#solitairy confinement
peepingcreek · 1 year
Just watched the john Oliver show about solitary confinement and it was super triggering. Im so fucking angry at out world for creating something so monstrous and horrible and TOLERATING and SUSTAINING the practice. As someone who was put in a hospital against their will for a month, the frustration and anger of being incarcerated is blood boiling. The rage and panic I felt about keeping my behavior good so that I will be seen as compliant and that I can earn my freedom was soul crushing. Never knowing if something else was going to go wrong or they were going to put me on an other medication. This country this economy, the politics the deliberately fueled confusion that people in power stir up just to line their wallets. All of these atrocities that they have done with my tax money ( that I have to file myself no-matter) everyone is constantly paranoid that they are about to fall off a cliff financially, emotionally (or maybe literally shoutout to our failing infrastructure) and we just have to keep buying things on amazon, worrying about how fat we are, making mundane conversations with people we don’t really know.
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rachelcommitscrimes · 7 months
would you rather be forced in solitary confinement where the only thing that plays on loop every day is jingle bell rock or would you rather never be able to look at French people without getting angry and yelling at them
definitely the second option, i already do that anyway. plus solitairy confinement is like my worst fear
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conniejoworld · 7 days
How to successfully LOCK UP Trump
Alcatraz? Gizmo? Solitairy confinement?
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stormco0l · 1 month
had a weirly coherent dream last week [wrote it down] that involved such things as
1. i [viewpoint] was a moth person. i was not always a moth person.
2. we were all in some kind of labratory. it was near a river and looked like a block of flats from the outside
3. i [moth person] was one of about six experiments. we all knew eachother or were related. i think it had something to do with a gene we all carried?
- there was one of my irl friends, who was some vauge kind of winged insect.
- someone's older brother, i dont remeber whose. white-haired telekenectic millipede. he was in solitairy confinement
- rhino beetle older sister. one again, i dont remeber whose sister this was.
- one of the people used to be one of the people employed by the place, but they tripped and fell into a couple of small vats of chemicals and became a bunch of sentient stormclouds. youll never guess what they were called in the dream.
- someones friend who wasnt related to any of us. possibly a mosquito person? unclear.
4. the whole lab was being run by a middle aged white woman in a cardingan. she had bee wings.
5. for some reason the lab had ziplines??
6. fruit. just the prescence of fruit.
naturally i will be wrighting a story about this. im calling it Labdreams
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smp-live · 3 years
People back in February were like "oh c!Dream my poor little woof woof in solitairy confinement for a month look at him he must be so traumatized. He deserves a healing arc"
And now they're like "wow I can't believe c!Wilbur is evil. He should go back to being dead" when he does something morally questionable, as if he didn't spend thirteen and a half years alone in his own personal hell
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devolusion-a · 3 years
@aisr​     /     klee & kaien!
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“Big brother!  Big brother Kaien!!”  Her voice breaks through the crowds first, but the child follows not long after, bursting into the square like one of her bombs.  She crashes into him, grabbing him around the legs and staring upwards.  Beaming all the while.  “Klee got out of solitairy confinement today!!  I missed you!!”  
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eighth--wonder · 3 years
(Welp. I made a promise. Poor Ranboo asdfghjkl) *Hack voice* I'm out. Okay so basically that guy that the green fella (his name was Dream) was talking about showed up, and I begged hi mto let me leave and not hurt me. Thankfully, he seemed willing to let me do so. I also asked him to let me make one joke before I left. The joke? "You can't spell Solitairy Confinement without Solitaire." It was epic, I put on sunglasses I didn't even know I had (I put them on over my regular glasses, it was awkward). Dream looked like he wanted to kill me, but the other guy (Quackity, I learned his name was,) protected me. I'll tell you the rest of the story later, this is already getting a bit long. -Card Game Anon (Some people probably already see the twist coming but. It's gonna be great dude trust me.)
can't spell solitary confinement without solitaire
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Just a theory...
Martin knew Ainsley was coming to visit him. Martin wasn’t planning on Malcolm showing up. What if Malcolm accidentally fucked with his plans again.
Yes. The flashback showed images of Martin forcing Malcolm to press a knife against a person’s back. What if Martin was trying to use their weekend away to turn Malcolm into his murder prodigy, but Malcolm didn’t take to it? I think that Martin was planning on teaching Malcolm to be a serial killer like him, but instead of embracing it as something his father was teaching him, he freaked out.
When he got home he called the cops, but in an effort to protect himself from going crazy, his brain suppressed the memories of his father trying to turn him into a serial killer. Martin was unsuccessful in making his son understand him in this way.
Also, what’s one common theme of swat teams in TV shows (and real life) when they’re confronted with out-of-control, violent people?
They shoot first and ask questions later.
I think that Martin was planning on the guy who stabbed Ainsley’s boyfriend to be killed by the swat team. Malcolm, however, removed this possibility by being a chaotic dumbass and stopping the violent man himself. Since the man didn’t die, he was able to tell police that Martin had arranged the whole thing.
This means that Malcolm has now ruined Martin’s plans for him to become his little prodigy, ruined his plans of not getting caught, and then almost ruined his plan to look good in front of Ainsley. Martin wasn’t planning on being sent to solitairy confinement. Someone like him? It’ll be torture for him to not be able to talk to Ainsley or Malcolm.
No, Malcom showing up resulted in him unwittingly messing up Martin’s plans once again. Of course I believe that Martin��s already recalculating what he’s going to do next, but Malcolm is seemingly becoming a constant plan wrecker.
I believe, however, that Martin hasn’t given up on turning Malcolm into his prodigy. It’s possible that he’s only showing interest in Harley Quinning Ainsley because he’s thinking that maybe if he turns Ainsley, he can get her to turn Malcolm. Malcolm loves his sister and I believe he’d do anything to protect her. I think Martin is counting on Malcolm getting embroiled in everything if he can turn Ainsley into his own personal puppet.
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finnlessshark · 3 years
7, 30, 55, 97
7. what's something you love about yourself? uh i'm honestly not really sure. my resilience I suppose
30. what song is currently stuck in your head? Solitairy Confinement by Everybody's Worried About Owen
55. what is your favourite word? bollocks tbh. just like the way it sounds. versatile word
97. what genre of music do you listen to the most? metal/most metal sub genres! probably metalcore and death metal atm though
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Think about it: there are so many story's where inmates gang up and beat the shit out of csa peeps, kill the, r*pe them, and that's a BUNCH of people. The guards don't even try to stop them. They let it happen. He will go through torture there. And soon solitairy confinement where he will lose his mind, then death penalty. Doesn't that sound so much better then letting him off the hook by killing him right then and there? That's honestly probably what he wants.
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thedorkulon · 6 years
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‘Procrastinaire: Solitairy Confinement’ is out! Play it on itch.io: https://cloakedninjas.itch.io/procrastinaire
The premise is you are an office worker trying to balance your time between doing paperwork and playing PC Solitaire.
The game also features 3 songs, each suited to the card back of your choice. Will you choose breezy, standard, or spooky?
#gamejam #alakajam #alakajam3 #gamedev #solitaire #paperwork #bossanova
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mulderspice · 3 years
mildew/horse cock dave anon i’m begging you.....
solitairy confinement perhaps ....
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taboo-truths · 4 years
Yummy: Justin Bieber VS Julian Assange.
Not gonna lie... I'm pissed-off. Justin Bieber's Seasons trailer has raked-in 1.9 million views in roughly 10 hours. That's 1.9 million people who's immediately clicked to hear the woes of what it is to be a multi-millionaire Pop Star that'd become a "shell of himself" and how "no-one's ever grown-up, in the history of humanity, like Justin Bieber."
Now, before the self-described "beliebers" defensively jump down my throat-- the very same people that drove Bieber crazy by turning a 13-year-old boy into a God in the first place--realize I'm not picking on Justin Bieber. In many ways, I'm an ally of Bieber's in realizing the cultural retardation we exhibit in diefying a fellow human being who's greatest contribution to humanity has been a list of R&B hits with titles like "Yummy".
We're citizen sovereigns begging for Kings and Queens, even if they're just Pop Stars. Think about that.
Nah. I'm not pissed-off at Justin Bieber. I am pissed-off at the fact that 1.9 million people will tune-in to a COMMERCIAL, when not even a scrap of that amount will tune-in to hear about the systematic torture and false imprisonment of a journalist that has revealed war crimes.
As I write these words, there's a widespread and full-scale assault on journalism and journalists. Julian Assange is literally rotting in a maximum security prison on NO charge in a so-called "free" and "democratic" country, yet so many of us are so far up Justin Bieber's "Yummy" ass that we do not see the not-so-dreamy reality that free press and free speech are being attacked.
So, Yeah. I got a bit of a problem with that.
This corrupt and tyrannical system USES people, like Justin Bieber, to draw focused attention away from things that truly matter and impact our lives. Meanwhile, to not stand-up for Julian Assange is to not stand-up for oneself in a battle for free press and free speech that many don't even realize has began.
The late and great John Lennon would've had a concert for Julian Assange, much like Pink Floyd's Roger Waters has done, in front of Britain's Belmarsh prison. There was a time when great artists used their power wisely, because they knew how they could be used as a distraction from things that really mattered.
There was a time when Pop and Rock Stars refused to allow themselves to be used in that way, and instead brought attention to important issues. Now, Pop Stars just wear the "War is Over" t-shirt, rub their crotch in some freedom anthem (Miley Cyrus), and totally ignore a journalist being tortured in a maximum security prison.
Latest reports have indicated Assange is being drugged as a once articulate man now struggles to find his words. He's barely allowed visitors and/or phone calls and remains locked-down in solitairy confinement while his largely harrassed family BEGS for help.
From September, 2010 to this very day, on the eve of 2020, Assange's entire case has been a total rape of justice. It's 7 minutes till midnight on New Year's Eve, and I'm choosing to write about this while I still have a freedom that's dying. This is my New Year's resolution... fight for what's right before what's right totally disappears in an Orwellian fog created by Big Brother lovers.
We wonder why we've been in 18 years of wars on lies? Could it possibly be because WE, the people, have lost our minds in what's "Yummy" vs what actually matters?
Here's the deal... I'm really not picking on Justin Bieber as my heart does go out to the guy. We live in a society of navigated focus which, through no fault of his, constant focus is directed upon him and stars like him. This mechanism robs the music from the artist and makes the artist the focus. That could drive the best of us insane and become extremely depressing. No-one wants to live in a fish bowl... not even fish.
How does a 13-year-old boy even begin to comprehend a world driven to idolize him so much so that whatever potato chips he chose to eat was more significant to millions of people than far more newsworthy and disastrous events that we have the power to change if we would just come into our own power?
It's not Justin Bieber that's fucked-up. It's us. We are! We throw all our energy and power into what shoes, what clothes, what hairstyle, and what love does Justin Bieber (or the like) have? It's marketing on top of marketing on top of marketing, and young guys, like Bieber, who don't know any better and just want to build a life doing something they love become the tool of this system to sell the people and distract us from our power. Bieber doesn't know that. I think he's learning and growing and slowly figuring that out.
Like John Lennon, who reached the height of success as Beatle, Bieber realized it's all hollow. You got the money. You got the fame and the fans. You got the beautiful girlfriend (wife in John Lennon's case), you've done everything this system says you need to do to be successful and it says, "Success is happiness!" But ya get there, and ya realize it's superficial...it's nothing.
And then, ya think there's something wrong with you for not being happy when ya have it all. After all, you've done it! You've checked all the marks this system gives us to be successful. So something has to be wrong with you cause you're not happy when you should be.
I get that, ya know? So, I don't blame Bieber so much as I'm using him as an example of how we've all gone astray from what matters. Millions of innocent people are dying and have died in wars on lies, and the American people are supposed to be the government.
But we govern nothing for reasons of getting lost in Justin Bieber as if he's our favorite character in a movie. He's a human being with a real life just trying to figure it out. And we need to be focused on our lives and our responsibilities as the governing body of these United States.
We can't govern anything, if we don't have a free press and free speech. We can't govern what we don't even know is happening. This is what makes what's happening to Julian Assange so critical. He told us about war crimes that we were meant to hold our elected representation to account for committing in our names, with the lives of our sons and daughters, and our money.
But this system diverts our attention away from that. It makes it boring. It drowns it out and censors it, then props up flashy drama of no-drama on Instagram between Hailey Bieber and Selena Gomez. Ultimately, that shit is none of our business, and maybe that was the problem with Justin and Selena in the first place... we all knew a little too much in a "story" that wasn't ours to write in our team "Jelena" sport made of real lives.
We have to stop allowing this system to distract us from what's important. Lives are being lost. Journalism is dying in a maximum security prison while we all anxiously await some "Yummy" seasons. I'm not telling ya to tune-out Justin Bieber. I'm pleading with you to tune-in to Julian Assange and your own rights to know, lead, and govern. I'm begging you to come into your personal empowerment to affect positive change.
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This was a school assignment. It’s a stop motion about Solitairy Confinement. A story about a prisoner who gets crazy after a long lock up.
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lostandbrokenshell · 5 years
Darkest Before Dawn Part 5
Farcry 5 fanfic. Rated M for Mature language and sexual reference. No pairing or plans for smutt.
When you came to you where in a small room on a bed. There was a soft knock at the door.
“Rookie, you awake yet?” A voice softly asked
“Pratt?” You asked confused, had to be Pratt would a peggie call her rookie?
“Yes, hes giving you VIP treatment rook. He should be back soon though”
“This is VIP? Fuck me.”You say “Pratt... Im sorry about all this.”
“You didn’t do anything.”
“Is there a way out? Truck near by? Or something?” You ask doubtfully
“Tonight, like clockwork. But i dont know...” he stopped talking and you could only assume someone was near by.
“Peaches, Jacob wants you. I will take watch.”
“Can you bring me food first?” You ask somewhat hopeful.
“Jacob will bring you something when he sees fit”
“What a nice way to say fuck no.” You comment as you lean against the door. You could of sworn he called you a fucking sinner from the other side of the door. “Fucking is the best part of sinning.” You say slightly annoyed. You look around at your own personal version of solitairy confinement. According to Pratt it could be worse though. After what seemed like hours and hours you got curious if the peggie was on the other side of the door. You couldn’t see any feet so you look closer at the door for the hinges, it swung out yes! You step back and square you stance “Sure as hell hope there no chain lock on this.” You kick the door right by the handle and it broke away from the frame outward. It was loud to. “Fuck, didn’t think of that.” You hiss as you run in a random direction “Didn’t think about any of the after shit, where do i go.” After what seemed like 10 minutes of running around trying to avoid peggies you where applauding your own stupidity. “Why did i rush this.” You whispered softly as you where ducking behind a door as a small group of peggies passed.
“Dammit are you stupid.” A small voice hissed from behind you, you turn around and Pratt was standing there. “The truck doesn’t leave for... Shit it might not leave now.”
“Lets go and find out.” You say Pratt looked like he wanted to argue but didn’t he grabbed your hand and started leading you.
“Once Jacob finds out i moved it will be full lock down we need to move fast.” He said breaking into a run after a few minutes you both end up in an office that opened onto a deck. You could hear a truck start out side you both run over to the porch and only you starts to play throughout the area. Pratt froze you could see the truck and its path would go right by the porch it was a easy landing. It started moving towards the exit.
“Lets go.” You say tugging on Pratt he was frozen in fear though. You knew the window was closing on time. “Sorry Pratt.” You say as you bear hug him and roll over the railing taking him with you. You both hit the truck with a thud but it kept driving as the hole place went full search mode.
“Joseph was going to come visit you.” Pratt said after a while.
“Just Joseph? Wait doesn’t matter.” You say as the truck slowed down “This is grade A + fucked up situation Pratt.”
“John was there when we left.” Pratt said. The truck made a turn and started slowing down more and came to a stop. You could hear a couple of people get out.
“George and Karen are picking it up in an hour. The car parked over there is for us lets go. That place was becoming a mad house Jacob will want all hands on deck.” You and Pratt wait for the sound of the car to disappear before getting down.
“How did you get out of the room?” Pratt asked as you both stated the long walk back to the jail.
“Kicked the door in.” You reply.
“Really? Wow.” Pratt said with amazement.
“It was easy it was a basic bedroom door and lock. Cheap screws, no deadbolt or chain lock. A weak teenager could do it if you kick the door right.” You say with a smile. Pratt returned the smile and nodded.
“Didn’t really think of that.” He sais softly.
“Its hard to think clearly when your under extreme stress. If i was getting the VIP treatment, yours must of been hell.”
“What Jacob does to people...” Pratt started to say but stopped you could see the torment in his eyes. You put your hand on his shoulder and squeezed it.
“When this is over Pratt, you should come with me Canada for a bit.” You say with a smile “I will help you get ice block, we wont go in snow gopher season. Make an igloo it will be amazing.” You say while giving him a little shake on the shoulder.
“Whats ice block? And snow gohers?” He asked confused.
“Its the opposite of sun block, it helps protect you when it gets to cold its what Canadians use to sunbathe nude in the middle of winter. And snow gophers are these little vicious creatures that live in the snow they are rabid mean little guys. But the tunnel quick so its easy to get surrounded by them. It can get ugly fast.” You say. Pratts face went blank as he imagined the snow gophers and you just lost it laughing. “Damn Pratt your the best. Im fucking with you. Neither are real.”
“What? Theres no ice block? How the hell Do Canadians sunbathe in the middle of winter?” He asked shocked and confused.
“It’s usually really hot in the sun actually. Unless it really windy. Then its fucking cold.” You say with a smile he had an ‘oh’ look on his face.
“Still going to Canada with you.” He said with a nod “Get the fuck out of here.” You both start laughing.
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