#soju rocket my... well i know of him
bathmob · 1 year
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let's get back to basics
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thewonandonly · 2 years
TWELVE.FIVE — AUGUST 1, 2022, 8:33PM
trigger warning: mention of drug abuse/alcohol abuse, and assault
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you remembered the entire night like the back of your hand; arriving at the club as mingi walked you there, sitting on the uncomfortable couch in uncomfortable clothes, watching the attendees enjoying themselves while you sit there, sober-living and drug-free.
you could remember why you swore off alcohol and drugs for the rest of your life, entirely because of your parental figures; the constant sicknesses you had to endure as a kid, the endless fighting between your parents about who took what, where they put it that normally ended violently. your younger sibling was already housed somewhere else, which you believed was exchanged for cash. in all honesty, the soju you were gifted was just accepted in your kind of heart, and also so your friends could enjoy their night, because they could actually hold their liquor unlike your figures in your life.
you sit on that uncomfortable couch, reliving every second of your lifetime; your mother begging and pleading for you to go into pharmaceutical science for her own benefit, your father constantly arguing with you, blaming you for every single second something of his went missing. and in all honesty, you housed all your parents' possessions under your mattress, right behind the milk crates that they gave you instead of that new bed frame you saved money for on your birthday. that went to their addictions when you gave it to them. big, if not huge, mistake on your part.
wooyoung and yeosang sat beside you, both enjoying their liquor, while you forced your hands on your knees, keeping them from covering your mouth.
"hey, you okay, y/n?" yeosang was the first to pipe up, setting the glass on the table.
you nodded, "i'm fine." you smiled softly, "i'm just not used to this kind of setting, in all honesty." pulling your phone out, you opened your most beloved app, pokémon go, waiting for it to load up.
wooyoung gave one of his signature giant box smile, "well, good news is, we're not much of party animals ourselves." he scooted closer, "woah, your character looks cool!" he looked at your character on your screen before opening the profile.
"huh?" you looked from him to the phone, "oh, thank you." you smiled, your character dressed up as jessie from team rocket, your shiny gengar as your buddy, "i've spent real life money on this game, unfortunately."
wooyoung and yeosang looked through your collection of pokémon on your phone, gasping at all the different shiny pokémon you harbored, even few shiny legendaries.
hongjoong wandered over to the couch, offering you a cup with a mystery liquid in it, and you smelled in, both as a safety precaution and through curiosity, accepting it almost immediately when you figured out it was just water.
"what are you doing, sang?" hongjoong sighed, "give her phone back."
yeosang gaped, "look at all this, joong. i aspired for this type of pokedex as a kid." yeosang turned the phone to the elder.
hongjoong looked to you, to get the go ahead to scroll, which you granted, before scrolling through the page, "wow, how long have you been playing this game, y/n?"
"not very long. i did play pokémon with my sibling as a kid, but we had to pawn our gameboy, after that, we just kind of collected cards." you smiled, "but, i only started playing pokémon go, last year, i think?" you answered more as a question, "i don't drive or anything, so i walk everywhere, so it's more convenient than bring my switch everywhere with me."
hongjoong smiled, "you really like it, don't you?"
you shrugged shyly, "it's fun, and it's like taking care of a pet." your heart squeezed at the thought of owning a pet; one that would've protected you from everything.
you know san had a cat, which you have taken care of multiple times on your days off, but you wanted one to call your own.
maybe a dog; a big dog.
you spoke the rest of the night with them, not noticing time passing until you looked at your phone again, when they all went off to go get more drinks, that it was 3 o'clock in the morning. you gathered your things and looked around the club to look for your friends, constantly checking the time, scared even a minute off would destroy everything.
yeosang approached, skillfully holding three cups in his hand, "is something wrong, y/n?"
you shook your head, "no, i was just going to let you guys know that i was going to head back home." you smiled, "i promised mingi i'd be back home before he had to wake up for work."
yeosang pursed his lips, "let me get wooyoung and hongjoong." he smiled back sweetly, his eyes creasing as he wandered off.
silently, you sat there, tapping your foot just a little too impatiently.
hongjoong approached, the younger two following, "are you heading out, now?"
"yeah, i promised mingi and everything."
"i see." he rubbed his chin, "here, i can walk you out." he smiled, helping you stand up, "if you want me to, i can give you a ride." he chuckled.
you shook your head, exiting the club and pulling the wristband from your wrist, "oh, no, it's okay. my apartment is just around the corner. i can walk." you pulled the coat on, your hands immediately pulling the sleeves around them.
"are you sure?" hongjoong asked, looking at you gently, "i have an extra helmet and everything."
"i'm sure." you smiled, "have fun. don't do anything stupid, hongjoong." you chuckled, bowing to him before turning away to walk off, while he stood there, waving his hand.
you've been walking around at this time of night plenty of times, plus, you knew the area, the shortcuts, and the timing for the traffic lights. if you followed the exact way home you normally do, you would be home in less than 5 minutes.
you pulled your phone from your pocket, sending mingi a text to let him know you'd be home in just a few minutes, despite knowing he's asleep.
you stopped at a traffic light, feeling a breeze hit your back, and you turned around to look around you, taking note of the gas station across the street.
you payed no mind to the car that pulled out from said gas station, crossing the road as you shoved your phone back in your pocket, keeping your eyes focused on the road ahead. just 2 more blocks, you reassured yourself.
the car that pulled out from the gas station, turned on their hazard lights, and pulled over, rolling down the window to lean out, "do you need a ride?" a man asked.
you kept your distance as you continued on the sidewalk, "i'm sorry?" you leaned a bit closer, just to hear the question again.
"i asked if you needed a ride." he was older — maybe late 30's, glasses framing his eyes.
"oh, i'm sorry, uh, i don't need a ride. my apartment is—"
a loud roaring of a engine pulled your ears from the conversation, but a loud yell of "hey!" pulled your eyes.
the same all black ducati and sticker riddled helmet that was at your convenience store was right behind the car.
seonghwa, was all you thought.
the driver of the car turned to look at seonghwa, even going as far to open the door and approach him on the bike, who comfortably leaned back, his feet propped up on top of the plexiglass, as if he was lounging.
"what the hell do you think you're doing?" the driver cursed.
seonghwa chuckled, flipping the plastic eye shield of his helmet up, "what the hell do you think you're doing? i know exactly what you're like."
the man reached towards his pocket, and seonghwa immediately stopped him there. "i wouldn't recommend that." seonghwa scolded, "assault with a deadly weapon can lead you to quite a few years in prison." seonghwa chuckled softly, turning his body to look at the man and lean against his bike, "plus, i don't think a pink heart embellished pocket knife would look good on you in court." seonghwa turned to look at you, and jutted his head to the back of his bike, "i recommend you sit this one out before the district attorney hears."
"you bastard—" the man made a run towards seonghwa, but you were the first to act as you pulled out the pepper spray you normally carried and spurt it into the offenders eyes.
seonghwa chuckled, "come on, man, don't mess up the bike." he shrugged.
you sat on the back of the bike, tightening the helmet to your head, "let's go." you nodded to him.
seonghwa climbed in front of you, turning on the bike before weaving past the man and leaving him in the dust.
your arms were wrapped around seonghwa's torso, who glanced over his shoulder every once in a while to check his blind spots.
he pulled up to your apartment complex, and you began to loosen the helmet as you waited for him to drop the peg, "thank you," you nodded, passing the helmet to him.
"whatever." seonghwa pulled his backpack in front of him, shoving the helmet inside, "don't let weirdo's talk to you." he scolded, "you nearly gave him your address, idiot."
you chuckled, "even if he knew my address, he'd still have to figure out my apartment number, what floor i'm on, what button to be buzzed in."
seonghwa rolled his eyes, "sure. as if that's hard to figure out."
you smiled, before you looked at him, "if you don't mind me asking," you treaded lightly, the soft rumbling of the motor filling the air, "why'd you come pick me up?"
seonghwa sighed, "think of it as a favor from hongjoong." he revved the bike, "this means nothing to me. i just don't want you getting killed to give him the regret." and he placed one foot onto the foot peg, making a slow turn to the street after kicking up the stand and dashed off.
you silently watched as he drove off, with ultimate balance and control gracing him. you didn't realize how much you were shaking until you pushed some hair that fell into your face, your hand quaking; whether it be from the older man, or from the rush of being on a bike like that.
you decided you were going to calm your nerves by laying in bed with a movie playing in the background and pokemon: shining pearl sitting on your switch screen; possibly screen-burning it.
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PARK SEONGHWA is a stone-cold, cantankerous punk-rock player. He hates everything about the world, and if he had just one chance, he’d do anything to keep the best thing about the world in his arms; you, the complete opposite of everything he’s ever built up to hate.
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TAGLIST ;; @punks-rad @atinytinaa @prince-mingki @dear-dreamie @yoongiigolden​ @noonaishere​ @naiify​ @kodzukein @layzfeelit
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copyright © 2022 thewonandonly. all rights reserved.
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yeojaa · 4 years
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You feel winded and you're not sure why.  Like you'd been walking on cloud nine and were now falling through the atmosphere, plummeting toward the ground at incredible speeds.  When you speak, it doesn't really sound like you.  "Yes."  Because he was exactly right - you were a hopeless romantic.  Always had been.  It was hard not to be when your parents were childhood sweethearts and love was the thing you'd been chasing your whole life.
alt summary.  You use your one brain cell for love.  It doesn’t always end well.
pairing.  who knows, honestly.  the obvious ones are kim taehyung and jeon jungkook, though.  
tags.  blind date, strangers, strangers to friends, strangers to lovers, getting to know each other, alternate universe, alternate universe - modern setting, romantic comedy.
rating.  general (for now?)
word count.  ~3750
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chapter 4.  
Time passes as it always does, swirling around you in the form of hungry patrons and waning sunlight. 
Occasionally, it crawls and the words don't come, weighed by an anchor you can't quite lift.  It feels heavy in your hands, a door that won't open no matter how much you fidget, graphite leaving dots across pristine white paper.  It taunts you and tricks you every time you hazard a glance at your phone.
Other times, it's gone in the blink of an eye, the glowing numbers on your screen a reminder of its perpetual movement.  
The only consistent is Jeon Jungkook. 
You appreciate his presence, the familiarity it brings as he sits quietly, every so often chuckling to himself when he scrolls past something funny on his phone.  A snap of his friend's face superimposed over a pig (don't ask);  a meme off the front page of Reddit.  You're grateful for the fact that he keeps otherwise quiet and doesn't try to share his finds, taking extra care not to disturb whatever creative process you're in.  He knows as well as you - you take inspiration where you can get it.
Still, it's hard not to notice him. 
There'd always been something about him that drew your attention, like he was a planet and you were caught in his gravitational pull.  You couldn't avoid him if you tried.
Looking at him now - sneaking glances when you know he's miles down his Instagram feed and won't catch you - he's everything you remembered and so much that you hadn't.  It makes your heart ache a little, just as it had in the first few months of radio silence.  You'd honestly thought you'd gotten used to it - draped a cloth over the Jungkook-shaped hole in your life - but sitting there with him, you realize you definitely hadn't.  It's like a cold draft that won't go away, curling around his gaping silhouette and rousing memories you don't mean to dwell on. 
Maybe it was your fault.  Maybe your refusal to explore the how's and why's had festered the wound and kept it from healing.  But if you were to blame, then so was he.  After all, you'd never meant for it to happen.   
Isn't that how it always happened?
Things had been fine, for a while.  Better than fine, in fact.  You'd found a kindred spirit in the boy that'd taken up root beside you, discovering fragments of your dreams in his film vignettes and buried between the layers of his watercolour. 
You'd gone through the motions of getting to know each other before casual conversations in the lecture hall had transitioned to harried 3 a.m. texts about whether you'd completed the assignment or not.  (He always had;  you, not so much.)  The Friday editing sessions had even turned to weekend day trips in search of inspiration, not realizing - or not acknowledging - you'd found it in each other.  Of course, you never addressed it, finding too much comfort in each other to dare turn the spotlight on it.  You'd thought that maybe, if you acted like it wasn't happening, everything would be okay. 
You thought whatever you were would be safe, hidden among the moon and stars.
After all, it was inevitable, like the changing of seasons.  Spending so much time with someone else tended to open you up to them in ways you'd never expected. 
Still, it had hit you like a freight train colliding with a pipe bomb when you'd drunkenly invited him back to your dorm and he'd agreed, enthusiastic and intoxicated.  You'd been celebrating the completion of your thesises (or theses, as Jungkook had so sagely reminded you when you were four bottles of soju in and slurring your words). 
Never in your wildest dreams - and oh, how you'd dreamt - had you thought it would happen.
You should've known it was a bad idea when your adoration had nearly swallowed you whole, the familiar desire to stick your tongue out at him replaced by one to use that muscle in a very different way.  But everything had happened so quickly that night, intensity engulfing every single one of your sensibilities and igniting it in flames.  He'd felt so good - so right - like he'd been created just for you, all of his sinew and bone a testament to a higher power that had deemed you worthy enough.  
If you were a recovering addict, he was the 40 year old malt that sent you right back into inebriation. 
You hadn't cared then, drunk off something other than liquor.  All you'd wanted was him and that beautiful smile for a little while longer. 
You'd even told yourself you could get past whatever repercussions arose.  That was the strength of your friendship.  And yet, you'd been wrong.  You'd hardly been able to look at him the next morning, fleeing to the library with a note left on your pillow.  You'd been the one to run away, leaving him to wake up to an empty bed.  
It was the right thing to do, you'd told yourself.  Better to avoid an awkward morning after. 
Except that silence had stretched on and by the time you'd realized your mistake, it was too late.  You weren't sure who was ignoring who and you were too afraid to ask.
"Do I have something on my face?"  Your companion is swiping across his mouth, alarmed by the intensity with which you've been ogling him.  God - how long had you been staring at him?
Heat spills over your neck and you can feel it rising into your hairline, sweeping across your ears and drowning them in red-hot embarrassment.  "No.  Sorry.  I zoned out."  You're stumbling over your words, a choked half-laugh crossing the threshold of enamel. 
Jungkook looks at you like he could unravel your excuses with but a word but says nothing.  His capacity for silence always surprised you.
"Should we get going?"  He finally offers.  Your saving grace.
"Oh, sure."  A cursory glance at your phone has you near bolting out of your seat.  "It's almost two?!"  You're immediately shoving everything back into your tote with manic energy, nearly stabbing your pencil through the fleshy underside of your palm when you miss its rightful pocket.  You'd never been good with time management.
"You'll be fine - the studio's close by."  He's not wrong but his reassurance has you halting, strap of your bag looped around the hook of your elbow.  For a second, you're confused.  He can see it in your eyes. 
He debates saying something, waiting for the cogs in your head to click into place.
They finally do and you finish your motion, hiking your tote comfortably onto your shoulder.  Your over-ear headphones are tucked neatly into the pocket in the front and zipped in for security before a single AirPod replaces the quiet left behind by their departure.  Habit.  You always need music.
He knows them too, you remind yourself. 
(You don't know how it hasn't come up yet.  Maybe because it's been eight excruciating months of the Great Depression, as you tended to call it.)
You're about to bid him farewell, the words primed, when you catch his expression.  It might just be your own emotions projected across the chiselled curvature, but he looks almost wistful.  Like he's not quite ready to say goodbye.  
You decide you aren't, either.  "Do you want to walk with me?"
You know he doesn't take longer than a moment to consider the offer, though he plays at mulling it over, a decidedly artificial look of deliberation spreading.
"Fine, your loss,"  you state with an exaggerated roll of your eyes. 
When you move toward the door, he's right there with you, and when you head into the early afternoon light, he's at your side.  You try not to think about how close he is, how you're not sure whether the heat is from the sun or his body or the emotion that boils beneath your skin.  It's hard.
"How long have you been interning?"  He's sweetly curious, the picture of friendly attention.
"Since September." 
"Do you like it?"
"I love it."  He hears the animation that threatens to drag your words into overdrive, throwing ending syllables into one another.  A quirk of yours - like your heart couldn't catch up with your mouth.  "It's been a really incredible experience and I have so much respect for the people that put their entire lives into it.  Namjoon and Yoongi - they've been so great.  A little rough around the edges,"  Jungkook's hum is wrapped in understanding because he intimately knows what you mean,  "but so, so good to me."  You seem to realize you've taken off like a rocket and slow, allowing yourself to readjust as you plummet back to Earth.  "It's like everything I'm feeling finally has a home, you know?"
"I get it."  Something tender lingers in his gaze as your eyes meet.  Your heart skips a beat.  Then he's still, forcing you to do the same.  You realize you're at your destination, imposing building rising high above your heads.  "I guess this is goodbye."
You hate the sound of that more than you should.  You offer a little wave as you begin backwards, shoulder meeting the glass door.  You can't look away.  "How about see you later instead?"  
He looks like he's just won the lottery when you disappear inside.
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They're two figures huddled together when you slip into the studio, your Dr. Martens replaced with soft Ryan slippers that stand in stark contrast to your neon green socks.  You think they must not hear you by the lack of acknowledgment and take your time in setting your bag down, extracting your items one by one. 
Phone, notebook, headphones.  Your water bottle.  Pencils and pens in every pastel shade you could find.  If only you were this organized in school.
"So, you and Taehyung, huh?"  Yoongi's low drawl has you whipping around but he hasn't even turned, instead still preoccupied with the melody that filters through his studio headphones, one side trapped against his head by the flat of his palm.  You see more than hear the silent laughter that catches his shoulders, rolling over his lithe frame.  
"Hello to you too, Min seonsangnim,"  you chirp, ignoring the question in favour of settling down behind them.  It's your usual spot beside the electric piano, comprised of a sleek Herman Miller lounge chair and simple black table that you neatly arrange your belongings onto.  You unfold your notebook and drag it into your lap, legs crossed in your seat, as you wait for them to finish whatever they're working on.
Namjoon hums to himself, fingers tracking with practiced precision as he lays a certain beat differently, dragging a note to the forefront.  You watch, ever curious, as his deft movements transform the sounds that reach his ears, bringing an appreciative nod from the man beside him.
What you wouldn't give to hear what they were working on.
Instead, you focus on the litany of lyrics scrawled across the pages of your notebook.  You drag them over and over in your head, letting them curve across different melodies in hopes one will stick.  You know it's backwards - tune first, Namjoon always said - but you're stuck on these goddamn lines.  You want them to make sense so badly.
You must look as frustrated as you feel, because you register a soft laugh and your name right as you're about to slash out another two lines.
"You're going to regret it."  You know he's right.  You huff, all but slamming your pencil down on the table as you meet the expectant stares of your mentors.  It feels a little different today, as if you've crossed some invisible line you hadn't known existed.  It's not an unwelcome feeling.
"Just another thing to add to the list,"  you answer, dryly. 
"Woah now."  There are tendrils of concern wrapping the words, something unspoken in the way Namjoon looks at you rather than the words he speaks.  His chin cants, mouth pursed in that distinct way of his, and you can't help but feel a little childish, like a student caught red-handed by their principal.  How fitting that that's what he was to you.  "Is everything okay?"
The smile you offer is genuine, steeped heavily in appreciation.  You're fine - you know you are.  The past few days have just gotten weirder and weirder and it's a little hard to wrap your head around it.  You're not sure how to explain that.
"Is it because you're pining over Tae?"  It doesn't seem like he's going to let it go any time soon so you level Yoongi with a stare that would make him proud, reeking of barely concealed dissatisfaction.  It's a complete facade, meant only to act as an apathetic mask.  He knows that.  You know that.   He snickers, arms folding across his chest as he maintains that look of anticipation.
"I'm not pining over him,"  you retort.  And really, you're not.  You're just pleasantly intrigued. 
"But you do like him."  Now it's Namjoon locking you with the implications of his question, the words acting as proverbial blinders.  You can't look anywhere but his eyes.
"I mean, I hardly know him."  You know your answer isn't enough by the silence that meets it.  You blow a steady stream of air through your nose, trying to find patience among the fluttering in your chest.  "Fine, I like him.  I'm interested."  It feels strange talking to them about this.  They've never involved themselves in your personal life.  Not even when you'd asked them to help you with your songs, begged to pour your heartbreak into something material. 
All things considered, you can't blame them.  
"Good.  Because he's a good guy."  You don't doubt it but it's still nice to hear, especially from those whose opinions you hold in such high esteem.  It lightens your burden a little, stripping worry away from your heart like daisy petals.  
You like him, you like him not, you like him.  
With a languid roll of your eyes, you edge closer, sock sliding back into your slippers.  Your notebook is set down, forgotten temporarily, as you rock to your feet and cross to join them in front of the various monitors.  "Can we focus on something other than my love life now?"  
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The sun is but a flicker of burnt orange over the horizon when you exit the building, drifting low behind buildings and casting faded warmth over everything it touches.  It's colder than you'd anticipated, the soft knit of your cardigan doing little to rebuff the evening air.  It's invigorating, if not a little unwelcome.  
You slot your earphones into place before you begin walking, enamoured with the strike of ivory keys and unfiltered lyricism.  A quick swipe through your messages, nothing immediately catching your eye.  Good.  You're ready to go home and dive into a bowl of ramyeon.
Or, at least, you were - before you're colliding with a solid mass.
You blink once, twice, trying to make sense of what's happened.  You know this area like the back of your hand, have walked it both sober and drunk, in the afternoon and hours past midnight.  There's certainly not supposed to be an obstruction in the middle of the street.
"I'm so sorry."  The voice registers as desirable, heavy in its timbre, a sound you'd gladly tumble headlong into.  It's also familiar, though that recognition comes more slowly, in bits and pieces that form a haphazard picture in your mind.  It's fuzzy around the edges because you're not intimately familiar with it but oh, how you could be.
"Kim Taehyung?"  You're not sure how many times you've uttered those same few words but it falls again, framed in surprise and perhaps a little hope.  
"Hi."  He breathes the greeting like it's a secret, his big boxy grin stopped short only by the way he catches his bottom lip between his teeth.  There's a flash of pink as his tongue follows suit not long after, laving at the indents he's left behind.  A tic of his, you notice.  One that stirs butterflies in your chest and tension in your stomach.  You mimic the action without realizing and it's his turn to inhale sharply, his attempts at suffocating the excitement with a lungful of air feeble.  "Surprise?"  
It's an understatement if you've ever heard one. 
"What're you doing here?"  
The reminder that this isn't normal - that your meeting isn't planned nor somehow caused by some sort of cosmic interference - seems to bring him to his senses.  He shifts his weight from one foot to the other, hand rising to scratch at the nape of his neck.  He's tonguing his lip again, the tell-tale flash of pink distracting you momentarily.  In the open, like this, he's even more handsome than you remembered and you admire him with little hesitation.
"Namjoon-hyung mentioned they'd have a late night." 
That certainly doesn't answer your question.  "But what does that have to do with me?"
"He said he and Yoongi-hyung would be here all night but... that you were leaving soon."  By the way he speaks, it almost as if he's ready for a reprimand or rejection.  He won't even look at you fully, his gaze bouncing from your eyes to your mouth to some indeterminate spot behind your left ear.  He looks like he's about burst when he finally meets your stare.  "I thought you might want to get dinner. "
You can't deny how charming it is, how giddy it makes you feel.  You're beaming as bright as the sun.  "I'd love to." 
The breath he'd been holding escapes as one giant laugh that reverberates his shoulders and crashes out of his mouth in unadulterated mirth.  He tries to hide it behind his hands, palm pressed to his lips as his face contorts into a makeshift cage.  He's a kid on Christmas morning and his excitement is infectious.
"I guess this is our first date then."  There's that aching sweetness again, blanketing his words in promise as he extends his hand.  Maybe it's a little too forward, a little too much - you can see the uncertainty buried deep in his irises - but you take it nonetheless, slotting your digits with his as if its the most natural thing in the world.  You like the way he feels, the weight of his hand in yours.  You're gladdened by the fact that you still feel sparks where your skin connects, a live wire linking the two of you together.
It hadn't just been all in your head.
"Where should we go?"  
"Anywhere."  You don't mean to sound the way you do, a girl on her first date.  It causes a revolt against your cheeks, pretty pink painting the apples.  "I'm not picky."  A poor attempt at sounding somewhat blasé.  Why you try, you're not sure, because Taehyung looks just as enamoured as you.  It's both powerful and terrifying.  "You choose."  
So he does - and you like that, too, allowing him to lead the two of you to a nearby shop that specializes in jokbal.  He won't stop talking about it the entire way, regaling you with stories of late night munchies with his hyungs and making you laugh so hard you shake. 
He never drops your hand, not even when he's opening the door for you with his other.  
You find your seats quickly, settling across from each other at the small table.  It's reminiscent of the first time you'd met and you can't help but smile, mouth pursing so as to stave off the expression.  It catches his attention, though you're uncertain it'd been anywhere else.  "What?"
"I feel like we should be answering questions again."
There's playfulness curling his lips, stretching his cheeks and rounding them into his characteristic smile.  "Do you want to?"
You're surprised.  Why not?  "Sure.  It'll be like old times."
Now, he snickers, once again hidden behind the slope of his fingers.  "What percentage did you put at the end?"  It's like a flipped switch how quickly he goes from cherubic aegyo to serious, effortlessly handsome in his sudden gravity.
"I'm not telling you that!"  You gasp as if affronted, voice warbling like an old widow asked about her dearly departed.  
"Come on!"  He comes back, just as quick.  A hand cradles his heart now - lays right over where it lies beneath the soft cotton of his plain black shirt - and tenses.  Some sort of very fake sob comes out, hushed in consideration of the other diners, and he levels you with a look that makes you want to kiss him.  "You're breaking my heart, Cho Jiyeon."
A part of you wants to drag this on, keep that all-encompassing smile in place for as long as you can, but he's already shifting.  He's leaning across the table and you can count each individual eyelash and every mole.  You're once again left breathless by the sheer beauty of him.  
"I put 100."  The admission comes so easily from him that you almost feel bad for holding out.  Almost. 
You think you might if you weren't completely over the moon and lost to the stars above.  "Me too."
He's never looked better than when he hears that and you try to memorize the way his eyes squint, the start of his smile when his mouth pulls subtly to the left, the deep lines that run the length of his chiselled cheeks.  Like a painting by the old masters, it speaks volumes.  
"You're not just saying that?" 
The juxtaposition is laughable when he finally speaks.  Here he is, devilishly handsome and brimming with euphoria, and yet his words sound like they've taken everything out of him.  It makes your heart squeeze in a downright lovesick way.  "One hundred,"  a pause that's meant to be cute,  "percent serious."
Your bad joke has him laughing, sweeping you up in the sound.  "You won't regret it."
You tell yourself you believe him because you're hopeless and you don't know better.  But when he focuses on you like this, you can't help it.  He's like every wish you've ever made, a shooting star across a spotless night sky, illuminating everything in its path.  He makes you see in full spectrum colour, setting your vision to ultra HD.  You don't want to go back to shades to grey.
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notes.  just when kook was getting some face time, in comes taehyung.  whoops!
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solastia · 5 years
Feels so right | 3
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Pairing: Min Yoongi x Reader
Word Count: 2,900
Summary: Yoongi’s falling in love with his neighbor. She’s beautiful, talented, has the same sense of humor, great taste in music - and she’s married.
Warnings: Emotional manipulation, domestic violence(all from the male OC, not our main characters). Infidelity. Eventual smut. Don't drink and drive, kiddos. 
Notes: Commissioned by @ehn-ee-elle
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He couldn’t really explain the sense of rightness he felt having her here in his studio. Normally he liked to rush any visitors out quickly, wanting to get back to his work in peace. Instead, he was running her through a third completely unnecessary take (the first one had been perfect) just because he liked watching her like this. She’d been smiling and laughing with the rest of his team, having gotten along with them nearly instantly. She’d impressed them with her obvious skill and they’d stopped questioning where she came from. 
Yoongi slouched in his office chair, observing fondly as her fingers flew across the strings of her guitar. Music was obviously her element. He could recognize the way that she just lost herself in the music the same way he did. He could picture her coming here every day - smiling at him through the studio glass whenever he praised her, listening to him explain his notes with that little crinkle in her brow. Her vanilla scent was subtle but he could still smell it circling through his little office like a little cloud of temptation. It would soon be gone, but he wondered if he brought her around enough if it would soak into the very walls until it was always there. He almost hoped it would. God, she was turning him into a sap and she didn't even know it. 
“That’s a wrap. Thanks, everyone,” he mumbled through the mic. The musicians inside the recording booth all stood and stretched, their chatter immediately picking back up. They all shook Y/N’s hand, thanking her and telling her to come by again. His drummer thumped her on the back almost too hard and made her stumble, but she took it in stride and only sent Yoongi a quirked eyebrow when she spotted him laughing. 
He stopped laughing quickly though when he noticed something he wished he hadn’t. She’d reached up to pull her hair into a ponytail and her sleeve had fallen past her wrists. Those marks that looked alarmingly like fingers were still there, only this time darker. Meaning more recent. 
Yoongi inhaled sharply and crunched the paper that was in his hands. It was against his very nature not to speak up over some injustice he saw, and it was slowly driving him crazy to not say anything. He just knew that the moment he did she would throw up walls and get all defensive. Maybe refuse to see him again. He debated daily whether losing her as a friend was worth it if he could somehow make sure she was safe. 
“Your nose has gone all scrunchy. You’re either hungry or you need a nap. Maybe both,” she giggled as she exited the booth and sat at his desk. 
Yoongi forced his face to go back to his default expressionless facade. 
“I’m starving. I was thinking of going to that restaurant down the street from our apartment that has homestyle stuff. Get some stew and some meat. Come on, I’ll treat you for your good work today.” 
He didn’t give her a chance to decline - simply grabbed his bag and sauntered off, chuckling quietly to himself when she squeaked and rushed to grab her own things and follow. He led her to the parking garage and opened up the passenger side of his car for her to slide into. After helping her in, he walked around and slid into his own seat, bringing up the music app on his phone and tossing it into her lap. He hoped she appreciated the rare privilege of being allowed to be in charge of the music in his car. Luckily, she didn’t let him down and ended up using one of his own playlists. 
As he drove, he could almost pretend he was taking her on an actual date. One where it wouldn’t be totally weird of him to give in to the urge to reach over and grab her hand. It was just lying there on her thigh, the fingers tapping along with the beat. His own hand twitched as he pictured placing his on top of hers, lacing their fingers together so they could feel connected in even the smallest of ways. 
He tightened his fingers on the wheel in an attempt to regain some sort of control, maybe pressing on the pedal a little more than he needed to so he could get there faster before he did something he’d regret. 
When the restaurant came into view, he sighed in relief as he pulled into the parking lot. Some part of himself that was obviously a masochist kept up the fantasy that he had her on a date, forcing him to jog around the car and open up the door for her before she could do it herself. She raised an eyebrow, silently asking him what he was doing. He just shrugged and shoved his hands in his pockets as he led her inside. He found his favorite seat in the back and settled in, throwing the menu to the other side for Y/N to look over since he already knew what he wanted. 
Yoongi froze when instead of sitting on the opposite side of the booth, she slid in right next to him. She did it so thoughtlessly, like sitting on the same side of the booth like a couple was something they did every day. She didn’t even look over before she began pursuing the menu, mumbling to herself. 
He tried to play it off like he was equally unaffected, placing their orders once the waiter came by (along with a bottle of soju that he normally didn’t order but he felt like he’d need it today), then lounging back in his seat like he was half asleep. She seemed as unaware of her effect on him as she usually did, not noticing when he stiffened every time she spoke close to his ear or brushed against his arm. 
The food came and he had something else to focus on, giving him some blessed relief. Until, of course, she started moaning over her food. He poured his first shot with shaky hands and threw it back like water, praying the alcohol would dull his senses enough that she wouldn’t affect him so much. 
“You did good today, by the way. Any chance you’d consider working with me permanently?” Yoongi mumbled after a while. The alcohol seemed to be loosening his tongue already. 
She paused midbite, her eyebrows rocketing skyward in astonishment. 
“Like, a real musician?” 
“Of course. You have the talent, you get along with my team. You even had good notes for the work I showed you. I think we’d be lucky to have you.” 
For a moment he wondered if he’d broken her as she sat there with wide eyes, her jaw dropped as she stared at him. 
“What? It’s not really that crazy, is it? I mean if you don’t want to...”
“Oh! It’s not that! It’s just...I don’t know. I’ve never even been allowed to work before, let alone be told I’m good enough to do something professionally. And coming from you...” 
She chewed her lip in thought, and he let her silently, although he had caught that little tidbit about not being allowed to work. 
Y/N suddenly reached over and grabbed his bottle of soju, finishing the other half of the bottle in a few gulps. He observed her with surprise as she set the bottle down and waved for two more. 
She stared down at the table for a few moments before she finally whispered so softly he had to strain to hear. 
“I want to. You make me want so many things I shouldn't, Yoongi.” 
His heart sped up because that could mean anything. 
“What do you mean?” 
She glanced up at him with haunted eyes, the ache in his chest growing. 
“I want to say yes. That would be my dream. And I want -” 
She exhaled loudly, shaking her head. She switched her stare to the waiter that brought over two more bottles. She slid one to him and they’d apparently silently agreed to get wasted since neither hesitated to forgo the glasses and simply guzzle down the bitter alcohol. 
Yoongi set his bottle down and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, watching her do the same. He could see when the alcohol began taking effect, as she slouched a little more and her hands became clumsy. 
Sensing that he himself was nearing his limit before he became too drunk to drive, he got up and paid for the meal, then ushered Y/N towards the car. He drove them home silently, observing her as the alcohol slowly took more hold over her. She kept looking over at him and sighing, a tiny smile playing at the edge of her lips. 
Yoongi pulled into the parking lot, thankful that they only lived a couple blocks from the restaurant as the alcohol settled in his own belly. He turned the engine off and sat back, looking over at her curiously when she made to move to get out other than take off her seat belt. Finally, she turned to him and sighed. 
“I’ll do it if we can be secret about it. I won’t be able to come in every day. Only when...he’s gone.” 
Yoongi grunted, the mere thought of the person she was married to turning his thoughts sour. 
“Can I ask you something without you hating me?” 
“Well, that sounds ominous,” she replied curiously. 
He shrugged and tried to word it carefully, aided by alcohol-infused courage. 
“Why do you stay? I mean, I’m next door so I hear things. And I see...” he sighs and reaches out the gently grasp her wrist. He flips up her sleeve and caresses the bruised skin carefully. 
Y/N exhales shakily, but she doesn’t pull away. 
“I don’t even know anymore. I’m scared, I guess.” 
“Of what he’d do?” Yoongi asks with a worried frown. 
She shrugs. “That, and just change in general. I tried to leave once when I was younger and he pursued me relentlessly until I took him back after he made me feel guilty enough. That -” she nodded towards the wrist Yoongi still held in his hand, “Didn’t start until last year when I found out he was cheating on me and I started fighting back. But he took counseling with me and we moved. So he’s trying...” 
She sniffled and he gave in to the urge to lean down and press a soft kiss against the bruised wrist, anger at the bastard that would abuse such a treasure curling in his gut. 
“But then I met you.” 
Yoongi inhaled sharply, glancing up at her in surprise. Some part of his brain that was still capable of rational thought knew it was the alcohol talking, but he could still hope. 
“You make me want so many things I shouldn’t. I’m a married woman, happily or not. And you...Yoongi. No one has ever encouraged or believed in me like you do. Every morning, the only thing I have to look forward to is seeing you. I feel guilty constantly because I scream at him for cheating on me when all I can think about is what it would feel like to be touched by you.” 
A single tear made its way down her cheek, and Yoongi reached out his thumb to wipe it away softly. He leaned forward and pressed his forehead against hers, reveling in this stolen moment of closeness. 
“Fuck, you have no idea how much I want you. I know I shouldn’t, and I try to fight it. I would treat you so well, baby. So gentle. Give you the whole world and the only marks would be from my lips.” 
He dared to reach lower and kiss away another tear. She whined softly, so he drew forth more alcohol blessed courage and wrapped his arms around her, and lifted her to his side of the car until she was sprawled across his lap. Her eyes were wide and startled, but she settled easily enough as she threw her arms around his neck. 
“We shouldn’t...” she whispered sadly. 
“I know,” he whispered back. He didn’t know why, he just felt like it was appropriate at the moment. “I’m not going to make you do anything in the car. The first time I make love to you, it’s going to be while we’re both sober and in my bed where I can take my time,” he kissed her jaw, scanning her face for any signs he was going too far. Instead, he was happy to hear her little whimper as her eyes dilated.  
“I just want to show you that he’s not your only option. You deserve more, even if you don’t choose me you should still fight for yourself. You’re a beautiful, talented, amazing woman. Anyone that tells you otherwise isn’t worth your time,” he ranted, hoping that she’ll remember at least that much after the alcohol fog left her in the morning. 
“Can you - “ she started softly, pausing as she blushed and flicked her gaze down to his lips. He smirked as he began to grasp what she was asking. 
“You want me to kiss you?” 
She nodded, adding a whispered, “Please.” 
He slid his right hand up her back until it tangled in her hair, bringing her face towards his. He took his time, nuzzling around her face, reveling in the fact that he was this close to her. He kissed her eyes as they fell shut, peppering butterfly kisses on her cheeks and the tip of her nose. Finally, he reached her lips and pressed his against them softly, simply relishing the first contact. Her lips were soft and tasted faintly of vanilla chapstick and soju. 
After a few moments he groaned, moving his lips harder against hers, suddenly ravenous now that he’d finally had a taste of what had been so forbidden to him. His left hand reached down to her hip and pulled her closer, inadvertently rubbing her across his growing erection. She moaned loudly and began to rock her hips across him, and that’s when he knew he had to shut this down fast. He didn’t want to do anything that would upset her or that she’d regret in the morning. 
“Baby, we gotta stop. No, don’t whine. You know we should.” 
She was pouting so cutely, but obediently pulled away and stopped the tempting roll of her hips. Yoongi slammed his head back against his chair, staring up at her through narrowed eyes. 
“I’ll walk you to your door. I think it’s a good idea to sleep this off before we discuss it again or think about doing anything else.” 
She sighed and nodded, mutely acknowledging that he was right. He opened his door and helped her crawl off of him. He got out after her and pulled her bag and guitar from the trunk before he grabbed her hand under the guise of helping her up the stairs. He walked slowly on purpose, rubbing the guitar callused fingers in his. He could hardly believe he’d gotten the chance, considering not hours ago it had seemed such a farfetched dream to do something as simple as hold her hand. 
He stood outside of her door and handed her the bags, then lifted her chin with his hand. 
“It’s time to choose, Y/N. Choose to fight for yourself. I’ll be here if you want me to be,” he leans down and presses one last kiss filled with longing and desperation to her lips before leaving her at her door. 
He didn’t even look back, just hurried quickly into his own apartment, closing and locking it before he stood there with his head against the door. He wanted nothing more than to go back and carry her right into his own place where he knew she’d be safe and cared for. But he knew that he couldn’t. She was still married, after all, and would no doubt hate him if he tried to pressure her further. The fact that he’d gotten as far as he had today was probably a damn miracle. 
He sighed and pushed away from the door, strolling towards the bathroom where he planned to take care of what she’d left in his pants before he slept off the rest of the alcohol. 
Hopefully, in the morning everything would be brighter. 
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xiubaek-13 · 5 years
Lost In Translation - Chapter 7 - Sweet Punishments
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Requested: No Genre: Starts out with fluff, angst and smut to come later Pairing: ? (at this stage undecided) x Reader
Warnings: None yet.
Word Count: 1,704
"Yaaah hurry up! You picked truth, now answer the question!" Baekhyun exclaimed at Jongdae. "It's not rocket science!"
Jongdae huffed. "FINE. I would marry Minseok, fuck Sehun and kill Baekhyun." Sehun burst out laughing and playfully hit Baekhyun.
"See where being annoying gets you Baek." he teased. Baekhyun lunged forward to bite Sehun but Jongdae pulled him back.
"Can we move on already?" Jongdae interjected. "I only chose to kill you because you kept interrupting my thought process. Anyway, my turn now. Chanyeol, Truth or Dare?"
"Dare." Chanyeol answered immediately. He'd been doing that all night and this would be his fourth dare. You wondered what else they could dare him to do since apparently he lost all inhibitions once enough alcohol hit his system. So far he had given Jongin a foot massage, allowed Kyungsoo to draw on his face, and given Yixing a lap dance. Jongdae grinned and it reminded you of an evil imp. Usually his smiles were happiness personified but this one was mischievous.
"I dare you to spin an empty bottle in the middle of this circle. Whoever it lands on you have to kiss. If you refuse, or if the person it lands on refuses, I'll give out a punishment to one of you."
It took Chanyeol a moment to process the dare before he grabbed an empty soju bottle placed it on the floor in the middle of the circle, his fingers twisted ready to spin the bottle but he paused. You watched as he slowly glanced around the circle as if to assess his options. He wet his lips, smirked to himself and spun the bottle. He closed his eyes and waited for the bottle to stop spinning. What Chanyeol didn't see was the rest of the guys silently switching places as soon as he closed his eyes. You had to stop yourself from laughing at the ridiculous sight of 8 grown men moving silently whilst a bottle spun. The bottle finally stopped spinning and Chanyeol opened his eyes. He stared at the bottle and tried to remember who was sitting where the bottle was pointed. He slowly looked up and you couldn't help but giggle at the shock on his face when he noticed everyone had moved.
"No fair, you all moved!"
Junmyeon was the one to answer. "Dude... there were no rules against that  and we all saw you try to work out where you wanted that bottle to land so really, so moving was the only way to keep this game fair."   
Chanyeol huffed. He finally focused on where the bottle had landed. "Well Baekhyun, if everyone hadn't moved you wouldn't have to be kissed by me right now." Chanyeol started to crawl over to where Baekhyun was sitting while the rest of the guys were catcalling and egging them on. My life is weird now... good but freaking weird.
Baekhyun seemed to finally realise what was about to happen because he attempted to back away from Chanyeol but Minseok was right behind him holding him in place. "Ch-chanyeol, dude. Come on now, stop playing and just take the punishment. You don't want to kiss me.. not that I'm not a good kisser I'm a great kisser it's just I'd feel bad for you if you kissed me now because I didn't brush my teeth after my last meal which by the way was full of garlic and I can feel a burp coming on and do you want to know what is worse than kissing someone with garlic breath? Them burping into your mouth. You don't want that right? Right. So you should totally not kiss m-phhff."  Chanyeol cut him off.
Your eyes widened in shock. You didn't actually think Chanyeol would make out with Baekhyun or any of the other members really. You were expecting it to be a game of chicken rather than what was unfolding before your eyes. Minseok was holding Baekhyun in place and Chanyeol had straddled him. His hands were holding Baekhyun's face and they weren't just pressing their lips together, they were making out. You couldn't take your eyes off them and if you were honest with yourself, you were about 5 seconds away from fanning yourself because you were enjoying this. After what seemed like forever Chanyeol removed one hand from Baekhyun's face and  waved it at Jongdae.
"5, 4, 3, 2, 1 aaaand done!" Chanyeol broke the kiss. "Yaaah, why did you do the dare? I really wanted to give out a punishment!" Jongdae pouted.
Baekhyun was wiping his mouth on his sleeve. "Yeah, and what was wrong with a normal kiss, why'd you have to use tongue?"
"I had to 100% complete it, you know Jongdae gives the worst punishments when he's in this kind of mood and Minseok was watching for Jongdae so I had to sell it!" Chanyeol took a swig from his soju bottle and swished it around his mouth. "At least you were lying about the garlic breath thing."
Everyone was laughing at their exchange. Jongin was rolling on the floor in hysterics. Minseok however, was watching you. "Y/N, you look a bit flushed. Did those two just scandalise you?"
Suddenly you felt 9 sets of eyes on you. You tried to hide your blush. "I'm fine, I just didn't expect them to go for it like that."
Jongdae laughed."They wouldn't have, but they are scared of my punishments"
"Only because you give out the WORST punishments. You think of some fucked up shit Dae. Anyway, it's my turn now. Y/N, truth or dare? and I swear to god if you pick truth again I'll make it a question you do not want to answer."
You sighed. You thought they wouldn't notice if you kept picking truth to avoid doing anything embarrassing but apparently Chanyeol had been keeping track. In hindsight you should have done a dare in your first or second round when everyone was much more sober. Things were rapidly descending the more they drank. You were kind of afraid but you hoped Chanyeol would take it easy on you since he wasn't leaving you much choice between truth or dare. "Dare."
He smiled that giant goofy smile he had and for a split second you thought the dare would be something cute. You were wrong. "Play rock, paper, scissors with each member. For every member you lose to they get to remove an item of clothing from you. For each member you win against you get to remove an item of clothing from them."
You did a quick count of how many items of clothing you had on and quickly realised that you had to win a few rounds to ensure you didn't end up naked. Unless.. "Chanyeol?"
"Can I wear the items I win off the members?"
He pondered for a minute "Sure, makes it more fun that way and you won't stretch our clothing so I see no problems."
You turned to Sehun and started. You won your first round and removed his hat. Next was Junmyeon who you lost to so he removed your slippers. You were grateful he went for something insignificant but you were sure some of the others wouldn't be so kind. Yixing was next, he won and removed Sehun's hat. Then Jongin who beat you as well. He took your hoodie. Kyungsoo lost to you and you took his jacket. Jongdae won and took Kyungsoo's jacket. You were feeling a bit better about this dare now. There were only 3 members left and you still had almost all of your clothes on. Chanyeol won and removed your long sleeved shirt. He laughed when he realised that you had an undershirt on.
"How many layers are you wearing Y/N!?"
"Apparently just enough." you shot back.
You moved to Minseok next. He beat you and glanced at Baekhyun then back at you. You felt his eyes rake up and down your body as he made his choice. He ran his hands up the thigh high socks you were wearing. His hands travelled further up, making you certain that you were about to lose your skirt. But your skirt stayed where it was. You gasped  and stared at him in shock. His fingers hooked under the sides of your panties and pulled them down. There was something playful and dangerous in his eyes but you were too focused on the fact that toy no longer had panties on.
"Dude..." Junmyeon started.
"What? She's still dressed, this just ups the ante for the final round." Minseok retorted.
Shit You still had to face Baekhyun. If I lose, please for the love of god do not remove my skirt. He was smirking at you with his fist held out in anticipation. He won. "Hmmmm. Y/N, what should I remove?" You pleaded with your eyes hoping with all that you had that he would choose anything except the skirt. His hands reached your undershirt before slipping underneath it. One hand slipped up your back and unclasped your bra. You looked up and him, eyes wide. You expected the smirk. You didn't expect him to be so deft with his hands as he proceeded to remove your arms from the straps and completely remove your bra. Most guys struggles with bras. Apparently Baekhyun did not.
Feeling more exposed than if you had been just sitting there in your underwear you crossed your arms over your chest and sat down very carefully. You were so self conscious you didn't realise that you had sat yourself in between the two guys that had caused this discomfort. Yixing was watching you carefully, trying to work out if you were ok or if you were about ready to tap out of their games.
"Hey Y/N, it's your turn now." Chanyeol motioned around the circle for you to pick someone.
"Minseok, truth or dare?"
If he thought he was getting off easy by picking truth instead of dare, then he was wrong. The man had just removed your panties in front of 8 other guys. And the look he'd given you while doing it was not at all fair. "Ok Minseok, tell us about your biggest sexual fantasy."
Minseok glared at you.
Take that.
Masterpost | Chapter 6 | Chapter 8
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clusterassets · 6 years
New world news from Time: What America Must Do Now, After North Korea’s Summit with South Korea
We are witnessing a new chapter in the long, contentious post–World War II history of the Korean Peninsula, and President Donald Trump deserves a significant measure of credit. Whether by plan or happy circumstance, the combination of his aggressive military posturing (“fire and fury”), sharply edged name-calling (“little rocket man”) and pressure on China to enforce extant United Nations sanctions has helped bring both South Korea and North Korea further along the path to meaningful dialog than we have seen before. The two nations have now declared their intent to work together to remove nuclear arms from the peninsula and formally end the Korean War.
This moment of diplomatic rapprochement was helped by three other crucial factors. Kim Jong Un has rapidly consolidated a viable nuclear weapons program that, in his mind, opens the door to negotiate a way to finally enter the club of recognized nuclear states — and makes negotiations overall more advantageous for him. The fortuitous timing of the Olympic games provided a kind of psychological “firebreak” in the superheated rhetoric at the end of last year. And while often overlooked, South Korean President Moon Jae-In has shown consistent willingness to negotiate — a sound strategy when the alternative would be millions of Koreans dead on both sides of the demilitarized zone.
Will this work? Shall there be champagne and Nobel Prizes for all my friends? While I would assess the far most probable outcome as being a successful long-term negotiated solution, there is a smaller but significant possibility that we return to pre-Olympic levels of tension and an even smaller chance of a “wheels come off the car” war on the peninsula. The world is at a vastly better moment than six months ago. But sadly, the fundamentals are still dangerous.
In the interim, America should spend less time focusing exclusively on North Korea and more time listening to the South Koreans. We tend to see Kim in a single dimension — a semi-crazy dude with a really bad haircut. They understand him in three dimensions and have a clear-eyed view of the dystopian kingdom over which he rules with cruelty and harsh despotism.
This expansive and inclusive mindset should also extend to getting more nations involved in our discussions with Kim. Despite a natural tendency to want to get all the credit if we can solve this, we need to get China to the table with us. A minimum of four-party talks (U.S., North Korea, South Korea and China) will be required to get this deal done. And bringing Japan and Russia to the table for six-party talks is not a bad idea. This cannot be a U.S.-North Korea confrontation.
To that end, while President Trump will bring a lifetime of negotiating skill to the table, he needs professional backup on this one. The stakes are just too high. Our professional diplomats and military team have to fully engage. Selecting Admiral Harry Harris, the outgoing commander of U.S. Pacific Command, as the new U.S. Ambassador to South Korea — instead of to Australia, as had been the plan — is a superb choice. I know him well and would bet on his talent and touch to be an enormous force for good here. (It is a bit of a bummer for the Ambassador personally that he must give up Shiraz for Soju, but such is life.)
When looking at our own interests, we need to decide what North Korean weapons plan we are willing to accept. Despite much happy-feeling talk from Pyongyang, it seems highly unlikely Kim will give up all his nuclear weapons. While I believe we should accept a limited arsenal, with an inspection regime and a diminution of the ballistic missiles to deliver them, if we are not going to do so (which President Trump has said already), we should be prepared to walk away from the table.
That said, we do not need to rush away. We will need to be patient. We will not have a few more handshakes and photo-ops and then all part as friends. Kim will more than likely continue to operate from the playbook of his father and grandfather before him: get the West excited about peace, extract concessions, then either walk away or hide the remnants of the program. If “yes” truly means zero nuclear weapons on the peninsula, getting there will probably require a multi-year negotiation and an even longer period of dismantlement, verification and inspections — perhaps lasting five to ten years.
All the while, we should hope for the best, but plan for the worst. Solving this with soft power and diplomacy is the objective, but we better be ready to “fight tonight” if necessary. This is no time to reduce U.S.–South Korean training and exercises. We need close military coordination with other Pacific allies, including notably Japan and Australia. NATO needs to remain firm and prepared to engage. We have detailed military plans (so-called “contingency plans” and “operational plans”) that need to be validated and resourced.
Whatever our red lines, though, we need to commit to them and see real action from North Korea before we reduce sanctions. Whichever way this goes, there will be an ever higher premium on intelligence and surveillance. This means more aggressive cyber penetration (working closely with South Korea), new exquisite satellite surveillance capabilities and pooling intelligence with our regional allies and possibly even with China (the latter obviously in highly compartmented ways). This is not Ronald Reagan’s “trust but verify,” given the North Korean record of grabbing the football just as we are about to kick it — or the champagne glasses just before we are about to cheers to peace. A better approach would be “verify, then start to trust.”
April 28, 2018 at 01:25AM ClusterAssets Inc., https://ClusterAssets.wordpress.com
0 notes
omnipop-mag-blog · 6 years
We are witnessing a new chapter in the long, contentious post–World War II history of the Korean Peninsula, and President Donald Trump deserves a significant measure of credit. Whether by plan or happy circumstance, the combination of his aggressive military posturing (“fire and fury”), sharply edged name-calling (“little rocket man”) and pressure on China to enforce extant United Nations sanctions has helped bring both South Korea and North Korea further along the path to meaningful dialog than we have seen before. The two nations have now declared their intent to work together to remove nuclear arms from the peninsula and formally end the Korean War.
This moment of diplomatic rapprochement was helped by three other crucial factors. Kim Jong Un has rapidly consolidated a viable nuclear weapons program that, in his mind, opens the door to negotiate a way to finally enter the club of recognized nuclear states — and makes negotiations overall more advantageous for him. The fortuitous timing of the Olympic games provided a kind of psychological “firebreak” in the superheated rhetoric at the end of last year. And while often overlooked, South Korean President Moon Jae-In has shown consistent willingness to negotiate — a sound strategy when the alternative would be millions of Koreans dead on both sides of the demilitarized zone.
Will this work? Shall there be champagne and Nobel Prizes for all my friends? While I would assess the far most probable outcome as being a successful long-term negotiated solution, there is a smaller but significant possibility that we return to pre-Olympic levels of tension and an even smaller chance of a “wheels come off the car” war on the peninsula. The world is at a vastly better moment than six months ago. But sadly, the fundamentals are still dangerous.
In the interim, America should spend less time focusing exclusively on North Korea and more time listening to the South Koreans. We tend to see Kim in a single dimension — a semi-crazy dude with a really bad haircut. They understand him in three dimensions and have a clear-eyed view of the dystopian kingdom over which he rules with cruelty and harsh despotism.
This expansive and inclusive mindset should also extend to getting more nations involved in our discussions with Kim. Despite a natural tendency to want to get all the credit if we can solve this, we need to get China to the table with us. A minimum of four-party talks (U.S., North Korea, South Korea and China) will be required to get this deal done. And bringing Japan and Russia to the table for six-party talks is not a bad idea. This cannot be a U.S.-North Korea confrontation.
To that end, while President Trump will bring a lifetime of negotiating skill to the table, he needs professional backup on this one. The stakes are just too high. Our professional diplomats and military team have to fully engage. Selecting Admiral Harry Harris, the outgoing commander of U.S. Pacific Command, as the new U.S. Ambassador to South Korea — instead of to Australia, as had been the plan — is a superb choice. I know him well and would bet on his talent and touch to be an enormous force for good here. (It is a bit of a bummer for the Ambassador personally that he must give up Shiraz for Soju, but such is life.)
When looking at our own interests, we need to decide what North Korean weapons plan we are willing to accept. Despite much happy-feeling talk from Pyongyang, it seems highly unlikely Kim will give up all his nuclear weapons. While I believe we should accept a limited arsenal, with an inspection regime and a diminution of the ballistic missiles to deliver them, if we are not going to do so (which President Trump has said already), we should be prepared to walk away from the table.
That said, we do not need to rush away. We will need to be patient. We will not have a few more handshakes and photo-ops and then all part as friends. Kim will more than likely continue to operate from the playbook of his father and grandfather before him: get the West excited about peace, extract concessions, then either walk away or hide the remnants of the program. If “yes” truly means zero nuclear weapons on the peninsula, getting there will probably require a multi-year negotiation and an even longer period of dismantlement, verification and inspections — perhaps lasting five to ten years.
All the while, we should hope for the best, but plan for the worst. Solving this with soft power and diplomacy is the objective, but we better be ready to “fight tonight” if necessary. This is no time to reduce U.S.–South Korean training and exercises. We need close military coordination with other Pacific allies, including notably Japan and Australia. NATO needs to remain firm and prepared to engage. We have detailed military plans (so-called “contingency plans” and “operational plans”) that need to be validated and resourced.
Whatever our red lines, though, we need to commit to them and see real action from North Korea before we reduce sanctions. Whichever way this goes, there will be an ever higher premium on intelligence and surveillance. This means more aggressive cyber penetration (working closely with South Korea), new exquisite satellite surveillance capabilities and pooling intelligence with our regional allies and possibly even with China (the latter obviously in highly compartmented ways). This is not Ronald Reagan’s “trust but verify,” given the North Korean record of grabbing the football just as we are about to kick it — or the champagne glasses just before we are about to cheers to peace. A better approach would be “verify, then start to trust.”
The post New world news from Time: What America Must Do Now, After North Korea’s Summit with South Korea appeared first on OMNI POP MAG.
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