#software EHS
ardhasneoehs · 5 months
Transform Confined Space Safety with NeoEHS Environmental Safety Software
Learn how NeoEHS Environmental Safety Software's intelligent permit to work functionalities revolutionize confined space entry processes, reducing human error and fostering a proactive safety culture within your organization. Ensure compliance with strict regulations like OSHA or NFPA, empower teams with user-friendly digital tools, and unlock valuable insights from centralized real-time analytics—all aimed at preventing incidents and improving overall workplace safety. Protecting personnel working in confined spaces requires careful planning, coordination, and oversight. https://www.neoehs.com/blogs/enhancing-safety-in-confined-spaces-through-permit-to-work-software
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king-crawler · 6 months
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anothermonikan · 8 days
KEEP DRAWING FOREVER I LOVE YOUR ART PEACE AND LOVE. whats your process if you mind me asking
Hehe, I'm glad to hear it! I'm not gonna stop anytime soon! On account of if I go too long without making something I start writhing on the floor like. an almost dead lizard (rain world) or something. ehe ^^;
I don't really think about my art process that much! Lemme rack my brain a lil bit ehe ^^; I like to draw a lotta different things so it's dependent on what I'm drawing! I don't think my art is. that grand to have a formal process. It's like some sort of spirit possesses me for a few hours and I come out of it with some sort of art aha ^^;
I can try and walk through a simple piece mayhaps
(They call me the yapper for a reason, this turned out way too extensive, sorry if it's TMI, turns out I like talking about this stuff ^^;)
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Behold! A silly! I typically sketch on a dark background with a white pencil brush, I'll use whatever one the art program I'm using has, but specifically for FireAlpaca (the art program I'm currently using), I use the sketchbook pencil at size 6, I find a slightly bigger brush size for the sketch helps negate too many stray lines that can make the sketch harder to follow when moving onto lineart. my sketches tend to be. super super messy! Edgar's kinda a simple character so it doesn't really show, but sketches to me are more a brief estimation as to what I want the final piece to look like and a lot of that is gonna come through in the lineart.
Up until very very recently, I actually had a ton of trouble with lineart! It can be such a daunting part of the art process, I used to just kinda skip it all together and just do sketches with colour ^^; Every time I felt like I had to do lineart for a piece I was kinda. miserable about it! I didn't like doing it! It took too long! it's so tedious! But like, actually a week ago, something clicked and I realised that the reason I found lineart so awful and long to do is because I took it. way too seriously! Turns out, lineart doesn't have to be literally perfect to work! Unbelievable I know...
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I tend to turn the transparency of both my sketch and background down while doing lineart. the sketch to around 40% and the background to around 60%. My lineart is mostly darker colours and trying to see dark on dark is not. ideal! I try to keep in mind what I want the colours of the final piece to be and make my lineart match that accordingly. I could just do the lineart in black and make a clipping layer to colour it afterwards, but I am kinda terrible at keeping track of my layers so having every element be the same colour can cause different parts of the lineart to overlap with each other without being noticed and then I have to do a buncha layer reconfiguration, it's awful aha ^^; so I just try and do the colours right away to prevent that ^^; I use a size 4 pen brush for my lineart!
The sketch is just a suggestion of what the final piece could look like! A lot of the time I think of something new to add to a drawing right in the middle of lineart, for example that artigourm piece I did a few days ago, the slugpups in there? Not part of the original sketch at all! I was practically done with the piece when I thought of adding them and I had to work around the drawing I already had to add them XD Luckily this time it was something small, I thought adding little hearts in Edgar's eyes would be cute so I did that ^^;
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Colours! I like colouring a whole bunch! I hide the background and sketch layers, select the outside of the drawing, and then invert it! It helps to avoid having to keep the colours inside of the lines which I am, actually really terrible at! I freehand coluring for the most part because I find using the fill bucket leaves a small space between the lines and I end up having to go over it anyways ^^; I try to think of which colour should be on top of the others and start with that, I then create layers under that for what colour should be under that (for this drawing it ended up as Edgar's body >> Edgar's Eyes >> Edgar's face)
I don't. really know colour theory? I just kinda go for what looks good to me aha ^^; I don't use specific palettes for stuff or anything.
Shading wise? I really love doing it! Doesn't mean I have the slightest idea what I'm doing tho!
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I tend to do my shadows in a dark greyish colour and my light in a pale yellow. I then scale the transparency down to around 30% for both
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Does this shading make any logical sense? Probably not! Does it look good? To me, yes, so I don't really think so hard about it aha! I do try to consider light source when doing all this but I'm actually. quite new to this whole lighting and shading thing! This was another part of the art process I was so intimidated by that I just. didn't do it for a long time. Turns out I actually enjoy doing this part tho aha! It adds a lotta depth to the drawing, even very simple shading like this!
Glow-wise, while it's obviously not something I do on all drawings, I find just covering the area you wanna glow with an airbrush in whatever colour you want the glow to be and then turning the transparency to 30% works pretty well!
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Background wise,,,I have NO idea what I'm doing! Unless I go into a piece with a very specific background idea I usually. Don't do one. and this is one of those pieces so um. Gradient background with some markings it is aha!
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Sometimes if want a piece to portray a specific mood, I use a colour filter over everything, for that gabv1el piece I did a few days ago I used a dark red colour filter because I wanted that piece to feel quite comfy and warm, I don't think this drawing really needs one but here's it with one anyways so you can see what I mean
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I make a layer above everything and colour the subject of the drawing one colour, and then turn the transparency down to 30%
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..and now Edgar looks a lil warmer and softer!
I. ended up yapping way too long asfddfhdfh. I have no idea if this is even what you meant by process butt. I got to draw Edgar so I'm happy hehe ^^;
Thanks for the ask hehe~
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hotdogmchiggin · 1 year
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You know what fuck you *un-origins your Dialga*
Was a bit disappointed with the origin forms for both dialga and palkia when they were revealed, but I felt like dialga’s design was especially awkward (particularly the front legs and a lack of texture/color break throughout the design). So I decided to fuck around with the design a bit.
Explanations under the cut
Didnt want to change the overall design too much, but I did want to align the design a little bit more with dialgas normal form, since I felt that the difference between its normal/origin form wasn’t cohesive like the difference between giratina’s normal/origin forms are. So I moved the throat thing down to the chest (to match the chest plate that dialga has on its normal form). I also added some spikes on the sides of the throat to mirror arceus. I tried to make them the same shape as the spine that runs down dialga’s neck in its normal form. I made the front legs smaller since they just took up way too much space, and added dialgas stripe pattern along the side of its body to help break up all of the blue (I felt this made sense, since giratina retains its stripes between its two forms). I also gave it its longer tail (but this was more of a personal preference than anything). I liked the gradients, but felt they could use more of a defined color break, so I lightened up some of the areas like the feet and tail fin.
Still not the best I think and might’ve gone a bit overboard in some areas like the neck, but I think I like the overall proportions/patterns over the official design. Might do some more stuff with this later but thought it’d be fun to post now lol.
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ultravioart · 2 years
okay crackship time: Peepers and Marvin getting along really well, and eventually Marvin asks how old Peepers is since he's senior to his army, and Peepers thinks he's using silly wordplay, not realizing the Martian empire actually runs on age seniority: P: "Why, I've been 42 since birth." X: "Really! How fascinating." P: "That... was a joke, Marvin." X: "Ah." (silence) P: "Yeesh, relax, (laughs) I'm only 24!" X: "ONLY?! 24 thousand is very young!" P: "Oh, Hah. Hah. Very funny." X: "Do not 'Hah' me! I'm being serious!"
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Total Compliance Management System
Generic tool for compliances, legal and beyond. Generates additional checkpoints, around 109, to improve safety culture. Prompts and monitors compliances, from them, and also from audit or inspections, etc. What’s more, can plan them all
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amcdrawnon · 2 years
Rhyme does not deserve to suffer the flood of tech illiterate boomers in her calls, she has suffered enough
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>his rig is just as old
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acircusfullofdemons · 2 years
saw smth & got the absolute galaxy brain idea to make Glitch "lovecore" themed. it fits -- she already has obsessive tendencies & overly obsessed with people liking her/being The Best. Plus, it can work into her design by giving her a little cupid motif! not to mention it fits her parallel to Calypso bc he's well-liked and she's. not LMAO.
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jahida-123 · 11 days
Guide to Creating a Cold Work Permit Checklist
In industries where cold work is a necessity, ensuring the safety and well-being of workers is paramount. Cold environments pose unique hazards, including the risk of hypothermia, frostbite, and reduced dexterity, which can compromise worker safety if not properly managed. A cold work permit checklist of NeoEHS occupational health and safety software serves as a crucial tool for systematically identifying and addressing these risks, helping organizations to conduct cold work activities safely and effectively. In this step-by-step guide, we'll outline the key components of creating a comprehensive cold work permit checklist, offering insights and best practices to enhance workplace safety in cold environments. Whether you're involved in construction, maintenance, or any other industry requiring cold work, this guide will provide you with the framework to develop a robust checklist tailored to your specific needs and regulatory requirements.
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occucarehealthcare · 17 days
Important Role of Health Surveillance Programs in Occupational Health
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The significance of medical monitoring procedures for employees in oversight is explored in the current piece.  The conjunction of monitoring Occupational Health Software with larger public health initiatives shows potential for enhancing worldwide health preparation.
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ardhasneoehs · 5 months
Streamline Cold Work Permitting with NeoEHS Software: A Step-by-Step Guide
Cold work permits are essential for ensuring worker safety when performing potentially dangerous jobs. This in-depth tutorial describes how to use NeoEHS Software to develop a thorough cold work permit checklist. Your permission process can be made more efficient and automated to increase responsibility, reduce risk, and guarantee compliance. Now is the time to start optimizing your cold work processes! https://www.neoehs.com/blogs/step-by-step-guide-to-creating-a-cold-work-permit-checklist
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citrusoc · 18 days
Was about to watch devious maids legally but companiesᵀᴹ made it so frustrating that I've turned to piracy
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validworthblog · 5 months
What is EHS software, and what are its benefits?
EHS software helps companies monitor their workplace environmental health and safety compliance with regulations and improve on it when there are gaps in the system. The software solutions help reduce risk to workers, enhance workplace safety, and reduce environmental impacts.  Component of every EHS Software. Health and Safety Management. Environmental management. Occupational health…
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gender-euphowrya · 6 months
refreshed, healed, content, thriving, ready to take on the world <- just reorganized his desktop icons
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knowify-capital · 6 months
Benefits of using Permit-to-Work Software's Mobile Application
EHS mobile applications are becoming increasingly popular among industry users. No wonder it is an outstanding technological upgrade keeping employees at the frontline in ensuring environment, health and safety management. Permit initiation, approvals, reports, and closures are all done through permit-to-work software mobile apps.
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softdesigners · 6 months
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"Optimize training management with our digital training tracker software, ensuring real-time monitoring, automated notifications, and streamlined data analytics for a seamless and efficient employee learning experience."
Visit us: https://www.softdesigners.co.in/
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