaps this would have been better saved for a splash page?
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agreatlemon · 5 years
what up I got some sock lint and am ready to party
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terabitweb · 4 years
Original Post from McAfee Author: Marc Rivero Lopez
Initial discovery
This week the news hit that several companies in Spain were hit by a ransomware attack. Ransomware attacks themselves are not new but, by interacting with one of the cases in Spain, we want to highlight in this blog how well prepared and targeted an attack can be and how it appears to be customized specifically against its victims.
In general, ransomware attacks are mass-spread attacks where adversaries try to infect many victims at the same time and cash out quickly. However, this has significantly changed over the past two years where more and more ransomware attacks are targeting high-value targets in all kinds of sectors.
Victims are infected with a different type of malware before the actual ransomware attack takes place. It looks like adversaries are using the infection base to select or purchase the most promising victims for further exploitation and ransomware, in a similar way to how the sale of Remote Desktop Access on underground forums or private Telegram channels is being used for victim selection for ransomware attacks.
In the following paragraphs, we will take you step by step through the modus operandi of the attack stages and most important techniques used and mapped against the MITRE ATT&CK Framework.
The overall techniques observed in the campaign and flow visualization:
Technical Analysis
The overall campaign is well known in the industry and the crew behind it came back to the scene reusing some of the TTPs observed one year ago and adding new ones like: privilege escalation, lateral movement and internal reconnaissance.
Patient 0 – T1189 Drive-by Compromise
The entry point for these types of campaigns starts with a URL that points the user to a fake website (in case the website is compromised) or a legitimate page (in case they decided to use a pay-per-install service) using social engineering techniques; the user gets tricked to download the desired application that will use frameworks like Empire or similar software to download and install next stage malware which, in this case, is Dridex.
First infection – T1090 Connection Proxy
These types of attacks are not limited to one type of malware; we have observed it being used by:
It is currently unclear why one would select one malware family above the other, but these tools allow for remote access into a victim’s network. This access can then be used by the actor as a launchpad to further exploit the victim’s network with additional malware, post-exploitation frameworks or the access can be sold online.
For quite some time now, Dridex’s behavior has changed from its original form. Less Dridex installs are linked to stealing banking info and more Dridex infections are becoming a precursor to a targeted ransomware attack.
This change or adaptation is something we have observed with other malware families as well.
For this campaign, the Dridex botnet used was 199:
Information Harvesting – T1003 Credential Dumping
From the infection, one or multiple machines are infected, and the next step is to collect as many credentials as they can to perform lateral movement. We observed the use of Mimikatz to collect (high privileged) credentials and re-use them internally to execute additional software in the Active Directory servers or other machines inside the network.
The use of Mimikatz is quite popular, having been observed in the modus operandi of more than 20 different threat actors.
Lateral Movement – T1086 PowerShell
The use of PowerShell helps attackers to automate certain things once they are in a network. In this case, we observed how Empire was used for different sock proxy PowerShell scripts to pivot inside the network:
Extracting information about the IP found in the investigation, we observed that the infrastructure for the Dridex C2 panels and this proxy sock was shared.
PowerShell was also used to find specific folders inside the infected systems:
A reason for an attacker to use a PowerShell based framework like Empire, is the use of different modules, like invoke-psexec or invoke-mimikatz, that can execute remote processes on other systems, or get credentials from any of the systems where it can run Mimikatz. When deployed right, these modules can significantly increase the speed of exploitation.
Once the attackers collected enough high privileged accounts and got complete control over the Active Directory, they would then distribute and execute ransomware on the complete network as the next step of their attack, in this case BitPaymer.
Ransomware Detonation – T1486 Data Encrypted for Impact
BitPaymer seemed to be the final objective of this attack. The actors behind BitPaymer invest time to know their victims and build a custom binary for each which includes the leet-speek name of the victim as the file extension for the encrypted files, i.e. “financials.”.
In the ransomware note, we observed the use of the company name too:
One of the remote proxy servers used in the operation shares the same infrastructure as one of the C2 panels used by Dridex.
We observed how a Dridex infection served as a launch point for an extensive compromise and BitPaymer ransomware infection.
Each binary of Bitpaymer is specially prepared for every single target, including the extension name and using the company name in the ransomware note.
Certain Dridex botnet IDs are seen in combination with targeted BitPaymer infections.
Companies must not ignore indicators of activity from malware like Dridex, Azorult or NetSupport; they could be a first indicator of other malicious activity to follow.
It is still unclear how the fake update link arrived at the users but in similar operations, SPAM campaigns were most likely used to deliver the first stage.
McAfee Coverage
Based on the indicators of compromise found, we successfully detect them with the following signatures:
The C2 IPs are tagged as a malicious in our GTI.
McAfee ATD Sandbox Detonation
Advanced Threat Detection (ATD) is a specialized appliance that identifies sophisticated and difficult to detect threats by executing suspicious malware in an isolated space, analyzing its behavior and assessing the impact it can have on an endpoint and on a network.
For this specific case, the ATD sandbox showcases the activity of Bitpaymer in a system:
We observe the use of icacls and takeown to change permissions inside the system and the living off the land techniques are commonly used by different type of malware.
ATD Sandbox extracted behavior signatures observing Bitpaymer detonation in the isolated environment:
Having the opportunity to detonate malware in this environment could give indicators about the threat types and their capabilities.
McAfee Real Protect
Analysis into the samples garnered from this campaign would have been detected by Real Protect. Real Protect is designed to detect zero-day malware in near real time by classifying it based on behavior and static analysis. Real Protect uses machine learning to automate classification and is a signature-less, small client footprint while supporting both offline mode and online mode of classification. Real Protect improves detection by up to 30% on top of .DAT and McAfee Global Threat Intelligence detections, while producing actionable threat intelligence.
We have a YARA rule available on our ATR GitHub repository to detect some of the versions of BitPaymer ransomware.
The post Spanish MSSP Targeted by BitPaymer Ransomware appeared first on McAfee Blogs.
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Go to Source Author: Marc Rivero Lopez Spanish MSSP Targeted by BitPaymer Ransomware Original Post from McAfee Author: Marc Rivero Lopez Initial discovery This week the news hit that several companies in Spain were hit by a ransomware attack.
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