#solar thermal panels
outer-space-youtube · 2 months
Orbital, Nuclear, Mars?
The Angry Astronaut shares his views of orbital solar panels powering Earth. Angry informs us that there will be nuclear thermal space engine testing in three years. He also shares his opinion of humans on Mars and how we are getting there. My opinion of orbital solar arrays is that there are less expensive ways to make electricity that need government funding. Didn’t I comment that nuclear…
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grayhairdude · 3 months
How to Save Energy at Home
In an era where environmental conservation and reducing energy costs are paramount, it is essential for households to adopt energy-saving measures.
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Saving energy at home requires a multifaceted approach, combining technological upgrades with behavioral changes. By understanding your energy usage, investing in energy-efficient appliances, practicing conservation techniques, and adopting sustainable habits, you can significantly reduce your energy consumption and contribute to environmental preservation. Remember, every small step towards energy efficiency helps in creating a more sustainable and cost-effective home.
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coloradomartini · 4 months
Bizarre Giant Mirrors in the California Desert
If you have ever flown over the Southern California Mojave Desert, you might have seen the strange glow from the ground that looks like a solar energy project. It seems to change brightness and glow in a strange fashion as you fly closest to the Nevada bo
If you have ever flown over the Southern California Mojave Desert, you might have seen the strange glow from the ground that looks like a solar energy project. It seems to change brightness and glow in a strange fashion as you fly closest to the Nevada border. Is it a secret military base? Is it some sort of water facility? What the heck is it? Learn more in the video by Epic Earth…
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nuadox · 5 months
Off the roof: The quest to harness energy from facades
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- By Jack Mcgovan , Horizon -
In social housing on the outskirts of the southern Dutch city of Eindhoven, Renske Crone was delighted with an experiment in 2022 involving her apartment: it was outfitted with panels that produced energy from the Sun.
But her new equipment was distinctly different from the solar panels – also known as photovoltaic modules – visible on countless rooftops in Europe and elsewhere. Instead of producing electricity, as photovoltaic modules do, Crone’s panels supplied thermal energy and were installed on the facade of the building.
Thermal thrill
The grey panels, coated with aluminium and resembling laminate flooring, took up 15 square metres. As a result of the test, Crone’s home and water got heated with renewable power instead of polluting natural gas – even on cloudy days – and energy bills fell.  
The ‘house is energy-positive, free from gas, with a net-zero energy bill,’ said Crone, who has since moved to another home. ‘Who doesn’t want that?’
The new energy technology emerged from a research project that received EU funding to make use of all buildings’ external surfaces rather than just rooftops to generate power. Called Envision, the project ran for five years through September 2022.
The initiative reflects stepped-up EU efforts to reduce buildings’ emissions of greenhouse gases as part of the fight against climate change. Buildings account for around 36% of emissions in Europe and are part of an EU renovation wave.  
In the EU, roughly half of buildings’ facades are unused.
Infrared band
The bands of radiation that reach the Earth’s surface from the Sun include visible light, infrared and ultraviolet.
Whereas regular solar panels make use of visible light, those on Crone’s home relied on the infrared spectrum and didn’t require the external wall to be orientated in any particular direction. Visible light constitutes roughly 43% of solar radiation while infrared accounts for 50%.
Retrofitting homes so they use both visible light and infrared radiation promises big advances in the harnessing of energy from the Sun. Any external walls can be retrofitted with the Envision technology.
‘With our panels and photovoltaic cells on the roof, you can have sufficient energy to make the house energy-positive,’ said Bart Erich, a research associate in applied physics at Eindhoven University of Technology.
One of the Envision leaders, he said the total surface area of building facades in Europe is roughly the same as that of roofs. 
Tangible progress
Using facades to absorb energy from the Sun would bolster Europe’s already-expanding solar thermal industry, which grew 12% in 2022.
The thermal panels are coupled to a heat pump. In the case of social housing, where space is relatively limited, making room for the heat pump can involve building a shed outside – as was the case for Crone.
With the further addition of a battery that retains heat, the thermal energy can be stored when there’s an excess. 
The prices of such facades range from €150 to €500 per square metre, depending on the type, according to Erich, who said the lifespan is typically 30 years and the return on investment seven to 10 years.
During Envision, the researchers conducted laboratory research, built a site at Eindhoven University of Technology to test the idea and ran demonstrations at homes including Crone’s.
In 2022, the team was a finalist in the innovation category of the European Sustainable Energy Awards, which recognise projects and people advancing the transition to cleaner energy.
Since Envision ended, the technology has gathered momentum. Erich is the chief technology officer of a spinoff company called Calosol that is commercialising the panels.
IKEA-style DIY
Calosol aims eventually to build 1 200 square metres of panels, a jump from the 250 square metres produced during Envision. In Crone’s apartment, the 15 square metres were sufficient to meet all her year-round heating needs, according to Erich.
‘In total, the panels produce about the same amount of energy as – or a little bit more than – the house actually uses,’ he said.
Because putting the panels in place is currently a complex undertaking, current research is also seeking to make that step a lot easier. The ultimate goal is to make installation akin to IKEA furniture, according to Erich.
‘That’s where we are – still struggling to get the installations to the point where everybody can install them,’ he said.
Solar windows
To help buildings extract every possible bit of energy from the Sun, other EU-funded researchers are exploring the option of transparent solar windows to produce electricity.
This project, called CITYSOLAR, began in December 2020 and is scheduled to run through April 2024.
CITYSOLAR aims to deploy photovoltaic technologies that absorb radiation in both the infrared and ultraviolet spectrum. The researchers are trying to minimise the absorption of visible light because windows need to transmit it to the building’s interior and visible light causes panels to take on colour.
But because infrared and ultraviolet light are less efficient at generating electrical energy, a degree of visible light is useful even for solar windows. The trick for the CITYSOLAR researchers is to find the right mix of efficiency, transparency and colour.
Aldo Di Carlo, a professor of nanoelectronics at the University of Rome Tor Vergata who leads the project, cites a greenhouse as an example of where the technology could be especially useful.
Plants mainly need visible light in the red part of the colour spectrum to grow but can do without most other colours. As a result, semi-transparent photovoltaic cells with a red tinge could absorb energy from the Sun while allowing the red visible light through so plants thrive.
Beyond the lab
So far, the technology has been tested only in the lab. A prototype is due to be created in early 2024 at South Denmark University.
The prototype will play a central role in testing the technology for further development on the way to possible eventual commercialisation.
In the longer term, the CITYSOLAR researchers want to make zero-energy buildings as much a reality as possible. That requires the full-scale retrofitting of transparent or semi-transparent surfaces with the technology being developed.  
For residential buildings, a further challenge will be figuring out the right efficiency-to-transparency ratio – a task that will require yet more research.  
‘We need to use our best science to combat climate change and that means researching technologies like transparent solar cells,’ Di Carlo said.
Research in this article was funded by the EU’s Horizon Programme. The views of the interviewees don’t necessarily reflect those of the European Commission.
This post Off the roof: the quest to harness energy from facades was originally published on Horizon: the EU Research & Innovation magazine | European Commission.
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askrodhotwater · 8 months
Are Solar Panels For Heating Hot Water Right For Your Home?
Solar water heating presents a compelling opportunity for homeowners seeking energy-efficient and eco-conscious solutions. The benefits are multifold, encompassing cost savings, reduced reliance on traditional energy sources, and a significantly diminished environmental footprint. However, determining if solar panels for heating hot water are the right fit necessitates careful consideration of factors like location, climate, and available roof space. They delve into these considerations, delivering senses to help you decide whether solar water heating suits your home.
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3 Elements To Consider For Solar Panels
As the world moves towards supportable energy arrangements, numerous mortgage holders are considering the change to sun-based water warming frameworks. Before making this eco-cognizant speculation, gauging the upsides and downsides is pivotal. The following are three vital elements to consider:
1. Energy Efficiency And Cost Savings
Solar thermal domestic hot water utilizes sunlight to generate hot water for your home. This significantly reduces your reliance on traditional energy sources, lowering utility bills. Over time, the savings from reduced energy consumption can offset the initial installation costs, making it a financially savvy choice for the long run.
2. Environmental Impact
Deciding on sun-based water warming lines up with a guarantee of a greener, more maintainable future. By outfitting the sun's force, you're diminishing your carbon impression and reducing the interest in petroleum products. This eco-accommodating methodology adds to a cleaner climate and assists to battle environment by evolving.
3. Location And Climate Considerations
While solar thermal panels for hot water can be an excellent investment, their effectiveness can be influenced by factors like your location and local climate. Regions with ample sunlight year-round tend to reap the greatest benefits. Furthermore, the accessible rooftop space and direction of your home play a part in deciding the possibility and productivity of a sunlight-based water-warming framework.
A Step Towards Sustainability!
Overall, solar panels for heating hot water can be a profitable addition to your home, providing cost savings, reducing environmental impact, and adding to your financial future. By harnessing the sun's power, you not only gain from the benefits of an energy-efficient framework, but you also contribute to creating a greener, more practical world. AskRod took this initiative toward sustainability. Visit the website to learn more about them!
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How Your Home Benefits From a Home Energy Audit
As homeowners, it's important to take a proactive approach to managing our energy consumption. One of the most effective ways to achieve this is through a home energy audit. This process involves a thorough inspection of your home's energy usage and efficiency. With the help of Efficient Homes Energy Advisors UK, you can identify areas where energy is being wasted and make the necessary changes to improve your home's energy efficiency. In this blog post, we'll explore the benefits of a home energy audit and why it's an essential step for homeowners looking to reduce their energy bills, carbon footprint, and improve the comfort of their living space. So, let's dive in and learn more about how your home can benefit from a home energy audit.
Cost Savings
One of the most compelling reasons to invest in a home energy audit is the potential for significant cost savings. Energy audits help homeowners identify areas of inefficiency, such as air leaks, outdated insulation, or inefficient appliances, which can contribute to high energy bills. An energy audit provides actionable insights to optimize energy use and reduce waste.
Increased Energy Efficiency
By conducting a home energy audit, homeowners can understand their home's energy consumption patterns and identify areas where energy is being wasted. By improving insulation, sealing air leaks, upgrading to energy-efficient appliances, and optimizing heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, homeowners can significantly reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to a more sustainable future.
Enhanced Comfort
A home energy audit goes beyond cost savings and energy efficiency—it also enhances the comfort of your living space. Identifying and rectifying drafts, insulation gaps, and air leaks can lead to a more consistent and comfortable indoor temperature throughout the year.
Health and Safety
Home energy audits also help improve the health and safety of occupants. A comprehensive audit assesses the quality of indoor air, identifying potential sources of pollution, such as mold, radon, or carbon monoxide. Identifying and addressing these issues can have a significant impact on the health and well-being of your family.
Increased Property Value
By conducting a home energy audit and implementing energy-saving upgrades, homeowners can significantly increase the value of their property.
Efficient Homes Energy Advisors UK provides homeowners with comprehensive energy audits that can help them save money on their electricity bills while also reducing their environmental footprint. By conducting a Free Home Energy Audit UK, homeowners can gain valuable insights into the energy efficiency of their homes. The audit process involves a thorough examination of all aspects of the home, including insulation, lighting, heating and cooling systems, and appliances. The audit report outlines the areas where improvements can be made to reduce energy consumption and save money on energy bills. A Home Energy Audit also helps homeowners to reduce their carbon footprint by providing them with sustainable energy solutions that help them to use energy more efficiently. Overall, a home energy audit is an essential step towards creating a more energy-efficient home and contributing towards a greener planet.
In conclusion, a home energy audit is an essential step towards creating a more sustainable and environmentally friendly living space. With the information gained from an audit, homeowners can make informed decisions about how to reduce their energy bills while increasing the comfort and efficiency of their homes. By improving insulation, upgrading outdated appliances, and addressing air leaks or inadequate ventilation, homeowners can save money on utility bills, improve indoor air quality, and reduce their carbon footprint. Investing in a home energy audit is a smart decision that will benefit both your wallet and the planet for years to come.
For more information, visit our website: https://www.efficienthomesenergyadvisors.com/
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jupitersolar · 1 year
Solar thermal collector for hot water
Solar thermal collector for hot water
Solar thermal energy is a sustainable and renewable energy source that can be used to heat water for domestic or commercial use. A solar thermal collector is a device that absorbs sunlight and converts it into heat energy, which can be used to heat water. This technology has been around for decades, and it is becoming increasingly popular as people look for ways to reduce their carbon footprint and save on energy costs.Buy solar water heater from Jupiter Solar, www.jupitersolars.in.
Hot water systems
Hot water systems are an essential part of any residential or commercial property, and traditional hot water systems can be costly to operate. Solar thermal collectors offer an alternative that can help reduce energy costs while also reducing carbon emissions.
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Solar water heating is the process of using solar thermal collectors to heat water. The most common types of solar thermal collectors are flat plate and evacuated tube collectors. Flat plate collectors are typically used in warmer climates, while evacuated tube collectors are more efficient in colder climates. Purchase a solar water heating from Jupiter Solar, www.jupitersolars.in.
Solar collector panels
Solar collector panels are an essential component of solar thermal collectors. They are designed to absorb sunlight and convert it into heat energy. The most common types of solar collector panels are flat plate and evacuated tube panels.
Evacuated tube collectors are more efficient than flat plate collectors in colder climates because they can retain heat better. Evacuated tube collectors consist of a series of glass tubes that are evacuated to create a vacuum, which helps to reduce heat loss.
Flat plate collectors are the most common type of solar collector panel. They consist of a flat plate that is covered with a dark-colored, heat-absorbing material. The plate is typically mounted on a roof or a wall facing south to maximize exposure to the sun.
Solar thermal technology
Solar thermal technology is constantly evolving, and new innovations are being developed to improve efficiency and reduce costs. One example is the use of hybrid solar systems that combine solar thermal collectors with photovoltaic panels to generate both heat and electricity.
Solar thermal efficiency is an important consideration when choosing a solar thermal collector. Efficiency is affected by factors such as the type of collector, the orientation of the collector, and the angle of the collector relative to the sun.
Solar thermal storage is another important consideration. Solar thermal collectors can produce hot water during the day when the sun is shining, but hot water is needed at all times of the day and night. Solar thermal storage tanks can be used to store hot water for later use.
Solar hot water systems
Solar hot water systems are a popular application of solar thermal collectors. These systems use solar thermal collectors to heat water, which is then stored in a solar thermal storage tank for later use.
Solar thermal installation requires some specialized knowledge and skills. It is important to choose a reputable installer who has experience with solar thermal systems.
Solar thermal cost is an important consideration when choosing a solar thermal collector. The cost of a solar thermal collector depends on factors such as the type of collector, the size of the system, and the cost of installation.
Solar thermal collector efficiency is a critical factor in determining the effectiveness of the system. Efficiency is affected by factors such as the type of collector, the orientation of the collector, and the angle of the collector relative to the sun.
Solar thermal collector maintenance is important to ensure the system continues to function optimally. Maintenance requirements can vary depending on the type of collector and the climate.
Solar thermal collector performance is an important consideration when choosing a solar thermal system. Performance is affected by factors such as the type of collector, the orientation of the collector, and the angle of the collector relative to the sun.To know the  Cost of solar water heater, . contact  Jupiter Solar, www.jupitersolars.in.
Solar thermal collector benefits
Solar thermal collector benefits include reduced energy costs, reduced carbon emissions, and increased energy independence.
Solar thermal collector vs. photovoltaic is a common question. While both technologies can generate electricity, solar thermal collectors are more efficient at generating heat, while photovoltaic panels are more efficient at generating electricity.
Solar thermal collector for residential use is a popular application of solar thermal technology. Residential solar thermal systems can be used to heat water for domestic use, such as showers and washing machines.
Solar thermal collector for commercial use is also a popular application of solar thermal technology. Commercial solar thermal systems can be used to heat water for large commercial buildings, such as hotels and hospitals.
Solar thermal collector for industrial use is another application of solar thermal technology. Industrial solar thermal systems can be used to heat water for industrial processes, such as food processing and chemical manufacturing.
In conclusion, solar thermal collectors are a sustainable and renewable energy source that can be used to heat water for domestic or commercial use. The technology has been around for decades, and it is becoming increasingly popular as people look for ways to reduce their carbon footprint and save on energy costs. When considering a solar thermal system, it is important to consider factors such as efficiency, cost, and maintenance requirements. By doing so, you can choose a system that meets your needs and helps you achieve your energy goals.
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solaresenergies · 1 year
Solare Panel Systems | Solares Energies
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happyroleplaying · 1 year
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San Luis Obispo Deck Uncovered
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sramfact · 2 years
The encapsulants market is estimated to be USD 1.26 billion in 2017 and is projected to reach USD 1.64 billion by 2022, at a CAGR of 5.5% from 2017 to 2022. The growth of advanced electronic packaging technique is driving the encapsulants market in different end-use industries. The growing use of encapsulants in consumer electronics and transportation is also fueling the growth of the encapsulants market across the globe. Medical and energy & power are some of the end-user industries of encapsulants.
Expansion and new product development/launch accounted for the major share of all growth strategies adopted by the leading players in the encapsulants market between January 2013 and September 2017. Dow Corning (US), Henkel (Germany), LORD Corporation (US), Shin-Etsu Chemicals (Japan), and H.B. Fuller (US) are some of the leading players operating in the encapsulants market.
Besides expansions and new product launches, the leading players also adopted agreements and mergers as key strategies to enhance their market shares and strengthen their presence in the encapsulants market between January 2013 and September 2017.
Henkel is the leading manufacturer of encapsulants, globally. The company carries out its business operations through its semiconductor assembly product lines. In September 2015, Henkel acquired The Bergquist Company, a privately-held leading supplier of thermal management solutions to the global electronics industry. This acquisition helped the company strengthen its position as a global leader in adhesives technology, catering to the emerging electronics industry of the Asia Pacific and South American regions. 
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onmarko · 2 years
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Basic Aspects To Consider Before Installing Thermal Solar Panels In White Plain
Is it your first time in the world of renewable energy? There are several advantages to using renewable energy to power your house in White Plains. You can lessen your impact on the environment, save money on your power bills, and feel good about yourself when you install high-quality thermal solar panels in White plain from Optical Energy Technologies.
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Educate yourself before planning
There is some planning and thought involved in making the move to solar electricity. The price tag is another issue.
·         The type(s) of solar panel you require
·         How do you set them up?
·         To what extent are you maximizing their potential?
·         Which company is best?
·         What are the benefits and disadvantages?
·         Does the manufacturer install the panels for you?
All of these concerns may surface as people make the transition to renewable energy sources. You will not have to learn these lessons the hard way, thankfully. We have assembled FOUR considerations you should make before purchasing thermal solar panels in White plain.
Location is your primary aspect
You should look into mounting options before purchasing thermal solar panels in White plain. Primarily, solar panels are installed on the roof. However, it may necessitate repairs, alterations, or even a full tile replacement in older properties. Patios are another suitable location for solar panels. Make sure you can get the best possible orientation wherever you decide to put them. Your solar panels should face south if you live in the northern hemisphere.
The type(s) of solar panel
The efficiency of solar panels varies greatly. As a first step, you should weigh the pros and cons of installing either solar electric panels or thermal solar panels in White plain. In order to harness the sun's heat, solar thermal panels employ a mirror system. However, the sun's presence is required for solar thermal energy to perform at its peak efficiency. On the other hand, solar photovoltaic cells have more adaptability and longevity. Optical Energy Technologies' hybrid solar panels are an option to consider.
Do you need a permit?
Thermal solar panels on private properties are subject to varying regulations depending on the location. The installation of thermal solar panels in White plain must be in accordance with all zoning regulations and codes. You should anticipate a delay between submitting a request and hearing back on whether it was granted. Yes, the process could be a time-consuming task. Make sure the solar panel installer has the license, training, insurance, and registration to perform the job.
Installing solar panels is expensive
It is safe to say that installing thermal solar panels in White plain will reduce your monthly energy costs, and the savings will grow the longer you use the renewable energy source to power your home. The panels themselves might be rather pricey at the outset. Costs involved with hiring a contractor to do the actual installation work, as well as any renovations to your property required to accommodate the solar panels, should be taken into account. A one-time charge could be associated with a permit.
Are thermal solar panels in White plain right for you?
Increasing numbers of residents in White Plain are turning to thermal solar panels. However, depending on some criteria, this technology may not be right for every home/budget. For this reason, we advise you to speak with a professional at Optical Energy Technologies before you buy thermal solar panels in White plain. Your property may or may not be able to take most out of the benefits. You could face challenges regarding installation and maintenance. Only an experienced solar panel installing company can guide you.
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OETI was organized in 1984, and since then has been engaged in the design, development and manufacture of patented, non-tracking concentrating solar collectors, and the installation, and service of all types of solar energy systems. Thermal solar panels in White plain Hybrid Solar System in Bridgeport
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