#solanum watneyi
liopleurodean · 2 years
I just found out something super cool that I have to share with you all.
This is a bush tomato species, discovered ~7 years ago.
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Pretty, isn't it? Its name is Solanum Watneyi, after one (1) interplanetary botanist. It's related to the potatoes grown on Mars (Solanum Tuberosum), and it grows in red dirt (almost like the surface of Mars, huh?) Here's a quote from a research paper (Martine, et al):
The specific epithet of "watneyi" is inspired by the book and film, The Martian, in which the protagonist finds himself stranded on Mars surrounded by the planet's harsh terrain and reddish soils. In a shelter, he manages to grow a crop of potatoes (Solanum tuberosum) before finally being rescued by his astronaut colleagues. We've chosen to name Solanum watneyi after this character, Mark Watney, in part because of the similarly reddish soils of its habitat and the congeneric nature of the potato-but, most notably, as a way to honor the creation of a sci-fi hero botanist by author Andy Weir (Weir 2013) and to acknowledge perhaps the finest paean to botanical science (and botanical field work) that Hollywood has yet presented (see Martine 2015).
Anyway, I just love when scientists pay homage to fictional events. Life imitates art!
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greglet · 7 years
so it turns out you cant just buy solanum watneyi seeds
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botanytoo · 8 years
Where are new species found?
Where are new species found?
If students were ever to ask me “Sir [I do like to think they would show due deference and respect when addressing their professors…], where do you find new species?”, the simplest, honestest, straightforwardest answer is “Everywhere, dear Student, everywhere”. Whilst that might seem a little rude, bordering upon as it does a wise-guy response, it is true; new species can be found any – and…
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My lab group has decided to name this new species Solanum watneyi after Mark Watney, the book/film character who shows us all that botanists can be cool, too.
It is worth noting that the plant that Watney manages to grow on Mars is none other than Solanum tuberosum (the potato), a member of the same genus as our new species, Solanum watneyi. Coincidentally, the new species also grows in reddish (dare I say, "Mars-like") soil in its native habitat.
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