laurielisboa-art · 5 months
Ninja Leah
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lady06reaper · 8 months
hii!!! kenny x immortal! reader???? :DD
I have been WAITING for a Kenny ask, like foaming at the mouth
(ngl ive sent this in to other authors and got nun, no hate to them tho)
Kenny x Immortal! Reader
TW: death, alcohol, NSFW under the cut
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Alright, right off the bat yall know each other because your friends with the group but they don't know your immortal whereas you know Kennys immortal (just go with it for now ;) )
How Kenny finds out is you and the four were hanging out by Kennys house in Sodosopa where that big building is
Yall decided to climb to the top and drink and do normal teenager things
like truth or dare
and Cartman being the asshole he is decided you need to jump off the building for the dare
"(Y/N), truth or dare?"
"I dare you to jump off the building"
"Okay, not that far of a fall"
you just shrug that shit off, turn to where your facing the guys and do a free fall backwards
they immediately scramble to see over the building
"Oh my god! Cartman killed (Y/N)!"
"You bastard!"
they just continue on like nothing, but Kenny remembers and the next day he confronts you HARD about it, like interrogation
"Yeah? So are you doofus"
Yall, he was a simp for you then but after that it just made you 10x hotter
you two got closer due to this
granted he can't take you out on fancy dates, but a picnic with PB&J at Starks Pond is just as good
yall best believe you guys tried to see who can hold their head underwater the longest
he VERY clingy now, like if you were mortal he'd still be clingy, but this is something else
like attached at the hip, granted yea you're immortal but that doesn't mean he wants to see you die
I can see either one of you do dumb shit and then die, and when you resurrect the other gives you a lecture like a parent
he would quite literally ask if yall could fuck till one of you dies of an orgasm
I dont think he'd be into any kink that would involve harming you or him
but you best believe the bitch is gonna bite and scratch HARD
like you're bleeding hard
but dont worry! he will take care of you afterwards and make sure you aren't in any sort of medical danger
i fell like even though you're both immortal he wouldn't get tired of fucking you, whether its hard core or vanilla as hell
I hoped you enjoyed it! I'm so happy this was my first Kenny request. I have been thinking about writing an actual oneshot over this but idk.
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alister312 · 1 year
Ike wants to do some ghost hunting. Firkle thinks that's some of the stupidest poser shit he's heard.
my first attack for the @spinthetags sp olympics!! some fike shenanigans for @fandomhammer
Read now on ao3 or below the cut!
“You want what? ” Firkle scowled up at the guy in front of him. 
“To do a seance,” Ike repeated. Firkle let out an annoyed huff. He knew the goth code stated he really shouldn’t care about the weird nerd that was Ike coming and talking to him, but the stupid preppy grin on his face got under his skin. Also, it was a ridiculous request. That was his seance stuff for serious goth demon-summoning business, not a prop for some YouTube ghost-hunting stunt that Ike had just pitched to him.
“Come on!” Ike groaned. “There’s gonna be trespassing! That’s pretty goth and hardcore.”
“Wandering around the SoDoSoPa ruins at night isn’t ‘hardcore’, it’s what middle schoolers do to try and feel hardcore,” Firkle muttered. Ike looked down at the ground, clearly in agreement but reluctant to admit it. He started drumming his fingers on the side of his leg, trying to think of some other way to convince Firkle. It was pretty impossible, since Firkle doubted the ruins were as haunted as Ike claimed. Not anymore so than anywhere else in town, at least. They just sold the creepy story the best.
Dicking around with a camera and pretending to feel a chill in the air for clout sounded like the ultimate preppy poser thing to do, but Firkle didn’t really have much else to do that night. The other goths had all graduated at this point and he was getting kind of sick of drinking coffee and smoking behind the school alone. It made for some excellent poetry material, but it sucked. He needed someone to do stuff with again.
“Fine,” Firkle said. He was half regretting the decision already from the shit-eating grin now on Ike’s face, but he also got the feeling that Ike wasn’t going to back off. Now at least he’d get to do a real seance and, if Ike was right about how much “bad vibes” the ruins had, he’d get to unleash a demon on the town or something. Now that would be pretty hardcore and goth.
“Meet me at my house at 8?” Ike asked.
“Whatever,” Firkle rolled his eyes, but when 8:00 came, he was in front of the Broflovski house, wondering if he should knock or throw rocks at the windows to announce his presence. Luckily for the Broflovski family windows, Ike noticed him from his bedroom. He waved to Firkle, then disappeared from sight.
A few moments later, a window on the side of the house opened and Ike jumped out from it onto the nearby tree. Firkle blinked in surprise, watching Ike shimmy down to the base of the trunk and jog to meet him in the street.
“Hey,” Ike grinned. “You ready?”
“You didn’t use your door,” Firkle said, still dumbfounded.
“Of course not,” Ike said. “My mom would pitch a fucking fit if she knew what I was up to. I can’t just walk out through the living room. She’d see me.”
“You don’t care? But… aren’t you, like, a mama’s boy?”
“Hell no,” Ike snorted. “That’s Kyle. You don’t know me. C’mon.” He headed off towards the defunct train tracks at the end of the street. Firkle hesitated a moment before following him. He wasn’t the type to smile, but the corner of his mouth twitched. Maybe tonight would be some fun after all.
The SoDoSoPa ruins were as disappointing as they always were. Firkle hadn’t really seen them as edgy since some of the other kids had started using it as their cool hangout spot. Once people like Clyde Donovan regularly came around to a spot, it could not in good consciousness be used as a goth hangout.
Ike was doing a really good job playing up any remaining edginess though, making up stories of murder while pointing to blood splotches that Firkle knew weren’t from anything so exciting. He would’ve heard if there was a murder over here. Still, he had to admit that he found himself believing Ike a little bit. There was something about the way he kept wagging his eyebrows at Firkle (or the camera he made Firkle hold) and the confidence with which he declared he’d totally seen a shadow once.
“It was probably just one of the homeless guys who camp out around here,” Firkle said, still not convinced there was anything interesting around.
“Then how do you explain the fact that it didn’t have feet?” Ike grinned, refusing to be dismissed. There had to be a good explanation but Firkle dropped the subject instead of fighting. Ike was… fine. Not goth, but not awful company. He didn’t want to take the wind out of his sails before they were able to conduct the seance.
They waited for midnight to roll around before setting up. It wasn’t the witching hour, which would be preferable, but Ike’s camera didn’t have the battery life to last until then so they had to make do with the next best time. Thankfully, Ike followed Firkle’s every instruction and didn’t step on his toes at all. He didn’t even flinch when Firkle took out the rabbit he’d brought and told Ike he needed to kill it. The only comment he really had was that Firkle was pronouncing the Latin in the chant wrong.
“What would you know about it?” Firkle said.
“My brother made me help him practice all through high school,” Ike said, “and he was super anal about it.”
“Ugh. I don't need to listen to some prep correcting me,” Firkle muttered.
“Fair, but if pronouncing it right mean we will actually summon and talk to a ghost, don’t you think we should trust the preps on this one?” Ike shrugged with his eyebrows raised, trying to get to Firkle to go along with it. Firkle sighed like the whole thing was such a chore, but nodded. He was also curious if this change would be what summoned a ghost. Pete had done most of the chant reading back before he graduated and Firkle hadn’t been successful since. Besides, he’d already spent the rest of the night humoring Ike. Why not one more time?
With the revised pronunciation memorized, Firkle lit the candles and sat across from Ike in the summoning circle. There was an odd chill around him, but he shrugged it off as just being what Colorado at midnight was like. Without blinking, Ike let the rabbit’s blood spill as Firkle started reading the summoning chant. He almost hesitated, impressed, but kept going. The air grew colder until suddenly the flames on all the candles flared up, surrounding them in a circle of fire. From the center of the circle, a bloody mass started to form.
“Holy shit!” Ike grinned.
“Holy shit,” Firkle echoed, unable to bring himself to do anything but stare at the shape taking place. It wasn’t a ghost like Ike wanted but it was definitely something. Some small black demon, all pointy and a bit… silly-looking, honestly. It hopped around, babbling for a moment, before leaping at Firkle, fangs bared. 
He reflexively held out his arms, blocking in self defense, and the demon bit through his sleeves with ease. Firkle shouted in pain, flinging it off and rushing to the other side of the circle to get as far away as possible. Ike also seemed freaked out now, his eyes darting around, looking for something. They were still in the circle of fire, so escape would involve burning themselves. Having burn scars from escaping a demon sounded like a pretty goth concept, but Firkle hadn’t set down salt or anything so the demon could probably leave the circle too. The demon was regaining its bearings from being flung and looked ready to leap at them again.
“Quick, get it in the cage!” Ike said, pointing toward the cage Firkle had brought the rabbit he’d trapped in. From out of his pocket, Ike got a string of firecrackers. He lit them on the surrounding fire and threw it at the demon. This didn’t seem to hurt the demon in any way, but it did distract it. Firkle grabbed the cage next to him and shoved it trap-door first on top of the little demon. The demon snapped back to its senses and started rattling around the cage.
“I have salt in my bag!” Firkle said, laying on top of the cage, trying to keep it from jostling. “Hand it to me!” Ike scrambled to the bag and dug around for the container of salt inside, then tossed it to Firkle. Firkle opened and dumped it through the openings of the cage, engulfing the demon. 
As suddenly as it’d started going feral, it stopped. The flames of the candles died down too until the fire circle was extinguished, leaving them again exposed to the chilly Colorado night. Firkle rolled off the top of the cage, heaving a huge sigh. He glanced over at Ike, who was checking out the footage on his camera.
“You just keep firecrackers in your pocket?” he asked.
“Yeah,” Ike said, not even looking up from his camera. “They’re pretty helpful. Damn, I don't think we got any ghosts on camera.”
"I told you we wouldn't," Firkle said.
"Yeah," Ike sighed. "I guess the demon works though. Pretty cool pet now, too. I can bring you some mice to feed or whatever if you let me visit it." Firkle let out a “Hm” in agreement and actually smiled a little. Ike wasn’t goth or even emo or a vampire, but he was alright. His own brand of hardcore. And when he asked Firkle if he wanted to do this again sometime (“I’m thinking the graveyard near the church next”), Firkle didn’t tell him that he’d been there more times than he could count and that going there was nothing new to him. It wasn’t, in a way. After all, he’d never gone with Ike.
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shipstylennyman · 2 years
Are either of you aware of Kenny's ... predicament?
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Craig: The one where he's dedicated to fucking the three biggest clowns in existence for the rest of his natural life? Yeah. Really unfortunate for the guy. Lead in the water down in Sodosopa really did a number on him I guess. Can't say I'm surprised in the end though.
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wendytestabrat · 2 years
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i know this was supposed to be cute and everything but on second thought this is actually kind of fucked up that everyone had to check up on kyle bc he was “going through a lot” I’M SORRY BUT LIKE ISN’T CARTMAN THE ONE WHO LIVES IN A FUCKING HOT DOG WHILE KENNY IS STILL POOR WITH THE STUPID ASS SODOSOPA BUILT OVER HIS HOUSE AND STAN HAS TO DEAL WITH RANDY’S ANNOYING ASS WEED FARM THAT’S LIKE 100 MILES FROM SCHOOL
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eavesdroppingonurn · 4 months
Mercedes got a New Job
One of the towns' sweetheart retired Raisins girls Mercedes was spotted dancing on stage at the Peppermint Hippo, this is not the way we expected her to be showing off her raisins. Allegedly Roger Donovan of all people was throwing wads of cash at her, is she going to be Clyde's new step mommy? Some sources claim to hear her sniffling loudly in the stalls between and even during class time, is she doing this to pay for a drug addiction? In a town this small she's going to be snorting SoDoSoPa meth made from local tweakers, before she'd get her hands on real cocaine. Sources are speculating that she got hooked when she was in the rumored sugar baby relationship with her English teacher. A little sugar goes a long way towards an easy A. It goes an even longer way towards collapsing a nostril.
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acapellasampler · 6 months
Guess who finally typed out Kendall's canon backstory! This bitch!
Kendall is a Kenny from a version of South Park that's a bit more align with the show and movie canon (so no new kid/kids), after the broship falls apart (due to honestly just them growing up) he poured himself into honing his Netherborn powers while helping Kevin raise Karen even dropping out of middle school to take any jobs willing to hire him.
During freshman year one of "The raccoon's" big attempts at bringing the hero franchises back to light completely backfired and decimated the part of SodoSopa around Kenny's house (he inadvertently caused the remains above the house to collapse and the entire house caved in while Kenny was at work) killing Kenny's parents and siblings. With nothing keeping him there Kenny tapped into an ability he hadn't messed with yet dimensional jumping.
He'd end up jumping to my version of South Park that is aligned both to the show, movie, and quite heavily on the two games (possibly 3 it depends on snow day which I have coming the night of the 28th). He essentially lives in that tent by Stark's pond and can't bring himself to approach Karen or the McCormick's because of how fresh his pain is plus the fact he has no clue how that could affect things, he knows that there's a Kenny here so he claims his name's Kendall and starts going by Ken.
He eventually meets Jade's group of friends (Jade and her brothers, Logan, Elias, Lafayette, Maria, Sammy, Mandy, and Veronica) instantly befriending them on his first day, he notices the broship hasn't broken here but doesn't actively approach the 5 of them (Marji would be in the main 4's circle and dating Kenny).
Jade eventually puts 2 and 2 together and privately asks him about it; she swears not to tell anyone. They steadily get closer and eventually form a polyamorus relationship with Logan and Mandy, the 4 eventually marry after their junior year and have a total of 4 kids. He allows his partners to occasionally call him Kenny in private but is more partial to Ken or even Doll. 
Full list of those that know by junior year
The pines trio
Henrietta (possibly all 4 goths and Mike)
Kenny (similar to Jade he put 2 and 2 together but hasn't told Kendall)
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louis-rille · 4 years
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Just a fraction of the amount of effects from like 3 things...🧙‍♂️ . . #wizardry #freestyleeffect #sodosopa #mrgarrison #pcprincipal #adobe #edgycontent (at Ainsdale) https://www.instagram.com/p/CE4J9cmAgY3/?igshid=5853yt6dbu8e
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jack5615 · 7 years
#excision on Sunday night was v aggressive but v awesome. #watchthemoonrise #moonrisefestival #sodosopa (at Moonrise Festival)
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the-hybrid-lua · 7 years
I'm high and I'm watching the sodosopa episode of South park. I though the actual commercials were part of the realistic ads in the show
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gatsbys-ghost · 6 years
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Hey ramblers, tomorrow is first Friday and you know what that means, I’ll be spinning the hot jamz at @sputnikdenver on South Broadway! (which people are now calling ‘sobo’, is it our goal to completely embrace the bourge? #sodosopa) 10pm, 21+, no cover, pants and morals optional (at Sputnik) https://www.instagram.com/p/BucaOHrHtPu/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=4eoqe8tm74yb
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trapstrblog · 7 years
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kozumek · 7 years
i think ill restart my town in acnl
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imthehuman · 7 years
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With every post, a smile, ت
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kom4t · 7 years
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falloutjay · 4 years
Wait, you are my hero? - Kenny x Reader
This is my first ever published x Reader fanfiction ever and I tried my best.
Just as a disclaimer, its not fully proofread, so I am already sorry for that and English also isn’t my first language so sorry again. I hope you guys do enjoy it tho.
Kenny McCormick/Mysterion x Reader
You walked around South Parks nightlife district, the so called "SoDoSoPa" with your good friend Bebe, when you heard a loud sound from a few streets away. People were running and screaming, some were on their phone calling the police. Curiously, you ran towards the noise, like some others.
"YN, stay here! That's too dangerous!" Bebe called, while she sprinted after you. Coming closer to where fires were already rising, you saw him.
"It's me! Professor Chaos! Scream like the little ants you are!" Professor Chaos was a super villain that had been terrorizing the town for quite a while now. He and General Disarray were feared individuals that only cared about creating chaos and nothing more. But he was not the reason you and others remained here, while most people would leave. People like you stayed for the Professors sworn enemies. The superheroes that protected this town. There weren't many, especially good ones, but one in particular made your head spin, when you heard his name.
"YN please. Let us leave. It's dangerous!" Bebe pleaded looking around the street. Professor Chaos had blown up a construction side and the fires where ravaging among the building. He stood on top of it laughing like a maniac with Disarray be his side.
"We can't leave. I want to see him."
"You're insane!" Bebe said again and looked around, obviously distressed.
"Come on, where are you." You whispered and your hand clutched onto your phone.
You hope to finally snap a picture of him personally instead of always cutting out the imagines in the newspaper or magazines.
People were still screaming when a roaring sound broke through.
Your eyes grew wide and you pressed record on your phone, holding it in the direction of the sound. A purple motorbike came around the corner and the person on it looked just as amazing as you imagined. His purple cape moved beautifully behind him, when he pulled off a sick drift and stopped the bike.
Mysterion, the most badass and beloved hero arrived. You worshipped this man.
In your opinion he was simply amazing. He was strong, courageous, and not afraid to die. You were so busy drooling over this hero, that you didn't noticed Bebe shaking your arm and screaming about the fire. Then a second hero arrived.
The somewhat hated "Coon".
He stood there, somewhat out of breath while screaming at Mysterion.  "Ah, Mysterion, my arch enemy." Professor Chaos laughed evilly and pointed at him from the top of the building.
"I'm here too Chaos!" The Coon screamed. Professor Chaos didn't even give him a glace and just waved his hand, while he laughed.
"Today, I will put an end to your hero career Mysterion." "Oh yeah? I'd love to see that." The purple clothed hero retorted cockily and laughed. “Stop ignoring me for fucks sake!” The Coon screamed angrily, stomping his foot on the ground.
"We will see who will be laughing at the end. Disarray!" Professor Chaos screamed and suddenly you felt yourself being pulled.
You screamed before a hand was put over your mouth. You managed to turn your head a little bit and catch a glimpse of the right-hand man of Professor Chaos, General Disarray. "I have someone, Professor!" He called out to the gigantic seeming blonde and he laughed evilly once more.
"I have a hostage, Mysterion. Now your chances are significantly smaller than ever!" He laughed again and thunder struck behind him.
"Mysterion?" He called out, after he noticed that the hero was nowhere to be seen. You felt yourself getting pushed around a lot and heard some fighting noises before strong hands grabbed you. You let out a quick scream, before you saw into deep blue eyes. You noticed immediately that Mysterion had saved you. You sadly had not seen much of the fight, like you wished you had. He must have looked amazing.
"Run. Now. Get out of here." He said in his extremely deep voice and you needed a second before you could process everything that had just happened, but you managed to nod hesitantly before you took off running. Running for your dear life. You kept a tight grip on your phone in your pocket and when you finally reached the street in which you lived, you took a short second to catch your breath. "What the..." You mumbled somewhat scared and giddy.
Hastily you took out your phone and looked through your gallery. Your heart started beating faster when you took a good look at the beautiful snapshot you took of Mysterion while he arrived on his motorcycle.
"That's so gonna be in my locker at work." You mumbled, smiling like an idiot and you probably were one. You barely managed to escape the sticky situation, but you felt like it was somewhat worth it.
For you it was worth it.
Your little obsession with Mysterion started back when you were in High School and he saved a little girl that was almost run over by a car. Back then he was not all that professional like he was today. He apparently received some funding by the government which allowed him to have that cool motorcycle and a little headquarters. No one knew who he was or where he stashed all of his belongings. But he was a hero. To the town and for you personally.
A little squeal escaped your lips, before you went to shower and then straight to bed. Mysterion was the only thing on your mind during all of this.
When your phone rang early in the morning, you were already up and going about your day. You had the picture you endangered yourself for yesterday already printed out and in your work bag.
You worked for a little company belonging to Eric Cartman. He founded it a few years back and it changed its focus ever so often.
Eric paid you well and that's what kept you in the job. When it was time to leave you simply got into your car and started driving to the outskirts of the town where Eric had his little company. You parked on your employee parking space and saw one of your close friends and also colleagues walk up.
Stan Marsh.
He was honestly better than this job, but he simply wanted to escape his father for some time, because he hated the weed farm he owned, and Eric promised him some good money.
"Morning Stan!" You called out and waved towards the raven haired. He waved back and quickly jogged up to you.
"Hey, YN. Did you hear about the whole thing yesterday with Professor Chaos?" He asked and you showed your phone.
"Already read all the articles aaaand..." You quickly pulled up the snapshot you managed to sneak yesterday. Stans eyes grew wide.
"Woah! You were there?" "Yeah! And the girl that almost got kidnapped by Disarray? That was me." You smiled and Stan shook his head. "weren't you with Bebe yesterday?"
"Yeah." You began, as the two of you sat down at your desks. "She's somewhat pissed about me standing around in danger but she's happy I wasn't hurt." Stan smiled warmly at you and you guys talked for some more until Cartman strolled into your shared office.
"Okay. Okay. So... I want a new article about Coon for my blog and I need you, Stan, to please sort out the client data and phone anyone who hasn't bought our new merch." Eric said and pointed at the "Who is the Coon?"-T-Shits and Hoodies that hang on the wall.
"But no one likes the Coon?" Stan questioned and Erics face grew a little red. "Everyone loves the Coon. Mysterion is just some asshat who plays dress up and tries to mingle with the professionalism of the Coon." Eric said through gritted teeth and Stan and you rolled your eyes.
"Sure thing." Stan mumbled and started typing. "YN, for today, please research me some new money-making ideas." You nodded and went searching.
Hours went by in which Stan and you would love to just bang your head against the tables. "Why is he so obsessed with the Coon? You could almost think he is the Coon." Stan mumbled. "Almost but... You never know. I mean, we probably will never know who Mysterion is." You answered and filled out the papers needed for a new money-making idea. Last time you guys tried NSFW-Patreon drawings; the problem was though that none of you could produce enough hentai to keep up with the demand. You guys did not notice that you had been working for a while until two beautiful blonde-haired boys poked their head in.
"You guys coming for lunch?" Butters asked. "Yeah, haven't noticed it's lunchtime yet." You said and peeked at your watch. "Hardworking as always." Butters smiled and just now you noticed he had a black eye.
"Butters, what happened there?" Stan asked and he looked scared for a second. "Just some guy who beat me up at the bar, nothing to worry about fellas." He smiled and honest to God, he was just a little sunshine all around. Unlike the blonde next to him.
Kenny was more of a player and very down to earth. He was super charismatic and confident despite his troubled upbringing.
You packed your bag and followed the guys.
Kenny didn't work for Cartman. He worked in a small car shop just a few buildings away. You didn't know why he refused to work with Cartman, but you could guess it was maybe due to Cartman being a little shit sometimes and him telling the blond always "You're pooooor Kiiinny."
Maybe Cartman’s terrible attitude really was the reason the blonde refused to work for him and only came here to have lunch with you all. "Where are we eating?"
You asked and watched Stan and Butters discuss on where to go. "How about Cafe Monet?" Stan proposed and you all agreed. Well, not really, Kenny didn't agree, he just tagged along. Once you all arrived and you were seated you guys searched through the Menu.
Kenny didn't and you knew he wasn't going to order since he was adamant about saving everything he had.
You know that since he once told you that he was saving everything he had for his sister.
You had met Karen a few times and she was a pure little angle, so you felt hard for the blond.
It melted your heart that he was trying so hard to better himself and help his siblings. Feeling generous you slid your Menu over to the blonde and smiled. "Pick something. It's on me." You whispered and he eyed you confused.
"I don't need some charity shit or something. I'm fine with eating my lunch later." He said, his blond bangs framing his face elegantly. "I know. Just see it as a friend treating a friend." You whispered back and he gifted you a half smile and went to look what he would like. Finally, you decided on a nice Fav/Dish and Kenny picked a bit of fish with potatoes and greens.
"Eating all healthy?" You questioned when the waiter out down the plate in front of him. "Yes. Staying fit is important." He said and winked confidently. You were so busy talking to the blond next to you, you did not notice the topic of your other two friends. "No no, YN was the girl." You turned your head to look at Stan pointing at you. "Huh, sorry, what was that?" You asked and Stan laughed.
"You were the girl who got almost caught up in professor Chaos evil plan weren't you?" Butters looked at you with wide eyes. He seemed trembling.
"Oh yeah, that was me. General Disarray was about to take me somewhere, but I was saved."
"Why were you there anyway?" Kenny asked with a full mouth. "Snapping pics of her crush." You eyed Stan angrily.
"He's not my crush."
"Tell that to your locker." You rolled your eyes.
"I managed to snap some good pics of Mysterion. I mean.... look!"
You digged out your phone from your pockets and showed the pictures around. "You should be a photographer or something I mean, damn. His ass Looks amazing in this one." Kenny said and inspected the pictures intensely.
"Don't encourage her to endanger herself anymore. And besides that, I don't think Mysterion would want to bang your boney ass." Stan commented snarky.
"Still more ass than you, flat cake." The blonde retorted and you and Butters simply watched the small verbal fight between them, before the two of you talked about some fashion things you knew about.
After lunch it was all back to work. It was getting tiresome around the last hour and it felt like a horrible drag. But eventually, you were finally done. You walked outside, together with Stan and you stood there.
"You need a ride home?" You asked him and he shook his head.
"Nah, I'm eating out with my family today. Just a small way to walk." You nodded and the two of you bid your goodbyes.
You got into your car and let out a deep breath. Work was tiring today, and you felt like just relaxing at home. It would be nice to maybe fill your bathtub with some loving hot water, some candles would also be nice. And cake. Yes. A cake would be needed.
So, you decided to make a small stop at the bakery before you would go home. You left your parking space and began driving through the night as you noticed a special someone sitting at a bench at the bus stop. You pulled the car up to the bench and rolled down you window.
"Kenny, what are you doing here?"
The blonde looked up from his phone and seemed surprised that you stood or rather parked there.
"Oh, I'm just waiting for the bus, the usual." He said and looked around. "But I feel like it's not coming."
He shrugged and you leaned over to open your car door.
"Hop in, I'll bring you home." You said and he reluctantly got it.
"Stop being nice, I feel like I am taking advantage." He mumbled and closed the door.
"What happened to your truck?" You asked, wondering what must have happened that Kenny had to take the bus.
"Some stupid racoons infested it and bit through some cables. I can swap them, but I had to order them online and it takes a while until they arrive." He crossed his arms, thinking about how much he wanted to strangle those stupid racoons.
"Honestly, I'm starting to see a pattern on why Coon is a raccoon."
Kenny laughed wholeheartedly with you. "That's the best thing I heard about him." Kenny bit his lip and wondered if it was okay for him to ask what he had on his mind for a while.
"Now that you already picked me up and all that..." You stole a quick glance at him before your eyes went straight back to the road. You nodded to signal him to continue.
"Would you mind hanging out for the evening?" He asked, charming as ever.
You thought about it for a moment.
"Sure, why not. I'll still get me some cake though." You said and pointed at the approaching bakery.
"Why?" He questioned curiously as you parked swiftly in front of the store.
"I feel like taking a nice long bath later and maybe I'll relax with some cake."
"You don't need cake to relax when you can have me."
Kenny's smile was incredibly devious and playfully. Normally girls would probably freak out or something about this comment, but between you and Kenny it had become somewhat normal.
"No thanks. The cake won't disappoint me after thirty seconds." You said and got out.
Kenny wanted to protest but you simply smiled devilishly and went straight into the store. Kenny used this time he was given to think of some witty comebacks.
He was not gonna let you have the last word about this. When you came back to the car, and got in, you were told: "You don't need to hide that you just wanna masturbate and think about Mysterion while touching yourself.
Kenny sat there with a smug expression and you rolled your eyes. You placed the package in the back and then gave him a light punch onto the arm.
"That one was good, I'll admit that. But you know, I'd rather think about Mysterion than be touched by you." You said and laughed.
Kenny needed to laugh too, mainly because the whole topic was simply in his favor, even when you were not aware of that.
"Ah, I love our banter." Kenny said and got comfortable in the passenger seat while he watched you drive.
"So do I. Oh, by the way, I got you and Karen some cake too. You'll treat me another time."
"Treat you with my dick? Or would you like my tongue?"
"If your name isn't Mysterion, no chance."
It was more banter to you than actually real. You were not that horny for Mysterion.
Everyone just loved to make this shitty joke at your expense ever so often, but you honestly didn't mind.
"Ah come on. And if I get a costume like his and change my voice a little?"
"Still no chance. Sorry Ken."
That still was a stupid lie. You sure were attracted to Kenny, I mean, who wouldn't. He was a tall, dirty blonde, blue-eyed hard-working man, with a soft spot for his family and great humor. You weren't surprised when you learned how many girls had little crushes on him. He was good looking and even when he wasn't the wealthiest, he was a kindhearted soul.
When you finally reach your apartment complex the two of you got out and Kenny followed you patiently to the fourth floor. Inside your apartment he went straight for the couch and relaxed. You let him be but reminded him of the no shoes rule. He begrudgingly took of his heavy and run-down boots and put them aside. He also, to your surprise, took of his orange trademark parka and tossed it into a corner.
"You'll pick it up later." You remarked from the kitchen when you saw him do that.
"Yeah, Yeah, I will."
You knew full when that he just said that so you wouldn't start a discussion with him. You knew that but still let it slide. For now, at least. You prepared a little sandwich for yourself before you plopped down onto the couch next to the blond.
"So, what are we doing?" You asked with your mouth full and he shrugged.
"How about you take that bath you were talking about and I watch you do so."
Did this shit eating grin ever leave his face?
"Nah, I'm good." You said and smiled back.
"Ah come on." He whined but laughed immediately after.
"Let's just watch some TV." You proposed and snagged the remote to put something on.
You guys were just lazily watching some random show while also being on your phones. All that was on your mind was that bath though. You loved Kenny to death but right now you were just craving some hot warm water all around you.
"Would you mind if I take that bath I was talking about? I really feel like I need that."
You said and the blonde smiled without taking his eyes off the phone. "I'd need you naked too."
You threw one of the couch pillows at him and pretended to laugh.
"Ha ha ha. You're sooo funny, it almost hurts me." You said, got up and walked into your bathroom to start the water.
In the next minutes you were setting up the candles and got your cake ready. When the water was almost ready, Kenny leaned in the doorway and watched you ignite the last candles.
"Jeez, you're going all out. Looks nice though." He said and gave you a low whistle.
"You wanna have me join you sweetheart?" He said and walked over to your kneeling figure. Kenny also got down to one knee and basically massaged your shoulders. You let out a deep sigh and rolled your eyes.
"Hey, Ken, listen, I really appreciate you and love our jokes and shit, but I don't think we should bang. It would be like... I don't know, super awkward if we had something and then just keep being friends and all that. And You're a great friend and I don't want to lose you, you know."
Kenny's smile faded and he frowned a little. "YN, I fucked so many girls and guys and I'm friendly with most of them and even their old or new partners. I'm sure it won't change a thing." He said charmingly and turned your head towards his.
You stared deeply into his eyes and you inspected the beautiful bright blue spots that highlighted it and the dark blue edges, while your heads came closer. You had never seen Kenny’s eyes up close.
And suddenly it struck you.
It felt like an ice cube slide down your spine and you trembled. You pulled your head back and basically fell onto your ass. Kenny eyed you confused and offered you a hand to get back up.
"No, I'm fine... I-I'll just take the bath if you don't mind." You laughed nervously and still confused Kenny nodded and held up his hands in defense.
"I get it, I get it. You won't resist me forever." He smiled and walked out. You were left there, breathing away the strange feeling of panic.
You quickly undressed yourself and went into the hot water. It calmed your racing thoughts down for a little bit and you managed to order them.
The blue, the highlights, the dark edges that formed a beautiful circle. The few freckles underneath the eyes. Why did Mysterion and Kenny have identical eyes? What, How, why, just... Argh!
You began stuffing yourself with cake and tried your best to make any sense of the situation. Was Kenny Mysterion, or did they just have similar eyes?
Or... You thought about it long and hard and eventually.... It kind of just... Clicked?
It made sense.
Kenny was living alone, he was young, in shape, the piecing blue eyes, the need to protect others, some jokes he made... It... It just fitted together like a puzzle.
You quickly finished up your bath and went outside after blowing out the candles.
"What a view." Kenny joked from the couch and you just went straight into your bedroom.
This perverted guy you were close friends with was really the pure and kindhearted Mysterion? In your head it barely made any sense but you kind of just felt like your theory was correct.
You got dressed quickly and just sat on your bed, trying to picture the blond in the purple costume without the hood.
It just fit.
The height, the figure.
After a few minutes you heard a knock on your door and carefully Kenny came in.
"Good, you're dressed. Even if I don't mind you in less clothes."
You didn't respond or gave him any attention.
"YN, is everything, all right? You're suddenly so wei- You're Mysterion, aren't you?" You interrupted him and looked straight at him.
He seemed surprised, taken back, unsure.
Everything, Kenny was normally not.
"Me? Mysterion? Sweetheart, was the water too hot?" He laughed when he collected himself again.
"No. Not at all. When Mysterion saved me, he starred straight into my eyes. You guys have the same eyes, freckles, skin tone." You said and waved your hands around.
"I guess no point in denying then. I should have been more careful." He said and sat down next to you.
"Please keep it to yourself. I'm sure if someone knows who I am, they will target the people I'm trying to protect." He said and his hand went through his hair.
"Does anyone else know?" You questioned and he shook his head.
"Nope. Not even Karen. It is dangerous if someone knows who I am. So, I always kept it a secret. I guess my only mistake was trying to fuck you after you were that close to Mysterion but..." He grinned evilly, "You said no one could fuck you except Mysterion. So... Here I am." His hand moved from his head to his knees, presenting himself.
"I wish I was as confident as you." You mumbled.
"I can't believe the hero I always looked up to is... You?" You said, raising and eyebrow and inspecting the blonde once more.
"Disappointed?" He questioned and tilted his head.
"I don't know."
"You wanna know what's funny to me?"
You looked at him, waiting for his reply, but as soon as you saw that shit eating grin on his face, you knew it'd be bad.
"That ass you admired and took pictures of was mine. The guy in your locker is me. It is so funny. You obsessed over me, without knowing it was me. That's so fucking funny, I wish I could tell someone."
He laughed his ass off and fell onto your bed. He just kept saying how funny it is and you felt more and more like a fool.
"Can you shut up, this is embarrassing and confusing you asshat." He finally got back up and held his hands up in a defensive manner.
"Woah, woah, no need to be so hostile." He spoke. You simply rolled your eyes.
"I love that I now have more material to make fun of you. But also, I feel flattered that you love me, without having seen this beautiful face."
"Someday you'll choke on that humongous ego of yours."
"I'd rather choke you."
You had a small starring contest and you lost when you just busted out laughing.
"So, now that you know my secret, I'm sure you will not say anything about it..." He asked and took your hand.
"I promise I won't tell anyone."
"Good, otherwise I'd have to kill you." He said in his Mysterion voice and the grip on your hand got stronger. You felt scared for a second, before he smiled again.
"Just a joke." You just nodded.
"Ahh, come on Sweetheart..." You looked at him again and he had this smug expression once more.
"Don't you love this." And he switched the voice again.
Still somewhat embarrassed and also confused because the guy you had a small crush on turned out to be a friend of yours, your cheeks heat up and immediately Kenny picked up on it.
"I can tell you like it." He whispered into your ear.
"Dude, this feels like some weird roleplay or something." You giggled.
"We can make it that. I still have some of my older costumes."
You laughed once more and bit your lip, while Kenny pushed you slowly onto your bed and got on top of you.
"Oh, shut up Mysteribitch."
"Oh, I'll make you my bitch."
He laughed, before he slowly pressed his lips onto yours. His lips felt somewhat rough and at the same time smooth, kind of just like you imagined what it'd be like.
And also, just like you imagined, his tongue found its way into your mouth rather quickly.
You continued making out for quite a while and honestly, to you it felt like heaven. But eventually you carefully pressed your hands against his chest after they had wandered down from his soft hair and you pressed him away.
"What... Don't tell me you're thinking about this staying friends shit again." He said somewhat aggravated. You shook your head.
"No, I just wanted to ask if you could bring one of those old costumes next weekend. Maybe we can pick up on that roleplay idea." You whispered against his lips and he smiled into the now following kiss.
"Good. I was just gonna say that I don't wanna be friends. I kinda wanna be more. I like you a lot YN." He whispered in-between the kisses.
"I'm fine with that." You whispered back and the two of you just smiled into the many kisses you now shared. And pretty much, just like you expected, it didn't take long for Kenny’s hands to roam around your body and finally wandered underneath your shirt.
You did not just make out that night.
It led to much more and you loved every second of it. When your alarm woke you up in the morning, it felt strange to feel these strong arms around you. You carefully woke Kenny up and told him it was time to get up.
"I don't wanna. It's so nice here. The view it to die for." He said as you got up.
"Go shower. I'll drop you off at work."
"Fine." He mumbled and walked past you, naked.
"The pure confidence of this man."
You got dressed and ready for work, as did Kenny begrudgingly. While you also made him a bit of lunch, he stole some kisses ever so often. You honestly were surprised at this, you imagined this part differently, but of course you did not complain. When you were finally in your car and on your way to work, he proposed an idea.
"Okay, so of you wanna do that roleplay shit, I'll Go the extra mile. Just for you, I'll surprise you with the whole thing. Just leave your window open next weekend and you might be visited by the hero with the great ass." He winked.
You bit your lip, feeling aroused just thinking about it.
"I will do so. Hope Mysterions dick is as good as my boyfriends." You teased and Kenny laughed rather hard.
"Feels strange hearing you say that, but I can get used to it."
"Good." You answered and you two smiled like idiots, thinking all about your crazy plans, while you pulled into your parking space.
"You walk over to your work?" You questioned as you saw Stan approaching from the corner of your eye.
"Yeah. See you at lunch, Babe." He pressed a final kiss onto your lips and took off to his own work.
Stan whistled as you caught up to him.
"I thought you were crushing on Mysterion?" Stan questioned with a smile on his thin lips.
"I kinda got over it. Kenny's a pretty good catch anyway, I think he's the closest to Mysterion that there is." You smiled and Stan laughed at your comment.
"If You say so."
"Oh, you don't know the half of it." You smiled, knowing this secret between you and Kenny will spice thing up in your relationship.
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